


Automation of professional development

Automation in the history of professional development, "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional development of the two main line, "industrial automation" professional from the first "industrial enterprises electrified" professional.

In the 1950s, the New China was just founded, the 100-waste question, study the Soviet Union established system of higher education, Subdivision professional. Corresponding to the country in the construction of industrial automation and defense, military construction in automatic control, successively set up the "electrification of industrial enterprises" professional and "control" professional (at that time in many schools, "Control" professional secrecy is professional) . After several former professional name of evolution (see below), and gradually develop into a "biased towards applications, biased towards strong," Automation, and the latter to maintain professional name of "control" basically unchanged (in the early days also known as the "automatic learning And remote learning, "" Automatic Control System "professional), and gradually develop into a" biased towards theory, biased towards weak, "the automation professional, and come together in 1995, merged into a

unified" automatic "professional . In 1998, according to the Ministry of Education announced the latest professional undergraduate colleges and universities directory, adjusted, the merger of the new "automated" professional include not only the original "automatic" professional (including "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional ), Also increased the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part), "electrical technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and control of" professional (part).

Clearly, one of China's automation professional history of the development of China's higher education actually is a new development of the cause of a microcosm of the history, but also the history of New China industrial development of a miniature. Below "industrial automation" professional development of the main line of this example, a detailed review of its development process in the many professional name change (in real terms in the professional content changes) and its industrial building at the time of the close relationship.

First a brief look at the world and China's professional division history. We know that now use the professional division is largely from the 19th century to the beginning of the second half of the first half of the 20th century stereotypes of the engineering, is basically industry (products) for the objects to the division, they have been the image of people Known as the "industry professionals" or "trade associations." At present the international education system in two categories, with Britain and the United States as the representative of the education system not yet out of "industry professionals" system, but has taken the "generalist" the road of education and the former Soviet Union for Europe (close to the Soviet Union) as the representative The education system, at the beginning of the

implementation of "professionals" education, professional-very small, although reforms repeatedly, but to the current "industry professionals" are still very obvious characteristics.

In the 1950s, just after the founding of New China, a comprehensive study and the Soviet Union and sub-professional very small; Since reform and opening up, only to Britain and the United States to gradually as the representative of the education system to move closer, and gradually reduce the professional, the implementation of "generalist" education through a number of professional Restructuring and merger (the total number of professionals from the maximum of 1,343 kinds of gradually reducing the current 249 kinds), although not out of "industry professionals" and "Mei Ming," but many of the colleges and universities, mostly only one of a Professional, rather than the past more than a professional.

Before that, China's first professional automation from the National University in 1952 when the first major readjustment of the establishment of professional - electrified professional industrial enterprises. At that time, the Soviet Union assistance to the construction of China's 156 large industrial enterprises, automation of much-needed electrical engineering and technical personnel, and such professional and technical personnel training, and then was very consistent with China's industrial construction. By the 1960s, professional name changed to "industrial electric and automation," the late 1970s when to resume enrollment "Electric Industrial Automation" professional. This is not only professional name changes, but has its profound meaning, it reflects China's industries from "electrified" step by step to the "automatic" into the real history and that part of the development trend of China's automation professional reflects how urgent countries Urgent for the country's

economic construction services that period of history and development of real direction.

1993, after four years of the third revision of the undergraduate professional directories, the State Education Commission issued a call "system integrity, more scientific and reasonable, the harmonization of norms," the "ordinary professional directory of undergraduate colleges and universities." "Electric Industrial Automation" and "production process automation" merger of the two professional electrician to set up a kind of "industrial automation" professional, by the then Ministry of Industry Machinery centralized management colleges and universities to set up industrial automation teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the "Industrial Automation "professional teaching and guiding work at the same time," Control "was attributable to the professional category of electronic information, the then Ministry of Industry of electronic centralized management control to set up colleges and universities teaching guide at the Commission, responsible for the" control " Professional teaching guide our work. After the professional adjustment, further defined the "industrial automation" professional and "control" professional "- both strong and weak, hardware and software into consideration and control theory and practical system integration, and the movement control, process control and other targets of control "The common characteristics with the training objectives, but also the basic set of" industrial automation "biased towards strong, professional, biased towards applications," Control "professional biased towards weak, biased towards the theory of professional characteristics and pattern of division of labor. 1995, the State Education Commission promulgated the "(University) undergraduate engineering leading professional directory", the electrical category "industrial

automation" professional and the original electronic information such as "control" of professional electronic information into a new category of "automatic" professional . As this is the leading professional directory, are not enforced, coupled with general "industrial automation" strong or weak, both professional "into" a weak professional category of electronic information is not conducive to professional development and thus many Schools remain "industrial automation" professional and "control" the situation of professional co-exist. Since 1996 more, again commissioned by the Ministry of National Education Ministry of Industry and electronic machinery industries of other parts of the establishment of the new session (second session) centralized management guidance at the University Teaching Commission, making the leading professionals have not been effective Implemented.

1998, to meet the country's economic construction of Kuan Koujing personnel training needs, further consolidation of professional and international "generalist" education track by the Ministry of Education announced a fourth revision of the latest "Universities Undergraduate Catalog." So far in the use of the directory, the total number of professionals from the third amendments to the 504 kinds of substantially reduced to 249 species, the original directory is strong, professional electrician and a weak professional category such as electronics and information into categories Electric power, the unity of Information, a former electrician at the same time kind of "industrial automation" professional and the type of electronic information "control" professional formal merger, together with the "hydraulic transmission and control of" professional (part) , "Electric technology" professional (part) and "aircraft guidance and control

of" professional (part), the composition of the new (enforcement) are electrical information such as "automatic" professional. According to statistics, so far the country has more than 200 colleges and universities set up this kind of "automatic" professional. If the name of automation as part of their professional expertise (such as "electrical engineering and automation," "mechanical design and manufacturing automation," "agricultural mechanization and automation" and other professionals) included Automation has undoubtedly is the largest in China A professional.

Of the characteristics of China's automation professional:

Recalling China's professional history of the development of automation, combined with the corresponding period of the construction of China's national economy to the demand for automation and automated the development of the cause, it is not difficult to sum up following professional characteristics:

(1) China's automation professional is not only a relatively long history (since 1952 have been more than 50 years), and from the first day of the establishment of professional automation, has been a professional one of the countries in urgent need, therefore the number of students has also been The largest and most employers welcome the allocation of the professional one.

(2) China's automation is accompanied by a professional from the electrification of China's industrial automation step by step to the development of stable development, professional direction and the main content from the first prominent electrified "the electrification of industrial enterprises" step by step for the development of both the electric and automation " Industrial electric and automation ", highlighting the electrical automation" Electric Industrial Automation "and prominent automation" industrial automation ", then the merger of professional education reform in

1995 and" control "of professional content into a broader" automated " Professional. From which we can see that China's automation professional Although the initial study in the Soviet education system established under the general environment, but in their development and the Soviet Union or the United States and Britain did not copy the mode, but with China's national conditions (to meet national needs for The main goal) from the innovation and development of "cross-industry professionals," features the professional.












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2020 年销售业务员劳动合同范本
企业的招聘工作完成后,就进入了用工阶段,在用工前,企业一定要 在员工入职一个月内与员工签订劳动合同,否则企业将为此付出巨大的代 价:
一是,企业将支付未签订劳动合同期限的双倍工资。如:企业超过一 年未签劳动合同,企业就得多支付员工 11 个月的工资。 二是,如果未签订 劳动合同期限超出一年,将致使签订无固定期限的劳动合同条件成立,只要 没有出现法律规定的条件或者双方约定的条件,企业就得继续履行劳动合同

根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自 愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。
一、劳动合同期限 第一条 本合同为______期限劳动合同。 合同有效期自______年______月______日至______年______月______日止, 其中试用期为______月。
风险提示: 试用期包含在劳动合同期限内,《劳动合同法》中对试用期长短的限制 根据合同期限的来规定,如: 1、劳动合同期限三个月以上不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月; 2、劳动合同期限一年以上不满三年的,试用期不得超过二个月; 3、劳动合同期限三年以上的,试用期不得超过六个月。 违反以上规 定进行约定的,若被员工投诉,会被劳动行政部门责令改正;如果违法约定 的试用期已经履行的,单位还要向员工支付赔偿金。
二、工作内容 第二条 依据甲方工作需要,乙方同意从事_岗位工作。经甲乙双方协商同意, 可以变换工作岗位。


摘要 毕业设计论文 图书馆信息管理系统 摘要 随着计算机和网络技术的飞速发展,人们对知识的需求逐渐广泛化,这种情况下,书籍就成为人们获得知识和信息的重要途径,这时图书馆就自然而然的在人们生活中占据了一定分量的位置。 由于图书借阅和用户查询次数繁多,将面临繁琐的工作过程,从而图书馆的工作效率还是很低的,也不能及时了解图书的种类和读者比较需求的图书,不能更好的满足当前读者的借阅要求。 当今社会已向信息化社会前进,信息自动化的作用也越来越大,因此为了提高图书馆管理的效率,更快捷、稳定的管理图书馆的数据信息,本文设计并实现了一套图书馆管理信息的系统,此系统使用SQL Server为后台数据库系统。系统实现了对图书的管理功能,从图书入库登记到查询浏览,读者借阅等,管理员可以使用本系统快速准确的完成图书馆管理工作。 关键字:图书管理,借阅,浏览

ABSTRACT ABSTRACT Along with the computer and network technology rapid development, people knowledge requirements gradually widely change, this kind of circumstance, books became people acquire knowledge and information of important ways, then the library in people life naturally have occupied certain component position. Due to the library and user inquires the number is various, will face tedious work process, thus library work efficiency is still very low, also cannot understand promptly books type and readers of books, cannot compare demand better satisfy the current lending requirements reader. Today's society to advance information society, has the role of information automatization is growing, so in order to improve the library management efficiency, more quick and stable management library, this paper designs the data information and realize a set of library management information system, this system uses SQL Server for the backend database system. System realizes the books from the library management functions, incoming register to inquires from card issued to browse, book borrowing, the administrator can use this system quickly and accurately finish library management work. Key Words: the books management,leading, browsing


毕业论文之参考文献 参考文献 [2] [美]罗伯特"吉尔平:《国际关系政治经济学》,杨宇光等译,经济科学出版社,版。 [5] [美]罗伯特"吉尔平:《全球政治经济学》(杨宇光等译),上海人民出版社,2021年版。 [6] [美]约瑟夫"奈:《硬权力与软权力》,门洪华译,北京大学出版社,2021年 10月第1版,第177、183、190页。 [7] [美]托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,商务印书馆,董果良译,2002年版,第 210页。 [8] [美]肯尼斯"沃尔兹:《国际政治理论》,信强译,上海世纪出版集团,2021年11月第1版,第37、45、54页。 [20] 丁松泉:《中国崛起与中美关系》,中国社会科学出版社,2021年5月第1版。 [22] W.Arthur Lenis,The Evolution of the International Economic Order ,Princeton: Princeton University Press,1978. [23] Henry Kissinger,America at the Apex. The national interest, Summer ,2001, p15. [26] Raymond Vernon, Sovereignty at Bay: The Multinational Spread of U.S. Enterprises, New York & London: Basic Books, Inc Publishers,1971. [27] Robert Gilpin, U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment, New York: Basic Books,Inc.,Publishers,1975. 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


毕业设计外文资料翻译 题目POLISHING OF CERAMIC TILES 抛光瓷砖 学院材料科学与工程 专业复合材料与工程 班级复材0802 学生 学号20080103114 指导教师 二〇一二年三月二十八日

MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 17(3), 401–413 (2002) POLISHING OF CERAMIC TILES C. Y. Wang,* X. Wei, and H. Yuan Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Guangdong University ofTechnology, Guangzhou 510090, P.R. China ABSTRACT Grinding and polishing are important steps in the production of decorative vitreous ceramic tiles. Different combinations of finishing wheels and polishing wheels are tested to optimize their selection. The results show that the surface glossiness depends not only on the surface quality before machining, but also on the characteristics of the ceramic tiles as well as the performance of grinding and polishing wheels. The performance of the polishing wheel is the key for a good final surface quality. The surface glossiness after finishing must be above 208 in order to get higher polishing quality because finishing will limit the maximum surface glossiness by polishing. The optimized combination of grinding and polishing wheels for all the steps will achieve shorter machining times and better surface quality. No obvious relationships are found between the hardness of ceramic tiles and surface quality or the wear of grinding wheels; therefore, the hardness of the ceramic tile cannot be used for evaluating its machinability. Key Words: Ceramic tiles; Grinding wheel; Polishing wheel


今天刚知道原来参考文献可以自动生成……真丢脸!分享给为论文奋斗的同学来源: 周亮的日志 毕业论文不同于一般的小论文,特别是硕士毕业论文或者博士毕业论文。一般的小论文就四五页,而硕士论文动辄五六十页,有的甚至七八十页。所以有些东西如果要人工的去修改,将是一件非常痛苦的事情。痛苦的事情至少有两个:目录自动生成和编号、参考文献引用的上标。本文将从这两个方面说说小技巧,自动生成,非常方便。 先说两种痛苦情况。 设定好文章的目录结构后,突然发现中间要添加或者删除一个章节,添加删除容易,可是其后遗症就是后面的编号都要跟着变动。比如要删除第二章,那么原理的第三章就要改为第二章,后面的要跟着动,添加也一样,很麻烦。 第二个情况就是参考文献的上标问题。硕士论文参考文献都有好几十个,一般论文会要求按照论文的引用顺序列出参考文献。如果需要添加新的参考文献,那么这些参考文献的上标号又会跟着变动。 目录自动生成简单说下,将文档切换到大纲视图,然后设置你要设定成目录的文字的大纲级别。如果将大纲级别设定为1级,那么就是1级目录,一般我们会设置到3级,这样会生成1、2、3级目录。设定好后,在要插入目录的地方,点击“插入”-->“引用”-->“索引和目录”就可以了。格式在另外设置下就行了。 现在来说说这两个的简单解决办法。 首先都要设置成段落编号。将你要设定的一级目录设定成一级编号,二级目录设定成二级编号等等。参考文献一样,设置成段落编号。设定成段落编号有一个非常大的好处,就是插入或者删除其中的某个项目时,其后面的变好会跟着变动,所以这就解决了因添加删除中间的项目,而要同时修改后面的编号问题了。 目录的更新,只需要在“大纲视图”下点击更新目录,或者在页面视图的目录上,点击右键,选择“更新域”即可。


业务员劳动合同新编示范 文本 In Order To Protect Their Legitimate Rights And Interests, The Cooperative Parties Reach A Consensus Through Consultation And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

业务员劳动合同新编示范文本 使用指引:此合同资料应用在协作多方为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同商量最终得出一致意见,特意签订成为文书材料,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 甲方(用人单位): 法定代表人: 地址: 电话: 乙方: 电话: 身份证号: 住址: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国 劳动合同法》和国家及省的有关规定,甲乙双方按照合 法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则订立本 合同。

一、劳动合同期限 (一)本合同期限为_______年,从______年_____月_____日起至______年______月_____日止。 (二)试用期限 双方同意按以下方式确定试用期(试用期包括在合同期内): 试用期从______年_____月_____日起至______年_____月_____日止。 二、工作内容和工作地点 (一)乙方的岗位(工种)为____________,职务为_________,从事的工作内容为____________。 (二)乙方的工作地点为_______________。 三、工作时间和休息休假 (一)甲、乙双方同意按以下方式确定乙方的工作时间:


图书馆管理系统的设计毕业论文1.综述 1.1 课题背景 1.1.1 概述 当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代。在各行各业中离不开信息处理,这使得计算机被广泛应用于信息管理系统的环境。计算机的最大好处在于利用它能够进行信息管理。使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安全性。随着Intranet的飞速发展,移动办公和分布式办公越来越普及,B/S (Browser/Server) 架构应运而生,并得到普遍应用。B/S架构最大的优点就是客户端无需安装任何专用的客户端软件,只需配置浏览器(如Intranet Explorer)即可,这样为程序的安装、调试和维护带来了极大的方便。https://www.360docs.net/doc/62436332.html, 所开发的应用软件一般都是B/S架构,用户可直接通过浏览器来使用系统,而无需安装软件的客户端。 图书馆作为一种信息资源的集散地,图书和用户借阅资料繁多,包含很多的信息数据的管理。根据调查得知,以前对信息管理的主要方式是基于纸介质的手工处理,对于图书借阅情况(如借书天数、超过限定借书时间的天数)的统计和核实等往往采用对借书卡的人工检查进行,对借阅者的借阅权限、以及借阅天数等用人工计算、手抄进行。数据信息处理工作量大,容易出错;由于数据繁多,容易丢失,且不易查找。总的来说,缺乏系统,规的信息管理手段。 现今,有很多的图书馆都是开始使用计算机进行信息管理。使图书管理工作进入规化,系统化,程序化的轨道,同时避免了图书管理的随意性,提高了信息处理的速度和准确性,能够及时、准确、有效的查询和修改图书及用户信息。 1.1.2 历史 图书管理系统的发展历史可以追溯到20世纪60年代末期。由于当时计算机技术已经进入实用阶段,同时大型图书馆用手工来计算和发放图书信息既费时费力又非常容易出差错,为了解决这个矛盾,第一代的图书管理系统应运而生。几乎没有报表生成功能和图书信息数据分析功能。但是,它的出现为图书管理的管理展示了美好的前景,即用计算机的高速度和自动化来替代手工的巨大工作量,用计算机的高准确性来避免手工的错误和误差,使大规模集中处理大型图书馆的图书信息管理系统成为可能。 1.1.3 现状 信息社会的高科技,商品经济化的高效益,使计算机的应用已普及到经济和社会生活的各个领域。计算机与人类的关系愈来愈密切,几乎没有人由于计算机操作不方便而用手工劳动的。为了适应现代社会人们高度强烈的时间观念,图书管理系统软件为图书办公室带来了极大的方便。开发图书管理系统,以供图书管理的工作人员及图书的进出货和售书退书操作者进行有效的管理,方便操作者随时添加、查询、修改等。当今图书管理系统已经逐步进入信息化时代,


《文献检索与科技论文写作》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:260391 课程名称:文献检索与科技论文写作 英文名称:Literatures Searching and scientific Papers Writing 课程类别:公共选修课 学时:总学时36,其中理论学时27,实验学时9 学分:1.5 适用对象: 适于所有专业高年级的学生(大三或大四学生) 考核方式:考查,平时成绩占总成绩的60% 先修课程:无 二、课程简介 文献检索与科技论文写作课程是一门融理论、方法、实践于一体,能激发大学生创新意识和培养创新能力的科学方法课。其目的就是使大学生、研究生获得一定的文献信息收集、整理、加工与利用能力,以利其课程论文或毕业论文的顺利完成;同时,促进大学生的信息意识、信息价值、信息道德与信息安全等信息素质观念的形成与发展,提高学生学习、研究和创新能力,以便更好地适应当今知识经济时代,满足信息社会的需要。本门课程以全新的视角,将一些检索工具与传统的和现代的手段有机地融为一体,具体内容涉及各种文献特点与分布,传统文献检索工具的编排组织规则和使用方法,电子文献检索技术,国内外著名的题录、文摘或索引数据库、引文数据库、全文数据库的特点及使用方法,文献的合理使用,学术论文的写作规范、撰写方法以及投稿技巧等。 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质:本课程是为我校不同专业的学生开设的一门公共选修课,针对对象主要是即将开展毕业论文(或毕业设计)的大三或大四的高年级学生,其目的就是使大学生获得一定的文献信息收集、整理、加工与利用能力,以利其课程论文或毕业论文的顺利完成;或通过本课程的系统学习,全面掌握科技文献检索和科技论文写作的方法,为将来走上工作岗位或进一步的深造打下一个坚实的基础。 教学目的:通过本课程的学习,学生能够掌握文献信息检索的基础知识,信息处理技能,较为熟练地利用图书馆馆藏传统文献检索工具和网络学术数据库来查检、获取学习与研究中所需的文献信息,并对我国有关的信息安全与知识产权方面的法律法规和常识有一定的了解,初步形成负责任地使用文献资源的意识与观念。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章文献信息检索概述 (一)目的与要求


材料科学与工程学院毕业设计(论文)管理实施细则 毕业设计(论文)是实现专业培养目标的重要教学环节,在培养大学生探求真理、强化社会意识、进行科学研究基本训练、提高综合实践能力与素质等方面,具有不可替代的作用,是教育与生产劳动和社会实践相结合的重要体现,是培养大学生的实践能力、创新精神和创业精神的重要实践环节。为进一步规范毕业设计(论文)的教学管理,不断提高教学质量,根据《河南科技大学毕业设计(论文)工作管理规定》及《河南科技大学毕业设计(论文)指导手册》的要求,结合我院实际情况,特制定本细则。 一、指导教师资格 1、指导教师一般应具有讲师(工程师)以上职称或硕士以上学位。 2、首次指导毕业设计(论文)的教师,必须进行试做并经过验收合格,才能具备指导教师资格。 3、指导教师与学生人数的比例为设计类1:8;自然科学论文题目1:6。超过限额,要说明理由并报教务处批准,未经批准的超过部分不计算工作量。 二、指导教师的职责 1、指导教师对学生的指导时间每周不应少于10小时。在毕业设计期间,指导教师原则上不得外出。如外出,必须向学院请假。 2、选择题目,进行必需的先期准备,详细填写任务书。 3、审定学生撰写的开题报告和拟定的毕业设计(论文)方案,批改设计说明书(论文)、设计图纸、外文资料译文。 4、定期检查学生的工作进度和质量,按时进行答疑与指导。注意抓好文献资料查阅、方案选择及论证、论文大纲等关键环节的指导。 5、重视对学生独立分析和解决问题能力的培养,加强对学生设计思想、设计方法、试验和数据处理方法的指导,注意调动学生的积极性和启发学生的创造性。 6、指导学生正确撰写毕业设计说明书或毕业论文。 7、对学生的毕业设计(论文)成果进行详细、全面的审核,对学生进行答辩资格预审,给所指导的学生评出合理的审阅成绩,并在答辩前交答辩委员会。 8、参加毕业设计(论文)答辩,认真做好记录,评定学生成绩。 9、负责收齐学生毕业设计(论文)的全部资料、成果,交研究所(教研室)统一保存。 三、外聘教师的选聘和管理


毕业论文参考文献格式规范 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: [M]——专著,著作 [C]——论文集(一般指会议发表的论文续集,及一些专题论文集,如《***大学研究生学术论文集》。 [N]——报纸文章 [J]——期刊文章:发表在期刊上的论文,尽管有时我们看到的是从网上下载的(如知网),但它也是发表在期刊上的,你看到的电子期刊仅是其电子版。 [D]——学位论文:不区分硕士还是博士论文 [R]——报告:一般在标题中会有“关于****的报告”字样。 [S]——标准 [P]——专利 [A]——文章:很少用,主要是不属于以上类型的文章。 [Z]——对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字母“Z”标识,但这种情况非常少见。 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: [DB/OL] ——联机网上数据(database online) [DB/MT] ——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) [M/CD] ——光盘图书(monograph on CD ROM) [CP/DK] ——磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [J/OL] ——网上期刊(serial online) [EB/OL] ——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 很显然,标识的就是该资源的英文缩写,/前面表示类型,/后面表示资源的载体,如OL表示在线资源。 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者(两个以上用等).篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号)起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 周融,任志国,等.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电


业务员劳动合同范文(完 Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework. And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties.


业务员劳动合同范文(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议?同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和 国劳动合同法》和国家及省的有关规定,甲乙双方按照合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则订立本合同。 一、劳动合同期限㈠合同期限双方同意按以下方式确定 本合同期限: 1?有固定期限:从日起至年月日止。 ㈡试用期限双方同意按以下方式确定试用期(试用期包 括在 合同期内):试用期从年月日起至年月日止。 二、工作内容和工作地点㈠乙方的岗位(工种)为,职 务为,从事的工作 ㈡乙方的工作地点为。 三、工作时间和休息休假㈠甲、乙双方同意按以下方式 确定乙方的工作时 间:标准工时制,每天8小时,甲方因生产、经营(工作)需要安排乙方加班或延长工作时间的,在保障乙方身体健康的条

件下,经与乙方协商后进行。 ㈡甲方按规定给予乙方享受法定休假日、年休假 (公司安排)、婚假、丧假、产假等带薪假期。 四、劳动报酬㈠甲乙双方协商,确定按计时工资工资形 式执行。 乙方试用期月正常工作时间工资元,试用期满月正常工作时间工资定为元。乙方正常工作时间工资不低于本市最低工资标准。 ㈡甲方工资支付周期为每月首日至每月 末日(工资支付周期不得超过1个月),定每月日为发薪日,如遇节假日或休息日,则提前到最近的工作日支付。 ㈢甲方安排乙方加班或延长工作时间的,按国家 及省有关规定计发乙方加班或延长工作时间工资。 ㈣甲方按规定给予乙方享受的带薪假期,按本劳 动合同约定的正常工作时间工资及有关政策法规规定的计算方法支付工资。 五、社会保险和福利待遇㈠甲乙双方应依法参加社会保 险,甲方应每月从 乙方工资中代扣代缴乙方个人应当缴纳的各项社会保


优秀论文审核通过未经允许切勿外传 基于JSP图书馆管理系统 学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师: 职称: 开始日期: 起止日期:

XXXXXX学院 Chongqing University of Educat E-mail: 更多详细设计,请联系我 摘要 本图书馆管理系统是采用Easy ui做前台,jsp语言后台支持,后台还用到了struts,Hibernate,数据库则采用的是SQL Server 2008,本系统提供7个功能模块,分别是管理员管理模块、图书类别管理模块、图书信息管理模块、读者信息管理模块、读者级别管理模块、图书借阅模块,用户挂失模块以及系统维护模块。这7个模块里又有许多子模块,通过这些模块之间的相互连接与配合,完成操作员发出的各种指令。 图书馆管理系统是一个供内部人员使用的系统。而图书馆的工作人员也分为两类,一类是操作人员,主要负责图书的借阅和归还的工作;一类是管理员,除了操作人员的所有功能外,还能够对书籍列表、书籍信息、读者信息等进行管理。论文将全面介绍所设计的图书馆管理系统的系统功能和业务流程,并对系统进行详细的数据分析和设计,最终使用Jsp 完成系统开发。

关键词:图书馆管理系统;SQL Server 2008;Java;Struts,;Hibernate ;

Abstract The library management system is to use Easy UI as the front, to support the JSPanguage background, the background is also used in the struts, Hibernate,database using SQL Server 2008, the system provides 7 functional modules,respectively is the administrator management module, books categorymanagement module, library information management module, the reader information management module, the reader class management module, librarymodule, user module and system maintenance module loss. The 7 modulecontains many sub modules, through the mutual connection between these modules and fit, finish all kinds of instructions issued by the operator. Library management system is a system used for internal staff. And the librarystaff is also divided into two categories, one category is mainly responsible for theoperating personnel, borrow and return books work; one is the administrator, in addition to all the features of operating personnel, but also be able to manage the list of books, book information, readers information etc.. This paper will introduce the system function and business process of the library management system design, and data analysis and design details of the system,finally using Java complete system development. key:Books Management System (BMS),SQL Server 2008,Java,Struts,Hibernate,Easyui 目录 第一章选题背景与开发环境...................................................................................................................... - 4 - 1.1选题背景........................................................................................................................................... - 4 - 1.2管理信息系统简介.................................................................................................................. - 4 -第二章图书馆管理系统需求分析................................................................................................................ - 5 - 2.1 需求分析........................................................................................................................................... - 5 - 2.2 功能分析........................................................................................................................................... - 5 - 2.3 系统用例图设计............................................................................................................................... - 6 - 1.4 绘制系统流程图............................................................................................................................... - 7 -


1文献综述(一级标题,黑体三号加粗,居中) 1.1热油管道材料简介(二级标题,黑体四号) 自第一套轧机由美国轧机公司在Bulter成功建成后,美丽的故事们应该多样化的生 活………… 表23 辽宁石油化工--(表标题,宋体小四,加粗,居中,三线表)学生种类1998年1999年2000年 本科生100 150 300 硕士研究生20 60 100 博士研究生—— 5 12 点。表格可按全文统一编序,表格序号必须连续。表格允许下页接写,表题可省略,表头应重复写,并在右上方写"续表××"。表中各栏应注明量和相应的单位。表内数字须上下对齐。相邻栏内的数字或者内容相同,不能用“同上”、“同左”和其它类似用词,应一一重新标注。表格应写在离正文首次出现处的近处,不应过分超前或拖后。) 1.1.1热油管道钢质成分(三级标题,黑体小四) 23X1+32X2+45X3=380 (2.1)(公式书写说明:公式应另起一行,居中书写,公式的编号用圆括号括起放在公式右边行末(右对齐),公式和编号之间不加虚线。公式按全文统一编序号,公式序号必须连续。)

1.1.2 热油管道钢质性能 1.2 支持辊辊形技术 图23 北京科技大学校徽 (图像书写说明:毕业设计的插图必须精心制作,线条要匀称,图面要整洁美观。插图应与正文呼应,不得与正文脱节。每幅插图应有图序(图23)和图题(北京科技大学校徽),图序和图题应放在图位下方居中处。图应在描图纸或在洁白纸上用墨线绘成,也可以用计算机绘图。) 1.3 工作辊辊形的特点 E /V (S C E ) lg[i/(A ?cm -2 )] 图2 2024铝合金在不同浓度氯化镧海水中的动电位极化曲线


文献信息检索与论文写作考试题 (100分) 一、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1、二次文献主要包括()等。 A、手册 B、年鉴 C、目录 D、题录 2、针对不同时间要求的文献应使用不同的文献类型,就最新的文献信息而言,例如近一两个月的文献信息,应该使用()。 A、图书 B、期刊或报纸 C、专利 D、互联网 3、在计算机检索中,同一概念的同义词扩展方法有()等。 A、学名或俗名 B、简称和全称 C、上位和下位 D、术语和代码 4、通过百度查得的结果过多,可通过()方法,优化检索结果。 A、词组检索 B、字段限定 C、增加同义词 D、使用优先算符 5、下列选项中是目录式搜索引擎的是() A、 Yahoo B、 Altavista C、 Google D、新浪 6、对分散的一次文献进行筛选、压缩并且组织编排后形成的进一步加工出版物是() A、学位论文B、文学作品C、科研报告D、书目

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材料科学与工程毕业论文 材料科学与工程毕业论文专业:材料科学与工程

掺杂Tb3+的ZnO-Ga2O3-SiO2玻璃陶瓷的制备及其发光性能 摘要 本文简述了发光材料相关理论:简述发光材料的发光过程和发光机理,介绍了稀土离子的光谱理论,概括了稀土发光材料的常用制备方法的进展和面临的问题。采用溶胶-凝胶法制备掺杂Tb3+的ZnO-Ga2O3-SiO2(ZGS)玻璃陶瓷和共掺杂Tb3+,Eu3+的ZGS玻璃陶瓷发光材料,利用热分析(DTA-TG)、X射线衍射(XRD)和荧光光谱(PL)等测试手段,分析各组成含量对其中的纳米晶体组成和对料的发光性能的影响,通过不同工艺参数和组成对比,获得最佳的制备工艺和组成含量。 对掺杂Tb3+的ZGS玻璃陶瓷的相组成和发光性能进行了检测。XRD结果表明:从700℃开始有纳米晶体形成,900℃烧结为最佳。当组成中n(Zn)/n(Ga)=0.58时样品获得只有ZnGa2O4晶体分布在无定型SiO2玻璃基体的玻璃陶瓷。Tb3+位于ZnGa2O4晶体与玻璃相的交界处。激发光谱分析表明,掺杂Tb3+的ZGS玻璃陶瓷为Tb3+特征激发,最强激发峰为255nm,是Tb3+的4f-5d跃迁,次强激发峰为377nm,是Tb3+的4f-4f跃迁。发射光谱分析表明Tb3+的ZGS玻璃陶瓷呈现Tb3+的特征绿光发射,为Tb3+的5D4→7F J (J=6,5,4,3)跃迁发射,最强发射峰位于545nm,属于Tb3+的5D4→7F5磁偶级跃迁。 掺杂Tb3+,Eu3+的ZGS玻璃陶瓷只表现出Eu3+的发光性能,为Eu3+的D0→7F J (J=0,1,2,3,4)特征跃迁,最强发射峰为615nm,是红光发射,为5D0→7F2电偶极跃迁。可能的原因是少量的Tb3+没有掺入晶体中。 关键词:溶胶-凝胶法,Tb3+掺杂,镓酸锌,玻璃陶瓷,发光性能


毕业论文写作中需要重点注意的问题 一、封面: 1、年级不能简写,如2008级不能简写为08级; 2、毕业论文终稿完成时间为2013年6月,不能写成2013年5月; 3、封面不能出现页码,页码从中文摘要开始出现,为罗马字符,正文页码为阿拉伯数字; 4、注意封面各部分内容的字体和字号,以及是否加粗; 二、中英文摘要: 1、论文类摘要结构要完整,应包括:“目的”(Objective)、“方法”(Method)、“结果”(Result)、“结论”(Conclusion)四要素,缺一不可(很多学生的摘要中缺乏“目的”),但文字必须十分简炼,内容亦需充分概括; 2、英文题目中除虚词(介词,副词,连词,助词,代词)外所有单词首字母大写,不能用直译,符合英文行文习惯,如“某某研究”一般写成“Research on ...”,不能直译为“....(很长)Research”; 3、作者和指导教师英文翻译“名在前姓在后”(还有个别同学没改过来),Directed(个别同学有拼写错误)by Professor(教授)/ Associate Professor (副教授)/ Lecturer(讲师) /Assistant(助教)不能有拼写错误; 4、中文摘要中“摘要”和“关键词”要加粗,前面空两格,英文摘要中“Abstract” 和“Key words”要加粗,顶格写,中英文“摘要”和“关键词”后面没有冒号; 5、中文关键词和英文关键词必须一一对应,关键词一般用名词,而且从标题或摘要中选取,每篇文章可选3~8 个关键词。中文关键词用中文表述,尽量不出现英文或英文简写(专有英文术语尚无中文翻译可除外),中文关键词之间标点是“中文分号”、英文关键词之间标点是“英文逗号”;英文关键词中所有单词首字母大写; 6、英文摘要通篇是“Times New Roman”,字体颜色为“黑色”(不能出现灰色),不要出现中文标点(如英文中没有顿号),所有英文标点后面都要加一个空格,选用“1.5倍行距”(检查中许多同学用单倍行距)。书写生物拉丁学名时,属名和种加词要斜体!统计学中的P值,用斜体P!pH值的规范写法是p小写,H大写!另外注意数字的上标和下标,如“H2O”应该写成“H2O”,“kg-1d-1”应该写成“kg-1d-1”。 7、英文摘要行文注意事项: 1) 英文摘要的时态:英文摘要时态的运用以简练为佳,常用一般现在时、一般过去时,少用现在完成时、过去完成时,进行时态和其他复合时态基本不用。 A. 一般现在时。用于说明研究目的、叙述研究内容、描述结果、得出结论、提出建议或讨论等。例如:This study (investigation) is (conducted, undertaken) to…,The result shows (reveals) that…,It is found that…,The conclusions are…,The author suggests that….涉及到公认事实、自然规律、永恒真理等,也要用一般现在时。 B. 一般过去时。用于叙述过去某一时刻(时段)的发现、某一研究过程(实验、观察、调查等过程)。例如:The techniques of questionnaire and interview were applied to study women customers' demand for cosmetics in January and August, 2005. 需要指出的是,用一般过去时描述的发现、现象,往往是尚不能确认为自然规律、永恒真理的,而只是当时如何如何;所描述的研究过程也明显带有过去时间的痕迹。 2)英文摘要的语态:在多数情况下采用被动语态。采用被动语态的情况主要有:说明事实经过时,某件事是谁做的,无须一一证明;为强调动作承受者;有些情况必须用强调的事物做主语,例如:In this case, a greater accuracy in measuring distance might be obtained. 在某些情况下,特别是表达作者或有关专家的观点时,又常使用主动语态,其优点是鲜明有力。而且有时摘要中谓语动词采用主动语态有助于文字清晰、简洁及表达有力。例如:The author systematically introduces the history
