

Schoollife教案Schoollife lesson plan







teaching plan for unit 2 school life

welcome to the unit &comic stripe



二、教学内容:8a unit 2 school life

三、课型: comic strip & welcome to the unit







1)进一步激发学生对本单元话题“school life”的学习兴趣。





part one comic strip

step 1 presentation

t: 1 what’s this ?

2 do you like coming to school?

3 do dogs go to school?

step 2 talking about eddie and hobo

they are talking about _________.

step 3 listening and answering

t: what does eddie think school is like?

eddie thinks that it’s _____________, but there


step 4 reading eddie and hobo’s conversation

step 5 completing the dialogue

hobo: why _______ dogs go to school, eddie?

eddie: because we’re ___________ than people.

hobo: what is school ____________?

eddie: it’s like ___________________, but there


step 6 working in pairs and acting it out

step 7 discussion

1 what is your school like?

2 what’s your favorite subject?

3 do you like outdoor activities?

4 do you like fewer lessons?

5 do you like the lessons on the internet?

part two welcome to the unit a

step 8 presetation


1 what countries do you know?

2 what languages do they speak?

do you know which countries the flags stand for (代表)?

part two welcome to the unit a

t: people speak english in both britain and the usa. however, sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing.

helping them match the words on the left with the words on the right

1-d 2-b 3-k7-j 8-l 9-c

4-f 5-e 6-h 10-i 11-a 12-g

part three welcome to the unit b

finishing the exercises on page 24













5 american

football football

6 rubber


part four practice

please changing the british english into american english

i am a boy from england. i am a grade 8 student. i

like playing football. and iam good at maths. autumn is coming. so my best friend, max’s birthday is coming too. he lives on the ground floor. i will give him my present. that’s a nice rubber. and i plan to watch a

film with him on that day.


1 read and recite comic strip on page 22

2 do the following exercises


1 我是英国人,我家住在一楼。

2 为什么他不努力学习?

3 今天天气如何?

4 狗真比人聪明吗?

5 学校就像看电影,但是广告要少些。


() is __________ watching tv.

a. like

b. likes

c. look

like d. liking

() 2.we all like play _______.

a. a football

b. footballs


football d. the football

() 3 ________ you go to school, eddie?

a. why not

b. why not to

c. why

d. why don’t


这节课是unit 2 school life的comic strip& welcome to the unit and 。这是整个单元的导入部分,目的在于激发学生对学习本单元的兴趣。通过eddie和hobo的对话,在对话的结尾处引出关于校园生活的话题。


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中班语言公开课教案大全200篇 提供最新中班语言公开课教案大全200篇,供各位教师参考学习,我们会定期更新增加中班语言公开课教案文章,欢迎收藏! 中班语言公开课教案《家》 中班语言公开课教案《金色的房子》 中班语言公开课教案《微笑》 中班语言公开课教案《恐龙妈妈藏蛋》 中班语言优秀公开课教案《甜甜的棒棒糖》 中班语言公开课教案《小老鼠吃西瓜》 中班公开课语言教案详案《小兔分萝卜》 中班语言公开课教案《特别的我》 中班优秀语言公开课教案反思《迪迪医生》 中班语言公开课优秀教案《小狐狸的枪炮》 中班语言公开课教案《快乐的阿嘟》 中班公开课语言教案《会跳舞的小树叶》 中班语言公开课教案《春雨的吉他》 中班语言公开课优秀教案《雷公公和啄木鸟》 中班语言公开课教案《大灰狼的新娘》 中班公开课语言教案《新年》 中班语言公开课教案《鹅妈妈买鞋》

中班语言公开课教案《小鸡和小鸭》 中班语言公开课教案及反思《动物伞》 中班公开课语言教案《啪啦啪啦嘭》 中班语言公开课教案《胖胖减肥》 中班公开课语言教案《好朋友》 中班语言公开课教案《大树和小鸟》3篇 中班语言公开课教案《蜗牛搬家》 中班语言公开课教案《怪脾气的小乌龟》 中班语言公开课教案《哭和笑》 中班语言公开课教案说课稿《变废为宝》 中班语言公开课优秀教案《冬天和夏天》 中班语言公开课教案《珍惜粮食不浪费》 中班语言公开课教案《亮晶晶的泡泡》 中班语言公开课教案《人人从我做起来》 中班语言公开课教案《月亮》 幼儿园中班语言公开课教案《救生圈扔给谁》中班语言公开课教案《伞》 中班语言公开课教案《哈哈镜》 中班语言公开课教案《晒太阳》 中班优秀语言公开课教案《红灯笼》 中班优秀语言公开课案例《云朵面包》 中班语言公开课教案《青蛙飞行员》


模块一unit 1 school life (Welcome + Reading部分的知识点) 1 time 表示“时间”不可数;表示“一段时期,时代,倍数或次数”是可数名词 e.g. High school is a time of discovery , learning and hard work. 2 偌大的校园huge campus 3 户外活动outdoor activity 4 理想的校园生活dream school life 5 你认为…怎么样?What do you think of sb / sth? 6 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. 去一所英国高中学习一年对我来讲是一个非常愉快的经历。 注意:这里动名词做主语, 一个动名词做主语,谓语用单数。 e.g. Having a walk after meals is good for health. 7. experience vt. 经历;体验 e.g. We have experienced happiness and sadness together in a same school. experience n. 经历(可数);经验(不可数) e.g. The sailor has rich experience and he often tells us his interesting experiences. 这水手有丰富的经验,他常常给我们讲他有趣的经历。 This is a real experience not a dream. 这是一次真实的经历并不是做梦。 experienced adj. 经验丰富的(be experienced in doing / sth 在…方面有经验) 8 be happy with sb/sth= be satisfied with sb/sth 对…感到满意 Be happy with the life you create. 满意你自己所创造的生活。 9 an hour later than usual 比平时晚一个小时 10 He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study. (1) the way to do sth= the way of doing sth 做…的方式, 但是通常都用the best way + to do) (2) 这句话中,was是系动词,后面的“to devote ourselves to study”做表语:又如My dream is to buy a big house and live with my parents. 6. devote sth to (doing) sth… 为…付出…(为工作付出很多时间:devote much time to the work; 为教学投入很大精力:devote energy to teaching) devote oneself to (doing) sth = be devoted to (doing) sth 献身于…/致力于… He intends to devote himself to curing the sick in India.他想把自己的一生奉献于医治印度的病人。 devoted adj. 挚爱的,忠诚的devotion n. 奉献,忠诚,挚爱


A Teaching Plan for Module 1 Unit 1 School life Highlights and teaching objectives of the unit Topic School life and school activities: to identify the differences between school life in different countries. Functions 1.Describing school life: about campus, classes, teachers, classrooms, subjects, activities etc. 2.Describing school activities Next month we will have our school open day. We have invited David to be one of our guest speakers. He will make a speech about his experiences in the USA.,paring school life in Britain and in China I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. Vocabulary Words: achieve, approve, average, article, attention, broadcast, challenging, cover, continue, culture, develop, donate, display, dynasty, drop, earn, e-mail, experience, extra, graduate, flat, guest, grade, generation, German, host, immediately, inform, introduce, literature, miss, nature, please, prepare, preparation, professor, photograph, poet, poem, respect, run, require, regret, recently, select, title 辨析: say, speak, talk, tell


My school life 英语作文范文 I am a senior school student.I live in the school.I have a busy but happy school life.Everyday I get up at six o'clock.I brush my teeth and wash my face,then have breakfast before seven.I do some reading from seven to half past seven.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have five lessons in the morning,three in the afternoon and two at night.I have a break of ten minutes between classes.But our boys' dormitory is far from the classroom,It takes us quite a long time to walk there.We are often exposed in the sun and rain,with sweat all over. 我是一名高中生。我住在学校。我有一个忙碌但快乐的学校生活。每天我六点起床。我刷牙洗脸,然后在七点之前吃早餐。我做一些从七点到七点半的阅读。我从周一到周五去学校。我早上上五节课,下午三节课,晚上两节课。我课间休息十分钟。但是我们的男生宿舍离教室很远,步行到那里要花很长时间。我们经常暴露在阳光和雨水中,全身都是汗。


小学英语粤人版四年级下册Culture1SchoolLife教学设计 【名师授课教案】 1教学目标 一、学习目标: 1. 四会掌握两个国名(UK, China)和两个人名(Bobby, Weiliang)。三会单词有classmates, assembly, flag-raising, ceremony。 2. 认识并区分上午(a.m.)和下午(p.m.)的时间。 3. 学会表达某个地方有什么或没有什么。(There is/isn’t) 4. 能理解两篇短文的内容并模仿写一篇小短文。 二、能力目标: 能根据短文所给出的信息准确回答问题,并进一步学会用这些信息来组织材料进行初级的写作。 三、情感目标: 教育学生热爱学校,热爱学习和生活。 2学情分析 四年级的孩子已经学习英语一年多了,他们对学习英语有很大的兴趣,对中西文的差异有一定的了解,例如他们知道中文名和英文名的不同,知道中西方的饮食习惯、生活习惯的不同,本课主要介绍中西小学生的日常校内活动,他们肯定很感兴趣,而且这对他们进一步了解中西文化的差异有很大的帮助。3重点难点 教学重点: 1. 四会掌握两个国名(UK, China)和两个人名(Bobby, Weiliang)。三会单词有classmates, assembly, flag-raising, ceremony。 2. 认识并区分上午(a.m.)和下午(p.m.)的时间。 3. 学会表达某个地方有什么或没有什么。(There is/isn’t) 教学难点: 1. 能理解两篇短文的内容并模仿写一篇小短文。 4教学过程 4.1 Step1:Presetion (1) Game (Eyes flash) Show some flags and get the students to say the countries. (USA, China, UK, Australia, India, Canada) Learn to say :map


中班科学公开课教案【优秀篇】 学习活动:各种各样的汽车 活动要求: 1、通过观察和比较等形式,知道汽车的功用及外形特征。 2、发展幼儿的观察比较和分析综合的水平。 活动准备:几中常见车的图片及玩具汽车。 关键点:幼儿独立得观察和比较,并分析出不同的车有不同的功用。 活动环节:操作要点 一、听各种车的声音 让幼儿仔细听,辨别出几种不同的汽车(有消防车、救护车、警 车和卡车等) 二、观察比较 1、出示自行车、消防车、警车、洒水车,让幼儿观察这些车的构造,有什么地方是一样的?哪些地方又是不一样的? 2、小结:这些车都有圆圆的车轮。消防车和警车的叫声不一样,消防车是红色的,上面有水箱、管子和梯子,专门用来救火的。警车 上白色的,专门用来抓坏人的。洒水车有水箱,用来清洁马路的。 3、说说这些车的功用,知道每种车都有不同的功用,所以有不 同的名字。 4、观察这些车的车轮,知道不一样的车车轮数也是不一样的, 有的有两个、三个或者四个、六个等。 三、说说你还看见过哪种车

幼儿说出和别人不一样的车,比比谁说得又对又多,并能说出它 们的功用。 幼儿园中班科学公开课教案二:风 活动内容:风 涉及领域:科学、语言 活动目标: 1、通过观察记录和动手操作活动,容幼儿尝试产生风的各种方法,激发幼儿探索自然现象的兴趣。 2、初步了解风力有大小之分,风力大小与人们的关系。 重点、难点:产生风的各种方法,风力的大小。 活动准备:幼儿感受过风,并有过观察记录,提供产生风的相关 操作材料,风与人们关系的图片。 活动过程: 1、看看说说,风在哪里? 教师:“前几天,我们到户外去寻找风娃娃,并画了观察记录。 请你轻轻地告诉旁边的朋友,你在哪里找到风娃娃?”张贴个别幼儿 的观察记录,请幼儿说出记录的内容。 小结:当我们看到树叶摇、红旗飘的时候就知道风吹来了,还能 够听到“呼呼”的声音,风吹到我们的身上感觉是凉凉的。 2、探索感受风的产生。 1)出示静止的纸条和风车,引导幼儿思考:“怎样才能使纸条、风车动起来呢?”“你有什么办法变出风娃娃来呢?”


Unit5 School life 一、Grammar and Gap Filler A. Grammar 1) I always/often…2) I like doing…/to do… 3) I enjoy doing... 4) I prefer doing… 5) I am going to…6) I did… 7) Comparative and superlative of adjective 形容词比较级和最高级 B. Gap Filler 表示正在思考: Let me see. How to say It is not easy to say It is hard to say 表示陈述事实: You know to be honest to be frank to tell you the truthin fact 表示要表达自己的看法: In my opinion I think 表示解释自己的句子: What I mean is that is to say what I want to say is

) E. Adverb (副词的比较级和最高级1 / 11 1)定义. 表示方式的副词,用来修饰动词和形容词的词,表示怎么做某事。副词大部分通过形容变化而来。 2)位置. 副词一般放在动词,形容词后 3)副词的构成. A. 一般情况下,在形容词后加-ly即可, e.g. quick-quickly The dog eats his dinner quickly。 slow-slowly Please drive slowly near the school. B. 若形容词以y结尾,变副词时,把y改成i 再加上ly, 即是以-ily结尾. e.g. happy-happily The children played happily in garden. easy-easily I did that homework easily. C. 特殊变化或者和形容词同形. e.g. good-well She speak English well. fast-fast The lion can run very fast. hard-hard We must study harder 4)副词的比较级和最高级. 副词和形容词一样有比较级和最高级之分,也分为规则变化和不规则变化.


Unit 3 School Life Lesson 14 Jenny's School Life Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims ●Knowledge Section: (1)Master the following words:middle, grade, print, guitar, fair (2)Common phrases:on one’s own ●Skill Section Continue to build up the ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, especially enable the students to make sentences in English about Jenny’s school life. ●Affect Section Get students to know how to describe Jenny’s school life correctly. 2.Teaching Focus Vocabulary and patterns in this lesson 3. Difficult points make … from, on one’s own Teaching Aids Multimedia, PPT Teaching Procedures Step I Class Opening (1 minutes) 1. Greeting T: Good morning, class! How are you today? Ss: Good morning, Miss Dai! Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fi ne, too. 2. Free Talk T: What’s the date today? S1:It’s April 7th. T: What day is it today? S2: It’s Monday. T: Look out of the window. What’s the weather like today? S3: It’s sunny. [设计思路:使用亲切、贴近生活的问候语言拉近师生关系,带学生自然进入英语氛围。]

幼儿园优质公开课 中班数学课件教案

中班数学活动: 风趣的梯形 (本教案有配套视频,教学PPT) 设计意图: 由于幼儿已经认识了圆形、三角形、正方形和长方形,本着循序渐进的原则,在此基础上认识梯形,对中班幼儿来说是一个学习的过程,也是一个提高的过程。因为梯形是有且只有一组对边平行的四边形,概念比较抽象,是幼儿所要认识的平面图形中最难的一种。因此,中班幼儿认识梯形,只要理解其特征,能找出相应的图形即可,不必要求幼儿用语言描述梯形的特征。 活动目标: 1、激发幼儿认识平面图形的兴趣及探索的欲望。 2、发展幼儿较机敏的观察力和抽象概括能力。 3、让幼儿基本掌握梯形的特征,找出梯形。 活动重难点: 1、活动重点: 初步了解梯形的特征。 2、活动难点: 认识例外摆放位置的、例外的梯形。 活动准备: 音乐、幻灯片、梯形和长方形人手一份、图形石子路、小信封装着各种图形 活动过程:

一、情景导入,引出主题 1、出示小白兔的幻灯片,引导幼儿观察小白兔的房子是由什么图形组合而成的。 2、感知梯形的特征。(四个角、四条边、上下两条边平行、长短不一) 3、长方形和梯形相比较。 二、观察了解梯形的特征,加深对梯形的认识 1、出示小白兔家其他地方的梯形,让幼儿认识,加深对梯形的了解。 2、出示幻灯片的梯形,让梯形按例外的方向旋转,加深对梯形的了解。 3、教师再次总结。 三、游戏《寻找梯形》 1、出示小白兔设计好的石子路,让幼儿认识设计稿里面的图形。 2、请幼儿帮忙,完成梯形xx的设计。 3、幼儿和教师一起检测梯形xx。 4、放音乐,踩着梯形xx去郊游。 活动反思: 我设计本节活动,主要从幼儿对平面图形认识开始,因为梯形的概念是一组对边平行而另一组对边不平行的四边形叫梯形。但由于中班幼儿的年龄特点梯形的概念不易理解就不要求幼儿用语言来描述梯形特征。本节活动我通过三个环节来完成。首先让幼儿感知梯形的多样化,通过操作活动让幼儿真正理解认识梯形,最后用游戏巩固本节活动。活动中幼儿的积极性很高都愿意参与到活动中,互动也可以。我感觉本目标完成的很好。


Periods 8 – 9 Project Starting a new school club I. Analysis of teaching material The topic of this unit is “Starting a new school club”. This period is about the project of this unit. This period contains two articleswritten by two students, which will give the students some ideas of what school clubs are like. Besides these two articles, it also has a project, which is to work in groups and design a poster advertising a new school club. This part gives out the concept of “4P”method, that is, to plan, to prepare, to produce and to present. This is the first time for the Ss to get to know the idea of “4P” method. We should explain it to them. And it will take the Ss a lot of time to get ready for the project. So we had better tell the Ss to collect some information and do sth for it in advance. First the teacher can divide the Ss into different groups so that group work can be carried out. In doing group work, the students will get some idea of team spirit. They are supposed to learn to cooperate with their group members so that they will be able to work with their colleagues in the future. After the step, the students will collect enough information about school clubs, therefore, we will be able to guide them to finish completing the poster following the “4P” method. II. Three-dimension objectives 1.To help the students to learn two articles about after-school activities in school. 2.To learn some expressions, especially “as” and “require”. 3.To help the students learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it. 4.To find out how an activity attracts the students and help them to learn what preparations to make when they plan to start a new school club. III. Teaching important and difficult points 1.To know the importance of arrangement and teamwork in starting a club. 2.To learn how to start a new school club and design a poster for it. 3.To understand the outline of starting a new school club. 4.To ensure every student to have a chance to express himself / herself. IV. Teaching aids A tape recorder and the multimedia. Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greetings and check the homework In the last period, students learned what a notice is and how to write it. And they were asked to write a notice based on the given information. Now, it is time for them to exchange their writings. The teacher can ask some to read or to write on the Bb to find out how well they have mastered. If there are some mistakes, the teacher should be careful enough to correct their mistakes without hurting their learning interest.. One sample version: STUDENTS NOTICE Speech Contest Cancelled Dear students, As the school sports meeting will be held soon, the planned Speech Contest on 8th Dec will be put off till 12th Dec. The School Office


Unit 2 School life 教案 三维目标: 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握课本中出现的重点词汇和句型 2. 熟练运用副词比较级和最高级的构成和用法 3. 熟练运用more/fewer/less...than 和the most/fewest/least进行比较 4. 学会谈论不同的学校及各类学生的学校生活 二、过程与方法 通过对比中外各类学校情况,借助课外媒体、材料,反复使用练习,在潜移默化中学好本单元需要掌握的知识点和语言点. 三、情感态度与价值了解中西方学校情况,感受中西方文化如在教育、人文等反面的异同,为理解英语、学好英语奠定基础. Period 1 Welcome to the unit Teaching aims and demands: 1. Talk about the school life and review the words about school life. 2. Learn different words which mean the same thing between British English and American English. 3. Learn the differences between British English and American English. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Grasp the spelling of British words and American words such as shop and store, lorry and truck, film and movie, football and soccer, and so on. 2. Know the differences between British English and American English. 3. Grasp the words: British, lorry, eraser, fall, store, truck, movie, soccer 4. Grasp the phrases: be cleverer than, be like doing 5. Grasp the sentences: Why don’t sb do sth? =Why not do sth? What’s school like? Teaching preparation: pictures, recorder, computer, and the flags of Britain and England Teaching steps: StepⅠLead-in T: Do you like our school? What do you like? How many subjects do you learn? Can you tell me some names of them? S: Chinese, Math, English, PE, Geography, etc. (Encourage the Ss to say more about it.) T: Good. Is there another word for Math? S: Yes. Maths. T: Great. Maths is Math. Maths is British English. While Math is American English (write on Bb) StepⅡPre-task (Welcome to the unit) Show the flags of the UK and the USA. Tell them that people speak English in both Britain and the USA, but sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing. T: I know many boys like playing football. Do you know what it says in American English? S: Soccer. T: Do you know the same use of other words? Please give me some examples. Write other right answers of the students on the Bb. Teach the


中班优质课教案:《小老鼠和泡泡糖》 学情分析: 中班幼儿喜欢动物,模仿力强,对音乐节奏也有了初步的理解能力,4——5岁又是游戏活动的黄金时期,针对幼儿这一心理发展特点,我选择了中班下册主题五“奇妙动物”中的一节音乐游戏《小老鼠和泡泡糖》。小老鼠风趣、诙谐的动物形象深受孩子们的喜爱。活动中通过活泼欢快的AB两段乐曲,形象地表现出小老鼠跑、看、拽等各种动作,并通过模仿老鼠偷偷走、拽泡泡糖、被猫吓倒等有趣的内容,让幼儿感受活动的无限乐趣。 活动目标 1、能根据乐曲旋律合拍地做老鼠走、左右张望的动作。 2、尝试夸张地表现小老鼠拽泡泡糖的表情和动作. 3、知道泡泡糖会破坏我们的环境,增强幼儿的环保意识。 活动准备: 1、生活中了解泡泡糖有粘性的特点。 2、音乐课件、图谱。 3、老鼠头饰、老鼠洞。 活动重难点: 1、重点:幼儿根据音乐合拍地做小老鼠走、东张西望的动作表演。(在实践的过程中,我发现让幼儿根据音乐合拍做小老鼠走对中班幼儿来说有一定的难度,也失去了小老鼠诙谐动物形象的特点,所以在本次活动中我将活动重点放在能根据音乐合拍做小老鼠停下来东张西望的动作表演) 2、难点:尝试夸张地表现小老鼠拽泡泡糖的表情和动作. 活动过程: 一、开始部分:设置悬念激发幼儿兴趣 师:今天老师带来了两个礼物(教师出示右手)这是什么?(泡泡糖)你们吃过泡泡糖吗?吃完的泡泡糖拿在手里有什么感觉?(粘粘的)看这是谁呀?(教师出示左手小老鼠)小老鼠和泡泡糖之间会发生什么事呢?小朋友想不想知道?老师今天带来了一首好听的音乐讲的就是小老鼠和泡泡糖的故事,我们一起来听

听吧! 二、基本部分 (一)、通过故事帮助幼儿理解音乐内容。 (播放音乐) 师:听完了音乐小朋友猜猜小老鼠和泡泡糖之间发生了什么事? 小朋友想了这么多有趣的故事?那小老鼠和泡泡糖之间到底发生了什么事呢?我们一起来看看! (播放音乐动画,教师简单讲故事) 老鼠妈妈睡着了,小老鼠偷偷跑出来玩,它怕被猫发现,跑几步就停下来左看看右看看,突然它踩到一个粘乎乎的东西,哎呀!它拽呀拽!可是越拽越长,粘到手上、头上、腿上到处都是,最后像绳子一样把自己捆了起来,喵,不好了猫来了,小老鼠吓的叽里咕噜地滚回了家。 师:听完了故事小朋友来说一说故事讲了什么?(幼儿回答) 原来小老鼠趁妈妈睡午觉偷偷出来玩,小老鼠在出来玩的时候是怎样走的呢?这次我们边听边看. (二)、出示图谱完整听音乐,帮助幼儿理解音乐节奏,学做动作 1、随图谱完整听音乐,感知音乐节奏。 2、引导幼儿分段学做动作 师:原来小老鼠是在妈妈睡觉时偷偷出来玩的,怎样是偷偷地走?(幼儿模仿)为什么要偷偷的?(怕猫)它怕被猫发现所以呀“小老鼠东走走西看看”,谁来表演一下小老鼠?(幼儿模仿)刚刚我们表演了小老鼠的走,那看看谁来学学?(幼儿表演) 师:哦,原来小老鼠走路的步伐是这样的“小老鼠东走走西看看”(教师师范小老鼠走的节奏)小老鼠东走走西看看是向一个方向看还是向两边看?(两边看)那它是边走边看还是走几步停下来看?在说哪个字的时候停(引导幼儿按节奏做动作)在说西的时候用不用看?看了几次(两次)谁来走走看?好,我们先坐在椅子上试试!小老鼠走了几遍?我刚刚发现有的小老鼠走得太快了,这样很容易被猫发现,再来看看小老鼠是怎样走的?好,现在我们起来走走看!(老师唱旋律幼儿做动作)


2019-2020年高中英语Unit1Schoollife Teaching aims: 1. Warm up for the topic of this unit. 2. Let Ss know each other and improve their spoken skills. 3. Encourage Ss to talk about their ideal school life for future changes. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Greeting 1. Make a brief self-introduction to the Ss, include your experience, interest, your habit of teaching and your requirements of the class as well. 2. Ask Ss to make a self-introduction card: their names, interest, motto, ambition, promise or whatever they’d like others to know about themselves. Ask 2 or 3 students to make a brief introduction. 3. Ask Ss to form groups of 6 or 8, and introduce themselves to each other, meanwhile collect information about different tastes or interests in their groups and make notes. Step 2. Going through the tasks in textbook 1. Say “You’ve met each other and you’ll spend 3 years together here for your senior high school period. Before you graduate from junior middle school, what did you think high school is like?”Collect different ideas about what they thought of high school. And then sum up their ideas: “High school may be a time of discovery, learning and hard work for Ss all over the world.” 2. Go through the pictures on page 1 of our textbook with the whole class, while checking whether they’re the same with Chinese schcool life. Collect answers to the first 2 questions by asking Ss individually. 3. Allow Ss some minutes to discuss the third topic with each other in small groups or in pairs and list down the key points of their dream school life. To simplize the task, you can instruct them to discuss the topic in such aspects as time, subjects, homework, activities, teachers, classmates, rules and so on. Step 3. Free choices for different classes Read and explain half of the words and expressions in this unit if possible. Or give Ss some extra materials to read if possible. Step 4. Homework 1. Write a short passage to show what your dream school life is like. 2. Preview the new words & expressions and the text “School life in the UK”. 3. Finish some extra reading tasks for best class.

译林英语4B Project 1 My school life教学设计

4B Project 1 My school life教学设计(第二课时) 一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4B Project 1 My school life 二、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 在情境中帮助学生复习1~4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~4单元的单词和句型。 2.技能目标: (1)以“Show school life”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 (2)培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~4单元词句进行交流。 3.情感目标:在活动中培养团结协作的精神,提高学生感受美的能力以及培养 学生学习英语的兴趣。 三、教学重、难点 让学生运用所学句型进行学校话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性,并能在实际生活中灵活地运用。 四、教学准备:PPT,阅读材料 五、教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1、Open day 引出新朋友Tom,在Tom的自我介绍中渗透单词from, Primary School,和building等单词。 2、Show your favorite place of our school to Tom.(利用上节课的实践材料半成品) 从学生提供的场所中精心挑选gym, Art room和library这三站与Tom一起感受我们的校园生活。 Step2 Presentation and practice

Stop1 gym (1)Free talk What can we do in the gym ?和What can’t we do in the gym?根据首字母提示完成句子。 Tip: We can be a polite boy/girl here. (2)Say a chant Jump, jump, I can jump. Fun, fun, It's fun. Shout, shout, I can’t shout. Polite, polite, Let’s be polite. (3)Make a new chant for Tom Stop2 Art room (1)Making time 学生利用上节课准备的实践材料Stick our school map Tip: Don’t for get to mark the name of the places. (2)Map show 学生利用自己的作品向Tom介绍自己的学校和学校生活,即To be a school guide。 Our school life This is _____. It’s _____We have _____ . I can_____________. …I love _____ . We have a happy time here! Stop3 Library 1、(1) Listen and circle(文本)
