赖世雄高级美国英语 Lesson 10

赖世雄高级美国英语 Lesson 10
赖世雄高级美国英语 Lesson 10

赖世雄高级美国英语Lesson 10

Lesson 10,

Marlena Smalls and The Gullah: The Revival of a Unique Community


Does the name Marlena Smalls ring a bell? Probably not. At least not yet. If this large woman with an even larger smile and sparkling eyes has her way, however,the language, customs, and songs of the Gullah will become happily familiar to millions of peole outside of the Sea Islands. For it is Mrs. Smalls' dream that through her and her performing troupe's efforts their Gullah community will no longer be an isolated, anachronistic hangover from the days of slavery in the United States,but a vibrant cultureal addition to the 21st century global village.

The Sea Islands comprise a group of islands just off the southeast US Atlantic coast of South Carolina and Georgia. Descendants of slaves settled here tilling the fertile land of these islands and the adjacent coastline. A rich overlay of a mixture of West African languages onto 17th and 18th century colonial English has resulted in Gullah, a creole language featuring its unique blend of African tongues and pidgin English. Thousands of distinct African words coming from various West African languages have been identified by linguists. A few words have been added into contemporary mainstream American English. These include goober (peanut), gumbo (okra), and voodoo (witchcraft)。 The word Gullah itself also hails from West Africa. Many of this ethnic group's given names are taken directly from languages passed down for hundreds of years, such Abiona and Pitipa. American English is the language used when dealing with outsiders, but Gullah is the language of the marketplace and the home.

As with most African cultures, the Gullah have a rich tradition of music. The banjo, a stringed musical instrument, was an African invention brought over with the slaves tothe New World. It has been popularized in both North America and

Europe over the past 200 years. A great variety of drums, too, accompanied African music to the colonies in North and South America. Singing both solo and a cappella with rich harmonies was also part of the slave heritage. Despite their demanding and depressing lives, the slaves held their original languages and music as well as their masters' Christianity close to their hearts. Much of the music today involves church music, also referred to as spirituals or gospel music.

An evening with Marlena Smalls and her Hallelujah Singers is nothing short of inspirational. They are dressed at times in traditional African clothing, and at other times int eh simple and conservative rural dress of Southern US society. This unusual performance includes much singing, frequent samples of Gullah as used in the marketplace or between women gossiping. A great deal of emphatic body language,and even occasional tribal dance steps to thumping drums and enthusiastic shouting are also features of the performance. Mrs. Smalls introduces the background to individual songs or other performances to help the audience——often peppered with overseas tourists——have a clearer idea of how the Gullah communicate to each other. Even without the helpful introductions, however, music lovers will appreciate the peerless singing quality of the Hallelujah Singers as they render their traditional folk songs with obvious love and pride. Interspersed with Mrs. Smalls witty and classy narrative, the evening passes all too quickly.

It is refreshing to know that some ethnic groups are proudly clinging to their priceless legacies. Despite the tragedy of their origins in slavery, the Gullah have survived and revived to produce a viable, envirable folk culture even amidst the technological wonders of the 21st century. We can be thankful that in concert or on recorded media, Marlena Smalls and the Hallelujah Singers will touch all of us listeners with their heartfelt oral tradition through the magic of music.


赖世雄中级美语教程41-50课笔记(彩色word版)41. Getting a Tan p.271 Both my brother and I are outgoing people. He as well as I likes being in the sun. It goes without saying, therefore, that we spend a lot of our free time at the beach. We go there to relax as well as to keep fit. To be frank, though, he no less than I enjoys looking at the beautiful "scenery" around the beach. However, if you are anything(强调) like us, we have a piece of advice for you. Don't forget to rub a good amount of sunscreen lotion all over your body. Not only does it protect you from getting skin cancer, but it also helps to keep you nicely tanned(过分做a.). Both my brother and I forgot to do that and now we look like Afro-Americans rather than Chinese. ☆tan tanned/ tanned mongolian 人种 v.晒太阳I like to tan at the beach in summer. n.黄褐色I like to have a tan in summer. The girl lay in the sun to tan her body. 那女孩躺在阳光下将她的身体晒成古铜色. ☆outgoing a.坐不住的,爱外出的easy-going 随和的 ☆What do you do relax on weekends? ☆He as well as I is a student. no less than = as well as以及,都 ☆keep fit 保持健康体魄= remain fit Jogging is a good way to keep fit. ☆to be frank = frankly John hurt Sally’s feelings by being too frank. ☆a lot of scenery 永远不可数scene 风景(可数)breathtaking 扣人心弦的 ☆an advice 错应为:a piece of advice, some advice, a lot of advice advice 不可数 take one’s advice 接受建议 ☆apply=rub 涂,敷,抹suntan lotion = sunscreen lotion Apply medicine to his wound. 在他伤口上涂药。 ☆Never is he quite. = He is never quite. 倒装 ☆Afro-Americans 美国黑人/非裔美国人 42. Roast Beef p.282 My brother, Luke, goes to see his girlfriend, Daisy. D: What on earth happened to you? 你到底/究竟怎么了? L: Oh, I just had a lazy day at the beach. D: My goodness! You're really burnt. Are you alright? L: Well, yes, but I feel like I've been roasted. D: In that case, let's eat in rather than go out for dinner. L: Up to you. D: What would you like to eat? L: Uh… D: How about your favorite: roast beef?


Lesson 122 I quit smoking Lesson one hundred twenty-two. “Hi, Susan! Do you have a light? No. I quit smoking long ago. That’s good! Congratulations! Why don’t you quit as well. It’s really difficult. Come on; where there’s a will, there’s a way. ” 1:22 Sue=Susan lighter Do you have a lighter? 你有打火机吗? I don’t have a lighter with me. Long ago 好久以前 I don’t like Peter. He is very bossy. 咄咄逼人, 跋扈 He’s my boss, but he’s very friendly. I enjoy working with him. But David is bossy. His friends don’t like to work with him. He quit working for David. He quit gambling two years ago. Gamble赌博 He quit working for this company three years ago. 6:28 You must quit smoking. Smoking is detrimental to your health. Detrimental有害的;不利的Smoking is very bad. Smoking is harmful to your health. You should quit smoking. David! Stop smoking. OK. I’ll quit (smoking) someday. 8:33 Father allows me to go to the movies with you tonight. That’s good/great. Good/Great/Cool! We have cool weather today. 不可数 What do you think of this movie? Cool/Great! 10:10 Thanks you’re welcome. Please give my best regards to your father/parents. Please give my best regards to Mr. Li. = Please remember me to Mr. Li. Ok. I will. 13:00 Congratulations on your success! Congratulate +somebody+on He congratulated me on passing the examination. 15:12 As well=also 副词也Why don’t you also quit? Why don’t you quit smoking as well? She can sing. She can dance as well. As well=too She can sing. She can dance, too. As well 前面不加逗号。 As well只能用于肯定句中。Why don’t 虽有don’t 但与why连用也是表示肯定。17:14 Why don’t you do it?你何不做这件事啊?(我希望你做这件事)Do it,please. You should quit as well. = You should quit, too. Quitting smoking is really difficult. There are many people there. There is a man here/(in the room). Where there is a will是一个从句,用来修饰主句。Where连词,代表地方在……的地方Where did you see him?20:26 Where I live, there is a department store. Where=in the place where=in the place in which In the place where I live, there is a department store. In the place in which I live, there is a department store. Where there is a will=in the place where there is a will 20:59 Help with后面加名词I‘ll help you with your work. I’ll help with your work. 24:00 I’ll help him. I won’t help John. I have a lot of homework to do. The work was done by Peter. The letter was written by John. 26:03


赖世雄学英文的经历 高中结束后,大学联考英文只有辉煌的“7分”,「赖家老大从此不见了!祖宗八代的脸都被你丢光了!」 英语天王,大学联考英文真的只有“7分”!高中三年,就在鬼混、不用功的情况下度过了,我也知道自己铁定考不上大学,但是,总是要试一下。结果不出所料,英文只考了一个个位数——「七分」,数学就更不用提了,即使我一向擅长的三民主义,也出了状况,只有三十多分,成绩出乎意料的差。当时根本就没有钱可以买相关英语考试用书。 我永远忘不了父亲接到成绩单时那副失望的神情;他默默地坐在藤椅上,一张脸整个沉了下来,突然间好像老了十几岁,过了好久,才粗暴地迸出一句话:「赖家老大从此不见了!祖宗八代的脸都被你丢光了!」 我不在乎爸爸说我什么,内心也不会感到一丝难过,这是我自己不用功,成天搞乐团,生活荒唐造成的后果,我是咎由自取,怪不得任何人。 但是,当我听到爸爸替我隐瞒分数,告诉前来的同乡杨伯伯,我离录取标准只差两分、输得冤枉时,我难过得几乎掉下泪来。我觉得愧对爸爸,愧对他对我的期望。这些年,我一而再、再而三在他脸上抹灰,让他难堪!「爸爸!我真对不起你!」 开窍=挣脱樊笼,终于自由了!经过这么多的挫折、打击,受了那么多的轻视、屈辱,我在学科上还是没有任何改善,就在报考政战学校的录取通知单寄来时,我第一个感觉就是喜悦:「哈!终于可以离开这个樊笼,从此海阔天空,任我遨游。」至于游向何方?有什么理想?有什么抱负?心智未开的我,一点也没有考虑到,一心想的就是:「我自由了!」「我终于自由了!」

自由=关在笼子里的断翅囚鸟?进入政战后,天天被关在学校,不得外出,就像一只空中翱翔的鸟,突然被关在笼子里。失去自由还不算,稍有不慎,学长就连打带骂,身心承受无比的压力。于是兴起逃跑的念头,但是,不知道逃到哪里? 左思右想,我决心向父亲求救,于是我写了一封信给爸爸,告诉他:﹁我错了!以前没有好好读书,辜负了你的期望,一切都是儿子的过错,现在我已后悔了,知道要上进,希望你能给我一个赎罪的机会,接儿子出去,儿子一定会好好用功… 信寄出去好几天,没有任何回音,不知道父亲收到没?就在我焦急等待中,长官跑来问我:「这里的环境很好,为什么想走?有什么问题可以随时向部队长官反映。」我暗叫一声不妙:彷佛听到其中一个学长说:「小子!有种,「想退训!」我吓得不敢开口,一颗心扑通、扑通猛跳着。果然不出所料,等训导员离开后,我就被学长叫出去好好地接受了一番磨练。 说来奇怪,就在我被学长叫出去操练后,烦燥、恐惧的心反而笃定下来:「反正也逃不出去,就在这里安身立命吧!」也就是在那一刻,我第一次想到我的前途,第一次想到,我必须要做些什么了!


1. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day p.1. English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary(/ important) for us to learn it. It(/learning English) can be rewarding or just(/only) a waste of time. It's up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about(/on) learning English. First, don't be afraid to make(/of making) mistakes. You will learn (something)from them(the mistakes that you make). Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Well, Rome does not refer to the city of Rome only, it refers to the Roman empire, that is the great country that Rome built more than 2000 years ago. It was a great empire and of course you can not build anything good or great in just a short time . the Roman Empire [??m?pa?r] 罗马帝国 Empire--this word is spelled e-m-p-i-r-e. Now, I have this question: in what situation will you use this expression "Rome wasn't built in a day "? Please give us an example. Well, let's say that your friend wants to learn how to do something, like typing or swimming, and at first, your friend feels a little discouraged, because it is not easy to learn a new skill, but you tell him: Hey, come on. Rome wasn't built in a day. We want to encourage our friends with this saying. Your friend is learning how to type. He is a little bit discouraged. We can encourage our friends with this saying. 谚语 We say that English is an international language, because English is spoken around the world. Of course, there are more speakers of Mandarin than of English, but English is spoken by more people in more countries than Mandarin is, so, when you travel or do business or study overseas, you can always find English speakers, and English TV programs and English newspapers. In other words, English is a universal/ an international language, that is why we should learn it. Mandarin 普通话,国语Bruce speaks beautiful Mandarin.[?m?nd?r?n] foul language 下流话 Your stay here is just(or only) a waste of time. rewarding a.有(获)益的;值得做的,划算的. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.教书是一种很有价值的职业. Exercise is very rewarding for our health. It pays(/is rewarding) to exercise It is up to you. 随你吧 Well, if Peter asks me: do you want to go to a restaurant first or see a movie first tonight? I might say: it's up to you. Do we go to the movies first or shall we go to a restaurant first? It's up to you .but I know the true answer. He enjoys eating more than anything, let's go to the restaurant first . In our studio[?studio?], we have got a small studio over here and we have only two people here, that's Bruce and me, but Bruce is much too big, we have little room left here. by fits and starts adv.间歇地,断断续续地,一阵一阵地 If you learn English by fits and starts, you’ll get no where. My brother studied accounting by fits and starts, so he failed. If you give me a tip, I’ll give some tips on how to learn English.


Lesson 1 Self Introduction The lesson is very good. Lesson one lesson two “My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two old brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.” Part one 第一部分reading 阅读My bicycle my home What’s your name, please? Open the door, please. My name is Peter. Call me, please. Call me when you have time. Give me a call when you have time. 8:18 I am ten years old. He is one year old. I am twenty years of age. I am twenty. How old are you? I am a Chinese. 名词中国人I am Chinese. 形容词中国人的 American 美国人(名词)He is an American. He is American. 美国人的(形容词) This is a book. I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan. I am from Beijing. Where are you from? Where do you come from? I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. 18:56 There is a book on the desk. 有……. There is a cat in the room. People 两个人以上才能用一个人用one person Two persons 两个人= two people Three people four people I have a book. He has a book. 主语有思想,有生命 25:09 Substitutions Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You “HI! My name is Mike. Hi! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I’m from Shanghai. And you? I’m from Chicago. ” 1:31 Hi! I am Mike. I’m Mike. HI! There. 嗨!你好。 I see a man there. Hello! I am John/Peter/Mary. Hello! I’m Peter. Hello! I’m Mary. How do you do! 你好!How do you do! 正式场合用 How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. 比较熟时用 He is nice. This man is nice. 6:16 (It is) Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you. Pleased 感到高兴的 I am a student. He is a student, too. He can sing. I can (sing), too. 12:24 Where do you come from? And you? = and where are you from? And那么 I come from Chicago. Hi! My name is David. Hi! I’m Mary. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 16:44 KK. system 美式音标 What do your friends call you? My friends call me Jonny. How old are you? I am twenty-eight years old. I am twenty-eight years of age. Are you Chinese? Yes, I am Chinese. How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Where are you from? I am from Beijing. There’s a man/boy/woman there. There are five Chinese there.


《赖世雄美语音标》学习感悟 《赖世雄美语音标》学习感悟 经过两个月的认真学习,很快乐终于学完《赖世雄美语音标》了,这是我第一本完整从头学到最后的英语教材,期间反复听赖教师的讲解,反复跟读,从一开始简单的句子都无法读顺,到后来越读越顺,单词、句子也都反复听写,从一开始老听错,到后来越来越分辩得清不同的读音,感觉自己的英语学习总算走上了正轨,对以后的英语学习也更有信心了。 我和大多数中国人一样,在学校开始学习英语,自认对外语学习的悟性不高,所以只能跟着书本和跟着教师学,假如书本上没有的,教师没讲解到的,自己是悟不出来的。那时学音标,教师只是匆匆的把每个音标的发音教一次就算完成了,接下去就是学课文了,学课文也就是跟着课本学单词、学语法、读课文、背课文这样一步一步学,最记得教师总是提醒我们不要把单词最后的辅音吃掉,要发清楚,至于s后面的p、k、t要发成b、g、d更是没说清楚,还有懒惰式英语的模糊发音,非重读的an、of、can、before等单词的发音,以及一些音标标注和外国人实际发音的差异等等都没有教,但赖教师的教材都做了很详细的讲解,特别针对中国人经常搞错的元音发音,如U和u的发音,i:和I的发音,还有辅音在字尾的发音,如l发"欧"的音,p发"普"的单等等,都做了非常详细和耐心的说明,并在整个学习音标的过程中不断反复提醒,让学习的人能把这些重点、难点牢牢的掌

握,自然而然的融会贯穿到日常的发音中去。学了赖教师的这套美语音标教材,才知道自己原来的很多发音都是错了,也明白了为什么自己学了这么多年英语,但实际能听懂的单词怎么这么少,现在才知道原来我学的跟美国人实际的发音有这么多的不同,虽然只是学了两个月的音标,但感觉在实际中听到的单词比原来多了,也因此对英语学习更有兴趣和更有信心了。 我对赖教师这套音标教材的最深领会就是赖教师太了解中国人在学习英语过程中碰到的难点和痛点了,因为他也是被那些自己都没有跟外国人交流过的所谓英语教师教过的,这些教师不知道很多单词外国人其实不是按我们的英语课本和字典发音的,完全照本宣科的对着那些中国人自己编的英语教材来教,教出来的学生假如悟性不高,又没有什么时机和外国人交流的话,基本上最利害的也就只能学个哑巴英语,看资料、写篇文章还将就,听和说就完全不行了。而一些悟性高,特别是有时机和外国人交流的学生,很快就能发现这些问习题,并进行调整。为什么大家一直都很认同学习英语要有英语的环境,最好能出国,这样对英语的听和说都会有莫大的帮助,退而求次则参加有外教的培训班,实际上我现在才明白这真是无奈之举,只是我们学校的英语环境出了问习题,所教的英语发音与实际外国人的发音有这么大的差异,才造成了中国的英语学习者花费了这么多年的时间学习英语却连简单的对话都听不明白,自己说的更是让人不知所云,这不能不说是中国式英语教育的悲哀。 赖教师的这套教材正如他在序中提到的,整个内容是他个人几十


Lesson 83 A Nice Person This man is nice. I like to be with him. “Shelly doesn’t like people who are unreliable. She especially doesn’t like people who tell lies. On the other hand, she likes people who are humorous and honest. She really likes people that are easygoing and sincere. However, Regardless of whom she likes or dislikes, she is nice to everyone.”1:44 They are unreliable. You are reliable,but he is unreliable. 化简为Shelly doesn’t like unreliable people。5:40 A lie, two lies I love music and I especially love jazz. 7:50 On the other hand, she likes humorous and honest people . This man is houmorous. This man is honest. He never tells lies. She really likes people who are easygoing and sincere. She really likes easygoing and sincere people. 11:22 He is patient with us. A good teacher should be patient with his students. 16:04 Vicious凶恶的,凶猛的;残忍的 She attends school everyday. 20:50 I graduated from that university. 22:19 ;分号可以连接2个句子。


Lesson 91 computers “Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. In fact, they are almost everywhere. In many countries ,more and more companies are replacing people with computers. Telephone companies are no exception. When making a long-distance call on a pay for in America. You will no longer talk to an operator. Instead, a computer will answer. It will tell you what to do. No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world.”2:00 Computer可数名词,养成习惯前面没有冠词就用复数,表示整体的概念,所有的计算机。同样用单数前面放定冠词the +computer 也可表示整体的概念。 The Computer is becoming a part of our everyday life. 一部分 Jogging has become a part of my everyday life. I jog every morning. 我每天早上慢跑4:05 Everyday 形容词,后放名词。That`s my everyday life. Every day 副词,通常放句尾。He goes to school every day. In fact=as a matter of fact He is not nice. In fact, he`s very bad. He is not nice. As a matter of fact, he`s very bad. 5:58 Replace A with B 用B取代A John is lazy. He`s not competent for his job. 胜任 The boss is planning to replace him with David. 8:15 Competent 有能力的,胜任的he is competent for his job. he is not competent for his job. Cut out be cut out for he is cut out for the job. 他胜任这个工作 I like john. John works very hard. he is cut out for the job. He`s competent for his job. 10:01 Are no exception 不例外exception 例外 Everybody should do it. Peter is no exception. Everyone should go out. You are no exception. You are an exception. You don't`t have to go out. You may stay here. You are an exception. 11:40 When making a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, =When you make a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, you will no longer talk to an operator. When引导的状语从句,如果从句主语和主句相同的话,状语从句的主语第一步去掉,然后动词变现在分词。如果动词是be动词时,being可省略。 When I am free, I will help you. When free, I will help you. 17:54 While 强调某一段时间动作正在进行。 While I was writing a letter, I was singing. While writing a letter, I was singing. If ,once ,though,when,unless Though I am tired, I `ll help you. Though tired, i`ll help you. He is no longer here. 21:56 He is not nice.instead, he is bad. No wonder…难怪…做词用,放在句首 He studies hard. No wonder his teacher likes him. 24:14 Though poor, they were happy.=Though they are poor, they were happy. Unless sick, he always comes to work.=Unless he is sick, he always comes to work. While in school, you must study hard.=while you are in school,you must study hard.


赖世雄初级英语笔记1-15 .Lesson 1 Self Introduction[] My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family. 自我介绍我叫罗伯特。我的朋友们都叫我鲍勃。我20岁,中国人,籍贯北京,家里有六口人。我有一个妹妹和两个哥哥。我们虽不富有,但家庭却很幸福。 lesson+数量词第...课Self Introduction 自我介绍Part I. 第一部分Reading n.阅读句型: My name is... 我的名字是...(可将My替换为Your,His,Her 等的物主代词) 问句: What is your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?(更委婉的问法: May I have your name?) call vt.称...为...,打电话(不完全及物动词,后接宾语再跟名词,补足句意.成为宾语补足语) Call me, please. Call me when you have time. 等你有时间时给我打电话. Give me a call when you are free. (注意give的用法: give sb. sth.) I am... years old. 我...岁了.(old= of age) You look young for your age.= You look younger than you really are. 问句: How old are you? 你多大了?(注意:由于文化不同,不能随意问对方) 句型: Where do you come from? 你是哪儿人?= Where are you from? come from v.来自... 句型: There be+ 单/复数名词+ 表示场所的介词短语(表示"有"的概念) Substitution: 1. A: What's your name? B: My name is Peter Wang.= I'm Peter Wang. 2. A: How old are you? B: I'm eighteen years old.= I'm eighteen years of age. 3. A: Where are you from? B: I am from Shanxi.= I come from Shanxi. 4. A: How many people are there in your famliy? B: There are five people in my familiy.= Five. Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You [] Mike : Hi! My name is Mike. Nancy: Hi! I'm Nancy. Nice to meet you. Mike : Nice to meet you, too. Nancy: Where are you from? Mike : I'm from Shanghai. And you? Nancy: I'm from Chicago


Lesson 81 A Heavy Price to Pay Tom's father died of lung cancer. He couldn't stop smoking. He tried quitting several times. However, whenever he saw someone smoking, he couldn't resist lighting up. In the end, he gave up trying, it was no use stopping one day and starting again the next. He enjoyed smoking too much. He certainly paid a heavy price, though. 惨重的代价 汤姆的父亲死于肺癌。他无法戒烟。他尝试戒了几次。不 过,每当他看到有人抽烟时,他就无法抗拒要点根烟。最后,他放弃了尝试。因为一天停下来,第二天又开始是没有用的。他太喜欢抽烟了。不过,他也的确付出了惨重的代价。 Lesson 82 Smoking Isn't Allowed Betty is at the movies. Usher: Would you mind putting out your cigarette? Betty: I'll just finish smoking this one, OK? Usher: Smoking isn't allowed in movie theaters. Betty: Oh, I'm sorry. 不准吸烟 贝蒂正在看电影。 引座员:请你把烟熄掉好吗? 贝蒂:我只要把这一根抽完,好吗? 引座员:戏院里是不准吸烟的。 贝蒂:哦,很抱歉。 Lesson 83 A Nice Person Shelly doesn't like people who are unreli- able. She especially doesn't like people who tell lies. On the other hand, she likes people who are humorous and honest. She really likes people that are easygoing and sincere. However, regardless of whom she likes or dislikes, she is nice to everyone. 大好人 谢莉不喜欢不可靠的人。她特别不喜欢说谎的人。另一方面,她喜欢那些幽默又诚实的人。她实在喜欢随和又诚恳的人。然而,不论她喜欢谁或不喜欢谁,她对每个人都很好。 Lesson 84 What's She Like? Anna: Hi, Larry! Would you like to meet my room-


wql2004-12-04 16:41 我急需 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:09 Lesson 01 greetings A Don't forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.#见到王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。 I hope you have a good morning. Who are you? #你是谁? Where are you? #你在哪儿? How are you? #你好吗?回答用,I'm fine. I'm a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy. This bed is bad. #这个床很坏。注意bed和bad的发音区别。 I see you there. #我看见你在那里。 See you. = Good bye. = Bye. = See you later. B hi和hey的区别。 How's it going? Great. = Wonderful. = Cool. How are you doing? =How're you doing? = How are you?#回答用not bad。take care#保重。take care of yourself. You too Have a good time. #过你愉快。 Thanks. You too.#谢谢,你也一样。 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:12 Lesson 1 Greetings 打招呼

Dialog A A: Good m orning, May. How are you? B: Hi, Tom. I’m fine. And you? A: Not bad. Thanks. B: Good. See you. A: Bye. B A: Hi, May. How’s it going? B: Great. And how are you doing? A: Not bad. B: Ok. See you later. A: Take care. B: You too. A 甲:早啊,小梅。你好吗? 乙:嗨,汤姆。我很好,你呢? 甲:还不错,谢了。 乙:很好,再见。 甲:再见。 B 甲:嗨,小梅。近来如何? 乙:很好。那你呢? 甲:还不错。 乙:好吧,再见。 甲:保重。 乙:你也是。 Substitution 1 Good morning, May. Good afternoon, May. Good evening, May. 早安,小梅。 午安,小梅。 晚安,小梅。 2 How are you? How are you doing? 你好吗? 3 I’m fine. I’m OK. 我很好/还好。
