




mike and i milked cows on the farm.

don’t kick the ball to me


()1. A. eat B. tea C. head D. Easter

()2. A. taste B. had C. have D. bag

()3. A. third B. bird C. skirt D. spring

()4. A. last B. plant C. ask D. camera

()5. A. pear B. hair C. here D. there

()6. A. cow B. down C. know D. how

()7. A. Wednesday B. day C. Tuesday D. Monday

()8. A. too B. room C. school D. good

()9. A. pull B. but C. sun D. public

()10. A. make B. taste C. take D. have








7.看报纸___________________________ 8.画一个圆圈_____________________________

9.发高烧___________________________ 10.从中学到许多__________________________

11.sports meeting____________________12.singing contest _______________________

13.on the farm_______________________14.Sometimes to drink? ___________________

15. Mid-Autumn Festival _____________


()1.It’s half past six in the afternoon. It’s time_________, boys and girls.

A. for supper

B. for the supper

C. for class

()2.–What colour is your evening dress? –It’s _______.

A. hers

B. nice

C. black

()3.–Excuse me, ___________? –It’s over there.

A. what’s on the desk

B. where’s your room

C. whose bag is it

()4.–What are their job? –They’re ____________.

A. over there

B. in the office

C. office workers

()5.–Whose watch is this? –Is it a black _________?

A. it

B. one

C. this

()6.–__________ can you see in the picture? –Tom’s mother.

A. Who

B. Which

C. Whose

()7.Please _______ these babies, Helen.

A. look

B. look after

C. look like

()8.–I’m sorry I can’t play a computer game. –Don’t worry. I’ll _______ you.

A. speak to

B. play

C. show

()9.–What can you see in the bag? –_______. Oh, they are apples.

A. All right

B. Thanks

C. Let me see

()10.It is cold today. You must _________ your coat.

A. take off

B. put on

C. pick up


( ) 1. What are you doing? A. Twelve.

( )2. Are you free now? B. Yes, I do.

( )3. How about this afternoon? C. Yes, I am.

( )4. Do you like pandas? D. There’s a ball.

( )5. Can you put the banana on your nose? E Sorry, I can’t.

( )6. What’s under the desk? F. I am drawing a horse.

( )7. How many birds are there? G. He’s my grandpa.

( )8. Where’s the music room? H. It’s on the second floor.

( )9. What’s Helen doing? I. She’s singing.

( )10.Who’s that old man? J. OK. See you.


June is _______ the USA. She is ______ Shanghai now. She _______ _______ _______ the shopping centre. But she doesn’t know the _______. She is asking someone about it.

A:________ me, _______ can I ________ to the shopping centre?

B;You can ________ ________ No. 9.

A:Where’s the bus ________?

B:It’s over there.

A:How many ________ are there?

B:Only two.

A:Thank you.

B:Not ________ __________.

七阅读理解判断正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示10% Wang Bing is a Chinese boy. He’s twelve. He is a student in No.2 Primary School. He has two good friends. Their names are Jill and Bob. The two boys are twins. They are from England. And now they are in No.2 Primary School, too. Jill and Bob are the same age, but Jill is ten minutes younger than Bob. Bob is taller than Jill, but Jill is stronger than Bob. That’s very interesting.

They speak English and they can speak a little Chinese.

( ) 1. Wang Bing is in China.

( ) 2. Wang Bing and the twins are in the same school.

( ) 3. Jill is older than Bob.

( ) 4. Bill is as tall as Jill.

( ) 5. The twins can’t speak Chinese.


1. 你们正在干什么?我们正在举行野餐。

________________ you ________? We ____________________________________.

2. 你们昨天做了什么?我们举行了一个聚会。

________________________ yesterday? We __________________________..

3. 他通常在星期日干什么?他通常做作业。

______________usually ____________on Sundays? He usually ____________________.

4. 我们明天下午将参加运动会。


_________________________________________________________ tomorrow.

5. 纽约夏天的天气怎么样啊?很热。

_____________________________in New York ____________? It’s __________________.


1. What is your favorite subject?


2. Is there a garden in your school?


3.What are you doing now?


4.Who is your best friend?


5.Whose English is better, you or your friend?



1. The w__________ in black is Miss Li.

2. Mrs White has row daughters, Lily and Lucy. They were born(出生) on the same day. They are t_________.

3. The 10th of September is T___________ Day.

4. There is a football m_________ every Friday.

5. It is ____________ in Wuxi in winter.


小学英语毕业考试模拟试 卷 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

一、选出与其它单词不同类的选项。 (). Is B. are C. do D. am ()2. B. writer ()3. C. long ()4. B. read ()5. 二、词型转换。 (1)tomato (复数) __________ (2)thin (比较级) ____________ (3)smaller (反义词) ___________ (4)your (名词性物主代词) ________ (5)watch(过去式) _____________ (6)swim(现在分词) __________ (7)have(第三人称单数) _________ (8)wear(同音词) ___________ (9)头疼(英文)_____________ (10)see(过去式) _______________ 三、选择。 (1)( ) I have ___English book. A. a B. an C./ (2) ( ) Last weekend we _______in the park. A. read books B. sing C. climb the mountain (3)( ) How are you today ’m five. B. I feel well. C. I can jump. (4) ( ) Did you learn English A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. C. Yes,you did. (5) ( ) It’s 11:30. It’s time____lunch.


六年级毕业模拟试题(三) 一.看谁算得又对又快。(每小题0.5分,共6分) =+5268 =-4.310 =?1007.0 =++)6 5 21(61 =÷9.072.0 0.1÷10%= =÷750 =??149 4 71 =÷4385 =?%1024 =?-313131 二.请你判断谁是谁非。(下面说法对的用“√”表示,错的用“×”表示,共5分) ( )(1)84-x 是方程。 ( )(2)大于90度的角叫做钝角。 ( )(3)今年的第一季度有91天。 ( )(4)火车行驶的速度一定,行驶的路程和时间成正比例。 ( )(5)王师傅加工了98个零件,经检验全部合格,合格率是98%。 三、请你准确选择。(把准确答案的序号填在括号里,共5分) (1)下列图形中,对称轴最多的是( )。 A .圆 B .等腰梯形 C .正方形 D. 长方形 (2)正方形的边长是质数,它的面积一定是( )。 A 、奇数 B 、合数 C 、质数 D 、偶数 (3)一个圆锥和一个圆柱底面积相等,它们的高的比是3:1,它们的体积比是( )。 A .9:1 B .3:1 C .1:3 D.1:1 (4)下列选项中,错误的是( )。 A.3.695用四舍五入法保留二位小数约是3.70。 B.1312的分数单位是13 1。 C.一个篮球的重量约为5千克。 (5)一件商品先提价10%,再降价10%,这时商品价格会( )。 A .提升 B .降低 C .不变 D.前面三个答案都有可能 四.请你完整填空。(每小题2分,共20分) (1)“二百万四千六百九十”这个数写作( ),省略万后面的尾数约是( )万。 (2)12和18的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。 (3)( )%=4÷5= 24 ( ) =( )∶10=( )(小数) (4)小明今年a 岁,小华今年b 岁,经过x 年后,小明比小华多( )岁。(用含有字母的式子表示) (5)棱长是4厘米的正方体的表面积是( )平方厘米,能够截成棱长是2厘米的正方体( )个。 = -5 1 21


I. 词汇。根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处的单词或词组的正确形式。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1. The girl is doing an ____________(实验). 2. My cat ____________(和……玩)me when I come home from school every day. 3. We are __________(准备好的)for the exam. 4. She looks very pretty ____________(戴上那顶帽子). 5. He ___________(睡着)while he was doing his homework. II. 按要求改写句子。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 6. Bill reads English every morning.(用yesterday morning改写句子) _____________________________________________________ 7. Do you have a pet ? (作出回答) _____________________________________________________ 8. He will be free next week.(一般疑问句) _____________________________________________________ 9. They are hunting for eggs.(否定句)

_____________________________________________________ 10. nothing there in interesting the newspaper is (连词组句) _____________________________________________________ III. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) A)选择与句子画线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语。 ( )11. Debbie will have fun looking for the Easter eggs. A. enjoy B. dislike C. try D. keep ( )12. Finally, we went home together. A. At least B. At last C. At most D. At first ( )13. To rise early is a good habit. A. go to bed B. go home C. put up D. get up ( )14. The snow melts quickly in the warm sun. A. becomes solid B. becomes cold C. becomes liquid D. becomes hot ( )15. We won’t see any flowers until May. A. We will see flowers only in May. B. We won’t see flowers after May.


小学六年级英语毕业试卷及答案听力部分(共30分) ( )1. A.wash B.washed C.washing D.washed ( )2. A. happy B.excited C. tired D.angry ( )3. A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter ( )4. A.go B.went C.want D.goes ( )5. A.big B.biger C.bigger D.strong 二、听问句选答语:5分 ( ) 1. A.I’m fine. B.I’m nine. C.I’m 50kg. ( ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat. ( ) 3. A.I’m angry B.I have a headache. C. I feel sick. ( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No,I did. ( ) 5. A.It’s black. B.It’s a clock. C.It’s four o’clock. 三、听短文判断正误:10分 ( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend. ( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday. ( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes. ( ) 4. Father cooked supper. ( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper. 四.听短文补全对话:10分 Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, we took some________. We were__________. 笔试部分 一、按要求写词语:10分 one (序数词) longer (反义词) thin (比较级)


小学英语毕业模拟试题(含答案) 导读:本文小学英语毕业模拟试题(含答案),仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 小学英语毕业模拟试题(含答案) 一、把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。(10分) ()1. A. spring C. weather ()2. A. juice B. milk C. book ()3. A. tree B. desk C. window ()4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy ()5. A. the B. near C. behind ()6. ()7. ()8. ()9. ()10. 二、选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内。(20分) ()1. -- _______is his football -- It’s under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. What ()2. -- Thank you very much! -- ________. A. You're right B. All right C. You are welcome ()season do you like ________?

A. better B. good C. best ()red car is ________ than the black one. A. nice B. nicer C. very nice ()'s very hot _____ summer in Beijing. A. on B. at C. in ()6. Can you sing the song in English -- No, I ____ . 't B. mustn't C. needn't ()7. --What did you do last weekend -- I did my homework and _____ TV. A. watch B. watched C. am watching ()8. I like drawing pictures and she____________. A. like to sing B. likes singing singing ()9. Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair. A. has B. was C. have ()10. He is going ____________ artist in the future. A. to an B. to be an C. an ()11. She is _________ than me. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest ()usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning. A .at B. on C. of ()______ is the coat --Thirty-five yuan, please. A .How B. How much C. How old


2017年小学六年级数学毕业模拟测试卷(一) 计分: 一、用心思考,正确填写:(29分) 1、一个数的十万位是6,百位是7,百分位是9,千分位是8,其余各位都是0,这个数是( ),用“四舍五入”法保留两位小数是( )。 2、( )÷12 = 0.25 = 5 ( ) = 4∶( )。 3、含有未知数的等式叫做( )。 4、14 9 的分数单位是( ),再添上( )个这样的分数单位就是最小的质数。 5、如果A=2×3×3,B=3×3×3,那么A 、B 两数的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。 6、3 4 的分子加上6 ,要使分数的大小不变,分母应加上( )。 7、一个正方体的棱长总和是24厘米,它的表面积是( )。 8、正方形有( )条对称轴,圆有( )条对称轴。 9、4立方米80立方分米=( )立方米 4.25时=( )时( )分 10、用4、7、0、3这四个数,可以组成( )个不重复的四位数。 11、甲数比乙数多1 5 ,那么乙数比甲数少( )。 12、把420米∶6千米,化成最简单的整数比是( ),比值是( )。 13、李大爷在3年前把5000元存入银行,定期3年,年利率是5.2% 。今年我国西南几省发生特大旱灾,他准备在这笔存款到期时将获得的利息( )元全部捐给灾区(利息税率为5%)。 14、华兴工厂生产一批零件,合格与不合格的数量比是48∶2,这批零件的合格率是( )% 。 ②、小明打了一次市内电话付费1.5元,他这次电话最长打了( )分钟。 16、王大妈家的鸡和兔一共有12只,数一数腿有40条,她家的鸡有( )只,兔有( )只。 17、把一根5米长的铁丝,平均分成8段,每一段的长度是这根铁丝的( )( ) ,每段长是( ) ( ) 米。


初一英语期末模拟试卷 一、选择填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1.__________would your brother like as a birthday present? A.How B.What C.How many D.Where 2.There is some bread,juice and hamburgers on the table.All the food__very good.A.is B.are C.taste D.be 3.There is_____“k”and_____“n” in the word“know”,but____“k”isn’t pronounced(发音).A.an,a,an B.a,an,a C.a,an,the D.a,a,the 4.You’d better_______your homework here tomorrow.Don’t forget it ag ain.A.take B.bring C.carry D.catch 5.The man has two sons.________is a teacher,_________is a doctor. A.He,another B.One,other C.One,others D.One,the other 6.—________do you.________Maths?——I don’t think it’s easy. A.How,think B.What,think C.Which.love D.How,like 7.——there_________water_________juice in the glass? A.Is,some,and B.Are,some,or C.Is,any,or D.Are,any,and 8.She is a small girl__________small eyes. A.has B.have C.with D.in 9.We will go to the Science Museum because the price is very_________. A.cheap B.1ittle C.small D.low 10.She is also in this bus.She is now________ the bus. A.in front of B.in front C.in the front of D.in the back 11.__________lovely son they have! A.What a B.How a C.What D. D How 12.There are many_________of the road. A.apples trees on both side B.potatoes trees on each sides C.apple trees on both sides D.tomatoes trees on every side 13.How long does she spend__________ English every day? A.practice speaking B.practicing speaking C.practice to speak D.practicing to speak


(一)A Nice Girl Li Ying likes English very much. She works hard( 学习努力). She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No, she doesn’t. But she likes drawing and singing. Her parents like her. And all the teachers and her friends like her, too. 一、判断正误,并用“T”或“F”表示。5% ( ) 1. Li Ying likes English. ( ) 2. She watches TV every evening. ( ) 3. She reads Chinese every morning. ( ) 4. All the teachers like her. ( ) 5. Li Ying is good at dancing. 二、根据段文内容回答问题。5% ( ) 6. Can Li Ying speak English? A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t. C. Yes, she is. ( ) 7. Does Li Ying like drawing and singing? A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 8. What does she do on Saturday evening? A. She reads English. B. She listens to the radio. C. She watches TV. ( ) 9. Does Li Ying often listen to the radio? A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 10. Does Li Ying work hard?


2019-2020年小学英语毕业模拟试题一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内10% ( ) 1. A. stamp B. plan C. black D. date ( ) 2. A. these B. leg C. left D. friend ( ) 3. A. fine B. milk C. write D. mine ( ) 4. A. ago B. close C. clock D. home ( ) 5. A. study B. jump C. must D. duty ( ) 6. A. mean B. sweater C. heavy D. weather ( ) 7. A. cool B. food C. foot D. zoo ( ) 8. A. blow B. now C. know D. snow ( ) 9. A. teacher B. school C. Christmas D. ache ( )10.A.which B. whom C. what D. where 二、按要求写单词。10% 1. heavy(比较级) 2. fly(过去式) 3. same(反义词) 4. plus(对应词) 5. rainy(名词) 6. carefully(形容词) 7. more(原形)8. foggy(名词) 9. far(比较级)10. miss(第三人称单数) 三、英汉词组互译。10% 1. 比我快十分钟 2. 观看京剧表演 3. 在第四站下车 4. 成为好朋友 5. 许多信纸和一张信封 6. sit by the window 7. start to fall 8. have problems with English 9. go jogging 10. look for things on the Internet 四、用所给词的恰当形式填空5% 1. The red skirt is (small) than the blue one. 2. She (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow. evening. 3. It’s Children’s Day. All the students are ver y (excite). 4. Ben an Benny are good at (China). 5. She wants (buy) a new pen. 6. It’s often (rain) in summer. 7. Sometimes they (not have) lunch at home. 8. Look! The bus (come). 9. He (make) many cakes for his friends yesterday. 10. (be) there any tea in the cup? 五、选择题15% ( ) 1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family? A. some…and B. some…or C.any…or D.any…and ( ) 2. Jim and Mary good English and computer. A. are…in B. is…in C. are…at D. is…at ( ) 3.How is the cinema from here?


六年级语文毕业模拟测试题 班级______ 姓名______ 座号______ 得分______ 一、根据拼音各写两个词语。(4分) zhi shi( )( ) dian ji ( ) ( ) mei li ( )( ) tiao jian( ) ( ) 二、根据情境,按要求填空。(17分) 1.填上表示“看”的意思的词语(5分) (1)人们乘舟荡漾在西湖上,( )着如画的美景,心旷神怡。 (2)我们( )着先烈的遗像,心中升一股敬意。 (3)宇航员在天际遨游时,( )地球,发出了由衷的感叹。 (4)老师走进教室,( )四周,笑着说:“打扫得真干净!” (5)这里的书太多了,稍稍( )一下,也得花半天时间。 2.在括号里填上恰当的成语、古诗句、歇后语(9分) (1)我很喜欢旅游,每到一处总免不了感慨一番。登上长城我( )地想起了( )、( )等成语;乘舟荡漾西湖,我想起了“____________________,____________________”等古诗句;来到海边,我( )想起了( )、( )等成语;攀上了泰山,我想起了“____________________,____________________”等诗句。 (2)当事者往往对利害得失考虑得太多,看问题反而糊涂;旁观的人由于冷静、客观,却看得清楚,这就是人们常说的“____________________,____________________”。诗人()在《》中“____________________,____________________。”说明的就是这个朴素的道理。 (3)我们六(1)班与六(2)班进行了几场足球赛,我们班由于实力太差总是以失败而告终,这真是“( )——( )”。(填一歇后语) 3.写一句关于做人或做学问方面的名句(1分) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4.写一句表达爱国情怀的名句(1分) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5.写一副贺新春的对联(1分) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 三、选择合适的答案。(6分) 1.书是知识的_________ ,力量的_________ ,智慧的_________ ,生活的_________。( ) A.海洋、源泉、方向盘、翅膀 B.源泉、海洋、方向盘、翅膀 C.海洋、方向盘、翅膀、源泉 D.海洋、源泉、翅膀、方向盘 2.《草原》的作者是( ) A.巴金 B.鲁迅 C.老舍 D.魏巍 3.“至之市而忘操之”中的第一个“之”的意思是( ) A.的 B.无意义 C.它 D.去、往 四、整理下列句子为一段通顺的话,选择正确的答案,把序号填在( )里。(6分) ( )我捡起一片黄叶往眼上一罩,呵,真是一片金色的世界。 ( )一阵阵秋风,不仅把夏天送走,而且带来了金黄色的乐趣。 ( )我在树下做作业,槐树不停地把它那黄黄的“头发”抖落在我的作业本上。 ( )房是黄的,树是黄的,就连那橙红色的柿子都成了桔红色的了。 ( )院子里的槐树叶子黄了,在秋风的轻拂下慢慢摇动,显得更苍老 ( )我用它做了标本,作为一次自然作业,老师还给我打了满分呢!


第二学期七年级下英语期末模拟试卷及答案 满分:150分考试时间:120分钟 听力:(共30分) Ⅰ、听句子。听下面10个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1.A.Yes, I can .B.Certainly.C.S—N—O—W. ( )2.A.Great.B.Grean.C.Raining. ( )3.A.No, I won’t.B.Yes, I will .C.Sorry, I won’t. ( )4.A.No, but they can eat in the dining hall.B.Yes, they can. C.No, he can’t. ( )5.A.They like Animal World.B.He likes talk shows. C.I like talk shows. ( )6.A.It was Saturday.B.It was May lst.C.It was 8. ( )7.A.Yes, it’s boring.B.No, it’s interesting.C.It’s boring. ( )8.A.Yes, they are.B.Six. C.No, they are listening to the teacher. ( )9.A.It’s great.B.It’s sunny.C.It’s terrible. ( )10.A.In the library.B.At school.C.Yes, I can. Ⅱ、听对话。听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共6分) ( )11.A.Yes, she does.B.No, she does not.C.She likes monkeys. ( )12.A.She is a nurse.B.She is a teacher.C.She’s a waitress. ( )13.A.In a shop.B.At school.C.In a library. ( )14.A.The swimming club.B.The piano club.C.The dancing club. ( )15.A.Fantastic.B.Really bad .C.Not bad. Ⅲ、对话理解。听下面一段对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。现在你有10秒钟的时间来阅读这4个小题,对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共4分) ( )16.Who went to a birthday party? A.Mike.B.Sam.C.My cousin.( )17.What did they do in the party? A.They danced.B.They drank beers, sang and danced. C.They sang. ( )18.How was the party? A.It was very interesting.B.It was bad .C.It was boring.( )19.Where was Mike on weekend? A.At school.B.At library.C.At home. ( )20.Why didn’t Mike go out? A.Because he has an English test.B.Because he has a Chinese test. C.Because he has a maths test. Ⅳ、短文理解。听下面一段材料,回答21——25题,现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这段材料,


六年级英语毕业试题(外研版) 一、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。(10分) ( ) 1、A、water B 、jump C、run D、climb ( ) 2、A、longer B、taller C、tired D、stronger ( ) 3、A、teeth B、long C、feet D、arm ( ) 4、A、head B、hand C、taller D、leg ( ) 5、A、big B、old C、tall D、how ( ) 6. A.ride B. teacher C. driver D. pupil ( ) 7. A.flute B. guitar C. hot dog D. drum ( ) 8. A.pen B. pencil C. book D.watermelon ( ) 9. A.sunny B. warm C. windy D. duck ( ) 10. A.car B. friend C. bike D. bus 二、单项选择: (30分) ( )1.We’re looking ____ some ducks. A. in B. at C. near ( )2.She’s ____ her homework. A. do B. did C. doing ( )3. The ____ are playing in the park. A. child B. childs C. children ( )4. Look! The boys are walking ____ the blackboard. . A. to B. up C. in ( )5.Who ____ help me. Sorry, I can’t.


2011年-------2012年六年级英语毕业模拟试卷 一.听词组,按照你听到的顺序为下列图片编上序号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()()()()二.听词组,选择与录音内容相符的图片。 ( ) 1 . A. B ( ) 2 A B ( ) 3.A. B ( ) 4 A B ( ) 5 A B 三.听对话,把正确答案的序号写在括号里。 () 1. A I’m five. B. I’m fine.

( ) 2. A. yes,they did. B. No,they didn’t. ( ) 3.A I’m 80 kg. B. I’m 80 cm tall. ( ) 4.A. She likes playing -----. A basketball .B. the violin. ( ) 5.Her father is a ----. A . teacher B. doctor. 笔试部分 四.看图片写词组。(10分) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 五.选择最佳答案,把代号写在括号里。 ()1. What --------your father do? A .do B. does ()2. Do you like_______? A .draw B.drawing ()3. She often goes to school ________foot. A .by B. on ()4. Do you often_______football after school? A. plays B.play ()5. She _____in a factory .She is a ______. A. works, worker B. works, work ( ) 6. Did John -----football yesterday? A played B. play ( ) 7 .Yesterday Lisa ----a storybook . A read B reads ( ) 8.. Mary usually ------kites in the park on the weekend. A make B makes. A. do B. does ( ) 9 ..How she feel? She’s happy. ( ) 10. I a stomachache. A. have B. has 六.根据图片意思,用正确的形式填空。 1.--What does Sarah usually do on the weekend? --She usually-------------------------------。 2. --What did you do on your holiday? --I went to Beijing and ----------------------- there. 3.–What is Mike doing now? --He is------------------------------------ on the playground.


2019-2020年六年级毕业模拟测试题 (100分钟) 学校班级姓名得分 基础知识:40分 一看拼音写词语。10% jiǎn lòu yán jùn diāo sùfāshìwǔcǎi bānlán tuījiàn chōu chùpiāo yìgūdúsīkōng jiàn guan 二组词。6% 嗜()拌()挟()盈() 稽()畔()峡()盎() 徽()shā() 煞 微()shà() 三判断。5% 1.“锃亮”读作“zèng liàng”;“蜷曲”读作“juǎn qū”() 2.“走.亲戚”、“走.调儿”及“儿童疾走.追黄蝶”中的“走”意思都不相同。() 3.“济济一堂、门庭若市、万人空巷”都是形容人特别多的。() 4.“盛夏”既可以对“寒冬”,也可以对“严寒”。() 5.《烟台的海》这篇课文按照春、夏、秋、冬季节的先后顺序,介绍了烟台的海上景观。()四根据要求完成。15% 1.完成下列成语。3% 芳草如()容光()发()火纯青 拾人牙()温文()雅前()后继 2.根据“大方”不同的意思造句。2% (1)(对于财物不计较),。 (2)(言谈、举止很自然),。3.根据课文内容填空并回答问题。10% (1),不如退而结网;,不如釜底抽薪。2%(2)之所以说泗水河畔的春意“更”浓了,是因为 。1 (3)晴天的早晨,时常看见一只两只白鹭,整个的田便成了一幅 的图画。2% 这句话选自(填人名)的作品,表达了的感情。2%(4)“儿童散学归来早,放纸鸢。”一个“”字表现出儿童抓紧时间玩耍的顽皮特性,“,。”这两句诗也能表现出孩童天真活泼的个性。3% 五用正确的符号修改下面的语段。(1个别字,1处错误标点,3个病句)4%有关端午节由来的传说很多,但影响最广的是记忆大诗人屈原。心怀大志的屈原因为怀才不偶而投江自杀的那一天,正好是农历五月初五。人们在每年的这一天的五月初五,都会举行划龙舟,包粽子等节目。


七年级英语竞赛模拟试题 【笔试部分】 第一节(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 根据所了解知识或背景,选择正确答案。 21.英语字母表中,和可以单独成词,的发音和一种小动物发音相同。A.o; R; T B. A; I; B C. A; D; B D. o; I; T 22. Big Ben和Statue of Liberty分别在和。 A. 德国,法国 B. 意大利,荷兰 C. 英国,美国 D. 加拿大,奥地利 23. People never go out with their hair wet in . A. Brazil B. Indonesia C. Japan D. Muslim countries 24.China got gold medals in the 2004 Athens Olympics and in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. A. 26;28 B. 28;30 C. 26;30 D. 32;51 25. languages are spoken in the world and has the largest number of speakers. A. Over 3000; Chinese B. 3000;English C. Over 300; English D. 300;Chinese 26. was a great artist and he was good at painting horses. A. Xu Beihong B. Gu Kaizhi C. Zhang Daqian D. Qi Baishi 27.If a foreigner puts out his hand with his thumb raised, what does he want to do? A. Praise somebody B. Say“hello”to someone C. Stop the car for a pick up D. Show his agreement. 28.Beijing Opera is our national opera with a history of years. A. 200 B. 100 C. 300 D. 400 29.On ,we Chinese hold dragon-boat race and eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan. A. Lunar May 5 B. Lunar February 14 C. October 10 D. April 15 30.While talking to others on the internet, we can use to express “I understand”. A. BTW B. BRB C. OIC D. CUI8R 第二节(共25分,每小题1分)、 A)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题选项中先出最佳选项。 A Jane always goes to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school she does not go home early. She is always late. Jane stops to see the animals in the pet shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little white dog. She watches the little dog play in the window of the shop. She watches for a long time, so she comes home late. One day her father and mother ask why she is sate, and she tells them about the little dog in the pet shop. Jane os not late the next day. She stops to look in the window of the shop. But she doesn’t see the dog, and she is very sad. She is also very happy, today is her birthday. Mother shows her a big birthday cake and Father gives her a birthday surprise. He gives the little white dog from the shop. Jane is very happy. The next day Jane does not come dome late. She runs home to play with the white dog.
