

Book review

The most interesting book that attract me so much is <> written by Carl Sandbury.As the author is pretty famous,I tend to read it .

This book named <>is not long,when I came to read it,I can’t leave my eyes from it,the story about Abraham Lincoln impressed me so much,and the life of him it is so difficult and unbelievable.He is a so usual people when he is young,his wife encouraged him to enter into an election contest,he attempt to do it,but he was failed at the first time,his wife persuade him to try again as he would give up,but he faild again.Without stop ,he mannage to win the compitition.And he devoted a lot to many Americans especially for the recovery of black men, not only was I moved by his selflessness,but also was encouraged and moved by his brilliant abilities.He made me konw that there is no difficulties in the world if you have enough confidence.It also confirm the says which is ‘’no pains,no gains.’’.

If you have time ,please have a try to read it,you will get something good you don’t have.

So far, in many books that I have read, <>has made the biggest influence on me.

I read this book because of its author who is a very famous writer named Andrew Carnegie.

This book describes about Lincoln's life, from ordinary people to the famous peason as the President of the United States.It describe about Lincoln from the oppressed people to have his own rights. Seeing the black unequal treatment, he made his best efforts to release them and spent his life time helping them.When he was an ordinary people, he is a person having no confidence, but in his wife's encouragement, he began running for President of the United States. After the first failure, he didn't lose heart, he try his best to perfect himself, finally when he was nearly 50 years old, he was elected to be the President of the United States.This is the beginning of his path of changing the world. He changed the world through countless black wonning their rights,in other case,it also allow himself to become the most popular President in American history. This is the details where the book inspired me. No matter what difficulties you have in life, don't give up,if you have a try,you will find you can make it, it makes me believe that there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you don't abandon it.

So,once given the chance, please try to have a look at this book, and I’m sure it will affect your life.

The most interesting book which attracted me so much is < < Abraham Lincoln > > written by Carl Sandbury.As the author is pretty famous,I tend to read it.

In accordence to this book, < < Abraham Lincoln > >is not tediously,when I came to read it,I can't avoid my eyes from it.In terms of the leading character in a novel,Abraham Lincoln impressed me so much,and life of him is so difficult and unbelievable.He is a usual person when he is young,but his wife encouraged him to swarm into an election contest,he attempted to do it,but he was failed at the first time,his wife persuade him to try again as he used to give up,but he faild again.The end is surprised to me.Without losing heart,he mannage to win this compitation in the end.And he had made much efforts to benefit many Americans especially for the recovery of black men, not only was I moved by

his selflessness,but also I was encouraged by his brilliant abilities.He impressed me that there is no difficulties in the world only if you are confident enough.It totally confirmed

the says called ''no pains,no gains''.

If you have free time,please enjoy reading it.I'm sure you will get something good you don't aquire before.No matter how hard the way will be,you should always stick to you feet whenever you get down.





1.一个生动的开场白:用一两个简短的段落揭示作者的姓名、书名,以及有关作者的简要信息,如过去的作品、曾获得的荣誉。 2.如果是小说,对情节做简要勾勒,如果作品不是小说,写明写作目的和主题。 3.书评作者对此书优缺点的评论。 4.用一个总结性的语句式段落使读者对此书有一个总体印象。 开篇 写好开篇段落对书评来说非常有挑战性,其目的是抓住读者的注意力,使他们产生读这篇文章的热切愿望。 开篇之前,先做一下笔记,问自己一些问题: ·贯穿此书的主题是什么? ·与同类书相比,这本书的特色是什么? ·这本书对我产生了什么影响?通过回答上述问题,你可能就知道该如何人手了。 一般来说,作者姓名和书名应该在第一段中出现,但有时你可能会从书中最重要的观点说起,犹如书评专门评论该书的主题。文章开头用简短的语言表明作者对本书的总体印象是个不错的办法,一两个形容词就够了,过后你可在此基础上扩展。 摘要 人们是为了判断是否想读这本书才去看书评的,因此你应让他们对书的内容有所了解。小说的评论可对主要人物作些介绍,但只需简要点出部分情节即可。没有比评论者泄露了小说结局更让作者和准读者更恼火的事了!通常我简介小说的前三分之一或前半部分情节,忽略副情节。在冲突即将解决时,某个人物要做出决定时,或一个主要的活动场景即将开始时,戛然而止。 非小说的书评则应提供所有重要信息的概览,其中包括重大的日期,人物地点,观点及作者如何得出结论的阐述。 适当地引用书中原文可使读者产生真实的感受。要寻找那些机智、动人或有力的话语,并对它们产生的背景作一番描述。除非编辑准许你篇幅拉长,一般情况下,一定要将引言限制在一两句之内。不要忘记在每句引文后面注上页码出处,这样编辑可以核实。 总结 使用有力度的词语,尽量简短地总结你对此书的观点。如果可能,与篇首的评论遥相呼应 范文: On Jane Eyre Reading Jane Eyre is a process full of pleasure and motivation. The heroine, Jane Eyre, succeeds in conquering millions of readers by her virtue, consistence and reason. To make Jane’s extraordinary romance with Mr.Rochester a break from routine, Charlotte Bronte managers to connect Jane with an “ordinary” aspirant and Mr.Rochester a disability. The essence of love deserves a discussion and reflection here. Appearance? possession? To me, neither. Miss Ingram, undoubtedly, a wealthy, pretty and accomplished lady from the first class, is described by Mr.Rochester as one of those “women who please me only by their faces. They open to


英语读后感50字 I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. I think Marguerite was right in saying that no one truly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the only exceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte de G. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke needed to “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could never replace his dead daughter. If he truly cared, he could have helped her leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly, Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worse than the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact that Marguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone truly loved her.


如何用英语评价学生 现在,在英语课堂上用英语教英语已成为共识。但在与学生通过书面表达方式进行交流时,多数教师往往只看到评语的评价功能,却忽略评语的语言示范功能与交际功能。例如,很多英语教师在批改作业时,除了打上一些“错”或“对”的符号外,鲜有能像中文教师那样,在学生的作业本子上写上自己对学生作业比较具体和明确的看法或意见的。其实,教师的评语,是对学生英语书面表达能力和自主学习情况的评价和指导。我们用英语授课,在培训学生的口语方面已“身先士卒”,做出了表率,让学生在英语交际的海洋里学习游泳。现在,若我们用英语写评语,就可以使学生在书面语的培训方面也同样“下水”了,让学生在真实的英语交际环境中,书面语能力也得到提高。实际上,教师为学生的英语作业写评语,不仅有利于提高学生的英语书面交际能力,而且有利于促进师生的知识、思想和情感的交流,还有利于提高学生自主学习的积极性。下面笔者就如何写英语评语的问题,谈一点看法和体会。 一、适应性 首先,给学生写作业评语必须具有适应性:教师写的评语是给学生看的,所以必须使用学生能看得懂的英语来写,要切合学生的实际,符合学生的个性心理发展。也就是说教师在学生作业上的评语所使用的词汇和语法知识不能过高或过低于学生的现有水平。其次,应做到循序渐进:由简到繁、由易到难、由一般化到个性化。这两条是写好英语作业评语的前提。当然评语中偶尔可以有几个生词。有时候学生通过上下文的猜测就能理解,或者通过查阅字典来解决也能对学生有好处。这样做,有时甚至还能起到“努力一跳,搞到桃子”的促进作用。例如: will you please do you work better next time? well,your handwriting is very good. wonderful,your English is very good and your written answer are clear throughout. that sgreat!Please keepupthework.Success comes by hard work and constant efforts. You are an excellent student who has a natural gift for language. 二、及时性 这里说的及时应有两个意义:(l)对学生的作业及时反馈。首先,学生在家里独立做作业,他们的学习节奏、学习方式也许各不相同,这样,教师的及时反馈就显得很重要。也就是说教师如尽早地批改学生的作业,就能及时了解学生的学习进步状况及学习效果,以便掌握情况进行指导。其次,学生在做作业时,会遇到这样那样一些特殊的问题和想法,他们在急切地盼望着老师的评价和指导,所以,教师应急学生之所急,及时地给予恰当的评价。(2)及时地应用学生新近学到的一些语法知识和词汇来写评语。这样做有助于学生对新知识加深理解和强化记忆,最起码也可以让学生看到一次知识运用的实例。例如:you are Great .improud of you. Youve made fabulous progress and i do not doubt that you'll succeed. Wonderful! i appreciate what you have done in your exercise-book and believe youll be successful in your English study. I'll be glad to see that you will do your homework better next time. This is the best ive seen today. The harder you work,the sooner youll improve. 三、鼓励尝试,努力让每一位学生都走向成功 现代教育心理学认为:成就动机能够很好地激发人的学习动机。学生们都是渴望成功的,成


The comment of "Pride and prejudice" Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 an d died of Addison’s disease in 1817. Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfiel d, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth’s, for Elizabeth’s refuse to marry him. But One day Darcy send Elizab eth a letter, in which he justifies the separation of his friend Bingley and Jane and make it clear that Wickham is. So Elizabeth changed her opinions and ideas toward him. Once when Elizabeth visited her uncle and aunt in the north of England, she met Darcy there and witnessed his changes through series of behaviors, no longer pride and become gentle and attentive, all these made their marriage arranged, and they also suitably provided for Bingley and Jane’s reunited and engaged. The story ends with both their happy marriages. Sir Walter Scott 评论 READ again, and for the third time at least, Miss Austen's very finely written novel of "Pride and Prejudice." That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The big bow-wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me.—From "The Journal of Sir Walter Scott," March, 1826. We bestow no mean compliment upon the author of "Emma" when we say that keeping close to common incidents, and to such characters as occupy the ordinary walks of life, she has produced sketches of such spirit and originality that we never miss the excitation which depends upon a narrative of uncommon events, arising from the consideration of minds, manners, and sentiments, greatly above our own. In this class she stands almost alone; for the scenes of Miss Edgeworth are laid in higher life, varied by more romantic incident, and by her remarkable power of embodying and illustrating national character. But the author of "Emma" confines herself chiefly to the middling classes of society; her most distinguished characters do not rise greatly above well-bred


Major Themes Painful Experience vs. Numbness Perhaps the greatest theme of the novel involves the relationship between the pain of actual experience and feeling one's feelings, on the one hand, and on the other hand the equally devastating numbness that comes with shutting down one's emotions in order to avoid suffering. After the death of Allie, Holden essentially shuts down, forcing himself to lose all attachments to people so as never to be hurt again. He repeatedly mentions how important it is not to get attached to anyone, since this will lead to missing them once they are gone. By the end of the novel, he has spiraled so far down with this theory that he has become afraid to even speak to anyone. Phoebe is perhaps the only reminder that Holden still has the capacity to love. When he looks at her, he cannot help but feel the same tortured love that he felt for Allie. Nevertheless, the surges of these feelings leave him even more bereft. He knows he must leave Phoebe to protect himself, but when she shows up to accompany him on his journey, ultimately he puts his love for her first and sacrifices his own instinct to flee in order to return home. Holden, it seems, is in the throes of an existential crisis. To a great degree he is numb to the pains and joys of life. Unable to come to terms with his brother's death, he has no one to show him the kind of parental or brotherly love that he himself gave Allie. Whenever someone does end up showing him even a hint of such love (such as Mr. Antolini), Holden ends up being disappointed. Love and Sex At his core, Holden is a deep, sensitive soul, at bottom unable to sublimate his feelings into numbness. He envies someone like Stradlater, who can simply pick up girls whenever he likes, and who treats sex as a casual pleasure. To Holden, however, sex is deeply discomforting. He cannot have it with girls he likes, and he cannot manage to numb himself enough to treat girls casually. Numbing himself to love, it seems, is Holden's greatest challenge. He feels too deeply about the world, about people, to truly shut down. When he finally does fall in love with Jane Gallagher, he soon discovers that Stradlater has a date


《傲慢与偏见》英文书评 The comment of "Pride and prejudice" Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 and died of Ad dison’s disease in 1817. Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfield, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of


教你如何写书评给一部作品或者一篇文章写评论,不仅是对作者的鼓励,同时也可以引导读者去阅读这部作品。但是写评论并不是三两句话就概括了事,今天,让我们来说说应该如何写书评吧。 书评的含义有二重性,既是文字也是行为。 书评是在对书籍的内容和形式进行价值判断的文章;也是指对书籍进行价值判断和评论的行为。 书评不同于读后感。 读后感的主要任务不是对书籍进行价值判断,而是记录个人阅读某种书籍后的所感、所想、所悟;是以读者的心理活动为中心,而不是以阅读的对象为中心;在写作上它通常只是围绕阅读对象的某一个点而抒发开去,几乎可以不考虑书籍的整体情况,甚至可以仅仅把阅读对象作为引子,然后就大谈其感想、大发其议论、大抒其情怀。 书评是对书籍进行价值判断后的成果。 任何不涉及对某本书进行评价的文字,都不能叫做书评。类似商羊舞大谈“写书评就是在寻找共鸣,就是在标记某种立场的势力范围,它没有什么绝对的价值判断.评得妙评得劣,在于你把能否把你的感触表述的细腻,把你界定标示的清楚,或者更准确的说你能否诱发出最大范围能的共震.”都是把个人的读书笔记和书评混淆了,不分好坏,还谈何“评”呢? 常见的书评模式而言,大致可以分为五种: 一、介绍性书评。这种书评篇幅比较短小,内容主要是简单介绍某种图书的基本内容,常常带有广告色彩。 二、评介性书评。这种书评是在介绍某种图书的主要内容的同时,还对其特点、风格、主要成就以及缺陷等给子简明扼要的评论,具有一定的导读性质。 三、专业性书评。这种书评是从所评对象的专业角度来写的,其篇幅要相对长一些,对该书内容的评论、分析和挖掘也要深刻,它尤其注重该书在理论方面的得失,具有一定的学术性。例如评《宝石学》,就只能从专业角度去写。 四、阐发性书评。此种书评比专业性书评更具学术价值,有时它对所评对象中的某一问题继续作深入的探讨,有时它也对所评对象中的某个论点进行反驳,还有时它以所评对象为引子升发开去,大谈某些个人见解。 五、书话。这是一种散文化的书评,它评论书的内容,也评论书的编辑或装帧,更喜欢谈其作者或相关的掌故,篇幅不长,但言之有物、生动活泼、较少拘束,除具备书评的一般功能

1984 英文书评l

View the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution from 1984 1984 is a political prophecy novel. It is written by George Orwell's in 1945. The purpose of the article is to criticize totalitarianism. When I read the book, what impresses me most is the superiority of the party .There are too much similar between the phenomenon that are mentioned in the "1984" and the period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. It is invincible.“who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past .”However , it is the party who controls the present, that is to say, it controls everything anytime. It always make up lies and changes the history to maintain its own status. What's more, people lost their freedom. The cult of personality get to the unprecedented state of madness. Just by reading the life that Winston has experienced, I feel tortured. I can't imagine that human live in such a social that is spiritual desolation, lack of material, have high pressure . What is the difference between this and death? It is hard for me to imagine that is so luxury to ensure the freedom of spirit and worship, food and clothing, and meet the kinship and friendship. "1984" overturned my cognition to society. It can be seen the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution brings much pain. The people who have no independent soul can't wake up from slavery to against them, in the social people can’t have independent personality and sound mind. There is no doubt that Wins-ton has some independent spirit, he tried to rebel the society, and escape from the monitoring of big brother, even if only in mind. I think Winston is not only one person, but also represent the people who live in the morbid society to


《日语学术写作与研究方法》书评 “毕业论文是学术文章,是毕业论文最基本的属性” (P1,王健宜,2019)。“学术论文的最终追求是获得对世界的正确认知”(P1,王健宜,2019)。这两句话摘自由南开大学王健宜教授编著的《日语学生写作与研究方法》一书。书中开篇对毕业论文意义进行了表述,确立了论文在本科阶段进行撰写的意义,点明了毕业论文的重要性,让一线教师重温了指导学生毕业论文写作的意义,并为广大日语教师、日语学生以及励志于学术研究的学习者提供了在日语语言、文学、文化领域如何进行学术研究的指导范本。 本书内容从什么是论文,论文的学术价值和基本要素谈起,进而从三个日语学术研究领域出发,分别从选题、基本框架、基本研究方法、资料收集与整理、参考资料等方面逐一对如何撰写日语语言方向论文、日本文学方向论文和日本文化方向论文进行了详细介绍。最后一章为读者奉献了中日名家关于如何读书、如何为师、如何指导学生等问题的精彩解答文章。特别值得注意的是,展示了“中日友好中国大学生日语专业毕业论文大赛”的评判标准。可见,这部著作是为从事日语教育的工作者精心编排的指导性参考用书。 翻阅这本书受益匪浅。笔者对日语语言学研究颇有兴趣,此书对语言学方向的论文介绍也相当细致,从领域现状、基本研究方法,到主要语言学成果、目前的主要语言学刊物,以及历时参考资料都一一讲解,让教师及研究者重新回顾学术研究经纬,也为入门者提供了说明指南。笔者在指导学生毕业论文过程中,也曾触及过日本文学和文化方向的题目,虽然也从选题立意、文章纲目上进行指导,但系统的了解如何撰写文学和文化方向论文还是从此书了解。特别是“如何撰写

文化方向论文”一章,内容充实,不仅从理论上整理了日本文化方向论文的写作特点,还以论文纲要的修改实例进行解释说明,通过事例教会读者如何把握选题,如何帮助学生理清思路、简化纲要。另外,本章还附以日语论文写作常用词汇句型表,供给学生和老师较为全面的参考。 与以往介绍学术论文写作方法书籍的不同之处在于,第一,本书所涉及的都为国内高校日语专业领域的事例,具有很强的专业性和针对性;第二,本书所介绍的论文写作方法是学术界共同认可的,而提供的学术方向是专门为日语专业设计的,在国内实属罕见。编者王健宜教授酝酿8年之久的作品,实则是对长久以来所从事的学术研究和教学工作的深入思考、细致整理和经验总结,值得后辈教师学习。 笔者在教学工作中,每当面对高年级学生经常遇到两个困惑,即学生有限的日语水平和日渐敷衍的学习态度。那么,如何在高年级阶段导入论文写作是我们必须直面的问题。其实,越是高年级学生,越追求思维的深刻性、逻辑的严密性。正如本书前言所说,“学术写作本质上是思维能力的训练,注重逻辑的缜密性、理性化和是否具有说服力”。如果教师能够把握学生心中这种深层的学习需求,引导学生发现论文写作可以训练思维能力,能够加深对事物的认知,便是在学生心中建立起训练论文写作重要性,促使学生投入到主动求知的队伍中。此时我们可以帮助他们明确写作目标,制定写作方案,指导如何查找资料,帮助缕清思路,最终形成毕业论文。 “学海无涯”。通过此书我意识到,一线教师在平日教学之余,还要关注学术研究动态,注意积累素材,秉持孜孜不倦的研究精神和耐心育人的恒心,保持对日语教育事业的热情,积极付诸行动。


Love is a minor child the parents of the most taboo thing, love is the young men and women most want to have things, love is a very old looking to accompany grateful when things. It plays many roles, it can be tragic comedy director can also be planners; it can be a poison can also be a honey, no one can touch the penetration it. Once the jump into the trap of love, like arrows no longer beyond recovery to Li Xian, but stubbornly toward their own goals and flew ignore distance, straight through the air, finally landing. After landing there are two possibilities: one is intact reach the target, and the other is because for some reason, broken wings ... ... A wonderful end of the story, usually in comedy ended, readers read they are happy and can be seen in a few days later it will be forgotten. If a story ends in tragedy, then it must be something left in the readers mind, or regret, or pity, so that the reader repeatedly chew and thought. People are the pursuit of perfection. At the same time, people also praise the beauty of defects, it seems a contradiction, but not does not seem contradictory. "Romeo and Juliet," is a tragedy, as I wrote above, it left in my mind what I said sure, and perhaps regret that bar ... ... Love more than big, but smaller than life!


学术英语写作(一):动词及动词短语的运用(2011-03-10 11:05:51) 标签:杂谈分类:10学术英语写作 学术英语写作(一):动词及动词短语的运用 Put succinctly 学术英语写作(Academic Writing)是一个很复杂的过程。母语是英语的人尚如此--美国大一新生都要求选修大学英语阅读与写作课程,就更不要说把英语当外语学的人。然而,随着英语在全球的广泛应用与学习,特别是在学术、经济、科技等领域中的国际交流地位,学术英语写作不仅成为在海外留学的中国学生必修课,也是欲在国际期刊、会议中发表学术论文的研究人员和大学教师必须面对的问题。 如何写好一篇论文?大到文章结构、内容安排,小到语法、词汇应用,每一部分内容都需一一学习、了解。而且学科领域的不同,在大方面的写作“习俗”也会有所不一样。本文所针对的是词汇、短语在写作中的具体运用问题,突出学术英语写作与其它类型的写作(如小说、散文)及口语之间的差异。 写作也是一种人与人之间的言语沟通。作者的用词不仅在传达意思,也在反应作者本身的学术文化修养。这个过程在母语学习中是比较水到渠成的,然而在外语学习里,却需要学习者的额外意识。学术写作中要注意的问题,在商业、法律等正式文书写作里也是通用的。 我们从动词说起...凡是进行学术写作的人都知道,书面语言总是要比较正式。 但是如何在言语中体现正式呢?动词的选用就能帮你结决部分问题。如:口语里,我们会说:He said something. 或者,He told them something else. 那么在学术写作里,当你要表达同样意思时,就需要把动词换成描述性更强,更具体的词。如:He explained something. 或者,He stressed something else. 第二点就是要注意语气,根据语气来选择具体单词。emphasize和insist的语气就要比write 和state强。 第三点是尽量避免使用动词短语,而是选择同样意思的单个词语。固定动词短语,如come up with,是很多人英语口语学习中的重点,因为往往把这些短语运用好了,就能显得你说的英

《假如给我三天光明》英文书评 Reading report on three days to see

Reading report on three days to see Recently I have read Helen Keller’s Three days to see, and I am really touched by it. Helen Keller was unlucky, when she was only 19 mouths,she lost the ability to see and to hear, so she only had 19 mouths to see and to hear the world. It’s difficult to imagine how could she live 87 years’ life without light and sounds , but her life was not filled of darkness and silence ,she had a colorful and meaningful life .How did she make it ?She told us in this book. Helen Keller was smart when she was born, but she had a serious ill when she was 19 mouths, and it changed all her life. But her whole family didn’t give up, they thought many kinds of ideas, and invited Annie Sullivan, a teacher in special education to help Keller. Of course, it was a tough process, but Keller made it. What’s more, she even learned five foreign languages, and she was graduated from Oxford with excellent performance .She contributed all her life to help disabled people in the world. The book is filled with lovely words and the beautiful distribution of the world, and it’s such reality that you can’t imagine it could be written by Keller—a writer who can’t see and to hear .To be honest, I didn’t have found the world is such beautiful before read the book .So, I was lost in
