

What was that? 什么声音

The faucet. 水龙头

It wouldn't shut up. 滴个不停

- Did you sleep last night? - No. -你昨晚睡着了吗 -没有

I'll call Nancy and tell her to call a plumber. 我会让南茜叫个水管工来

Absolute discretion. Can I count on that? 你能保证绝对谨慎吗

- Always. - Raymond Tusk. -当然 -雷蒙德·塔斯克

The President wants to tap him as the new V.P. 总统想让他接任副总统

- You and I cannot let that happen. - Why not? -你我必须阻止他 -为什么

Because a third of his fortune is tied up in nuclear energy. 因为他三分之一的资产投在核能上Sancorp does not want a pro-nuclear businessman in the White House.


The market is shifting toward natural gas anyway. 反正市场正在转向天然气

But Tusk wants to stall that shift or reverse it. 但塔斯克想拖住甚至扭转这个倾向

Vice President doesn't have that kind of influence. 副总统没这么大的影响

This one would. He and Walker are very close. 他有他和沃克关系很近

And it's in neither of our best interests 桑科的市场地位下降

to seep Sancorp's position in the marketplace diminished. 对我们都不是什么好事

What's the ask? 你要我做什么

Tusk won't accept the nomination 如果塔斯克觉得自己的资产

if he thinks his holdings are at risk. 有危险就不会接受任命

Sancorp needs to initiate a hostile takeover. 桑科需要发起一次恶意收购

He's worth three times what Sancorp is. 他的资产顶三个桑科

I'm talking about the subsidiaries. 我是说那些子公司

We go after the companies that refine and ship the uranium, 搞那些提炼运输铀的公司就行- the support system that... - Come on, Frank. -辅助系统 -得了弗兰克

There's stockholders to take into account, 要考虑到股东

a huge financial exposure. 巨大的财务风险

We just need to distract him. 我们只需要让他分神

Send a few token salvos and intimate there's more to come. 象征性地比划两下


All I'm asking is that you speak to your client 我只要你和你的客户提一句

and see if this is something they might be willing to consider.


The President announces Tusk on Friday, 总统周五就会宣布塔斯克的事

so we don't have a lot of time. 所以我们时间不多了

- I'll make some calls. - Thank you, Remy. -我会打几个电话 -谢谢雷米

If he doesn't deliver, I'm an invader without an army. 他要是办不成我就单枪匹马了

If he does, I've got a fighting chance. 他要是办成了我还有点机会

I just didn't feel that 我只是觉得

we could work together constructively any longer. 我们没法再积极地共事下去了

I think that's a perfectly legitimate reason... 我觉得这是个正当理由

Of course it is. 当然是

But what you can't do is fire someone for being pregnant. 但你不能以怀孕为理由开除她Is that what she's saying? 她是这么说的吗

Ms. Cole claims that you said, 科尔女士声称你亲口说

quote, "I need employees, not mothers," 我需要员工而不是母亲

and, quote, "Go focus on your baby." 还有去照顾你的孩子吧

Can I see that? 我能看一眼吗

That's completely false. I... 一派胡言我

- I never said that. - She claims you did. -我从没说过这些 -她说你有

It's her word against mine, right? 那就是对质了对吗

Well, juries are very sympathetic with expecting mothers. 陪审团格外同情孕妇

This is extortion. 这是勒索

We don't want this going to trial, Claire. 我们不想上法庭克莱尔

You and your husband are public figures. 你和你丈夫都是公众人物

This will result in some very bad press. 这会产生不利报道

I suggest we go back to them with a settlement offer. 我建议跟他们庭外和解

- We need the arrest record. - There isn't any. -我们需要逮捕记录 -没有啊

- They let him go. - Then we need to know who got him off. -他们把他放了 -


If Underwood was involved, 如果安德伍德参与了的话

we are talking abuse of powers and corruption. 那就是滥用职权和腐败了

I checked. 我查过了

There's no files, no mug shot, nothing. 没有立案没有存档照什么也没有

Then we need to find the cop who pulled him over, 那我们就得找拦车的警察

or somebody who saw him come into the station. 或者看到他进警局的人

But D.C. Cops... they look after each other. 但是特区的警察他们相互照顾

We need to be careful. 我们得小心点

Do you have any sources on the force? 你在警局有联络人吗

Not that I would trust with something like this. 没有能在这种事上信得过的人

You know, Lucas started out on the crime beat. 卢卡斯当年是做犯罪版的

I can see if he knows anyone. 我去问问他认识谁

- Would he help us? - I don't know. -他会帮我们吗 -我不知道

- Maybe. - Help out a competitor? -可能吧 -帮对手的忙

We... stayed in touch. 我们一直有联系

You've gotta be kidding me. 你逗我呢

This town is way too incestuous. 这个世界真够乱的

I know it's a lot to ask. 我知道这事很大

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the affair, Zoe. 你跟弗兰克的事我还没想通呢佐伊

If you could just give me a contact and maybe vouch for me...


Did you wait to bring this up until now 你是不是故意等到现在才说

because you thought it'd be harder for me to say no? 觉得我这会儿不好拒绝

- What do you mean? - In bed, right after we... -什么意思 -在我们刚上过床...

You don't actually think I would do something like... 你真以为我会做那种...

- It sure seems that way. - This is huge, Lucas. -看起来就是这样 -这是大事卢卡斯

I'm trying to avoid fucking up what we have... 我在极力避免毁掉我们之间的...

Whatever that is... and you're making it really hard for me. 不论是什么但你却让我很为难I don't know that I'll ever be the kind of person that makes it easy.


I'm not looking for easy. 我不指望会简单

But I don't need to be reminded of him. 但也别总让我想起他

- I can't erase what I did. - I know you can't. -我没法改变过去 -我知道

But this is really fucking manipulative. 但你这就是在摆布我

Did you mean what you said the other night? 你之前说的话是真心的吗

That you probably... 你可能...

I don't know what to do when I hear something like that. 那种话让我不知所措

That's why I was so quiet when you drove me to the airport. 所以在去机场的路上才一言不发I was angry. I just blurted it out. 我当时生气冲口而出

I wish I hadn't. At least not like that. 我希望我没说至少不要那么说

I'm not trying to take advantage of you because you did. 我不是因为你说了那话而想利用你- He hasn't said a word. - And you haven't brought it up? -他什么也没说 -你也没问

I just asked him if he was still considering Tusk. 我只问他是否还在考虑塔斯克

He said yes, but that he wanted to speak to you first. That's it. 他说是但想先跟你谈谈

I wish we knew if they'd spoken at all. 真想知道他们聊过没

Well, he has a private line. I can't track those calls. 他有专线我没法追查

- Frank. - Mr. President. -弗兰克 -总统先生

Tell me about St. Louis. 说说圣路易斯的情况吧

He's a hard man to read. I did my best to probe him, 很难看出他在想什么我尽力试探了but I don't think I left any wiser to which way he's leaning. 但还是看不出他的倾向

I must say, though, 但我得说

I think he is by far and away the best candidate. 他无疑是最佳人选

Why do you say that? 为什么那么说

Doesn't it make sense for you to nominate someone you know so well?


I don't know him. That's why I sent you to St. Louis. 我不了解他所以才派你去圣路易斯Forgive me, Mr. President. I didn't mean it that way. 抱歉总统先生我不是那个意思

I meant that the world knows so well. 我是说全世界都了解他

You, me, everyone knows Raymond Tusk. 你我所有人都知道雷蒙德·塔斯克

We don't need to convince anyone of his worthiness. 他的厉害我们不必多说

But you said he still seems ambivalent? 但你说他依然很犹豫

Which is why I think you should make a personal overture. 所以我觉得您应该亲自行动Invite him to the White House. 请他来白宫

Well, I don't want to appear desperate. 我不想显得太急切

I agree with Frank. 我赞成弗兰克

Inviting him is a very good idea. 请他来这办法很好

If you're serious about Tusk, you should wine and dine him. 如果您真想用塔斯克


Make him feel very special. 让他觉得自己很特别

I'm sure we can find time in the schedule. 我想能为他安排出时间

Let's give him a few more days. 让他再考虑几天吧

We have less than a week, sir. 我们时间不够一周了先生

I wouldn't wait any later than Friday. 不能迟过周五

We can make Friday work, sir. 周五可以先生

All right. Well, let's see if he's available. 好吧那就看看他能不能来

What are you doing? 你在干什么

- Give me your phone. - Why? -给我你手机 -为什么

Just give it to me. 快给我

Have you noticed anything weird in here? 你注意到家里有什么怪事吗

Stuff moved around? Anything missing? 东西动地方或是不见了

- No. - Anyone following you? -没有 -有人跟踪你吗

What did you find out? 你发现什么了

This is serious, Zoe. 事情很严重佐伊

It goes way up, as high as the commissioner. 涉及到了警察局长

I had to beg my contact at Metro to give me this. 我跟警队的联络人好说歹说才拿到这个No record of Russo getting pulled over, 没有罗素被拦下的记录

but he remembers there was a call girl brought in with Russo.


That's a file on one of her previous arrests. 这是她之前一次被捕的案宗

I've investigated police cover-ups before. 我调查过警察掩盖案件

I got death threats for a year. 我持续一年收到死亡威胁

Are you willing to take that risk? 你愿意担这种风险吗

Yeah. 愿意

How long? 要多久

The next board of directors meeting is three weeks from now. 下次董事会要三周后

That is too late. Remy, look, 太迟了雷米

the President is gonna nominate Tusk in a week or less. 总统在一周内就会提名他

I've urged Scott Cunningham to call a special meeting, 我敦促斯科特·坎宁汉召集紧急会议but that doesn't happen overnight. 但一时半会儿也办不成啊

There's a lot of machinery in a corporate attack like this. 这种事很复杂的

I want to meet Scott Cunningham myself. 我要亲自和斯科特·坎宁汉谈谈

I'm not sitting you down with Scott. You know the rules. 我不会安排你们会面你知道规矩These are extraordinary circumstances. 现在是特殊情况

Frank, Sancorp's officers 弗兰克桑科的高管

do not meet with politicians, period. 绝不会跟政客会面

You talk to me, I talk to Scott Cunningham, 你跟我谈我转述给斯科特·坎宁汉

and vice versa. That's how it works. 或是反过来这是规矩

All right, Remy. Whatever you think best. 好吧雷米就按你说的吧

I'll call you when I know more. 有消息我会通知你

Nancy! 南茜

Of all the things I hold in high regard, 我所尊重的东西里

rules are not one of them. 不包括"规矩"

I will not place my fate solely in the hands of the middleman 如果可以直接接触供应商

if I can go directly to the supplier. 我就不会把命运完全交给中间人

Book a flight to Atlanta. Tomorrow morning. Let Meechum know.


Yes, sir. 好的先生

She grew up in Lynchburg, Virginia, 她在弗吉尼亚州的林奇堡长大

went to Lorimer High School 就读于洛马高中

until she dropped out sophomore year, 高二时退学

and then after that, there's no public record. 之后就再没有过公共记录

But all it says here is that she was fined $300 但这儿只说她在2012年4月

for loitering on April 2012. 因滞留街头被罚款三百元

One of us has to go to Lynchburg. 得有个人去趟林奇堡

Parents, classmates, 接触一下她的父母同学

- teachers... - I'll do it. -和老师 -我去吧

Okay. Well, then, you and I have to call escort services. 好吧


I'm willing to lend a hand, 我很乐意帮忙

but not by making cold calls 12 hours a day 但我可不想整天打电话

just to get hung up on by hookers. 然后被妓女纠缠

Where was she arrested? 她是在哪被捕的

- Connecticut ave. - 2460. -康涅狄格大街 -2460号

That's the address of the district grand hotel. 那是当地的一家豪华酒店

That's the address of the district grand hotel. 桑科

I'm not a fan of surprise visits, Frank. 我可不喜欢不速之客弗兰克

Remy wouldn't arrange a meeting. 雷米不肯安排我们见面

Remy Danton exists so we don't have to meet. 雷米·丹顿的存在就是让我们不必见面

I needed to speak with you. 我必须和你谈谈

There's a congressional travel report 国会的旅行报告

that puts you on a trip to Atlanta 会记录你来过亚特兰大

the same day I was pulled out of an investors' briefing. 而同一天我中途离开了投资者通报会Those are the sort of coincidences we want to avoid. 我们一直力图避免这种巧合

Were you briefing your investors on Raymond Tusk? 你是在跟投资者说雷蒙德·塔斯克吗Meechum can be trusted. 密查姆是自己人

Why would I be speaking to them about Tusk? 我为什么要跟他们提塔斯克

- I thought Remy filled you in. - No. -我以为雷米告诉过你了 -没有

He didn't say anything about the vice presidential nomination? 他完全没提提名副总统的事吗He didn't. And I have a feeling I'd rather not be told. 没有而且我预感我也不想知道

Trust me, you want to know. 相信我你会想知道的

I've appeared in front of grand juries before, Frank. 我曾面对过陪审团弗兰克

It's much easier when you can tell the truth. 能说实话可轻松多了

Please, don't put me in a position where I have to lie. 拜托别让我不得不撒谎脱身

If Tusk has the President's ear, 如果总统对塔斯克言听计从

you will see this administration 这届政府就会

shift its support toward nuclear energy and away from natural gas. 不再支持天然气


His subsidiaries and his suppliers, go after them. 你得去收购他的子公司和供应商Frank, we should end this conversation right now. 弗兰克谈话该到此为止了

He will not accept the nomination 如果让他觉得资产保密委托后

if his assets are in a blind trust 他将无法对抗面临的威胁

and he can't fight off the threat. 他就不会接受提名了

- Okay, we're done. - Scott... -别再说了 -斯科特

I don't wanna hear another word. 我一个字都不想再听了

Go back to the airport. 回机场去吧

Figure out a good reason you needed to be in Atlanta today. 给今天来亚特兰大找个好理由You can pull over at the next corner. 在前面转弯处靠边停吧

I'll have my car pick me up. 我会叫车来接我

- One last one? - Another. -来最后一杯吗 -继续倒

- Can I get you something? - White wine. -要喝点什么吗 -白葡萄酒

Put that on my tab. 记在我账上

- Thank you. - My pleasure. -谢谢 -荣幸之至

They're about to call last call. 很快就不能点单了

That's all right. I don't have much of a tolerance. 没关系我也不是很能喝

One more? 再来一杯吗

No. I'm good. 不用就这样吧

You should head upstairs. 你该上楼去睡

I was waiting for you. 我在等你

- Is that the new faucet? - Yeah. -那是新的水龙头吗 -是的

How'd it go? 进展如何

Not good. Remy's up to something. 不是很好雷米有所企图

He's not returning my phone calls. 也不回我电话

What can I do? 我能做什么

Tell me what you were dreaming. 告诉我你梦到了什么

Oh, it was so awful, Francis. 很可怕弗兰西斯

He's not letting me sleep either. 他也让我无法入睡

Yeah. It's not him. It's the kids. 不是他是孩子们

I was playing with them in the backyard, 我跟他们在后院玩

and the girl was climbing on the vines, 女孩爬到藤蔓上去了

and I kept telling her to stop and get down, and... 我一直劝她下来...

The vines just took hold of her, and they wouldn't let go. 藤蔓突然把她缠住就是不放开

And she was screaming so loud, 她厉声尖叫

and I just kept pulling harder and harder, 我就一直使劲拉

and she just ripped in half. 后来她被撕成两半

Come here. Come here. Okay. 好了没事了

Jesus! 天呐

You wait until after 2:00 in the morning to return my call? 你等到凌晨两点之后才回我电话You trying to get my voice-mail? 就想给我留言吧

The conversations we're having we can't be having on cell phones. 我要说的话不能在手机上说Where are you? 你在哪

Claire is sleeping upstairs. 克莱尔在楼上睡觉

You shouldn't have gone to see Cunningham. 你不该去见坎宁汉

He says you didn't bring up Tusk. 他说你没有提起塔斯克

You really think he'd admit to that? 你觉得他真会承认吗

If we go through with this, it's insider trading. 如果我们这么做就是内线交易

He didn't strike me as a man hearing the news for the second time.


You want to believe I'm playing games? 你觉得我在耍你吗

I can walk away from the whole thing. 现在我就抽身而出

But I'm all you've got right now. 但现在没别人能帮你了

I'm the one doing you and Sancorp a favor, 是我在帮你和桑科

not the other way around. 不是反过来

I can tell when I'm being used, Frank. 被利用我还看的出来弗兰克

I just want to know what for. 我只想知道为了什么

I don't use people unless I can throw them away afterwards. 我不会利用我事后不能甩开的人I'm trying to strengthen our partnership. 我是在强化我们之间的合作关系

Smells an awful lot like bullshit. 我觉得你是在骗人

Don't condescend. 别一副高高在上的口气

Eight years I worked on your staff 为你工作八年

and never once made it further than your front doorstep. 我最多也就是站在你家门前Well, now I'm in your living room, Frank. 现在我站在你家客厅了弗兰克

It's not because of what you taught me, 不是因为你的教导

it's because I finally woke up to what my value is 而是我终于意识到我的价值

and how undervalued I was slaving away for you. 和为你卖命是多么屈才

This is business. Keep your sob story to yourself. 这是正事伤心事自己知道就行

I want to maintain 我想坚守住

the influence that I have worked to achieve in the White House, 我在白宫辛苦经营的影响力which translates into the influence 这份影响力进而转化为

that you have in the White House, 你在白宫的影响力

through me. 都是通过我

I'll get in touch with Scott again tomorrow. 我明天再跟斯科特谈谈

See if we can push this forward faster. 看能不能尽快办妥

Thank you, Remy. 谢谢雷米

But you gotta let me do this my way. 但你得让我按我的方式来

The message was very clear. 她说得很清楚

She doesn't want a settlement, no matter what the figure. 她不想和解无论金额多少

Even if we give her World Well back? 即使我们把世界之井还她吗

She wants to go to court. 她坚持要上法庭

They said we can expect a formal summons next week. 他们说下周就会有正式传票

- This is ludicrous. - Her lawyers agree. -这太荒唐了 -她律师也这么认为

They'd much prefer a settlement too, but she's not playing ball. 他们也愿意和解但她不同意I'll keep pushing them. But in the meantime, 我会继续施压与此同时

you should start gathering 你得整理一下

all the correspondence you ever had with her... 你们之间所有的通讯

E-mails, notes, every scrap of paper. 电子邮件笔记什么都别落下

Okay. Thanks, Oliver. 好的谢谢奥利弗

All I'm trying to do is find her. 我只不过想找到她

I've got an arrest record from April 2012, 我有份2012年4月她被捕的记录

and I know she was pulled over with a client in January.


That girl. She had so much potential. 那个姑娘她非常有潜力

Why did she drop out? 她为什么辍学

Like I said, it's an ethical breach for me 我说过了由于道德缘故

to discuss anything that has to do... 我不能透露任何...

I spoke to her parents. 我和她父母谈过了

Her father was very combative. 她父亲态度很横

Was there trouble at home? 是家里的问题吗

The father... did he... 父亲是不是...

I won't speak about Rachel. 我不会谈瑞秋的事

Can you talk to me about your job in general, 能简要和我谈谈你的工作吗

the sorts of cases you deal with in an abstract way? 概括下你都负责什么样的案子

When I'm concerned about a student, 如果我担心某个学生

especially if there's possible criminal activity involved, 尤其是可能涉及到犯法行为时

it's my duty to contact the D.A.'s office. 我必须联系地方检察官办公室

Now, if the D.A. pursues charges, 如果地检提出控告

the student has to testify against their own parent. 那名学生就得作证指控自己的父母

That's a difficult decision for a young person to make. 让年轻人做这样的抉择太难了Extremely difficult. 非常难

It could be easier to run away. 逃跑反倒容易些

It's set for tomorrow. 会面定于明天

Tusk lands at 7:30 and then heads straight to the White House 塔斯克七点半到


for dinner with the President. 和总统共进晚餐

- Is it on the official schedule? - No. -这在官方行程上吗 -不在

- We need it to be. - Well, I can't do that. -我们得写上去 -我不能那么做

The President specifically asked that I leave it off. 总统特意嘱咐我别写进去

Actually, that's good. We can make that work. 实际上好极了我们能利用那点

Can you set up a meeting between Birch and the President? 你能为总统和博奇安排一次会面吗About what? 关于什么事

So he can give him his two cents about who he will nominate. 让他对总统的提名发表意见

I don't think we want Birch getting involved. 我认为不该把博奇扯进来

- He'll never get the chance. - What are you planning? -他不会有机会的 -你有什么计划

Can you set up a meeting for later today? Yes or no? 今天晚些时候能安排会面吗行不行

I'm sure I can squeeze it in. 我会挤出时间的

Good. I'll talk to Birch. Get him on the phone. 好我会找博奇谈给他打电话

This has to stay off the books, just like the dinner with Tusk. 这事得保密


- Okay. - And finally, -好的 -最后

do you have a scheduler that you can fire? 你有能开除的排程员吗

do you have a scheduler that you can fire? 弗兰克·安德伍德查看邮箱

Janine, I've got something for you. 简宁我有料给你

What is this? 这是什么

The President's O.T.R. schedule between now and Friday. 总统今天至周五的秘密行程- How'd you get this? - It doesn't matter. -你怎么得到的 -这不重要

Look who he's meeting with this afternoon. 看看他今天下午和谁见面

- Bob Birch. - And look at Friday night. -鲍勃·博奇 -再看看周五晚上的

Raymond Tusk. 雷蒙德·塔斯克

These aren't the craziest meetings for him to be having. 这些见面没什么不寻常的Then why aren't they on the official schedule? 那为什么不列在官方行程里

He's considering them for Vice President. 他们是副总统的候选人

I'd say that's reason enough to keep them secret. 这倒是个保密的好理由

Get this out, right away. 发布出去马上

Mr. Speaker, I'm hearing that 议长先生我听说

you're gonna be considered for the Vice Presidency. 总统正考虑让你做副总统Slugline is reporting that 头条网报道

you're heading to the White House right now. 你正要前往白宫

- I'm, uh... no. - You're not headed to the White House? -我不是 -你不是去白宫吗Yes. The President just wants my input. 是的总统想问我的意见

But there's the possibility 但有可能

that you might be under consideration yourself. 你自己也在考虑范围内

Not that I'm aware of. Excuse me. 据我所知不是抱歉

How did the schedule get out? 行程怎么流出去的

It got leaked, sir, by someone in the scheduling office. 是排程办公室的人泄露的先生

- On purpose? - Accidentally. -故意的吗 -是意外

A wrong attachment to an e-mail that went wide. 附件粘进了对外的邮件里

Well, whoever it was, I want them out. 不论是谁给我开除

I already let them go. 我已经解雇他们了

- Is, uh, Birch here yet? - He's waiting outside. -博奇还在这里吗 -他正等在外面

Well, cancel the meeting. Tell him something came up. 会面取消告诉他临时有事

- I don't want to feed the frenzy. - Yes, sir. -我不想助长流言 -是的先生

Give me the private line, please. 请帮我接专线

There are three satellite trucks on my street. 我家街上停着三辆卫星车

I'm trapped in my own home. 我被困在自己家里了

Somebody in the scheduling office fucked up. 是排程办公室的人闯的祸

Are you seriously considering Birch? 你真在考虑博奇

Absolutely not. 当然没有

We are losing control of the process, Garrett. 我们失去控制了加勒特

Every time I've spoken to you, you've never spoken back. 每次我对你诉说你从未做出过回应Although given our mutual disdain, 但考虑到我们互相鄙视

I can't blame you for the silent treatment. 我不能责怪你的沉默

Perhaps I'm speaking to the wrong audience. 或许我找错了对象

Can you hear me? 你听得到吗

Are you even capable of language, 你会说话吗

or do you only understand depravity? 或是你只明白堕落

Peter, is that you? 彼得是你吗

Stop hiding in my thoughts and come out. 别躲在我的脑袋里了出来吧

Have the courage in death that you never had in life. 如今你死了拿出生前没有的勇气吧Come out, look me in the eye and say what you need to say. 出来吧


There is no solace above or below. 天堂地狱都没法给你慰藉

Only us... Small, solitary, 只有我们自己渺小孤独

striving, battling one another. 奋斗与彼此斗争

I pray to myself, for myself. 我向自己祈祷为自己祈祷

Hello? 你好

Who is it? 谁啊

My lawyer said I shouldn't be talking to you. 我的律师让我不要和你说话

Mine said the same thing. 我的也是

I'm not gonna change my mind, Claire. 我不会改变主意的克莱尔

I made a mistake. I got upset, and I acted impulsively. 我犯了个错误我生气了一时冲动

I was the one who made the mistake 是我犯了个错误

by partnering with you in the first place. 我就不该跟你合作

Well, then, can we please both admit 好吧那我们可以承认

that it wasn't meant to be, and we can find an amicable way... 事情本不该闹成这样有平和的... - No, we can't. - What do you want? -不行的 -你想怎样

To send a message. 传递一个信息

Organizations like yours get 90% of the grant money, 像你这样的组织吞掉大把善款

then cozy up to corporate sponsors who destroy the environment. 再去奉承破坏环境的捐助者The things you're claiming are lies. 你所说的全是谎话

I never mentioned your pregnancy. 我从没提及你怀孕的事

I got in touch with Evelyn Baxter. 我和伊芙琳·巴克斯特联系过了

Remember her? We had a long conversation. 记得她吗我们聊得可久了

It seems that you have a history of axing people who disagree with you.


She'll be testifying on my behalf. 她会为我作证

So will eight of the people that you made her fire. 还有你让她炒掉的八个人

If you want an apology, I'm here to offer you one, 如果你要我道歉我就是来道歉的

and to give you whatever you think is fair. 并给你任何你认为合理的补偿

This case is gonna get national attention 这案子将因为你丈夫

because of who you're married to. 得到全国范围的关注

I'll have a platform to say what I want to say. 我将有机会发表自己的看法

That's worth more than anything you could offer. 这比你能提供的都好

Listen, I know we have different philosophies, 听着我们的确观念不同

but what we're trying to achieve is exactly the same thing. 但我们的目标是一样的We shouldn't be fighting each other. 我们不该相互敌对

Do you feel that? The kicking? 感觉到了吗胎动

I won't let people like you 我不会让你这样的人

fuck up the world my child has to live in. 毁了我的孩子将居住的世界

If I have to tell a few lies to do that... 如果我必须要说些谎

At least I learned one valuable thing from you. 至少我从你那儿学了件有用的东西- What can I get for you? - Glenlivet, neat. -要点什么 -纯格兰利威

The lawsuit? 烦诉讼的事吗

And other things. 还有别的事

What other things? 什么事

You know, I cannot guarantee you 我没法保证

that all of this is gonna succeed. 这一切都将成功

Oh, it's not that. 不是为那个

You can tell me, or I can keep guessing. 说吧不然我就一直猜下去

You'll roll your eyes. 你会翻白眼的

Not at you. 不会的

I was thinking about when one of us dies 我在想我们俩谁先死了

whether it's you first or me... 不管是谁先...

Well, if it is me, and I'm sure it will be, 如果是我而且肯定是我

you won't be alone for long. 你也不会孤独太久的

No. I mean, what will we leave behind? 不我是说我们会留下什么We've accomplished a great deal. 我们做了很多大事

And I intend for us to accomplish a lot more. 我们还会有更多成就But for whom? 为了谁呢

For each other. 为了彼此

But if we're not... 但如果我们不...

Ah, I'm being silly. 我说傻话了

Have you ever been published? 你出过书吗

Many times. 好多次了

I guess that's a stupid question. 这问题真傻

You don't seem like a starving artist. 你不像个挨饿的艺术家

Don't judge a book by its cover. 别以貌取人

You have a nice laugh. 你的笑声很好听

- Really? - It's very attractive. -真的吗 -很有魅力

Are you staying at the hotel? 你待在酒店吗

You want to come up to my room? 你想来我房间吗

That depends. 看情况

Well, how much would that cost me? 我要付多少钱

That seems about right. 这些钱就差不多

Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛

Put out your hands. 伸出手

Now open them up. 睁开眼睛

I'm trying to find this woman. 我在找这个女人

If you make me pull out my badge, 如果你逼我亮出警徽

I have to take you in. 我就不得不逮捕你

But I don't want to do that. 但我不想那么做

Let's not make a scene. 别在这儿现眼

I used to see her around. 我以前常看到她

She left the business, though. We haven't really kept in touch. 但她离开这一行了我们没怎么联系

Any idea where she might be? 知道她可能在哪吗

A friend of mine saw her waiting tables 我的一个朋友见过她

at a restaurant in Georgetown. 在乔治城的一家餐馆做服务员

I guess the question I'm trying to ask is, um... 我想问的问题是...

Is it even worth that step? 有必要做尝试吗

The bottom line is that 总的来说

for a woman your age, it's extremely hard. 对于你这个年纪的女人会非常难Have you ever had a miscarriage? 你流过产吗

No. I, um... 没有我...

I've been late before, but 我有过晚的时候但...

I don't... You know, I don't know. I don't know exactly. 其实我也不能确定

Have you had any abortions? 你堕过胎吗

Three. 三次

That can make it more difficult. 那就更棘手了

I'm not trying to dissuade you, 我不是在劝阻你

but please make sure you think long and hard before you decide.


But it's possible? 但是有可能的

Assuming you and your husband fit all the criteria? 如果你和你丈夫符合全部标准Yes, it's possible. 是的可能

Okay. 好的

What? Well, that's hardly my problem. 什么这不是我的问题

No, you get on it. It's... 不你去做就是...

I have to call you back. What is it? 我一会儿打给你什么事

Sancorp's stock. 桑科的股票

It's up 35% in the last four hours. 过去四个小时涨了35%

It's all over the financial news. 财经新闻上都在报道

Tusk is making a play. 塔斯克出招了

Get Remy on the phone. 给雷米打电话

Congressman Underwood on line three. 安德伍德议员在三号线上

I was just about to call you. 我正要打电话给你

I need to meet with Tusk before he sees the President tonight.


- He's already here. - At the White House? -他已经到了 -在白宫吗

He decided to come in a few hours early. 他决定提前几小时来

His plane landed half an hour ago. 他的飞机半小时前到了

- Do you know where he is? - I don't know. -你知道他在哪吗 -不知道

He had his own car pick him up. I just found out. 他让自己的车去接他我刚刚才知道Remy's not in his office. 雷米不在办公室

I left word there and on his cell. 我给他的办公室和手机都留了言

Look, you need to call me the moment you know where he is. 听着


Okay. 好的

It's just the lunch menu right now. I hope that's okay. 现在只有午餐菜单可以吗Yeah. That's fine. 可以

Your server will be with you shortly. 服务员马上就来招呼两位

Is Rachel working? 瑞秋在吗

Uh, no. I don't think she's scheduled till Sunday. 不她周日才上班

Stephanie will be with you this afternoon. 今天下午是斯蒂芬妮值班

Thanks. 谢谢
