口语课 五分钟 最敬佩人物介绍

口语课 五分钟 最敬佩人物介绍


英语口语自我介绍4篇_自我介绍 英语口语面试自我介绍(二) good afternoon, my dear teachers and professors! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for this interview; i hope i can make a good performance today. i' m confident that i can succeed. first of all, i'd like to introduce myself to you. my name is yu wangsheng, 23 years old, born in hunan province. four year ago, i graduated from my senior high school and then attached myself to the airforce engineering university. my major is the automation of military command and control, that is to say, i'm studying on the command control communication and intelligence system. as we all known, the command and control is the most important part of the war, the intelligence is the life of the war and the communication enables all the parts of the system attached to each other. i'm very interesting in learning this system, and i hope i can fulfill my dream of continuing study. four years' university education gives me a lot of things to learn, a lot of chances to try, and a lot of practices to improve myself. it teaches me not only what to study and how to think, but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing experiment as much as possible)。in the university life, i have made many good friends. they help me improve my study and research ability, do everything just like a man, and often give me good example to follow. besides what i have introduced myself above, i also have many interests in my spare time. i like playing basketball, which is an effective way i think to improve my body health, and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people. drawing and writing is another favor to me. above all, i choose the major in order to broad my view in system of command control communication and intelligence, and enhance my research ability. i will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study. that's all. thank you for giving me the chance. 分享让人快乐,欢迎下载使用


英语口语面试自我介绍的基础知识 【自我介绍的基本知识】: “如何作自我介招?”这个问题看上去似乎很简单,人人都会。其实并不然,有很多人说的并不是很理想的。主要的现象有几下几点: 1、不知从何说起。有很多同学当听到老师问:“can you make a self-introduction?”时,首先迟疑几秒,然后怔怔的看着:“老师说什么呀?”这一类算是“无准备型”。自我介绍是你与人打交道,参加各类口语考试,职场面试不可或缺的一部分,同时也是非常重要的一部分。在面试时,我们经常会被要求自我介绍,所谓自我介绍,就是把自已介绍给出别人,以使别人认识自已,所以恰到好处的自我介绍,可以大大提高面试的好感。 2、缺乏逻辑性。还有一些同学在作自我介绍时,要么只说两句话名字,年龄;要么夸夸其谈但缺乏逻辑性。别看简简单单的一个自我介绍有时也能反映出一个人的逻辑思维和做事态度。 3、缺乏幽默感。幽默的开场除了可以营造出活泼和睦的气氛外,还能给对方留下深刻的第一印象,即使对象是以建立了朋友关系或同事关系的外国人,在酒会或聚餐等各式场合,同样可以用诙谐的方式来表现自我,使你和他们之间的关系达到更圆满的程度。 面试自我介绍应大体包括本人的姓名、工作、籍贯、学历、兴趣以及与交往对象的某些熟人的关系等。如:“我的名字叫王光,是里润公司副总裁。10年前,我和您先生是大学同学。”其中本人姓名、供职的单位及部门、担负的职务或从事的具体工作等三项,又叫工作式自我介绍内容的三要素,通常缺一不可。 ①姓名。应当一口报出,不可有姓无名,或有名无姓。 ②单位。单位及部门,如可能最好全部报出,具体工作部门有时可以暂不报出。 ③职务。担负的职务或从事的具体工作,有职务最好报出职务,职务较低或者无职务,则可报出目前所从事的具体工作。 举个例子,可以说:“我叫唐果,是大秦广告公司的公关部经理。” 【应聘者具体应注意以下几点】: 1、接到面试通知后,最好在家打个自我介绍的草稿,然后试着讲述几次,感觉一下。 2、自我介绍时首先应礼貌地做一个极简短的开场白,并向所有的面试人员(如果有多个面试考官的话)示意,如果面试考官正在注意别的东西,可以稍微等一下,等他注意转过来后才开始。 3、注意掌握时间,如果面试考官规定了时间,一定要注意时间的掌握,既不能超时太长,也不能过于简短。 4、介绍的内容不宜太多的停留在诸如姓名、工作经历、时间等东西上,因为这些在你的简历表上已经有了,你应该更多的谈一些跟你所应聘职位有关的工作经历和所取得的成绩,以证明你确实有能力胜任你所应聘的工作职位。 5、在作自我简介时,眼睛千万不要东张西望,四处游离,显得漫不经心的样子,这会给人做事随便、注意力不集中的感觉。眼睛最好要多注视面试考官,但也不能长久注视目不转睛。再就是尽量少加一些手的辅助动作,因为这毕竟不是在作讲演,保持一种得体的姿态也是很重要的。 6、在自我介绍完后不要忘了道声谢谢,有时往往会因此影响考官对你的印象。 初学英语的各位人士,可以学着用一下;对于自认为用英语作自我介绍已经易如反掌的英语高手,不妨在平时也试试使自我介绍增添一些新意:) 1、以星座为话题做自我介绍 2、以性格、职业为话题做自我介绍 i?m a great salesman. i could sell a knockoff windows 2000 to bill gates. 我


用科学的方法评价历史人物 李紫琦商英1106班20110602594 唯物史观解决了谁是历史的创造者的问题,肯定了人民群众的历史作用,明确指出人民群众是历史的创造者,这是由三个方面决定的:人民群众的社会物质财富的创造者;是社会精神财富的创造者;是社会变革的决定力量。 在马克思主义哲学产生之前,占统治地位的历史观是唯心史观。唯心史观从社会意识决定社会存在的基本前提出发,否认物质资料生产方式是社会发展的决定力量,抹煞人民群众的历史作用,宣扬少数英雄人物创造历史,这样的观点被称为英雄史观。 有这样一句话:“英雄造时势。”古今中外,凡历史大事件或者转折点,必有一代表人物,比如说:民国的缔造时期的孙中山先生,英国革命的克伦威尔,法国革命的拿破仑等等,这些人物都在各自的时代立下了丰功伟绩,而且一般人的心目中,英雄不仅只是创造生活、创造历史而已,他本身已经被创造成为神化的对象。这样的想法普遍存在于各个时代,所以人类在研究自己历史的最初阶段,往往就是先找出英雄人物,强调某个人立下了什么丰功伟绩。例如:成吉思汗征服了大半个世界。但是,成吉思汗一个人有多大的能耐可以征服世界?他带领了多少人与他一同打拼天下?鲁迅先生说:“有一回拿破仑等上了阿尔卑斯山,说‘我比阿尔卑斯山还要高。’这何等英伟,但不要忘记他后面跟着许多兵。”因此,过分强调英雄主义是错误的。 那么英雄史观带来的负面影响有哪些呢?我认为最典型的莫过于是个人崇拜。二战时期是个人崇拜滋生的年代。二战后深化,如斯大林、毛泽东、蒋介石等。这些个人崇拜曾在战争中及战后起到过一定的积极作用。但由于其带来的负面影响更为深远,所以受到了当今社会的普遍抵制。最著名的个人崇拜事例是发生在苏联的对斯大林的个人崇拜,它导致了悲剧性的后果。从其形式、规模和后果上来说,纳粹德国对希特勒的崇拜、法西斯意大利对墨索里尼的崇拜、大日本帝国对天皇的崇拜,中国共产党对毛泽东的个人崇拜以及台湾在国民党统治前期对蒋介石的崇拜,也与苏联的个人崇拜类似。朝鲜对金日成和金正日的个人崇拜将个人崇拜这种形式演化为登峰造极的神化运动,这和文化大革命中红卫兵同样将毛泽东视为神的情况类似。我们可以看出,对历史人物的认识不正确极易带来个人崇拜主义,从而造成社会的不安定。 那么如何正确评价历史人物,避免类似的问题发生呢?在这里,我想结合当今伊拉克的萨达姆和利比亚的卡扎菲等实际人物来谈谈。首先我们要充分认识历史人物。历史人物有些起推动历史前进的进步作用,有些起阻碍历史前进的反动作用,但是,必须明确,不管什么样的历史人物,在历史上发挥什么样的作用,都要受到社会发展客观规律制约,而不能决定和改变历史发展的总进程和总方向。 唯物史观主张评价历史人物时,应该坚持历史分析方法和阶级分析方法。 一、要尊重历史事实,如实反映历史人物与当时社会历史条件的关系,如实反映历史人物的历史作用和历史地位。比如说:在20世纪80年代初期,萨达姆完全有理由被称为发展中国家的优秀领导人。伊拉克未成为现代国家前,原为奥斯曼帝国的一省,内地种族、宗教及经济差异极其分离:什叶派与逊尼派的交恶,阿拉伯人与库尔德人的积怨、部族首领与城市新兴商人阶级的斗争,一直困扰伊拉克国境。萨达姆上台后,将石油企业收归国有后,当时伊拉克的人均GDP达到2800美元以上;伊拉克从长期的债务国,变成纯粹的债权国;全国建立了高速公路网;农村建立了灌溉系统,最偏僻的地方也通了电;在当时的西方社会看来,萨达姆绝不是一个宗教狂热分子,虽然萨达姆有很强烈的民族主义精神,但是,西方把他评价为阿拉伯世界的“开明”领导人。但当今世界,特别以美国为代表,大力渲染其独裁强权主义,而掩盖其在伊拉克历史上有过的功绩。


英语口语自我介绍范文(8篇) 英语口语自我介绍(一) I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read. Reading E- books is fun. In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. I hope to study both English and computer technology because I am interested in both of the subjects. Maybe one day I could combine both of them and apply to my research in the future. 英文口语面试自我介绍 good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao,i am 22 years old .i come from luoyang,a very beautiful aicent city.my undergratuade period will be accomplished in chang'an university in july ,2004;and now,i am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university. generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. when i was sophomore, i found web design very interesting, so i learned it very hard . to weaver a homepage for myself, i stayed with my pesonel computer for half a month.,and i am the first one in my class who own his homepage. forthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the first examination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also english is my favorate.i often go to english corner to practise my oral


我敬佩的一位历史人物——雷锋_1500字 他,是一位英雄,更是一位忠孝祖国的共产党员,他的英雄事迹源远流长。他就是雷锋。雷锋原名叫雷正兴,1958年到鞍山钢铁厂工作前改名叫雷锋,1940年出生在湖南省望城县一个贫苦农家。他父亲在湖南农□动中当过农民自卫队长,后来,遭遇国民党反动派和日寇毒打致死。母亲在受到地主的凌辱后,于1947年中秋之夜悬梁自尽。还不满7周岁的雷锋成了孤儿,被好心的六叔奶奶收养,一起过着饥寒交迫的生活。幼小的雷锋上附近蛇形山砍柴时,被地主婆用刀在左手背上连砍了三刀。 雷锋从小对旧社会充满了仇恨。1949年8月,湖南解放时,小雷锋便找到路过的解放军连长要求当兵。连长不同意,把一支钢笔送给了他,鼓励他要好好学习。新中国于1949 年成立后,雷锋受到共产党组织和人民政府的亲切关怀,1950年夏天被送进学校读书,并加入了少先队,1956年他高小毕业后,在乡人民政府和中共望城县委机关当通迅员和公务员,被评为模范工作者,并于1957年2月加入了中国共产主义青年团。雷锋叔叔积极投身于社会主义经济建设的热潮之中,参加了根治沩水的工程。1958年春天,他到了团山湖农场,只用了一周的时间就学会了开拖拉机,这年9月,雷锋又响应支援东北“鞍山钢铁厂”建设的号召,到鞍山当

了一名推土机手。 第二年8月,他又来到条件艰苦的弓长岭焦化厂参加基础建设,曾带领工友们冒雨奋战,保住了7200袋水泥免受损失。。在鞍山和焦化厂工作期间,雷锋被评为先进工作者3次,被评为标兵5次,被评为红旗手18次,并获得“青年社会主义建设积极分子”光荣称号。1960年初夏的一个星期日,雷锋的腹部忽然感到疼,在床上趴卧了好一阵子,想硬挺过去,竟是越来越疼了。他想,这样下去可不行,夜里还要出车呢!一翻身爬起来,整整军容,走出了营房,来到团部卫生连。值班军医诊了病,开了药,交代说:“是夜里着了凉。回去用热水袋暖暖肚子,好好休息一天就会好的。手捂着仍在作痛的腹部往回走,到了望花公园围墙外的马路上时,看到眼前一个建筑工地上的工人们,正在热火朝天地大干;在《社会主义好》这首歌的播音中,有的推车,有的挑担,你来我往,呼号喊叫,好热闹。这种热气腾腾的劳动场面立即吸引了雷锋,他近前去看,一个木牌上写着:抚顺市第二建筑公司本溪路小学建筑工地。他在心里赞叹:真了不起呀!不久前还是一片炉渣地,一转眼就要为学校建起高楼了! 心里这样想着,就听见广播喇叭传来一个女同志焦急的呼声:运砖的同志请注意!砌砖组的同志大显身手,今天能不能超过定额,就看你们的了!听着这样的呼声,只见运砖


Topic: How to describe a person How to make friends 1.appearance (gorgeous 长相完美average / plain / common looking 长相一般good looking 长得好看) (1)Face fair-skinned 白皮肤的 round face 圆脸 a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的 oval face 瓜子脸 slightly dark / tanned 肤色较深 square face 方脸 oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的 a haggard face 瘦削的脸 suntanned 棕褐色 baby-faced娃娃脸 brown 棕色皮肤 plump cheeks, chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋 pale 肤色 苍白 脸部feature: (2)Eyes: scar 伤疤 bright / sparkling / twinkling / shining eyes 闪闪发光 dimple 酒窝 hazel eyes 淡褐色 的眼睛 freckles (雀斑 - 复数) deep-set 深陷的/ sunken 凹陷的 a mole 黑痣 bulging/protruding 凸出的 spots 斑contact lenses 隐 型眼镜

pimples (痘痘 - 复数) wearing glasses 戴眼镜 Wrinkles / lines 皱纹 thick bushy eyebrows 浓 密独眉毛 clean-shaven 胡子刮的干净的 thin eye brows 淡眉毛 unshaven 未剃胡子的 long eye lashes 长睫毛 high cheek bones 高颧骨 pointed chin 尖尖的下巴 Stuff on face: double chin双下巴 beard 落腮胡 even 整齐的 bristle, stubble 胡须茬儿 uneven 不整齐的 moustache 上唇上的 小胡须 (3) Nose: (4) mouth: High – bridged nose 高鼻梁 thin lips 薄嘴唇/ straight nose 直鼻梁 thick lips 厚嘴唇 long nose 长鼻梁 cherry lips 樱桃嘴 noble nose 好看的鼻子 flat nose 塌鼻 snub- nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子 upturned nose 朝天鼻 aquiline / hooked nose 鹰钩鼻 a roman nose 鹰钩鼻,高鼻梁 (5)hair style: straight 直的 dyed 染色的; curly 卷发的 golden 金黄色的;


我最喜欢的一位历史人物 周恩来是我最崇拜、最喜欢的历史人物。他不像别的学生说:“为吃饭而读书,”“为做官而读书。”而周恩来立志坚定的说:“为中华之倔起而读书。”从那时起,周恩来已经下定决 心要打击侵略者,保护中华,周恩来真伟大啊!他说到做到了,做到令人敬仰的周总理。 周恩来小时候,为了过好习字关,他除了认真完成老师布置的作业外,还坚持每天练100个大字。有一天周恩来随陈妈妈到一个路途较远的亲戚家,回来时已是深夜了。一路上风尘劳累,年幼的恩来已精疲力尽、哈欠连天,上下眼皮直打架,但他仍要坚持练完一百个大字再休息。陈妈妈见状,心疼不过,劝道:“明天在写吧”“不,妈妈,当天的事当天干了!”周恩来说服了陈妈妈,连忙把头埋在一盆凉水里,一下把瞌睡虫赶跑了,头脑也清醒多了。一百个大字刚写完。陈妈妈一把夺过恩来的笔说:“这下子行了吧,快睡觉!”“不!”周恩来仔细看完墨汁未干的一百个大字,皱着眉头认真说:“陈妈妈,你看这两个字歪了。”说着,周恩来白嫩的小手又挥起笔来,把那两个字又写了三遍,直到满意为止。 周总理不仅写字认真,而且还冒险。1946年2月10日,重庆市各界群众,为庆祝政治协商会的成功,在校场口举行庆祝大会。国民党为了破坏这次大会,在会场的周围埋伏下特务。当会议一开始,特务们大吵大嚷地冲上主席台,大打出手,当场打伤了60多位民主人 1 / 2——来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

士。 事情过后,周恩来收到了一份恐吓信,信里面还装了一颗子弹。但是周恩来毅然去找了蒋介石,当面向蒋介石提出了严正的抗议,保证人民自由与民主。周总理,您那认真中包含着仔细、平和以及温暖,如春风佛面。 2 / 2——来源网络整理,仅供学习参考


英语口语自我介绍4篇 英语口语大赛自我介绍(一) goodafternoon, teachers! today, i——m very happy to make a speech here. now, let me introduce myself. my name is zhuruijie. my english name is molly. i——m 12. i come from class1 grade 6 of tongpu no.2 primary school. i——m an active girl. i like playing basketball. because i think it——s very interesting. i——d like to eat potatoes. they——re tasty. my favourite colour is green. and i like math best. it——s fun. on the weekend, i like reading books in my room. i have a happy family. my father is tall and strong.my mother is hard-working and tall, too. my brother is smart. and i——m a good student. my dream is to be a teacher, because i want to help the poor children in the future. thank you for listening! please remember me! 英语口语大赛自我介绍(二) good afternoon, everyone! my name is wjh. i am 12 years old. now i’m a student in xitan school. the school is a little far from my home, so i uaually get up early and go to school by bike. my favorite subject in school is english, because it’s very interesting. i like chinese too. my teachers are kind and fun. i like them. i have many friends at school and we usually study and play together. on weekends, i usually go shopping with my mother, sometimes i climb moutains with my father. i love my parents very much and they love me. i like eating fruits and vegetables, because i want to be healthy. fish is my favorite food. it’s yummy. in four seasons, i like winter best. because i like playing


英文自我介绍终身受益 Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelo r degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July 2003, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engin eer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to chan ge my job. And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environme nt, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global com pany, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironme nt. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I a m able to work under great pressure. That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance. 自我介绍(self-introduction) 1.Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce mysel f. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduat ed from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two ye ars I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teachi ng *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grad e two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview b y you . I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare tim e,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially th ose about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technicia n.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to oper ate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a foo tball fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning . Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will sta re no effort to master a good command of advance ******. 2.Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .Fi rst of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,su ch as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say som ething about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with


雅思口语话题常见问题一:你要描述的人是谁?Who this friendis?/Who he or she is?/Who thisperson is?/Who the character was?/Who these two people are? 这个问题是几乎所有人物类话题的第一问,属于必答题。回答这一问题的时候,我们不但需要告诉考官这个人是谁(这是最基本的),而且要对所描述的他/她进行一些修饰,要让考官在没有见过这个人的情况下能够闭上眼仿佛看到这个人就正站在身旁一样。评书中所说的“此人眉分八彩,目若朗星,准头端正,齿白唇红”起的就是这一作用。比如我们来一起看看下面这段对人的描述: He is well oversix feet tall,has this long straggly brown hair. He has a perpetual look ofbemusement on his face,full-sleeve tattoos on both arms,and always wears some variation of a sleeveless leather vest,holey blue jeans tucked into his beat-up cowboy boots,and a cigarette between his lips at all times。 他身高六尺有余,头上散着棕色的头发。他的眼神既忧郁又总带有困惑。双臂从上到下布满了纹身。他总是身着各种无袖皮坎肩,把满是破洞的蓝色牛仔裤裤腿扎进那几双破旧的牛仔靴里,而且嘴里无时无刻的不叼着根烟。 如果我们作答的时候可以说出以上的描述,考官想不给你高分都不可能。因为在他们脑海中可以清晰的浮现出这个人的形象,他好像正在向考官们走来,嘴里吐着烟圈,马上要说“How are you doing,man?”了。所以,如果我们想让自己的作答能够使考官眼前一亮、记忆深刻,我们就要抓住细节来充分描述,比如说这个人身上比较有特点的地方:发型、体态、眼神、穿着等等。这些细节的描述远比那种范范的诸如“He‘s quite tall and strong with long hair on his head。”要生动的多,所得的分数自然也就相距甚远了。 建议:我们在练习时不妨把人物类话题归为老人、孩子、同龄人、公众人物这么几类,然后再分别用细节描述这几类人,使得在回答Who he or she is?时给考官一种活灵活现的感觉。 雅思口语话题常见问题二:你是怎么遇到这个人的?How you firstmet this person?/How you know this person?/How you know him/her?/How you know aboutthis person? 如果各位烤鸭对人物类的机经很熟悉的话,就不难发现这是另外一道在该类话题中出现的高频题。回答该题时,要让考官有一种是 “当事人”感觉。所以我们要把当时第一次见到所描述对象的场景详细的讲述给考官,细节的描述不但可以增加故事的真实性,而且还能


三一文库(www.31doc.com)/个人简历 口语英文自我介绍 helloeveryone,mynameislee.thisisreallyagreathonortohavethisoppo rtunity,andibelieveicanmakegoodperformancetoday.nowiwillintrod ucemyselfbriefly.iam20yearsold,borninguangdongprovince,southofchina,andiamaseniorstudentatgu angdong**university.mymajorisenglish.andiwillreceivemybachelord egreeaftermygraduationinjune.inthepastfouryears,ispentmostofmy timeonstudy. ipassedcet4andcet6withaeaseandacquiredbasictheoreticalandpracti calknowledgeoflanguage.besides,ihaveattendedseveralspeechpetiti onheldinbeijing,whichreallyshowedourprofessionaladvantages.ihav etakenatourtosomebigfactoriesandpanies,throughwhichigotadeepu nderstandingofenglishforapplication.paredtodevelopedcountries,un fortunately,althoughwehavemadeextraordinaryprogresssince1998, ourpackagingindustryisstillunderdeveloped,messyandunstable,andt

雅思口语part 2 人物篇

Describe an old person who you admire (描述一个老人) You should say: Who this person is What does he or she look like What kind of person he or she is Explain why you admire this person ANS: Speaking of the old person I admire, the first one springing to my mind is my grandpa. My grandpa is over 70 years old, but looks much younger than he actually is. He is of medium weight and medium height. He looks very energetic and charismatic My grandpa used to work in a large and state-owned company. After retirement he liked practicing Tai Chi, walk the birds, play chess and so on. He is a very warm-hearted, humorous and experienced man. The reason why I admire my grandpa is that he taught me a lot in left. First, he taught me to respect people around me and be an honest person. He is popular in our neighborhood because he is friendly to everyone. Also, he has taught me that how to face the life positively. Anyway, I believe my grandpa has an important influence on me. Describe a school friend who you remember well (描述一个同龄人:邻居或朋友) You should say: What does he or she look like What kind of person he or she is How you became friends Explain why you remember him or she so well ANS: Speaking of a school friend I remember, the first one springing to my mind is Amy. She was 16 years old at that time with an oval face. I remember her sparkling eyes and small red mouse very well. There is always a big smile on her face. She was the most warm-hearted an d sweetest person I’ve ever met. She was a sound person, who has perfect natural temperament. We began to talk with each other after class. Little by little, we became best friends and we like peas and carrots. I think the main reason I can remember her so well is because we have many things are similar. We always help each other and support each other. She always gives me a listening ear, a helping hand and the most sincere words. She knew the things that I wouldn’t tell anyone else. I definitely missed her a lot after I graduated from secondary school.
