新人教必修一Unit 5 单元整体教学设计

新人教必修一Unit 5 单元整体教学设计
新人教必修一Unit 5 单元整体教学设计

新人教版必修一 Unit 5 Languages around the World 单元整体教学设计与分析






1. 从语篇中提取主要信息和观点,理解语篇要义;

2. 理解语篇中现行或隐性的逻辑关系;

3. 把握语篇中主要事件的来龙去脉;

4. 抓住语篇中的关键概念和关键细节;

5. 辨认关键字词和概念一迅速查找目标信息;

6. 批判性地审视语篇内容;

7. 识别书面语篇中常见的指代和衔接关系;













二. 单元主题:人与社会 --- 社会责任,语言认知,社会需要,交际拓展

三. 单元标题:Languages Around The World




本单元开篇页的引言”One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”出自当代心理语言学家Frank Smith, 经典地诠释了掌握多门语言的重要性。引言用中文可译为:一门语言能带你进入人生旅途,两门语言则为你开启人生旅途中的所有大门。科技高度发展和互联网高度发达的21世纪是需要全球各国深度沟通与合作的时代,随着我国在政治,经济,文化,对外交流等各个方面的发展,在创建“人类命运共同体”这一使命的召唤下,国家对精通各种外语的专业人才的需求急剧增长。同时,就学生个人发展而言,学习和掌握至少一门外语能为他们的未来提供更多的可能。高中阶段的青年学子学习外语既是时代的召唤,也是这个时代赋予的使命。




1. 学生已完成了初中升高中的过渡学习阶段,对待高中英语已有了一定的感性认识,学习专注认真,对于新学校,新同学有自己的独立见解,对新的单元学习


2. 大部分同学通过前四个单元,大约两个月的高一阶段英语学习,对高中的英语学习已有了一定的基础和经验。但是对于每单元新接触的内容还是有些畏惧心理;期待在新的单元学习中有进步,期待能改进自己的英语学习方法,希望了解和掌握高中英语学习的规律。

3. 虽然学生有一定的高中英语能力基础,但仍然有需要提高的地方,如有些学生阅读理解思路不清晰;有些学生语篇理解时层次和逻辑不清晰,在阅读理解时不会筛选重要信息用于判断;口头和书面表达还不能应用自如;对单元主题意义的探究思路还不是很清楚。因此,如何提高学生对单元主题的理解和对主题意义探究的路径及在主题的引领下有效地表达自己的想法是本单元的教学和评价的重点。










完成Explore languages around the world(listening and speaking):学



完成Explore the Chinese writing system(reading and thinking): 学生能够理解汉字的发展历史;抓住语篇结构的特征;归纳文章要点;总结表达事物发展史的关键要点;正确使用有关话题词汇,介绍自己熟悉事物的发展过程和发表自己的看法。


完成 Describe your favorite things(Discovering Useful Structures):学生能够使用正确的语言结构表达自己喜好的事物;正确使用定语从句结构表达所指的事物,时间,地点和原因;总结表达自我喜好的几种方法。


完成Explore different kinds of English(Listening and Talking):学生能够获取听力文本中的英语语言差异性的关键点;关注英语语言的拼写和发音方面的不同;归纳各种英语之间的不同点之间的规律;使用恰当语言表达询问确切和重复回答。


完成Write a blog about English study(Reading for Writing): 学生能够通过博客对英语学习的看法;使用得体的语言发表看法和交换意见。


完成the exercises on page68-69(Assessing your Progress):学生能够



本单元是高中英语新教材必修一 Unit5单元整体教学设计,突出了主题探究的实践性,贯彻了2017版高中新课标的设计理念,突出了学科核心素养的能力培养,强调了理解和表达知识和技能的重要性,建立了主题落实立德树人,过程学习语言,交际提升能力,探究形成思维和讨论感受文化的单元教学思路,充分体现了新教材的编写理念和英语教学改革的方向。



Unit 3 Travel Journal Period1. Step 1.Warming up 1.Ask some questions: 2.Do you often travel? Where have you been? 3.2. Following the steps of the warm-up on page 17. Step2. Pre-reading 1. Show some traveling pictures of the teacher’s. 2. Ask Ss : which river is the longest one in the world and which is the largest one; which river is the longest one in China. 3. Ask Ss: how people who live along a river use it. Step3. While-reading 1. Scanning: Ss read quickly and answer: What are they going to do? 2. Skimming: Ss read again and finish comprehending 1 on page 19. Ss read and get the main ideas of each paragraph. Ss list the countries that the Mekong River flows through. Step4. After-reading Ss in pairs and discuss: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s simil ar and different attitudes about the trip. Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the trip Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think…1. Taking this trip is a dream


七年级上册集体备课 U n i t5教学案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新目标英语七年级(上) Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 教材分析 本单元是七年级上正式篇第五单元。本单元分为四个部分:Section A、Grammar Focus、Section B 和Self check。在这一单元中,学生要学会就有关人与物之间所属关系进行问答的句子。本单元大量引入有关运动的名词,要求学生彼此询问有关此类物品,并作出相应的回答。同时学习表示建议的句型Let’s 及表示评价各种运动的形容词。 本单元所选用的话题来自于学生所喜爱的生活片段,在教学中生生交流、师生交流会更融洽,会促进师生彼此间的了解,成功的教学还会让部分学生养成良好的运动习惯和收藏习惯。 Period 1: Section A (1a-2c) I.双向细目表 II.教学过程

IV、练题 一.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The___________(dictionary) are in the bookcase. 2.Does your father________(like) sports 3.Can you help _______(I)

4.Let’s_______(play) soccer ball. 5.They have two__________(computer) 二.单项选择。 1.-Does your brother ______any baseballs -Yes, he ____some. A.has, has , have , has 2.--Do you have any erasers ---No, we ______. A.aren’t ’t ’t 3.The music is like it. A.well 4.Peter likes sports very much,_______he doesn’t like soccer. A.and 5.Many people _______TV in the evening. A.look at 三.根据所给单词及标点提示连词成句。 1.doesn’t, Alice, sports, play ________________________________ 2.Play, games, computer, let’s _________________________________ 3.Have, a , hat, collection, I , great__________________________________ 4.His, have, mother, uncle, an, does _________________________________ 5.Only, them, I, on, TV, day, watch, every ____________________________ Period 2 : Section A (2d-3c) I.双向细目表 II.教学过程


Unit 1 friendship Participants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙 School: Tai Zhou No.1 Senior Middle School 1.Teaching aims and demands 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 话题Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships 词汇Add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in 功能 1.态度(attitudes) Are you afraid that---? I’v e grown so crazy about--- dare--- I didn’t 2. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement) I agree. I think so. Exactly. think so. I’m afraid not. agree. I don’t I don’t 3.肯定程度(certainty) That’s correct. Of course not. 语法直接引语和间接引语(1): 陈述句和疑问句 1.陈述句 want to set down a series of facts in a diary.” Said Anne. “Id on’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary. ----Anne said that she didn’t 2.一般疑问句 He asked, “Are you leaving tonight?” ---He asked us whether we were leaving that night. 3.特殊疑问句 “When did you go to bed last night?” father said to Anne. --- Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before. 2.Suggested teaching notes 1). Analyses of the teaching contents This unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center


英语集体备课教案《Unit1Myclassroom》Unit 1 class room

英语集体备课教案《Unit1Myclassroom》 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 英语集体备课教案《unit 1 my classroom》 教学目标 1.能认读并会书写大小写aa, bb, cc, dd, ee.能听懂、会说单词:beef, doctor, bed 2.能根据单词的发音,判断单词的第一个字母和所含的元 音字母。 3.进一步培养学生良好的书写习惯。 教学重点:学习书写英文字母aa, bb, cc, dd, ee的大小写,学习单词beef, doctor, bed。 教学难点:大写c和d, 小写b和d易混淆;大写b和e的笔顺 教具准备: 1.写有大小写aa, bb, cc, dd., ee的字母卡

2.写有本课单词的单词卡 3.教材相配套的教学录音带 4.自制课件(见媒体素材) 教学过程: (一)热身、复习(warm-up/revision) 1.教师播放“chant”,师生共同随着录音带边打节奏边说歌谣。(使用第二册教材unit 6,let’s chant/b) a b c d e f g, h i j k l m n , o p q, r s t, u v w, x y z! now you can say your a b c’s. it’s as easy as 1 2 3 ! 2.让学生背诵字母表 (二)呈现新课(presentation) 1.播放教学课件(字母a)


Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Speaking T:Today,I’ll first show around some famous dams in the world. Show the picture of Aswan Dam,the Hoover Dam and some famous Dams. Aswan Dam the Hoover Dam in Colorado,USA T:What do you think of these Dams? S1:They are wonders on the earth.It is said that the Aswan Dam is one of the three man-made projects that can be seen fr om space. S2:They not only look wonderful but also help the people in the world a lot. S3:... S4:...

T:But I hear that a very effective international movement arose to fight for change in current dam building practices.Now I wonder why they did so.Are there any bad things caused by dams?I would like you to hold a discussion and talk about the good things and bad things dams bring about. good things 1.control floods 2.make electricity 3.raise the capacity of shipping (The raised water level makes it possible for heavy-loaded ships to pass.) 4.bring new scenery bad things 1.force the people from their land and homes 2.forever change some of the most historically celebrated scenery in the area(the Three Gorges Dam) 3.(the Aswan Dam)Some old temples are in danger because of the raised water level. People had to remove the temple stone by stone.It took 1700 workers and 22 other people four years to complete the project and cost one billion US dollars. 4.(refugees)be economically,culturally,and psychologically devastated. Some people of Sichuan Province had to move to other places of China,for example,Chongming Island.It will be a great challenge for these people to merge in a new society. 5.(people in the Mekong Delta)suffer from diseases dams and large irrigation projects in the tropics bring. 6.(In Nile Delta)plain and the delta are losing fertility as the mineral sediments usually carried and deposited by the Nile are building up behind the many dams. 7.The construction of dams in Southeast Asia has brought some of the countries into heavy debts.

最新译林版五年级下册英语电子教案 Unit 3 集体备课

__五___年级组_英语_学科集体备课(总9 课时) 第一部分:主备人研读教材初备 第单元解读本单元谈论如何问路,学习cinema, hospital, shop, zoo等地点和How do I get to …? Go along this street. Turn left/ righ t at the traffic lights. Get on/ off … at …Station. You can see the … on the left/ right等问路句型,学生在情境中理解、感知并掌握。 课时分配第一课时:Story time 说教材课题Asking the way第 1 课时主讲稿 教材简析 本部分的场景和话题是unit 2 story time的延续。Yangling 想去 Suhai 的新家看一看,但是不知道怎么走。课文由两个场景组成, 场景一是yangling在电话里询问suhai 去她家的路线,场景二是 yangling 在途中迷路了,向警察问路。 教学 目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读cinema, hospital, shop, zoo等地点类单词. 2、能初步运用句型How do I get to …? 及回答:Go along … Get on/ off … Turn left/ right … 3、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事. 4、学生能在理解的基础上合作朗读故事. 教学 重难点 1、能听懂,会读,会说,会用How do I get to …? 及回答:Go along this street. Turn left/ right at the traffic lights. Get on/ off … at …Station. You can see the … on the left/ right. 2、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事. 说教法教学策略 (教法设 计) 游戏教学法、模仿练习法、合作学习法 教学媒体 使用 单词卡片,人物图片,多媒体


Book 1 Unit3 1.prefer vt 更喜欢,选择某物(而不选其他) ①prefer A/doing to B/doing 更喜欢A…比起B ②prefer to do rather than do 宁愿干…而不愿意干 ③prefer sb to do sth宁愿让某人干某事 ④preference n 偏爱,最喜欢的东西 I much 猫和狗之间我更喜欢狗。 他更喜欢读书胜过玩。 He prefers reading .= He prefers to 2.fare(公共汽车,火车,出租车等的)车费,(飞机等的)票价 ①a bus/taxi fare 公共汽车费、出租车费 ② an air fare 飞机票价 ③ travel at half/full fare 半价、全价旅行 辨析fare 与fee fare 指乘坐公共汽车、轮船、出租车等的交通工具费用。 fee 常用复数fees,指①给律师、医生等的专业人员的服务费、酬金②报名费entry fee ③(加入俱乐部)会费entrance fee If you want to join, there is of $20入会需缴会费20美元。 3.reliable adj.可信赖的,可靠的 ①rely vi 依靠,依赖 ②rely on sb/sth 依靠某人/某物 ③rely on sb to do sth依靠某人做某事 You can you.你尽管信赖我,我一定会帮你。 4.view ①[c]观点,看法②[c]风景,景色③[u]视野④vt 观看;看待 拓展①in one’s view=in one’s opinion 据某人看来 ②in view of鉴于,考虑到,由于 ③in view 可以看到,在看得见的范围内反义词看不见,不在视野之内 ④come into view 进入视野 ⑤view作“景色”解时指从某一特定角度所看到的景色,尤指从高处或远处。have/get a good view of ,she is a fool.依我看,他是一个傻瓜 There was no shelter .举目四望,看不到可以栖身的地方。 This hotel has a very good location. You can have a good from here. 5.ever since 从那以后(至今),常与现在完成时态连用。 since 可作介词、连词或副词,所以其后可加时间名词、从句或单独使用。常与现在完成时态连用 I want to see how much he has changed . 我想看看自从上次看见他后,他的变化有多大。 She left school three years ago and as a nurse . She as a nurse three years ago. She as a nurse she school three years ago. 她三年前毕业,从那时起便一直当护士。 拓展It is / has been +时间段+since从句,若从句谓语为瞬间动词,意为“自从…至今已经多久了”。若从句谓语为持续性动词,意为“自不…至今已经多久了”。 It’s five years since I started the project. It’s five years since I worked in the factory.


教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

识字5 教学目标: 知识与技能:1、认识10个生字,会写8个生字。 2、能够正确、流利地朗读谚语,感悟言语中包含的道理。 过程与方法:1、在读中感悟谚语的意思,并联系实际深化对谚语的理解。 2、鼓励学生永学过的方法自主识字。 情感态度价值观:1、有积累谚语的兴趣。2、懂得与人团结合作。教学重点:在熟读谚语的基础上,用学过的方法自主识字。积累谚语。 教学难点:感悟谚语所包含的道理。 教具准备:生字卡片、课件 教学课时:两课时 教学过程: 课前预习(自主预习,有效内化) 第一课时 课时目标:熟读谚语,积累谚语;自主识记生字,理解谚语,感悟谚语中包含的道理。 一、创设情境(导入新课,激趣诱思) 二、自主探究(检测预习,发现问题) 1、自读课文,读准字音,读通句子。 2、出示带拼音生字,小老师领读。 3、去拼音,自由读,开火车读。 4、记住字形:学生交流识字方法,如换偏旁、猜字谜、组词识字等。 三、合作交流(合作探究,分层提高) 1、自读谚语:想想每个谚语的意思。 2、小组里说说自己对每个谚语的理解, 3、选择你喜欢的一条谚语,读给大家听,并说说你为什么喜欢这一条谚语? 4、教师范读,学生仿读。 5、师生、生生对读:体会谚语前半句和后半句的对应关系。 6、全班齐读。 四、写字指导,掌握结构 1.引导学生认真观察“我会写”中的8个字。组织学生讨论在书写中应注意什么?

2.师范写,生书空。 3.生描红练习,教师有意识地指导难写的字: 4.书写展示,相互评价,引导学生把不好写的字多写几遍。 五、总结评价(总结全文,升华感情) 第二课时 课时目标:能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,继续背诵谚语;正确书写生字。 一、复习导入 二、自主探究(检测预习,发现问题) 1、结合生活实际识字。 2、齐读课本中的谚语。 三、合作交流(合作探究,分层提高) 1.读中你发现了什么?你还发现什么?让学生自由议论。 2.组内说自己对每一句谚语的理解,也可以提出不懂的地方。 如:(1)“人心齐,泰山移”图片抗洪,加深对谚语的理解。 (2)“人多计谋广,柴多火焰高。理解“计谋”的意思。 (3)“一根筷子容易折,一把筷子难折断”。 指导学生可以从字面上理解,了解容易的反义词是困难。 (4)“树多成林不怕风,线多搓绳挑千斤”。 (5)一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。出示春天的画面 师:春天是怎样的景象?(百花盛开),出示画面 3.选择自己喜欢的谚语,读给大家听,并说说自己喜欢的理由。 4.四、拓展提升(适度提升,有效延伸) 1.师生对读,体会每句谚语中前半句和后半句之间的联系,再齐读全文 2.小组学习,让小组与组对口令。 3.背5句谚语。 五、总结评价(总结全文,升华感情) 板书设计: 教学反思:


全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案设计

A. He doesn’t li ke her at all. B. He is a bit proud of her and admires her. C. He has to obey her because she is his sister. D. He thinks that her knowledge of geography is very poor. (2)Altogether there are______________ people who have to take the great bike trip. A. one B. two C. three D. four (3)According to the text, which of the following statements is not true? A. Wang Kun thinks that it is too cold and too high to start their trip in Qinghai. B. They found a large atlas with good maps in the library. C. At first, the Mekong River is small, and the water is clear and warm. D. The Mekong River finally flows into the South China Sea. (4)Which is the proper order according to the text? a. The Mekong River enters the South China Sea. b. The Mekong River begins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountain. c. At first, the Mekong River is small, and the water is clear and col d. d. The Mekong River enters Southeast Asia. e. The Mekong River travels across western Y unnan Province. f. The Mekong River leaves China. A. b, c, e, f, a, d B. b, c, e, f, d, a C. c, b, e, f, d, a D. c, b, f, e, a, d (5)It can be inferred from the passage that Wang Kun is a______________ person. A. brave B. kind C. timid D. careful 3. Language problems(猜测词义、分析长难句) While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems to see whether the students can guess the meanings of new vocabulary such as persuade, determined, altitude, etc. 1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. (It is/was. . . who/that. . . ) 2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey there. (insist that sb. do. . . ) 3. She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind. (the Attributive Clause) 4. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province. (the present participle used as adverbial) 4.Retell the text. 5.小组讨论、模拟采访:The students discuss in pairs: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and different attitudes about the trip (Comprehending Exercise 3 on Page 19).Then suppose you are a reporter and give an interview to your partner. Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the trip Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think. . . 1. 2. Wang Wei believes. . . 1. 2.


Unit 5 Theme Parks 集体备课教案 辉云辉艳 Knowledge aims: 1.Get the students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit. 2.Let the students to get some information about parks and theme parks. 3.Develop students’ ability in reading and speaking English. 4.Get some knowledge about word-formation. Ability aims: 1.Learn to retell the passage according to their own notes. 2.Get some knowledge about word-formation , try to use it to guess the meaning of a new word. Emotion aims: 1.Get some knowledge about parks and theme parks, and get to know that theme parks can offer us not only amusement, but also kinds of knowledge and exciting experiences. 2.Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning. The first period: Warming-up& word study. Step1. Warming up Boys and girls, summer holiday is approaching, right? Do you have any plans? Do you want to visit some places of interest. Now I will show you some famous parks. Step 2.Show some pictures of the theme parks and other kinds of parks. Here are some questions on page 33. Discuss these questions with your partner. 1. What is a park? (Park is a large public area of land with grass and trees etc, where people can go in order to relax or enjoy themselves.) What is a park for?(for relaxation and entertainment) 2. Do you know the differences between a theme park and an ordinary park? Give the students several minutes to discuss then ask 2-3 students to state their ideas. Referring answers: Traditional parks: little activities Cost little or no money Theme parks: provide entertainment (enjoy unusual experience) a variety of things to see and do (broaden horizen) charge money for admission. (make profits) After knowing this, let’s come to the vocabularies. Step 3 .Vocabularies List some new words on the blackboard and give the explanation to students. Step4 Homework 1.周报词汇地带。 2.预习课文:Reading task。 Period 2&3 Reading and comprehending


Unit 3 Reading - Journey down the Mekong 教案 Homework: fill in the blanks Table 1. Learning strategy 1.__________________________________________________ Table 2. Countries Pronunciations Meanings Myanmar Laos Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Learning strategy 2.__________________________________________________ Table 3. Group the words and expressions. like, dislike, agree, disagree, persuade, change one ’s mind, be fond of, care about, shortcoming, make up one ’s mind, determined, give in, stubborn. Positive Negative Neutral (中立的) Learning strategy 3.__________________________________________________ Words I know(similar/related)New words journey schedule cycle 1.altitude ____________ 2.valley______________ 3.glacier_____________ 4.rapids_____________ 5.waterfall____________ 6.delta_______________ 7.plain (n.)_______________ 8.meander (v.)_______________


必修一 Unit 3Travel Journal Reading 教学设计 一、教材分析: 本单元围绕traveling这一主题开展听、说、读、写各种教学活动。这一话题能激发学生热爱旅游、热爱生活、热爱大自然;同时培养他们的想象力、发散性思维和实事求是以及科学探索冒险精神。 经过前一个课时“Warming”、“Pre-reading”等的预热与酝酿,学生对本单元的话题已有了初步的接触和期待,在好奇心的驱使下,正满怀激动兴奋的热情地要与老师和同学们一同领略和探讨本课时将呈现给大家的是怎样的一篇全新天地呢!本课时Reading主要介绍了姐弟俩的美好旅游梦想与计划的整个前后过程和经历感受,颇令人兴奋感动而极具鼓动性,的确是一篇好游记。通过本课时的学习,学生将学到本单元的精髓,即本单元主题下的相关重要词汇、重要句型、重要语法项目——定语从句以及相关的用语,从中感受英语语言的魅力并在接下来真正学习领会化为己有,真正让“语言输入”转为“语言输出”。 二、学生分析: 学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿,我们教师在教学设计以及教学过程等方面应突出以学生为主体的思想。高中生学习基础、学习能力参差不齐,两极分化严重。因此需要多层次、多方位的教学。本课时的教学活动是要先让学生学了Travel Journal为主题的相关词汇、重要的短语和句子、定语从句的运用、在其中感受英语文化以及进一步对相关英语语言的运用。本课时的话题贴近学生的生活实际、以一定的生活常识为背景和一定的知识为基础,因刺激教师可利用学生已有的生活经验,及所学的语言知识,使学生对语言学习感兴趣。 三、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: New words:journal, fare, transport等。 Functional sentences:Have a good day / time ! Good luck! Enjoy yourself !Best wishes to you.等。 2、语言技能目标: 通过设计的各种活动,学会用英语交流旅游计划,谈论旅游的行为规范、旅游工具、旅游必备品及相关旅游注意事项。使学生从所提供的各种材料里获取信息,运用语言组织能力来表达自己的观点并正确使用现在进行时表示将来的用法。 3、情感目标: 了解旅游时的交通工具、旅游必备以及相关的旅游注意事项,激发学生对大自然的热爱和旅游的兴趣。

PEP人教版三年级上册英语第五单元Unit 5 集体备课教案教学反思

Unit 5 Let’s eat! 教材分析 本单元学习的主题是食物。教学内容主要是围绕孩子们在家里和在郊外用餐时发生的故事来展开的。教学重点是能够听懂、会说核心句型“I’m hungry.”“Have some…”“I’d like some…”“Here you are.”“You’re welcome.”;能够听、说、认读单词“bread, juice, egg, milk, water, cake, fish, rice”。 教学目标知识目标: 句型 ·能听懂、会说句型“I’m hungry.”“Have some…”“I’d like some…”“Here you are.”“You’re welcome.” 词汇 ·能听、说、认读单词“bread, juice, egg, milk, water, cake, fish, rice” 字母与语音 ·能正确听、说、读、写字母Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt并知道其在单词中的发音 能力目标: ·能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型“I’d like some…”“Can I have some…?”表达想吃的食物以及用“Here you are.”“Have some…”为别人提供食物或请别人吃东西 ·能够在情境中运用句型“Thank you./Thanks.”表达感谢及用“You’re welcome.”作答 ·听到字母能说出其对应的发音 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标: ·能够比较中西方早餐的异同,了解中西方餐具和菜谱的不同 ·能够建立单词音、义、形之间的联系,整体学习单词 课时安排第一课时: Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play 第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Let’s do 第三课时: Part A Letters and sounds 第四课时: Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play 第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Let’s do 第六课时: Part B Start to read & Let’s check & Let’s sing

译林版英语77AUnit5 集体备课教案

课题7A Unit 5 Comic strip &Welcome to the unit 课型New 教学目标To master some new words and names of festivals and useful exressions. Learn famous Chinese festivals and western festivals and learn how to celebrate them. Guess the meaning of the words according to the pictures. Discuss favourite festivals. 教学重点To talk about festivals and know what to do on that day. To master useful expressions. 教学难点To talk about festivals and know what to do on that day. To master useful expressions. 教学过程 集体备课备课札记 Step 1 Revision Ask two students to say something about their likes and dislikes. Step 2 Presentation 1.Do you like eating moon cakes? When do we eat them? What do we do on that day? All the family get together and have a big dinner. We also enjoy the full moon. (moon cakes, at Mid-autumn Festival; get together; have a big dinner; enjoy the full moon) 2.Are there any other festivals do you like? (Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival) What can we do on that day? (get losts of nice presents/ red packets/ eat rice dumplings/ watch dragon boat races) 3.Do you know what festivals are popular in western countries? (Christmas/ Halloween/ Thanksgiving Day) 4.What people do on that day or h? (eat turkey, dress up as a ghost, ask for candies) 5.Read those new words and phrases after the teacher. Step 3 Practice https://www.360docs.net/doc/6410147257.html,lie is writing a list of festivals in Part A. Let’s help her write the names of the festivals under the pictures. 2.After checking answers, read them together. Step 4 Practice https://www.360docs.net/doc/6410147257.html,lie and Tommy are chatting online about their favourite festivals. Let’s read their dialogue by yourselves first. 2.Answer questions: What’s Tommy’s favourite festival? Why does he like it best? What’s Millie’s favourite festival? What does she do on that day?
