



Aa Ff Jj Nn

二、选择正确的字母,将单词补充完整。(10 分)

( )1.t__me(时间)A. a B. i ()2.h__ve (有) A. a B. o

( )3.pas__ (超过)A. t B. d ( )4.o'cl _____ k(看)A. ou B. oc

( )5.h _____ f (半)A.al B.ul

三、改正下列词组中的错误。(20 分)

1、seven past half(七点半)

2、get to school(上学)

3、eat lunch(吃午饭)

4、see TV(看电视)

5、go house(回家)

6、in three o'clock(在三点钟)

7、go up(起床) 8 go bed(睡觉)

9、have breakfast(吃晚饭)10、listen at the clock(听钟表)

四、选择填空。(20 分)

( )1. I up at 6 o'clock. A.go B.get C.go ne D.goes

( )2. time is it? A. Which B.When C. What D. Tha n.

( )3.I g o school at 8 o'clock. A. in B. at C. on D. to

( )4. I lunch at twelve o 'lock. A. have B h as C. had D. the

( )5 I h ave dinner six o 'lock. A.in B.o n C.the D.at

( )6. I TV at seve n dclock. A. see B. look C. watch D. visit

( )7. I go to bed at half nine. A. pass B. past C. pest D. play

( )8 What ' the time?It's six o 'lock. A. / B.at C.to D. in

( )9. I have dinner at past six. A. time B. to C get D. half

( )10.What is it , please? It is half past seve n. A. half B. time C. past D. pass


in; at ; What ; time ; o'clock ; past post

1. A: time is it, please? B: It's six .

2. A: What is it, please? B: It's half six. You have dinner half past six.


1. get, six, o 'lock, up, I ,at ____________________________________________

2. the, please, what,time, is _____________________________________________

3. past, half, at, eight, bed,to, go, I _______________________________________________

4. Dami ng, TV, at, watches, eight, o 'lock __________________________________________ ______

5. half, seve n, past,it, is ________________________________________________

七、阅读理解。根据短文内容,判断对(V)错(x) (10分)

My n ame is Xiao ming . I get up at half past six . I have breakfast at seve n o 'clock. I go to school at

eight o 'lock. I have lunch at twelve o'clock . I go home at four o 'clock. I have dinner at five o'clock . I watch TV at half past six . I do my homework at seve n o'clock . I go to bed at nine o 'lock.

( )1. I get up at seven o 'lock. ( )2.I have lunch at twelve . ( )3. I go home at five

o 'lock.

( )4. I watch TV at half past six.

(外研版)小学三年级(三起)英语下册第六模块测试题含答案、写出字母表中的从Hh到Tt 13个字母的大小写:(13分)


Kk -------------------------------------------- L

Mm ------------------------------------------ Nn ■

( )5. I go to bed at half past nine.


1、周末:weakend weekend week

3、数学Maths Meths Naths

5、睡觉sleep cleep sleap

7、在学校at school on school 8 在周末weekend

9、在早上at the morning in the morning

10、在下午in the morni ng in the after noon


(15 分)

2、汉语:China Chianese Chinese

4、科学Scaenee Sciense Scienee

6、音乐Musec Mvsic Music

in the weeke nd on the weeke nd at the in the eve ning

A .play

B .plays

C .does

? A .do ,does B .does ,do

C .does ,does

()3、What do you _____ at school ?I _____ English and Chinese .

A .has ,have

B .have ,has

C .have ,have

()4、What's the time ?lt's ______ . A .half past seven B .seven past half C .seven o'clock half

()5、At the weekend I _____ swimming ,And he ______ T V .

A .goes watches

B .go watch

C .go watches

()6、What do you do _______ ? I have dinner. A .at eight o'clock in the after noon

B .in the after noon at eight o'clock

C .at the after noon in eight o'clock

()7、Do you play football in the morning ? _________ .

A .No ,l do

B .Yes , I does

C .No ,l don't

()8、Does Xiaoyong like basketball ? ________

A .No ,he don't

B .Yes ,he does

C .Yes .he do

()9、What does Lingling ____ at school today? She ___ M aths,English and Chinese .

A . has has

B .have have

C .have has

D .has have

()10、I have ________ in the after noon .

A .Music ,art and pe

B .Maths and Art ,PE

C .Maths ,Art and PE

五、用(20 分)

go have play watch sleep do

1、I __ English today .Xiaoming _____ Science today .

2、Daming __ at nine o'clock in the evening」_to bed at nine o'clock in the


3、My father _____ TV at half past eight in the evening .

4、What _____ Sam do at the weekend ?He __________ football at the weekend」swimmi ng .

5、Xiao yong _ to school at seve n in the morning .He ___ h ome at four in the after noon.


1、gets, six, o'c lock, up, she ,at __________________________________

2、sleep,in ,morning ,I the __________________________________

3、you ,do ,what,do,weekend,the,at,Sam? ______________________________________

4、English ,Chinese,and ,have ,I,too, __________________________________

5、Do ,have ,you,Maths,today? __________________________________



BDEGHIKMPQRU bdefhij no qrs

v y


Oo __________________________ P P

Qq ------

-------------------------------------- R L-


()1.Chr ____ mas 圣诞节 A.is B.ist C.est ()2.ab _______ t 关于 A.ou B.au C.un ()3.Chin ______ 中国的 A.asa B.ase C.ese ( ) 4.Engl ____ 英国 A.ish B.and

C.i nd

()5.pre _____ t礼物 A.zen B.san C.sen ( )6.s ____ 唱歌 A.ing B.ong C.ang ()7.春节A.Spring New Year B.Summer Festival C.Spring Festival

()8.家庭大餐 A.a big family lunch B.a big family dinner C.a big home dinner

()9.圣诞快乐! A.Happy Christmas B.Happy New Year C.Happy Spring Festival

()10.一本给你的书 A.a book about you B.a book of you C.a book for you


( )1.Here_a book for you. A.are B.am C.is

()2.lt's ______ Spring Festival. A.of B.about C.for

( )3. ____ S pring Festival,we have pea nuts and sweets. A.On B.At C.ln

()4.What is Spring Festival?lt's Chinese ________ .A.New Year B.Christmas C.Spring Festival

()5.lt's Christmas today.Daming, ______________ !

A.Happy New Year

B.Happy Spring Festival

C.Happy Christmas

( )6.They sing songs ____ Christmas. A.at B.on C.i n

( )7」like peanuts. ______ . A.Oh,I see. B.Here you are. C.Oh,tha nk you.

( )8」t's Spring Festival today.We have a big family ___________ . A.lunch B.dinner


( )9. ___ Dami ng _______ pea nuts at Christmas. A.Do...eat B.l s...eats C.Does...eat

()10.We have Christmas _____ England. A.in B.at C.on


1.We have a Christmas _____ .

2.We eat pea nuts ___ sweets.

3. ____________________ A t Spring Festival we "Happy New Year!"

4.What's it ?

5. Christmas!


1.is,Spring Festival,not,it,today,(连词成句) _______________________________________

2. _________ about?lt's about Spring Festival.(根据下句填上句)

3. _ ___ Spring Festival? It's Chinese New Year.根据下句填上句)

4. at, Christmas,we,oranges, sweets,eat,and,(连词成句) ____________________________

5. __________________________________________________ Does Amy like pea nuts and sweets ? _____________________________________________ (否定回答)

Merry say and tree about but talk


()Oh,tha nk you

( )And we have pea nuts and sweets. ()Oh,I see. ()lt's about Spri ng Festival.

()Hello,Sam.Here's a book for you ()What's Spri ng Festival?

()lt's Chinese New Year. ()At Spring Festival,we have a big family dinner.

()What's it about? ()We say"H appy New Year!"



七、根据汉语意思,完成下列单词或短语:( 20分)

6、在春天 _____________ 2.踢足球 ___________________ 3?去游泳 _____________________ 4.看电视 ____________

六、放风筝 ______________ 6?晴朗的 _________ 7?凉爽的 _________ 8?有风的 ________ 9?冬天 _______ 10.秋 天

in summer. ____ Autu mn! It's cool in autu mn.We play _________ in autu mn.l t's win ter! lt's _____ in win ter.We ____ TV and play table tennis in wi nter.


l.lt's cool and wi ndy today.(变成一般疑问句并作否定回答 )


We go to school by bike in summer.( 对划线提问

3. sister,doesn't ,my,like, summer .( 连词成句)

4. do,you,what ,in,do,winter?(连词成句)

5. today, sunny, hot ,it's, and,( 连词成句 )


1、 Green and gree n ( 绿).l t's warm.What seas on ( 季节)is it? lt is _________________

2、 White and white (白).it's snowing.What season (季节)is it? lt is __________________

3、 Yellow and orange 」t's cool.What seas on ( 季节)is it? It is

4、 Sunny and hot .We go swim ming .Sometimes( 有时)it rain s.What seas on ( 季节)is it?

四、 选择填空:(20)

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. We fly kites ___ spring. )2.lt ____ today.

)3」t's _________ today. )4.lt's ___ in summer .

)5.What __ you do in autumn ?l

A. in

B.at A.warm A.cool and wind

A. cold


football. A.do C.o n

B.is warm

C.is warmy

B.cooly and windy

C.cool and windy

C.hot )6.l t's very cold toda y.lt

_________ . A.is snowing

)7.We have a big family dinner

_____ Spring Festival . A.in

)8. _ it winter now (现在)? No,it isn't. A.Does B.ls )9.Does Amy ___ winter?No,it isn't 」t cold in winter.

)10.lt's warm today, ___ lt's raining .


in spri ng.We _____

plays B.do B.is snow

B.o n


A.likes is A. and


五、 根据课文内容填空:

It's spri ng!lt's _____

play C.does plays C.s nowy C.at

B.like is

C.like does C.but

kites ___ spring.lt's summer!lt's hot summer.We -Sv
