



Among them, the no. 1 pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters ide, about five meters deep. About 500, the arriors six hariots, driving, horse 24, and bronze sord, ugou, spears and arros, rossbos, mahine, opper halberd bat ith eapons of bronze and iron, et. The all faial expression, , and ation eah are not idential: some

thoughtfull, as if onsidering ho to ooperate, defeat the enem; Have a deep breath, as if in thought, as the people of qin, must help the emperor beat all plaes; Some look in the distane, seemed to be missing loved ones far XX Said so muh arrior figures, the said the horse figurines: TaoMa ears eret, some mouths sream, some still shut up. All these of the qinshihuang terraotta arriors and touhing artisti harm. If ou hold our breath gaze of looking at it, ou ill find it musle fullness, realisti than a real horse!


Hi, I m lee, take ou to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors toda?

Behind me is a vaulted hall, this is a famous seni spots and historial sites. What plaes of interest ou guess hat it

is? It is knon as the eighth onder of the orld terraotta arriors.

The Terra Cotta Warriors in mount li, lintong ount, shXXnxi provine in China under the north river near the village. No explore three pit. We have e to is one of the biggest, the Terra Cotta Warriors pit pit no.

1. You an put these don. Oh, ou are alone, I ll help ou take pitures ith the Terra Cotta Warriors in the bakground.

To e. One, to, three eggplant!

Let s visit the qin shihuang s mausoleum. Adults, please take our hildren. At the same time, also please mind our on hand, do not litter. Move don inside, e see this is the qin shihuang s mausoleum, it is imitation built the palae of the emperor used to live. The qinshihuang in north and south long, the idth of a retangle. The hole emeter, surrounded ith to

alls in bak to glph. The magial thing about this is it.

We have e to is about the position of the underground. Beause buried deep underground, and plus there are rossbo authorit, so e an t go to visit. Aording to historial reords reords, hoever, the underground to depit the sun, the moon

and the stars on the eiling, and artifiial earth, the earth has a mountain, floers and plants, and rivers. The river is made of merur, glittering, extremel beautiful.

Everbod, the tour is over. You must be ver happ, right? Everone had so happ, hope ou an remember me.


Ho do ou do! Wele to the anient it of xi an, I am our

tour guide in xian this time. M name is xu, everone all me xu guide. Toda visited the first seni spot is one of the orld heritage, the qin Terra Cotta Warriors. Seni spot is loated

in xi an lintong, e take ar is lintong ount, about 40 minutes.

I d like to mention of xi an, ou ill ertainl think of unique

hi toilet.

Ok, e have e to qin shihuang mausoleum, in order to get off, please. Do ou kno the histor of the qin Terra Cotta Warriors? Originall previous dnast, the emperor s death is looking for some buried alive, then in the qin dnast, a minister of emperor qin shi huang sai

d: previous dnasties but ith buried the living. I think

it is not ver appropriate to ou, let raftsmen reate a made of dirt that ou have onquered, invinible arm? Ho Qin shi huang think this idea is ver good, agreed. In fat, if it eren t for the time of qin shi huang, a nod toda just see this vision spetaular terraotta arm. Large sale of the Terra Cotta Warriors. Has disovered three pit, ith a total area of nearl 201X0 square meters, nearl 50 of the basketball ourt at

ordinar times, about 8000 pit ith the arriors.

























水银是什么? 没错,水银就是一种毒性很强的液体,它像水一样无色无味,有些还是看不见的。它会散发到空气中,人闻了之后不但会传染人,还会中毒死亡。所以秦始皇不想未来的人类挖开他的坟墓,就把水银放在自己的尸体里,这样未来的人类就不敢挖开秦始皇的坟墓了。哦,对了。秦始皇之所以要建兵马俑,其中是有原因的:






揭秘一:制作兵马俑工艺 Reveal a: making the Terra Cotta Warriors technology 秦始皇陵兵马俑多用陶冶烧制的方法制成,先用陶模作出初胎,再覆盖一层细泥进行加工刻划加彩,有的先烧后接,有的先接再烧。 The Terra Cotta Warriors made With ceramic mold first, then covered a la yer of fine mud , it was used for carve the figurines ’s appearance and coloring. 其实当年的兵马俑各个都有鲜艳和谐的彩绘。当年工匠犯了一个错,他们在烧制过后才上色。我们发掘过程中发现有的陶俑刚出土时局部还保留着鲜艳的颜色,但是出土后由于被氧气氧化,颜色不到一个小时瞬间消尽,化作白灰。能看到的只是残留的彩绘痕迹。 At first, the Terra Cotta Warriors with brightly colour. The craftsmen had made a mistake, they didn't color after firing. In fast, we found some figures in the process of excavation retained bright colors. But less than one hour, because of oxidation, the colors disappeared, and turned to white, leaving traces of coloured drawing or pattern. 兵马俑的车兵、步兵、骑兵列成各种阵势。整体风格浑厚、健壮、洗练。如果仔细观察,脸型、发型、体态、神韵均有差异:陶马有的双耳竖立,有的张嘴嘶鸣,有的闭嘴静立。所有这些秦始皇兵马俑都富有感染人的艺术魅力。 The Chariot forces, infantry and cavalry column into various formations, Integral style majestic, magnificent. If you look carefully, their face, Scientists believe that its initial shape was colourful But it was oxidized ,lost the original color


兵马俑英文导游词 Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China’s history. In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China’s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor. After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. He standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built. All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. They had a great and deep influence upon China’s 2,000 year old feudal society. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the Qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination a nd medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. As a result, China’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. Moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. Those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of Confucian scholars.” Emperor Qin Shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the Guanzhong Plain. These palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. Often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.


秦始皇帝陵博物苑 Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning. I’m you local guide . Now we are heading to the eighth wonder of the world –the Museum of Qin Shihuang's Warriors and Horses,which is one of the places of interest in Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Park. The museum is located at the foot of Mt.Lishan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an. There are three pits of warriors and horses and two bronze chariots have been found. The first pit was discovered in 1974 when several farmers were sinking a well. In order to protect this terracotta army, the Chinese government built a museum in 1975, and it was officially open to the public in 1979. The Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses was listed as the world heritage in 1987. Firstly, I will give you a brief introduction about the master of this underground army—the First Qin Emperor. His name was YingZheng. By 210BC when he was only 39 years old. He had annexed all the six independent states and established the first centralized autocratic feudal empire in the long history of china. As soon as he came to the throne, he ordered that a magnificent mausoleum should be built for him. He even gathered 700,000 conscripts from all parts of the country to work on his mausoleum. In fact, it took 37 years to complete this protect. And the site of these terracotta warriors and horses, we are going to visit, is just a small part of his mausoleum. Ok, now we are going to the pit 1. I’m sure you will be astonished, as we’ll face to the First Qin Emperor’s Army. We can see, Pit 1 takes an oblong shapes. It is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide and 5 meter deep. We will also find that the whole pit is divided into 11 corridors by 10 earth-rammed partition walls. The terracotta warriors and horses are arrayed in battle formation. Let’s move on. In the long corridor to the east end of the pit stand three rows of terracotta warriors facing east in battle rode, 70 in each row. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the ventured. There is one row of warriors in the south, north and west of the corridor respectively, facing outward. They are probably the flanks and rear guard, holding crossbows and arrows and other long distance shooting weapons. They took up the job of defending the whole army. There are over 6,000 terracotta warriors and horses, and most of them are infantrymen. According to these, we can get the answer that why the first Qin Emperor could annex all the six independent sates during 10 years. May be someone want to know how many kinds of the terracotta warriors and horses. Let’s go to the pit 2 to find the result.


The museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, Today, we are going to visit the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. This museum is located at the foot of mountain Li Shan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an.First, I will give you a brief introduction about the master of this underground army---the First Qin Emperor, Yingzheng. He came to the throne at the age of 13 and seized the power at the age of 22 . By 221BC, he had annexed all the six independent states and established the first centralized autocratic feudal empire in the long history of China. After the unification of the whole country, he styled himself the First Emperor and standardized the coinage, weights and measures, the legal codes, the written scripts and so on. He also ordered the linkage of the original Great Wall. All these exerted an everlasting influence on the long feudal history of China. But the First Qin Emperor was very ambitious. As soon as he came to the throne, he ordered that a magnificent mausoleum should be built for him. It took 37 years to complete this great project. Actually, the site of those terracotta warriors and horses we now see is just a small part of his mausoleum. Ok, everyone, now we are standing at the front gate of the Eighth Wonder of the world---the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses. As one of the top ten places of historical interest in China, it was also listed as a world heritage site.So next, let’s go to uncover the veil of this miraculous work. In March 1974,when several farmers were sinking a well about 1.5km east of the First Qin Emperor’s Maosolem, they came upon many fragments of the terracotta figures.The results of archaeological excavation showed that is two more pits were discovered respectively.They were then named pit1,pit2, and pit3 by the order of discovery.The new discovery stirred up a sensation all over the world.In order to provide the historical artifacts with adequate protection, a musem was set up on the site of Pit 1 in 1975 upon the approval of the state council. Pit 1,covers an area of 16,300 square meters, is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. The terra cotta armies in pit 1 were arranged in battle formation. In the front of this formation, there are 210warriors in 3 lines facing forward. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the so-called vanguard. Meanwhile, there is one row of warriors on each of the borders of this pit, facing outward---they are the flanks and the rear guard. Holding long-distance shooting weapons, they took up the job of defending the whole army.Then, this way please. We may find ten partition walls


有关秦始皇兵马俑的英语演讲稿及翻译 Hello,boys and girls,I'm honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors. The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)Xi'an City,Shannxi(陕西) Province.It's one of the "Seven Great Wonders of the World".Every year,millions of visitors come to visit it,from China and other contries. Who dig these big holes and who put so many statues into the holes?Let me tell you.The first emporor of China,Zheng Ying(嬴政)want to build a special tomb to show he is the greatest emporor in Chinese history.So he made o dot two million(20万) workers to dig four holes and put many statues of soidiers,horses and war-coaches(战车) into the holes.Then in the middle,they put the corpse of Zheng Ying into the casket.The anciant Chinese people thought the "Army" can protect the Qin emporor.They fill the holes with worth.At last they build a big tomb like a pyramid over the holes.And this is the tomb of the first Qin emporor(秦始皇陵). In 1974,a farmer found the head of a statue sodier.Then Chinese goverment explored and found the whole tomb.In 1987,The Terracotta Warriors was included to the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) by UN(联合国) according to level C.Today The Terracotta Warriors is a torist scenery of history. That's all I want to tell you.Thank you for listening.Good-bye! 翻译: 同学们好!我很荣幸在这里做演讲,我今天想讲一些关于伟大的雕塑群——秦


兵马俑英文导游词介绍3篇 兵马俑英文导游词介绍范文1:Hi, dear tourists, please come with me, you see this is the qin Terra Cotta Warriors, now scientists have unearthed three pits, although only three, but with a total area of nearly 20000 square meters! Equivalent to fifty basketball court, pit there are nearly eight thousand terracotta warriors, in these three pit, no. 1 pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters! The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors is one of the most. There are about six thousand.Tourists, tell you, the Terra Cotta Warriors is not only large scale, and various types, the personality is bright, let me introduce!!!!Terracotta warriors average about 1.8 meters tall and powerfully built, they wear down with uniform, wear hard armor and weapons in hand, ready to go, you've said don't go far?The general figurines is power! Burly, wearing a crown, wearing armor in brown, hand hold a sharp sword, head high head, chest, belly of battle-hardened a look will know that is! Actually the Terra Cotta Warriors type many, said also said not over. The Terra Cotta Warriors pit or PeiZangKeng qin shi huang Lin, 1974, a few archaeologists found in the east of the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, stir in China, shocked the world, is one of the 20th century's greatest archaeological discovery.And, finally remind you: don't throw GuaGuoPi, rubbish, plastic bags, the environmental pollution!兵马俑英文


介绍兵马俑的导游词 篇一:兵马俑导游词全 尊敬的女士们、先生们:今天,我们将参观秦兵马俑博物馆。秦兵马俑博物馆位于西安市东35 公里处,自开馆至今,已有为数众多国家的党政首脑和外国朋友都参观过这个博物馆,法国总统希拉克曾留言说过:“世界上原有七大奇迹,秦兵马俑的发现,可以说是第八大奇迹了。不看金字塔.不算真正到过埃及‘。‘不看秦俑,不算真正到过中国。'”美国前副总统蒙代尔也说:“这是真正的奇迹。全世界人民都应该到这里看一看。” 从这些高度凝练的话语中,我们不难看出秦俑的历史价值。 在参观秦俑博物馆之前,我想应该先向大家介绍一下秦始皇这个人。 秦始皇是中国封建社会的创立者,也是一个文武双全的皇帝。他姓嬴名政,出生于赵国的邯郸,13岁继承王位,22 岁开始亲政,经过十年的浴血奋战,统一了全国,建立了中国历史上第一个统一的, 多民族的,中央集权制的封建王朝——秦朝。为了巩固政权,加强思 想政治领域内的统治,他还设立了郡县制;而且先后在全国范围内统一了文字、货币、度量衡、车轨和法律制度。他认为自己功过三皇, 德高五帝,又因为是第一个皇帝,所以便自称为始皇帝。他曾经五次出游天下,于公元前210年的7月,在出巡途中,暴病死于河北的沙丘,终年50 岁。死后葬于骊山脚下的陵墓之中。

秦始皇帝陵南靠骊山, 背面与渭水相邻。骊山风景如画,绿树成荫。据史书记载:“骊山山南多美玉,山北多黄金。”现在我们看到的这个巨大的封土堆,就是秦陵了。在中国古代,帝王陵墓在建设上都遵循“虽死犹生”的思想,因此,秦始皇陵是依照当时秦咸阳宫的规模修建的。经过几千年的风风雨雨,当时的地面建筑现在已荡然无存了,我们已经无法领略秦陵的全貌。据《史记》记载,从这样的一段描述中我们可以得知:秦陵地宫的顶端是用28 颗夜明珠组成的天冥星; 陵内还有设置着百官座次的殿堂; 并且藏满了各种奇器异宝; 还用水银做了江河湖海以象征天地; 用人鱼膏点长明灯为了防盗墓; 还安装了能自动发射的暗箭。《史记》中对秦陵的内部只做了一个大致的描述。那么陵内到底有多少的奇珍异宝呢?由于科学技术的问题,现在还无法打开帝陵,我们已经发现了它的一个陪葬坑,就是秦始皇秦兵马。我们只能等待陵墓发掘的那一天,相信到时候一定会引起全世界考古界的轰动的现在,我们面对的是秦俑馆一号坑,坑里就是号称“世界第八大奇迹”的秦兵马俑。面对威武整肃的庞大军阵,你们的脑子里一定会闪现许多问题。现在我就一一回答大家的这些问题。 这些俑是西杨村农民们在抗旱打井的过程中发现的。他们决定报告文物部门。经过考古专家们的鉴定。秦俑馆内的1、2、3 号坑被确认为秦始皇陵的陪葬坑。 经测量,1 号坑东西长330米,南北宽62 米,面积14260平方米,相当于两个足球场的面积,为三个佣坑中面积最大的一个。它


有关秦始皇兵马俑的英语演讲稿及翻译Hello,boys and girls,I'm honored to give a speach here today.I want to say something about the great statues,The Terracotta Warriors. The Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)lies in the Mt.Li(骊山,读作mount Li)Xi'an City,Shannxi(陕西) Province.It's one of the "Seven Great Wonders of the World".Every year,millions of visitors come to visit it,from China and other contries. Who dig these big holes and who put so many statues into the holes?Let me tell you.The first emporor of China,Zheng Ying(嬴政)want to build a special tomb to show he is the greatest emporor in Chinese history.So he made o dot two million(20万) workers to dig four holes and put many statues of soidiers,horses and war-coaches(战车) into the holes.Then in the middle,they put the corpse of Zheng Ying into the casket.The anciant Chinese people thought the "Army" can protect the Qin emporor.They fill the holes with worth.At last they build a big tomb like a pyramid over the holes.And this is the tomb of the first Qin emporor(秦始皇陵). In 1974,a farmer found the head of a statue sodier.Then Chinese 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考


兵马俑导游词五分钟范文2篇Five minute model of tour guide for terra cotta warriors and horses 编订:JinTai College

兵马俑导游词五分钟范文2篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是陕西的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:兵马俑导游词五分钟范文 2、篇章2:秦兵马俑导游词范文五分钟 篇章1:兵马俑导游词五分钟范文 秦兵马俑是秦始皇的殉葬品。为什么说是殉葬品呢?因为在古代奴隶是奴隶主生前的附属品,奴隶主死后奴隶要为奴隶主陪葬,这就是殉葬品。想来哦接更多关于兵马俑的故事吗?接下来小泰为大家整理了兵马俑导游词,欢迎大家阅读! 兵马俑导游词1

大家好,我叫王加臣,这次由我担任大家的导游,大家有什么事需要帮助尽管找我,大家叫我加臣就行了,我们要去参观地是举世闻名的秦兵马俑。大家一定要注意安全。 秦兵马俑在西安临潼出土,已发掘了四个俑坑。其中一号坑最大,坑里的兵马列俑也最多,有6000多个,现在坑上已盖出了一座巨大的拱形大厅,从上向下看去,一排排的兵俑整整齐齐,兵马俑不仅规模宏大而且类型众多个性鲜明。 将军俑身材魁梧手握宝剑,昂首挺胸,一看就知道久经沙场,重任在肩。武士俑体格健壮,披挂铠甲,手持兵器整装待发。骑兵俑上身穿短甲,下身着紧口裤,左手持弓箭,右手执缰绳,随时准备上马冲杀每个兵马俑都是极为精美的艺术珍品,在观赏时若大家留心,可以从头上分出官兵身份,头上有“寇带”的为官,梳有“偏髻”的为兵。 说了这么多,大家一定深有收获,现在开始自由活动,望大家能玩得开心,玩得快乐。祝大家游览愉快。 兵马俑导游词2 尊敬的各位旅客: 你们好!我是你们这次的导游,你们可以叫我崔导。在游览之前,我提醒大家:游览时不要乱扔垃圾,保持周围清洁,


( 陕西导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-031657 兵马俑的英文导游词English tour guide of terra cotta warriors and horses

兵马俑的英文导游词 秦兵马俑坑是秦始皇的陪葬坑,由一号、二号、三号坑组成。下面是为大家带来的兵马俑的英文导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 兵马俑的英文导游词范文1: The passengers: Everybody is good! B: my name is lu, I'm go to the guide of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. I'm very honored to serve you, hope we have a nice day today. Now we're going to set off to the world-famous qin Terra Cotta Warriors. You see, this great historical sites show in front of our eyes! Our xi 'an lintong has three qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, a total of 3 20xx0 square meters, nearly 50 basketball courts, a pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors to nearly eight thousand. In three pits at the pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, of course, also the most, there are more than six thousand! Above the no. 1 pit has a huge vaulted hall.


陕西西安秦始皇兵马俑英文导游词 Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and the Terra- cotta Warriors and Horses Museum Emperor Qin Shihuang (259- 210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He n ame to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival p rincipalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established th e first feudal empire in China’s history. In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Yin g Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the fi rst emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, t he third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper or der to carry on the hereditary system. Since then, the supreme feuda l rulers of China’s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor. After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihua ng abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and co unty system. He standardized legal codes, written language, track, cur rencies, weights and measures. To protect against harassment by the H un aristocrats. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built. All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unifica tion of the whole country as well as promotion the development of e conomy and culture. They had a great and deep influence upon China’s 2,000 year old feudal society.


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.
