

1. Super food guy勇敢的牙买加少年在美国小城里掀起食物革命。

IN 2010 when Kevon Johnson was 13 years old, he left Jamaica (牙买加) to live with his mother and sisters in Hartford, Connecticut. He quickly found life in the US was new and challenging, 1. e________ when it came to food.

“I didn’t like the way the chicken tasted. It tasted spoiled,” Johnson, now 18, recalled. “And the fruit 2.t_______ like it was picked too early.”

In his family’s old home in Jamaica, there were goats and chickens everywhere. As 3.____ fresh fruit, “I’d just climb up a tree and pick it 4.m_______,” he said.

But in Hartford, Johnson found that fresh food was harder to get. Stores sell a lot of processed foods (加工食品). And his family liked the cheap fast food 5._____ can be found everywhere.

With concerns for his family’s 6.h______, larger questions about obesity (肥胖) and how to get fresh food, Johnson joined Grow Hartford. This is a youth program that has been harvesting vegetables on urban (城市的) farms and promoting (提倡) healthy food.

Johnson quickly became a top youth leader for Grow Hartford. All while in high school, he worked as an urban farmer and 7.______(教育) people about the lack of full-service supermarkets in poor cities. He has done workshops (讲座) for groups including the Boys and Girls Club and Hartford Parent University.

He also wants schools to have tastier and different types of school lunches, such as a weekly meal with Puerto Rican or Western Indian cuisine (饮食). Students would enjoy the different tastes and eat 8._____ junk food, he said.

Johnson’s suggestions have been 9._____ (接受)by the Hartford school system. He was also 10._______ as the youth winner of the 2015 Hartford Community Food Security Award because of his outstanding work.

2. AS more adults turn to meditation (冥想) for peace, more children are taking up this practice too. 1.______ Here are some simple meditation exercises kids can try.

Look at clouds

On nice days, go outside, lie down on the grass and look up at the sky. The clouds move through the sky. But the sky stays clear, open and free. This is also how our thoughts work. 2.______ Allow your thoughts to come and go. Then you know your mind is clear and free just like the sky. Mindful jar

Fill a jar (罐) with water. The jar of water stands for our minds. Then add red and blue sand to it. Red stands for our thoughts, and blue represents our feelings and emotions (情绪). Now shake it up.

3.______ We need to wait and watch the sand settle (沉淀), as our thoughts, feelings and emotions settle just like the sand.

Mindful listening

Sit comfortably and hold a bell or anything that makes a simple sound in your hands.

4._________ Pay attention to the sound from the very first moment you hear it all way to the end. When you can’t hear the sound anymore, open your eyes or raise your hand.

Positive affirmations(正面肯定)

This is an exercise for older kids who are between the ages of 9 and 13. 5._________ And say positive affirmations such as “I am strong.”“I’m confident.”

Meditation is when people practice training their minds. They self-regulate (自我调节) and clear their heads. People find relaxation and peace through it.

3. ALMOST any reader could find the charm in the little library on the Schuster family ’s front yard. The library is in Minnesota, US. Set on a 4-foot (1.22-meter) post, it holds 45 books. Anyone can borrow the books for free, as 1._____ as they return them or exchange it with another one.

Mrs. Schuster, or Molly, received the little library 2._____ a Mother ’s Day gift two years ago from her husband, Josh. Their kids Riley, 8, and Rowan, 5, decorated it with some neighborhood pals. “I fell in 3. l______ with it,” said Molly.

The Schuster family is not alone. With the mission to promote the love of 4._______(阅读), the nonprofit organization (非营利性机构) the Little Free Library started a new library movement. Now over 25,000 little libraries can be 5. f _____ in more than 70 countries. The Schuster family is one of them.

Each Monday, Molly and Riley stock (备货) their library with donated books and 6._______(杂志). Molly has met many people from around town through the library. And as a member of Little Free Library, she has also connected with 7.o_____ little librarians across the country and internationally. “The community,” Molly said, “has been the best part of this library for me.”

Their library even has its own Facebook page, 8.____ has more than 200 followers. Through Facebook groups, people 9._____(分享) ideas, exchange books and form friendships.

“The attraction is simple ”, says Rowan. “People like to read 10.m_____ books.” The library increased the whole family ’s excitement for reading, Molly adds. “Now my husband, my kids and I, we ’re always reading new books.”

4. D.Film makes big splash 幽默喜剧《美人鱼》传递环保意识。

HE has once again proven that he is the “king of comedy”. Stephen Chow, the Hong Kong actor-turned-director, has returned with his latest fantasy comedy The Mermaid . The movie had a record-breaking first week, earning1.79 billion yuan at the box office after it came out on Feb 8. Most mermaid films tell a story of love between humans and mermaids, and this one is no exception. The Mermaid centers on the billionaire playboy Liu Xuan and the mermaid Shanshan. Liu ’s real estate (房地产) project needs to use a lot of sonar (声呐)technology, so it is a danger to sea creatures. Beautiful mermaid Shanshan is sent to stop Liu, but as fate would have it, they fall for each other.

Some said that the story was just “an old -fashioned, Cinderella-style love story”, according to the most-liked review on Chinese social networking site Douban. But many fans of Chow quickly defended (辩护) The Mermaid as a success that has both interesting visual effects and his usual humor.

In recent years, Chinese comedy movies have used online buzzwords to get the attention of young audiences. Chow, however, has stuck to his mo lei tau (nonsensical comedy style), which first made him popular as an actor in the 1990s. And Chow has since used it for his


works, too.

In The Mermaid, a number of memorable scenes are full of big laughs. In the beginning, a group of visitors in a so-called museum of animals are confused by the strange fake exhibits (展品), including a middle-aged man with a beer belly (啤酒肚) and a mustache who is dressed up as a mermaid. In another scene, Shanshan tries to kill Liu with different weapons (武器) from the sea, hurting no one but herself.

Just as The New Yorker magazine noted, “Chow’s genius (天赋) lies in his ability to balance ten thousand jokes with simple, effective storylines.”

Jokes aside, what makes The Mermaid stand out from the rest of this Lunar New Year’s films is that it also carries a message of social awareness. Apart from the laughter, with Shanshan’s moving monologue (独白), Stephen Chow asks us to consider this: “When there is no longer a single drop of clean water, or a breath of unpolluted air, what is the point of having all the money in the world?”

“Through this film Chow urges us to reflect upon how our selfish (自私的), material comforts and desires(欲望) have led to the destruction of our environment as well as the habitats (栖息地) and lives of the many precious creatures we share our world with,” Tencent Entertainment commented.

1. Which of the following about The Mermaid is TRUE?

A. It has several memorable scenes that have made audiences cry.

B. It had already earned 1.79 million yuan at the box office a day after its release.

C. It is not a love story between humans and mermaids like other mermaid films.

D. It urges the audience to rethink the relationship between humans and the environment.

2. What has made The Mermaid a great success according to the article?

a. interesting visual effects

b. Chow’s u sual humor

c. online buzzwords

d. social awareness

A. a, b, c

B. a, b, d

C. a, c, d

D. b, c, d

3. We can conclude from the article that ______.

A. the film’s Cinderella-style love story has won most fans’ hearts

B. many fans are gettin g bored with Chow’s usual mo lei tau style

C. the film has been successful both commercially and with its social message

D. one of Chow’s abilities is the effective use of complicated storylines

5. IN recent years, we’ve seen one tragedy after another involving left-behind children. On June 9 last year, four children, 1._______ parents are migrant workers (外出务工人员), killed themselves. The children had been living by 2.______ in their hometown in Bijie, Guizhou province, for a long time, and they were only between the ages of 5 and 13.

“We should not let the left-behind children problem 3._______(成为) a family and social pain forever,”said Premier Li Keqiang. And on Feb 14, China’s State Council (国务院) published a guideline (指导方针) on the protection of left-behind children. The guideline requires parents to make sure children younger than 16 don’t live alone 4.w_______ a guardian(监护人). Migrant workers should take their children with them, or one parent should stay home. Otherwise, parents must find a responsible guardian.

According to the All-China Women’s Federation, children being with their parents can greatly 5.______(减少) child psychological (心理的) problems from happening. However, among the 61 million left-behind children in China, at 6.l______ 2.05 million live alone without proper care, said the federation. Before the four Bijie kids died, they had not seen their mother for over one year. And even after they died, the police couldn’t reach their father soon.

However, migrant worker parents are facing other problems. Their children may not be able to get 7.e_______ and healthcare in their working cities. Thus, the guideline also requires 8.______(当地的) governments to help migrant workers find affordable housing and let their children go to city schools. Besides this, they must set up a file (档案) for each left-behind child and can work with charities (慈善机构) who help take 9.______ of those children.

A s the State Council points out, “Allowing millions of children left behind in rural areas to grow 10.s_______ and in good health is the responsibility of families, the government and society as a whole”.

6. ALBERT Einstein is right once again! The physicist thought of the idea about gravitational waves (引力波) 100 years 1._____ with his Theory of Relativity (相对论), but scientists are finally discovering proof of it now. But what are gravitational waves, and 2._____ are they important?

Well, gravitational waves are made by black holes and can change time in space. Black holes aren’t holes 3._____ are a lot of matter packed into a very small area, according to NASA. They are created when a star, much like our sun, explodes(爆炸) and leaves behind this dense(高密度的) material. It doesn’t shine like a star any 4.______, and it becomes black.

The black holes 5._______ made these waves are special. About 1.3 billion years ago, there were two black holes that kept moving closer and closer together. 6.F______, they crashed (碰撞) into each other and formed one big black hole. The energy released by the crash created ripples (涟漪) in space. These ripples are gravitational waves.

7._______(想象) you throw a stone into a pond. It creates ripples that change the pattern of the water. Well, that’s kind of what the impact of two colliding (碰撞的) black holes has in space.

Gravitational waves are hard to detect (探测). A special gravitational wave observatory (天文台) called LIGO 8.d_______ the ripples on Feb 11. Einstein was brilliant to know this 100 years ago before we had the technology.

This is important 9.b______ it can give us a new view of the universe we live in, according to LIGO scientists. Now, we will be 10.______ to detect black holes and things that are much further away from Earth, which means much more space exploration in the future. And who knows, this discovery could even lead to time travel!

7. HA VE you heard about the periodic table (元素周期表) lately? Well, there’s some big news about this special table, but first, remember that the periodic table is 1.u____ to organize all the elements, or things that make up our world.

Elements are all around us. Iron is one of the most 2._____(普通的) elements found within the Earth. You probably know the element oxygen, 3._______ is the element that we breathe in all the time. And elements can combine (结合) to make new things 4. l_____ H2O. This is hydrogen (氢) and oxygen put together, also known as water! Learning about these things helps us better understand the world we live 5.______.

But have you ever noticed something 6.m_______ in the periodic table? There were already 114 elements. But the seventh row of the table was not finished, until now!

In December, scientists from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC, 国际纯粹与应用化学联合会) found the four elements that were missing. They are elements 113, 115, 117 and 118.

“To scientists, this is of greater 7.______(价值) than an Olympic gold medal,” Ryoji Noyori, a Nobel honored chemist, told the Guardian.

The new elements are heavy metals and were made in 8.______(实验室). These kinds of

elements can’t be found in nature. Scientists are still looking for ways to use these elements, and other elements in the 9.e_______ row, in our daily lives.

Scientists have been working on this for 10 years, but the work is not done. Now they will prepare to look 10.______ “element 119 and beyond”. But for now, be mindful (留心的) when you read your science books because the periodic table might be outdated (过时的).

8. ONE day, I picked up my daughter Eloise from school and went to the supermarket for a few things. I was hoping to be in and out 1.q_______.

I found a short line with just one person ahead of me. It was an elderly woman, and she was paying 2._____ her things with only change. After a long day at work, I was annoyed with this woman.

But then I watched the young clerk. He helped her count her change, ever so tenderly taking it from her 3._______(颤动的) hands. I listened to him repeatedly say to her: “Yes, ma’am.” When she asked 4.______ she had enough to buy a bag, he told her she did. Then he went two lines over to get 5.____ for her. Never once did this clerk get annoyed or roll his eyes. He was 6.______(耐心的) and kind.

As I was watching him, I saw Eloise was too. I realized my daughter was 7.l______ an important lesson from a complete stranger.

When the woman was finished, the clerk began ringing up my things and 8.t______ me for my patience. I thanked him too. I found the manager and told him about the clerk’s kindness and patience.

Then we left the supermarket with a full cart, but also with a heart full of gratitude for such an important lesson.

9. One day, Mrs. Tang fell sick. So, her husband went to get a doctor. The doctor willingly came to his house. But, before he went into the house, he paused. He knew that Mr. Tang was famous for not 78_________ his bills. He therefore said to Mr. Tang, “I am afraid that you may not pay me although I have cured you wife.”

“All right,” said Mr. Tang, “here I have one thousand dollars. Whether you cure my wif e or kill 79_________, I will give you all this.”

The doctor was 80_________ (满意的) and went into the house. When he reached the woman's bedside, he knew that he could do 81 n_________ for her. She was very ill, and though he gave her 82 m_________, he could not cure her. He told Mr. Tang that he was very sorry and asked for the money 83 w_________ Mr. Tang had 84_________(承诺) to give him.

“Did you cure my wife?” asked Mr. Tang.

“I'm afraid that it was 85_________(不可能的).” replied the doctor.

“Did you kill my wife?” asked Mr. Tang.

“Certainly not,” the doctor said.

“I'm sorry that you cannot get the money.” Mr. Tang said.

“Why?” the doctor asked 86 a_________.

“Since you have 87_________ killed her nor cured her. Why should I pay you?”

10. The news “addition to the family” is a matter of celebration, but that isn’t the case for some _________(family) in China who find an unexpected trouble. That is the reaction of Little Emperors or Little Empresses who don’t want to share “their” parents _______ a baby broth er or

sister. They declare : “I’m the only… and final!”

One girl in Wuhan ________(learn) that Mom was pregnant again and threatened to kill ________. Her parents took the threat ________(serious), so the mother had an abortion.

The strong reactions by tho se who ________(bear) first are not unusual. They don’t like the change, _______ may ruin all the family relationships. However, children are good at adapting and most soon accept the “ new normal”. Parents can make the adapting easier by ______(inform) th e first child ahead of the _______ (arrive) of the new baby. Having one more brother or sister is wonderful. It’s _____(close) than any friendship you could hope to have.

11. A group of frogs were travelling through the forests, but unluckily two of them fell into a hole. The other frogs tried to help them. When they saw how _1_ the hole was, they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved. The two frogs didn’t _2_and tried their best to jump up out of the hole. The other frogs _3_saying that they were sure to die._4_,one of the two frogs, who heard that the other frogs were saying, _5_. Then he fell down and died.

The other frog , however, _6_to jump as hard as he could, and at last made it out. When he _7_, the other frogs asked, “Didn’t you hear us?” The frog, who has a poor _8_, explained, “I thought you were encouraging me all the time.”

The story teaches us a _9_: There is power (力量) of life and death in the tongue. An _10_ word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them.

( ) 1 A small B deep C big D wide

( ) 2 A care B refuse C insist D think

( ) 3 A kept B finished C practiced D stopped

( ) 4 A Luckily B Finally C Suddenly D Happily

( ) 5 A went on B ran away C jumped out D gave up

( ) 6 A happened B continued C planned D wanted

( ) 7 A got out B ran away C got off D woke up

( ) 8 A smelling B eyesight C hearing D looking

( ) 9 A way B skill C sentence D lesson

( ) 10 A interesting B exciting C excellent D encouraging

12. 根据图片或图表提供的信息,写一篇短文。





提示词: poorer and poorer,become shortsighted,reading habit

Boys and girls,

Most of us paid little attention to protecting our eyesight. So the examination report is not very good.

I really hope all of us are well. Many thanks.

13. 学生做作业是否应该在网络是找答案?Think before you search online.

赞成者:1. 学习别人 2. 节省时间

反对者:1. 不利于能力提升 2. 不利于思维发展


1.especially, tasted, for, myself, that/ which, health, educated, less, accepted


3.long, as, love, reading, found,magazines,other, which, share, more

5. whose, themselves, become, without, reduce, least, education, local, care, safely

6. ago, why, but, more, that/which, finally, Imagine, discovered, because, able

7. used, common, which, like, in, missing, value, labs, eighth, for

8. quickly, for, shaking, if/whether, one, patient, learning, thanked


Test of the 21st Century Newspaper Issue 576 挑战版 实战演练 1. I am going to _____ from my school soon, but I will be thankful to it forever. A. move B. graduate C. stay D. remain 2. Tom _____ in the exam again though he tried his best. A. passed B. failed C. crossed D. showed 3. Scientists and doctors are trying their best to come up with ways to treat the terrible _____. A. disease B. decision C. danger D. deal 4. – How can we protect ourselves _____ the earthquake?– We should stay calm first. (2014) A. with B. about C. for D. from 5. – What will the phone ____?– The same as you said, eight hundred dollars each. (2016 ) A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford 6. – It is reported that Chinese ____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat. – It is true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. (2015 襄阳) A. spend B. cost C. pay D. Take 7. – It is important for us to know _____ all the subjects.– Yeah, group work is my favorite. (2015 ) A. how to study B. when to study C. which to study D. what to study 8. Nowadays, each of the students ____ a new dictionary in the countryside. (2013 ) A. has B. had C. have 原版挑战Talking through your problems Yesterday, my 15-year-old brother Tommy had a fight with my 12- year-old broth er Kevin. I didn’t notice. I knocked on the door and asked, “Kevin, do you want to (1) ?”Later, as I was walking upstairs I heard Kevin crying in his room. No one (2) . I tried again. Still nothing happened. So, I took some cards an d wrote, “If you don’t, we can write notes.” An hour later I was still sitting on the floor outside his door with two pads of paper in my hands. One pad was new and the other was from Kevin. As I read one of Kevin’s notes, tears came to my eyes. It(3) , “Nobody in this family cares about me. Tommy thought I was too weak and Dad (4) me he wished he had the other Kevin as a kid because he’s better at basketball. You’re never around to even notice me.” He was right about my part. I wrote back, “Kevin, I do love you an d you know that. I’m here for you and you are loved in this family.” I wrote back “For what?” It returned to me with “Loving me” on it.He didn’t reply for a while, but then I heard he cried a little bit. Kevin ran out of cards and wrote “Thanks” on a p aper cup. Since then, I try my best to pay more attention to my family members. Kevin and I have a closer relationship now and when one of us notices that the other is unhappy, we’ll smile and say, “Write it on a paper cup.” Teens c ouldn’t contact the author of this story. The author can contact Teens if necessary. Task 1Discuss the questions: 1. Who is the closest member to you in your family? Please share one or two stories about you two. 2. If one of your family members has some trouble, what will you do?


九年级语文阅读题专项训练——关于题目 文章题目的作用 1、概括主要事件 2、提出中心 3、交情事情的时间、人物等写作对象 4、比较新颖,引人入胜吸引读者阅读兴趣 5、交代文章的线索 6、运用修辞手法 一、题型: (一)为什么以此为题?(二)谈谈你对题目的理解。 (三)试分析题目的作用。(四)给文章加(换)题目。 二、结合学过的文章谈谈你对下面题目的理解 《背影》充当线索、抓住外貌特写镜头表现父子深情。 《阿长与山海经》概括文章的主要内容,突出阿长为我买《山海经》这件事; 表现阿长真诚、善良和乐于助人;表明我的感激和怀念。 《变色龙》用比喻生动形象地写出了主人公善变(见风使舵)的性格。具有极强的讽刺性。 《心声》语带双关,表层意义是李京京在课堂上十分渴望读课文。深层意思是需要得到老师和同学的肯定、理解和尊重;需要父母和好,家庭温暖,需要亲情和友情。 三、归纳题目的作用 (1)把握象征意义;例如:《雷电颂》

(2)语带双关;例如:《我的一本书》《心声》语带双关,表层意义是李京京在课堂上十分渴望读课文。深层意思是需要得到老师和同学的肯定、理解和尊重;需要父母和好,家庭温暖,需要亲情和友情。 (3)作者感情的出发点;例如:《春酒》《山坡羊潼关怀古》 (4)概括文章的主要内容;《阿长与山海经》概括文章的主要内容,突出阿长为我买《山海经》这件事;表现阿长真诚、善良和乐于助人;表明我的感激和怀念。 点明写作内容;例如:《雷电颂》、《藤野先生》、《再塑生命》 点名叙事中心《端午的鸡蛋》 (5)点明文章线索;例如:如《三棵枸杞豆》和《柳叶儿》,分别以枸杞豆和柳叶为线索;还可以是某个人物 《背影》A点明文章线索,起贯穿全文作用;B点明文章主旨,抓住外貌特写镜头表现父子之间的深情。作用:点明主旨,使文章结构严谨,深化主题,升华中心。 (6)文眼;揭示文章中心;突出文章主旨;例如:《背影》A点明文章线索,起贯穿全文作用;B点明文章主旨,抓住外貌特写镜头表现父子之间的深情。作用:点明主旨,使文章结构严谨,深化主题,升华中心。 (7)吸引读者、新颖;引发读者思考,激发阅读兴趣;例如:《喂——出来》《罗布泊,消逝的仙湖》《旅鼠之谜》 (8)题目中运用修辞的,要还原它的本义后再分析作用。例如:《变色龙》用比喻生动形象地写出了主人公善变(见风使舵)的性格。具有极强的讽刺性。 (9)点明写作对象例如:《我的母亲》《列夫·托尔斯泰》《短文两篇日月》巴金、《海燕》《云南的歌会》


10-11学年度第426期7版Quiz time答案: 高二版 Reading D1 1-4 CDCB D2 1. The mobile phone/The cell phone/The mobile. 2. Russia and Singapore. 3. 1) One gives its user safety, security and instant access to information. 2) One changes the nature of a relationship. 3) One can be used as an alarm clock and a camera and to play games. 4. 很多人从未不带手机出门,而且如果让他们选择的话,他们宁愿丢掉钱包也不愿丢掉手机。 D3 1-5 DDCBA D4 1-4 CDBA D5 1-5 DCADA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 DAABA 16-20 BACDD 答案解析 D1 1. C. 根据文章最后一句If you push a kid to do well, and they’re good at it, they benefit. It’s good to have high expectations.”可知,Amy Chua 的支持者们认为父母对于孩子的期望高是又好处的。 2. D. sympathize是“表示同情”的意思。 3. C. 文中提到Children need parents who can guide them, not force them to do things they’re probably not interested in. 所以Jeffrey Seinfeld 认为父母在教育孩子的时候要认真考虑孩子的需求。 4. B. 纵观全文,主要讲述了Amy Chua的书所引发的关于严厉管教孩子的教育方式的激烈辩论。 D3 1. D. 文章开头列举了母女的事例,之后开始介绍深度阅读的内容,可见事例的使用是为了引出话题。 2. D. 文章提到Instant messages and 140-character tweets appear to be reducing our ability to concentrate on a single idea or theme in a book, 只供学习与交流

中考语文 专题复习三 记叙文阅读 标题的含义与作用教案

记叙文阅读之标题的含义 与作用 一、学习目标确定的依据 1.课程标准相关要求 在通读课文的基础上,理清思路,理解、分析主要内容,体味和推敲重要词句在语言环境中的意义和作用。对课文的内容和表达有自己的心得,能提出自己的看法,并能运用合作的方式,共同探讨、分析、解决疑难问题。在阅读中了解叙述、描写、说明、议论、抒情等表达方式。能够区分写实作品与虚构作品,了解诗歌、散文、小说、戏剧等文学样式。欣赏文学作品,有自己的情感体验,初步领悟作品的内涵,从中获得对自然、社会、人生的有益启示。对作品中感人的情境和形象,能说出自己的体验;品味作品中富于表现力的语言。了解常用的修辞方法,体会它们在文中的表达作用。 2.教材分析 记叙文的范围很广,散文和小说都可以包含其中。近几年的河南中考试题,无一例外都有记叙文阅读,且父母之爱、师生之爱、同学友谊、人生感悟是主要题材,有时会以当年发生的重大时事及社会热点为题材。在题型设计上,仍以简答题为主。 3.中招考点 基于课标的要求,中考对记叙文阅读能力的考查主要是:能理清文章的思路,概括文章的内容要点,把握文章的中心思想,理解文中重要词语的含义,理解文章的主要写作方法及其作用,理解记叙文语言生动、形象的特点。 4.学情分析 学生对记叙文阅读已经积累一定的方法和技巧。因此,复习时在把握记叙文基本的文体知识上,多做一些有针对性的、基础性的阅读训练。

二、学习目标 通过观察考题及答案,能用简洁的语言说出此类题的答题方法及答题模式,并用这一方法解决此类问题。 三、评价任务 根据目标,设计一组活动,通过观察考题及答案,能用简洁的语言说出各考点的答题方法及答题模式,并用这一方法解决此类问题。 四、新课讲解


阅读理解之文章标题含义和作用 [学习目标] 1.熟练掌握分析文章标题含义的技巧 2.熟练掌握分析文章标题作用的技巧 [重点难点] 1.如何分析文章标题的深层含义 [题型抢先看] 文章的标题,通常被称作文章的“题眼”,既然是“眼睛”,那一定是文章的主要内容,也即文章的精要内容的提炼、概括、与浓缩。因此,理解文章的标题有助于我们读懂文章,把握文章的主要内容和情感倾向。 标题的含义及作用在考试中的常见考察题型中有: ①这篇文章标题的含义是什么? ②文章标题的作用是什么? ③作者为什么拟这个标题? ④文章的标题是否能用某某词替换?哪个标题更好?说明理由。 真题重现----标题的含义 谈谈你对标题“成熟的稻谷会弯腰”的理解。——《成熟的稻谷会弯腰》 题目“风雨中的菊花”有何含义?——《风雨中的菊花》 真题重现----标题的作用 本文着力描写母亲的白发,请简要分析标题中的“白发”在文中有哪些作用。——《田野上的白发》 说说文章以“天窗”为题的作用。——《天窗》 对文题的综合考察 阅读全文,谈谈选文以“江南江南”为题有什么好处?——《江南江南》 小说的标题好不好?为什么?——内蒙包头《钟点工的三千元晚宴》 请结合文章简要分析作答。?作者为什么以“我生命中的那簇野菊花”为题目作者为什么以“倾听生命行走的声音”为题?请结合文章简要作答。概念讲解,技巧传授(一)标题的含义标题的含义一般分为字面意思和深层含义两层。深层含义与文章的中心挂钩。文中内标题的字面含义、揣摩标题含义需要从表层含义和深层含义入手表层含义指的是:容;深层含义指的是:引申义、比喻义、象征义。深层含义需要联系文章的中心解答。1 例题《走一步,再走一步》 文章标题的含义是什么呢? 解析: 揣摩标题关键字“走” 联系文章内容看文题指的是:全文写“我”爬上悬崖却恐惧得不敢爬下来,后来是在父亲指点鼓励下“我每次只移动一小步,慢慢爬下悬崖。” 结合文末主旨句分析,“每当我感到前途茫茫而灰心丧气时……我提醒自己,不要想着远在下面的岩石,而要着眼于那最初的一小步,走了这一步再走下一


初三语文二轮复习阅读理解答题技巧(一) ——文题、开头、结尾的作用 一、文题的妙处 1、说明文题目的妙处:①交代了说明的对象或说明内容。②如果用了什么别的修辞的话就还有修辞的作用,化用诗句、谚语、歌词等都有吸引读者、激发兴趣、引发思考的作用。 ①例如:文章以“夜空为什么是黑的”为标题,有什么好处? 答:①以设问为题,设疑激趣,引发思考。②以此统领全篇,点明此文说明内容。 ②例如:文章以“花儿为什么这样红”为题,有何好处? 答:①巧妙地运用歌名为篇章名,设疑激趣,引发思考。 ②以此统领全篇,点明此文说明内容。 2、议论文题目的妙处: ①提出文章的论点或论题. ②如果用了什么别的修辞的话就还有修辞的作用,吸引读者、激发兴趣。 3、记叙类文章题目的妙处: ①作为线索贯穿全文。②交代本文写作内容。③抒发了什么情感。④扣修辞生动 点明文章的主旨,激发阅读兴趣。 例:根据文章内容,说说文题“挂满爱的梨树”的好处。 答:①作为线索贯穿全文。②交代本文写作内容。③化虚为实,生动地点明文章的主旨,激发阅读兴趣。抒发了对父爱的赞美、感激之情。

二、开头的作用 1、说明文开头作用:①引出说明的对象或说明的事理。 ②引传说、故事、诗歌等激发阅读兴趣。 ③总分总结构中的总领全文。 例:目前,很多学生喜欢使用涂改液。据调查,大中城市的中小学生的使用比例在80%左右,而小学生的使用比例高达95%以上。书写出现差错时,使用它能很快涂改错误,确实很方便,然而你是否意识到它散发出的十分刺鼻的气味对人体有害?(见模拟试题七上《小心,涂改液伤着你》) 问题:这一段作为文章的开头有何作用? ①通过举例子引出说明的内容:涂改液对人体有害。 ②通过列数字说明涂改液使用范围广,其对人体的伤害应引起人们的重视,激发阅读兴趣。 2、议论文开头的作用:①引出论点或论题。 ②引传说、故事、诗歌等激发阅读兴趣。 ③如果是举例、引用开头,还作为论据来证明论点的正确性。 例:在我国广袤的沙漠上,生活着一种普通的植物——梭梭,它们被誉为“沙漠梅花”和“沙漠卫士”。众所周知,沙漠地区环境十分恶劣,要想立足其中,困难自然不小,梭梭树做到了。作为灌木植物,它们虽然一般只有三四米高,外形也不出众,可是却顽强挺立,迎风顶沙,给沙漠带来了生机和活力,成为沙漠独特的景观,也成了戈壁沙漠最优良的防风固沙植物之一。 梭梭的成功并非是来自于侥幸。它们成功的秘诀就在于速度,无与伦比的速度。(见模拟试题九上《有一种成功叫速度》)


八年级语文阅读题专项训练——关于题目 文章题目的作用 1、概括主要事件 2、提出中心 3、交情事情的时间、人物等写作对象 4、比较新颖,引人入胜吸引读者阅读兴趣 5、交代文章的线索 6、运用修辞手法 一、题型: (一)为什么以此为题?(二)谈谈你对题目的理解。 (三)试分析题目的作用。(四)给文章加(换)题目。 二、结合学过的文章谈谈你对下面题目的理解 《背影》充当线索、抓住外貌特写镜头表现父子深情。 《阿长与山海经》概括文章的主要内容,突出阿长为我买《山海经》这件事; 表现阿长真诚、善良和乐于助人;表明我的感激和怀念。 《变色龙》用比喻生动形象地写出了主人公善变(见风使舵)的性格。具有极强的讽刺性。 《心声》语带双关,表层意义是李京京在课堂上

十分渴望读课文。深层意思是需要得到老师和同学的肯定、理解和尊重;需要父母和好,家庭温暖,需要亲情和友情。 三、归纳题目的作用 (1)把握象征意义;例如:《雷电颂》 (2)语带双关;例如:《我的一本书》《心声》语带双关,表层意义是李京京在课堂上十分渴望读课文。深层意思是需要得到老师和同学的肯定、理解和尊重;需要父母和好,家庭温暖,需要亲情和友情。 (3)作者感情的出发点;例如:《春酒》《山坡羊潼关怀古》 (4)概括文章的主要内容;《阿长与山海经》概括文章的主要内容,突出阿长为我买《山海经》这件事;表现阿长真诚、善良和乐于助人;表明我的感激和怀念。 点明写作内容;例如:《雷电颂》、《藤野先生》、《再塑生命》 点名叙事中心《端午的鸡蛋》 (5)点明文章线索;例如:如《三棵枸杞豆》和《柳叶儿》,分别以枸杞豆和柳叶为线索;还可以是某个人物 《背影》A点明文章线索,起贯穿全文作用;B点明文章主旨,抓住外貌特写镜头表现父子之间的深情。作用:点明主旨,使文章结构严谨,深化主题,升华中心。


文章标题的含义及作用 题目的理解 1.分析标题的含义标题含义一般从表层含义和深层含义两个方面来分析。表层含义即标题的字面意义,深层含义即引申义、比喻义、象征义。如人教版七年级课文《爸爸的花儿落了》一文,标题的表层含义是夹竹桃凋谢,深层含义是父亲的去世。再如《定格一种倒下的姿势》,标题的表层含义是他们最后倒下的姿势被固定在废墟里,深层含义是他们壮烈牺牲,无私奉献的精神永驻人们心中. 再如《心声》语带双关,表层意义是李京京在课堂上十分渴望读课文。深层意思是需要得到老师和同学的肯定、理解和尊重;需要父母和好,家庭温暖,需要亲情和友情。2.标题如果是比喻句的,文中往往不是围绕标题的字面含义来展开叙述,那么我们就应该联系文章的具体内容,弄清比喻义,这样我们就可以领悟出标题的深刻含义。比如“变色龙”的字面意义是一种善于变色的蜥蜴,而契诃夫的《变色龙》中的“变色龙”是比喻像变色龙一样的奥楚蔑洛夫。用比喻生动形象地写出了主人公善变(见风使舵)的性格。具有极强的讽刺性。3.分析标题的作用要了解标题的作用有那些,我们不妨来看看几篇课文。1《背影》充当线索、抓住外貌特写镜头表现父子深情。2《阿长与山海经》概括文章的主要内容,突出阿长为我买《山海经》这件事;表现阿长真诚、善良和乐于助人;表明我的感激和怀念。3《藤野先生》——表明写作对象,4《智取生辰纲》——关联主要情节,5《羚羊木雕》——贯穿全文的线索,6《心声》——透露情感主旨。此外还有含蓄寓意,引起读者兴趣,制造悬念。 题目的作用 (1)把握象征意义;(2)语带双关;(3)作者感情的出发点;(4)概括文章的主要内容;(5)文章线索;(6)文眼;揭示文章中心;(7)吸引读者、新颖;(8)题目中运用修辞的,要还原它的本义后再分析作用。 线索 记叙文的线索是比较复杂的,它由许多因素决定,诸如文中的内容、文体的特点、写作风格等等,致使文章的线索出现了多种形式。 (1)以人物品格为线索。《谁是最可爱的人》作者精心选择了三个典型事例,这三个事例可以说是文章的"部分",要把"部分"组成"整体",就得有条线索,这条线索就是志愿军战士崇高的精神境界核优异品质。


初中阅读理解之文章标题含义和作用 题型抢先看 文章的标题,通常被称作文章的“题眼”,既然是“眼睛”,那一定是文章的主要内容,也即文章的精要内容的提炼、概括、与浓缩。因此,理解文章的标题有助于我们读懂文章,把握文章的主要内容和情感倾向。 标题的含义及作用在初中考试中的常见考察题型中有: ①这篇文章标题的含义是什么? ②文章标题的作用是什么? ③作者为什么拟这个标题? ④文章的标题是否能用某某词替换?哪个标题更好?说明理由。 概念讲解,技巧传授 (一)标题的含义 标题的含义一般分为字面意思和深层含义两层。深层含义与文章的中心挂钩。 揣摩标题含义需要从表层含义和深层含义入手表层含义指的是:标题的字面含义、文中内容; 深层含义指的是:引申义、比喻义、象征义。深层含义需要联系文章的中心解答。 例题《走一步,再走一步》 文章标题的含义是什么呢? 解析: 揣摩标题关键字“走” 联系文章内容看文题指的是:全文写“我”爬上悬崖却恐惧得不敢爬下来,后来是在父亲指点鼓励下“我每次只移动一小步,慢慢爬下悬崖。” 结合文末主旨句分析,“每当我感到前途茫茫而灰心丧气时……我提醒自己,不要想着远在下面的岩石,而要着眼于那最初的一小步,走了这一步再走下一步,直到抵达我所要到的地方。”因此文题具有更深层的含义,暗含人生哲理。 所以,答案应该为——表层含义:父亲鼓励我一步步走下悬崖;深层含义:大目标化解成小目标,一个个击破,取得最后成功。 这道题也体现了我们做标题类阅读题所会用到的方法①技法一、析标题字词。就是从理解文章标题的关键词的本义、字面义入手,联系文章内容,得出

标题的深层含义或作用。 课堂练习 《迷雾灯塔之光》庞启帆圣诞节前夕,小科林的心情非常沉重,因为没有下雪。但还有另外一个原因。七天前他的父亲就已出海捕鱼,至今没有回来。 科林朝山上的灯塔看去,一场暴风雨已摧毁灯塔的电线。明亮的灯塔之光已经熄灭。七天了,没有灯光指引他的父亲的渔船。 “科林,我们需要泥炭来生火。”科林一回家,母亲就对他说,“家里的泥炭已经烧完,并且快到点亮圣诞蜡烛的时间了。”“我不太关心点亮蜡烛的事,妈妈。”科林回答。 “是,我也不想关心。”母亲答道,“但是每一个爱尔兰人在平安夜都会点亮蜡烛,即使在最伤心的时候。我知道现在家里充满了悲伤,但明亮的蜡烛表示我们的家和心扉向陌生人敞开。如果你捡一些泥炭回来,我们待会儿就做晚饭。”科林点点头,走出了家门。 他牵着驮泥炭的驴子来到山上。谁会关心一根蜡烛?怎样能重新点亮灯光,指引渔船回家才是最重要的。科林凝望灯塔,叹了一口气。忽然,他的脑袋灵光一闪。他狂喜着向山顶跑去。到达灯塔,科林使劲地敲门:“达非先生,”科林喘着气说道,“您以前是如何让灯塔亮起来的?”看守人达非先生很惊讶他的到来:“用电池,孩子。但是新年后才有新电池。” “在使用电池这种东西之前,如何点亮灯塔?” “用汽油灯。灯现在就在地下室。但我们现在没有汽油,孩子。”“用煤油行吗?”科林屏住呼吸问。“我想可以,”达非先生若有所思地说,“但是,我们最好不要采用这种愚蠢的方法。在这个村庄你不会找到多余的煤油。今年大家都没什么钱……” 他还没说完,科林已经跑出很远。他回家从厨房里拿了四个桶,然后又跑出了家门。 这时,几乎每一家都已经点亮了蜡烛。在平安夜,一盏烛光意味着一个陌生人会受到欢迎,无论他要求什么,都会得到满足。科林加快脚步,飞奔到第一间亮着烛光的房子前。 “您可以从您的煤油灯里分给我半杯煤油吗?”他问。科林去了每一间有烛光从窗口透出的房子。在一小时内,他讨到了两桶煤油。他费力地把两桶煤油提到了灯塔门前,然后又使劲地敲门。看到煤油,达非先生非常惊讶,但是他摇着头说道:“这点煤油最多能让灯塔的灯燃烧一个小时。”话没说完,科林又向山下飞奔。


21世纪英语报阅读理解A Do you want to know about how busy stude nts are in the Un ited States? Well, we are always busy. We have a lot of homework, but not as much as Chin ese stude nts. But we are not just busy work ing on our studies. First, we have after-school clubs. We finish school early, around 2:40 pm. Then we go to our clubs from 3 pm to 4 pm. There are several kinds of clubs, such as those for arts, sports and culture. I love after-school clubs because I can lear n and socialize (社交). Ano ther ki nd of com mon after-school activity is playi ng on school sports teams. These teams train hard so they can win games aga inst other teams duri ng the competitive seas on. I have a friend who is on a girl ' s basketball team. It is basketball seas on now, so she trains every day afteh sol from 3 pm to 8 pm. There is just a on e-hour break. The school band ' rehearsal (排练)period is also held after school. I am in a school band. We rehearse once a week every Mon day from 4 pm to 7 pm. Fin ally, a lot of us do volun teer work on the weeke nds. We n eed 15 to 20 volun teer hours each term in order to graduate. I ' m usually pretty tired after I finish volunteering each week. The work is sometimes boring, but I know I ' m working for the good of society. So I enjoy it. 1. Why does the writer like after-school clubs? A. Because she fini shes school early. B. Because there are differe nt kinds of clubs. C. Because she enjoys lear ning and talk ing with others. D. Because she doesn ' t have anything better to do. 2. School sports teams train stude nts hard to ___ . A. keep them busy after school B. help them socialize with each other C. win games duri ng the competitive seas on D. help them get scholarships 3. Which after-school activity is n ecessary for graduati on? A. Arts club. B. Sports team. C. School band. D. Volun teer activity. 4. How long can the writer ' s friend have a rest in basketball team when she trains? A. One hour B. Five hours C. Six hours D. Seven hours 5. What is the main idea of the story? A. America n stude nts lear n more tha n Chin ese stude nts. B. There are better after-school activities in the US than in China. C. School activities are popular in the world. D. America n stude nts are busy with activities after school. 21世纪英语报阅读理解B 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Although dogs are see n as friends and part of the family today, China and Wester n coun tries have differe nt cultural beliefs about dogs. In Chinese, some words about dogs have derogatory(贬义的)meanings, such as "Lead a dog's life. "In English, however, the situation is different. People use "every dog has his day" to describe a period of good luck, "work like a dog ” to describe a hard worker and "a gay dog" to describe a happy pers on. The dog-huma n relati on ship goes right back to the begi nnings of Wester n civilizati on Perhaps the most movi ng example is from the 8th cen tury BC, i n Greek poet Homers The Odyssey. Whe n Greek hero Odysseus fin ally returns home after 20 years away at war, no one but his dog Argos recog ni zes(认出)him. The Argos is an old, sick dog, and is about to die; but he is overjoyed to see his owner aga in after so many


中考复习散文阅读之标题的含义及作用教案 中考复习散文阅读之标题的含义及作用 1、教师以理论指导和实例示相结合。 2、学生以独立思考,互助合作相结合。 3、通过加强解题思路和方法的指导,达到熟能生巧的目的,提高学生对文学作 品标题题型的答题技巧和能力。 1、掌握分析标题含义的答题方法。 2、掌握分析标题作用的答题方法。 一、导入 文章的标题,通常被称作文章的“题眼”,既然是“眼睛”,那一定是文章的主要容,即文章的精要容的提炼、概括、与浓缩。因此,理解文章的标题有助于我们读懂文章,把握文章的主要容和情感倾向。 中考中,往往会从标题上出题,考查对作品理解的深度。 二、常见主要考法 1.标题的含义是什么? 2.标题的作用是什么? 三、历年中考考查情况: 标题的含义:16.“天使儿”在文中有哪些含义?(4分) ——2013年《天使儿》 标题的作用:小说以“旧餐桌上的美好时光”为题有什么作用?——2011年《旧餐桌上的美好时光》 四、方法指导与运用 (一)揣摩标题的含义 表层含义:标题的字面含义、文中容 深层含义:引申义、比喻义、象征义 1.温故知新 《走一步,再走一步》 表层含义:父亲鼓励我一步步走下悬崖 深层含义:大目标化解成小目标,一个个击破,取得最后成功。 《爸爸的花儿落了》 表层含义:夹竹桃凋了 深层含义:父亲去世,也预示我长大了 《变色龙》 表层含义:善于变色的蜥蜴 深层含义:见风使舵的沙皇警察

2.小结:理解标题的含义答题方法 (1)联系全文容,理解表层含义 (2)结合文章主旨,体会深层含义 3.实战演习 例:《悠长的铃声》(文章见学案) 联系全文容,谈谈你对本文标题“悠长的铃声”的理解。 (二)分析标题的作用 1.方法指导:(1)表明写作对象;(2)体现主要容;(3)贯穿全文线索;(4)揭示情感主旨;(5)奠定感情基调;(6)妙用修辞;(7)设置悬念;(8)一语双关。 2.举例 (1)表明写作对象 有的以人或物作为文题的文章,其题目里指出的人或物就是文章的写作对象。如《藤野先生》《邓稼先》 (2)体现主要容 很多文题是对文章所叙之事的概括,抓住了这样的文题也就抓住了文章的中心事件。如《智取生辰纲》《最后一课》 (3)贯穿全文线索 有的标题本身就是行文线索。如《背影》 (4)揭示情感主旨 文题直接揭示或形象暗示了文章的主旨,有的文题含蓄地传达着作者的思想感情。如《再塑生命》的深层含义是在莎莉文老师的教育下,“我”的灵魂被唤醒,再次拥有“光明、希望、快乐和自由”,这正是文章的主旨,文题点明主旨。 (5)奠定感情基调。 文题直接表明了作者的感情态度。如《黄河颂》,标题已经表明了作者的态度,歌颂黄河。 (6)妙用修辞。 文题运用比喻、拟人等修辞手法,生动形象,文采斐然。如《紫藤萝瀑布》,将紫藤萝比喻成瀑布,生动形象地写出了紫藤萝花开得繁茂,也写出了花开的情状。 (7)设置悬念。 文题巧设悬念,引起读者的思考。如《死海不死》《旅鼠之谜》,读者一看题目便有种想知道文章的容。 (8)一语双关。 文题运用一语双关也很常见,既能体现文章容,又能深化文章主旨。如《走一步,再走一步》《变色龙》等,都运用了一语双关。 3.实战演习 例:《旧餐桌上的美好时光》2011年(文章见学案) 小说以“旧餐桌上的美好时光”为标题有什么作用?(4分) (三)强化训练 1.《每一棵草都会开花》(文章见学案) 2.《我生命中的那簇野菊花》(文章见学案) 五、总结 阅读没有巧,答案文中找;答案如何找,方法不可少。 本节课我们主要学习了关于标题的含义和作用类题型的答题方法和技巧。希望同学们学完之后能及时掌握,今后在做题的时候多运用,自然就熟能生巧了。


如何分析文章标题的含义与作用 1、分析标题的含义。 标题含义一般从表层含义和深层含义的两个方面来分析。表层含义即标题的字面含义、文中内容;深层含义即引申义、比喻义、象征义。 标题如果是比喻句的,文中往往不是围绕标题的字面含义来展开叙述,那么我们就应该联系文章的具体内容,弄清比喻义,这样我们就可以领悟出标题的深刻含义。比如《变色龙》一文,标题“变色龙”就不是写善于变色的蜥蜴,而是比喻像变色龙一样的奥楚蔑洛夫。如四川眉山卷中《拔掉那颗蛀牙》一文的标题并不是写拔掉生病的牙齿,文题的“蛀牙”比喻她对父母对家人的“恨”,以及自己的自闭。文题告诉人们无论在什么时候,对什么人,都要学会去“爱”,付出爱,才能健康、快乐、幸福。 例2:《蔷薇几度花》的第15题:请简要分析标题中的“蔷薇”在文中的作用。(江苏南京市) 2、分析标题的作用。 要了解标题的作用有哪些,我们不妨来看看人教版初中教材的几篇课文:《羚羊木雕》——贯穿全文线索;《藤野先生》——表明写作对象;《智取生辰纲》——关联主要情节;《海燕》——象征或比喻;《心声》——透露情感主旨。标题是文章的眼睛,作用主要有:贯穿全文线索、表明写作对象、关联主要情节、象征或比喻、透露情感主旨。

此外还有:引起读者兴趣、制造悬念、烘托、使形象生动等。结合以上示例,认真阅读《蔷薇几度花》,就不难答出“蔷薇”在文中的作用:①作为贯穿全文的线索;②引出挑糖担的老人;③比喻(象征)老人的品格;④烘托老人的形象。 例3:第14题:通读全文后,请为文章取一个合适的标题。(江苏连云港市) 解析:如何给文章取个合适的标题。 要给文章取一个合适的标题,不妨从标题的作用入手:以贯穿文章的线索为题,以写作对象(即关键的人、物)为题,以文章的主旨为题,以主要情节为题等。另外,在拟题时一定要注意标题的特点,要紧扣文本,要言简意赅。根据以上分析,我们就可以完成2009年连云港市的第14题。标题一:冬天的橡树(关键的物或线索);标题二:穿破毡鞋的小男孩(写作对象、关键的人);标题三:震撼心灵的“家访”(情感主旨或主要情节)…… 例4:《我生命中的那簇野菊花》第7题:为什么以“我生命中的那簇野菊花”为题目?请结合文章简要分析作答。(四川成都市)解析:为什么以此为标题。 要完成此类题目,必须在把握文章内容、主旨和情感的基础上,从标题的含义和作用两个方面来答。此题答案示例如下:因为文章写的是“我”在童年久病不好心生悲哀的情况下,偶遇野菊花而获得一种启迪,改变了“我”生活态度的一段经历(含义)。作者以此为题,既凸显了抒写的主体对象(作用),又形象地表现出“野菊花”在自己生命

21世纪报(26edition)答案 - 副本

Language study for the 26th edition Best actor from Eton 1. Not in the days before this year’s Academy Awards. 译:_______________________________________________________ 2. Then, on Feb 22, Redmayne of Eton won the award, beating (beat) his longtime friend, Harrow-educated Cumberbatch, 38. 3. It follows him as he develops his big bang theory while losing (lose) the use of much of his body. 4. While (译:不过,尽管) Redmayne’s performance means he is now seen as one of the best actor in the world, he has also talked about his teenage days in the elite(精英) school. 5. “It’s the strange thing Eton does -you’re at school next to lords(勋爵) and earls(伯爵)and, in my case, Prince William, so you end up being used to deal with( 译:对付,处理) those sorts of people,” he told The Telegraph. 6. the ability to shut down (译:关闭,停止) facial muscles one by on 7. …“made William quite an easy target (译:容易被关注的目标) on the pitch”. 8. battle it out 决出胜负、奋力争夺9. headline (报纸的)大字标题 10. versus 对抗 11. tackle 绊倒12. apply to 申请 Time for potatoes


中考复习——文学类文本标题含义与作用 教学目标:1、掌握标题的一般性作用和含义的答题模式; 2、能结合文本内容,把解题技巧运用于实际文题中。 3、能组织语言,规范答题。 教学重点:掌握标题的一般性作用和含义的答题模式。 教学难点:能结合文本内容,把解题技巧运用于实际文题中。 教学过程: 一、引入新课 “标题好,文一半”。近几年,文章标题的含义和作用也成为考场宠儿。 二、分析归纳标题一般性作用。 1、请学生谈谈学过的文章里,对哪些标题印象深刻,并说说理由。 2、结合表格归纳标题的一般性作用:(标题能让人印象深刻,说明了它存在的价值。) ●串联情节,是文章线索;概括文章内容或重要情节。 ●点明(暗示)主旨,深化主题。 ○运用修辞,生动突出。 ○设置悬念,激发阅读兴趣。 (结合定义归纳) 三、引导归纳标题含义的答题模式 1、引导学生观察《羚羊木雕》《集中营的课堂》《一朵一朵的阳光》这三个标题,思考:文 章的写作目的和这三个标题内容的联系是什么? 2、结合表格归纳:作者借“羚羊木雕”、“集中营的课堂”“阳光”这些物象来表现人物形象 或寄托感情。所以,一些文章标题表面上是文章里的重要内容或物象,更有深一层的含义,指/比喻/象征了人物的精神、感情/文章主旨。也就是“一语双关”。 四、引导学生掌握答题要点及步骤 1、结合《集中营的课堂》,引导学生注意答题不要只生搬硬套,要紧紧贴合文本答题。 2、阅读《皱皮苹果》,分析标题的含义和作用,请在文中找出并划出你答题的依据。 皱皮苹果 刘心武 从郊区书房回到城里的家,总会遭逢一大摞待拆看的邮件,我的习惯是先看熟悉者的,不熟悉的,一般是先拆看外表堂皇的,这是否有些个“嫌贫爱富”?但“金玉其外”的诱惑,恐怕是很多人都难以拒绝的,尽管往往会发现“败絮其中”,也只好一叹了之。有的来函,信封寒酸,字迹幼稚,右下角的地址是某镇某村,由作协或编辑部贴条转来,根据近年来的经验,这样的信函,多半是附上他写的并不成熟的习作,希望我能往报刊推荐的。
