Tiger Hill虎丘英语导游词

Tiger Hill虎丘英语导游词
Tiger Hill虎丘英语导游词

Tiger Hill


The Tiger Hill is accepted as the most attractive place of historical interest in Suzhou.

Thirty-four meters above sea level, and some 20 hectares area, it used to be called the Hill of Emergence from the Sea .It is the burial place of He Lv, kIng of State Wu, Who founded the city of Suzhou in 514 BC and made it his capital. Historical records said that 496BC, When the king of Yue passed away. King He Lv wanted to seize the chance and intended to attack State Yue. The army of two states engaged at Zui Li of Jia Xing city. Because King He Lv’s underestimate, he was injured then died in the way back. His son Fu Chai conscripted more than 100 thousand labors to build the tomb in the Tiger Hill. Three days after his burial, it is said a tiger appeared on the top of the hill to guard the tomb, hence it named tiger hill. The local people said the hill is in the shape of a crouching tiger, the Broken Beam Hall is its head,( the gate is its mouth, two round windows its eyes,) hill path its back, the pagoda on the top of the hill is its tail. In the hill are some interesting stones such as Sword Testing Rock, Pillow Rock, Thousand Man Rock, Nodding Rock and so on. Each of them has stories and legends. Then the most famous highlight is the pagoda on the top. It is known as the leanin g tower of “Pisa” in Chinese. Tiger hill is known as the No.1 famous hill in Wu aera. No wonder the prominent poet Su Dongpo in Song dynasty remarked, “To visit Suzhou without seeing the tiger hill would be a thing for regret.”

Here is the Bridge of Emergence from the Sea. The bridge got its name because it is said that it ancient china here is a sea, and this hill used to be one of the small islands, but with the time passing, here becomes plain and only this island left that is nowadays Tiger Hill. The bridge is made of the granite, produced of Suzhou. On the railings of both sides are 12 lions- the 6 males their paws are embroidered balls which symbolize the power, other 6 females with baby lions under their paws, which means the endless offspring one generation after another.

This entrance hall is named the Broken Beam Hall. It gets its name because the main beam of the hall is made of 2 logs not joined in the middle. Under the eaves are bracket sets. Bracket sets bear the weight of the roof, and scant the weight through the post in the walls, walls of the

building bear no weight, if the walls are removed, the build will not fall down. All the joints of the wooden structure are fastened with the traditional tenons and mortises without a single metal nail. So the building can kept so long years. Under the roof of the hall there are two wooden tablets, on which are written four big characters each. Those facing south mean “the historical site famous in Kingdom Wu” and those facing north mean “containing the real and hiding the ancient.”

The famous Sword-Testing Rock is a big oval rock. It is cleft in the middle as though by a sword. Legend has it that this is the place where King He Lv tried out his precious sword. The story goes that He Lv, King of State Wu employed hundreds of foundry men to cast several thousand sharp swords for his army. Hearing that the couple, Ganjiang and Moye, were skillful sword-smiths, he ordered them to cast a pair of swords for his personal use. The husband and wife forged a pair of swords which were made of alloy that steel. One was called Ganjiang, the other was named Moye. Ganjiang presented Moye sowrd to King Wu, and hid another one himself. One day the King came to this hill and tested the sword on this rock. Down came the sword. The rock split in two as if it were mud. This rock is said to be today’s Sword-Testing Rock on the Tiger Hill. By the side of the Sword-Testing Rock there is an ancient poem engraved on a cliff, which means:”While the sword was tested, the rock was cleft, the cliff fell and the brook was blocked. Why, hundreds of years later, was it not used to decapitate the sinister eunuch Zhao Gao?”

A little further on the left is the Pillow Stone, which was said to have been used as the pillow by the monk Sheng Gong. Shenggong was a learned Buddhist monk in the Jin Dynasty around the 3rd and 4th centuries. He put new theory “those who have the sense of Buddhist can all become buddhas. His theory was opposed by those old school. And then his travelled in China, finally he settled down in the temple on SanTang street, he came to the hill to preach. Many believers gathered the hill to listen to the preaching. What he said was so excellent that all the listeners kept nodding to express their approval, even hard rock in the tomb was moved to nod. When tired of preaching, he would come to this stone and lie down for a rest with the stone as his pillow.


Here is the Thousand-Man Rock, a huge rock resembling a terrace. It is said that Fu Chai made labors build his father Helv’s grave, after the completion. He ordered to kill all the tomb builders here to keep the tomb secret, the blood of these builders stained this huge rock. Today the blood stains can still be seen on the rock, which looks reddish especially after rain.

However, another story has it that the monk Shenggong lectured here some 1600 years ago. Shenggong was a learned Buddhist monk in the Jin Dynasty around the 3rd and 4th centuries. He put new theory “those who have the sense of Bud dhist can all become buddhas. His theory was opposed by those old school. And then his travelled in China, finally he settled down in the temple on SanTang street, he came to the hill to preach. No less than a thousand listener sit here to listen to the pr eaching. So the Rock also called the Sheng Gong’s Rostrum.

On the northeast side of the Rock lies a pond, known as the White Lotus Pond. Located in the middle of the pond is the Nodding Stone. It acquired this name because Monk Sheng Gong, who has lectured persuasively enough to make the rocks nod in agreement. This rock in Pond is supposed to be one of those nodding stones.

Here is the Two Immortals’ Pavilion. It is associated with two Taoist immortals, Lv Chunyang and Chen Tuan. Its roof was nicely carved from one single piece of granite. Inside, there are 2 stone tablets showing their portraits.

Tourists like very much to have photo taken in front of the four big characters in red meaning Tiger Hill’s Sword Pond. This marvelous handwriting was written by Yan Zhenqin the calligrapher in Tang Dynasty. With the year goes by, the characters “Hu Qiu” means Tiger

Hill,were ruined. In Ming Dynasty, the local calligrapher Mr. “Zhang Zhongyu” rewrited the characters “Hu Qiu”. Popular saying is like that:”real sword pond, pseudo tiger hill”.

Go through the circular gate called “Another Wonderland”, here is the Sword Pond. The pond is in the shape of a sword without handle. On the left cliff are two Characters said to be handwriting by Wang Xizhi. The 4 characters now facing us mean “Windy ravine and clouds spring” written by Mi Fu. According to history, King He Lv liked collecting swords. When he was buried, 3000 swords were buried, too. In the following dynasty, people came here and tried to find his tomb to

get the treasure. In 221 BC when the first Emperor “Qin Shihuang” unified the China. He ordered a lot of soldiers to dig the tomb here. But they failed because the water gushed out from spring underground. In 1955 when the pagoda was repaired, the local government had Sword Pond dredged. After digging, the workers found a triangular entrance at the bottom of the pool, enter 10 metres, one have to turn to the left, there the workers saw 4 huge rectangular stone slabs, one lay on the ground as the base, the other 3 were piled up in a triangle. It is said it was the real entrance to the tomb. But this place happened to be under the pagoda. In order to avoid affecting the foundation of the pagoda, excavation of the tomb had to be stopped. Now the tomb is still a mystery.


To the east of the White Lotus Pond are 53 steps, which are a neat flight of granite stone steps leading up to the mahavira hall of Cloud Rock Temple. Their significance can be found in the Buddhist saying:” Climb 53 steps to pay tribute to Buddha.” According to Buddhism, the Boy of Treasures, who is the attendant for the Bodhisattva of Compassion, worshipped 53 Bodhisattvas as his teachers. So sometimes you can see 53 steps near the Buddhist temples in hilly areas.

At the end of the 53 steps is the mahavira hall. In the hall, the Sakyamuni is face to us, and the Kasyapa and Ananda stand each side by him. The picture of Eighteen Arhats are hung on the wall around the hall.

Popularly known as Tiger Hill Pagoda, the Cloud Rock Temple Pagoda on top of the Hill is a leaning pagoda with 7 stories and an octagonal base. The pagoda is 47.7 metres high. Because its foundation ploblem, it began to lean toward Northeast in Yuan Dynasty. In 1956,when it was repaired, workers found a lot of Culture relics. Among them is a stone casket. In the casket is a scripture box, contain 7 volume Buddhist sutra. At the bottom of the box, they saw dates of the construction, began to build from 959 AD and completed in 961AD. In 1982, lots of cracks appeared on the wall of pagoda, the situation is very dangerous. The famous architects are called to discuss the way of maintenance. Finally they decided to take 4 steps to repair it. First of all, 44 cement posts 1.1 metres in diameter each were made round the pagoda base, and a concrete ring

was constructed to link all 44 posts. Secondly, poured in ciment paste to fill in the gaps under and round the pagoda. And 161 holes were dug around pagoda in order to fill the paste. Thirdly, A special technique was used to ma ke a huge cement plate base to support the pagoda’s bottom. Fourthly, to replace those eroded bricks of the pagoda. Now the pagoda stops its leaning. The central axis now is 2.34 meters away from its original central axis, form a lean angle of two degrees 48 minutes. Now, being the symbol of Suzhou, Tiger Hill pagoda is a treasure not only in Suzhou but also throughout China. The pagoda has been shown on a stamp of New China.


龙门石窟导游词200字5篇 龙门石窟是中国石刻艺术宝库之一,现为世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位、国家AAAAA级旅游景区,位于河南省洛阳市洛龙区伊河两岸的龙门山与香山上。以 下是小编整理的龙门石窟导游词200字5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 龙门石窟导游词200字(1) 大家好,我是炫光旅行社的程导,今天我们要去龙门石窟。 我们现在已经来到了龙门石窟,龙门石窟位于河南省的洛阳市,洛阳是中外闻名 的古城。 龙门石窟,在洛阳市南邻的龙门山口处,距市区12、5公里,从北魏太和十九年 开凿,至今已有1500余年的历史,他和郭煌莫高窟、大同云冈石窟。共同组成了我 国著名的三大石窟艺术宝库。 所谓石窟就是在石壁山崖上开凿的洞,或是天然形成的洞,用来藏身或藏食物。 龙门石窟的雕刻,有个不可忽视的自然形象条件,伊水两岸的山崖都属于古生代 寒武纪和奥陶纪的石灰岩层,其石质坚硬,结构紧密,不易风化和大面积脱裂。 好,今天我们就说到这里。 龙门石窟导游词200字(2) 各位来宾,各位朋友: 现在我来给各位当导游,参观闻名于世的“龙门石窟游览区”。我们今天参观的龙 门并非山峡交界之处、黄土高原之上、对峙黄河两岸,横出天汉的龙门;并非边陲春城、滇池湖畔、一岸独立、万丈深渊的龙门;我们今天要看到的是中原大地上九朝古都之郊,经悠悠千载,历沧桑万代的一颗中华山水明珠——洛阳的龙门石窟。 呈现在我们面前的龙门两山,壁立相峙,高耸巍峨佛寺衬松柏,栈道连亭阁,龛 塔窟碑,蜂穴密布,蔽石遮岩。非常美丽! 希望各位珍惜时光,保重自己,洛阳龙门石窟永永远远恭候各位的再次光临。谢 谢各位! 龙门石窟导游词200字(3) 大家好!欢迎朋友们来到龙门石窟参观游览,我叫张甡喆,是你们的导游,你们可 以叫我小张,希望大家在龙门石窟玩得愉快。


、乔家大院英文导游词 乔家大院导游词 ladies and gentleman,good morning!welcome to shanxi!its my great honour to stand here to be your tour guide,please allow me introduce myself, my name is z,u can call me Doris too.the man who sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he h as more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one .we will do our best to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable . 山西素有“中国古代建筑博物馆”之称。全省现存有大量明清时期的民居建筑,它们大都集中在晋中的祁县、平遥、太谷、介休一带,这些深宅大院不仅是当时富商大贾的宅第,也是显赫一时的晋商的历史见证。那我们今天参观的乔家大院就是它们其中的一个代表。 shanxi has long been known as "ancient architecture museum of china". A great many civil houses build in Ming and Qing Dynasties have been preserved in here.they are the testimony of history of Shanxi Merchants .the Courtyard of Family Qiao that we will visit today is one of them. 乔家大院位于祁县东观镇乔家堡村,距太原54公里,乘车大约一小时就可以到达。乔家大院是一所民居建筑,是我国保存下来的最完整的一座民居建筑。占地8725㎡,建筑面积3870㎡,共6个大院,20个小院,313间房屋。1985年乔家大院被开辟成为晋中民俗博物馆,一部《大红灯笼高高挂》使得乔家大院名扬海外,2005年拍摄的《乔家大院》更是让许多人了解了乔家大院,了解了晋商。我们现在就来到了乔家大院的大门口了,我们现少停留一下。 Courtyard of Family Qiao located in Qixian County in Shanxi Province , 54 km south of Taiyuan.this is a kind of civil house ,it is the most complete civil house which is preserved in china.it occupying area of 8725 square meters,while the floorage occupies 3870 square meters.it has 6 compounds, 20 small courtyards, 313 housings.


黄山英文导游词简短 黄山:世界文化与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA 级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国文明风景旅游区示范点,中华十大名山,天下第一奇山。下面是由小雅WTT为大家带来的关于黄山英文导游词简短,希望能够帮到您! Mt.Huangshan Ladies and Gentlemen! Wele to Mt.Hangshan, which is lauded as“No.1 Mountain under the heaven. ”I am so glad to be your guide in this tour. My name is Wangyan. I hope I can provide a quality service to you. Now I"d like to introduce something about Mt.huang, Mt.huang is one of 10 major scenic resorts of China. And it is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. In 1990, the UNESCO put it on the list of world natural and cultural heritages. The beauty of Mt.Huang lies in its“five wonder”, Pine trees with shapely foliage, rocks in hundreds of images, a sea of clouds, hot spring and snow of winter. Today I will mainly introduce pine trees to you. Follow me please! I will help you to find some fascination of Mt.Huang. Look at these pine trees, these


Longmen Grottoes tourguide word: Hello, Confucius said, has the friend to come from the distantplace, delight. Today, I am precisely have this kind of feelings toreceive fellow friends the arrival. Luoyang, is the historical famous city which the Chinese and foreignis well-known. She has glorious historical, bright cultural and themultitudinous cultural relic historical site. In order to cause fellowguests at Luoyang period can has the further understanding to thisancient city historical culture and the historical site, is riding ina carriage the scenic spot visit on the way, I Luoyang's history andthe Longmen Grottoes approximate situation, will make the simpleintroduction to everybody. Luoyang is located west Henan Province, theYellow River middle reaches Nanan. Because of is situated at northshore the Luohe river to acquire fame, Italy is positive for the Luoriver water. Luoyang in the history once was the city which the multitudinousdynasty founds a capital, is known to be "nine faces the ancientcapital". In this more than 1,000 years historical perpetual flow,Luoyang once the long time took Chinese the politics, cultural, theeconomical center. Today, we visit the world famous Longmen Grottoesthen are one of multitudinous cultural relic historical sites. The Longmen Grottoes, in the Luoyang Nanjiao's Dragon Gate mountainpass place, are apart from the urban district 12.5 kilometers, too and19 years opens cutting from Northern Wei Dynasty, up to now some morethan 1,500 years history, it with the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, the Datongcloud hillock rock cave, together has composed our country famousthree big rock caves art treasure house. Dragon Gate, in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States timecalled "Iraq Xiangshan (Dongshan) (Xishan) the thing confrontswith Longmen Mountain, the Iraqi water from the average, has formed agrand gate Latter because is in the Sui and Tang dynasties empiresouth, also calls Dragon Gate. So-called "rock cave", is the hole which opens cutting on the cliffcliff is straight, perhaps natural forms the pit hole, with hides orstores food and the thing. As early as in primitive society, thepeople have used the natural pit hole description zoomorphism and thelife scene, however by the phenomenon appears and the placewhich as the buddhist, the clergy worships buddha and leads a piouslife, actually is starts Buddhism after ancient India to appear. As a result of wooded mountain lonesome and quiet, mystical, rock cavewarm in winter and cool in summer, the rock cave uses the templeconvenience according to Shan Diaozao which the bricks and stonesbuilds to be more durable than, therefore appeared the collectionbuilding, the drawing, the vulture in ancient India has chiselled artto accomplish This kind of art, does missionarywork the activity along with the clergy to spread to our country theborder area and the inland, with our country national characteristicsand the traditional each kind of artistic technique style fusionconnection, becomes our country one kind of unique carving, thecolored drawing on pottery craft. We must look today the LongmenGrottoes are one of in our country multitudinous temple grouptreasures. The Longmen Grottoes group carving, the advantage which said besidesfront, but also has the noticeable natural condition. The Iraqi waterboth banks cliff all belonged to the Paleozoic Era cambrian period andthe Ordovician discipline lime rock layer. Its lithical hard, thestructure is


梅江夜游航班导游词 1、欢迎词 各位游客!你们好,欢迎乘坐梅州客通游船公司的游船游览梅江。上船后,请注意安全,请家长照顾好您的小孩,不要在游船上奔跑或攀爬栏杆。 梅州客通游船公司是经营珠江夜游的广州之星游轮有限公司下辖子公司,梅江游是我公司隆重推出的水上游览项目,具有浓郁的梅州客家特色。公司所拥有的梅江游船,是梅江河上证照齐全、设施完备、独具客家特色的豪华游船; 游船采用了当今环保型的电力推进系统和先进的交流调频技术来替代传统的直流传动动力,在当今国内船舶界都属于领先技术。游船总长20.8米,型宽5.2米,型深1.45米,吃水1.2米。 本船共分为两层,一楼为普通舱,二楼为贵宾舱及公共观光甲板。洗手间设在一楼客舱尾部。室内客舱是禁烟区,需要抽烟的游客可到二楼露天观光甲板。游览过程中请注意安全,听从工作人员的指引,本游船配备了齐全的消防设施和安全设备,救生衣放置在您的座位下面。游船不设保管,请各位游客妥善保管好随身携带的贵重物品。为保护母亲河,请不要将杂物抛入江中。 在旅途中,如果您有什么需要,请和工作人员联系,我们将为您提供热情周到的服务。 2、嘉应大桥 各位游客,游船前方看到的这座桥是嘉应大桥,它长310米、宽27米、建于上世纪九十年代初。原本桥面宽度为16米,伴随着梅州经济迅速发展,车流量越来越大,狭窄的桥面变成了阻碍交通的瓶颈,为改变这种状况,梅州市政府在2007年对桥面进行了拓宽,把原来16米桥面拓宽为27米,机动车道变成了现在的双向四车道,并且重建了引道及下穿式立交,现在成了梅城主要的交通枢纽之一。 3、金沙湾酒店 游客们,位于梅江河南岸的这幢漂亮建筑是梅州首家按5星级打造的金莎湾圣廷苑酒店,是梅州市一家集住宿、餐饮、会议、康体、娱乐为一体的大型商务休闲酒店。酒店由A、B两座塔楼组成,它由238间豪华观景客房、高档中西餐厅、高级会议厅等组成,酒店漂亮的外形非常独特,从侧面看上去就像一艘白色的帆船,是梅州一江两岸上的一道靓丽风景。 4、沿江路酒吧一条街


、乔家大院英文导游词 ?乔家大院导游词 ladiesandgentleman,goodmorning!welcometoshanxi!itsmygreathonourtostandheretobeyourtou rguide,pleaseallowmeintroducemyself,mynameisz,ucancallmeDoristoo.themanwhosittingbesi demeisourdriverMrli,hehasmorethantenyear’sexperienceindrivingsohew illmakesourtripasa feandpleasantone.wewilldoourbesttomake?yourtourpleasantandenjoyable. ?山西素有“中国古代建筑博物馆”之称。全省现存有大量明清时期的民居建筑,它们大都集中在 6 院 在百寿 thereisntanyflagpoleorstonelionsoutsidethegate,butthosetallwallscouldshowstheprestige oftheowner.housesinthisyardwas?designedquitenaturallyperfect,itshowsthecharacteristic styleofthecivilhousesinnorth.itshighlyvaluableinthestudyofhistory,inscientificresearches,itisalsovaluableasatouristresort.Thespecialistsandscholarscomm enditas"abrightpearlofthecivilhousesinnorth".thereisascreenwallfacingthegateofahouse, wecalledthis"zhaobi",wecanseeitconsistingofhundredformsofthecharacterfor“shòu”,itme anslongevity. 大门上有一副对联“子孙贤,族将大”;“兄弟睦,家之肥”,可以看出乔家主人的最高追求,就是人丁兴旺,家庭和睦,只是致富的前提,也是富贵的归宿。进入大门后我们首先来看一下大院的简单构造图,我们面前的这条常80米的甬道,将乔家大院的六个大院分为南北两院,北院房屋大


山东旅游英语导游词#篇 山东,因居太行山以东而得名,简称“鲁”,省会济南。先秦时期隶属齐国、鲁国,故而别名齐鲁。山东半岛,与辽东半岛、雷州半岛合称”中国三大半岛”。下面是小编为大家整理的山东旅游英语导游词,欢迎参考! 篇#:济南趵突泉英语导游词 Welcome to the beautiful city JiNan which is the capital of ShanDong Province. Now we are in the BaoTu spring park in the center of JiNan .Built in ####, the BaoTu spring park is named after the BaoTu spring. Covering a total area of ##### square Meters including ##### square meters, the park is a traditional Chinese garden characterized by spring. The park has three gates, of which the EastGate(东门) is the main gate. On the doorhead is inscribed three Chinese characters(汉字) 趵突泉written by Mr GuoMoruo. The park features sightseeing, fish watching,tea sampling,stones and culture,especially Noted for its exquisiteness, cleanliness peacefulness, simplicity and elegance.The park is divided into ten major viewing areas, such as the


洛阳龙门石窟导游词 洛阳龙门石窟导游词1 龙门石窟位于中国河南省洛阳市南郊的龙门山和香山崖壁上,是中国四大石窟之一。开凿于北魏孝文帝年间,今存有窟龛2345个,造像10万余尊,碑刻题记2800余品。其中“龙门二十品”是书法魏碑精华,褚遂良所书的“伊阙佛龛之碑”则是初唐楷书艺术的典范。 自古以来,龙门山色被列入洛阳八大景之冠。龙门石窟延续时间长,跨越朝代多,所处地理位置优越,自然景色优美,更是许多石窟难以比拟的。来龙门游玩,与其说是视觉的盛宴,不如说是一次心灵的朝拜。充满灵性的石窟静卧在古老的河畔,沐浴在蔚蓝的天空下,历史的沧桑凝重与艺术的感官冲击,让人在感叹先人的智慧创造的同时,对宗教的信仰与艺术的震撼,也油然而生。 龙门石窟位于河南洛阳市,可通过飞机、火车、公交等多种交通方式到达景区。最为便捷的方式是乘坐火车到洛阳站,再转乘公交到达景区。乘坐飞机到达洛阳北郊机场,再转乘公交,也较为方便。龙门石窟景区内以电瓶车为主要交通工具,也可乘坐游船代步。 洛阳龙门石窟导游词2 龙门石窟位于洛阳市南郊的龙门山和香山崖壁上,开凿于北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳(公元494年)前后,后历经东西魏、隋唐至宋等朝代,连续大规模营造达400余年之久。共有约10万余尊佛像,最大的佛像高达17米(卢舍那佛像)。 1 / 3

龙门石窟以伊河为界,分为西山和东山石窟两部分,西山石窟开凿于北朝和隋唐时期,东山石窟全部开凿于唐代,西山石窟是龙门最精华的部分,其中包括奉先寺的卢舍那佛像和古阳洞中的“龙门二十品”。 西山石窟中的奉先寺,是龙门石窟规模最大、艺术最为精湛的一组摩崖型群雕,寺内中间的卢舍那佛像,据说是按照女皇武则天的形象塑造的,这也是石窟中最受游人喜欢、知名度最高的佛像。 龙门二十品,是指从北魏时期精选出不同的二十块造像题记,它们记载着佛龛的雕凿时间、人物、目的等。字型端正大方、气势刚健质朴,结体、用笔在汉隶和唐楷之间,堪称书法奇珍。古阳洞中保留了“龙门二十品”中的十九品(另一品在慈香窑中)。 龙门石窟东山的香山寺,是武则天时代为安置印度高僧“地婆诃罗”的遗身,而建立的一座佛教寺院。唐代大诗人白居易,生前经常来此游玩。白居易去世后,根据他的遗嘱,将他葬于香山寺以北,这就是今日的白园(白居易墓园)。 游览龙门石窟,一般步行即可,线路多为:景区大门-西山石窟-东山石窟-香山寺-白园。在每年的4-10月期间,游客还可以夜游石窟,在如梦如幻的灯光衬托下,万尊佛像更显气象万千(夜游只开放西山石窟和香山寺)。 洛阳龙门石窟导游词3 龙门石窟可谓西山著名的风景名胜。它位于西山风景区终端,北起三清阁,南至达天阁,是云南最大、最精美2 / 3


珠江夜游导游词文档Guide words for night tour of Pearl River 编订:JinTai College

珠江夜游导游词文档 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同 游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文 体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导 意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 随着广州市政府“三年一中变”取得越来越多的骄人成果,珠江水变清了、变美了,现在的珠江两岸23公里长的 “观景长廊”风景更加旎迷人,堤两岸种上了别具岭南特色的榕树、木棉书和耐阴的地被植物,花岗岩栏杆与地面的天然开采石面相辅相成,实现了传统与现代、自然与人工的完美结合。珠江夜游 “珠江”的得名有这样一则传说:相传古羊城在爱群大厦、省总工会附近的江中有一块方圆90丈的礁石,是一颗摩 黎珠的宝珠变成的,人们称之为海珠石,这条江就是现在的珠江。 珠江包括东江、西江、北江及其支流,流经过云南、贵州、广西、江西、湖南、广东六省。干六西江发源于云南省曲靖市马雄山,全长2214公里,它的长度和流域面积在全国江 河中居第三位,年流量居全国第二位。

刚才登船的西码头可以乘船到莲花山、金沙度假村、黄 埔军校、南沙天后宫、横档岛、半月岛等地,客轮旅游分公司也没设在这里。 现在河北面是著名的南方大厦,它是广州目前规模最大 的百货商场之一,前身是大新公司,享有较高的社会知名度,是市民消费的理想场所。 在河的北岸,是人民路、六二三路高架桥,全长约有 7600多米。是我国第一条城市高架路系统,一小时可通车 2500辆,成为贯通广州西、南、北的快速干道。 河北面的孙逸仙纪念医院,前身为博济医院,由美国传 教士伯驾于1835年创建,是中国和远东最早建立的西医院, 是外国教会在大陆创办的第一间医院,孙中山先生曾在这里学医并从事革命活动,中国近代女子医学教育也是从这里开始的。 医院大门的东南面是爱群大厦,又名爱群大酒店,是香 港爱群人寿保险公司投资兴建得名,酒店由旧楼、新楼和旋转餐厅组成,旧楼建于1937年,高15层64米,是当时广州最 高的建筑物。该酒店承办了第一至十届中国出口商品交易会的开、闭幕式酒会。


乔家大院导游词四篇 乔家大院始建于清乾隆年间,后又在清同治、光绪年间及民国初年多次增修,时间虽跨越了两个世纪,却保持了建筑风格的浑然天成。乔家大院占地8724.8平方米,由6幢大院19个小院共313间房屋组成。下面是收集推荐的乔家大院导游词,欢迎阅读参考。 乔家大院导游词篇一 乔家大院位于山西祁县乔家堡村正中,大院始建于清朝乾隆二十年(公元1756年),后有多次扩建。第一次扩建由乔致庸主持,最后一次由乔映霞完成。 大院坐西朝东,院落布局很象一个双“喜”字,象征大吉大利。他的围墙有10米多高,很壮观,他是一座城堡式的建筑。 站在大院的东大门,可以看到顶楼正中悬挂着慈禧太后送的匾额,上面写着“福种琅环”四个大字。大门上写着一付对联:子孙贤,族将大;兄弟睦,家之肥。这是李鸿章题写的。大门对面有一个掩壁,上面题有左宗棠的对联:损人欲以复天理,蓄道德而能*。 从东大门往西走,有一条80米长的甬道。甬道自东向西走尽头是乔家祠堂。甬道将整个大院分成南北两部分,甬道北边自

东向西分别有老院、西北院、书房院和花园,甬道南边自东向西有东南院、西南院和新院。 乔家大院一共占地面积是10872平方米,其中建筑面积是3872平方米,共有6个大院,大院内套有20个小院子,共有313个房间。 大院内随处可见精致的木雕。如老院的三门木雕为葡萄白子图,东南院正门有八骏马和福禄寿三星图等,雕刻品个个栩栩如生,有着民族寓意。砖雕工艺品在乔家大院到处可见,题材也非常广泛。除此外,乔家大院还有精美的石雕。 乔家大院收藏有许多珍品,其中有三件号称为“乔家三宝”。第一件是犀牛望月镜,第二件是万人球,第三件是二盏九龙灯。 院子里也有各种纪念馆。比如展示乔家主人发迹的纪念馆,也有陈列山西民间风俗习惯的纪念馆。 参观了乔家大院后,我感觉到很有趣,拍了许多照片,而且我学到了很多知识。 乔家大院导游词篇二 非常宏大,有着几百年的历史。想必大家一定看过巩俐主演的《大红灯笼高高挂》吧!有了张艺谋和巩俐,乔家大院从此就出了名,这里人头攒动,每天来乔家大院都有上千号人。


Sunyat-sen Memorial Hall 中山纪念堂 (Ladies and Gentlemen: Our next destination is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, as its name suggests, is a structure built in honor of a person by the name of Sun Yat-sen. Do you know who Sun Yat-sen was?) Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution. He was born on November 12, 1866 in a farmer’s family in the Cuiheng Village in Xiangshan County (the present-day Zhongshan City) in Guangdong Province. At the age of 12, he went to Honolulu, where his elder brother sent him to a missionary school. Later, he came back to Hong Kong to study in a college of Western medicine and, after graduation, practiced medicine in Guangzhou and Macao. So, ever since he was a child, he had been influenced by the Western ideas of Christianity and democracy and this had helped him make his mind to cure the ills of the old feudal China and turn it into a democratic and strong nation. At first, he had illusions about the Qing government and hoped to save this moribund regime through reforms. But, China’s defeats by foreign invaders and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government intensified his patriotic indignation. He decided that the Qing court was rotten to the core and must be overthrown and replaced by a democratic republic. So, in 1894, together with some 20 Chinese shop-keepers and farm-owners in Honolulu, he established the first Chinese bourgeois revolutionary organization –the Society for the Revival of China (the Xing Zhong Hui). In the following spring, he returned to Hong Kong and staged the first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty


·洛阳市各位同学大家好,今天我们要去参观汉魏故城遗址,首先我先对洛阳概况对大家做一个简要介绍,洛阳位于河南省西部,黄河中游两岸,伊洛盆地的北边,南有伏牛,北有邙山,西有肴涵之固,东有嵩岳之险,四面环山,形胜甲于天下,历来为兵家必争之地。下面这几句话就是对洛阳最好的概括:一城之下皆是宝,二水出自洛阳城,三土产自邙山头,四面八方我为中,五都荟洛是奇观,六合之内聚灵气,七大古都排第一,八大八小十六景,九朝古都洛阳城。 第一句一城之下皆是宝,在中国有做城市叫做西安,他的地上文物居全国第一,在西安东边有个城市,地下文物居全国第一,他就是洛阳。我们洛阳是我国地下文物最为丰富的一个城市。早在一万年以前,我们这里已经进入了比较繁荣与昌盛的母系氏族社会,而这种繁荣与昌盛一直持续到我国第一个奴隶制王朝夏的建立。从夏到后晋,先后有十三个王朝在此建都或迁都于此。古诗有云,若问古今兴废事,请君只看洛阳城。古代多少荣辱兴衰都已湮没在了历史的长河之中,也埋藏在了洛阳土层之中,仅洛阳出土的碑刻墓志就有四万多块,有学者说仅这些碑刻墓志就可以建成一座世界独一无二的中国艺术馆。曾经轰动考古界的东周天子驾六车马坑,因天子驾六车马坑闻名于世界。,而北邙山上的古墓博物馆则是世界上唯一一个以收藏古墓葬文化为主题的博物馆。在洛阳许多地方都不能随便向下取土,因为随便一挖就可能挖到宝贝。洛阳出土的数不清的文物和那些尚未知晓的文物瑰宝和我们脚下的这方水土融合在一起,使得脚下的这方水土显得更为深沉与厚重。古人云,山之南,水之北谓之阳,我们洛阳就是因为位于洛河以北而称之为洛阳,现在我们看到的这条河就是洛阳的母亲河洛河,在其两岸是中国最大的城市滨河公园,全长20公里。我们现在走的是洛阳桥,我们现在回头看,有没有一种置身于黄浦江畔的感觉:洛河----黄浦江,中原明珠----东方明珠,高楼林立。。。。。。我们现在从上海回到洛阳, ·我们的第二句话是二水出自洛阳城。第一水就是曹操的“何以解忧,惟有杜康”的杜康酒,我们洛阳汝阳县是酒祖杜康发迹的地方,在此他酿造了杜康酒,在周朝时就被封为国酒。第二水是洛阳水席,为什么叫水席呢,有两个原因:第一是独特的上菜顺序,既带子上朝,以粥带唐,上一道,吃一道,撤一道,整个宴席如行云流水般,第二个原因要从我们洛阳人的饮食风俗说起,大家都知道,我们中国人打招呼和外国不一样是问喝汤了没,反映了中国吃文化,那我们洛阳则是问喝汤了没,说明我们洛阳人爱喝汤,早晨我们有牛肉汤,洋肉汤,驴肉汤,豆腐汤,八宝粥,不翻汤等。那么洛阳人也把爱喝汤这种爱好带到了最丰盛的宴席当中,使得每道菜都汤汤水水的,因此称之为洛阳水席。大家现在不要急,我们今天中午就要到洛阳最有名的真不同酒店去品尝这俩个水。 @@ 各位朋友现在已经··点了,等一会我们就要去用中餐了,不过还有一段车程,我顺便给大家讲一下我门洛阳的特色美食中国是一个具有悠久历史是文明古国创造并积累了宝贵的文化财富烹饪文化就是其中一颗璀璨的明珠,我前面说过“若问古今兴废事请君只看洛阳城”烹饪文化也得从洛阳说起,早在商代时期武庚的宰相伊尹也就是出仕们拜的鼻祖,就是我们洛阳人,洛阳的伊河就是因他而命名的。我们中国菜很讲究,一桌子菜叫做席中国现有两大席,一个是“满汉全席”,另一个就是我们洛阳的“水席”水席历史悠久这还得从唐朝时期的武则天说起。洛阳水席的头道菜是“牡丹燕菜”也叫“假燕菜”。传说武则天当政时期洛阳东关外地里长出一个大白罗卜,长有三尺人们把它看作吉祥之物献给女皇,武则天交与御厨烹制御厨苦思冥想,设计出了独特的加工方法,他经过多道加工,然后掺入山珍海味烹制而成,武则天品尝之后感觉香美爽口,很有燕窝汤的味道,就赐名为“假燕菜”宫廷和官场的喜好引领了民间的时尚,从此以后人门不论“婚丧嫁娶”还是待客娱乐。都把“假燕菜”作为宴席的头到菜。1973年10月14日,周恩来总理陪同加拿大总理特鲁多,来洛阳参观访问,洛阳名厨为他们做了一道清香别致的的“洛阳燕菜”。只见一朵洁白如玉色泽夺目的牡丹花,浮于汤面之上,菜香,花鲜,赢的了贵宾拍手叫绝,周总里风趣的说“洛阳牡丹甲天下,菜中也开牡丹花。”所以后来人们又把燕菜称为“牡丹燕菜” 来到洛阳就不得不向大家介绍“水席”我们洛阳饮食的特色瑰宝,历史悠久,古今驰名千百年来,


游记作文500字例文2020年精选5篇 让我们正确地感知生活、熟练地描写生活。让我们在体验、自主、探究、互动中开拓写作的空间,激发写作的兴趣。让我们的篇篇美文在快乐与兴趣中诞生。这就是游记作文。下面就是小编给大家整理的游记作文500字例文精选5篇,希望大家喜欢! 游记作文500字例文1 美丽的长滩岛坐落在菲律宾的中部,那里有蓝天、碧海和七公里长的白沙滩。无数中外游客前往旅游,我们也慕名前往。 刚到长滩岛,首先映入我们眼帘的是一大片蓝色的大海。由远及近,海的蓝色分好几层:远处水天相接的是浅蓝;慢慢过来一点,蓝色逐渐加深,变成宁静的湖蓝;再近处,点缀着星星点点白帆的是碧蓝;而离我们最近的,海水变成了透明的蓝绿色。那些变幻的蓝色,就像是油画一样美丽。而油画的边框,就是那些美丽的白沙。是的,长滩岛上的沙子是白色的。 为了赏玩白沙,我们跟着导游来到了著名的“一号码头”,那里有号称“全世界最细的白沙”。白沙在傍晚的夕阳下散发着晶莹的光芒,好像在欢迎我们。光脚踩下去,就像踩在面粉上一样,糯糯的,软软的,我们恨不得把自己的整个身体也深深陷入其中,好好享受。 太阳落山的时候,我们坐上了帆船去欣赏日落,看着那红太阳在海的边际一点一点地落下去。海的蓝色在太阳光的影响下,慢慢变得更加色彩斑斓,各色的蓝混合成灰蓝,变到紫蓝,然后变湛蓝,最后与深蓝的天空融为一体,只有一点一点的亮光在闪动。 晚上,导游向我们介绍了当地的美食:烤鸡、比萨、海鲜饭、大汉堡、冰激凌等等。听着,看着,我的口水都要流下来了,暗暗下决心:一定要吃遍这些美食。后来我们找了一家店让厨师烹饪,这里的海鲜烧法非常简单,龙虾也好、螃蟹也好,都是清蒸。大家都吃得津津有味,要多香有多香。 第二天早上,我们扬帆出海,去大海的深处进一步游玩。我们的船在碧蓝色的大海航行,海风吹来,让人心旷神怡。到了海中央,我们开始钓鱼。在这里钓


广东广州珠江夜游导游词 随着广州市政府“三年一中变”取得越来越多的骄人成果,珠江水变清了、变美了,如今的珠江两岸23公里长的“观景长廊”风景更加旎迷人,堤两岸种上了别具岭南特色的榕树、木棉书和耐阴的地被植物,花岗岩栏杆与地面的天然开采石面相辅相成,实现了传统与现代、自然与人工的完美结合。 珠江夜游 “珠江”的得名有如此一则传说:相传古羊城在爱群大厦、省总工会附近的江中有一块方圆90丈的礁石,是一颗摩黎珠的宝珠变成的,人们称之为海珠石,这条江算是如今的珠江。 珠江包括东江、西江、北江及其支流,流经过云南、贵州、广西、江西、湖南、广东六省。干六西江发源于云南省曲靖市马雄山,全长2214公里,它的长度和流域面积在全国江河中居第三位,年流量居全国第二位。 刚才登船的西码头能够乘船到莲花山、金沙度假村、黄埔军校、南沙天后宫、横档岛、半月岛等地,客轮旅游分公司也没设在这个地方。 如今河北面是闻名的南方大厦,它是广州目前规模最大的百货商场之一,前身是大新公司,享有较高的社会知名度,是市民消费的理想场所。 在河的北岸,是人民路、六二三路高架桥,全长约有7xx0多米。是我国第一条都市高架路系统,一小时可通车2500辆,成为贯穿广州西、南、北的快速干道。 广东省博物馆导游词·快乐谷导游词·白云山导游词·光孝寺导游词 河北面的孙逸仙纪念医院,前身为博济医院,由美国传教士伯驾于1835年创建,是中国和远东最早建立的西医院,是外国教会在大陆创办的第一间医院,孙中山先生曾在这个地方学医并从事革命活动,中国近代女子医学教育也是从这个地方开始的。 医院大门的东南面是爱群大厦,又名爱群大酒店,是香港爱群人寿保险公司投资兴建得名,酒店由旧楼、新楼和旋转餐厅组成,旧楼建于1937年,高15层64米,是当时广州最高的建造物。该酒店承办了第一至十届中国出口商品交易会的开、闭幕式酒会。 省码头的北面,原是“省总工会大楼”,它建于20世纪30年代,初建是叫广州永安堂大厦,是虎标万金油总批发处,大楼高6层24米,中央的钟塔设有四面都能够看时刻的大钟,建造造型简洁,具有现代风格,现为广州青年图书中心。 船的前方一道彩虹横跨珠江的是新建的解放大桥,桥的通航净高有8.7米,南接南华路,北通解放路,成为珠江南北两岸的要紧交通枢纽。 河北岸骑楼式的三层建造物原来是五仙门发电厂,它原来是中国华南地区最早的商办发电厂,由旗昌洋行创办于1901年。当时机力为546千瓦。 前面的铁桥算是海珠桥,他是广州第一座横跨珠江两岸的大桥,建于1933年。大桥在国民党史军队撤退时曾被炸毁。后来人民政府修复并扩宽桥面,海珠大桥以其独特的建造点缀着珠江,是羊城八景之一“珠海丹心”的要紧组成部分。 广场东侧的华厦大酒店,是中外合作四星级酒店,一接待华侨为主。酒店高39层,设计独特,每间客房都能够俯览珠江景色。 河北岸的客运码头叫天字码头,是广州目前使用时刻最长的轮渡码头,天字码头含有(广州)第一码头之意,为清代迎送过往官员的专用码头。 北岸具有独特建造风格的是江湾大酒店,每到夜幕垂帘时,酒店在梦幻的灯光照耀下,宛如巨箭直指天际,给人一种蓄势向上的奥秘感受,令人遐想,更点缀着广州璀灿的夜景。 前面是江湾大桥,南接纺织路,北通东濠涌高架路,桥的通航高8.7米。 过了江湾大桥,北岸算是大沙头客运码头,是广州水路通往四乡的要紧客运码头。如今的河的北岸灯光辉煌的地点是西贡鱼港,它是广州市品尝海鲜美食的好地点。



【第一院】 整个乔家大院比国内不是一期工程一起完工的,而是分为了三期工程,那我们要看的第一院就是清嘉庆至道光年间,是一期工程的第一院,称为老院,它是由乔贵发之子,乔致庸之父乔全美所建。 进入大门,我们会看到一个照壁,叫做福德祠,那正是印证了“门迎百寿,院纳福德”。一般民宅中都要有,它的用途就是一、装饰作用,二、镇宅避嫌的作用。 这里的福德祠是用来供奉土地爷的,大家看到下面有一个小龛,正是摆放土地爷的,此外,在整个照壁上还有许多精美的砖雕,我们来看,上面,两边各有一对狮子,那它的谐音就是“四时平安”,中间有几件法器戟、磬、如意,寓意为“吉庆如意”,下边有寿山石,寓意为“寿比南山”,旁边的芙蓉树,寓意为“福如东海”,我们数一数,一共有六对鹿,寓意为“六时通顺”。好了我们要进院去参观了,那这个院子是一个里五外三的穿心楼院,我们要连登三级台阶,高约为1丈,寓意为步步登高的吉祥祝福。 好我们来到了第一进院,这里展出的是行和住的民俗。我们来看这个厢房中有两辆马车,车轮十分的高大,这正是富贵人家的马车。对面是居住民俗,展出的是从古人类一直到现在的居住地图片。 穿过穿心,我们来到了第二进院,我们看到,正房是一个二层的小楼,可是二楼是有窗没有门,那这叫做统楼,上方有一块牌匾“为善最乐”,这正是乔家老爷的座右铭,那以前正房是用来会客的,东西厢房是书房和卧室,我们今天来到乔家,就是乔家的客人,所以我们先来正房看看,我们会发现现在是冬季,但进入房间并不会感觉到冷,我们会看到墙壁非常的厚,厚大约为1.2米,那这是仿照过去的窑洞而作的,所以是冬暖夏凉。 东厢房展出的是岁时节令,上半年的从二月二龙抬头,四月清明节,扫墓,五月端午,下半年从七月十五上坟,八月十五赏月,腊八喝腊八粥,二十三送灶王爷上天,二十四买对子,二十五扫房子,二十六打烧酒割肉,二十七杀猪又杀鸡,一直到大年三十。
