


Choose the best answer

() 1. Who is your best friend?

_____ best friend is Mike.

A. I

B. My

C. Me

() 2.____ is the sheep’s best friend.

A. tiger

B. lion

C. goat

() 3. Which floor do you live on?

I live on the ____ floor.

A. five

B. fifth

C. 5

() 4. How many floors are there in your building?

There are ____ floors.

A. 8

B. eighth C 8th

() 5.Shall I go home now?

A. Yes, you shall

B. No, thanks

C. No, you can’t

()6. Shall we go to the zoo?

A. Yes, we shall

B.O K, let’s go

C. It’s a zoo

() 7.Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

A. Yes, I like

B. Yes, I’ love some

C. Yes, I’d love to () 8.Would you like some pasta?

A. Yes, I’d love some

B. Yes, I like

C.No, I don’t like () 9. Tom is hungry. He would like ______

A. a cup of tea

B. some water

C. some burgers

() 10. It’s hot outside. I would like to______

A. go skating

B. put on a coat

C. go swimming

4. Unscramble the sentences连词成句10%

1). is your who best friend


2). shall we park to go


3). would like you play football me with


4). Tom the floor lives on 9th


5). I riding like on horse a


5. Answer the questions 根据你的实际回答下列问题

1)Who is your best friend?


2)Which floor do you live on


3) Which floor does your best friend live on?


4) Shall we go home now?


5) Would you like to have a cup of tea?


6. Ask questions 对划线部分提问

1)Mr. Xu teaches Chinese in China.


2) Tom watches TV every day.


3) I go to school by car every day.


4) I went to bed at 9:00 yesterday.


5) Susan is from China.


7. Read and answer 根据文章回答问题

I live in a tall building. I go to school by car every day. After school I often play soccer with my friends. I live on the twelfth floor. May lives one storey(层)above(在…上方). We take a lift up and down. But today, there is


剑桥少儿英语二级下册期中测试题 Name: score: 笔试部分 一、翻译题下列单词。(40分) jungle forest lake plant island countryside field village river waterfall rainy windy snowy cloudy rainbow sunny earache toothache stomachache headache 四、翻译下列短语。(15分) 一杯茶一杯咖啡 一瓶果汁一瓶绿茶 一袋玉米花一盒玩具 一碗米饭一碗汤 一双鞋一条短裤 五、写出下列动词的过去形式。(20分) go see eat swim play visit carry study work climb live hope 选择题。(15分) ()1、---Where did you go last Saturday? --- A、I go to visit the jungle. B、I went to visit the jungle. ()2、--- Where would you like to go in the holiday? --- A、I’d like to go to the countryside. B、I like to go to the countryside. ()3、---What’s the matter with yo u? --- A、I’ve got a headache. B、She’s got a headache. ()4、I like sunny days I can play outside. A 、because B、so C、if ()5、I can see with my .A、nose B、eyes C、ears 阅读部分:(20分) A Sam's father works in a computer company. He goes to work very early. Every morning he works at a computer. He's very busy. He always has his lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon.Sometimes after lunch he goes to visit an art museum. In the evening , he often paints some pictures before he goes to bed.. He often says to Sam ," You must work hard at your lessons so that you can enjoy yourself! " 1 、Where does Sam's father work? 2 、Is he very busy?



剑桥少儿英语一级必须掌握的内容 上册 Unit One 基本句型:Hello , your name, please? This is my new book. Hi ! I’m Pat. His name is Bill. Bill is my friend. Nice to see you . Show me your pen. 重点朗读词汇:a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser, my, your, his 男孩名字:Sam, Bill, Alex, Tom, Ben, Fan, Dan

女孩名字:Pat, Lucy, Ann, Sue, May, Jill, Lan, Kim 重点记忆词汇:a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser, my, your, his Class Book: Exercise 1,2,3,4 家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第5页的第9部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读一遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、在一张纸上画十个指头人,并在每个指头人的下面写一个已经学过的英文名字。 Unit Two 基本句型:What’s this, Mr. Li? It’

s a goat. It’s a long tail. Smil, please. This is my cat. I love it. Let me try. 重点朗读词汇:a horse, a fish, a duck, a turtle, a cow, a rabbit, a cat, a chicken, a dog, a sheep, a frog, a goat 重点记忆词汇:horse, fish, duck, turtle, cow, rabbit, cat, chicken, dog, sheep, frog, goat Class Book: Exercise 1,3,4 家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第11页的第9部分歌曲唱熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听

剑桥少儿英语2B 教案+试题-剑桥少儿英语二级下册2B教案_Unit_2

Unit 2 What’s the weather like today? Teaching aims and demands: ★Learn more about weather. ★Improve the reading ability by the passage learning. The main and difficult points: ★Sentence structures: 1.What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny. 2.I like sunny days because I cando many things outside. 3.I don’t like rainy days because it’s wet outside. ★New words: weather, sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy, foggy, rainbow, because, outside, wet, cool the air, fall asleep, sweet, snowflake, sunset, dark, light, mean, bicycle, cousin, grandparent. ★Passage (Part 6) Teaching materials:新知堂课件、自制课件 Teaching process: Activity 1: Free talk ※What day is it today? ※What do you often do on Monday? ※Where are you going ? ※Do you want to go there in a nice weather or the others? Activity 2: New lesson


剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集 Unit 1 What’your name ? Hello! I’m Nick. What’your name ? I’m Lucy. How old are you Seven. Come! Let’s play. Hi! I’m Nick. What’s your name? My name’s Lucy. Hello, I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. My name’s Ben. I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. She’s kelly. He’s Jerry. 教小朋友单词:Let us read it word让我们一起读单词吧hello 喂你好I 我 he 他表示男他she 她表示女她

am 是,在what 什么 you 你your 你的 name 名字my 我的 how 怎样old 年老的,旧的 seven 七 看图小朋友们在做游戏: Hello!I’m Nick. What’s your name? 你好!我叫尼克,你叫什么名字? I’m Lucy. 我是露丝 How old are you?你几岁了 Seven我七岁了 Come!Let’s play!来吧,让我们一起玩吧! Hi! I’m Nick.What’s your name?你好!我是尼克。你叫什么名字?My name’s Lucy.我的名字叫露茜。 Hello,I’m Kelly.你好,我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 I’m kelly. 我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry. 你好,我是杰瑞 She’s Kelly.她是凯莉。 He’s Jerry.他是杰瑞


剑桥少儿英语 剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。 剑桥少儿英语分为:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。 预备级:适合5-6岁,经过大约80小时的英语学习,掌握约280个词汇的学生参加,预备级考试只设口试,无听力和读写内容; 剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters): 一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约460个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为459个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为439个); 剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers): 二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约770个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为772个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为674个); 剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers): 三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约150小时的英语学习,掌握约430个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为427个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为398个)。 考试大概内容: 读写(Reading and Writing ) 这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 听力(Listening) 这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 口试(Speaking) 这部分是个面对面的持续约5到10分钟的考试。考试由经验丰富的,经过培训的合格考官执


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末试题 一.将下列数字按顺序排列。(20分) one nine two four eight seven five six ten three ____________________________________________________________ 二.把下列单词连到对应的位置。(20分) eye hand sock leg shirt mouth shorts shoes hair arm 三.看一看,读一读,在( 20分) 1)This is a cow . 2)This is a boy. 3)This is a duck. 4)This is a flag. 5)This is a cat. 四.连线。(20分) on the desk under the chair in the box between the books behind the cat next to the bus 在椅子的下面在箱子里面在课桌上在小猫的后面靠近公共汽车在书中间

飞机轮船自行车小船吉普车 bike plane ship boat jeep 五.选择括号中对应的单词。(10分) Two little________小熊(a. bears b. monkeys)are going home. They are very_______难过 (a. happy b. sad). They havn’t got any honey. They come to a big_______黄色(a. yellow b. orange)house. They are very ______高兴(a. happy b. sad)now. A little______小猫(a. cat b. dog)and a little_____小狗(a. cat b. dog)come to play with them. 六.用正确的词填空。(10分) 1.one plus two is_______. 2. two plus three is________. 3. three plus_________ is seven. 4.six minus three is_______. 5. eight minus _______ is one.


剑桥少儿英语二级考试试题 姓名:分数: Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. ( 6x2’=12’) Questions: 1. It looks like a horse but it is black and white. ______________ 2. Animals like tigers, monkeys and lions live in this. ______________ 3. It is the biggest animal in the world. ______________ 4. It is very long and people go to the other places by this. ______________ 5. This animal can give us milk to drink. ______________ 6. It can hop and has long ears and red eyes. _______________ Write the correct words. (10x1’=10’) Example: big bigger biggest 1. good _________ __________ 2. happy _________ __________ 3. short _________ __________ 4. fat _________ __________ 5. hot _________ __________ Look and write down the correct words. (6x1’=6) puos wanchisd odlone ______________ ______________ ______________ aredb ziazp ergurb ______________ ______________ ______________ IV. Choose the correct answer. ( 5x2’=10’) 1.There are many clouds now. It’s going to _____________. A. rains B. rain C. rainy D. raining 2.May has a fever. I’ll take her to the ______________. A. cinema B. school C. hospital D. park 3.Is your aunt your mother’s sister?_____________________. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t C. Yes. He is. D. No, she is. 4.This hat isn’t _____________. It’s ________________. A. Kate’s; my. B. Kate; me. C. Kate; I. D. Kate’s; mine 5.Are you hungry now?._________ Yes, it is. B. I’m hungry. C. Yes, I am. V. Unscramble the sentences. ( 4x1’=4’) 1. is / supper / cooking / she / the / in / kitchen.


剑桥少儿一级上要求背诵课文和单词 一单元: 1.背诵part9 2..听写pencil-case(铅笔盒)、ruler(尺子)、book(书)、bag(书包)、eraser(橡皮)、desk(课桌)、my(我的)、your(你的)、his(他的)、our(我们的)。 二单元: 1.熟唱part9 2.听写horse(马)、fish(鱼)、duck(鸭子)、turtle(乌龟)、cow(奶牛)、rabbit(兔子)、chicken(小鸡)、goat(山羊)、frog(青蛙)、sheep(绵羊)。 三单元 1.背诵part11 2.听写apple(苹果)、banana(香蕉)、pear(梨子)、grape(葡萄)、mango(芒果)、orange(橙子)、peach (桃子)、coconut(椰子)、lemon(柠檬)、watermelon(西瓜) 四单元: 1.背诵part9 2.听写bird(鸟)、clock(闹钟)、hat(高顶帽)、baseball(棒球)、table(桌子)、flower(花)、sock(袜子)、watch(手表)、car(小汽车)、pig(猪) 五单元: 1.背诵part8 2.听写hair(头发)、eye(眼睛)、ear(耳朵)、leg(腿)、hand(手)、foot(脚)、head(头)、nose(鼻子)、mouth(嘴巴)、arm(手臂) 六单元: 听写game(游戏)、draw(画画)、bee(蜜蜂)、cup(茶杯)、hat(帽子)、ice cream(冰激凌)、jacket (夹克)、mouse(老鼠) 七单元: 1.背诵part8 2.听写fruit(水果)、potato(土豆)、pineapple(菠萝)、bean(胡豆)、carrot(胡萝卜)、tomato(西红柿)、onion(洋葱)、pea(青豆)、pumpkin(南瓜)、vegetable(蔬菜) 八单元 1.背诵part1 2.听写blue(蓝色)、yellow(黄色)、brown(棕色)、white(白色)、black(黑色)、green(绿色)、purple (紫色)、pink(粉色)、grey(灰色)、red(红色) 九单元: 1.背诵part8 2.听写train(火车)、jeep(吉普车)、ship(轮船)、boat(小船)、plane(飞机)、bus(公交车)、motorbike (摩托车)、mat(地毯)、under(在….的下面)、behind(在….的后面) on(在…上面)、between(在…之间)、next to(在…的旁边)、in front of(在..的前面) 十单元: 听写数字1-20



剑桥少儿英语二级试题 一、Fill in the blanks填空完成单词 T_u_esday星期二 w_i_ndy刮风的 _e_nglish英语面包 s_o_me一些 br_e_ad M_o_nday星期一 cl_o_udy多云的 Ch__inese汉语 wa__ter水 _a_ny任的二、Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在下面相应的横线上 hotter,easier,hottest,easiest,buses,working,tries, came,women,running, has, took,boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got (1)名词复数

bus_buses___ box_boxes_____ man____men____ woman_____women_____ (2) -ing形式 work_____working__ have___having____ fly__flying___ run_runing______ (3)第三人称单数 try __tries____ wash _____washes___ go__goes_________ have___has_______ (4)比较级最高级 easy___ ___ hot_hotest_______ 三.、Read and match在相应的词语之间连线 (1) see films (A) cinema电影院 (2) play (B) TV (3) read books (C)


剑桥少儿英语一年级预 备级课本 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集 Unit 1 What’your name Hello! I’m Nick. What’your name I’m Lucy. How old are you Seven. Come! Let’s play. Hi! I’m Nick. What’s your name My name’s Lucy. Hello, I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. My name’s Ben. I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. She’s kelly. He’s Jerry. 教小朋友单词:Let us read it word让我们一起读单词吧

hello 喂你好 I 我 he 他表示男他 she 她表示女她 am 是,在 what 什么 you 你 your 你的 name 名字 my 我的 how 怎样 old 年老的,旧的 seven 七 看图小朋友们在做游戏: Hello!I’m Nick. What’s your name 你好!我叫尼克,你叫什么名字 I’m Lucy. 我是露丝 How old are you你几岁了 Seven我七岁了 Come!Let’s play!来吧,让我们一起玩吧! Hi! I’m ’s your name你好!我是尼克。你叫什么名字My name’s Lucy.我的名字叫露茜。 Hello,I’m Kelly.你好,我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 I’m kelly. 我是凯莉


Unit1 Hello!I ’ m Sam 单词: pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 book 书 bag 包eraser 橡皮 new 新的 my 我的 your 你的 his 他的 her 她的 our 我们的 their 他们的board 写字板 sand 沙子 mat 垫子 map 地图 party 聚会 time 时间 cousin 堂,表(兄弟姐妹) show 展示 句型: 1. Hello, your name, please?你好,你叫什名字? 2.Wow! This is my new book!哇!这是我的新书。 3.Show me your pen!让我看看你的钢笔。 4.Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴! 音标: Aa/? / Unit 2 It ’ s a goat. 单词: sheep 绵羊 horse 马 chicken 小鸡 cow 奶牛 goat 山羊 rabbit 兔子 fish 鱼turtle 乌龟 frog 青蛙 lizard 蜥蜴 world 世界 smile 微笑 tail 尾巴 love 爱句型: 1.It ’s a long 这tail是.一条长尾巴。 2. Smile, please!请笑一笑。 3.— What’ s this, Mr. Li?李先生,—这是什么? — It ’ s a goat它.是一—只山羊。 4.Let me try.让我试一下。 音标: Ee /e/ Unit3 I like apples. 单词 :fruit 水果 apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 orange 橘子 peach 桃 watermelon 西瓜 grape 葡萄 mango 芒果 grapefruit 柚子 coconut 椰子 pineapple 菠萝 pear 梨


一、单词辩音,在听到的单词上打√(10分) 1. A. play B. plane 2. A. Fifty B. fifteen 3. A. house B. horse 4. A. would B. should 5. A. doctor B. daughter 6. A. cat B. kite 7. A. straight B. street 8. A. litter B. little 9. A. exciting B. interesting

A. Whose book is it ? B. Is this your book ? C. Who has a book ? ( ) 2. There books on the desk. A. are B. is C. is n’t ( ) 3. Where are you going? I’m ______ to the su permarket. A. go B. going C. went ( ) 4. Whose pet is this? I think it’s __________. A. my B. me C. mine ( ) 5.-Can you climb trees? -________ A.Yes, I can’t B.Yes, I do C.No, I can’t ( ) 6. May has a fever(发烧). I’ll take her to the ______________. A. cinema B. school C. hospital D. park ( ) 7. Can I ask you a ______________. A. question B. desk C. hospital D. park ( ) 8. what's the English ______________"zhifa". A. in B. at C. for D. to ( ) 9. I have ______________two big eyes. A. eat B. got C. dance D. sleep ( ) 10. I often sing ______________ in the music room . A. pictures B. toys C. football D. songs ( ) 11. What does Bob ______________doing? A. drink B. like C. read D. dance ( ) 12. ____________________book is it? It's yours. A. Whose. B. What C. When. D. How. ( ) 13. You mustn't ________________litter in the park. A. pick B. drop C. watch D. eat 三、连线(10分) You can play it book You can sleep on it TV You can put you foot in it bike You can drink it football You can watch it swimming pool You can read it bed You can sing it water You can ride it classroom You can swim in it song You can learn in it shoe 四、根据要求完成下面的题目(25分) 1. 连线找出反义词 Slow strong fat big cold Thin hot quick weak small


4/9 1 Unit 1 (1) name[ neim ]名字(2)pen[ pen ]钢笔(3)pencil[ ?pensl ]铅笔(4)pencil-case [ ?pensl keis ] 铅笔盒(5)ruler [ ?ru?l? ] 尺(6)book [ buk ] 书(7)bag [ b?g ]书包(8)eraser[ i?reiz? ]橡皮(9)new[ nju?]新的(10)my[ mai; mi ]我的(11)your[ j??, ju? ]你的(12)his [ hiz;iz ]他的(13)her[ h??; ??h?, ? ]她的(14)our [ ?au? ] 我们的(15)their [ eε?, e?r ] 他们的(16)friend [ frend ] 朋友(17)cousin [ ?k?zn ] 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 (一)Hello,your name,please?你好,请问你叫什么名字?I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。Wow!This is my new book! 哇!这是我的新书!This is my new pencil! 这是我的新铅笔!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!Hi! I’m Pat. 嗨!我是帕特。I’m An Qi. 我是安齐Hi! I’m Zhang Xin. 嗨!我是张新Hello! I’m Lucy.你好!我是露西。My new book! 我的新书My new book!我的新书 (七)Hello! 您好!I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。His name is Bill. 他的名字叫比尔。Bill is my friend. 比尔是我的朋友。Hello! 您好!I’m An Qi. 我是安齐。His name is Alex. 他的名字是亚力克斯。Alex is my friend.亚力克斯是我的朋友。Nice to see you ! 很高兴见到你!Nice to see you ,too! 我也很高兴见到你!(九)My friends are your friends. 我的朋友是你的朋友。 (九)Your friends are my friends. 你的朋友是我的朋友。 His friends are her friends. 他的朋友是她的朋友。 Her friends are his friends. 她的朋友都是他的朋友。 Our friends are their friends. 我们的朋友是他们的朋友。 Their friends are our friends. 他们的朋友是我们的朋友。 4/16 2 Unit 2 (1) long [ l?? ]长的(2)tail [ teil ]尾巴(3)smile [ smail ]微笑(4) animal [ ??nim?l ]动物(5)world [ w??ld ]世界(6)please [ pli?z ]请(7)love [ l?v ] 爱(8)horse [ h??s ] 马(9)cow [ kau ]奶牛(10)rabbit [ ?r?bit ]兔子(11)cat [ k?t ] 猫 (一)It’s a long tail. 它是一条长尾巴Smile, please! 请微笑 What’s this Mr.Li? 这是什么,李先生?It’s a goat. 这是一只山羊 Hello, friends! 你好,朋友们!This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界 This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界。Please love our animals! 请爱我们的动物! (1)a horse 一匹马(2) a cow 一头奶牛(3) a fish 一条鱼(4)a duck 一只鸭子(5)a turtle 一只乌龟(6)a chicken 一只鸡(7)a rabbit 一只兔子(8)a cat 一只猫(9)a dog 一只狗(10)a frog 一只青蛙(11)a sheep 一只绵羊 4/23 3 Unit 2 (1)dog [ d?g]狗(2)chicken [ ?t∫ikin ]小鸡(3)sheep[ ∫i?p ]绵羊(4)frog [ fr?g ] 青蛙(5) goat[ g?ut ]山羊(6)duck [ d?k ]鸭子(7)turtle[ ?t??tl ]乌龟(8)fish [ fi∫ ]鱼(9)elephant [ ?elif?nt ] 大象(10)lizard [ ?liz?d ] 蜥蜴(11)farm [ fɑ?m ] 农场 (七)This is my cat.I loveit. 这是我的猫。我爱它。Let me try! 让我试试! (九)Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克唐纳有个农场, E-I-E-I-O.


剑桥少儿英语二级考试真题 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. (6x2 '12 ' Questions: 1. It looks like a horse but it is black and white. 2. An imals like tigers, mon keys and lions live in this. ___________ 3. It is the biggest animal in the world. _____________ 精品文档,超值下载 4. It is very long and people go to the other places by this. ______________ 5. This ani mal can give us milk to drink. _____________ 6. It can hop and has long ears and red eyes. _______________ I. Write the correct words. (10x1 '10 ' Example: big bigger biggest I. good ___________________ 2. happy ___________________ 3. short ___________________ 4. fat ___________________ 5. hot ___________________ II. Look and write dow n the correct words. (6x1 '6) puos wan chisd odl one aredb ziazp ergurb IV. Choose the correct answer. ( 5x2 '10 ' 1. There are many clouds no w. It s go ing to ______________ . A. rains B. rain C. rainy D. rai ning 2. May has a fever. I 1l take her to the _______________ . A. cin ema B. school C. hospital D. park 3. Is your aunt your mother 's sister? ____________________ . A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn t C. Yes. He is. D. No, she is. 4. This hat isn ' _____________ .' ________________ . A. Kate ' my. B. Kate; me. C. Kate; I. D. Kate ' mine


剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集Unit 1What’your name ? Hello! I’m Nick. What’your name ? I’m Lucy. How old are you Seven. Come! Let’s play. Hi! I’m Nick. What’s your name? My name’s Lucy. Hello, I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. My name’s Ben. I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. She’s kelly. He’s Jerry. 教小朋友单词: Let us read it word让我们一起读单词吧

hello喂你好I我 he他表示男他she她表示女她am是,在what什么 you你your你的 name名字my我的 how怎样old年老的,旧的 seven七 看图小朋友们在做游戏: Hello!I’m Nick. What’s your name? 你好!我叫尼克,你叫什么名字? I’m Lucy.我是露丝 How old are you?你几岁了 Seven我七岁了 Come!Let’s play!来吧,让我们一起玩吧! Hi! I’m Nick.What’s your name?你好!我是尼克。你叫什么名字?My name’s Lucy.我的名字叫露茜。 Hello,I’m Kelly.你好,我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 I’m kelly.我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞


剑桥少儿英语二级第一集hospital 医院['h?spitl] cinema电影院['sinim?] library 图书馆['laibr?ri] market交易; 市集; 需求[?mɑ:k?t] zoo 动物园[zu:] park 公园[pɑ:k] shop 商店 [??p] supermarket超级市场[?su:p?mɑ:k?t] farm农场[fɑ:m] all全部,都[?:l] weekend 周末['wi:kend] 剑桥少儿英语二级第二集 Weather天气[?wee?(r)] sunny 晴朗的['s?ni] fine好的,上等的[fa?n] rain 雨;下雨[rein] rainy下雨的,多雨的 [?re?ni] windy有风的 [?w?ndi] cloud 云[klaud] cloudy多云的; 阴天的[?kla?di] snow积雪; 雪 [sn??]

snowy 下雪的['sn?ui] cold 寒冷的[k?uld] hot热的[h?t] about 关于;大约['?baut] outside外面;在外面; 向外面 [?a?t?sa?d] rainbow彩虹[?re?nb??] shout大叫; 呐喊; 大叫着说 [?a?t] 剑桥少儿英语二级第三集 ours 我们的['au?z] mine我的[main] yours你的,你们的[ju?z] theirs他(她,它)们的[e??z] pet宠物; 宠儿[pet] video录像机,收音机[?v?di??] comic连环图画,喜剧的['k?mik] scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] flat平的; 单调的; [fl?t] village村民; 乡村,村庄[?v?l?d?] come 来; 出现[k?m] need需要; 必须[ni:d] best 最;极[best] cd唱片,光盘[?si: ?di:]


Unit IWhat ' s your name? Hello! I ' m Ted. What ' s your name? I ' m Jeff. How old are you? Seven. Come! Let ' s play. I ' m??=Iam…You' re …=Youare …He' s ........... =Heis …She' s…=She is … It ' s…=It is We re …=We are …They' re …=They are …Come in please and close the door.Go to school and don ' t be late.Unit 2What ' s this? What' s this? It ' s letter A. Hello, Ted. Which is the letter B? This is the letter B. Yes, you ' re right. Hello, Meg, is this a bag? Yes, it is. Is that a bag, too? No, it isn ' t. It ' s a handbag. Unit 3What colour do you like? What colour do you like? I like yellow. What about you? What colours are they? What colouris it? Unit 4How many ducks are there?

How many ducks are there? There aretwo. Hello, Tom! Hello, Pat! Look! There are lots of chicks here. How many? I don ' t know. Let ' s count them. One, two, three, …eight. Yes, there are eight. Unit 5Have you gotany fish? Have you got any fish? Yes, I have. / No,I haven ' t. Unit 6Has he gota teddy bear? Has he got a teddy bear? No, he hasn ' t. But he ' s got a ball. I have got a dog, but my sister has got a cat. We have got English books, but we haven ' t got maths books.I /You /They W have got …He /She has got …=I /You /They /We ' ve g(gtot ??…UWe/She ' family Hello, I ' m Teddy. This is my grandmother. She I ' s 25 years old.They and grandfather. Hi! I ' m Tim. They ' re my brothers. Have you got a hat? No, I haven ' t. Is it for me?
