


Value added tax

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A value added tax(V AT)is a form of consumption tax.It is a tax on the”value added”to a product or material,from an accounting view, at each stage of its manufacture or distribution.The”value added”to a product by a business is the sale price charged to its customer,minus the cost of materials and other taxable inputs.A V AT is like a sales tax in that ultimately only the end consumer is taxed.It differs from the sales tax in that,with the latter,the tax is collected and remitted to the government only once.at the point of purchase by the end consumer.With the V AT, collections,remittances to the government,and credits for taxes already paid occur each time a business in the supply chain purchases products from another business. The reason businesses end up paying no tax is that at the time they sell the product,they receive a credit for all the tax they have paid to suppliers.

Personal end-consumers of products and services cannot recover V AT on purchases,but businesses are able to recover V AT(input tax)on the products and services that they buy in order to produce further goods or services that will be sold to yet another business in the supply chain or directly to a final consumer.In this way, the total tax levied at each stage in the economic chain of supply is a constant fraction of the value added by a business to its products,and most of the cost of collecting the tax is borne by business,rather than by the state.Value Added Taxes were introduced in part because they create stronger incentives to collect than a sales tax does.Both types of consumption tax create an incentive by end consumers to avoid or evade the tax.But the sales tax offers the buyer a mechanism to avoid or evade the tax--persuade the seller that he is not really an end consumer,and therefore the seller is not legally required to collect it.The burden of determining whether the buyer’S motivation is to consume or re-sell is on the seller.but the seller has no direct economic incentive to the seller to collect it.The V AT approach gives sellers a direct financial stake in collecting the tax,and eliminates the problematic decision by the seller about whether the buyer is or is not an end consumer.

Chapter I Comparison with a sales tax

Value added tax(V AT)avoids the cascade effect of sales tax by taxing only the value added at each stage of production.For this reason,throughout the world,V AT has been gaining favor over traditional sales taxes.In principle,V AT applies to all provisions of goods and services.V AT is assessed and collected on the value of goods or services that have been provided every time there is a transaction (sale/purchase). The seller charges V AT to the buyer, and the seller pays this V AT to the government.If however, the purchaser is not an end user,but the goods or services purchased are costs to its business, the tax it has paid for such purchases can be deducted from the tax it charges to its customers.The government only receives the difference;in other words,it is paid tax on the gross margin of each transaction,by each participant in the sales chain.

Sales tax is normally charged on end users(consumers).The V AT mechanism means that the end—user tax is the same as it would be with a sales tax.The main difference is the extra accounting required by those in the middle of the supply chain;this disadvantage of V AT is balanced by application of the same tax to each member of the production chain regardless of its position in it and the position of its customers, reducing the effort required to check and certify their status.When the V AT system has few, if any, exemptions such as with GST in New Zealand,payment of V AT is even simpler.

A general economic idea is that if sales taxes exceed 1 0%,people start engaging in widespread tax evading activity(1ike buying over the Internet,pretending to be a business,buying at wholesale,buying products through an employer etc. On the other hand.total V AT rates can rise above 1 0%without widespread evasion because of the novel collection mechanism.However,because of its particular mechanism of collection,V AT becomes quite easily the target of specific frauds like carousel fraud, which can be very expensive in terms of loss of tax incomes for states.

1.1 Principle of V AT

The standard way to implement a V AT involves assuming a business owes some percentage on the price of the product minus all taxes previously paid on the good. If V AT rates were 10%,an orange juice maker would pay 10%of the£5 per litre price (£0.50)minus taxes previously paid by the orange farmer(maybe£0.20).In this example,the orange juice maker would have a £0.30 tax liability. Each business has a strong incentive for its suppliers to pay their taxes,allowing V AT rates to be higher

with less tax evasion than a retail sales tax.Behind this simple principle are the variations in its implementations,as discussed in the next section.

1.2 Basis for V ATs

By the method of collection. V AT can be accounts-based or invoice-based. Under the invoice method of collection, each seller charges V AT rate on his output and passes the buyer a special invoice that indicates the amount of tax charged. Buyers who are subject to V AT on their own sales(output tax),consider the tax on the purchase invoices as input tax and can deduct the sum from their own V AT liability. The difference between output tax and input tax is paid to the government (or a refund is claimed,in the case of negative liability). Under the accounts based method,no such specific invoices are used.Instead,the tax is calculated on the value added, measured as a difference between revenues and allowable purchases. Most countries today use the invoice method, the only exception being Japan, which uses the accounts method.

Chapter II Criticisms

The “value-added tax” has been criticized as the burden of it relies on personal end-consumers of products. Some critics consider it to be a regressive tax, meaning the poor pay more, as a percentage of their income, than the rich. Defenders argue that excising taxation through income is an arbitrary standard,and that the value-added tax is in fact a proportional tax in that people with higher income pay more at the same rate that they consume more. The effective progressiveness or regressiveness of a V AT system can also be affected when different classes of goods are taxed at different rates. To maintain the progressive nature of total taxes on individuals, countries implementing V AT have reduced income tax on lower income-earners, as well as instituted direct transfer payments to lower-income groups, resulting in lower tax burdens on the poor.

Revenues from a value added tax are frequently lower than expected because they are difficult and costly to administer and collect.In many countries, however, where collection of personal income taxes and corporate profit taxes has been historically weak, V AT collection has been more successful than other types of taxes. V AT has become more important in many jurisdictions as tariff levels have fallen worldwide due to trade liberalization. as V AT has essentially replaced lost tariff revenues. Whether the costs and distortions of value added taxes are lower than the economic inefficiencies and enforcement issues (e.g. smuggling) from high import tariffs is debated, but theory suggests value added taxes are far more efficient.

Certain industries(small.scale services,for example)tend to have more V AT avoidance, particularly where cash transactions predominate,and V AT may be criticized for encouraging this. From the perspective of government, however, V AT may be preferable because it captures at least some of the value-added, For example, a carpenter may offer to provide services for cash (i.e. without a receipt, and without V AT)to a homeowner, who usually cannot claim input V AT back. The homeowner will hence bear lower costs and the carpenter may be able to avoid other taxes (profit or payroll taxes). The government, however, may still receive V AT for various other inputs(1umber, paint, gasoline, tools, etc.) sold to the carpenter,who would be unable to reclaim the V AT on these inputs (unless of course the carpenter also has at 1east some jobs done with receipt, and claims all purchased inputs to go to those jobs). While the total tax receipts may be lower compared to full compliance, it may not be lower than under other feasible taxation systems.

Chapter III V AT systems

3.1 European Union

The European Union Value Added Tax(EU V AT)is a value added tax encompassing member states in the European Union Value Added Tax Area. Joining in this is compulsory for member states of the European Union. As a consumption tax, the EU V AT taxes the consumption of goods and services in the EU V AT area. The EU V AT’s key issue asks where the supply and consumption occurs thereby determining which member state will collect the V AT and which V AT rate will be charged.

Each Member State’s national V AT legislation must comply with the provisions 0f EU V AT law as set out in Directive 2006/112/EC. This Directive sets out the basic framework for EU V AT, but does allow Member States some degree of flexibility in implementation of V AT legislation. For example different rates of V AT are allowed in different EU member states. However Directive 2006/112requires Member states to have a minimum standard rate of V AT of 15%and one or two reduced rates not to be below 5%. Some Member States have a 0%V AT rate on certain supplies-these Member States would have agreed this as part of their EU Accession Treaty(for example, newspapers and certain magazines in Belgium). The current maximum rate in operation in the EU is 25%, though member states are free to set higher rates.

V AT that is charged by a business and paid by its customers is known as ”output V AT” (that is,V AT on its output supplies). V AT that is paid by a business to other businesses on the supplies that it receives is known as ”input V AT”(that is, V AT on its input supplies). A business is generally able to recover input V AT to the extent that the input V AT is attributable to(that is, used to make)its taxable outputs. Input V AT is recovered by setting it against the output V AT for which the business is required to account to the government, or, if there is an excess, by claiming a repayment from the government.

The V AT Directive (prior to 1 January 2007 referred to as the Sixth V AT Directive) requires certain goods and services to be exempt from V AT (for example, postal services, medical care, lending, insurance, betting), and certain other goods and services to be exempt from V AT but subject to the ability of an EU member state to opt to charge V AT on those supplies (such as land and certain financial services). Input V AT that is attributable to exempt supplies is not recoverable,although a business Can increase its prices SO the customer effectively bears the cost of the ’sticking’ V AT (the effective rate will be lower than the headline rate and depend

on the balance between previously taxed input and labor at the exempt stage).

3.2 The Nordic countries

In Denmark,V AT is generally applied at one rate, and with few exceptions is not split into two or more rates as in other countries (e.g. Germany), where reduced rates apply to essential goods such as foodstuffs.The current standard rate of V AT in Denmark is 25%. That makes Denmark one of the countries with the highest value added tax, alongside Norway and Sweden. A number of services has reduced V AT, for instance public transportation of private persons, health care services, publishing newspapers, rent of premises (the lessor can, though, voluntarily register as V AT payer, except for residential premises), and travel agency operations.

In Finland,the standard rate of V AT is 23%, along with all other V AT rates, excluding the zero rate. In addition,two reduced rates are in use:12%(reduced in October 2009 from 17% for non-restaurant food, from July 2010 will encompass restaurant food also), which is applied on food and animal feed, and 8%, which is applied on passenger transportation services, cinema performances, physical exercise services, books, pharmaceuticals, entrance fees to commercial cultural and entertainment events and facilities. Supplies of some goods and services are exempt under the conditions defined in the Finnish V AT Act: hospital and medical care; social welfare services; educational. financial and insurance services; lotteries and money games; transactions concerning bank notes and coins used as legal tender; real property including building land; certain transactions carried out by blind persons and interpretation services for deaf persons. The seller of these tax-exempt services or goods is not subject to V AT and does not pay tax on sales. Such sellers therefore may not deduct V AT included in the purchase prices of his inputs.

In Sweden, V AT is split into three levels; 25% for most goods and services including restaurants bills, 12% for foods (incl. bring home from restaurants) and hotel stays (but breakfast at 25%) and 6% for printed matter, cultural services, and transport of private persons. Some services are not taxable for example education of children and adults if public utility, and health and dental care, but education is taxable at 25% in case of courses for adults at a private school. Dance events (for the guests) have 25%, concerts and stage shows have 6%, and some types of cultural events have 0%.


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? Ahmed. Ehtisham and Nicholas Stern. 1991. The Theory and Practice of Tax Reform in Developing Countries (Cambridge University Press).

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?Keen, Michael and S. Smith .2000. “Viva VIVAT!” International Tax and Public Finance, 7: 741-51.

? Keen, Michael and S. Smith .1996. "The Future of Value-added Tax in the European Union," Economic Policy, 23: 375-411.

? McLure, Charles E. (1993) "The Brazilian Tax Assignment Problem: Ends, Means, and Constraints," in A Reforma Fiscal no Brasil (S?o Paulo: Funda??o Instituto de Pesquisas Econ?micas).

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? Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Act, 2005, Andhra Pradesh Gazette Extraordinary, 25 March 2005, retrieved on 16 March 2007.

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From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedi


增值税(V AT)是消费税的一种形式。从会计视角看,它在每个制造或分销阶段都是一个税收上的“附加值税”的产品或材料。在“增值”的一项业务产品的销售价格中向客户收取,扣除材料和其他应税投入的成本.增值税类似于销售税,最终由最终消费者承担税负。然而它又不同于销售税,后者的税收是对收集并汇给政府在购买后的最终消费点上的销售额征税。随着增值税的出现,收集、向政府、?L款,并己缴纳税款抵免从其他业务中每次出现在供应链的采购业务。之所以企业为此付出税额,是由于当时他们在销售的产品的是时候收到了所有供应商支付给他们税收抵免。






1.1 增值税的原则


1.2 增值税的依据



在“增值税”已被批评为它的负担个人终端消费者依赖的products.Some 评论家认为,这是一种累退税,这意味着支付更多的贫困作为其收入的百分七匕,较丰富。辩护者说,通过切除所得税是一个任意的标准,而增值税其实是一个高收入的比例税率缴纳人以同样的速度,他们消耗更多更多。有效的先进性或增值税制度regressiveness也受到影响不同类别的商品时,以不同的比率征税。为了保持对个人进步的总税收的性质,国家实施增值税减少了对较低收入者的所得税,以及实行直接转移支付力度,低收入群体,对穷人造成负担,降低税收。




3.1 欧洲联盟





3.2 北欧国家







外文文献翻译:原文+译文 原文 The research of corporate V AT planning Phillips J D Abstract Enterprise tax planning is very necessity. But most tax planning of enterprise is so difficult, the manager normally feel do not know how to start it. This is mainly because when doing tax planning personnel breadth and depth of thinking is limited. In fact, in view of the enterprise a certain business, as long as the tax personnel to all business related tax law research understand the relevant rules and regulations are in place, so companies when doing tax planning should be no problem. For example and to increase "camp" the tax planning, the categories of taxes that must be considered including the business tax and value-added tax, the relevant expenses such as urban maintenance and construction tax and educational expenses to add. Of course, the enterprise can not only consider when do tax planning; a business enterprise's business is very broad, so when doing tax planning to overall consideration. Keywords: value-added tax; the individual income tax; Tax rate; Tax planning 1 Introduction Enterprises between the increasingly fierce markets competitions, enterprises want to gain share in the market, a place, you must adapt to the evolution of natural law, has the stronger than other enterprise competitive power, and this kind of competition power depend mainly on market segment and reduce the cost. Undoubtedly tax is an important part in enterprise cost, the main body of enterprise tax include value added tax, income tax, business tax, consumption tax, etc., and occupy the largest proportion of is value added tax, accounting earnings and the realization of the goal of the enterprise plays an important significance. Because different countries have different social and economic development to its policy orientation, so differences exist in different countries and different industries, the tax policy and accounting system for the choice of accounting methods more flexible, which provides a choice of V AT tax conditions and space? The V AT tax planning for


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P2P 金融下的中小企业融资互联网金融外文文献翻译最新译文

文献出处: Waitz M. The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance [J]. Journal of Business Research, 2016, 8(6): 81-91. 原文 The small and medium-sized enterprise financing under P2P finance Waitz M Abstract Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. Article introduces the concept of the Internet financial, mainly summarized the P2P financial in the development of financial innovation and integration of science and technology, a combination of academic research on P2P financial now of the five directions of various views and opinions. Points out the current P2P financial problems in the development of risk control, and analyses the trend of the Internet financial. Keywords: P2P financial; Financial innovation; Risk control 1 Introduction Look from the history of enterprise development, a large enterprise originate from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) is the most dynamic part of the national economy, often walk in the forefront of technology development, in the high-tech industry, clean energy, green economy, etc, have good performance, play an important role in the economic transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult is worldwide difficult problem. These small and medium-sized enterprise financing environment and narrow channels, more than 60% are unable to get a bank loan. At present, science and technology enterprises and the characteristics of light assets, financing difficulties, become a huge bottleneck of sustainable development. 2 The concept of the Internet financial In the past two years, the Internet financial show explosive growth, since 2014, the Internet financial sector performance strength. Current economic field exists the phenomenon of two special contradiction, one is the small and medium-sized


本科毕业论文(翻译) 英文标题 学生姓名学号 教学院系石油与天然气工程学院 专业年级油气储运工程2011级 指导教师职称 单位 辅导教师职称 单位 完成日期2015年06月

利用天然气管道压差能量液化天然气流程 摘要 长输管道天然气的输送压力通常较高(高达10兆帕),在城市门站通常需要一套节流装置完成减压过程,这个过程通常由节流装置实现,而且在此过程中会浪费非常巨大的压力能。在该文章中通过HYSYS软件来设计和模拟回收利用该巨大能量来完成一股天然气的膨胀液化过程。将单位能量消耗和液化率作为目标函数并作为优化设计选择的关键变量。同样对天然气管道在不同运输用作压力下的工作情况进行计算和讨论,同时对不同设备压力能损失进行评估,并对具体细节进行分析。结果显示,这一液化率显然低于普通液化过程的液化率,该天然气膨胀液化过程适用于进行天然气液化是由于他的单位能耗低,过程简单及灵活。 1.介绍 长距离输送管线通常在较高的工作压力下运行(高达10兆帕),高压天然气通常在城市门站内通过一个不可逆的节流过程从而降压到达较低的压力为了适应不同的需求,在这个过程中有用的压力能就这样被浪费了,因而,利用合适的能源利用方法回收这部分大量的压力能是十分有价值的。 天然气管道压力能多用于发电,轻质烃的分离以及天然气的液化。现在已经有很多关于一些小型的LNG站场天然气液化的研究报告,天然气技术研究所开发了一个小型的利用混合制冷机制冷循环的天然气液化系统,起液化能力在4-40m3 /d,kirllow等人研究了利用涡流液化技术和膨胀液化技术的小型天然气液化调峰厂。Len等人描述了几个基于压力能回收利用的天然气液化流程。Lentransgaz公司开发了充分利用压力能而没有外来能源输入来液化天然气的天然气液化的新设备。 Mokarizadeh等人应用了基因遗传学的相关算法对于天然气调峰厂的液化天然气的压力能使用进行优化以及损失的评估,Cao等人使用Hysys软件分析了应用于小型天然气液化流程的使用混合制冷剂循环以及N2,CH4膨胀循环的撬装包。Remeljej等人比较了四种液化流程包括单级混合制冷循环,两级膨胀氮循环,两开环膨胀流程,以及类似的能量分析得到单级的混合制冷剂循环有最低的能量损失。 表1 符号命名 符号名称符号名称 a 吸入参量,Pa(m3/mol) t 温度K A 无量纲吸入参量v 摩尔体积m3/mol b 摩尔体积m3/mol W 能量kW


财务风险管理 尽管近年来金融风险大大增加,但风险和风险管理不是当代的主要问题。全球市场越来越多的问题是,风险可能来自几千英里以外的与这些事件无关的国外市场。意味着需要的信息可以在瞬间得到,而其后的市场反应,很快就发生了。经济气候和市场可能会快速影响外汇汇率变化、利率及大宗商品价格,交易对手会迅速成为一个问题。因此,重要的一点是要确保金融风险是可以被识别并且管理得当的。准备是风险管理工作的一个关键组成部分。 什么是风险? 风险给机会提供了基础。风险和暴露的条款让它们在含义上有了细微的差别。风险是指有损失的可能性,而暴露是可能的损失,尽管他们通常可以互换。风险起因是由于暴露。金融市场的暴露影响大多数机构,包括直接或间接的影响。当一个组织的金融市场暴露,有损失的可能性,但也是一个获利或利润的机会。金融市场的暴露可以提供战略性或竞争性的利益。 风险损失的可能性事件来自如市场价格的变化。事件发生的可能性很小,但这可能导致损失率很高,特别麻烦,因为他们往往比预想的要严重得多。换句话说,可能就是变异的风险回报。由于它并不总是可能的,或者能满意地把风险消除,在决定如何管理它中了解它是很重要的一步。识别暴露和风险形式的基础需要相应的财务风险管理策略。 财务风险是如何产生的呢? 无数金融性质的交易包括销售和采购,投资和贷款,以及其他各种业务活动,产生了财务风险。它可以出现在合法的交易中,新项目中,兼并和收购中,债务融资中,能源部分的成本中,或通过管理的活动,利益相关者,竞争者,外国政府,或天气出现。当金融的价格变化很大,它可以增加成本,降低财政收入,或影响其他有不利影响的盈利能力的组织。金融波动可能使人们难以规划和预算商品和服务的价格,并分配资金。 有三种金融风险的主要来源: 1、金融风险起因于组织所暴露出来的市场价格的变化,如利率、汇率、和大宗商品价格。 2、引起金融风险的行为有与其他组织的交易如供应商、客户,和对方在金融衍生产品中的交易。 3、由于内部行动或失败的组织,特别是人、过程和系统所造成的金融风险。 什么是财务风险管理? 财务风险管理是用来处理金融市场中不确定的事情的。它涉及到一个组织所面临的评估和组织的发展战略、内部管理的优先事项和当政策一致时的财务风险。企业积极应对金融风险可以使企业成为一个具有竞争优势的组织。它还确保管理,业务人员,利益相关者,董事会董事在对风险的关键问题达成协议。金融风险管理组织就必须作出那些不被接受的有关风险的决定。那些被动不采取行动的战略是在默认情况下接受所有的风险,组织使用各种策略和产品来管理金融风险。重要的是要了解这些产品和战略方面,通过工作来减少该组织内的风险承受能力和目标范围内的风险。 风险管理的策略往往涉及衍生工具。在金融机构和有组织的交易所,衍生物广泛地进行


《营业税改征增值税跨境应税服务增值税免税管理办法(试行)》 《营业税改征增值税跨境应税服务增值税免税管理办法(试行)》(二) 更新:2018-11-22 03:03:21 4.向境外单位提供的研发服务和设计服务,对境内不动产提供的设计服务除外。 (十)向境外单位提供的下列应税服务: 1.电信业服务、技术转让服务、技术咨询服务、合同能源管理服务、软件服务、电路设计及测试服务、信息系统服务、业务流程管理服务、商标著作权转让服务、知识产权服务、物流辅助服务(仓储服务、收派服务除外)、认证服务、鉴证服务、咨询服务、广播影视节目(作品)制作服务、程租服务。 纳税人向境外单位或者个人提供国际语音通话服务、国际短信服务、国际彩信服务,通过境外电信单位结算费用的,服务接受方为境外电信单位,属于向境外单位提供的电信业服务。 境外单位从事国际运输和港澳台运输业务经停我国机场、码头、车站、领空、内河、海域时,纳税人向其提供的航空地面服务、港口码头服务、货运客运站场服务、打捞救助服务、装卸搬运服务,属于向境外单位提供的物流辅助服务。 合同标的物在境内的合同能源管理服务,对境内不动产提供的鉴证咨询服务,以及提供服务时货物实体在境内的鉴证咨询

服务,不属于本款规定的向境外单位提供的应税服务。 2.广告投放地在境外的广告服务。 广告投放地在境外的广告服务,是指为在境外发布的广告所提供的广告服务。 第三条纳税人向国内海关特殊监管区域内的单位或者个人提供的应税服务,不属于跨境服务,应照章征收增值税。 第四条纳税人提供本办法第二条所列跨境服务,除第(五)项外,必须与服务接受方签订跨境服务书面合同。否则,不予免征增值税。 纳税人向外国航空运输企业提供空中飞行管理服务,以中国民用航空局下发的航班计划或者中国民用航空局清算中心临时来华飞行记录,为跨境服务书面合同。 纳税人向外国航空运输企业提供物流辅助服务(除空中飞行管理服务外),与经中国民用航空局批准设立的外国航空运输企业常驻代表机构签订的书面合同,属于与服务接受方签订跨境服务书面合同。外国航空运输企业临时来华飞行,未签订跨境服务书面合同的,以中国民用航空局清算中心临时来华飞行记录为跨境服务书面合同。 第五条纳税人向境外单位有偿提供跨境服务,该服务的全部收入应从境外取得,否则,不予免征增值税。 下列情形视同从境外取得收入: (一)纳税人向外国航空运输企业提供物流辅助服务,从中国民用航空局清算中心、中国航空结算有限责任公司或者经中国民用航空局批准设立的外国航空运输企业常驻代表机构取得的收入。 (二)纳税人向境外关联单位提供跨境服务,从境内第三方结


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院 专业 学生姓名 班级学号 外文出处 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文 指导教师评价: 1.翻译内容与课题的结合度:□优□良□中□差2.翻译内容的准确、流畅:□优□良□中□差3.专业词汇翻译的准确性:□优□良□中□差4.翻译字符数是否符合规定要求:□符合□不符合 指导教师签名: 年月日

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 非常https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, 1.1Web 部署项目 当ASP 第一次发布时,Web 编程还比较困难,因为需要 IIS 来处理 ASP 页。后来,https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, 2.0 和 Visual Studio? 2005 通过引入网站开发模型使一切工作都变得容易了。借助该网站模型,您不必在 Visual Studio 中创建新项目,而是可以指向一个目录并开始编写网页和代码。此外,您还可以使用内置的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, Development Server 快速测试站点,https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, Development Server 将 https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, 寄宿在一个本地进程中,并消除了必须安装 IIS 才能进行开发这一先决条件。该网站模型的魅力在于您在开发 Web 应用程序时无需考虑打包和部署。需要其他类时怎么办?向 App_Code 目录添加一个 .cs 文件即可开始编写。希望将可本地化的字符串存储在资源文件中时怎么办?向 App_GlobalResources 目录添加一个 .resx 文件并键入字符串。一切都顺顺当当;您根本就不必考虑编译和部署方面的事情。 在准备进行部署时,您有多种可选方案。最简单的方案是将文件复制到主运行服务器并按要求编译每一个文件(和在测试环境中一样)。第二种方案是使用 aspnet_compiler.exe 实用工具将应用程序预编译为二进制版本,之后将只剩下要放到服务器上的一组程序集、静态内容和配置文件。第三种方案也使用 aspnet_compiler.exe,但要创建一个可更新的二进制部署,其中 .as*x 文件保持不变(并且可修改),而所有代码文件都编译为二进制程序集。 这似乎涵盖了每一种可能的情况,开发人员可以一心一意地编写 Web 应用程序,而在以后实际部署时再作打包和部署决定。不过,此模型也遭到了相当大的反对,特别是那些习惯了自己开发的 Web 项目是在实际项目文件中指定的实际项目的开发人员的反对,这些项目允许注入生成前和生成后函数、从生成过程排除文件以及使用命令行开关在调试和发布版本之间进行切换等操作。有鉴于此,Microsoft 迅速推出了 Web 应用程序项目(即 WAP),最初它是作为 Visual Studio 2005 的插件发布的,现在包含在 Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 中,Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 可从https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html,/vstudio/support/vs2005sp1 下载。 WAP 可替代与 Visual Studio .NET 2005 Web 项目模型非常接近的网站模型。新的WAP 模型会在生成过程中编译所有源代码文件,并在本地的 /bin 目录中生成一个用于部署的程序集。WAP 还使得增量采用 https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, 2.0 引入的新的分部类代码隐藏模型变得更


译文 银行业是必要的而银行不是,互联网时代的金融中介机构的未来 摘要 本文探讨了互联网时代下金融机构和银行作为特殊的金融机构的未来可能是怎样的问题。由于互联网而导致的交易费用的减少会降低进入金融产品市场的壁垒,因为有可能不再需要运行成本密集型的分支的大型系统。但是,对金融机构的职能研究表明,不是每个人都可以销售和经销金融产品。这是真的,因为金融业务中的信息不对称问题需要一个拥有良好信誉的中介,也因为需要限制大型资本基金转换资产的风险。这两个要求变现了进入金融中介市场的重要壁垒。并不是每一个金融产品会因为互联网的崛起而将面临更多的竞争,只有那些标准化和低风险的产品。此外,那些拥有可观资本和良好声誉的大公司可能被视为银行的新竞争者。 关键字:银行业,银行,金融机构,互联网 1、引言 “银行业是19世纪的钢铁行业。”当谈到关于新的信息技术对银行的影响的谈论时,这句话经常被提起。更一般来说,可能有人会问,新信息技术是如何成功的,特别是互联网的,可能会改变商业和金融机构的市场情况。在互联网的帮助下,人们可以执行所有银行的业务,而不需要银行。这意味着传统银行分支机构的中介。此外,互联网已经使客户直接从网上购买股票而不需要访问当地的分支银行。从更广泛的意义上来说,在互联网的帮助下,金融市场的供给和需求可能通过互联网满足,而不需要金融中介机构。互联网的崛起是否真的是金融中介机构的威胁?在急剧减少的交易成本情况下,商业和竞争将如何变化?本文考察了互联网的成功对金融机构和银行的影响。 2、金融机构的发展 几个世纪以来,许多金融交易需要个人的存在。随着现代信息技术的发展,这些都被改变了。如今,客户可以在不进入当地分支银行的情况下进行任何金融交易。转移支付和支付账单可以通过网络进行,个人金融交易以及关于金融问题的信息咨询业可以通过网络进行。此外,互联网创新类似智能卡或者其他电子支付系统消除了为了得到一些现金而访问分支银行的需要。 但是互联网也会改变咨询活动:在许多情况下,它甚至可能减少个人存在的


毕业设计外文资料翻译 附件1:外文资料翻译译文 一维多级轴流压缩机性能的解析优化 摘要 对多级压缩机的优化设计模型,本文假设固定的流道形状以入口和出口的动叶绝对角度,静叶的绝对角度和静叶及每一级的入口和出口的相对气体密度作为设计变量,得到压缩机基元级的基本方程和多级压缩机的解析关系。用数值实例来说明多级压缩机的各种参数对最优性能的影响。 关键词 轴流压缩机 效率 分析关系 优化 1 引言 轴流式压缩机的设计是工艺技术的一部分,如果缺乏准确的预测将影响设计过程。至今还没有公认的方法可使新的设计参数达到一个足够精确的值,通过应用一些已经取得新进展的数值优化技术,以完成单级和多级轴流式压缩机的设计。计算流体动力学(CFD )和许多更准确的方法特别是发展计算的CFD 技术,已经应用到许多轴流式压缩机的平面和三维优化设计。它仍然是使用一维流体力学理论用数值实例来计算压缩机的最佳设计。Boiko 通过以下假设提出了详细的数学模型用以优化设计单级和多级轴流涡轮:(1)固定的轴向均匀速度分布(2)固定流动路径的形状分布,并获得了理想的优化结果。陈林根等人也采用了类似的想法,通过假设一个固定的轴向速度分布的优化设计提出了设计单级轴流式压缩机一种数学模型。在本文中为优化设计多级轴流压缩机的模型,提出了假设一个固定的流道形状,以入口和出口的动叶绝对角度,静叶的绝对角度和静叶及每一级的入口和出口的相对气体密度作为设计变量,分析压缩机的每个阶段之间的关系,用数值实例来说明多级压缩机的各种参数对最优性能的影响。 2 基元级的基本方程 考虑图1所示由n 级组成的轴流压缩机, 其某一压缩过程焓熵图和中间级的速度三角形见图2和图3,相应的中间级的具体焓熵图如图4,按一维理论作级的性能计算。按一般情况列出轴流压缩机中气体流动的能量方程和连续方程,工作流体和叶轮的速度。在不同级的轴向流速不为常数,即考虑i j u u ≠,i j c c ≠ (i j ≠) 时的能量和流量方程。在


中英文资料外文翻译 财务风险重要性分析 译文: 摘要:本文探讨了美国大型非金融企业从1964年至2008年股票价格风险的决定小性因素。我们通过相关结构以及简化模型,研究诸如债务总额,债务期限,现金持有量,及股利政策等公司财务特征,我们发现,股票价格风险主要通过经营和资产特点,如企业年龄,规模,有形资产,经营性现金流及其波动的水平来体现。与此相反,隐含的财务风险普遍偏低,且比产权比率稳定。在过去30年,我们对财务风险采取的措施有所减少,反而对股票波动(如独特性风险)采取的措施逐渐增加。因此,股票价格风险的记载趋势比公司的资产风险趋势更具代表性。综合二者,结果表明,典型的美国公司谨慎管理的财政政策大大降低了财务风险。因此,现在看来微不足道的剩余财务风险相对底层的非金融公司为一典型的经济风险。 关键词:资本结构;财务风险;风险管理;企业融资 1 绪论 2008年的金融危机对金融杠杆的作用产生重大影响。毫无疑问,向金融机构的巨额举债和内部融资均有风险。事实上,有证据表明,全球主要银行精心策划的杠杆(如通过抵押贷款和担保债务)和所谓的“影子银行系统”可能是最近的经济和金融混乱的根本原因。财务杠杆在非金融企业的作用不太明显。迄今为止,尽管资本市场已困在危机中,美国非金融部门的问题相比金融业的困境来说显得微不足道。例如,非金融企业破产机遇仅限于自20世纪30年代大萧条以来的最大经济衰退。事实上,非金融公司申请破产的事件大都发生在美国各行业(如汽车制造业,报纸,房地产)所面临的基本经济压力即金融危机之前。这令人惊讶的事实引出了一个问题“非金融公司的财务风险是如何重要?”。这个问题的核心是关于公司的总风险以及公司风险组成部分的各决定因素的不确定性。 最近在资产定价和企业融资再度引发的两个学术研究中分析了股票价格风险利


文献出处:Evans C, Hansford A, Hasseldine J, et al. The Study of Business tax into the V AT:The empirical analysis of France [J] Journal of Tax Research, 2014, 12(2): 453-482. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,其他网站不得转载,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The Study of Business tax into the V AT:The empirical analysis of France Evans, Hansford, Hasseldine Abstract:In the current tax structure in France, Value-Added Tax (V AT) and sales tax are two most important turnover taxes. V AT covers almost the secondary industry except the construction. And in most sectors of the tertiary industry, sales tax is levied. But with the development of market economy, such tax institution is showing its irrationality. In order to further solve the double taxation issues in goods and services tax, perfect the tax system and support the development of modern service industry, France will gradually change the current sales tax to V AT in accordance with the establishment of the modern type of V AT mode. The reform has far -reaching impact on promoting the development of the tertiary industry, especially the modern service industry, promoting economic restructuring and improving the comprehensive national strength, promoting the healthy and harmonious development of the national economy, and the establishment and perfection of fiscal and taxation systems conducive to scientific development. Key words:V AT, fiscal and taxation systems reform, system of tax The tax system as one of the national macroeconomic regulation and control tools, each significant change must obey and serve the macroeconomic regulation and control goal request, to adapt themselves to the political, economic and social situation, has its profound historical and realistic background.With the passage of time, the social progress and economic development, the early stage of the implementation


附录Ⅰ英文文献翻译 Moving from Classic ASP to https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, ABSTRACT https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, is Microsoft new offering for Web application development, innovation within https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, have resulted in significant industry popularity for this product. Consequently there is an increased need for https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, education. The Web Application Development is a third year undergraduate course. To meet the demands of both industry and students, we have changed the focus of this course from Classic ASP to https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html,. This paper reports this move. The significant features of https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, and the motivations for this move are discussed. The process, the problems encountered, and some helpful online learning resources are described. Key words: Web Application Development, Classic ASP, https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html,, Move, https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, 1. INTRODUCTION https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, is not just a new version of ASP. It provides innovation for moving Windows applications to Web applications. Web services and the .NET framework have made the vision of the Web as the next generation computing platform a reality. With server controls, Web forms and “code-behind”, we can develop a Web application by using a complete object-oriented programming (OOP) model. This increases the popularity of https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, in industry. The industry project is the final course of the Bachelor of Computing Systems (BCS) degree at UNITEC, in which students undertake a real-world project. We have observed a rapid growth of https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, related industry projects in our school. The Web Application Development (WAD) paper is a third year undergraduate course. It was originally offered using ASP 2.0 and ColdFusion. To meet the demands from both industry and students, we have changed the course content to cover https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html,, Visual https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, (https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html,) and ColdFusion. This change commenced with the first semester of 2003. This paper will examine the features of https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, and explain why these are unique. The motivations for moving to https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, are discussed by analyzing the current situation of https://www.360docs.net/doc/666456296.html, related to industry projects in our school, analyzing the results of short surveys on students, and


本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述 一、外文文献 标题: Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance 作者: Caffard, Christophe 期刊名称: International Financial Law Review 卷: 20;期: 3;页: 20-24 Online brokers lead the way for French internet finance 1 Regulated brokers Regulated brokers are legal entities which have an investment services licence and are subject to the prudential regulations of the Comite de Reglementation Bancaire et Financiere (CRBF) and the Conseil des Marches Financiers (CMF). * Choice of legal form: regulated brokers are not required to be incorporated in a specific legal form; however, under article 13 of the MAF Law, the CECEI checks whether the legal form of the brokerage company is appropriate for providing investment services. In practice, any type of commercial company is admitted: societes de capitaux (limited companies) or societes de personnes (partnerships). The formalities of share transfer, tax and the scope of liability of a company's management will be relevant factors to the choice of legal form. * Application for an investment services licence from the CECEI: the most important part of the application is the description of the investment services, and a business plan including prospective financial statements for the following three years. The CMF will check whether the business plan is consistent with the investment services licence requested by the broker. The CECEI will ensure that the applicant's own initial funds are consistent with the business plan. The scope of the investment services licence is variable and covers one or more ofthe following investment services: Reception and transmission of orders to another investment services provider on behalf of investors, for execution. This is the core investment service provided by the
