2019届高考英语二轮复习必刷题型(9)七选五(一) Word版含解析

2019届高考英语二轮复习必刷题型(9)七选五(一)    Word版含解析
2019届高考英语二轮复习必刷题型(9)七选五(一)    Word版含解析


1、It was August 2, 1927. The news had spread fast. A man named Ralph Peer was coming to the city of Bristol. He wanted to make recordings of local people singing and playing musical instruments. ①__________That was a lot of money in those days.

Many people came to Bristol that day to play for Mr. Peer. But one group seemed to have just the sound that he was looking for. They were a man named A. P. Carter, his wife, Sara, and her cousin, Maybelle. ②__________

Sara sang lead, the loudest and highest notes. A. P. sang bass, the lowest notes. Maybelle sang harmony, somewhere in between. She also played the guitar in a new and unusual way. ③

__________She played the main part of the songs on the lowest guitar strings. And then she quickly strumm ed by playing all the strings at once. This kind of playing became known as the “Carter Scratch”.

④__________ They did not sound like they had taken music lessons. But it did not matter. The people in poor rural areas thought they sounded just like their neighbors, or the people who sang in their churches.

⑤__________ They recorded more songs. They traveled to many cities and towns in the eastern United States to perform. Thousands of people heard them sing and bought their recordings. Some people estimate that within three years, the Carter Family sold three hundred thousand recordings.

A. The Carter Family sounded different.

B. The Carter Family soon became famous.

C. They called themselves the Carter Family.

D. The Carter Family wanted to have a try.

E. No matter where they went, they were well received.

F. And he said he would pay fifty dollars for each song recorded.

G. It sounded almost like two people were playing at the same time.

2、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Warren Harding was the 29th President of the United States, serving from 1921 until his death in 1923.

①__________One was a successful international conference (会议).

After World War One, Britain, Japan and the United States expanded their navies (海军). They built

bigger and bigger ships. Many members of the United States Congress worried about the cost.②

__________They asked President Harding to organize a conference to discuss these issues.

③ __________President Harding invited representatives from the major naval powers of the time Britain, Japan, France and Italy. He also invited representatives from countries with interests in Asia and Europe China, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands. He did not invite the new Soviet leaders in Russia.

Mr Harding’s Secretary of State, Charles Evans Hughes, spoke.④__________He proposed that the world’s strongest nations should stop building warships for ten years. He also proposed that Britain, Japan, and the United States should destroy some ships to make their navies smaller immediately.

⑤ __________It involved the misuse of underground oil owned by the federal government. Warren Harding was an honest man. But he did not have a strong mind of his own. He was easily influenced. And he often accepted bad advice. He explained th e problem with these words, “I listen to one side, and they seem right. Then I listen to the other side, and they seem just as right. I know that somewhere there is a man who knows the truth. But I do not know where to find him.”

A.He is remembered mostly for two events.

B.The conference was not a complete success.

C.They also worried about increased political tension (紧张) in Asia.

D.The conference was held in Washington in November, 1921.

E. President Harding appointed several men of great ability to his cabinet (内阁).

F. He offered the conference a detailed plan to reduce the size of the world’s major navies.

G. The second thing for which President Harding is remembered is the Teapot Dome scandal (丑闻).


Interr uptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you’re trying to get work done.①

__________,there are several ways to handle things.Let’s take a look at them now.

②__________.Tell the person you’re sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time.

When people try to interrupt you,have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you’ll find them then.③__________.It can help to eliminate(消除) future interruptions.

When you need to talk to someone,don’t do it in your own office.④__________,it’s much easier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are.

If you have a door to your office, make good use of it.⑤__________.If someone knocks and it’s not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you’re busy so they can get the hint(暗示) that when the door is closed, you’re not to be disturbed.

A.If you’re busy,don’t feel bad about saying no

B.When you want to avoid interruptions at work

C.Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes

D.If you’re in the other person’s office or in a public area

E.It’s important that you let them know when you’ll be availa ble

F.It might seem unkind to cut people short when they interrupt you

G.Leave it open when you’re available to talk and close it when you’re not


When I was a boy, smartphones and computers were not available, and our television only got one channel clearly. Still, the fields, hills, and woodlands around my home never got me bored. ①


I can remember that I went on a hike at a nearby lake when I was young. At the backside of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen before. It was full of potholes and muddy tire tracks and deep woods on both sides. ②__________

③__________ The dirt road gave way to a gravel one and then a paved one, yet there was still neither

a car nor a house in sight. I noticed the sun was starting to go down and I didn't want to be trapped on this road in the dark of night, but I was afraid it would be dark before I could make it back to the lake again.

④__________ My heart was pounding and my legs were aching. I was almost in tears when I turned one curve and saw something in the distance. It was a house!

My heart heat fast! ⑤__________It was still over a mile away, but my legs felt like feathers and I run to my house in no time with a big smile on my face. Then I ended my adventure with a good night's sleep.

A. I knew the way home!

B. I realized I had to give up.

C. I took great interest in imagination.

D. Yet, exploring it still seemed like a fine adventure.

E. I continued to walk on with the fear wowing inside.

F. Unfortunately, I walked on and on for what seemed like hours.

G. The adventures they provide were only limited by my imagination.

5、Tips on buying outdoor solar lights

As solar lighting is becoming useful for homes, many different such outdoor lights can now be found in supermarkets. Here are some helpful tips for customers.

Does your area receive enough direct lighting?

①So you shouldn’t even give it a thought if you live in an area that doesn’t get much sunlight. These lig hts need direct sunlight, or they just won’t work very well.

The expensive one usually means good quality. Choosing the cheapest ones will result in many problems. For once, it’s best to buy more expensive lights of high quality. ③ At least you should know the difference between a $ 10 light and a $ 45 light.

Buy lights that require less installation(安装) .

Most solar lights are simply driven into the ground. Therefore, you shouldn’t deal with the difficulty in installing a system that involves anything more than that. ④You don’t need to buy lights that require half an hour each to plant into the ground because that’s just a waste of time.

Make sure the lights can store enough energy.

Different solar lights can store different amounts of energy. ⑤ Therefore, you should choose lights that are able to store enough energy to last for a few hours or more, at least those that will last from nightfall throughout most of the night and part of the morning.

A. Without sunlight, solar lighting is useless.

B. Buy many solar lights instead of just one or two.

C. It means some will stay lit longer than the others.

D. Choose something a bit more expensive for once.

E. Solar lights are becoming more and more popular.

F. That doesn’t mea n you have to spend all your money.

G. They should take a few minutes each to get into the ground.

6 、For the rest of March, a disease will sweep across the US. It will keep kids home from

school. Employees will suddenly lose their ability to concentrate.

The disease, known as " March Madness" , refers to the yearly 65-team US men’s college basketball tournament (联赛). Teams compete againsteach other in a single-elimination (单局均汰) tournament that eventually crowns a national champion.

Nearly 20 million Americans will find themselves prisoners of basketball festival madness. The fun comes partly from guessing the winners of every game. Friends compete against friends. Colleagues gainst bosses.

Big-name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament. But each year there are dark horses from litde-known universities.

This adds to the madness. Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000, for many Americans, is an exciting experience. Two years ago, the little-known George Mason University was one of the final four teams.

College basketball players are not paid, so the game is more about making a name for their university and themselves. About $ 4 billion will be spent gambling (赌博) on the event. According to Media Life magazine, the event will bring in $ 500 million in advertising income this year, topping the

post-season income of every US professional league, including that of the NBA.

A.The players will go all out for the games.

B.Husbands against wives.

C.But that doesn’t mean money isn’t involved.

D.College students will ignore piles of homework.

E.It begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April.

F.People are willing to spend more money on watching it.

G.Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.


Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bit—and that can be a very annoying thing. ① Read on for some tips worth trying.

1. ②

People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent reduced chance of Alzheimer’s disease(早老性痴呆症),according to a recent study. ③ Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do. There’s evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. In other words, keep your brain looking forward.

2. Go for a walk

Mildly raised glucose(葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact, exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain. ④

3. Learn something new.

Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation(刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time. ⑤ or go dancing with your friends.

A. Focus on the future.

B. This can be especially harmful to the aged.

C. It should be something like learning gardening.

D. So take a few minutes each day to do some reading.

E. But don’t worry if your schedule isn’t filled with life-changing events.

F. Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.

8、Why you shouldn’t punish your kids for lying

Getting your children to stop lying is challenging. There are many influences (TV, movies, video games and some great books) in which lies are common. Children see parents lie to others, if only to be polite. Most parents add to that with tales about the lives and activities of Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, or to lessen fears. ①__________ The most common reactions to children who lie are explaining why it is wrong and punishment. ②__________ Here are three better tools supported by research to use instead.

PRAISE: You could ask your child to say something that happened at school that is true. When your child obeys, praise him enthusiastically. Be specific: ③__________ and give your child a hug or a high five. Aim for one or two interactions (互动) like this a day. If you happen to “catch” your child in a lie, say something like, “That is not true and could get you in trouble outside of the home.”

MODEL: Explicitly tell the truth. This could be about something that happened when you were a child or something that happened during the day. It need not be dramatic. Another option is to play a game at dinner. Each person tells one thing that was true that day. Again, give a little praise to the child who normally lies if she plays along.DECREASE PUNISHMENT AND MORALIZING: They are unlikely to change behavior or develop the conduct you want. ④__________ Rather, use very mild punishment (light scolding, short loss of privilege, a brief time-out). More severe punishments (shouting, taking away something for a week, hitting) are not more effective in actually changing the frequency of lying.

⑤__________ Usually they can be dropped by then. It is unlikely that lying will be completely removed, but with the right encouragement, k can be dramatically lessened.

A. It is not what that is, but about practice.

B. As ways of changing behavior, these are ineffective.

C. That does not mean ignoring, lying or letting it go.

D. “That was great! You told me what happened just like I asked. Wow!”

E. Try these procedures for two to three weeks and see where you are.

F. “You did a good job, but what you said was not what I’d like to know!”

G. Parents do this out of love, but for some children, lying can become a problem.

G. In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.



答案:F; C; G; A; B


1. F 根据下句“That was a lot of money in those days. ”可知,此处应提到具体的金钱数额,故F项“And he said he would pay fifty dollars for each song recorded. ” 符合语境。

2. C上文介绍了这个组合的三名成员,此处应介绍这个组合的名字,故C项“ They called themselves the Carter Family. ”符合语境。

3. G 根据上文的“She also played the guitar in a new and unusual

way. ”可知,此处应该提到她的独特之处,故G项符合语境。

4. A 根据下文的“They did not sound like they had taken music

lessons. ”可知,他们给人的感觉像是没有上过音乐课,这与传统意义上的歌手是不同的,故选A项。

5. B 根据下文的“ They recorded more songs. They traveled to many cities and towns... to perform. ” 可知,他们成名了,所以会去很多地方表演,故选B项。


答案:A; C; D; F; G

解析:文章介绍美国第29届总统Warren Harding的两件著名的事件。

1:考查句意理解和上下文:根据下文:One was a successful international conference


2:考查句意理解和上下文:根据上文:Many members of the United States Congress worried about the cost.他们但是费用问题,可知:他们也担心日益紧张的亚洲局势,所以选C。

3:考查句意理解和上下文:根据下文:President Harding invited representatives from the major naval powers of the


4:考查句意理解和上下文:根据下文:He proposed that the world’s strongest nations should stop building warships for ten years. He also proposed that Britain, Japan, and the United States should destroy some ships to make their navies smaller


5:考查句意理解和上下文:根据下文:It involved the misuse of underground oil owned by the federal government.可知:Harding总统第二件被大家记住的事情是Teapot Dome丑闻,所以选G。


答案:B; A; E; D; G


①“there are several ways to handle things"根据there are several ways to handle


②根据后文"Tell the person you’re sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the of you can talk at a different


③根据横线前“have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you’ll find them

then",安排好时间,让他们知道你在什么时候回来,或者告诉他们,你会去找他们,再结合后文“It can help to eliminate(消除) future


④根据后文“it’s much easeier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are”,此句中it 指代前文“don’t do it in your own office.”,也就是说此段中作者认为比起在自己的办公室解释,不在自己的办公室更容易点。故选D 。

⑤根据“If you have a door to your office,make good use of




答案:G; D; F; E; A

解析:1. G上文提到,我小时候没有手机和电脑,电视也只有一个频道。但是,房子周围的田野、小山和树林从没让我感到无聊再根据下文提到的探险经历可知,在这些地方探险无法满足我的想象力。

2. D上文提到,我去湖边远足,路上碎石遍地、路面崎岖不平,路的两旁密林高耸根据下文的描述可知,我认为到这里探索似乎是不错的冒险;

3. F下文提到,我担心天黑以前找不到回湖边的路,因此说明已经花了很长时间、走了很远的路了。

4. E下文提到,我的心狂跳不止,我的腿也开始疼痛。说明此处表示内心害怕但是还在继续前行。误解分析:易误选B项。受到下文提到的“感到害怕和腿疼”的干扰但是根据下文“when I turned...”可知我没有放弃。

5. A 上文提到看到了远处的房子,下文提到“ my legs felt like feathers and I run to niy house in no time”,可知此处表示找到了回家的路。


答案: A; D; F; G; C


①根据题干和A中的关键词:solar lighting,direct lighting,doesn’t get much



③根据题干和F中的关键词:doesn’t mean, spend all your money,between a $10 light and a $45


④根据题干和G中的关键词:plant into the ground,to get into the ground等判断答案。故选G。

⑤根据题干和C中的关键词:stay lit longer than the others,store enough energy等判断答案。故选C。


答案: D; E; B; G; C



1. 由空处前句中的"keep kids home from



3. 结合上文"Friends compete against friends"和下文中的"Colleagues against


4. 根据上文” the little-known George

MasonUniversity"可知,在比赛之前,很多人从来没有听说过这个大学 ...... little-known 与 G

项中的"had never even heard of the university"相符。


由空前文中讲不给这些大学篮球运动员钱以及后文提到的整个比赛中涉及到的钱数可知,空处应是转折关系, 故选C"但那并不意味着不涉及钱"。


答案: F; A; E; G; C




2. 主旨大意题。此空是下段的小标题,根据下文中的“...keep your brain looking

forwa rd. ”可以推知,该段主旨大意是着眼未来。


4. 段落结论题。根据上文中的“In fact,exercise produces chemicals that are good for your

brain. ”可以推知,照顾好身体,也就照顾好了大脑。




答案:G ; B ; D ; C ; E


1.根据文章第一段第一句 Getting your children to stop lying is challenging.

可知,要使得你的孩子停止撒谎是具有挑战性的。再根据上文 Most parents add to that with tales about the lives and activities of Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy to lessen fears.


2. 根据上文 The most common reactions to children who lie are explaining why it is wrong and punishment.

可知,对于撒谎的孩子,最常见的反应是解释为什么撒谎是错误的以及(施加)惩罚。再根据下文Here are three better tools supported by research to use instead.


3. 根据上文 When your child obeys, praise him enthusiastically.


4. 根据上文 They are unlikely to change behavior or develop the conduct you want.

可知,他们不太可能改变自己的举止或培养出你想要的行为。再根据下文中的 Rather

可知,此处为一个转折。C项意为“这并不意味着忽视、撒谎或放手”,承上启下,符合语境。故正确答案为C。5. 根据文章最后一段最后一句 It is unlikely that lying will be completely removed, but with the right encouragement, kids can be dramatically lessened.



1、 My uncle and aunt's biggest dream was to own a farm. When they were fed up ①_________ their life in the city last year, they bought a farm and began to live there. Last month, I paid a visit to them and lived on their farm for several ②_________ (day). Growing up in a city,I had never tried horse riding. While I was there, my uncle often rode a horse around ③_________ farm. One day, he suggested that I should try riding a horse,but I ④_________ (immediate) refused. "What will happen if I fall ⑤_________ the horse suddenly?” I thought. But my uncle insisted that I should have a try. He said that every man should try horse riding. But I did not climb on the horse that ⑥_________ (prepare) for me whatever he said. The next day. some people came to visit the farm. Among them was a 10-year-old boy ⑦_________ biggest dream was to ride a horse. ⑧_________ he had never tried horse riding,he wasn't afraid at all. He climbed on a horse and enjoyed himself very much. I was so ⑨_________ (shame) of myself when I saw that. I finally decided ⑩_________ (try). You know what? It wasn't as scary as I thought at all. 2、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 “The only female giant panda in Britain ①(believe) to be pregnant,” Edinburgh Zoo said Thursday. The zoo said, “Tian Tian is being②(close) monitored, but it’s unclear ③she will give birth. It’s hard to predict exactly and the panda breeding (繁殖) season can last until late September.” Tian Tian and male panda Yang Guang, who are both 14, ④(arrive) in Edinburgh on a decade-long loan from China in 2011 and are ⑤only giant pandas in Britain. Tian Tian, or Sweetie, has been pregnant several ⑥(time) before in the U. K. but has never given birth. Giant pandas have difficulty breeding and their pregnancies are very difficult⑦(follow). The animals also experience “pseudo-pregnancies (伪怀孕)”, during ⑧ their behavior and hormonal (生理的) changes indicate they are pregnant even when they are not. The zoo’s statement came after the Edinburgh Evening Nevus used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain communication between the zoo and Scottish government ⑨(show) that Tian Tian had been artificially inseminated and could give birth as early as this week. In a July 25 email, Iain Valentine, panda ⑩(direct) at the Royal


2015-2016福建省长乐第一中学高三新题型训练14 班级______________ 姓名______________ 建议完成时间25分钟 阅读七选五(建议用时8min) This Way to Dreamland Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers have a bad reputation for being unaware of what’s happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsy.__1__They annoy us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things. But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history. __2__ Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions? So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool? First, understand that some opportunities(机会) for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams.__3__ And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you’re daydreaming, try to do it while you are involved in another task—preferably something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings. It’s also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really nee d to concentrate. “Mindfulness”, being focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep.__4__ Finally, you never know what a wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.___5__ Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds. A. Having interesting things to think about also helps. B. They stare off into space and wander by themselves. C. Without wandering minds, we wouldn’t have relatively, Coke or Post-it notes. D. At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses. E. It involves slow, steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive. F. Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. G. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you’re in the daydream zone.


2019年高考英语知识点单元总复习教案XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修五module 2知识详解1.offer v.(主动)提出(愿意做某事),提议,给予,提供 n.出价,建议(回归课本p)this person has offered to do a job—and may not be paid for doing it.此人主动去做一份工作——而且可能不要报酬。【归纳总结】【例句探源】①(朗文p1355)they offered him a very good job but he turned it down.他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但他拒绝了。 ②the teacher offered a computer to his daughter as a present for her wedding.这位老师给他的女儿一台电脑当做结婚礼物。③the student offered to give me a hand when i was looking for my key everywhere.当我四处寻找我的钥匙时,那位学生主动提出要帮我的忙。④the businessman offered $2,000 for my vase.那个商人出价2,000美元买我的花瓶。⑤thank you for your offer of help.感谢你提供帮助。【易混辨析】offer,provide,supply(1)offer“提供”,侧重主动给予,多指具体的事物。多用于:offer sb.sth.或offer sth. to sb.(2)provide“供应,供给”,表示为应付某种需要而提供某物,所提供的东西一般是具体的事物,也可以是帮助、经验、机会、答案、例子等抽象的东西。一般用于:provide sth.for sb.与provide sb. with sth.(3)supply“补给,供给,提供”,只用于具体事物,侧重补充所需要的东西,有时可以与provide互换。经常用于:supply sth.to sb.或supply sb.with sth.。①the factory supplied a uniform to each of


2013高考英语真题特色题型详解―阅读七选五(六选五) 一、(2013课标卷I) 第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)— that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. 71 Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. 72 Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. 73 One is the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. 74 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管)and guidance by the management in authority. 75 A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and may hospitals. D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments. F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects. G. Planning in business management has three main aspects. 本文是一篇讨论商务和商务管理的说明文。虽然看似有很多专业术语,但是根据我们常说的“指路词”,以及对上下文的推理,其实要做出正确答案并不难,可谓是难度中等。 文章第一段描述了business的两个含义:一是提供顾客所要商品和服务的方法;二是提供这些商品和服务的组织。文展第二段则细述了商务管理是用来描述计划、指导以及控制公司运作技巧


题型重组练(三) (建议用时:30分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 (·浙江名校新高考研究联盟联考)Brits(英国人) are extremely bad at languages, with many of us relying on the fact that the rest of the world speak English. Only half(51%) are able to speak a second language to any standard and as more people travel abroad, this is becoming an increasing regret, according to a new study. Almost two-thirds(62%) of UK adults wish they were better at speaking languages. So they can better understand a city’s culture(38% of respondents), talk with locals(24%) and go beyond the guide book(21%). Overcoming language barriers can be one of the most difficult parts of a holiday, particularly when in unfamiliar surroundings. So stressful in the fact that 10% of respondents said they didn’t travel because of the problem. The survey by Hostelworld showed that one in five blamed getting lost on the language barrier, while a similar number had problems ordering food and one in ten got on the wrong train, plane or other form of transportation.

高考英语新题型 7选5 语法填空 改错专练(7-8)

2015年高考英语新题型 7选5 语法填空改错专练(7-8) 一、七选五 A Four Habits of the Wisest People Intelligence may be somewhat innate, but wisdom can most certainly be learned. Here’s how to wise up at any age. (1)_____ Studies show that people who stay connected to others demonstrate higher levels of wisdom than those who are more isolated. Make an effort to join a new club, connect with friends on Face-book, or invite an old friend or a new co-worker for coffee. Next time you’re at a party or gathering, choose someone who’s sta nding alone and make a conversation. (2)_____ (3)_____ A wise person understands that it is impossible to know everything and that life can take unexpected turns. Recognizing your errors can lead only to greater wisdom. Admitting that there are times when you could be mistaken will go a long way in improving your reputation as someone whose advice can be trusted. They read the news. You cannot make balanced choices unless you understand world circumstances and the experiences of others. If you haven’t read a daily paper or news online yet, start by going through a single front-page article from a major respected news source, such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post, from start to finish, every day. (4)_____ Eventually, try to get through the main articles of a full newspaper every day. They tap into their self-knowledge. You’ve learned a lot just by being alive, but have you taken time to review all that you’ve learned? Try this exercise: writer down your three biggest failures and three greatest successes. For each, review the events that led up to it and what lesson you took away from experience. (5)_____ A. They practice being open-minded. B. They work at being social. C. They’ve learned how to say, “I could be wrong.” D. While current events are important, both fiction and nonfiction books can allow you to explore new ideas and points of view E. This is not time for regret or pride; the goal is to look at each experience, good or bad, as more fuel to enrich your wisdom. F. Don’t j ust scan or skip over it; read every word. G. People generally love to talk about themselves; you, on the other hand, have a harder job: to listen closely. B Laptop computers give us easy access to our emails, the Internet, or anything else you would use a computer. (6)_____ Here are some suggestions on how to select a laptop or a notebook computer: (7)_____ You are looking for a laptop that suits your needs well, so if you are frequently traveling or are going to be transporting your laptop to different locations frequently, you must want to get a laptop that is light and not one that is big and bulky. Consider what kinds of computer software programs you will be using on your laptop or notebook computer. This will help you determine what kind of operating system would be best for you. Options include getting the Windows operating system on your laptop or getting a Mac notebook. (8)_____ If you are performing more simple applications such as surfing the Internet and creating World documents, you don’t need a computer with the most processing power. These lower processing power computers are often referred to as netbooks. Consider how you will be connecting to the Internet. If you’ll be using an Ethernet cable to connect to a home network, you will want a notebook with a wired Ethernet port. (9)_____ Consider the battery life. If you will be moving around frequently and need to use your computer in places where you can’t plug it in, be sure to get a laptop with a longer battery life. Consider the security features. Some notebooks come with additional security features. (10)_____ If you will be multi-tasking and using multiple computer programs at the same time, be sure to get a notebook with more RAMs and a faster processor than normal. A. If you plan on connecting to the Internet from multiple places such as cafes or libraries, choose a computer that is Wi-Fi compatible. B. Consider how you plan on using the laptop. C. Laptops have many different sizes and features so you have to focus on what is important to you as a user. D. Consider the size of the notebook computer E. It is likely that other notebook and laptop users will have opinions about available products, so try to take them to heart when weighing your options. F. Consider upgrades and limitations. G. I t’s possible to require an extra password to gain access to the operating system.二.语法填空 On December 4th, 2006, an airbus took off on time from the capital airport of Saudi Arabia. After about an hour’s (1)______ (fly), something strange happened in the plane. The passengers (2)______ (enjoy) themselves when a small rat stole out from the bag of a young man, which made the young woman nearby (3)______(alarm) with loud screaming. Then more and more rats came out of the bag. All the passengers became out of order, especially the women and the children. The steward(机长)managed to get in touch with (4)______control center on the ground. With the order from the ground, the plane(5)_______ (succeed) landed at the nearest airport. As soon as the plane landed on the ground, all the passengers got off. Then seven specialists got on (6)______ (catch) these small creatures. Many means had been tried At last they tried to fill in the plane (8)______ carbon-dioxide, (9)______ poisoned all the eighty rats by the poisonous gas. It (10)______ (report) that the young man wanted to carry these rats to another city and sell them as pets but no one had expected that these small creatures succeeded in escaping from the bag. 三.短文改错 A. We feel very much honoring to invite you to take part in our trip to Zigui County, Hubei Province, that is the hometown of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet. Our class has planned to make it a six-days trip, from July 20th to 25th. It was aimed to help learn more about the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the tradition Chinese festivals, which is observed in the honor of memorizing the great poet. During the trip we will hold such activities that visiting Zigui County, taste Zongzi with the villagers and listening the stories about Qu Yuan. We will meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on July 20th then take a train there. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. B I like reading very much . When I am a little girl, I was interested in reading picture books in science. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She is always encouraging me read more. She believes it reading is a good habit, but it can help develop my thinking and learning


高考英语二轮复习策略 英语卷无论是考试形式、试题结构,坚持稳定为主,注重基础考查,重点考查考生“在特定语境中语言运用能力”,即运用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力.始终不变的重点知识,考生应该将其列为复习内容,同时抓牢基础知识,不要一味做偏、难、怪题.现提供以下三大点备考建议供参考: 一、回归基础,突出对主干知识的复习 高考英语改革虽然从强调知识考查向注重综合语言运用能力转变,但是还应认识到能力要有扎实的基础作为依托.尤其是到最后冲刺阶段更要重视基础知识的复习.一模后,一些考生普遍都有这样的感觉:很多题目“一看就会,一做就错”.造成这种现象的根本原因在于对基础知识的掌握不牢固.只有扎扎实实地从基础做起,才能“一看就会,一做就对”.英语基础知识包括词汇、语法、句型等.词汇复习应做到从不间断、反复巩固.除了记忆和理解之外,尤其要注意常用词汇的使用和辨析,以及一词多义的掌握.语法复习要理清基本概念,着重复习主干知识.比如,动词的时态、语态、语气,非谓语动词、情态动词等都是高考常涉及的知识点.但切记不要在钻研语法的难点上花过多时间,英语语法不是数学公式,在不同的语境中用法就不同. 二、查漏补缺,强化专题训练 一模结束后,复习的重点要放在查漏补缺上.将做过的试卷整理后,建立错题档案,弥补知识漏洞,进行强化记忆和训练.比如,在建立错题档案时发现在非谓语动词、从句方面出错率比较高,就应该重

点复习这方面的知识.不要注重记多少题,重要的是记住老师在课堂上对这些题的分析过程.抄录资料或刊物上的讲解也是值得推荐的方法.到考试前再回顾、反思、比较、消化,以期达到遇到同类试题不再出错的目的.复习中要加强题型专项训练,在训练中提高解题能力和解题速度;尤其要重视听力训练,所选听力材料不宜过难,语速要适中.复习中应适当加强对重点内容的强化训练和题后分析,提高“考点识别、寻找已知条件、排错求证”的思维能力.训练快速阅读的能力,提高带着问题快速搜索信息,根据上下文提示进行逻辑推断的能力.多读一些原汁原味的文章,通过广泛涉猎,培养英语语感,提高对词、句、篇的理解速度和准确度.专项训练要多、模拟测试要适当. 强调阅读语速是语言实际运用的主要特征之一,一般应保持在60wpm左右,按照“高中英语课程标准”要求,高中毕业时甚至应该达到70―80wpm.在平时训练中一定要注意坚持阅读速度的要求.在真实语言环境中,所接触材料的篇章结构和语句结构往往是丰富多样的,需要通过自己平时的大量阅读实践掌握熟悉它们,考试中能够迅速突破,克服障碍,把握大意.选材中出现生词完全正常,平时培养处理词汇的能力,考试中才能应对所出现的各种情况,也正是真实语言运用中所需要的一种能力.阅读选材往往具有一定思想内涵,阅读中需要保持头脑清醒,在所提供的思维空间中捕捉观点与抽象概念,理顺思路,加深理解.训练形式也应该是精读与泛读相结合.不能一味地做阅读理解题,这样不利于培养学生的阅读能力.高考中很多考查项目都是以选择题形式出现的,但很明显,如果只用选择题来训练是不科学的.而在我平时教学和视导过程中,用大量选择题来“培养”学生语言运用能力的现象很普遍,需特别关注.另外,从运用语言的角度来看,所读材料为自己所不熟悉是完全正常的,应该让学生有此心理准备.尤其是英语语言文化背景鲜明的内容,需要凭借自己的阅读能力,读懂材料获取信息,解决问题,也正是成功运用语言的具体体现. 语言的输入决定语言输出,想写出更为地道的英文,必须通过听


第2部分40分钟阅读提速练 阅读提速练(一) (建议用时:40分钟) 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A (2017·河南洛阳高三第一次统考) Goodreads recommends the following books you want to read for the event to come. 1.The Lyrics:1961-2012 By Bob Dylan Simon & Schuster, $60 What it’s about: This heavy, well-timed publication contains lyrics by the songwriter who just won the Nobel Prize in Literature, from his first album, Bob Dylan, through Tempest. What’s to love: The times may be changing, but Dylan’s fans are constant, traditional devotees who will want this epic collection for their shelves, to sit beside those beloved old large papers. 2.Taylor Swift: This Is Our Song By Tyler Conroy Simon & Schuster, $28 What it’s about: An elegant fanzine celebrating all things about Taylor Swift, especially the pop star’s countless fans. What’s to love: Mom and/or Dad, the fan of Taylor Swift, will think you’re pretty cool if he or she discovers this temple to Taylor under the Christmas tree(even if it is a book). 3.Misty Copeland By Gregg Delman Rizzoli, $39.95 What it’s about: Star-figure female ballet dancer Misty Copeland strikes a pose(95, to be exact) in photos taken between 2011 and 2014, in the casual setting of dance studios. What’s to love:Since becoming the first African American woman to be named a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, Copeland has become a cultural

高考英语二轮复习 题型重组第三组

第三组 (建议用时:45分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 Strange Wedding Traditions around the World Flinging raw rice and breaking a glass underfoot may seem like strange ways to celebrate a marriage, at l east if you’re not used to American customs. Strange as some U.S. wedding traditions may be, they certainly cannot take the (wedding) cake for overall wedding weirdness.Those honors go to these 5 strange wedding traditions around the globe. Blackening of the Bride and Groom (Scottish) For Scotland’s tradition of blackening of the bride, which has expanded to now include the groom, absolutely anything goes. This includes tars, feathers, pillow stuffing, dirt, rotting food, sour milk, flour—you name it and you get it, you can certainly pile it on.The blackening takes place prior to the wedding, which at least spares the tux (无尾礼服) and the wedding dress, but any time or location is fair game.Once blackened, the lucky newlywed-to-be is paraded through the streets or tied to a tree as said “friends” announce the wedding.Blackening suppose dly prepares the person for any humiliation (羞耻) that life has yet to bring, as nothing could be as humiliating as being blackened. Breaking Dishes (German) Throwing plates is typically something you do after you’ve been married a few years, unless you’re from Germany.The wonderful tradition of breaking dishes actually takes place prior to the wedding at the rehearsal dinner.Tradition says the more dishes you break, the more good luck the new bride will receive.This counts double if she’s lucky enough to get a brand new set of china as a wedding gift.After this part, the bride and groom join forces to sweep up the mess, a gesture that ensures nothing will ever get broken in their home again. Keep Your Feet on the Floor (Irish) Irish legend has it that the bride must keep her feet on the floor while she’s dancing with the groom to ensure little fairies attracted by her beauty won’t kidnap her.The quick and clever fairies are always eager to get their hands on beautiful things, and legend says the bride has long been a prime target. Irish legends throughout the ages full of tales of fairies stealing brides, although it’s not clear where the brides end up and if the destination is better than where she planned to spend her honeymoon. Passing a Rolling Pin(擀面杖)(Polish) How many Polish people does it take to pass a rolling pin? It depends on how many people are at the Polish wedding! The tradition is pretty much what it sounds like,as people stand in a circle and pass a rolling pin from one person to the next,but there’s a rule—no hands are allowed,and each person must grad and then pass the pin along using only their legs.While it is not immediately evident what the tradition means or why people do it,it is evident it would be great video to capture for future generations to enjoy. No Bathroom Breaks for Three Days(Tidong tribe,Northern Borneo) Can your bladder (膀胱)really explode? Folks who follow a marriage tradition in Northern Borneo put this question to the test.Newlyweds in the Tidong tribe must stay in their home for three days—without a single bathroom break.That means no No.1, no No.2 during this three-day period. The background of this tradition is extremely unclear... as is the feeling people probably get after not relieving
