


Approved swatch 已批的布办

Autolock zipper 自动锁拉链

Back stitches 回针/返针

Poor back-stitches 回针不佳

Poor stitching 缝合不良

Poor repair stitching 接线不良

Poor join stitching 驳线欠佳

Poor hand stitching 手缝不良

Poor stitching on hemmed bottom 裤脚环口线步差Bling hemming stitch 暗缲针法

Bad joined stitches 驳线不良

Broken stitches 断线

Broken embroidery stitches 断绣花线

Broken hole 破洞

Broken yarn 断纱

Bubbling 起泡

Bump at placket edge 筒边钮门位不顺直

Buttonhole placket 门襟、钮牌

Center back rides up 后幅起吊

Center back ride up 后中起吊

Checks/stripes not match 格子/条子不对称

Checks/Stripes not matching 不对格/条

Checks/stripes matching 对格/条

Collar points high/low 领尖高低,领尖不对称Color fading 褪色

Color fastness problem 褪色问题

Color fastness 色牢度

Color fibre woven in 杂色纤维织入

Color shading 色差

Color thread left inside 藏色线

Trapped color thread 藏色线

Color too dull/bright 颜色太哑/闪

Color yarn 色纱

Mixed color yarn 色纱

Rough yarn 粗纱

Combi program 配色组合(combi=combination)Contrast color 撞色

Crease mark 折痕

Crease edges 折边

Permanent crease mark 死痕

Crease mark on collar 领有死痕

Pressing mark 压痕(熨烫)

Body pressing 衫身熨烫

Crocking test 摩擦测试

Wet crocking 湿磨

Wet rub 湿擦

Dry rub 干擦

Crossed back vent 背衩搅(重叠太多)

Side vent 摆叉; 边衩

Cuff edge not level 袖口边不平齐,介英边高低Dirty dot (较小的)污点

Dirty spot (较大的)污点

Black mark 污点、不良记录、不足之处Dirty mark 污渍

Drop test 跌落测试

Excess extension 突咀

Fabric defect 织物疵点;布疵

Material defect 材料缺陷;布疵

Fabric too closed to zipper 面布车得太贴近拉链Pocket flap stick up 袋盖反翘

pleated sewing 车缝打褶

pleated press 熨褶痕

flying up 翘起,飞起

carton sticker 外箱贴纸

polybag sticker 胶袋贴纸

Gapping 藏木虱(烫工)

Glaze mark 起镜、起极光

Hem not level 高低脚、下摆边不平齐

High-low pocket 高低袋

Hiking at bottom of placket 前筒吊脚

Placket shirt 半开襟套衫

Cover placket 暗门襟fly placket

Seam placket 接缝线开口、贴边开口缝

Placket length 口袋长

Clothes placket 衣服门襟

Zipper placket 拉链式开口

Placket cuffs 门襟和袖口

Placket width 前筒宽、门襟宽、胸贴宽

Uneven placket width 筒阔欠均匀

front placket width 门襟宽; 前片宽

band width 带宽; 视频带宽; 频带宽度; 频率宽度NECK WIDTH 颈阔; 领宽; 领阔; 颈宽

neck band width 领贴阔

neck trim width 领边宽

neck rib width 领罗纹宽


neck piece width 领贴阔

neck strip width 领贴阔

neck tape width 领子宽

hiking up 起吊

horizontal seam not level 水平缝骨不对称inner cuff visible 介英反光、袖头止口反吐underply turn out 反光

underply visible outside 反光

iron mark 烫痕

knot 结头

last size specification 最新尺寸表

lining too full/tight 里布太多/太紧major defect 大疵

match color 配色

computer match color 电脑配色

match and color 匹配和颜色; 比赛和颜色

match in color 色彩搭配; 色彩协调material defect 物料疵点

material incoming quality defect 来料不良minor defect 小疵点

neck drop pucker 筒顶起皱

back neck drop 后领深

front neck drop 前领

needle damage 针损坏布料

damage caused needle 针孔

needle hole 针孔

off grain 布纹歪斜

oil stain 油渍

open seam 爆口

overlapped collar 叠领、踏领overlapped lips 叠唇

over press 熨烫过度

over wash 洗水过度

placket bottom spread open 筒脚张开

placket wavy 前筒起皱

placket sewing 打褶

Pleated frill 折叠的花边; 褶叠边饰

Pleated seam 骨位打褶

pleated gown 褶裥长衫

pocket opening spray open 口袋笑口

smiling pocket 口袋笑口

Pocket is smiling 袋口开得不吻合

poor ironing (poor pressing) 烫工差;烫工不良previous shipment 以前走的货

production status 生产情况

pucker 起皱、皱纹

seam pucker 缝骨起皱; 缝骨皱褶

QC sticker QC贴纸

Sticker 贴纸

Raw edge 散口

Run off stitches 落坑

Printing scrimp 印花裂痕

Transfer printing转移印花; 转印; 转印法; 移印Seam overturn 缝头方向错,[粤]止口反骨Seam in waste 车缝时混有杂物

Shading garment to garment 衫与衫之间色差

Color shading within one garment裁片色差,衣服裁片色差Shipment under consignment 寄卖

Short shipment 短装、装载不足;短卸;短货Skipped stitches 跳线

skipped stitches-chainstitch 跳针

slanting pocket mouth 袋口斜

slant pocket 斜插袋;斜袋;斜开口袋slub 毛粒

stitches not is seam shadow 缝线没有被盖住substitute fabric 代用布
