


2008年11月16日星期日上午00:38 起名五行字库——五行属金的字

人:2 画。英俊佳人,环境良好,温和贤淑,荣贵成功。

才:3 画。多才巧智,清雅荣贵,成功隆昌,环境良好。用于男名。川:3 画。克偶伤子,双妻之格,中年隆昌,晚年忧心劳神。寸:3 画。品性温良,晚年大吉,环境良好,中年多厄,晚年隆昌。千:3 画。精明公正,义利分明,官运之格,成功隆昌,环境良好却难以承受。三:3 画。孤独格,幼年辛苦,出外逢贵得财,中年多劳,晚年成功隆昌荣贵。上:3 画。一生清雅荣贵但不善仁,子孙兴旺,二子吉祥。士:3 画。身弱短命,幼年辛苦,中年隆昌,晚年劳神。

小:3 画。清秀伶俐,多才巧智,早婚不宜,一生清闲幸福。夕:3 画。少年千难,出外大吉,刑偶伤子,晚年享福。

升:4 画。智勇双全,一生清雅荣贵,幼年多灾,中年成功隆昌。什:4 画。事劳无功,忧心劳神,中年多灾,晚年劳神。

仁:4 画。理智充足,中年劳累,晚年吉祥。用于男名。

四:4 画。幼年辛苦,义利分明,中年奔波,忌车怕水。

心:4 画。孤独格,克父,一生安稳享福,有爱情厄,子孙兴旺。

册:5 画。良善积德,环境良好,有人缘,中年成功隆昌。出:5 画。性刚果断,中年多灾,晚年吉祥,忌车怕水。

仟:5 画。清雅荣贵,环境良好,中年成功隆昌,晚年子孙兴旺。用于男名。申:5 画。清雅荣贵,多才巧智,中年成功隆昌。

生:5 画。智勇双全,出外逢贵得财,中年成功隆昌荣贵。用于男名

石:5 画。刑偶伤子,命硬,中年劳累或奔波,晚年吉祥。史:5 画。一生福禄



矢:5 画。性刚果断,或事劳无功,多刑克,但子孙兴旺。用于男名。世:5画。操守廉正,福禄双收,中年勤俭建业,晚年隆昌。用于男名。仕:5 画。义利分明,多才巧智,中年成功隆昌,晚年劳神多疾。用于男名。示:5 画。聪颖理智,一生清雅荣贵。用于男名。

司:5 画。妻贤子贵,天赐福禄,一生清雅荣贵,成功隆昌。用于男名。

臣:6 画。清雅伶俐,多才巧智,精明公正,义利分明,中年多厄,晚年隆昌。丞:6 画。理智聪颖,胆识丰富,一生清雅伶俐,成功荣贵。用于男名。此:6 画。奔放劳苦,难望如愿,命途多舛,或潦倒,晚年子福。存:6 画。天生聪颖,义利分明,子孙兴旺,中年劳累,晚年隆昌。而:6 画。秀气英俊,多才伶俐,中年成功隆昌荣贵,出国之格。列:6 画。性刚果断或幼年辛苦,中年多劳,出外大吉,晚年隆昌。任:6 画。环境良好,有官格。兴识渊博,中年成功隆昌。用于男名。如:6 画。理智聪颖,多才温和,有爱情烦恼,中年多厄,秀气短寿。舌:6 画。一生多劳苦,或身弱多病,中年多灾,晚年隆昌。式:6 画。理智才气具有,但中年多灾厄,晚年荣幸。

a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning

administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1

GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6

SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel 守:6 画。刑偶伤子,精明公正,中年隆昌,女人薄幸,疾病多灾。夙:6 画。

出国之格,天生聪颖,多才巧智,有爱情厄,中年成功隆昌。西:6 画。事劳无功,或忧心劳神,中年隆昌,廿九岁到卅一岁小心,晚年隆昌。先:6 画。出外逢

贵得财,中年劳累,晚年吉祥荣幸。用于男名。旬:6 画。晚婚迟得子大吉,身弱

清秀,多才贤能,晚年隆昌。曳:6 画。性刚果断,一生难如愿,潦倒或困苦,晚

年吉祥,子福。用于男名。再:6 画。多才巧智,贵人明现,中年成功隆昌,荣

贵,女人薄幸多灾厄。在:6 画。奔波劳苦,或性刚果断,中年多灾厄,晚年隆

昌,名利双收。早:6 画。环境良好,一生清雅秀气,晚年忧心劳神。

车:7 画。口快心直,或性刚果断,中年劳累奔波,晚年吉祥。用于男名。

成:7 画。清秀多才,出外或出国大吉,中年成功,忌水厄。赤:7 画。口快心直,性刚出外吉,晚婚吉,中年隆昌,晚年劳神。吹:7 画。忧心劳神或奔波劳苦,中年多灾厄,晚年子福。用于男名。兑:7 画。福禄双收,清雅荣贵,贵人明现,晚年吉祥。用于男名。七:7 画。忧心劳神或困苦,一生刑偶伤子,病弱短寿,晚年享福。忍:7 画。忧心劳神身弱,中年吉祥,晚年多灾厄。用于男名。伸:7 画。智勇双全,名利双收,中年劳累或灾厄,晚年吉昌荣幸。身:7 画。性刚果断或忧心劳神,中年劳累,晚年吉祥。

束:7 画。中年顺利幸福,晚年劳神多厄。

宋:7 画。一生清雅,智勇双全,中年奔波,晚年隆昌。

辛:7 画。多才巧能,清雅荣贵,中年成功隆昌,晚年功神。秀:7 画。有爱情烦恼,秀气灵巧,吉凶分明,配合吉则吉,配合凶则凶。序:7 画。温和贤淑,清雅秀气福禄双收,中年之灾,出国。用于男名。巡:7 画。奔波劳苦,或身闲心苦,中年成功隆昌,晚年三子兴旺。用于男名。

昌:8 画。口快心直或性刚,忌车怕水,中年劳累,晚年成功隆昌,荣贵。

忱:8 画。忧心劳神或奔波劳苦,怀才不遇,中年辛苦,晚年吉祥。承:8 画。精明公正,多才多能,中年成功隆昌,环境良好。初:8 画。清雅荣贵,婚迟吉,中年奔波劳苦,晚年隆昌。用于男名。净:8 画。清雅荣赏,克己助人,中年成功隆昌,出国之格。侃:8 画。怀才不遇,中年多灾厄,晚年吉祥。

青:8 画。口快性刚,中年吉祥隆昌,晚年忧心劳神。

取:8 画。刑偶欠子,出外逢贵得财,中年劳累,晚年隆昌。用于男名

姗:8 画。多才巧智,清雅伶俐秀气,中年成功,晚年吉祥。用于女名。社:8


多才,勤俭励业,家声可振,晚年劳神。用于男名。使:8 画。出外逢贵得财,温

和贤淑,但忧心劳神,上下敦睦,晚年吉祥。始:8 画。刑偶伤子,秀气灵巧,中年多灾或潦倒,晚年吉祥。事:8 画。多愁多忧,事劳无功,一生清雅,晚年吉祥。

受:8 画。忧心劳神或病弱短寿,中年劳累或多灾厄,晚年吉祥。叔:8 画。多才巧智,清雅伶俐,出外吉祥,中年劳累,晚年吉祥。用于男名。刷:8 画。性刚或怪性,晚婚吉祥,中年多灾厄,晚年有子福。昔:8 画。刑偶伤子,晚婚迟得子大吉,清雅秀气,温和贤淑。

a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership,

along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual
