






1. Where will the man meet the woman?

A. At Green Park.

B. At Grand Hotel.

C. At Energy Building.

2. How will the speakers spend Christmas?

A. They will do the same as before.

B. They will try something different.

C. They will decide depending on the weather.

3. What is the woman?

A. A bookseller.

B. A librarian.

C. A receptionist.

4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The noise.

B. The music.

C. The young.

5. What does the woman mean?

A. The man should stop complaining.

B. Eating out costs too much money.

C. She is surprised by the man’s idea.




6. What do we know about the woman?

A. She can’t read music.

B. She will leave the college.

C. She keeps playing the piano.

7. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Schoolmates.

C. Father and daughter.


8. What will the man do before ten?

A. Attend a meeting.

B. Go to the airport.

C. Write a report.

9. What can the man talk with the woman if possible?

A. Between and 10:00 and 11:00.

B. Between 2:00 and 3:00.

C. Between 3:00 and 5:00.


10. Why does the man go to London?

A. To go for a meeting.

B. To spend his holiday.

C. To vis it the woman’s college.

11. What does the man think of writer in London?

A. Fun.

B. So-so.

C. Very bad.

12. What does the woman say about London?

A. It has the best museums.

B. It has very few parks.

C. It has tasty Indian food.


13. Why does the woman visit the man?

A. To discuss a recent grade.

B. To introduce herself to him.

C. To get some tips for her report.

14. What is the woman surprised at?

A. The big glass.

B. Her failure in the test.

C. The man’s good memory.

15. How is college different from high school according to the man?

A. It needs more self- study.

B. It requires more skills.

C. It demands more thinking.

16. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Go to the third floor.

B. Prepare her paper.

C. Call Tom in his office.


17. What does the speaker suggest the New Yorkers do?

A. Take an umbrella.

B. Keep warm.

C. Enjoy the outdoors.

18. What is the low temperature in Los Angeles?




19. What will the weather be like in London and Paris?

A. It will be cloudy and a little wet.

B. Strong winds are expected in the afternoon.

C. There will be some light rain most of the day.

20. Where does the speaker say some badly-needed rain can be expected?

A. In London.

B. In Sydney.

C. In Los Angeles.





My first Glastonbury was in 2005. The year of rain and mud (泥)! We took off our shoes and danced in it up to our knees! I loved it! I've now been many times!This year's festival was fantastic — I didn't want to go home. The best part for me was an Icelandic band (乐队) called Sigur Ros. I'd never heard of them, but I loved their music.

— Marina M, Scotland Well, I don't know what to say — my second time, and it was the most amazing experience!I'm now sitting at work thinking about the best four days of my life. We didn't see any rubbish bands, and the DJs rocked all night. We saw the sun rise at 5 on Sunday morning — an amazing experience. Only one thing — there were so many mobile phones. Why? I thought Glastonbury was about getting away from it all.

— Dave Chow, London I've taken my kids to Glastonbury twice. It really is an education for kids. The atmosphere (气氛) is amazing. I think this is because of the mix of people of all ages. It's great to see them — from very young kids and teenagers, to people my parents' age and older. Everyone gets on so well. On Saturday night we watched Radiohead with my 11-year-old son, and the crowd moved back so he could see better. We loved everything.

— Len Ferris, Gloucester This was my first year at Glastonbury. I travelled 10,000 miles to be there. I've been to other festivals in Australia and Europe. I went to the Sonar Festival in Barcelona two years ago — it was great, but I've always wanted to come to Glastonbury. It was amazing. Radiohead was the best thing I have ever seen at a festival ever, and I'm going to come next year if I can.

— Izzi, Chirstchurch, New Zealand 21.What did Marina do when it rained during Glastonbury?

A.She took cover from the rain.

B.She played with Sigur Ros.

C.She had fun in the mud.

D.She went back home.

22.What made Dave unhappy?

A.The performances lasted too long.

B.He had to stay up late all night.

C.He was disturbed by phones.

D.Some bands played badly.

23.What does Len think of Glastonbury?

A.It brings people of all ages together.

B.It seems boring to kids his son's age.

C.It provides an early education for kids.

D.It's so crowded that nothing can be seen.

24.Who has been to Glastonbury only once?


C.Len. D.Izzi.


In the state of Maryland, a girl was born into slavery (奴隶制) in 1820. Her parents named her Araminta Harriet Ross. She was to become Harriet Tubman. She was one of about one million Africans in slavery in the United States.

From the age of five, Harriet Tubman's owners made her work very hard. First, she cared for the child of the farm owner. Then, she did hard work on large farms.

Although she could not read or write, Tubman learned from her parents to do what was right. Through her whole life, Tubman put herself in danger to help other people.

One such act changed her life when she was 13 years old. Because she helped another slave, her owner threw a piece of metal at her and it hit her on the head. She was badly hurt. For the rest of her life, Tubman's head wound caused problems for her.

When she was about 25 years old, Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman. But she was still a slave. Her life was so difficult that she decided to escape. She travelled for 145 kilometres, and finally crossed into the North. Tubman became a free woman.

But Tubman could not leave her family enslaved in the South. So she travelled back to help them escape as well. Then, she made many trips and guided about 300 slaves to freedom. Tubman also fought bravely in the American Civil War and in 1865 slavery was not allowed in the US.

Harriet Tubman died in 1913. Her memory brings hope to many people — especially to those who fight for justice (正义). She encouraged people to never give up.

“If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”

25.What do we know about Harriet Tubman?

A.She was born a slave.

B.She was born in Africa.

C.She was taken to the US by a slave trader.
