
Chinese government organizational structure

The national organization of the People's Republic of China, including the National People's Congress, Chairman of the People's Republic, Under the state council(委员会) of the People's Republic of China, The central military commission of the People's Republic of China, Local people's congresses and local people's governments at various levels, The organs of self-government of, The people's courts and the people's procuratorate(检察院).

(The communist party of China

Under the leadership of the communist party of China, the Democratic Party members participate in major national policy, the policy, laws and regulations formulated and implemented, Participate in major national politics and national institutions leadership candidates negotiation, Participate in the management of state affairs.)

1.The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China. The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power. It is the permanent authority to the standing committee of the National People's Congress. The National People's Congress and its standing committee exercise the legislative power of the state. The people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, special administrative and military elected representatives. The minority nationalities are entitled to appropriate representation.

2.Under the state council of the People's Republic of China, the central people's government, is the highest organ of state power, the executing autho hrity is the supreme state administrative organs, the premier, vice-premiers, ministers, ministers in charge of commissions, the people's bank, an auditor-general and a secretary-general. The premier has overall responsibility for under the state council. The ministries and commissions of the ministers and responsibility.

The secretary-general of the state council shall, under the leadership of the premier of the state council, be responsible for routine work. The state council shall establish an office by the secretary-general to the leadership,.

The general office of the state council

The constituent departments (28),

Foreign ministry of defense ministry of national development and reform commission of state security following the belonging of finance department personnel ministry of land and resources ministry of labor security of the ministry of agriculture ministry of information industry ministry of commerce (people's bank (population population

Special organization SASAC(国资委) directly under the state council

Directly under the state council (18)

The customs administration of taxation administration of industry and commerce AQSIQ(国家质量监督检验检疫总局) SEPA(国家环境保护总局) SARFT(国家广播电影电视总局) CAAC(中国民用航空总局)general administration of press and publication (NCA 全国通讯协会) sports administration, safety supervision and administration bureau of the food and drug administration bureau of supervision Bureau of Religious Affairs intellectual Office of the Counselors State council affairs administration

State agencies (4)

Developed countries overseas Hong Kong office

Business units directly under the state council (14)

Xinhua Chinese academy of engineering development research center of seismological bureau of meteorology CBRC securities institute of administrative power of social security fund supervisor will circ natural science foundation

State ministries of management (11),

Letters Lembaga Tembakau Malaysia (MTB) bureau one Chinese cultural post bureau of oceanic administration bureau of the coal mine safety supervision bureau

Archives secrecy bureau

3.Local people's governments at all levels. Local people's governments at various levels are local organs of state power, the executive organs at all levels are local organs of state administration. Local people's governments at various levels, the mayor, governor of district and county towns and responsibility. The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties are the people's congresses and people's governments.

4.Chairman of the People's Republic of China of the People's Republic of China. The President and vice-president of the elected by the National People's Congress. Have the right to vote and stand for the females 45 one full year of life can be citizens of the People's Republic was elected chairman of the People's Republic, vice chairman. Chairman of the People's Republic of China according to the decision of the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress, the decision by law, the state council premier, appoint vice premier, vice-premiers ministers, ministers in charge of commissions, an auditor-general and a secretary-general, awarded MEDALS and titles of the country, declared a state of emergency, amnesty, proclaims a state of war.

5.The central military commission of the People's Republic of China. The central military commission of the People's Republic of China under the leadership of the armed forces. By the chairman of the central military commission, some people, vice chairman of the committee. The central military committee chairman assumes responsibility. The chairman of the central military committee of the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress.

6.The supreme people's court, the supreme people's court is the highest judicial authority. The supreme people's court supervision and local people's courts at different levels and special people's courts, the people's court at a higher level trial work of the people's courts at trial supervision work. The supreme people's court on the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress. Local people's courts at various levels of organs of state power which created them.

7. The supreme people's procuratorate, the supreme people's procuratorate is. The highest procuratorial organs. The supreme people's procuratorate at a local people's procuratorate and special people's procuratorates of the people's procuratorate at work, the people's procuratorate at work. The supreme people's procuratorate to the National People's Congress and the standing committee of the National People's Congress. People's procuratorates at various local levels of organs of state power which created them and superior people's procuratorate.

8.Local people's congresses and local people's governments at all levels. Province, municipality, counties, cities, municipal districts, townships, nationality townships, and towns establish people's congresses and people's governments. Local people's congresses and local people's governments at various levels shall be prescribed by law, the organization of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous organs of self-government are established.

9.The organs of self-government of. The organs of self-government of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties are the people's congresses and people's governments of autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties, the National People's Congress, in addition to the ethnic regional autonomy is practiced in the representative, other living within their respective administrative areas of ethnic also shall be entitled to appropriate representation, autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or the chairman of an autonomous county of ethnic regional autonomy is practiced by the citizens.







外交部国防部发展改革委教育部科技部国防科工委国家民委公安部安全部监察部民政部司法部财政部人事部劳动保障部国土资源部建设部铁道部交通部信息产业部水利部农业部商务部文化部卫生部人口计生委人民银行审计署国务院直属特设机构(1个) 国资委




侨办港澳办法制办国研室* 台办* 新闻办。(* 国务院台湾事务办公室与中共中央台湾工作办公室、国务院新闻办公室与中共中央对外宣传办公室,一个机构两块牌子,列入中共中央直属机构序列。)国务院直属事业单位(14个)



信访局粮食局烟草局外专局海洋局测绘局邮政局文物局中医药局外汇局煤矿安监局* 档案局* 保密局(* 国家档案局与中央档案馆、国家保密局与中央保密委员会办公室,一个机构两块牌子,列入中共中央直属机关的下属机构。)












