



Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical Engineehng

In recent years considerable progress has been achieved in domestic medical instrument engineering. Many plants and scientific-research organizations of machine-making and the defense industry have changed their profile toward production of medical equipment.

However, medical equipment often meets a reluctant market because of funding cuts in health services. Medical organizations often cannot satisfy even their basic requirements for diagnostic and therapeutic devices.

Also, health service organizations tend to buy foreign rather than domestic medical equipment because the former are easily available on the domestic market and prices for both are comparable because of inflation.

The transition to a market economy in Russia has had substantial impact on the relations between domestic manufactur- ers and consumers of medical devices. The spectrum and quality of available items has been significantly extended in recent

years. It should be also noted that available models of medical devices are continuously updated, which makes them sufficiently competitive.

Representative information on the updating dynamics of domestic medical equipment is summarized in Table 1. The data were provided by the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, which compiles a data bank of such information.

Generally, new items account for 37% of total production of medical devices. Routinely produced devices (duration of production, 2-5 years) account for 28%. Medical devices of long-term production (5-10 years) account for 17% and obsolete nomenclature (devices produced for more than 10 years) accounts for 18%.

It is seen from Table 1 that in recent years there has been considerable progress in the updating of production of medical equipment. For example, according to the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company, the share of the items that have been produced for no longer than 5 years in 1988 did not exceed 35%, while now it is 65%. For the items that have been produced for more than 10 years such shares are 40 and 18%, respectively.

Updating of produced medical devices was encouraged by the increase in the number of designers and manufacturers, particularly those of former defense industry facilities. In collaboration with foreign partners they set up joint ventures for producing medical equipment.

Analysis of the updating of the various groups of medical equipment is of substantial


It is seen from Table 1 that detoxication devices contribute dominantly to the group of items that have been updated within the standard period of up to 5 years (100% of production, including modern devices for hemodialysis and hemosorption).

Comparatively high updating indices are observed for devices for functional diagnosis: 72% of these devices have been produced for no longer than 5 years, and obsolete devices account for only 9% of total production. However, it should be noted that although production of some obsolete devices has been terminated, equipment of similar functional capacity is still urgently needed.

Relatively low updating indices are observed among the devices for intensive care and resuscitation: 16% of new items and comparatively many obsolete devices (26%). Among new models apparatuses for artificial lung ventilation are worth mention. However, some apparatuses, which have been developed long ago are still on the market because they have good performance, are quite reliable, and still are in demand. This reduces the updating index of the group as a whole.

All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.

0006-3398/96/3001-0001515.00 y Plenum Publishing Corporation

TABLE 1. Updating of Basic Groups of Medical Devices and Apparatuses (% of total nomenclature)


The lowest updating indices are observed for devices for examining a patient's body structures. These are: ophthalmological, otolaryngological, and anthropometric devices, endoscopes, etc. The share of obsolete devices is high (44%), while the devices which have been produced for no more than 5 years account for only 20% of total production.

It should be noted that these results on medical equipment updating are important general estimates, although they do not take into consideration specific achievements and shortcomings in the production of individual items. Therefore, some corresponding amendments are required.

Our survey of available information, including the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company data bank, materials presented at various exhibitions, and recent literature, shows that domestic medical industry has developed a number of original medical devices and apparatuses which were designed to replace similar obsolete models. However, many types of important and necessary medical devices still do not meet contemporary requirements, and some types of devices are not produced at all.

For example, in recent years production of some sophisticated medical devices (apparatuses for intensive care, resuscitation, and anesthesiology; devices for artificial lung ventilation, respiratory narcosis devices, extracorporeal circulation) significantly rose, particularly at the former defense industry facilities, and their quality has been significantly improved. The functional performance of the devices is generally on par with foreign analogs.

Perfusion units have also been improved and their production has expanded. This allowed the demand of the health service organizations for such equipment to be satisfied completely. Modern domestic hemodialysis devices (Renart-10, Renan- 10RT, etc.) have been

developed and brought into wide clinical practice.

The development and production of diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging systems (Obraz-3, TOROS) are considerable breakthroughs in domestic medical industry. This substantially extends diagnostic capacities of many health service organizations and provides them with topical diagnosis previously unavailable domestically, although it is quite common in developed foreign countries.

Domestic medical industry has begun production of pulse oximeters; these are of particular use in surgery and resuscita-

tion. This bridged a substantial gap in the spectrum of available domestic medical devices.

The Bilitest bilirubin meter, which has been recently developed and produced in Russia, fully meets the requirements of maternity and children's hospitals in devices for diagnosing jaundice.

A high-standard radioimmunochemical laboratory was opened at the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company to supply customers with necessary radioimmunochemical assay kits.

A number of high-quality medical devices and instruments have been developed at the electronic industry plants and

institutes. The following devices are particularly worthy of mention:

- artificial cardiac valves of the Emitron Plant, which are on par with the best foreign analogs;

- pH meters (Istok State Scientific-Manufacturing Association);

- Ikar long-term (up to 24 h) cardiomonitors with electronic memory (Kometa Central Scientific-Manufacturing Association);

- radiothermographs and racliothermoscopes for detecting deeply located thermal fields in the human body (Oktyabr' Manufacturing Association and Design Bureau for Ecological and Medical Equipment);

- original thermal imaging system (Institute of Radioelectronics and Automatics, Russian Academy of Sciences; OPTROS, Ltd.);

- original computer-assisted system Cardiac Rhythms for monitoring oatient condition and pulsimetry (Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Ekos, Ltd.);

- video system for endoscopic imaging (Zenit Scientific-Manufacturing A~sociation; Elektron Scientific-Research and Manufacturing Association);

- streamlined technology for producing disposable and reusable syringes, injection needles, and surgical threads.

A number of other problems of domestic medical instrument-making industry have been successfully solved in recent years.

For example, the number and quality of therapeutic devices, particularly for laser therapy, is quite sufficient. Research studies are carried out by many organizations including former defense industry facilities. Technologies which have been developed for other purposes give fruitful results in medical industry.

According to our data, more than 150 models of such medical devices have been developed over the last 5 years. Some 100 of them are commercially available. Although domestic medical devices are often superior ot foreign analogs in terms of working performance and they are definitely less expensive, many of them are not in short demand and are virtually not used.

However, this activity in many other areas of medical instrument engineering cannot be

considered as sufficiently successful and rational.

It should be noted that many newly developed models of domestic medical devices compare unfavorably with foreign analogs. This is particularly the case for X-ray and ultrasonic devices, electrocardiographic monitors, laboratory equipment, etc. Nevertheless, according to the VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company databank, certain positive trends have been observed in recent years even in these areas. However, most problems still remain unsettled and the conditions required to solve them have not yet been established.

It is important to note that the serially produced X-ray apparatus RUM-20 (Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company) has been significantly updated. The updated model RUM-20M-SG312 is commercially available in combination with the Sapfir domestic image intensifier or an image intensifier of a French manufacturer. The Kruiz fiat image intensifier has been developed at the

All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering in collaboration with MELZ Manufacturing Association and Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company. This device is designed to replace existing fluorescent screens in the X-ray diagnostic apparatuses RUM-10, RUM-20, RUM-20M, and others. The use of the Kruiz image intensifier significantly increases image information content and allows threefold decrease in the radiation load on patients and medical personnel.

The G 202-5 system for lit-par-lit raster imaging of patients in lying position has been developed at the Mosrentgen Joint-Stock Company. This device is commercially available with the PURS power source. It allows both manual and automatic X-ray photography and organ-oriented X-ray examination.

The RTS-61 mobile X-ray video diagnostic apparatus has been developed at the Elektron Scientific-Research and Manufacturing Association. This device is designed to be used in surgery, orthopedics, and traumatology.

Among the defense industry facilities which have reoriented their production to medical market the Scientific-Research Institute for Electromechanics (Istra) is worth mention. In collaboration with Phillips (Germany) and borrowing their technology and circuitry, the Institute for Electromechanics developed the Mammodiagnost mammographic scanner, which meets international standards of operating performance.

The Rentgen-48 X-ray tomographic diagnostic systems with a rotary support table and the Rentgen-60 X-ray diagnostic systems with a remote control support table have been developed at the Sevkavrentgen Plant and received positive recognition by practicing physicians.

The models of X-ray diagnostic devices listed above are examples of achievements of domestic medical industry.

However, many important and significant problems of the development of domestic medical X-ray equipment remain unsettled, and it is unreasonable to expect that they will be solved in the foreseeable future unless special measures are taken.

For example, the most common RUM-20 X-ray apparatuses with the Sapfir image intensifier are equipped with the obsolete X-ray image converter REP-1. To replace the REP-1 image converter, the Moscow Plant for Electronic Tubes has developed the Buer image converter of improved design. This device offers better image contrast, reduced clark background noise, and has an output fiberoptic window of improved design. However, the Buer image converter is not yet commercially available.

Digital X-ray diagnostic devices are not yet commercially available from domestic

manufacturers either.

The Design Bureau for Medical Engineering in collaboration with Medtekh, Ltd. (Novosibirsk) have developed the Diaskan X-ray digital scanner. Serial production of this device is in progress at the Design Bureau for Medical Engineering.

However, devices of sufficient quality are not yet commercially available.

Domestic medical industry does not produce X-ray tomographs. Their production in Chelyabinsk has been suspended.

Electrocardiographic monitors are very important devices for functional diagnosis. However, domestic medical industry fails substantially behind leading foreign manufacturers and there is a disproportion in the development and production of necessary devices and apparatuses. Many automatic systems for ECG processing, including syndromal diagnosis, have been developed, but they trove not been tested and are of little demand. However, simple three-channel electrocardiographs of mass- scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers.

Foreign manufacturers offer various ultrasonic scanners and sophisticated imaging systems. Domestic manufacturers produce only simple devices with manual sector-by-sector scanning and a few simplified models with linear electronic scanning.

Some positive results have been achieved in the development of endoscopic devices. These achievements are mainly due to the collaboration between LOMO and some companies from Japan. However, even these devices require further improvement of quality and reliability.

Although the level of production of domestic laboratory equipment has noticeably risen in recent years, it is still too little to meet the demand. The number of organizations involved in the development of such equipment has risen. However, the available devices are simple and have limited functional capacity. Many important devices (e.g., automatic analyzers and simple routine devices) are not produced at all.

Devices for blood transfusion and preparing blood substitute solutions are still in short supply (40 million items have been produced, while the demand is 200 million). The demand in dialyzers and polymer infusion systems reaches 100 and 150 million items, respectively, although such systems are not produced at all.

The correspondence between production and demand, quality and technical performance, and adequate testing of medical production are put in the forefront under conditions of a market economy. The problem of competition with foreign manufacturers is also quite important because of increasing import of medical equipment and reduced sale of the production of domestic manufacturers. In this connection, the following circumstances should be taken into consideration.

There is a considerable disproportion between production and demand of some groups of medical devices. For example, there is :~ huge surplus of laser therapeutic devices and their excessive development. Systems for syndromal electrocardiographic diagnosis, magnetotherapy, and electrostimulation are also in excessive supply. However, simple electrocardiographs, routine laboratory equipment, and some other ordinary but necessary devices of mass-scale application are not produced by domestic manufacturers. These disadvantages cause significant economic losses and present difficulties in the development of health service. Domestic and foreign experience show that these problems can be solved by adequate marketing, but this is in its infancy in the domestic medical industry.

It should be noted that foreign companies place special emphasis on marketing and market research. They evaluate actual and pending demand as well as consumer requirements. The

feedback between consumer and manufacturer gives valuable information on the improvement of the product quality and working performance. The marketing service in most leading companies is of paramount importance. The development of a new product often starts from marketing survey rather than from engineering or design research. Many domestic organizations of medical instrument engineering require cardinal measures for increasing the level of marketing.

Testing of medical devices also requires substantial improvement. Considerable experience of foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should be taken into account. It should be noted, however, that this experience is often neglected by domestic manufacturers. Technical testing of medical equipment in foreign companies is usually carried out by independent laboratories which assess performance and quality. The specialists of the laboratories may also give recommendations for further improvement of the tested equipment. The basic goal of the testing is to check if the performance of the device matches its specifications and to conclude if the device can be used in medical organizations. However, the specialists of the laboratories usually go beyond this goal and issue comparative reviews of products of different companies. Such reviews contain the following information:

- description of tested device, its specifications, and price;

- results of technical testing, correspondence between specifications and actual performance, advantages and disadvan- tages, recommendations for improvement (if necessary);

- comparative analysis of similar devices and apparatuses produced by different manufacturers. Such analysis is usually concluded by a most preferable model, which is recommended to medical organizations on the basis of functional capacity, reliability, and economic reasons.

In the USA, activity of testing laboratories is controlled by governmental, nongovernmental, and independent nonprofit organizations.

In Russia, the problem of balance between the demand in medical devices, their production by domestic manufacturers, and import is of considerable importance.

The opinion of the Head of the Department of Medical Industry, Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, Yu. F. Doshchitsin, which was published in the weekly "Meditsinskii Biznes" (No. 9, 1995), is that the requirements of Russian medical market must be met by domestic devices, including products of high technology. Russian medicine should not rely on imported devices alone. We certainly agree with this opinion.

The total volume of medical equipment purchased from abroad is presently several times greater than purchases from domestic manufacturers. This situation is definitely unacceptable. Cardinal measures are required to boost and stimulate economically domestic manufacturers of medical equipment. This is particularly important for manufacturers of life support systems and devices for military medicine.

However, positive aspects of contacts with foreign manufacturers of medical equipment should not be disregarded. International cooperation is very common in foreign practice, but it is clearly insufficient in Russia.

International cooperation in medical industry is particularly vital in such areas as computer technology, microprocessors, and electronic engineering. Lack of sufficiently high-quality domestic computers and microprocessors presents considerable problems in the development of sophisticated medical devices and apparatuses.

In recent years a number of domestic organizations established joint ventures with

leading foreign manufacturers of medical devices. These joint ventures produce high-technology devices on the basis of imported circuitry, modules, and individual finished units. For example, VNIIMP-VITA produces ultrasonic doppler scanners, Kursk Manufacturing Association Pribor in collaboration with Frezenius (Germany) produces mobile apparatuses for hemodialysis and hemosorption, LOMO and some companies from Japan established a joint venture for manufacturing flexible endoscopes of improved design, Moscow Manufac- turing Association EMA produces ultrasonic diagnostic devices, etc.

It seems reasonable to continue and extend mutually profitable contacts between domestic and foreign manufacturers of medical equipment.

Active participation and patronage of the Russian Ministry of Health and Medical Industry as well as the Russian Government and local authorities are needed to solve the problems of medical industry listed above and to implement programs of development and production of high-quality domestic medical devices.


[1] V. A. Viktorov,V. P. gundarov,A. P. yurkevich. Present status and problems of domestic medical instrument engineering. Biomedical Engineehng~ V oL 30, No. 1, 1996.

[2]All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering, Rusaian Academy of Medical Sciences (VNIIMP-VITA Joint-Stock Company), Moscow. Translated from Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 4-9, January-February, 1996. Original article submitted August 23, 1995.









从表1看出,医疗设备在最近几年有了长足的进步,生产有了更新。例如,根据vniimp-vita 联合股份公司项目的份额:在1988的时间不超过5年的生产不超过35%,而现在是65%。对于已经产生10年以上的物品股票分别是40和18%。








表1 更新的基本医疗设备和仪器(总名称%)








工业设计原著选读 优秀的产品设计 第一个拨号电话1897年由卡罗耳Gantz 第一个拨号电话在1897年被自动电器公司引入,成立于1891年布朗强,一名勘萨斯州承担者。在1889年,相信铃声“中央交换”将转移来电给竞争对手,强发明了被拨号系统控制的自动交换机系统。这个系统在1892年第一次在拉波特完成史端乔系统中被安装。1897年,强的模型电话,然而模型扶轮拨条的位置没有类似于轮齿约170度,以及边缘拨阀瓣。电话,当然是被亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔(1847—1922)在1876年发明的。第一个商业交换始建于1878(12个使用者),在1879年,多交换机系统由工程师勒罗伊B 菲尔曼发明,使电话取得商业成功,用户在1890年达到250000。 直到1894年,贝尔原批专利过期,贝尔电话公司在市场上有一个虚拟的垄断。他们已经成功侵权投诉反对至少600竞争者。该公司曾在1896年,刚刚在中央交易所推出了电源的“普通电池”制度。在那之前,一个人有手摇电话以提供足够的电力呼叫。一个连接可能仍然只能在给予该人的名义下提出要求达到一个电话接线员。这是强改变的原因。 强很快成为贝尔的强大竞争者。他在1901年引进了一个桌面拨号模型,这个模型在设计方面比贝尔的模型更加清晰。在1902年,他引进了一个带有磁盘拨号的墙面电话,这次与实际指孔,仍然只有170度左右在磁盘周围。到1905年,一个“长距离”手指孔已经被增加了。最后一个强的知名模型是在1907年。强的专利大概过期于1914年,之后他或他的公司再也没有听到过。直到1919年贝尔引进了拨号系统。当他们这样做,在拨号盘的周围手指孔被充分扩展了。 强发明的拨号系统直到1922年进入像纽约一样的大城市才成为主流。但是一旦作为规规范被确立,直到70年代它仍然是主要的电话技术。后按键式拨号在1963年被推出之后,强发明的最初的手指拨号系统作为“旋转的拨号系统”而知名。这是强怎样“让你的手指拨号”的。 埃姆斯椅LCW和DCW 1947 这些带有复合曲线座位,靠背和橡胶防震装置的成型胶合板椅是由查尔斯埃姆斯设计,在赫曼米勒家具公司生产的。 这个原始的概念是被查尔斯埃姆斯(1907—1978)和埃罗沙里宁(1910—1961)在1940年合作构想出来的。在1937年,埃姆斯成为克兰布鲁克学院实验设计部门的领头人,和沙里宁一起工作调查材料和家具。在这些努力下,埃姆斯发明了分成薄片和成型胶合板夹板,被称作埃姆斯夹板,在1941年收到了来自美国海军5000人的订单。查尔斯和他的妻子雷在他们威尼斯,钙的工作室及工厂和埃文斯产品公司的生产厂家一起生产了这批订单。 在1941年现代艺术博物馆,艾略特诺伊斯组织了一场比赛用以发现对现代生活富有想象力的设计师。奖项颁发给了埃姆斯和沙里宁他们的椅子和存储碎片,由包括埃德加考夫曼,大都会艺术博物馆的阿尔弗雷德,艾略特诺伊斯,马尔塞布鲁尔,弗兰克帕里什和建筑师爱德华达雷尔斯通的陪审团裁决。 这些椅子在1946年的现代艺术展览博物馆被展出,查尔斯埃姆斯设计的新的家具。当时,椅子只有三条腿,稳定性问题气馁了大规模生产。 早期的LCW(低木椅)和DWC(就餐木椅)设计有四条木腿在1946年第一次被埃文斯产品公司(埃姆斯的战时雇主)生产出来,被赫曼米勒家具公司分配。这些工具1946年被乔治纳尔逊为赫曼米勒购买,在1949年接手制造权。后来金属脚的愿景在1951年制作,包括LCW(低金属椅)和DWC(就餐金属椅)模型。配套的餐饮和咖啡桌也产生。这条线一直


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Statistical hypothesis testing Adriana Albu,Loredana Ungureanu Politehnica University Timisoara,adrianaa@aut.utt.ro Politehnica University Timisoara,loredanau@aut.utt.ro Abstract In this article,we present a Bayesian statistical hypothesis testing inspection, testing theory and the process Mentioned hypothesis testing in the real world and the importance of, and successful test of the Notes. Key words Bayesian hypothesis testing; Bayesian inference;Test of significance Introduction A statistical hypothesis test is a method of making decisions using data, whether from a controlled experiment or an observational study (not controlled). In statistics, a result is called statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone, according to a pre-determined threshold probability, the significance level. The phrase "test of significance" was coined by Ronald Fisher: "Critical tests of this kind may be called tests of significance, and when such tests are available we may discover whether a second sample is or is not significantly different from the first."[1] Hypothesis testing is sometimes called confirmatory data analysis, in contrast to exploratory data analysis. In frequency probability,these decisions are almost always made using null-hypothesis tests. These are tests that answer the question Assuming that the null hypothesis is true, what is the probability of observing a value for the test statistic that is at [] least as extreme as the value that was actually observed?) 2 More formally, they represent answers to the question, posed before undertaking an experiment,of what outcomes of the experiment would lead to rejection of the null hypothesis for a pre-specified probability of an incorrect rejection. One use of hypothesis testing is deciding whether experimental results contain enough information to cast doubt on conventional wisdom. Statistical hypothesis testing is a key technique of frequentist statistical inference. The Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing is to base rejection of the hypothesis on the posterior probability.[3][4]Other approaches to reaching a decision based on data are available via decision theory and optimal decisions. The critical region of a hypothesis test is the set of all outcomes which cause the null hypothesis to be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The critical region is usually denoted by the letter C. One-sample tests are appropriate when a sample is being compared to the population from a hypothesis. The population characteristics are known from theory or are calculated from the population.

工程成本预算 毕业论文外文文献翻译

外文翻译 Construction projects, private and public alike, have a long history of cost escalation. Transportation projects, which typically have long lead times between planning and construction, are historically underestimated, as shown through a review of the cost growth experienced with the Holland Tunnel. Approximately 50% of the active large transportation projects in the United States have overrun their initial budgets. A large number of studies and research projects have identified individual factors that lead to increased project cost. Although the factors identified can influence privately funded projects the effects are particularly detrimental to publicly funded projects. The public funds available for a pool of projects are limited and there is a backlog of critical infrastructure needs. Therefore, if any project exceeds its budget other projects are dropped from the program or the scope is reduced to provide the funds necessary to cover the cost growth. Such actions exacerbate the deterioration of a state’s transportation infrastructure. This study is an anthology and categorization of individual cost increase factors that were identified through an in-depth literature review. This categorization of 18 primary factors which impact the cost of all types of construction projects was verified by interviews with over 20 state highway agencies. These factors represent documented causes behind cost escalation problems. Engineers who address these escalation factors when assessing future project cost and who seek to mitigate the influence of these factors can improve the accuracy of their cost estimates and program budgets Historically large construction projects have been plagued by cost and schedule overruns Flyvbjerg et al. 2002. In too many cases, the final project cost has been higher than the cost estimates prepared and released during initial planning, preliminary engineering, final design, or even at the start of construction “Mega projects need more study up front to avoid cost overruns.” The ramifica tions of differences between early project cost estimates and bid prices or the final cost of a project can be significant. Over the time span between project initiation concept development and the completion of construction many factors may influence the final project costs. This time span is normally several years in duration but for the highly


软件工程专业BIOS资料外文翻译文献 What is the Basic Input Output System (BIOS)? BIOS is an acronym for Basic Input Output System. It is the program that stores configuration details about your computer hardware and enables your computer to boot up. Every time your computer is switched on the BIOS loads configuration data into main memory, performs a routine diagnostic test on your hardware, then loads the operating system. The BIOS resides in a ROM (Read-Only memory) chip, which is mounted on the motherboard, usually in a socket so it is removable. To the right is an example of what a BIOS chip may look like in your motherboard. This is a PLCC 32 pin type BIOS chip. It is a very common type. Every computer has BIOS. There are many types but the most common type of BIOS 's come from: AMI, Award and Phoenix. Motherboard manufacturers buy or lease the BIOS source code from these companies. The BIOS tells the operating system in your computer how to boot up, where to load everything, what to load, what memory and CPU are present and much more. A good comparison to further understand the


Interaction design Moggridge Bill Interaction design,Page 1-15 USA Art Press, 2008 Interaction design (IxD) is the study of devices with which a user can interact, in particular computer users. The practice typically centers on "embedding information technology into the ambient social complexities of the physical world."[1] It can also apply to other types of non-electronic products and services, and even organizations. Interaction design defines the behavior (the "interaction") of an artifact or system in response to its users. Malcolm McCullough has written, "As a consequence of pervasive computing, interaction design is poised to become one of the main liberal arts of the twenty-first century." Certain basic principles of cognitive psychology provide grounding for interaction design. These include mental models, mapping, interface metaphors, and affordances. Many of these are laid out in Donald Norman's influential book The Psychology of Everyday Things. As technologies are often overly complex for their intended target audience, interaction design aims to minimize the learning curve and to increase accuracy and efficiency of a task without diminishing usefulness. The objective is to reduce frustration and increase user productivity and satisfaction. Interaction design attempts to improve the usability and experience of the product, by first researching and understanding certain users' needs and then designing to meet and exceed them. (Figuring out who needs to use it, and how those people would like to use it.) Only by involving users who will use a product or system on a regular basis will designers be able to properly tailor and maximize usability. Involving real users, designers gain the ability to better understand user goals and experiences. (see also: User-centered design) There are also positive side effects which include enhanced system capability awareness and user ownership. It is important that the user be aware of system capabilities from an early stage so that expectations regarding functionality are both realistic and properly understood. Also, users who have been active participants in a product's development are more likely to feel a sense of ownership, thus increasing overall satisfa. Instructional design is a goal-oriented, user-centric approach to creating training and education software or written materials. Interaction design and instructional design both rely on cognitive psychology theories to focus on how users will interact with software. They both take an in-depth approach to analyzing the user's needs and goals. A needs analysis is often performed in both disciplines. Both, approach the design from the user's perspective. Both, involve gathering feedback from users, and making revisions until the product or service has been found to be effective. (Summative / formative evaluations) In many ways, instructional


吉林化工学院理学院 毕业论文外文翻译English Title(Times New Roman ,三号) 学生学号:08810219 学生姓名:袁庚文 专业班级:信息与计算科学0802 指导教师:赵瑛 职称副教授 起止日期:2012.2.27~2012.3.14 吉林化工学院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

1 外文翻译的基本内容 应选择与本课题密切相关的外文文献(学术期刊网上的),译成中文,与原文装订在一起并独立成册。在毕业答辩前,同论文一起上交。译文字数不应少于3000个汉字。 2 书写规范 2.1 外文翻译的正文格式 正文版心设置为:上边距:3.5厘米,下边距:2.5厘米,左边距:3.5厘米,右边距:2厘米,页眉:2.5厘米,页脚:2厘米。 中文部分正文选用模板中的样式所定义的“正文”,每段落首行缩进2字;或者手动设置成每段落首行缩进2字,字体:宋体,字号:小四,行距:多倍行距1.3,间距:前段、后段均为0行。 这部分工作模板中已经自动设置为缺省值。 2.2标题格式 特别注意:各级标题的具体形式可参照外文原文确定。 1.第一级标题(如:第1章绪论)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题1”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:三号,1.5倍行距,段后11磅,段前为11磅。 2.第二级标题(如:1.2 摘要与关键词)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题2”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:四号,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 3.第三级标题(如:1.2.1 摘要)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题3”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:小四,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 标题和后面文字之间空一格(半角)。 3 图表及公式等的格式说明 图表、公式、参考文献等的格式详见《吉林化工学院本科学生毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写规范及标准模版》中相关的说明。


毕业设计(论文) 外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 文献、资料英文题目: 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业:工程管理 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

科技文献翻译 题目:研究建设项目的工程造价 研究建设项目的工程造价 摘要 在工程建设中,中国是拥有世界最大投资金额和具有最多建设项目的国家。它是一 项在建设项目管理上可以为广泛的工程管理人员进行有效的工程造价管理,并合理 确定和保证施工质量和工期的条件控制施工成本的重要课题。 在失去了中国建筑的投资和技术经济工程,分离的控制现状的基础上,通过建设成 本控制的基本理论为指导,探讨控制方法和施工成本的应用,阐述了存在的问题在 施工成本控制和对决心和施工成本的控制这些问题的影响,提出了建设成本控制应 体现在施工前期,整个施工过程中的成本控制,然后介绍了一些程序和应用价值工 程造价的方法在控制建设项目的所有阶段。 关键词:建设成本,成本控制,项目 1.研究的意义 在中国,现有的工程造价管理体系是20世纪50年代制定的,并在1980s.Traditional 施工成本管理方法改进是根据国家统一的配额,从原苏联引进的一种方法。它的特 点是建设成本的计划经济的管理方法,这决定了它无法适应当前市场经济的要求。 在中国传统建筑成本管理方法主要包括两个方面,即建设成本和施工成本控制方法 的测定方法。工程造价的确定传统的主要做法生搬硬套国家或地方统一的配额数量 来确定一个建设项目的成本。虽然这种方法已经历了20多年的改革,到现在为止,计划经济管理模式的影响仍然有已经存在在许多地区。我们传统的工程造价控制的


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Application Fundamentals Android applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an Android package, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application. In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world: 1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications. 2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications. 3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well. It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the same


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译原文:

DESIGN and ENVIRONMENT Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human. In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products. Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on individuation and self-expression,market competition and requirement of individuation of product. Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores. Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface. Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.

毕业论文 外文翻译#(精选.)

毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 题目:中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素 系部名称:经济管理系专业班级:会计082班 学生姓名:任民学号: 200880444228 指导教师:冯银波教师职称:讲师 年月日

译文: 中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素 国际商业管理杂志 2009.10 摘要:本文把重点集中于中国上市公司的融资活动,运用西方融资理论,从非制度性因素方面,如融资成本、企业资产类型和质量、盈利能力、行业因素、股权结构因素、财务管理水平和社会文化,分析了中国上市公司倾向于股权融资的原因,并得出结论,股权融资偏好是上市公司根据中国融资环境的一种合理的选择。最后,针对公司的股权融资偏好提出了一些简明的建议。 关键词:股权融资,非制度性因素,融资成本 一、前言 中国上市公司偏好于股权融资,根据中国证券报的数据显示,1997年上市公司在资本市场的融资金额为95.87亿美元,其中股票融资的比例是72.5%,,在1998年和1999年比例分别为72.6%和72.3%,另一方面,债券融资的比例分别是17.8%,24.9%和25.1%。在这三年,股票融资的比例,在比中国发达的资本市场中却在下跌。以美国为例,当美国企业需要的资金在资本市场上,于股权融资相比他们宁愿选择债券融资。统计数据显示,从1970年到1985年,美日企业债券融资占了境外融资的91.7%,比股权融资高很多。阎达五等发现,大约中国3/4的上市公司偏好于股权融资。许多研究的学者认为,上市公司按以下顺序进行外部融资:第一个是股票基金,第二个是可转换债券,三是短期债务,最后一个是长期负债。许多研究人员通常分析我国上市公司偏好股权是由于我们国家的经济改革所带来的制度性因素。他们认为,上市公司的融资活动违背了西方古典融资理论只是因为那些制度性原因。例如,优序融资理论认为,当企业需要资金时,他们首先应该转向内部资金(折旧和留存收益),然后再进行债权融资,最后的选择是股票融资。在这篇文章中,笔者认为,这是因为具体的金融环境激活了企业的这种偏好,并结合了非制度性因素和西方金融理论,尝试解释股权融资偏好的原因。


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