【课程8】-英语中说两个人sit in a tree是什么意思? 纠音版

【课程8】-英语中说两个人sit in a tree是什么意思?纠音版


Joey:(angrily entering,to Chandler)Can I talk to you for a second?!Come on!! Chandler:Why can't we talk in here?With,with,witnesses.

Joey:I just got off the phone with my sister.

Ross:Ah,which,which one?



Monica:Y'know which one is she again?

Joey:Why don't you ask Chandler,'cause he's the one that fooled around with her.She told me you said you could really fall for her.Now is that true?Or are you just getting over Janice by groping my sister.

Chandler:It's gotta be the first one.

Joey:Really?That's great!You and my sister,sitting in a tree.

Chandler:Yep,I'm in a tree.


Can I:连读成nai

talk to:k失去爆破不发音

why can’t we talk in:can’t的t失去爆破不发音,talk in连读


got off:连读

is she:s不发音

why don’t you:t失去爆破不发音

ask chandler:k失去爆破不发音

cause he’s:连读

that fooled around with her:that的t失去爆破不发音,fooled和around连读,around的d失去爆破不发音,with her击穿h再连读

told me:d失去爆破不发音

could really:d失去爆破不发音

just getting over:t失去爆破不发音

first one:t失去爆破不发音

I’m in a tree:i’m和in连读成min,in和a连读成na
