

Book4 Unit2 Working the land


一、词汇变形chemical (adj.)---chemistry(n.)

hunger (n.)---hungry(adj.)饿的1.11.---chemist(n.)化学家不安的;disturbing


fertile (adj.)---fertilizer(n.)肥料---disturb(v.)打扰;妨碍;使不安焦虑的12.nutrition

(n.)---nutritious(adj.)有营养的3.膨胀expand (v.)---expansion(n.) 13.discover (v.)---discovery(n.)发现 4.流通,循环circulate (v.)---circulation(n.) 14.freedom (n.) ---freely(adv.) 5.减少reduce (v.)---reduction(n.)15.---free(adj.)自由的(vt.)使自由工业的industry (n.)---industrial(adj.)16.6.设备equip (v.)---equipment(n.)---industrialize(vt.)使工业化nationality (n.)---nation(n.)---national(adj.)

7.regret (vt.& n.)---regretful(adj.)后悔的;17.---nationalism(n.)民族主义;国家主义



---international(adj.)国际的---discovery (n)

发现19.cover(v) ---discover(v)ccupation (n.)---occupational(adj.)职业的8.o矿物质开矿

-miner(n.)--mineral(n.) mine(v.)20.占据,占领;使忙碌---occupy(v.)总结总和---summarize(v.)sum(n.)

21.---person(n.) 个性9.personality (n.)https://www.360docs.net/doc/6514411132.html,an(n)概要,总结

---summary(n.)---personal(adj.)---personally(adv.) ---organize(v.)

器官,组织---interpersonal(adj.)人际的组织的,有机的,器官的---organic(adj.)职员---personnel(n.) 有营养的23.nutrition(n.)---nutritious (adj.)10.confuse (v.)---confusion(n.)


---confused(adj.)---confusing(adj.) --satisfaction (n)满意二、重点单词vi. 1.struggle

?_ *He has been struggling to succeed/struggling for success in his business. _ ?I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. struggle through the snowstorm

*He has been struggling/fighting against illness for years. _

?struggle for freedom / independence / human rights

n. 斗争; 拼搏; 努力The struggle for freedom was long and hard.

struggle for

为......而奋斗struggle against 与 ... 斗争

struggle to do sth (=make great efforts to do sth)努力做某事

struggle to one's feet 挣扎着站起来stand on one's feet 站起来;恢复健康;自食其力

(拓展:站起来rise to one's feet; get to one's feet

jump to one's feet 跳起来; )

1)The Chinese people have been struggling __ _____ human rights.

2)The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle __.(hear)


3)They asked for rights,__ ___ which they had struggled for hundreds of years.

long struggle.

India gained independence in 1947, after 4)__

2.equip vt./vi.配备;装备(equipped,equipped)n. equipment 设备(不可数)

?装备;配备to provide a person and place with the things that are needed for a particular place:The boys equipped themselves with food, tents and sleeping bags for their journey.

?(体力、智力上) 使有准备;使有资格to prepare sb for an activity or task by giving them the

:information and skills

the skills they will need once they leave college. We ①equip students with

you for life. 良好的教育能使你受用终生。②*A good education should equip

a piece of equipment There are a lot of pieces of equipment in the gym. 健身馆里有很多设备。③…配备有…;拥有......武装某人/装备某物be equipped with…equip sb/sth with 用为…做准备.....而武装某人/装备某物be equipped for …equip sb/sth for 为准备好做…be equipped to do sth be well/poorly equipped 设备精良的/差的

your future job.

Your training will ______you ___ 1)_much experience in teaching. *She ___

她具有丰富的教学经验2)_(equip) for life you are.

3)The more you learn, the more ____




(regretted, regretted)

regret vt. 后悔,懊悔;遗憾3.

regret it when he is old. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。①He who will not learn when he is young will

(= We'll regret it in the act now to protect the environment, we'll live to regret it ②*If we don't future). 如果我们现在不行动起来保护环境,将来就会后悔的。what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently. He did not regret saying ③examination. regret to tell that you didn't pass the ④I

[U] & [C] 遗憾;悔恨:■n

I have no regrets about leaving. 我毫不后悔离开。I am unable to accept your kind invitation.

*Much to my regret,

很抱歉要做某事情regret to do sth regret doing /having done sth 后悔做过某事…

regret 让某人感到遗憾的是to one'swith great/deep regret 很遗憾regretful adj 后悔的,失望的tell )you that you haven't passed the driving test. (*I regret _____ 1)(not study) harder at school.

I have always regretted ____

2)make ) a promise that I would join the club. I now regretted _______ (3) meeting.

___ my great regret, he didn't show up at the* _ 4)焦点;中心点集中;聚焦n.4.focus vt./vi

集中注意力于focus/ fix one's attention/mind on

…专注于注意apply oneself to doing sth.pay attention to

; 专心于be buried in 埋头于put one's heart into sth 全神贯注于某事(focus)on the problem of how to create opportunities 1)for

____ Public attention at the moment

the laid-off workers.

notice me come in. he didn't (focus) on the book, ___ 2)*With his attention ___ _ _

你必须把心思用在学习上3)* _ adj.混淆把; …迷惑的_

令人困惑的使迷惑 5.confuse vt.confuse A and/with B 把某物和某物弄混了be confused about 对某物感到迷惑

1)There was a ____ look on his face when he met with the ____ problem.(confuse)

2)I always confuse you ___ your sister ---- you look so alike.

?ould you explain that againCI was totally ___ .... 3).

f reedom n. 自由6.

)(freedom n.free adj.

①随心所欲的;自由的be free to do 随时做某事

*There is no such thing as a free lunch

②免费的;be free from artificial colours

/影响③不含有害物质的;不受…伤害time in one's free be free for sth. /be available ④空闲的;没有安排活动的(=release/ set sb. free)free v. ①释放,使自由ion. free the body of tens*Taking exercise helps 除,(去除,清除)②解set…free for free/ for nothing/ free of charge 免费地释放carefree 无忧无虑的tax-free goods 免税商品fat-free milk 脱脂牛奶dust. _____ The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is ____ one can entirely be free 1)(free).

Nancy now helps people find ways of gaining more physical __ _____ 2)__ (free).

The park is closed in many places to traffic so people can walk, cycle, or skate _3):increase,

rise)(:decrease reduce v. reduction n. 近义7.缩减,减少减少,缩减反义……reduce…byreduce sth. from…to……减少了减少到(降幅)从be reduced to tears reduce sb. to doing sth. 使沦落,使陷入窘境留下眼泪stealing.

Hunger reduced them to 1)in the streets.

They were reduced to begging 2)28 degrees.

The temperature has been reduced (from 40 degrees)_

3)40 percent. 4)She says that has reduced her household spending ____

n. & v. : remark comment v/ n.谈论;评论)8.(近评论…make comments/a comment

on/upon=comment on/upon 对作评价no comment无可奉告;it. I know nothing about the accident so I refuse to comment ___ 1)(comment)on how different the two boys are.

The teacher often makes __ 2)三、重点短语由于,因为,幸亏1.thanks to on account of

due to because of as a result of 介词词组表原因的:owing to

for, because, since, now that, as

连词表原因:____the kind people around, he was sent to hospital and saved by the doctors. Thanks 1) the heavy snow, the flight was cancelled.



感到满意,满足be satisfied with 对 .2.

be happy with/be content with /be satisfied with/be pleased with 对某事满意be satisfied to do 对做某事感到满意needs

one'ssatisfy one's needs = meet satisfy vt. 使满意;满足远远不能令人满意far from satisfactory satisfactory/satisfying adj. 合适的,令人满意的to one's satisfaction 令人感到满意的是satisfaction n. 满意,满足

xcuse for your behavior.(satisfy)

eYou have not given a _____ 1)___ _.(satisfy) drivers won't The go back to work until their demand for better pay 2)(satisfy) with my __ He is quite ___



tTo my __ _____ (satisfy ),he came here on 4).

get rid of ) 摆脱,除去(此短语也可以写作3.rid... of... 使...去掉;摆脱;抛弃get/be rid of


摆脱rid sb /oneself/ sth of sth

使.......提醒类似短语:remind sb. of sth. rob sb. of sth. 抢劫inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事使人摆脱警告free sb. of sth.warn sb. of sth.


I want to rid this city ___ 1)___ (attend) it .

you __ _I'd like to remind you ____ the meeting and inform 2)他想把秘密说出来,得到解脱。______________ the burden of the secret.He wanted to __ 3)...... ,通向d to 导致,造成(后果)4.lea过什么样的生活导致,造成lead/live a...life lead to =result in =cause

引路,带路lead...into... 把...领进lead the way

the thief's being caught.

The discovery of new evidence ______

1)He pointed at the road ____ (lead) to the village.

2)The accident resulted _____carelessness and carelessness resulted __ ____ accidents. 3)would rather 宁愿,宁可 5.

would rather 没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。

would rather do... than do…==prefer to do .... rather than do 宁愿做...而不愿做...

==would like to do/feel like doing 想要做

would rather do/not do sth 宁愿做/不做某事

would rather have done 宁愿已经做了.......

would rather +从句意为“宁愿,”此时从句中要用虚拟语气,表示与现在或将来事实相反,

谓语动词用过去式,表示与过去事实相反用过去完成时。would rather(that) sb did sth 宁愿某人现在或将来做某事would rather (that)sb had done sth 宁愿某人过去做过某事

George will talk about its geography, but I'd rather he _____ (focus)more on its culture. 1)I would rather__ _________ (watch)the football match last night with my friends. 2)Rather than ____ (work) in such bad conditions, he would give up 3)I would rather you ___

( tell) the news to him yesterday.


1.He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.

当the first /the last/the best/the only/the very/the right 修饰名词时,且这些词与动词不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系时,常用不定式He is always the first to come and the last to leave.

1)The last man ___ _____ (leave) the ship was the captain.

2)Armstrong was the first man __ (land) on the moon.

Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as

before. 2.

英语中的倍数表达法(1) 倍数+ 形容词/副词的比较级+ than...

(2)倍数+ as +形容词/副词的原级+ as .

(3)倍数+ the + 名词+ of...

这座楼比那座楼高出五倍。This building is five times ___ _________ that one.

1)这座楼是那座楼的五倍高。This building is five times__ ___________________ that one. 2)这座楼是那座楼的五倍高。This building is five times the ___ ____ that one. 3)The number of the students in our school is ___ in their school.我们4)


