


United Nations Day (1999)

The 24th of October is celebrated as United Nations Day. h is a day that belongs to everyone. And it is celebrated in most countries of the world. Some countries celebrate for a week instead of a day. In many parts of the world, schools have special programs for the day. Boys and girls in some communities decorate a UN tree. In other communities, young people put on plays about the UN. Some libraries exhibit children’s art works from around the world. Schools celebrate wit h the songs and dances of other countries or give parties where foods of other countries are served. No matter how the day is celebrated, the purpose of these celebrations is to help everyone understand the UN, and the important roles it plays in world affairs. The UN encourages people to learn about other lands and their customs. In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.



1. During this morning’s test, I couldn’t do the last four questions, but I did the first five.

2. According to Jane there is no better cheese than Swiss cheese in our local supermarket.

3. Before going to the gas station to have his tank filled, John had his emergency brake checked and fixed at the service station near the local cinema.

4. Betty would rather that her husband didn’t send away the cleaning lady, but he will anyway.

5. Fred would have paid twice as much as he did for his car if the salesman had insisted, as he really needed a car.

6. The idea of permanent education is practical because people are never really too old to go on learning. Of course there are certain limits but these are not age limits.

7. It is getting much easier to travel nowadays, but increasingly harder to get away from people, and that is ;perhaps the most difficult thing for holiday makers.

8. According to Tom, William lost his job not because he was always sick and usually went to work late, but because he made a big error in last month’s accounting and the boss was angry with him.


9. W: Do you know that Mark turned down that job offer by a travel agency?

M: Yeah, the hours were convenient, but he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.

10. W: Can we eat somewhere else? V ery few small restaurants like this serve good food.

M: I know, but there isn’t anywhere else in this town. Look! The waiter is coming over for our order.

11. W: Mary is fluent in English and she’s just started to learn Japanese.

M:I hear she also knows a few words in Chinese and French.

12. M: John must have been joking when he said that he was going to live in Boston.

W: Don’t be so sure. He told me that he was looking for an agent to sell his house.

13. W: Excuse me, I wonder if the bus would come at all. It’s already 10:45.

M: Oh, I’m afraid you’ve just missed the last one which left 5 minutes ago.

14. W: Hi, John, haven’t seen you for a quite few days. I heard you’ve been sick. How are you feeling now?

M: They must confuse me with my brother, Jack. Anyway, he is feeling better now.

15. W: After the way it is being used, the photocopier is not going to make it through the rest of the year.

M: The year! It’s supposed to be good for four!

16. W: Look at all those cars and trucks lined up for the ferry. There must be at least 40 ahead of ours.

M: True, I think it will take quite a while for us to be on board.


News Item One (17-18)

Haitian hunger strikers at the US labor base at Guantannamo Bay, Cuba, have begun refusing all fluids and medical treatments. 15 of the 267 Haitians are at the base. 7 are prepared to die, if necessary, to force the US to admit the rest of them. The Haitians are eligible to pursue political asylum in the US, but have been barred from entry because most have the AIDS virus. The Clinton Administration says they would lift the ban on their entry, but it is not known when.

News Item Two (19)

The top three US auto-makers have decided not to proceed with plans to file a trade complaint with Japanese auto-makers. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler had planned to accuse Japanese companies of dumping cars below market prices in the US, but they dropped the idea, citing a pledge by the Clinton Administration to address the US-Japan trade imbalance.

News Item Three (20-21)

About 100 people are now known have died in what has been described as “the worst storm” ever to hit the eastern US this century. The hurricane-force winds first struck the Gulf of Mexico and have now spread across the Canadian border, continuing to bring reckless snowfalls, severe flooding, and causing millions of dollars in damage. All major airports have now reopened and airlines are beginning to cope with a backlog of thousands of stranded passengers. The storm also paralyzed areas of Cuba, where several people were killed, and property and crops destroyed.

News Item Four (22)

France has carried out another underground nuclear test in the South Pacific. It is the fifth in the region since September. The test was conducted at the Moruroa atoll on Wednesday. Paris has come under strong criticism for its nuclear testing programme, especially from Asia-Pacific countries. A State Department spokeswoman in Washington expressed disappointment at the latest French test. France has promised to sign a global test ban treaty after it completes its current series of nuclear tests in the Pacific.

News Item Five (23)

The association representing British airline pilots says that there is an urgent need to raise levels of air safety throughout the world. In the statement,the association, known as Bobo, warns that unless air safety improves travelers face a perilous future. The association also said that the standard of training must be raised among fly crews and air traffic controllers as the sky has become ever more crowded.

News Item Six (24-25)

The Western European Union, the defense organization linking most countries of the European Community, is meeting in Luxembourg to discuss ways to reinforce economic sanctions against the Serbs by tightening controls on the River Danube. It is expected to approve of a proposal to send patrol boats manned by armed police and customs officers with power to search and turn back ships suspected of breaking the sanctions.International efforts to isolate Serbia have been undermined by ships carrying oil and other illegal supplies from the Black Sea region along the Danube into the former Yugoslavia after ignoring attempts by the local authorities to stop them. It is reported that most of the illegal traffic&nbs, p;of goods is believed to be arriving in Serbia over land from Greece and former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonian.


Short Conversations 11. W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends? M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child Q: What does the man imply about Kate? 11. She has always enjoyed great popularity 12. M: They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, the cold weather will last quite a few days. W: Oh! We're so lucky, we'll be getting away for a while, and having a holiday in Florida. But let's call right now to confirm our flight. Q: What do we learn about the two speakers? 12. They are going to have a holiday 13. W: Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing several families from the forest fire. M: I really admire his courage. Q: What do we learn about Tony from the conversation? 13. He was very courageous 14. M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night. W: Y ou'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 14. Buy a new washing machine 15. W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled. M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the word load has doubled. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 15. He is not excited about his new position 16. W: I can't decide what to do about the party tomorrow. M: Y ou don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'll be glad to give you a ride if you do. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 16. The man offers to drive the women to the party 17. M: Now if you have any questions about the contract. I'll be happy to answer them. W: Nothing comes to mind right now, but I'd like to go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it. Q: What are the speakers doing right now? 17. Finalizing a contract 18. M: We are out of paper for the printer. Can you please order some? W: I completed the order form online yesterday and it will be here by noon. I'll let you know when it comes in. Q: What did the woman do? 18. She ordered some paper Long Conversation Conversation One W: Bob, do you know who I saw the other day? Old Jake, looking terribly depressed. Did he get


2014年6月英语四级考试真题听力原文(一) 1. W: I can’t seem to reach the tea at the back of the cupboar d. M: Oh… Why don’t you use the ladder? You might strain your shoulder. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 2. W: Since it’s raining so hard, let’s go and see the new exhibits. M: That’s a good idea. Mary Johnson is one of my favorite p ainters. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 3. M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair ev aluation. W: It depends on which student you are talking about. Q: What does the woman imply? 4. W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all thes e book shelves.

M: It wasn’t too bad. I got Doris to do some of them. Q: What does the man mean? 5. W: Rod, I hear you’ll be leaving at the end of this mont h. Is it true? M: Yeah. I’ve been offered a much better position with anot her firm. I’d be a fool to turn it down. Q: Why is the man quitting his job? 6. W: I honestly don’t want to continue the gardening tomor row, Tony? M: Neither do I. But I think we should get it over with thi s weekend. Q: What does the man mean? 7. W: You’ve already furnished your apartment? M: I found some used furniture that was dirt cheap. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 8. W: Has the mechanic called the bus repairers? M: Not yet .I’ll let you know when he calls.


2004年日语专业四级考试试题 大学日本語専攻生四級能力試験問題 (試験時間:140分) 注意:解答はすべて解答用紙に書きなさい。 【第一部分】 Ⅰ.聴解(1×25=25点) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ⅱ.文字、語彙、文法 一、次の文の下線をつけた漢字の正しい読み方を、後のA、B、C、Dの中から一つ選びなさい。(1×10=10点) 26.きめの細かい、なめらかなクリームの方が皮膚に良い。 A.ほそB.ほさC.こめD.こま 27.僕はよく休日を利用して旅行にいく。 A.やすみひB.やすみびC.きゅうにちD.きゅうじつ 28.彼はさすが有名な歌手だけあって、いい喉をしている。 A.のとB.のどC.のうとD.のうど 29.それは客観的現実にあわない、無邪気な考え方にすぎない。 A.ぶじゃけB.ぶじゃきC.むじゃけD.ぶじゃき 30.封建的人間関係は、社会の近代化を著しく妨げるものである。 A.はばみB.こばみC.さまたD.さまち 31.このような珍しい本を入手することはなかなか容易なことではないんだよ。 A.よいB.よういC.よえきD.ようえき 32.きみに恥をかかせるようなことは決してしない。 A.はじB.はずC.はちD.さらし 33.頂上へ近づくにしたがってしだいに眺めがよくなる。 A.なぞB.のぞC.ながD.のが 34.本屋の店内には天井まで本がぎっしり積み上げられている。 A.てんじょうB.てんせいC.てんいD.てんじん

35.技術はね、そう簡単に習えるものではないんだよ。 A.まなB.しゅうC.ならD.しゅ 二、次の文__に入れるのに最も適当な言葉を後のA、B、C、Dから一つ選びなさい。(1×20=20点) 36.人間は誰でも、見てはいけない言われると__見たくなるものだ。 A.あまりB.かなりC.なかなかD.よけい 37.持っていたお金を__使ってしまって、おみやげも買えなくなった。 A.じゅうぶんB.すっかりC.ずっとD.ちょっと 38.病気だと聞いてお見舞いに行ったが、__元気だった。 A.大いにB.ほとんどC.あいにくD.けっこう 39.「十時以降なら__家にいるので、電話してください。」 A.だいぶB.実にC.たいていD.一向に 40.これは何だかおかしい__。 A.ことB.わいC.だいD.ぞ 41.会社を首になり、不況で次の仕事もみつからず、親からの借金は増える__。 A.一方だB.一杯だC.片方だD.両方だ 42.試験勉強をしなければならないが、つい眠気を__。 A.悟るB.思うC.催すD.気づく 43.あの時のことが脳裏に__付いて離れない。 A.焼きB.打ちC.砕きD.押し 44.ガンは発見が早ければ早い__、治る確率が高いそうだ。 A.よりB.ほどC.かぎりD.ことに 45.植物の根はいくつかの重要な機能をもっている。__土の中から必要な水分と養分を取り入れること、葉で光合成された養分を蓄えることなどである。 A.しかしB.例えばC.結局D.要するに 46.(他社の部長に)山田社長によろしく__ませんか。 A.おっしゃってくれB.伝えてくれ C.話してくれD.お伝えください 47.(部下が課長に)「部長はこの点についてもう少し工夫が必要であると__ました」 A.言いB.申しC.おっしゃいD.述べ


英语专业四级考试真题听写原文2005年 The Wrist Watch It is generally believed that wrist watches are an exception / to the normal sequence in the evolution of man's jewelry. / Reversing the usual order, they were first worn by women, / and then adopted by men. / In the old days, queens included wrist watches among their crown jewelry. / Later, they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers. / Until World War I, Americans associated the watch with fortune hunters. / Then army officers discovered that the wrist watch was most practical for active combat. / Race car drivers also loved to wear wrist watches, / and pilots found them most useful while flying. / Soon men dared to wear wrist watches without feeling self-conscious. / By 1924, some 30 percent of man's watches were worn on the wrist. / Today, the figure is 90 percent. / And they are now worn by both men and women / for practical purposes rather than for decoration. 2006年 The internet The internet is the most significant progress in the field of communications.Imagine a book that never rend, a library with milion floors,or imagine a research project with thousands of sientists working around the clock forever.This is the magic of the internet.


Question 1 M: After high school, I’d like to go to college and major in business administration. W: But I’d rather spend my college days finding out how children learn. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? Question 2 W: Is everything ready for the conference? M: The only thing left to do is set up the microphones and speakers. They'll be here in a few minutes. Q: What preparations have yet to be made? Question 3 W: Is it almost time to go home now? I'm so tired. I can hardly see straight. M: Just a few more minutes, then we can go. Q: What is the woman’s problem? Question 4 W: I'm not sure what I’m in a mood for. Ice-cream or sandwiches? They are both really good here. M: The movie starts in an hour. And we still have to get there and park. So just make a decision. Q: What does the man mean? Question 5 W: Tom said he would come to repair our solar heater when he has time. M: He often says he is willing to help, but he never seems to have time. Q: What does the man imply about Tom? Question 6 W: So you know that Sam turns down the job offered by the travel agency.


全网最完整!!! 2018 年四级必备!!! 2018 年 6 月英语四级真题听力原文及答案解析(完整版) Section A News Report One A message in a bottle sent out to sea by a New Hampshire man more than five decades ago was found 1500 miles away and he’ s been returned to his daughter. The long lost message was discovered by Clint Buffington of Utah while he was vacationing.Buffington says he found a soda bottle half-buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beginning of time. The note inside the bottle said, "Return to 419 Ocean Street and receive a reward of $150 from Richard and Tina Pierce, owners of the beach Comber motel. The motel was owned by the Paula Pierce in 1960. Her father had written the notes as a joke and had thrown it into the Atlantic Ocean. Buffington flew to New Hampshire to deliver that message to Pola Pierce. She held up to her father's promise giving Buffington that reward. But the biggest reward is the message in a bottle finding its way back home. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.What is the news report mainly about? 2.Why did Paula Pierce give Clint Buffington the reward? News Report Two Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus. The insects spraying over the weekend left more than 2 million bees dead on the spot in Dorchester county South Carolina, where four travel-related cases of Zika disease have been confirmed in the area. Most of the deaths came from Flower Town Bee farm, a company in Somerville that sells bees and honey products. Juanita Stanley who owns the company said the farm looks like it's been destroyed. The farm lost about 2.5 million bees. Dorchester county officials apologized for the accidental mass killing of bees. Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies. County manager Jason Ward said in a statement.“ I'm not pleased that so many bees were killed.” Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.Why was spraying operations carried out in Dorchester County? 4.What does the news reports say about Flower Town Bee farm? News Report Three


2005日语专业四级考试试题 大学日本語専攻生四級能力試験問題 (試験時間:160分) 注意:解答はすべて解答用紙に書きなさい。 [第一部分] 本套题有85 选择题,您提交了0 个答案 您答对了0 个题,您的成绩是:0.00 一、聴解(1×25=25点) 【聴解A】 次のテープの会話を聞いて、正しい答えをA、B、C、Dから一つ選びなさい。では、はじめます。 1. 1番飛行機は何時に飛びますか。 女:飛行機の離陸時間は五時ですよね。 男:いいえ、七時になりました。 女:え?二時間も遅くなったんですか。 男:ええ。そうなんですよ。 女:じゃ、到着は夜の九時ですね。 男:ええ。 飛行機は何時に飛びますか。 A.二時です。 B.五時です。 C.七時です。 D.九時です。 您选择的答案:正确的答案:C 2. 2番友達の誕生日のプレゼントについて話しています。何に決めましたか。 女:何がいいかしら。やっぱり部屋に置く物はいいわよね。 男:そうすると、人形とか、それとも花瓶? 女:もっと役に立つものがいいじゃない? 男:じゃ、時計だ。 女:持っているわよ、きっと。それより、写真立ては? 男:そうだね。じゃ、そうしよう。 二人はプレゼントを何に決めましたか。 A.人形。

B.花瓶。 C.時計。 D.写真立て。 您选择的答案:正确的答案:D 3. 3番男の人が女の人を連れてきました。ここはどこですか。 女:わあー、本がいっぱい、これほんとに全部漫画なの? 男:そうだよ。 店員:いらっしゃいませ。何になさいますか。 男:コーヒー二つ。 女:コーヒーいっぱいで、ずっといいの? 男:うんん、一時間すぎったら追加料金払うんだ。 女:へえー、まるで駐車料金みたい。 二人はどこで話していますか。 A.資料室です。 B.料理屋です。 C.喫茶店です。 D.駐車場です。 您选择的答案:正确的答案:C 4. 4番女の人は何番のバスに乗りますか。 女:あの、新宿へ行くバスは何番ですか。 男:えーと、新宿へ行くのは六番ですね。 女:そうですか。有難うございます。 男:あ、そちらじゃありませんよ。そちらは八番と九番と十一番です。六番はこちらです。 女:ああ、どうも。 女の人は何番のバスに乗りますか。 A.六番です。 B.八番です。 C.九番です。 D.十一番です。 您选择的答案:正确的答案:A 5.


[ti:TEM4-2011] [ar:华研外语] [al:英语专业四级真题] [by:华研外语:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6610354394.html,] [00:00.00]华研外语:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6610354394.html, [00:14.43]TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2011) [00:18.00]-GRADE FOUR- [00:19.50]PART I DICTATION [00:22.76]Listen to the following passage. [00:25.00]Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. [00:28.92]During the first reading, [00:30.40]which will be done at normal speed, [00:32.70]listen and try to understand the meaning. [00:35.44]For the second and third readings, [00:37.65]the passage will be read sentence by sentence, [00:40.79]or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. [00:45.21]The last reading will be done at normal speed again and [00:48.43]during this time you should check your work. [00:51.41]You will then be given 2 minutes [00:53.42]to check through your work once more. [00:56.08]Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. [01:00.21]Now, listen to the passage. [01:04.06]British Holidaying Habits [01:07.01]In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable [01:10.93]for the average family in the UK, [01:13.95]and more people started travelling abroad [01:16.22]for their summer holidays. [01:18.83]After all, the British weather wasn't very good, [01:22.39]even in summer, [01:23.72]so a lot of people left the country for a vacation. [01:28.24]In the 1980s and the 1990s, [01:31.43]young people in the UK became wealthier on average. [01:35.91]As a result, they started to go abroad in groups, [01:39.78]to places such as Spain and Greece. [01:43.75]Once they arrived at their destination, [01:46.27]they met with other groups of young people [01:48.87]and had one long party. [01:51.79]British holidaying habits have begun to change, however. [01:56.55]Climate change means [01:58.07]that the UK now has a hotter climate, [02:01.65]so people do not need to [02:03.21]go overseas to find good weather. [02:06.38]Also, going abroad is more expensive.


2019年12月英语四级听力真题原文【完整版】 News 1 A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019。 If successful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobile phone network。 The lunar network will support high definition streaming of video and data between the moon and earth。 The network is part of a mission to the moon。 This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon。 The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019。 Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon。 The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network。 This is because fifth generation networks are still in testing and trial phases。 This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the moon‘s surface Question 1:What are scientists planning to do? Question 2:Why did scientists choose to set up a 4G network in their mission? News 2 It‘s responded to a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heywood。 The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St。 Mary’s Church。 Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs


2016年6月大学英语四级真题听力原文(一二三套) 2016年6月大学英语四级真题第一套听力原文 SectionA News report 1 The international labor organization says the number of people without jobs is increasing. In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number on unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people. The report warns that 200 million poor workers are at risk of joining the ranks of people leaving on less than 2 dollars per day in the past 3 years. The Director-General of the International Labor Organization Juan Somavia notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis. However, he points out that many countries have not done so. And based on past experiences, it takes 4-5 years after economic recovery for unemployment to return to pre-crisis levels. Mr. Somavia says the International Labour Organization is proposing a global job agreement to deal with unemployment. “It's key objective is to place the center of recovery efforts, measures will generate higher levels of employment and provide basic social protection for the most vulnerable.” 1、What is the news report main about? 2、What does Juan Somavia, Director-General of the International Labour Organization say? News Report 2 Big fast food chains in New York city have started to obey a first kind of its rule, requiring them to post calorie counts right on the menu. City Nurses is with New York department of health. “We wanted to give people an opportunity to actually see the calories before they purchase the food and make a decision and informed decision that if they want to make the healthier choice. If they want to eat fewer calories, they can. And we expect this will have a huge impact on obesity. And of course, if this has an impact on obesity, it will have an impact on diabetes and heart disease and high blood pressure.” The new rules will be introduced as a part of anti-obesity campaign. That also includes a recent citywide ban on artificial trans-fats in restaurant food. The menu roll only applies to restaurants that serves standardized potion sizes and have fifty or more locations nationwide. Starting last Saturday, chains big enough to fall under the rule will face penalties of up to 2000 dollars for not showing calorie information in a prominent sports on their menus, preferably next to the price. 3. what are big fast food chains in New York city required to do according to the new rule? 4.What will happen to big restaurant chains that violate the new rule? News Report 3 Almost all companies recognize the importance of innovation today, but not many are able to


二、次の文の下線をつけた単語の正しい読み方や漢字を、後のA、B、C、D、から一つ選びなさい。(1×10=10点) 21. この荷物は船便で送る。 A.ふねべんB.ふねびんC.ふなべんD.ふなびん 22. 木村さんはあの先生の授業を面白がっている。 A.めんしろB.めんじろC.おもしろD.おもじろ 23. 納得がいくまで、この問題については話し合う方がいい。 A.のうとくB.なとくC.なつとくD.なっとく 24. あなたが説明すれば、みんなおとなしく頷いてくれるだろう。 A.うなずB.うなつC.ふなずD.ふなつ 25. この助詞は意思的な動作の場合に限って使える。 A.どうさくB.どさくC.どうさD.どさ 26. 日本語には、話し手が聞き手の内面を直接的に表現することをこのまない傾向がある。 A.好B.喜C.悪D.厭 27. 改革開放してから二十数年この方、中国はたくましく発展した。 A.盛B.卓C.速D.逞 28. 救助のヘリコプターが下ろしたロープを、男はしっかりとつかまえた。A.揪B.掴C.抓D.握29. 家にないしょで、友達を誘って外へ出かけた。 A.内書B.内緒C.内助D.内相 30. 会談はなごやかな雰囲気の中で行なわれた。 A.和B.睦C.温D.粛 三、次の文にに入れるのに最も適当な言葉を、後のA、B、C、D、から一つ選びなさい。(1×15=15点) 31. 雨が降っても試合は続いている。 A.なるべくB.なおC.いっそうD.すっかり 32. あの人はこわそうだが、本当は心のやさしい人だ。 A.今にもB.正にC.一見D.知見 33. こちらは私の父の兄、私の伯父です。


2016年6月英语四级听力原文 News report 1 The International Labour Organization says the number of people without jobs is increasing. 国际劳工组织称失业人数正在增加。 In its latest update on Global Employment Trends, 在最新一期全球就业趋势报告中, the agency says projections of the number of unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people. 该组织预测今年失业人数将在亿人之间。 The report warns that 200 million poor workers are at risk of joining the ranks of people living on less than 2 dollars per day in the past three years. 该组织的报告警告说,在过去的三年里2亿贫穷工人面临跨入每天靠不足两美元过活行列的风险。

The director general of the International Labour Organization, Juan Somavia, 国际劳工组织主任胡安·索马维亚 notes that some countries have taken measures to address the effects of the global crisis. 表示一些国家已经开始采取措施应对全球危机带来的影响了。 However, he points out that many countries have not done so. 但同时他还指出有很多国家尚未采取措施。 And based on past experiences, it takes four to five years after economic recovery for unemployment to return to pre-crisis levels.根据以往经验,经济复苏之后,失业率需要4-5年时间恢复到危机前水平。Mr. Somavia says the International Labour Organization is proposing a global jobs' agreement to deal with unemployment. 索马维亚称国际劳工组织正在针对失业问题准备一份国际就业协议。 "Its key objective is to place the center of recovery efforts,
