

International Business Culture

Chapter 1 Introduction

1. About this course

*It has become commonplace knowledge that globalization is one of the major forces shaping our world. If we look at the spread of information, ideas, capital, media, cultural artifacts — or for that matter, people — we can see the boundaries and borders that have historically separated one country or one group from another are becoming more and more permeable. For proof of this close to home, you need only to look at the transnational corporations in our country. Most students study hard in order to get a chance to work in the transnational corporations. Even if you have a company of your own, it’s still necessary for you to deal with business with people from different countries. Introduction

*“International Business Culture”is designed to help you meet the challenges of living in a world in which, increasingly, you will be asked to interact with people who may not be like you in fundamental ways. Its overarching goals are to help you become sensitive to intercultural communication differences, and to provide you with the knowledge and skills that will help you interact successfully with people from cultures other than your own. We hope the course will accomplish those goals by exposing you to Charles Mitchell’s book on this subject, and by giving you a variety of opportunities to practice intercultural communication yourself.


2. Course aim: to improve culture awareness mainly through reading activities, together with some presentation exercises.

Course duration: 1st— 16th week (2(3) periods weekly)

Course requirements: 4Ps

Presence: to show up for class

Punctuality: to attend on time

Preparation: to preview the text

Presentation: to be active in team work

*What is culture?

*What are the core elements of culture?

*Why is learning culture important?

*To what extent can culture have a significant impact on international business?

*Can you give some examples of cultural difference or culture clash?

Concepts of “culture”








What can you see in this picture

*Old woman, lined face, grey hair

*Young lady, long eyelash, smooth skin

Chapter 1 Understanding Cultural Differences

Global Background

*Multicultural business environment

*Winning acceptance from foreign colleagues

*People from different cultures process information in different ways.

*Culture affects the most basic forms of personal and business interaction.

*National culture determines corporate culture.

Case of Disneyland


*why the company of Disneyland whose headquarters is in U.S.A had successfully opened a Disney park in Japan but failed to copy the success in France?

*What advice would you give to resolve the dispute over the sprinkle system?

*What details should EuroDisney have noticed in its daily operation?

*How do you understand the comment of the securities analyst “…the devil is often in the cultural details. They can make or break you.”?

Detailed reasons:

*Underestimation of French attachment to the land.

*Lawyers, rather than executives, are employed to negotiate.

*Defiance of French law.

*Ignorance of French working norms of dress code.

*Misunderstanding of European dining habits.

*Ignorance of European consumer patterns

Definition of Culture

*“it is everything”

*“it is opera, art, and ballet”

*sociologists, anthologists, psychologists, physiologists, linguists, etc.

Dictionary definition:

*the customs, beliefs, art, music, and all the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time; artistic and other activity of the mind and the works produced by this.

What is Culture?

*Software of the mind

*Culture is a set of learned core values, beliefs, standards, knowledge, morals, laws, and behaviors shared by individuals and societies that determines how an individual acts, feels, and views oneself and others

Characteristics of Culture

1.Culture Is Learned (software of the mind)

socialization (primary socialization)

(=enculturation) (informal)

Socialization education (secondary socialization) (formal)

Interaction, observation, imitation

Internalized, habitual

A.We learn our culture through proverbs.

*Strike while the iron is hot.

*God helps those who help themselves.

* A man’s home is his castle.

*One does not make the wind but is blown by it.

*An iron pestle can ground down to a needle, perseverance will make success.

B.We learn our culture from folk tales, legends, and myths.

*Pinocchio’s nose growing larger

*Cinderella (USA: attractive, weak and passive; Japan: intellectual, gentleness; …)

C.We learn our culture through art.

*Art is a symbolic way of communicating

Asian countries, objects, animals, landscape

American and European countries, people (Artists try to create a personal message ) innovate, invent D. We learn our culture through mass media.

Innovation: is usually defined as the discovery of new practices, tools, or concepts that many members of the culture eventually accept and that may produce slight changes in social habits and behaviors.

*Diffusion: is the borrowing by one culture from another. Historically, diffusion has been part of cultural contact for as long as cultures have existed.

*Acculturation: as a type of cultural change, occurs when a society undergoes drastic culture change under the influence of a more dominant culture and society with which it has come in contact. Cultural Components


Verbal and non-verbal communication

Case of the American businesswoman making deal with British.


Case of the German investment banker in Vietnam.

*Conflicting attitudes

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Task-driven vs. relationship-driven

Case of the Canadian representative in China


*mirror of culture



*1). An obvious example of the effect on international business of religious beliefs is the prohibition of pork products and alcoholic beverages in the Middle East.

*2). Major holidays are often tied to religion.

*3). The role of women in business is tied to religion, especially in the Middle East, where they are not able to function as they would in the West. (implications?)

Values and Attitudes

*Values are shared beliefs or group norms that have been internalized by individuals. Attitudes are evaluations of alternatives based on these values.

Cultural values

primary, secondary, tertiary

Other key Components

*Manners and customs

*The arts



*Social organizations

Manners and Customs

*Understanding manners and customs is especially important in negotiations, because interpretations based on one’s own frame of reference may lead to a totally incorrect conclusion. Aesthetics

*Each culture makes a clear statement concerning good taste, as expressed in the arts and in the particular symbolism of color, form, and music.


*Education, either formal or informal, plays a major role in the passing on and sharing of culture. *Educational levels will have an impact on various business functions.

*If technology is marketed, the level of sophistication of the product will depend on the educational level of future users.

Social Institutions

* A.Social institutions affect the ways people relate to each other.

* B.The concept of kinship, or blood relations between individuals.

* C. Social organization also determines the roles of managers and subordinates and how they relate to one another.

Do Cultures Evolve?

*Forever evolving and reinventing itself.

The case of Moscow morph

The case of Japanese business values

Coping with Another Culture

*Accept it — and learn from the experience

View the differences as opportunities for creative solutions.

Religion and Islamic Banking

*Islamic Economic Order —based solely on the teachings of the Koran. It strives to build a society based on social justice, equity, and moderation.

*Islamic legal code — must conform to Shariah

Four basic techniques of Islamic banking






*Find as many definitions of “culture” as possible and which is the most appropriate in your mind and state your reasons.

*State the major changes taken place in Chinese culture (esp. busness-related)in recent decades and give specific examples.

*Find some more material about Islamic banking system and some unique features of Islamic trading . Make a short report by using ppt.

Introduction to Islamic Banking

Importance of Trade in Islam

*Islam has given an immense importance to trade.

*The nobility of this profession is obvious from the fact that it was the chosen profession of prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

Why Islamic Banking

*Before explaining the concept “what is Islamic Banking”the elaboration of concept “why Islamic Banking” is very important.

*Islam is a complete code of life that provides guidance regarding each aspect of life.

Why Islamic Banking

The primary objectives of Islamic Economic System:

*Equal distribution of wealth

*Social justice

These objectives can never be achieved in Interest/Riba economic systems.

What Is Islamic Banking

*Islamic banking has been defined as banking in consonance with the ethos and value system of Islam and governed, in addition to the conventional good governance and risk management rules, by the principles laid down by Islamic Shariah.

Difference Between Islamic and Conventional Banking

Islamic Banking

1. Functions and operations are based on Shariah principles

2. Promote risk-sharing between provider of capital(investor) and user of funds(entrepreneurs)

3. Aim at maximising profit but subject to Shariah restrictions

4. Partners, investor and traders, buyer or seller relationship

5. Based on money trading. Money is a medium of exchange and not a commodity, its sale and purchase is prohibited in Islam.

6. No right of profit is there is no risk involved. The profit and loss sharing depositor may lose money in case of loss.

Chapter 2 Basic Cultural Types

It refers to both the conditions that contribute to the way in which a people perceive and think about the world, and the manner in which they live in that world.

Cautionary remarks for one to better use the cultural types

*The value of the culture may not be the value of all individuals within the culture.

*It would be useful if you try to visualize each culture’s response to a specific pattern as a point on a continuum rather than one of only two possible responses.

*The pattern are interrelated with a host of other values and do not operate in isolation. Hofstede's Dimensions

Geert H. Hofstede was born on October 2, 1928 in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

Hofstede is most well known for his work on four dimensions of cultural variability: Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, Masculinity-Femininity, Individualism-Collectivism

Individualism vs Collectivism

*On individualist cultures Hofstede’s respondents said that individuals should look after their own interests and the interests of their immediate family (husband, wife, and children).

Traits of Highly Individualist Cultures

*Emphasis on individual initiative, decisions, and achievement.

*The belief that in society, everyone is supposed to take care of himself or herself and his or her immediate family

*Emotional independence of the individual from organizations or institutions

*The idea that the same value standards should apply to all: universalism


In Japan, “the nail that sticks up is pounded down”


In the former Soviet Union, “the highest blades of grass is always the first to be cut” that governed the attitude of the “have-nots” are valid reflection of collectivist societal attitudes.




Bothe express society’s intolerance of the placement of personal success over that of the group. Some examples

*In the United States executive pay is 28 times that of the average manufacturing worker and in South Africa it is 24 times. In Japan, the top executive earns only about 10 times the average worker’s pay.

*Business in Arab societies places far greater value on the loyalty of employees than they do on efficiency.

Case Study: Praising Japanese in Public Workplaces 在工作场所当众表扬日本人








*Questions for discussion





*According to Hofstede & Bond (1984), power distance is defined "as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally". In other words people in high power distance cultures are much more comfortable with a larger status differential than low power distance cultures.

Belief Patterns in High P-D Cultures

*There is and should be an order of inequality in which everyone has his or her rightful place: high and low are of different kinds and are protected by this hierarchical order.

* A few should be independent: most should be dependent.

*The way to change a social system is by dethroning those in power. There will always be conflict between the powerful and the power-less.

*Employees seek no decision-making role.

*Less individualistic

Uncertainty Avoidance

*This dimension refers to how comfortable people feel towards ambiguity and uncertainty. Cultures which ranked low (compared to other cultures), feel much more comfortable with the unknown. As a result, high uncertainty avoidance cultures prefer formal rules and any uncertainty can express itself in higher anxiety than those from low uncertainty avoidance cultures.

*Belief Patterns in High U-A Cultures

*High anxiety and stress: There is an inherent uncertainty in life that is a continuous threat.

*Weaker superegos and less showing of emotions: Assertive behavior is frowned upon .

*Strong need for consensus: Conflict and competition can unleash aggression and should therefore be avoided.

*Intolerance: Deviant persons and ideas are dangerous.

*Concerns with security in life: Conservatism, law, and order are essential.

*Achievement is defined in terms of security.

*Search for ultimate, absolute truths and values is ongoing.

*Written rules and regulations are needed.

*Belief in experts and their knowledge exists: Ordinary citizens are incompetent versus the authorities.

Case study: The IKEA in Germany







*Questions for discussion

*What kind of management style does IKEA have according to this case?

*Does it fit well in Germany?

*Do you think the IKEA way should adapt to the German conventions? If yes, what measures should be taken?

*What training should the German employees take in order to accept the IKEA way? Masculinity vs Femininity

*The words masculinity and femininity are not referred to men and women, but rather to the degree to which masculine or feminine traits prevail. Masculinity is the extent to which the dominant values in a society are male oriented and is associated with such behaviors as ambition, differentiated sex roles, achievement, and the acquisition of money, and signs of manliness. The more feminine cultures value interpersonal relationships, put quality of life before material acquisition and actively express concern for the less fortunate.

Belief Patterns in Highly Masculine Cultures

*Men should behave assertively and women should care.

*Sex roles in society should be clearly differentiated: father used as a model by boys; mother by girls.

*Men should dominate in all settings: there is a machismo (ostensive manliness) ideal; women can be kept ignorant.

*Weaker position of the mother in the family: male-dominated fertility decisions.

*Appreciate aggressiveness and assertiveness, respect the goal of material acquisition

*Success is the function of individual and society is made up of leaders and followers Assignment

*Group work: Analyze which cultural types Chinese business fits into and give some specific examples to support your arguments. Make a brief report by making ppt.

Time: Polychronic vs Monochronic

*Time is one of the fundamental bases on which all cultures rest and around which all activities revolve. Understanding the difference between monochronic time and polychronic time is essential to success. Monochronic time is characterized as linear, tangible, and divisible. Polychronic time, on the contrary, is characterized by "the simultaneous occurrence of many things and by a great involvement with people".

High-Context vs Low-Context

*High and low context refers to the amount of information that a person can comfortably manage. This can vary from a high context culture where background information is implicit to low context culture where much of the background information must be made explicit in an interaction. Relationship-Driven vs Task-Driven

*Relationship driven

— feminine culture

— high-context


Concepts of the Future

*Chinese —place greater emphasis on “time past”, value the continuation of tradition and established practices

*Americans — live more in the present and have a view towards the future

*Japanese — value tradition, have a longer time horizon; willing to absorb short-term losses in exchange for long-term gains

Sense of Time


In past-oriented societies, the cultural memory is rich and deep. People tend to look back at glorious past and believe tradition is important.


In present-oriented societies, the past and present often exist side by side.


Future-oriented societies often have a strong belief in progress and leaders feel less need to rewrite or reinterpret history. People intend to make plans for the future.


*Societies that are monochronic value punctuality. Societies that are polychronic are very ambivalent about promptness.

Cross-Cultural Success Tips

*Show empathy

*Be flexible

*Manage your responses

*Don’t go native

*Respect local customs

*Be aware of non-verbal communication

*Develop trust by combating mistrust

*Become involved

Chapter 3 The Impact of Culture

Regional Differences in a Given Culture

*The United States

Four basic regions: Northeast, South, Midwest, West


English and French cultures


Western Europe, Central or Middle Europe, Eastern Europe



Flemish people in the north, French-speaking Walloons in the south


Three distinct cultures: French, Italian and German


*Discuss the regional differences in a given culture other than those listed in the textbook, for example, regional differences in China.

The Value of Cultural Stereotypes


*Stereotypes are a means of organizing your images into fixed and simple categories that you use to stand for an entire collection of people. (Lippmann, 1922)

* A Stereotype is really a composite of the cultural mores of a society and in many cases can be

narrowed to a specific region.

* A stereotype is “…a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.” (Cardwell, 1996)

* A stereotype is a cognitive structure containing the perceiver’s knowledge , beliefs, and expectancies about some human social groups. (Abbate, Boca, & Bocchiaro)

*To stereotype is to formulate a standardized image of a group that assigns that group a number of characteristics that helps to simplify what would otherwise be a very complex task of identification. The features of stereotypes

*Overgeneralization, oversimplification and the often negative evaluations.

*In the same cultural group, people seemingly bear consistent stereotype.

*The stereotypes are both changeable and unchangeable.

*Embedded in single word, phrase or an image, or a combination of words and images. E.g. “Negros”, “Japs”小日本

The Sources of the stereotypes

*Firstly, stereotypes from their parents, relatives and friends. Parents’ behavior toward members of out groups serve as a model.

*Secondly, stereotypes are provided by the mass media such as television or radio.

*Finally, stereotypes develop through limited personal contact.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Stereotypes

*Advantages: Birds of a feather flock together.

Respond rapidly to situations

To be convenient, expeditious and assist you with classifications

*Disadvantages: Stereotypes hamper intercultural communication

Ignore differences between individuals

Make us feel superior, result in prejudice and discrimination

Half-truths, distortion, and often untrue premises

The Four Dimensions of stereotypes

*Direction: it refers to positive (favorable) and negative (unfavorable) aspects of statements.

*Intensity: it indicates the strength of a belief about a group of people.

e.g. “African Americans are very musical” or “the Japanese are a little bit short”

*Accuracy:not always false. Some of them maybe half-truths and others may be partially inaccurate.

*Content: vary in specific traits.

Sensible Stereotypes

*Cultural stereotypes is a kind of shorthand for helping an individual deal with the complexities of another culture. It does evolve and can help us trace the evolution of cultures.

Case of Japanese stereotypes

*Assignment: give a presentation of the evolution of Chinese stereotypes.

Case Discussion

*Imagine that your wallet was stolen by “a”Korean when you were travelling to Korea last summer. The incident ruined the whole trip there. When you came back, your friends asked how your trip to Korea was. You might have said, “those Koreans are thieves, they stole my wallet”.

The Cause of Stereotypes

The Effects of Culture Shock

*What is culture shock?

Culture shock is a psychological phenomenon that is experienced most often by those who, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in the process of adjusting themselves to a new culture. It is the trauma of bewilderment which people find themselves in when they are isolated in an alien culture.


Culture Shock

*Culture shock refers to the anxiety experienced when one experiences the loss of their home culture, family and support system and is confronted with the task of understanding a new culture. Culture shock is …

*…a strong, emotional reaction

*…a feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate

*…completely normal

*…different for each person


*set in after the first few weeks of coming to a new place

Stages of Culture Shock

*Initial enthusiasm and euphoria

*Irritability and negativism

*Gradual adjustment and adaption

*Integration and bi-culturalism

Stages of Cultural Adaptation

Stage One: Initial Euphoria/ The Honeymoon

*Arrive with great expectations and positive mindset

*Anything new is intriguing, fascinating and exciting

*Focus on similarities and how people everywhere are really very much alike

*May last from a week or two to a month or more

Stages of Cultural Adaptation

Stage Two: Irritation and Hostility

*Focus turns from similarities to the differences which are suddenly everywhere

*Become easily frustrated by the differences

*Often feel inadequate and unproductive

*Little difficulties become major sources of irritation

*Experience culture shock as the reality of the new life hits

Stages of Cultural Adaptation

Stage Three: Gradual Adjustment

*Has adopted some of the local values and feels less isolated

*Finds increased self-confidence

*Becomes integrated into a new social network

*Happens subtly and gradually

*Crisis over and slowly learn to function under new conditions

Stages of Cultural Adaptation

Stage Four: Adaptation or Biculturalism

*Increased enjoyment found in new customs and ways of doing/saying things

*Ability to function in two cultures with confidence

*Life may be just as good or even better than before

*Realization that there will be things you will miss when you pack up and return home —anticipate reality of reverse culture shock!

Stages of Cultural Adaptation

*Therefore, culture shock is not a one-time phenomenon

*Rather, it is a repetitive process of increasingly subtle immersion into a culture

*It often involves taking two steps forward and one step back.

Symptoms of Culture Shock

*Sadness, loneliness, melancholy

*Preoccupation with health

*Aches, pains, and allergies

*Insomnia, desire to sleep too much or too little

*Changes in temperament, depression, feeling vulnerable, feeling powerless

*Anger, irritability, resentment, unwillingness to interact with others

*Identifying with the old culture or idealizing the old country

*Loss of identity

*Trying too hard to absorb everything in the new culture or country

*Unable to solve simple problems

*Lack of confidence

*Feeling of inadequacy or insecurity

*Developing stereotypes about the new culture

*Developing obsession such as over-cleanliness

*Longing for family

*Feelings of being lost, overlooked, exploited or abused

Countering Culture Shock

*Culture shock is cyclical

*Maintain a sense of adventure

*Avoid cynicism

*Be a participant

*Express interest in learning

*Keep a journal

*Take care of your physical health

*Take walks — lots of them

*Join a health club

*Make a home

Reverse Culture Shock (Re-entry Shock)

*The often unexpected and difficult period of disorientation and readjustment experienced after returning to one’s own culture after an extended period of living abroad.

*Most people anticipate some degree of culture shock. V ery few people believe they will experience reverse culture shock.

Stages of Reverse Culture Shock (almost the same as those of Culture Shock)

*Initial Euphoria (may be very brief or not happen at all)

*Irritability and negativism (may be very lengthy)

*Gradual Adaptation

*True Bi-culturalism

*Here are some excerpts from the postcards of English students studying in China. Please identify they were written in which stage of culture shock.

Dear Joan,

Life here seems not so bad after all. The people are quite nice once you get to know them a little better and begin to figure out their way of looking at things. Guess I’m beginning —just beginning — to know the ropes.



Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m really feeling fed up with my life here and longing for home. Getting anything done over here is a nightmare — the locals are so lazy and unhelpful. And on top of all that I feel rundown and sleepy all the time, seem to have lost all my zest.



Dear Michael,

This is a fantastic place! So many interesting things to see, such as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven. Even wandering the streets is a delight with all the bustle and hordes of cyclists. I’m really happy I came.

Best wishes


Dear Nicky,

Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. I’ve been thinking about your question about what I find strangest about living in China — but the trouble is I’ve been here so long and have settled into the way of life so much that everything seems perfectly ordinary! So, if you want to find out you’ll have to come out to see for yourself with a fresh pair of eyes. I can be your guide!

Best wishes



Have you personally experienced any culture shock or heard that experience from others? How do you (they) cope with it?

Chapter 4 The Globalization of Business


the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and also through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology.

*What makes it possible for globalization?

--technology (computers) telecommunications revolution

* 3. advantages vs. disadvantages

*advantages :

*It’s a good chance for small-and medium-companies to take advantage of the new markets. (the global niche markets)

*It can improve the efficiency for the companies to deal with the business.

*Productivity will be boosted and living standards will be improved.


Globalization has triggered a “race to the bottom.”

--exportation of jobs

--localization by changing their characteristics (P40)

--a paradox: The more global a company becomes the more reliant it must become on local resources to distribute its products or services to new markets.

--How to deal with the paradox?

1) by learning to think globally and act locally

2) by encouraging a diversity of management

3) giving subsidiary operations in different countries a higher degree of autonomy than ever before

--more and more business travelers fly frequently to conduct business across borders

-- “ one-size-fits-all” set of standards for global business behavior (a world standard)

--The more a company expands into the global marketplace, the more it relies on local resources and caters to local preferences.

Assignment (group work)

*Find a company which can think globally and act locally. Try to collect useful information about the success of the company and discuss how the company tries to think globally and act locally. The following points can be served as your guideline.

*International strategy

*Localization strategy

*Marketing and services network at home and abroad

*Advertising strategy

*Earlier history, recent development and future expansion

--world standards vs. American standards

1)Many international businesspeople will argue that when talking about the globalization of business standards people really mean the Americanization of such standards.

2)It’s not necessary to worry about Americanization of such standards.

--the acceptance of a set of global standards

1)The actual achievement of a global ethics standard or a set of international corporate governance or accounting practices is probably still a long way off.

2)The devil is in the details.

3) The reality is that despite many commonalities and a move toward global standards, there is still ample room for localization and assimilation.

Global Business and Local Cultures

Globalization of national economies and business has had a great impact on capital, technology and trade flows but it has also had a major impact on national values, thought processes and the actions of people, organizations and institutions.

(P45)McDonald’s first restaurant in Russian

McDonald's has influenced the Russian from these aspects:





*Give us some examples to show the advantages and disadvantages of Globalization.

*What advantages and disadvantages does China have in joining the WTO? Search the Internet to find supporting information,

*Will China have more risks than benefits from joining the WTO in the long run?

Chapter 5Customs Etiquette and Protocol

I: The Importance of Appropriate Etiquette and Protocol

1. It can instill an individual with confidence to handle almost any situation in any culture.

2.It can help you embellish the company image.

3.It can make you stand out as a world-savvy individual in a competitive global market.

4. Your manners are often counted as highly as your knowledge of your subject matter or your brilliance at the negotiation table.

II. Defining Business Etiquette and Protocol

protocol—the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence and etiquette.

etiquette—conventional requirements as to proper social behavior.

Protocol is what to do in a given situation.

Etiquette is how to do it—and how to do it gracefully.


*In Switzerland, punctuality is of prime importance.

*It is rude not to be on time for a meeting. If you must be late for some valid reason, call ahead and reschedule as soon as you know you might be late.

III. Cultural Differences in Business Etiquette and Protocol

*Initial Business Relationship

*Social Entertainment

*Business Dress

*Gift-giving Etiquette

*Business Scheduling

*The Use of Humor


*Initial Business Relationship

First impressions are made only once but are remembered for a long time.

Being sensitive to cultural variations when making initial business relationships will ensure that your first encounter with a person from another country will leave a positive impression. Elements—initial contacts, naming systems, and business card etiquette.

*initial contacts—making an appointment through a brief telephone call, writing a formal letter of request, the use of a “go-between”.

eg: Latin America (Mexico): a month in advance

Egypt: an Egyptian contact

Africa: intermediary

“The friends of our friends are our friends.”

2). naming systems(P49-52)

South Korean President Kim Young Sam’s

wife: Mrs. Sohn Myong-suk,

How to address: Mrs. Kim or Mrs. Sohn


如西班牙前元首弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥(Francisco Franco),其全名是:弗朗西斯科·保利诺·埃梅内希尔多·特奥杜洛·佛朗哥·巴蒙德(Francisco Pauolino Hermenegildo Teodulo Franco Bahamonde)。前四节为个人名字,倒数第二节为父姓,最后一节为母姓。简称时,用第一节名字加父姓。












best strategy: be aware that there are differences in global naming systems and the differences can often be subtle. If you are not 100% certain, ask.

3). Business card etiquette

*Europe--an expected part

the Middle East, the Pacific, Asia, and the Caribbean—the norm (a meaningful ritual)

the United States—a casual informality

b) How to prepare a card

c) How to present your card

d) How to receive the card

2.Social Entertainment

1) conversational taboos: not talk about politics, religion, race and negative history; just say something about sports, family, food or travel experiences.

Assignment: find as many taboos as possible in specific cultures and make a report of it.

2) social occasion: includes business meals and after-hour meetings, a good chance to reinforce your relationships (time of dining, the manner of eating(P56)

Don’t talk about your business during breakfast time.

*Accept any invitation

*Meal times vary in different cultures

a light breakfast—the king lunch—a light meal

c) It’s quite possible for you to be faced with sth. you don’t like. Accept it & swallow it.

3) drinking protocol:

alcohol—the lubricant in most countries except in the United States.(P57-60)

*Prepare something cheery or witty to say.

*Social drinking is part of relationship building.

*Some ways to escape: nursing one drink throughout the evening; pretending to be drunk after one or two drinks; using a substitute ; trying to outfox your partner.

Dining Etiquette Rules

*P 62-63

* 3.Business Dress

*--“Your clothes can be your best friend or your worst enemy.”

*-- An expensive watch is usually noticed and is considered a subtle symbol of success and prosperity in just about every culture.

*-- international business uniform:

*men: a dark suit, white shirt, and conservative tie

*Women: a knee-length dress or skirt, high-cut blouse, and comfortable shoes

*--color counts

*Don’t wear black or solid white in Thailand (funeral connotations)

*Avoid wearing all white in China. (mourning)

*In the U.S., black is typical worn at funerals but has no special significance in business situations

*Green is color of Islam.

*It’s probably a good thing the businessman did not wear his green tie in the Czech Republic where green is the symbol for poison and toxic materials.


*do you know some other color hints in different cultures?

*Is it true that cultures attribute different characteristics to different colors? Can you give one example to support your point of view?

Some International Styles

*The United States:

*You can’t judge a book by its cover.

*France: style and quality

*1)They do not own a lot of clothes but what they do own is of the highest quality.

*2) dark suits, colorful ties, a designer briefcase

*3) The do not tolerate being frumpy.

*Russia: It’s the shoes.

*High expectations of partner’s clothes.

*Pay more attention to shoes—status symbols

South Africa: frumpishly elegant

Style: simple, frumpish, elegant

businessmen: long-sleeved shirts

businesswomen: rarely wear trousers

*Brazil: a casual elegance

*be obsessed with style, be more casual than the French.

*Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states: modesty over comfort

*Visiting males—international business “uniform”

*Visiting women—keep their arms, legs and ankles covered. Long skirts are the most appropriate, with sleeves at elbow length or longer and necklines that high.

*India: British roots

*quite formal

*Don’t wear or carry leather.

*Japan: conservative but high quality

*Men: conservative suits, white shirts and unexciting neckties

*Women: smart skirts without any flashy accessorizing, conservative business dress, with jewelry and perfume at a minimum.

*Don’t ignore the details.


*Do you think clothes make the man or the woman? Do you agree with the idea that how you look goes a long way in leaving a great first impression?

*Why does the author say that your image as a professional may be clouded and you send the wrong signal to your foreign colleagues?

*How do you understand the sentence “the room to be inventive in business dress and toleration for local custom has diminished”?

*What kind of clothes should businesspeople who go to tropical climes wear? Is it alright for them to wear casual clothes?

5. A saleswoman in a department store and a female executive in charge of the store in America, who should be more apt to be better dressed?

6. Do French businessmen prefer the standard attire? Will they accessorize their dark suits with colorful ties or carry a designer briefcase?

7. What is your advice about what kind of clothes to wear if some Chinese managers go to Brazil to do business with their business partners in Brasilia?

8. What is the formal dress for an Israeli man? Why were neckties once shunned in Israeli? Do Israelis

still snicker at suit-and-tie-clad businesspeople?

4. Gift-giving Etiquette(P121)

1) the value of gift giving

----a) respect & reflect the company image

b) please and honor the recipient

---- a) any gift you present should be manufactured in your home country.

b) gifts with company logos should be used as small token only, not as a major sign of appreciation.

2) gift-giving customs

*gift-giving in Japan

favorite gifts: imported liquor, consumables of high quality, and design-made products. musical tapes and CDs are also good choices.

Never surprise the receiver

Wrap the gift

Don’t insist that the receiver open the gift then and there

Give and receive gifts with both hands

Comment on the modesty and insignificance of your gift

The value of a gift befits the status of the recipient

Gifts are usually exchanged at the end of a visit

Try not to get caught empty-handed

Cash handouts should be avoided

Style is just as important as substance

b) gift-giving in America

Lavish, extravagant gifts are definitely out.

Put your company name on, or at least near the gift.

Wrapping a business gift is not necessary.

Gifts are opened in front of the giver.

*C) gift-giving in China

*Things are suggested: desk accessories, kitchen gadgets, framed paintings, decorated items for the home, books, pans, lighters, whiskey, calculators and watches, a cellular phone or small CD player, stamps, flowers and food, etc.

*Things to avoid: foreign currency, cheese, green headwear, sharp objects like knives, clocks, handkerchiefs, umbrella, or white flowers, etc.

*d) gift-giving in some other cultures

*Be aware of superstitions and taboos related to gifts in different cultures:

*France: Avoiding giving gifts to the French until a personal relationship has been developed. Avoid gifts of perfume or wine.

*Germany: Gifts to Germans should not be wrapped in black, brown, or white. In Germany, roses and chrysanthemums are not considered appropriate. Flowers also must be in uneven numbers, and they must be taken out of the paper before being presented, unlike the custom in Britain.

*Britain: A striped tie is not an appropriate gift to a British man.

*Latin America: Avoid gifts of a knife or handkerchief to persons in Latin America.

*Arab: Avoid gifts of liquor or wine for an Arab.

*India: Avoid giving any gifts made of cowhide.

*Islamic countries: Exercise restraint in admiring personal possessions.

Be aware what gifts are appropriate: inexpensive, well-thought-out gifts, not lavish expenditures Recognize the significance of numbers in gift giving:

Thailand: 3

China: 8,9


Know when to present the business gift:

Korea: business gifts are usually given at the beginning of formal negotiations.

Germany: business gifts are seldom exchanged at the beginning of negotiations but may be given at their conclusion.

Latin American countries: present gifts only at the conclusion of negotiations.

When dining in a person’s home in Western Europe, present your gift when you arrive so that it does not appear to be intended as payment for the meal.

*Example 1:

* A Grand Rapids, Michigan, export manager once entertained a group of valued Japanese customers. Knowing the Japanese propensity for gift giving, the American placed a small, boxed gift near each place setting at the dinner table. He had chosen a small Swiss penknife as his gift. After the group was seated, he insisted the guests open their presents. Each guest reluctantly opened his package, and the American executive was greeted with a stony silence.

Example 2

A West Virginia executive, visiting Germany for the first time, was invited to the home of his largest customer. He decided to be gallant and bring his hostess a bouquet of flowers. He selected a dozen red roses. To his surprise, his customer was not very pleased to receive his present.

* 5. Business Scheduling

*Office hours 9 a.m. to 5p.m., Monday

*through Friday

*The lunch period U.S. 30m-60m

*Europe 60m-90m

*The holidays and holy days

*Superstitions: U.S. 13

*Japan: 4

6. The Use of Humor

Chapter Six

Communicating Across Cultures


1.High road, low Road

1). low-context cultures vs. high-context cultures


2).Two important rules of thumb to remember:

a. Don’t be overconfident

b. Use uncomplicated descriptive language to explain your position.


英伦阳光幼儿园幼教部集教活动计划 执行教师:刘丽 2016年11月9日 活动名称《青蛙过河》 活动目标1、学习立定跳远和助跑跨跳的动作技能 2、提高跑、跳的能力,锻炼体能,发展肢体动作的灵活性和协调性 3、在难度逐步提高的游戏中,主动参与,大胆尝试,挑战自我 活动准备绳子-“尾巴”若干、鳄鱼装饰1-2个、平衡木、沙包若干、筐1-2个 活动重难点活动重难点: 重点:指导幼儿双脚用力蹬地,学习向前摆动双臂助力的技巧,两脚同时起跳同时落地 难点:进行助跑跨跳的动作 活动过程一、小蝌蚪变变变 1.我们一起把绳子围成一个大大的、圆圆的池塘,来做“小蝌蚪变变变”的游戏吧。 2.教师边示范边讲解这一热身运动的动作,幼儿观察并跟随教师模仿练习。动作如下:(1)身体趴在地上,双手合放在背上,利用上身的扭动移动身体;(2)蝌蚪长出两条后腿:身体趴在地上,用两条腿连续蹬地并扭动身体前进;(3)蝌蚪长出两条前腿:四肢匍匐爬行;(4)变成青蛙起跳:模仿青蛙跳跃的动作,做全身运动。 二、青蛙跳田埂 1.现在小蝌蚪变成了青蛙。你们知道青蛙有什么本领吗?青蛙不仅会唱歌,还会蹦蹦跳。大家一起来学学青蛙跳田埂。 2.教师用平衡步道作田埂(一块一块间隔、两块两块间隔等),设置活动路线,通过不断增加高度和宽度来提高活动难度。幼儿可选择不同难度的场地进行练习。教师指导要点如下: (1)要求幼儿从同一方向进行跳跃活动。起跳时,用力蹬地,向前上摆臂;落地时,屈腿全蹲,保持平衡。

(2)根据幼儿的活动情况变化难度,也可根据情况运用自己的肢体动作给幼儿增加难度。注意观察个别能力较弱幼儿的活动情况,并给予适当的鼓励和帮助。 (3)活动场地(红色的圆圈)做小池塘,请小青蛙自主掌控休息时间。(通过本环节,全体幼儿熟练掌握了立定跳远的动作方法,大部分幼儿能够进行助跑跨跳的动作练习,部分幼儿能够利用助跑跨跳的方式跳过较远的距离。) 3.幼儿自由活动,教师巡回观察,通过增加难度和语言指导(如“看看别人是怎么跳的”“怎样跳才正确”“现在步道变宽了,你怎样跳过去”等),使幼儿的跳跃动作自然地由立定跳远转变为助跑跨跳。教师在活动中要注意观察幼儿的活动量,适时集中请个别幼儿展示动作,并讲解动作要领和安全保护知识,在重点部分示范动作并带领幼儿集体练习。 三、青蛙过小河 1.青蛙越长越大,本领也越来越大。对面田里有许多害虫,现在青蛙要跳过这条小河去捕捉害虫。这条河有的地方宽,有的地方窄,你们看看能从哪里跳过去。如果游来了鳄鱼,你敢不敢从鳄鱼身上跳过去? 2.教师将“尾巴”在地上摆成一条宽窄不等的小河,让幼儿根据自己的活动能力跳过小河,巩固前面游戏中掌握的动作方法,并利用所学动作完成一定的目标,进一步锻炼体能。 第一次活动:幼儿自由跳过小河,教师引导幼儿看看自己能跳过多宽的河面,是用什么方法跳过去的。要求注意安全,避免冲撞。 第二次活动:教师通过增设河面变宽等情景,提高跳小河的难度。幼儿分散活动,教师巡回观察,注意指导个别能力较弱的幼儿大胆尝试。第三次活动:教师胸前贴上鳄鱼图片做鳄鱼,双膝微屈仰卧河中,幼儿依次跳过河捉到害虫——沙包,再从鳄鱼身上跳回来,将害虫放到指定的筐里。 3.幼儿依次游戏,教师根据幼儿的能力,通过改变自己膝盖的高度来调节幼儿跳跃的难度。 四、青蛙回池塘 1. 今天所有的青蛙都很能干,学会了立定跳远和助跑跨跳,跳田埂,过小河,捉害虫,掌握了很多本领。大家累了吧,我们再回到池塘,休


世界无烟日主题活动新闻稿 世界无烟日是全世界人民所应该关注的,无烟日主题活动的新闻稿有哪些?下面是整理的关于世界无烟日活动新闻稿,希望能够帮到大家。 5月31日,是世界无烟日。宁阳十二中通过“说、看、写、评”等方式认真开展“世界无烟日”宣教活动。 一是“说”。5月29日课外活动,各班以“拒绝吸烟,做文明少年”为主题召开了主题班会,同学们轮流发言。有的介绍“世界无烟日”的来历每年5月31日,世卫组织及各地合作伙伴都纪念世界无烟日,突出强调与烟草使用相关的健康风险,并且倡导采取有效政策,减少烟草消费;有的历数烟草的危害烟草使用是全球最可预防的死亡原因,目前全世界每年10%的成年人死亡是由于烟草使用;有的利用图片介绍吸烟者的呼吸道、心血管、神经系统、消化系统等都有不同程度的伤害,尤其吸烟者的死亡率比不吸烟者高70%,不少同学惊讶;有的专门介绍对未成年的危害,吸烟者的智力效能比不吸烟者减低10.6% ,还会影响身体发育,使思维变得迟钝,记忆力减退,影响学习。 二是“看”。5月30日,鹤山乡卫生院疾病防控中心来到学校,在综合楼前放置了宣传版画,供同学们观看。据介绍,我国吸烟者人数世界第一(近3.01亿),我国15岁以上人群吸烟率为28.1%,有7.4亿人口遭受二手烟暴露,每年有100万人死于烟草相关疾病;每年二手烟夺去10万中国人的生命,对不吸烟女性和儿童的影响格外严重;中国共计有7.4亿主要为妇女和儿童的非吸烟者遭受二手烟危害,公共场所是发生二手烟暴露最为严重的地方,其中餐厅最高,达88.5%。图片内容丰富,制作巧妙,给人留下深刻印象。 三是“写”。5月31日,根据德育处安排,利用假日各班学生写一篇关于“世界无烟日”的感想体会,加强对烟草危害的认识,提高自己的文明修养,自觉做


幼儿园中班教案:中班户外游戏活动《轮胎转、转、变》教案 设计意图: 轮胎是幼儿常见的物品,也是孩子喜欢玩的玩具,构思这节课意在培养幼儿的合作创新意识,让幼儿在愉悦的情绪下,积极动脑,大胆参与,主动地探索,在不断地尝试、游戏合 作中,提高幼儿参与游戏的兴趣,从而在游戏活动中增强幼儿的应变和灵活掌握技巧。 活动目标: 1、能主动与同伴商量、合作游戏,遇到问题能积极想办法解决。提高幼儿的参与和合作意识。 2、通过活动,培养幼儿勇于克服困难的精神,体验成功的快乐。 活动准备:汽车废旧轮胎自行车废旧轮胎 活动过程: 带领幼儿到户外操场上,踏着音乐做简单的热身动作,活动筋骨,为下面的活动做好基础:1、介绍轮胎的作用 教师拿出准备好的轮胎,让幼儿认识,并让孩子说出轮胎的作用,并说出见过那些不同的轮胎。然后并简单的事发轮胎的玩法,并询问,你们可以有哪些玩法?好好想想!! 2、幼儿分组,探究轮胎的玩法 分组后,幼儿积极的琢磨,商量,交流,一起归纳轮胎的玩法,有的是一个孩子玩,有的是多个孩子玩。 3、师生一起归纳好玩的玩法,并让个别幼儿做出示范表演。幼儿兴致极高,很快的融入到游戏中去。归纳主要的玩法有 个人玩: (1)幼儿自己在地上滚动轮胎,可以变换走的路线, (2)把轮胎举起来套在脖子里,双手做动作。(这个需要轻点轮胎) (3)把轮胎放地下,幼儿坐在轮胎上活动头部。 多人玩: (1)幼儿们滚着轮胎变成一个大圆圈或走出多种阵型。 (2)把轮胎平方到地上,幼儿逐个学小兔跳:从前跳到后,从里跳到外;从左跳到右里。(3)幼儿学小鸟飞:绕着轮胎里原地飞一圈,看那个小组飞的快飞。 4、幼儿一起参与游戏,感受快乐 幼儿们根据的自己的爱好,选择喜欢的方法,自主参与到游戏中,体验游戏的乐趣,尝试游戏合作的技巧,感受集体合作的力量和伟大。 5、游戏结束。 收拾物品,归放到原来的地方。带领幼儿一起走出游戏场地。 活动反思: 通过此游戏充分锻炼了幼儿身体机能,增强了幼儿之间的友谊,体验到集体合作的快乐和满足,并能在活动中增强了幼儿的自信心和竞争意识。


中班户外游戏详案教案及教学反思《小动物找家》 小猫、小狗、小兔是幼儿特别喜欢的动物,更喜欢模仿小动物的动作。为了锻炼幼儿的身体,发展幼儿的走、跑、跳的基本动作,设计了本次活动。 1、练习听信号向指定方向走、跑、跳,发展幼儿的基本动作。 2、提高走跑动作的协调性,学会在走跑活动中保护自己。 3、养成一定的良好的行为习惯:不相互推闪、不拥挤等。 5、通过活动锻炼幼儿的跳跃能力,让他们的身体得到锻炼。 场地四周放有小狗、小猫、小兔标志的纸箱房各一个,小猫、小狗、小兔头饰若干,音乐磁带。 1、热身运动:幼儿跟着教师随音乐一起做小动物模仿操。 2、情景导入:今天老师变个魔术,把小朋友们都变成小动物好不好。(把幼儿分成三组),

变变变,变成可爱的小花猫(师帮幼儿戴头饰,幼儿演示小花猫走路) 变变变,变成可爱的小白兔(师帮幼儿戴头饰,幼儿演示小白兔走路) 变变变,变成可爱的小花狗(师帮幼儿戴头饰,幼儿演示小狗走路) 3、游戏:《小动物找家》 规则:在场地的四周摆放小猫、小兔、小狗家的标记,表示小动物的家。如:请两名幼儿当小动物家的门,小动物回家时,念儿歌“轻轻走,轻轻跑,我是小猫喵喵喵”。[教案:教案网.]如果幼儿找对了,“门”自动打开等。(小兔:爱吃萝卜,爱吃菜。我是小兔真可爱。小狗:我是小花狗,就爱蹲门口,汪、汪、汪) 师说:今天天气真好,小动物们到草地上去玩吧。,幼儿在场地上学小动物走、跑、跳等动作。(注意不能相互碰撞)当老师说:轰隆隆、轰隆隆、天要下雨了小动物们快回家吧,幼儿一边说儿歌一边找自己的家。找错家的幼儿和当小动物家门的幼儿互换位置,游戏再次开始。

教师带领幼儿回教室,给幼儿讲小动物的故事。 这次活动激发了幼儿对动物的热爱,懂得了保护动物和爱护动物,在游戏过程中懂得了遵守游戏规则,锻炼了幼儿的自我保护意识。 模板,内容仅供参考


幼儿园无烟日计划 吸烟有害健康,控烟要从孩子做起。下面是整理的关于幼儿园无烟日计划,希望大家喜欢。 目标 1、知道新鲜空气对人们的重要性,了解抽烟对人体健康,社会环境的危害。 2、增强幼儿关心、保护环境的意识,激发幼儿争做环保小卫士。 准备: 1、经验准备:幼儿解吸烟对人体健康的危害。 2、材料准备: 教师:棉花、香烟、瓶子; 幼儿:大型积木,剪刀,纸,食品包装,记号笔,禁烟标志等。 过程: 一、通过做实验,感受空气的重要性。 1、捏紧鼻子,闭紧嘴巴,说一说有什么感觉?(不能呼吸感到非常的难受。) 2、深呼吸一次,现在感到怎么样?(感受空气对人的重要性。) 二、感知香烟对人类的危害。 1、出示香烟“这是什么?”“你们家有人抽烟吗?” 2、如果把让烟污染的空气吸进后,我们的身体会变成怎么样?

3、做实验: 先在瓶子里放一团雪白的棉花代表肺,然后把一支点燃的香烟放进瓶子。 4、在等待实验结果的过程中,请幼儿讨论吸烟的危害。 三、教师介绍世界无烟日,并引导幼儿寻找戒烟的方法。 1、世界上许多国家都提出要禁烟,并规定每年的5月31日为世界无烟日,在许多地方出现了这样的一个标志(出示戒烟标志)你们知道这是什么意思吗? 2、很多地方出现了无烟商场、无烟列车,处处禁烟,可是那些吸惯了烟的人,总是想吸烟怎么办呢? 3、引导幼儿讨论怎样帮助吸烟的人戒烟。 四、游戏“禁烟小卫士”,建立初步的环保意识。 (1)既然生产香烟的厂一点儿也不好,干脆我们来搭建一个戒烟工厂,这个工厂里专门生产戒烟食品和禁烟标志。 (2)分组游戏:a组:用大型积木搭建戒烟工厂。 b组:绘画禁烟标志。 c组:用各种材料制作各种戒烟食品。 (3)游戏“禁烟小卫士”。 (4)抽烟的危害这么大,如果周围有人吸烟,我们要怎么办呢?


体育活动教学反思(精选5篇) 体育活动教学反思1 这一活动所用的器械是幼儿园均具备的呼啦圈、平衡木,我根据大班幼儿的年龄特点和活动能力进行了跳呼啦圈和过独木桥的探险之旅。较好地发展了幼儿的双脚并拢跳、平衡等技能,提高了幼儿动作的协调性和灵敏性;同时也培养幼儿克服困难的精神。 整个活动分三个部分,第一部分是热身部分,幼儿根据音乐做预备运动。第二部分练习双脚跳和走平衡木孩子们表现的很好,并且完成了动作练习。最后组织小朋友们进行探险比赛,在游戏的过程中孩子们很顺利的完成了各种练习,虽然有个别孩子过独木桥时刚开始需要在老师的帮助下才能完成动作,但经过练习小朋友动作的熟练程度提高了,完成动作的技巧掌握了。而且小朋友们在活动中是积极的、兴奋的。 游戏过程环环相扣,幼儿尝试与我演示相结合,极大调动了幼儿参与的积极性。当然在活动中,也存着一些不足之处,在比赛时星星要是能挂起来让小朋友去摘的话会更加好,还有在安全措施保护恰当的时候不妨也可以带领孩子挑战一下自己的极限,适当的参加一些有难度的活动,多培养他们的勇敢精神。 体育活动教学反思2 俗话说:“生命在于运动”,事实也证明,凡是经常参加体育活动的幼儿,身体都很健康,

我们根据大班幼儿的年龄特点,本学期,开展了各项快乐体育活动,一学期已接近尾声,而我们的幼儿也从各方面的技能中得到发展,使我们更好的认识到开展体育活动的重要性和必要性。现我将本学期课题总结如下: 一、丰富的户外活动形式 我们《快乐体育》课题组,根据不同孩子的年龄特点,制定不同的活动目标,它与其它教育活动一样,是多种形式并存,共同发挥作用的过程。为提高幼儿的体育运动能力,增强幼儿的体质,激发幼儿参与户外体育的积极性,使幼儿能更健康快乐地成长,我们教研组一直坚持每天保证一个小时的户外活动时间,更好的促进幼儿的身心健康发展。 1、晨间锻炼活动 我们幼儿园的晨间丰富多样,以各种幼儿早操为主,有目的、有计划的让幼儿在生动活泼的活动中锻炼体质,发展能力,以自制小器械为道具,根据年龄特点创编适合幼儿的动作,我们大班以不同颜色的健身球为主,进行队形队列的变化,从而锻炼幼儿手眼的协调性,发展幼儿团结合作的意识。 2、挖掘器械的不同玩法 户外体育时间也是孩子们自由发挥、探索的时间,不仅在锻炼了各方面的技能,同时也锻炼幼儿的身心发展,我们根据幼儿的年龄特点,动作发展规律,提供不同层次的器械,由难到易,循序渐渐的,满足不同幼儿的需要。教育的过程,我们把大把的时间教给幼儿自由探索,探索器械的多种玩


世界无烟日活动记录 导读:篇一:世界无烟日活动记录 地点: 大团镇芦洋小区、街道马路、商店、菜场等 出席人员: 大班阶段的部分孩子和老师 活动目的: 在第33界世界无烟日来临之际,我们大团幼儿园的师生举行了一次上街“小手牵大手”控烟宣传活动。通过我们的宣传活动能使我们大团地区的居民、农民和外来人口充分认识吸烟对健康、对家庭的不良影响,鼓励大家禁止吸烟并能激发大家自觉、坚决抵制香烟诱惑的意识。 过程: 我们的路线是芦洋小区——几家小区旁的工厂——大马路—— 水果店——菜场一条街。在宣传过程中孩子们手举禁烟牌子,口喊“关注生命、请不要吸烟“的口号,情绪非常的高涨。两个禁烟小卫士手拿宣传资料,看见路人就发吸烟有害健康的宣传资料。路人见了都夸我们的孩子比大人还懂事,而且都很乐意的接受。在宣传的过程中,大家都很赞赏我们的这次活动,特别是一些妈妈和奶奶,她们都希望我们能多举行一些这样的宣传活动,让一些烟鬼们少抽一支烟,这个烟味呛的我们很难过,孩子们的举动会让他们有所感触的。

这次活动虽说天气较热,人也比较累,但是收到了很大的效果。 篇二:世界无烟日活动记录 2020年5月31日是世界卫生组织发起的第33个“世界无烟日”,各大社区都举行不同形式的活动。我们居住的Pole depot 社区早在3月份就做了策划,并举办“世界无烟日”的中文创作比赛。 Pole depot 社区的“世界无烟日”的中文创作比赛,不论文体,诗歌、散文、记述文都可以,口号、广告词、照片、图画也可以参赛。基于烟草对人体的健康危害很大,同时也想了解一些悉尼社区的活动,我按今年的主题“全面禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助”投了一稿,参 加 Pole depot 社区的“世界无烟日”中文创作比赛。 5月20日收到 Pole depot 社区的来函,邀请我参加5月31日在好市围图书馆的举行的“世界无烟日”活动。我应邀参加,活动之后感慨良多,留点文字记录。 感慨主要有四: 1、 Pole depot 社区“世界无烟日”的活动策划严谨,有活动 计划,有时间表,有工作分工,注重细节,善始善终,堪称完美; 2、社区对“世界无烟日”活动很重视,参与创作评审并出席5 月31日的“世界无烟日”活动和致辞、颁奖; 3、悉尼的华人中藏龙卧虎,很多老人中文造诣颇深,参赛作品 水平高; 4、社区义工活跃,在整个“世界无烟日”的活动中处处有义工


《古代两河流域》教案 教学目标 【知识与技能】 知道古代两河流域国家产生的时间和概况;了解古巴比伦王国国王汉谟拉比统一两河流域并制定《汉谟拉比法典》的史实,知道《汉谟拉比法典》的实质及历史地位。 【过程与方法】 图文配合,学会研读有关图片资料。 【情感、态度与价值观】 认识到自然环境与人类文明的相互关系。认识人类社会法制传统的发展。 重点难点 【重点】 《汉谟拉比法典》的内容。 【难点】 《汉谟拉比法典》的实质及历史地位。 教学过程 【自主学习】 为什么说《汉谟拉比法典》是两河流域留给世界的遗产? 【新课导入】 (材料式导入)“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”出自西亚一个古老王国的一部有名的法典——《汉谟拉比法典》,你知道这个法典的法规与我们现代的法律精神有什么关联和区别吗?让我们一起从本课中找到答案吧。 【合作探究】 知识点一古代两河流域文明 1.阅读教材P6的第1段和图片,思考:两河指的是什么?两河流域指的是什么? 答案提示:两河指的是西亚的幼发拉底河与底格里斯河;两河流域,又称“美索不达米

亚”,意即“两河之间的地方”,大体上是以今天伊拉克首都巴格达为中心的狭长地带。 2.阅读教材P6第2段,思考:两河流域什么时候初步统一? 答案提示:大约公元前24世纪,两河流域实现了初步统一。 3.活动一图片展示:楔形文字,思考:两河流域有哪些文明成就? 答案提示:楔形文字、阴历、60进位制。 知识点二古巴比伦王国 1.阅读教材P7第1段,思考:古巴比伦王国在汉谟拉比在位时经历了怎样的发展? 答案提示:公元前18世纪,古巴比伦第六代国王汉谟拉比对外采取各个击破的策略,完成了两河流域中下游地区的统一事业,建立了统一、强大的奴隶制国家。 2.阅读教材P7第2段,思考:为了维护统治,汉谟拉比做了什么? 答案提示:汉谟拉比实行君主专制制度,加强中央集权,还制定了一部较为系统和完整的法典。他在位时是古巴比伦王国最强盛的时期。 知识点三《汉谟拉比法典》 1.结合教材P7、P8的内容,思考:《汉谟拉比法典》规定哪些内容? 答案提示:从法典中可知,古巴比伦分为拥有公民权的自由民、无公民权的自由民和奴隶三个严格的社会等级。奴隶制度在古巴比伦相当发达,战俘是奴隶的主要来源,也有买卖奴隶的现象。家庭奴隶制是古巴比伦的一大特征。同时,法典中有许多关于租赁、雇佣、交换、借贷等方面的规定,说明商品经济在古巴比伦比较活跃。 教师总结:《汉谟拉比法典》的实质是维护奴隶主统治阶级的利益。 2.《汉谟拉比法典》有什么特殊之处?有什么地位? 答案提示:《汉谟拉比法典》是迄今已知世界上第一部较为完整的成文法典,是古巴比伦王国留给人类宝贵的文化遗产,表明人类社会的法制传统源远流长。 课堂小结 古代西亚的两河流域是人类最早的文明发源地之一,古巴比伦是古代两河流域文明发展的一个高峰。《汉谟拉比法典》是两河流域文明留给人类的宝贵文化遗产。 板书设计 古代 两河 流域


幼儿园户外游戏教学反思 游戏是孩子们最喜欢的活动,而体育游戏孩子们似乎更加钟爱,在钻、爬、跑、跳中孩子的到一种宣泄与释放,可以任意的活动身体的每一部位。但是在“安全”这一背景下,我们总是不能大胆的放开让孩子们活动,所以情感释放与宣泄的程度没有达到很好的效果,总是不能尽兴。例如从高处往下跳,有好多孩子们都很喜欢,但是我们总是制止这种行为,确实有危险。但是这样的后果就是:孩子们不敢从稍高一点的地方往下跳,有时下台阶都会扶着墙壁慢慢下来,更别说“跳”了。 每天我带孩子们去散步,有的孩子喜欢在台阶上跳来跳去,身体那样灵活,而有的孩子不敢靠近半步,就这样孩子之间的差距越来越大。这天我设计了一个体育游戏《跳水》,让幼儿从高20cm的小椅子上跳下来,提出这个游戏时有的孩子很兴奋,有的孩子则表现出不敢。活动开始了,老师先做示范:双手举到头顶,像跳水运动员的预备姿势,1、2、3……喊完口令后轻轻地从椅子上跳下来,双后后摆,小腿微弯然后慢慢蹲下。演示完后,孩子们跃跃欲试,都想在椅子上大显身手,就连胆小的孩子脸上也露出满意的表情,原来孩子“爱刺激”。老师说明要求之后,一个个“跳水运动员”扶着椅子把手轻轻地迈到椅子上面慢慢转身,小手微微举过头顶,做好准备工作,那些胆大的孩子也改以往的莽撞,按照老师的要求与步骤进行动作。幼儿第一次进行游戏,所以老师抓着孩子的手,让他们轻轻地跳下椅子,那些胆子稍大的孩子圆满的完成了动作,胆子稍小的孩子看到其他同伴玩得这样开心,再加上有老师的鼓励也完成了动作。游戏结束,所有的孩子欢呼“老师,再来一次!”游戏反复进行,由老师扶到放手,由一个一个练习到集体比赛,孩子们充满激情,完全没有疲惫的意思,这次活动满足了孩子喜欢刺激的欲望,增强了勇气与自信心。 活动过后进行反思,其实有些体育游戏不要以“安全”为由而不进行,给孩子们讲好规则以及活动要求,游戏会很安全、顺利的进行的。孩子喜欢玩,喜欢刺激,在今后的活动中多给孩子提供这样的机会,同样老师的组织与指导能力也会在游戏中得到提高。


世界无烟日幼儿园中班教案范文6篇 1.了解吸烟对人体及周围环境的危害。 2.知道公共场所不能吸烟,提高幼儿的环保意识。 1.吸烟会使人咳嗽。 2、吸烟会引起肺癌。 3、吸烟会使牙齿变黄。 4、吸烟会引发火灾…… 5.有相同调查结果的幼儿举手,教师统计数字。 6.请幼儿观看课件,巩固吸烟对人体及周围环境的危害: (1)咳嗽;(2)牙齿变黄;(3)肺癌;(4)影响下一代;(5)影响他人;(6)污染环境;(7)引发火灾 (三)交流 ___ 1.教师提问:哪些地方不能吸烟,可以贴禁烟标志?(幼儿讨论) 2.教师小结:汽车站、电影院、医院、幼儿园、公共汽车、加油站等公共场所不能吸烟。 3.向幼儿宣传世界无烟日:世界上许多国家都提出要禁烟,并规定每年的5月31日为世界无烟日,许多地方出现了无烟商场、无烟列车,处处禁烟。我们小朋友也可向家人宣传吸烟的危害,让他们珍爱自己以及他人的身体、保护环境。

1、知道新鲜空气对人们的重要性,了解抽烟对人体健康,社会环境的危害。 2、增强幼儿关心、保护环境的意识,激发幼儿争做环保小卫士。 1、经验准备:幼儿解吸烟对人体健康的危害。 2、材料准备: 教师:棉花、香烟、瓶子; 幼儿:大型积木,剪刀,纸,食品包装,记号笔,禁烟标志等。 1、捏紧鼻子,闭紧嘴巴,说一说有什么感觉?(不能呼吸感到非常的难受。) 2、深呼吸一次,现在感到怎么样?( ___空气对人的重要性。) 1、出示香烟——“这是什么?”“你们家有人抽烟吗?” 2、如果把让烟污染的空气吸进后,我们的身体会变成怎么样?

3、做实验: 先在瓶子里放一团雪白的棉花代表肺,然后把一支点燃的香烟放进瓶子。 4、在等待实验结果的过程中,请幼儿讨论吸烟的危害。 1、世界上许多国家都提出要禁烟,并规定每年的5月31日为世界无烟日,在许多地方出现了这样的一个标志(出示戒烟标志)你们知道这是什么意思吗? 2、很多地方出现了无烟商场、无烟列车,处处禁烟,可是那些吸惯了烟的人,总是想吸烟怎么办呢? 3、引导幼儿讨论怎样帮助吸烟的人戒烟。 (1)既然生产香烟的厂一点儿也不好,干脆我们来搭建一个戒烟工厂,这个工厂里专门生产戒烟食品和禁烟标志。 (2)分组游戏:a组:用大型积木搭建戒烟工厂。 b组:绘画禁烟标志。

【幼儿园教案】大班组5月31日世界无烟日活动策划方案,认识禁烟标志 懂得保护环境

【幼儿园教案】大班组5月31日世界无烟日活动策划方案,认识禁烟标志懂得保护环境 一、活动背景及目的: 2020年5月31日是世界卫生组织(who)发起的第三十三个世界无烟日,口号是“烟草致命如水火无情,控烟履约可挽救生命”。活动目的让孩子们了解吸烟有害自己及家人的健康,吸烟更会污染环境,懂得保护环境就是从身边的点滴做起。 二、活动时间:2020年5月30日 三、参加人员:大班组全体师生 四、活动地点:幼儿园内 五、活动内容 1、认识禁烟标志 2、了解吸烟对身体和环境的危害。(1)通过故事、图片教育幼儿吸烟对人体的危害图片上的人长得怎样?他为什么会咳嗽、生病?幼儿将自己调查的资料与大家共享,(有吸烟的人牙、衣服、手指怎样?)图上的人被什么呛得直流眼泪?阿姨肚子里的小宝宝为什么哭?加油站为什么发生火灾?知道吸烟容易造成火灾。教师与幼儿共同小结:吸烟污染环境,使空气变得浑浊;吸烟既危害自己,又危害别人的身体健康;吸烟容易引起火灾,造成财产损失。理解词语:污染 3、宣传戒烟:发放宣传单,通过大手牵小手的活动,向家长普及吸烟有害健康的知识。 4、绘画“禁止吸烟”标志指导幼儿每人制作1个“禁止吸烟”的标志带回家里,鼓励幼儿人人争做禁止吸烟的小宣传员。 禁烟倡议书亲爱的家长朋友们:为树立和展现我园良好的园风和精神面貌,养成良好文明的生活习惯,创造文明、洁净、优美的校园环境。国际关系学院幼儿园向全体师幼和家长发出倡议——“构建无烟校园”!让我们一起行动,让烟蒂、烟盒在校园销声匿迹。吸烟严重危害吸烟者的生命,二手烟同样可以致命。中国目前有超过3亿吸烟者,每年死于烟草相关疾病的人数超过100万,因为暴露于二手烟而



第2课古代两河流域 【学习目标】 1.了解古代西亚的两河流域是人类最早的文明发源地之一。 2.掌握《汉谟拉比法典》的历史地位、内容及影响。 【学习重点】 《汉谟拉比法典》的历史地位、内容及影响 【学习难点】 理解《汉谟拉比法典》的地位和历史价值。 【导入新课】 空中花园是世界七大奇迹之一,你知道空中花园在哪里吗?空中花园的故事发生在两河流域,今天我们就来学习:第2课古代两河流域 【自主学习】 古代两河流域文明 1.地理位置:位于幼发拉底河和底格里斯河流域,大体上是以今天伊拉克首都巴格达为中心。 2.建国:约从公元前3500年起。 3.统一:公元前18世纪,第六代国王汉谟拉比完成了整个两河流域中下游地区的统一事业,建立了统一、强大的奴隶制国家。 4.巩固政权: (1)制度:实行君主专制制度,加强中央集权。 (2)《汉谟拉比法典》 ①等级划分:古巴比伦分为三个严格的社会等级。

②地位:《汉谟拉比法典》是迄今已知的成文法典,是古巴比伦王国留给人类宝贵的文化遗产。 【合作探究】 观察下图,回答问题: 汉谟拉比法典图册 (1)这部法典是由谁制定的该法典颁布的目的是什么 汉谟拉比;为了维护奴隶主阶级的利益(统治) (2)结合所学历史知识,谈谈你对《汉谟拉比法典》的看法。 ①《汉谟拉比法典》严格保护奴隶主的利益;②《汉谟拉比法典》是迄今已知世界上第一部较为完整的成文法典;③《汉谟拉比法典》是古巴比伦王国留给人类的宝贵文化遗产,表明人类社会的法制传统源远流长。 【达标训练】 1.世界上最古老的两个文明发生在() ①长江流域②黄河流域③印度河流域④恒河流域⑤两河流域⑥尼罗河流域A.①③ B.④⑥ C.③② D.⑤⑥ 2、《圣经》里把两河流域描绘成“人类幸福的伊甸园”。在这里曾经孕育着的文明古国是() A.古代埃及 B.古巴比伦 C.古代印度 D.古代中国 3、[法新社巴格达(2003年)4月12日电]“英美联军占领巴格达后,混乱和抢劫现象越来越严重。11日下午巴格达考古博物馆遭到浩劫,大量研究两河流域文明的重要文物丢失。”这里的“两河流域”是指 A.尼罗河、刚果河流域 B.长江、黄河流域


幼儿园户外活动教案(精选10篇) 幼儿园户外活动教案(精选10篇) 幼儿园户外活动教案(一): 抱树 活动目标: 1.能掌握行进间跳的方法。 2.能听到信号后快速做出反应。 3.能进取参与游戏活动,与同伴合作游戏,体验游戏带来的欢乐。 活动重点: 能掌握行进间跳的方法 活动难点: 能听到信号后快速做出反应

活动准备: 物质准备:小椅子、大树头饰、兔子胸贴、青蛙胸贴 经验准备:儿歌《抱树》 活动过程: 一、开始部分 教师和幼儿随音乐做热身运动 二、基本部分 1.教师请出树朋友,引出活动主题 师:"小朋友们此刻是什么季节"(春天)师:"春天会有哪些我们身边的朋友会发生变化啊"(树、花、小鸟、小蝴蝶等等)师:"今日火教师为小朋友们带来了一个朋友,小朋友们看看是谁啊?"(大树)"小朋友们喜不喜欢树啊!"(喜欢)"我们前几天学过一个关于抱树的儿歌,此刻请小朋友们给客人教师读一下。

2.玩游戏《抱树》 (1)教师示范怎样抱树师:小朋友我们的前面有许多的树朋友,此刻教师先给小朋友们示范一遍抱树的过程游戏玩法:教师将小椅子(树)围成一个圆圈,根据树的棵树确定参与幼儿的数量,每组幼儿要比树多一个。游戏开始,教师让参与活动的幼儿进入圆圈内,幼儿围绕圆圈边念儿歌边走,等儿歌停下后幼儿迅速抱树,没有抱到树的幼儿则站在圆圈中间等待下次机会。 游戏规则: a.幼儿必须要在最终一句儿歌念完后才能够去抱树。 b.幼儿在读儿歌时必须是走或跳的。 (2)分组游戏教师将幼儿分成男女两组分别游戏,让幼儿在自主地游戏中来跟着儿歌抱树。 教师总结 三、结束活动 幼儿和教师随音乐做放松运动,将幼儿带离游戏场地。


游戏作为幼儿园的基本活动,是幼儿教育领域普遍认同的理念。 以下是为你整理的托班户外游戏活动反思,希望能帮到你。 幼儿园户外活动反思范文一幼儿园户外活动已经快两个月了,五月份正是孩子长身体的最佳时期,幼儿园还在本月开展了“朝阳锻炼活动,每天清晨,孩子们早早的来到幼儿园,让孩子通过做游戏、做早操、滑滑梯等活动,让孩子得到充足的活动量,达到锻炼的目的。 游戏是孩子最喜欢的活动,而体育游戏孩子们似乎更加钟爱,在钻、爬、跑、跳中孩子身体的每一个部位都得到锻炼。 但是在“安全这一背景下,我们有时不能最大限度的放开让孩子们活动,所以有时没有达到锻炼更好的效果,在今后的活动中多给孩子一些锻炼的机会,老师的组织与指导能力也会在游戏中得到提高。 这段时间每天户外活动次数很多,我发现户外活动前的站排成了“头疼的一个环节。 每一次我说:“要下楼了,小朋友们排队开火车了这句话就像是混乱的导火线。 有的孩子连椅子也顾不上摆好,就拥到我身边来。 你挤我,我挤你,经常会听到“陈老师,他挤我!特别是得得小朋友,每次站排总会挤在前面,总是对我说“我要排第一个。 我忍不住问:“站在第一个和站在后面有什么不同吗?他还挺能发表自己的意见:“能拉到老师的手,能先玩到玩具。 我说:“那不能每次你都排在第一个,每个小朋友都有机会。 他有些不高兴的说:“我要站第一。

于是,我换了个口吻说:“那请你当班长,帮老师管理后面的小朋友,别让他们掉队了,好不好?他马上很乐意的接受了。 可见,在这小小的“排队里还有这么多的内涵,看来孩子的小脑袋中还真藏着不少的秘密等着我们来发现呢。 老师要站在孩子的角度上,用孩子的眼光来看这个“第一。 那怎么让大家不争抢呢?我想了几个办法:1、可以看谁进步了,表现的好,就让谁站第一;2、可以轮流站第一;3、遇到不讲理的孩子,教师可以用转移的方法,鼓励他帮助老师一起管理小朋友。 幼儿园户外活动反思范文二《3-6岁儿童发展指南》指出:幼儿的学习是以直接经验为基础,在游戏和日常生活中进行的。 要珍视游戏和生活的独特价值,创设丰富的教育环境,合理安排一日生活,最大限度地支持和满足幼儿通过直接感知、实际操作和亲身体验获取经验的需要。 为了让孩子们积极参与户外游戏活动,促进身体健康,我主张要组织情境化的户外游戏活动。 1、要求情景化的原因是孩子们的年龄小,活泼好动,注意力容易分散,在户外游戏中容易出现难组织的问题,如果咱们如果单纯强调纪律,又会让孩子产生厌烦情绪。 所以才会要求进行情境化的户外游戏,吸引幼儿的参与兴趣。 2、情境化的具体要求是:通过场景的创设,让孩子们不知不觉地进入角色的扮演,让孩子们在充满趣味性的的游戏情节中,依赖游戏材料的支持,主动、愉快地进行基本动作的练习。

人教版初中历史九年级第2课 古代两河流域 教案

第2课古代两河流域 [教学目标] 1.知道古代两河流域的地理环境、该地区国家产生的时间、政权的更替、楔形文字和《吉尔伽美什》、《汉穆拉比法典》;理解楔形文字对于两河流域文明形成发展的作用以及历史研究的重要价值;理解《汉穆拉比法典》在行使国家职能中的作用及重要的历史价值。 2.通过两河流域国家的形成和王国的更替的学习,初步学习从“地理环境与人类早期文明”的关系的角度思考问题的方法;通过对《吉尔伽美什》和《汉穆拉比法典》等作品的解读,培养学生文献解读的能力。 3.大江大河滋养孕育出古代东方文明,受惠并传承上古文明的今人应该理解和欣赏古代文明成果,同时懂得善待大自然,合理开发自然环境,走可持续发展之路的道理,形成人与自然和谐相处的理念。 [重点与难点] 重点:古代两河流域国家产生及其职能。 难点:《汉穆拉比法典》的特点分析。 说明: 1.两河流域是现知产生国家最早的地方,国家的出现适应了当时两河流域生产发展的需要和阶级关系变化的需要,并在王国的更替中走向完善。“古代两河流域”作为本教材的开篇之作,让学生理解该地区国家产生及其职能,不仅能高屋建瓴地把握两河流域古代文明,而且能帮助学生形成国家的产生是人类在社会组织形式上的一个重大变化,是人类进入文明时代的重要标志的历史概念。故为重点。 2.分析文献是学习和研究历史的基本能力和方法,高一学生这方面的能力相对薄弱。故为难点。 [教学设计] 1.导入新课 以伊拉克“文字发明5000年的庆祝活动”的材料导入。 2001年,伊拉克举行“文字发明5000年”的庆祝活动,纪念楔形文字的诞生。5000年后的今天,闪米特人的后裔仍为祖先发明的楔形文字深感自豪。今天的课,让我们一起领


小班户外活动教案40篇 开展户外活动是幼儿园的重要课程之一,是满足幼儿的每日运动量,丰富幼儿园趣味课程的重要途径之一。小班幼儿由于年龄小,又是初次上幼儿园,这时,幼师该如何开展户外活动呢?一起来看看幼师们曾经写过的幼儿园小班户外活动教案吧!一领她们上课的风采! 幼儿园小班户外活动教案1:吹泡泡 设计思路: 户外活动时,孩子们总是嚷着要吹泡泡,看着一个个五颜六色的泡泡在空中慢慢飘落,孩子们都会追着泡泡跑,用小手去抓住,然后大声叫着:“老师,我抓到泡泡啦!”孩子们玩得很开心,象是一只只回归到大自然的小鸟,此次活动就让幼儿在大自然中感受到玩游戏的快乐吧! 活动目标: ①、通过活动,引导幼儿热爱大自然,体验大自然的美; ②、培养幼儿与同伴团结合作、自我保护和保护他人的能力; ③、引导幼儿学会踮脚、下蹲、后跳。 活动准备:泡泡水,幼儿已有牵圆圈进行游戏的经验。 活动流程: ①、开始部分 ○开始部分带幼儿整队走到户外花园,提醒幼儿户外的常规要求。

○教师吹泡泡,让幼儿自由抓泡泡,比比谁抓的多,提醒幼儿在活动过程中注意安全。 ②、基础部分 ○引导幼儿学习踮脚、下蹲、后跳的动作,注意幼儿动作的准确性。 ○教幼儿游戏的儿歌。 吹泡泡,吹泡泡,一吹吹个大泡泡,一吹吹个小泡泡,泡泡飞高了,泡泡飞低了,泡泡破了。 ○讲解游戏规则。 当儿歌念到吹成大泡泡时,幼儿拉成一个大圆圈;念到吹成小泡泡时,幼儿向中靠拢;念到批泡泡飞高了,幼儿踮脚;念到泡泡飞低了,幼儿蹲下;念到泡泡破了,幼儿向后跳。 ○引导幼儿边念儿歌边玩游戏。 ③、结束部分: 引导幼儿课后放松活动,带幼儿一起观察地上的小草,说说小草的特征;感受一下在草地上走是什么感觉? 幼儿园小班户外活动教案2:小兔采蘑菇 活动目标: 1.教幼儿练习钻过70厘米高的障碍物。 2.发展幼儿动作的协调性及灵敏性。 3.培养幼儿的尝试精神。


大班体育活动反思《你追我跑》 本次活动主要是针对大班幼下肢走跑能力和躲闪能力的发展而设计的,活动的内容我以游戏的形式进行,加入奥特曼与怪兽的故事情景和角色,让小朋友置身于故事情境中引起肢体的创作并体验心理感受。这样的话除了基本的跑步练习之外,还让幼儿在想象的世界当中放开自己的肢体,在有趣的学习中展现幼儿对自我肢体的操控力,活动中我让幼儿在宽松的氛围内自由探索,充分发挥了幼儿做为活动主体的作用,调动了幼儿的积极性。同时我以活动的引导者、合作者等不同的身份参与活动,增加幼儿参与活动的积极性及情趣。 本活动的收获: 1.全课都是围绕追逐跑来展开,各项辅助项目都有解决重难点的手段和方法。把单一枯燥的跑翻新,创造性的变化,使其具备一定的娱乐性,寓教于乐,让幼儿在“玩中学,学中乐,乐中练”,激发积极性。各项练习多是以游戏带有竞赛的形式组织活动内容,活动效果就比较明显、幼儿积极性也高。 2.在活动过程中,对幼儿给予了适时的激励性的语言,让幼儿在更遵守规则的同时,参与活动的积极性也更高了。 3.体育活动渗透德育教育。追逐跑虽然是幼儿在课间经常玩的活动,但有一定的危险性,在活动过程中我经常提醒幼儿注意安全,特别是在追逐过程中不能推拉,否则会跌倒,避免了幼儿可能出现的危险。 4.活动中我和孩子们的关系融洽了,我们成为了伙伴,幼儿的参与热情高,很好的和我互动,并在我的引导下主动的参与到活动中来。 不足之处: 1.在追逐跑的活动中,可让几个出现典型错误姿势的幼儿及姿势正确的幼儿示范,让其他幼儿观察、评价,将会提高活动的效果。 2.在自由玩的环节中,应在游戏之前的向孩子说清楚规则,那么就能避免有些孩子不会玩,个别孩子乱跑的现象。 在今后的体育活动中,我要更注重培养幼儿合作探究、自主创新的意识,充分调动每一个幼儿的积极性,适时说明规则,要求幼儿遵守规则。活动跑,很容易,但是要让幼儿跑得有兴趣,通过跑的练习后成绩能有所提高,这对我们教师来说有一定的难度。只要我们通过不同内容的联系,采用多样的方法与手段,相信孩子们一定会有所收获。 拖船中心幼儿园黄涛


幼儿园世界无烟日活动方案例文 大家都知道每年5月31日是世界无烟日,幼儿园举办相关的世界无烟日活动,方案有哪些呢?下面是关于幼儿园世界无烟日活动方案,希望大家喜欢。 活动背景: 每年5月31日是世界无烟日,英文名称是world no tobacco days。世界卫生组织(WHO)估计,全球的成年人群中约有三分之一(即11亿人)的人吸烟,其中有2亿为女性。资料表明,全球有近47%的男性、12%的女性在吸烟。在发展中国家,有48%的男性和7%的女性吸烟,而发达国家则分别为42%和24%。 烟草对人体的健康危害很大。全球范围内已有大量流行病学研究证实,吸烟和被动吸烟是导致多种疾病的危险因素,目前已成为全球前8位死因(缺血性心脏病、脑血管疾病、下呼吸道感染、COPD、HIV/AIDS、腹泻、结核、气管/支气管肺癌)中除了HIV/AIDS和腹泻外,其它六种疾病的主要危险因素,烟草几乎可以损害人体的所有器官! 而在我国,烟草生产、烟草消费、吸烟人数均为全球首位,吸烟人数达到了3.5亿!中国面临日益严重的烟草危害:目前由吸烟引起死亡中,慢性肺部疾病占45%,肺癌占15%,食道癌、胃癌、肝癌、中风、冠心病、肺结核等各占5-8%;中国成人男性总死亡中,12%归因于吸烟,最终可能增至33%;目前2/3的男性在25岁前成为吸烟者,几乎无人戒烟,大约50%长期吸烟者在中年或老年时将因吸烟而致死。 根据目前吸烟模式分析,中国现今在0-29岁的3亿多男性中至少有1亿人最终将因吸烟而死亡;1920xx年中国吸烟致死亡人数为60万,21世纪,每年接近100万,至20xx年将达到200万,至21世纪中叶,当现在的年轻人步入老年时,每年将有300万人,而且几乎全部为男性,死于吸烟相关疾病


古代两河流域 【教学目标】 1.知识与技能目标: (1)了解两河流域的苏美尔人及其创造的楔形文字,理解楔形文字对于两河流域文明形成发展的作用及其历史研究的重要价值。 (2)知道古巴比伦王国的建立及其统治。 (3)掌握《汉谟拉比法典》的制定目的、地位、作用,了解古巴比伦文明。 2.过程与方法目标: (1)培养学生自主学习、发现问题的能力;培养学生合作学习的习惯和能力。 (2)通过对《汉漠拉比法典》内容的认识,培养学生的分析、评价能力。通过图片、文献等资料的相互印证,再现历史,培养学生从史料中提取历史信息、分析历史问题的能力。 3.情感、态度与价值观目标: (1)通过学习古代两河流域文明,认识古代西亚是世界上最古老的文明地区之一,为人类留下了珍贵的文化遗产。 (2)通过学习《汉漠拉比法典》,认识到法律的发展反映了人类社会正义和公平观念的进步。 【教学重难点】 了解《汉漠拉比法典》的内容和实质。 【教学准备】 研读课标、教材,撰写教学设计,制作多媒体课件。 【教学过程】 一、示标导入。 (一)导入新课。 教师播放歌手周杰伦演唱的《爱在西元前》,并同步展示歌词。注意重点标记以下歌词:“古巴比伦王颁布了《汉摸拉比法典》,刻在黑色的玄武岩,距今已经三千七百多年”、“底格里斯河、古文明、美索不达米亚平原、泥板上的字迹、楔形文字”。

教师:这是一首具有历史沧桑感的歌曲,歌词据说是词作者在参观博物馆后有感而发创作的。这首歌以独特的想象把西亚的历史文明融入其中,让人回味无穷,它也为我们打开了一扇世界古代文明之窗。 今天,就让我们走进两河流域,去了解那段历史吧! (二)出示学习目标。 二、查学诊断。 1.概述。 (1)兴起:公元前3500-前3100年,苏美尔人就在两河流域南部建立了20多个国家,并发明了楔形文字。 (2)融合:苏美尔各国之间不断争斗,外部入侵者乘势而入,苏美尔人逐渐消失,融合到其他族群之中。 2.建立:公元前2000年左右,阿摩利人侵入两河流域,占据巴比伦,建立了古巴比伦王国。 3.发展:公元前1792年,第六代国王汉谟拉比继位。在他的治理下,巴比伦王国成为囊括整个两河流域的大国。 4.目的:为了强化统治,缓和社会矛盾。 5.地位:《汉谟拉比法典》是历史上已知最早的较为完备的成文法典。 6.作用:在一定程度上约束了贵族的恣意妄为,限制了高利贷和债务奴隶制,缓和了社会矛盾,具有积极意义。 三、导学施教。 1.目标导学一:“河间之地”。 两河流域炎热少雨,但幼发拉底河和底格里斯河河流两岸水力资源丰富,土地肥沃,有利于农业生产。苏美尔人很早就在河流沿岸定居。 两河流域是世界上最早的农业发生地之一,苏美尔人在那里种植大麦、小麦和椰枣等农作物,他们掌握了青铜工具,青铜工具日趋普遍。他们还发明了轮子,制造出车辆,促进了交通运输的发展。他们根据月亮的盈亏变化制定了阴历,一年354天,并设置闰月来补足。他们创造的楔形文字是世界上最早的文字。 公元前3000年前后,两河流域南部出现了一批以城市为中心的小国。它们管辖区域都不大,人口也不多。各国为了争夺人口、土地和水源,陷入长期的混战之中。 2.目标导学二:古巴比伦王国。


幼儿园户外游戏活动教案 活动目标: 1、探索布袋的多种玩法,运用布袋快乐的游戏。 2、在游戏中练习走、跑、跳、爬的本动作技能,重点练习手膝着地爬,发展幼儿身体的协调性。 3、体验情景游戏的乐趣,提高对体育活动兴趣。活动准备: 音乐、树叶、人手一个布袋。活动过程: 一、热身运动宝贝儿们,今天天气真好,想不想跟着老师一起出去玩?记得带上我们的布袋哟!走啰,出发啦!歌曲《郊游》,带幼儿进入场地。) 1、设置天气变化的情景,在教师的提示下跟随音乐的变化进行热身运动。轰隆隆的雷声——哇,打雷了,快下雨了。慢走)沙沙的小雨声——下小雨啦,快找个地方躲雨吧。慢跑)哗哗的大雨声——下大雨啦,赶快用布袋遮遮雨吧。快跑)沙沙的小雨声——雨变小了,小心路滑别摔跤哟的!慢走跑)雨停了——哎,雨终于停了,让我们休息一下吧!停止走跑)哇!刚才好大的雨,把我们身上都淋湿了,布袋也淋湿了,来,让它晾一晾吧!放下布袋) 2、跟随音乐进行热身运动来,小宝贝,让我们甩甩头上的雨水,还有手上的,脚上的,检查一下身上还有雨水吗? 二、探索布袋,感受布袋的多种变化; 1、探索布袋的多种变化。小宝贝,看看我们的布袋干了没有?刚才我们一起把布袋变成了小伞,为我们挡雨,想一想,它还可以变成什么?我们来试试吧!鼓励幼儿自己尝试布袋的变化,老师及时观察

指导,请发现新变化的幼儿展示自己的探索成果,肯定、支持他们的想法,并让大家来模仿布袋的变化。) 2、感受布袋的“一物多玩”小宝贝,好能干啊!发现了布袋这么多有意思的变化和玩法,老师也想来变一变,玩一玩。变成小球(抛一抛),变成蹦蹦床(跳一跳),变成小桥(走一走),小桥太短了,让我们连起来变一变,变成长长独木桥桥(两臂侧举直线走) 三、游戏: 布袋变变变(练习袋鼠跳,手膝着地向前爬) 1、小朋友们真棒,发现了布袋的这么多玩儿法,其实套上布袋更好玩儿呢!大家要不要试试?(大大布袋真好玩,双手提起抖一抖,小脚小脚钻进去,变变变,变成可爱的毛毛虫。) 2、游戏: 爬来爬去的毛毛虫 (1)引导“虫宝宝”练习练习手膝着地向前爬,注意指导幼儿爬的动作要领,鼓励较弱的幼儿努力向前爬。 (2)幼儿熟悉动作后,引导幼儿向前快爬,提醒宝宝注意安全,不要拥挤。 3、游戏: 袋鼠跳; (1)套上布袋除了学毛毛虫爬一爬,滚一滚,还可以怎样玩儿呢? (2)引导“袋鼠”练习双脚跳,注意动作要领及安全。
