



Revised on November 25, 2020


Inferring推断,gist listening主旨,listening for details,dictation

Models:top-down model, down-top model, interactive model



Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know something about...; learn

some new words and phrases.

2.Ability aim: The students will be able to develop their listening abilities such as

listening for the gist, the specific information and predicting skills...

3.Emotional aim: The students will be abl e to know that they should…/

Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

Teaching Aid: CAI

Teaching Procedures:

1.Step 1: lead-in

Play the song “…” and ask students to talk something about it.

2.Step 2: pre-listening


Go through the new words and phrases.

3.Step 3: while-listening

Ask students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions: Who, When, Where, What.

Listen to the tape again, ask students to choose the correct answers.

Do the dictation.

4.Step 4: post-listening

Let students discuss the story in pairs and then retell the story.

5.Step 5: Summary (or consolidation)

6.Step 6: Homework

Recites the words

Do another exercise about …on Page…

Blackboard Design:

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Welcome back to my class. I am so glad to see you again. How are you today Great! Now I will play a song for you, please listen carefully to the content.

T: What a happy song! So what is this song about

T: Exactly, holiday!

T: How do you feel about holiday As we all know, winter holiday is coming. What are you going to do on holiday Sleep, watch TV, or travel with parents I see. It seems like all of you have had a plan.

T: Well, today we will listen to a tape about holiday, but before the listening, let’s go through the new words and phrases first. ….(Who can make a sentence using this word ; Lily, can you guess the meaning of this word Good job; Anyone knows the meaning of this phrases Chris, have a try! Great, it’s very close to its meaning.; Who can translate this sentence into Chinese Yeah, Bob please.)

T: Ok, so much for the news words and phrases. Now, listen to the tape carefully, and then answer following questions: Who When Where What happened

T: 读材料

T: The first question, who can answer it in volunteer Oh, John please.

T: Good! It’s…

T: The second question, who want to try Tom, please.

T: Great! ….

T: Susan, can you answer the third question

T: Good job! It’s in….

T: Who can answer the last question Don’t be shy, just have a try! Victoria

T: It’s a difficult question but you did very well. But to be more precise, she didn’t …, inst ead, she…

T: Now, listen to the tape again and do the dictation.

T: Let’s check your work one by one. Tom, you first!

T: Perfect! …(原文第一句话)Cindy, next.

T: Good, but you miss two words. It should be ….(原文第二句话) Next one, Stacey.

T: Good job. Pay attention to the word “…”, it’s x-x-x-x-x. Next, Bob.

T: Very good. …

T: Now, who can be the first one to retell the story Great! Peter, please.

T: Very good job. Anyone else Lily, please.

T: Also great! This story is … I think all of you have understand this story. You guys did a very good job today. But still remember to practice more after class. So the

homework is to make a plan for your holiday and I will ask some students to share their plans next class.

Ok, that's all for today's class. See you!




Teaching contents:

Teaching Aims:

1.Knowledge aim: The students will be able to know something about...; learn

some words and phrases to describe...

2.Ability aim: The students will be able to express their opinion on …

3.Emotional aim: The students will be able to speak English more confidently Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

Teaching Aid: CAI

Teaching Procedures:

1.Step 1: lead-in

Show some pictures to the students and ask some questions: …

2.Step 2: discussion

Ask students to discuss…with their partner, then ask two students to report the results.

3.Step 3: practice

Present some sentences of …, then ask students to read them.

Do the role play in pairs using those sentences, then ask one pair to do the presentation.

4.Step 4: interview

Play an interview video about ... ask students to intimate the interview pattern the speakers use and interview their partners, then ask one pair to do the presentation.

5.Step 5: Summary (or consolidation)

Review the sentences that we can use when we talk about…

6.Step 6: homework

Interview your classmate about … using the sentences and interview skills we learn today.

Blackboard Design:

T:Hi, boys and girls. We are now living in a highly developed world, with advanced culture and highly developed civilizations. Look at this picture, what…

T: yes, you are right, it’s…So w hat do you think about…Who can share his/her idea Ok, Lily, please.

T: Great! … If you are…, what would you … Bob, can you share your opinion with us

T: Good job! For sure, different people have different view. But have you ever thought what are the base of all the culture and civilizations

T: Oh, yes, they are based on those which were created by our great, great grandfathers lived a long, long time ago. No one exactly knows what they lived on, what were their housing and home decoration conditions, what kind of tools they usually used in their production activities, and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Anyway, we can imagine! So now, let’s divide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discuss what kinds of food the early man ate, what their housing conditions and home decorations were like, what tools they made and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Then I’ll ask some of you to report the results to the whole class.

T: Time is up. Who volunteer to report the result Come on, don’t be shy! Ok, Stacey, very good!

T: nice thought! Who also want to try Aslan, please.

T: very interesting!

T: Now, please turn to page 72, look at the SPEAKING part. You should read it with your partner, then, do the roles play. (Teacher writes bb--middle)

Making suggestions and giving advice:

1. What can you suggest Maybe we/you could ……

2. Can I ask you for some advice I suggest (that)……

3. Can you help me decide That’s a good idea.

4. What do you have in mind Well, but what about……

Have you considered doing……

T: OK, time is up. In our daily life, we often ask someone for advice when we can’t make a decision. On the other hand, we often give other advice if they come to us for help. How can we ask for and give advice in English Let’s look at the blackboard. There are several sentences about giving advice, please read it follow me.

T: Make sure you can use these sentences when you are making suggestion. Who can give us a dialogue Any volunteers

T: Susan, you please, you can choose one of the situation in speaking part.

T: Excellent

T: So much for practice, now I will play an interview video of native speakers, please listen carefully and learn how they interview. Ok, video is over, I’ll give you several minutes to prepare, then I’ll ask someone to intimate the interview pattern the speakers use and interview their partners. Ok, are you ready Who want to try Kate, please. Who is your partner Peter Ok, go ahead.

T: Very good job! But both of you are a little nervous, I think you can do better after more practice. I will ask another two students. Any volunteers Lily, your group, please.

T: Nice. Now, the class is almost over, let’s review the sentences…

T: All of you did a good job today. Next class, we will learn something about friends, so your homework is to interview your classmate about … using the sentences and interview skills we learn today.

Ok, that's all for today's class. See you!


浅谈微课在高中英语教学中的应用 重庆求精中学肖锐 一、微课在国内外发展动态 微课(Micro lecture),又称微课程,是近年来教育领域的另一大热门。微课雏形最早可追溯到1993年美国Le Roy A. McGrew提出的60秒课程(60-SecondCourse)和1995年英国T.P.Kee 提出的一分钟演讲(The One Minute Lecture,简称OML)。当前引起热议的“微课程”出自20XX 年美国新墨西哥州圣胡安学院的戴维?彭罗斯(David Penrose),认为其核心理念是将教学内容与教学目标紧密联系,以产生一种“更加聚焦的学习体验”。20XX年,广东佛山胡铁生率先将Microlecture引入国内并译为“微课”,随后国内掀起了一股“微热潮”。微课以视频为载体,能够以动画的形式充分整合声音、图像和文字,同时包含教学设计、教学课件、练习测试等辅助性教与学的内容,能够强化学习情境的真实性,实现语义的相互关联。随着“中国微课大赛”、“全国首届微课程大赛”、“全国高校微课教学比赛”、“中国外语微课大赛”等各类微课比赛的开展,各中学以此为契机积极开展微课建设,微课建设在国内教育领域蔚然成风。随后,微课相关研究从中小学向社会辐射,并逐渐走向学科细化。值得注意的是,目前国内无论是学者、一线教师还是微课大赛组织者均为对微课的概念形成共识,而对英语微课的本质与内涵也少有论及。 二、高中英语教学中的“微课”理念和特点 第一、时间短,信息容量丰富。高中英语教学中的微课堂教学时间一般比较短,根据高中生英语学习的认知特点和学习规律,“微课”的时长一般为5-8分钟左右,最长不超过10分钟,但是高中英语教学中“微课”运用,能使教师的教学风格得到前所未有的展示,教师按照自己设计的逻辑进程,选用最适合自己的教法,有针对性,大容量、高效地组织教学。 第二、主题突出、内容具体。相对于常规教学,虽然它的教学时间较短,但内容更加精简,主题突出,更适合学生学习的实际需要。一个“微课”就是一个主题,或者说一个“微课”就是一个信息点,它所研究的问题来源于高中英语教育教学中的口语、听力、英语阅读、语法重难点、学习策略、学习方法、教育观点等有待于解决的具体的、真实的问题。 第三、实施方便,运用灵活。高中英语教学中的“微课”视频及配套辅助资源的总容量一般在几十兆左右,视频格式是支持网络在线播放流媒体格式,学生可流畅地在线观摩课例,查看教案、课件等辅助资源,也可灵活方便地将其下载保存到终端设备(如笔记本电脑、手机、MP4等)上实现移动学习,非常适合于学生的观摩学习和练习探究。 三、微课在高中英语教学中的应用 微课作为教学视频被广泛应用到教学中,例如,课堂导入、重点讲解、难点教学、课后拓展等教学环节。微课的应用,转变了传统课堂教学的呆板的教学氛围,将枯燥的课堂赋予活力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习效率。 1.复习旧课。英语知识的学习,需要学生反复复习所学过的知识,英语每堂课都需要学生掌握大量的词汇、语法和句型,课堂教学中的45分钟对与学困生是远远不够的,而学困生的自主学习能力较差,因此,教师可以针对每堂课的教学,设计一段微课视频,让学生复习旧知识,利用课余时间观看,巩固知识。


Writing How to write an English diary Teaching aims: a) How to write an English diary. b) The form of English diaries. c) To improve the students’ writing ability. Important points: The skills of English writing. Difficult points: How to make every sentence appropriate and precise. Teaching procedure: Step I.Leading-in After exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in English.(As we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. But few of you write in English, which is a good way to improve your writing and speaking. So why not write English diaries? Today our topic is how to write English diaries.) Step II. Discussion First, give the students about three minutes to check their


小学英语语音课教学案例 城关小学晏焕芝 一、教学目标设计 1、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学四年级学生。四年级学生经过近两年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写的能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主、合作、探究能力。 2、教学内容 本课的教学内容是PEP小学英语四年级下册第一、二单元C部分pronunciation的内容,是一节单纯的语音课型。四年级上册已经学习了26个字母及例词,学生可以初步了解其中的21个辅音字母在单词中的读音。本节课的重点是启发学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出元音字母Aa和Ee的发音规律,让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。 3、课标解读 小学四年级应达到《义务教育英语课程标准》一级标准。虽然在课程标准的一级标准里对语音没有明确要求,但有关小学语音教学的二级要求中对语音目标的要求是:(1)知道错误的发音会影响交际;(2)知道字母名称的读音;(3)了解简单的拼读规律;(4)了解单词有重音。(5)语音清楚,语调自然。 4、教学目标 知识目标: 能够听懂,会说,会读音标“[ei][?] [i:] [e]和例词cake,snake,grapes, face,apple, bag, cat, hat, we,me, he,she,egg, bed, desk,pen”

能力目标: (1)引导学生积极参加小组活动,促进他们养成动脑、动口和动手的好习惯,初步形成主动学习的意识。 (2)培养学生的分析能力。 情感目标: (1)进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情及学习兴趣。 (2)鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。 教学重点、难点: 能够听懂,会说,会读音标“[ei][?] [i:] [e]和例词cake,snake,grapes, face,apple, bag, cat, hat, we,me, he,she,egg, bed, desk,pen” 教具准备: 课件、单词卡片和磁铁。 二、教学模式设计 授课的主要内容为《PEP小学英语》四年级下册第一、二单元C 部分pronunciation的内容,是一节单纯的语音课型。本节课的重点是启发学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出元音字母Aa和Ee的发音规律,会读课本中的16个例词和四个音标[ei],[?],[i:]和 [e]。让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。教案设计如下:Step1、Warming up 1、Greeting each other。 2、Sing“ ABC” song. Step2、Presentation 1、教师询问:How many letters are there in English? How many vowel letters are there in English? What are they? 2、出示课件。今天我们就来学习元音字母Aa和Ee的发音规则。(What do the


公开课教案 Xxx Model 1 How Good Are Your Social Skills? Lear ning Aims: 1. Learn some words related to social manners. 2. Get a gen eral un dersta nding of social skills using differe nt readi ng strategies 3. Be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their own social techniques Step 1 lead-in What kind of book is it from? A. a bus in ess course

B. a how-to book teach ing social skills Step 2 while- readi ng Skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. Lear n how to do small talk Develop your liste ning skill. Lear n the rules. The gen eral idea is _____ . A. social skills B. liste ning skills C. talk skills D. social rules Step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed in formati on. 1. We will not be shy if we have good ____________ . 2. Accord ing to paragraph land 2 ,We should ______ . A. avoid talk ing to some one whom you know B. lack the con fide nce to talk to a stra nger C. talk con fide ntly to a stra nger 3. Communication is a __________ process」t invoIves _______ and ________ . Step 4post- readi ng


Life can be good, Life can be bad, But life is what you make it! So try to make it beautiful. Be the boss of your fortune. Wish you every success in your study! Chance favors the prepared mind ﹗ Be a happy English learner ﹗ 初高中英语衔接一 语音、词汇 语音篇: Standard and beautiful pronunciation will make you more confident when speaking English, and it also will be of great help for you to learn English well. I. Quiz (有关语音的概念): 1. 元音字母有5个,分别是 2. 音节是由 和 构成的发音单位。分为单音节,双音节和多音节。 Eg. study teacher understand government necessary 3. 发音响亮,是构成音节的主要音,共有 个。 4. 发音不响亮,不是构成音节的主要音,共 个。 5. 开音节和闭音节 6. 重读音节;单词中发音特别 的音节 III.26个英语字母 Task 1 朗读26个字母,完成下列表格。 单词前表“一”用“a”的字母: 单词前表“一”用“an” 的字母: Task 2:请用“an” 或“a”填空。 1. There is ______ old woman in _____empty room. 2. I think it is ______ interesting story 3. It is necessary for a parent to write ______ after-school note for their children. 4. There is ___________“f” and _______“r” in the word” flower”. 5. I can see _____ man over there. 6. In three years, I want to go to _____ university. 7.Yesterday I bought ___useful dictionary and saw _____European in the bookshop.


浅析新课标下高中英语语音教学(一) 摘要]高中英语语音教学因与全国普通高考联系不大且评价标准较灵活,因而时常被广大英语教师所忽略,本文以以新课标能力目标为纲,以《牛津高中英语模块一》为例,分别从两大方面—感知活动和发音练习,着重阐述了提高高中英语语音教学的方法。 关键词]高中英语语音教学,感知活动,发音练习 一、现象与问题 由于到目前为止,高中英语口语在全国绝大部分省市并没有纳入大学入学考试范畴,所以多数高中英语教师把英语语音教学列入无关紧要的地位,声称当学生把语言整体技能提高之后,语音自然会得到发展。当然,也有这样一种较为普遍的观点:学生们在语音学习上的困难和不足必然会成为影响学生进行英语有效学习的绊脚石。当然,我们高中英语语音教学的目的要使学生的发音尽可能地标准、地道,但是否有必要或可能让每个学生都达到本地人的发音标准呢?这很大程度上是取决于学生本身的素质,而且若是学习者在超过了他们学习英语的最佳时期—“关键期”时,他们是无法达到那种与本地人一样的水平的。 二、语音教学目标 尽管这样,《普通普通高中英语课程标准》(实验)仍对学生的语音学习作出了要求。如书中对语言技能目标八级的说的技能阐明如下,“能在交流中使用恰当的语调,语气和节奏表达个人的意图和情感等。”那么,真正的语音教学应该包括哪些方面呢?总的来说,最少有以下五个方面:发音,音标,重读,语调,节奏。这几个方面不是零零散散、相互孤立的,而是相互联系的、彼此渗透的。例如,重读就决定了字母的拼音规则。有些同学对于那些国际音标个个都认得,而且叫他拼读起来也较准确,但一放入单词中或句子中就走了形、变了样,使人们听起来怪怪的。其实,他们就是没有重视重读和语调。事实上,如不在发音上努力做些机械性地模仿练习,是很难提高语音教学的。但那些机械性的重复模仿练习多了,学生们也会感到厌倦。因此在教学中也要结合许多有意义且且丰富多彩的练习活动。 三、提高英语语音教学的方法与活动 (一)感知活动,目的在于培养学生确认和分辨不同的读音,因为对读音的正确感知是进行听力理解的前提。具体方法如下: 1.使用最小对立体。最小对立体是一对一对的单词,它们在拼写形式上非常相似,只有一个字母在排列上是不同的(王蔷,2006)。教师们可以随便地拼读其中的一个,然后叫同学们进行辨别。如《牛津高中英语模块一》Wordlist2中以c或s开头的单词中,有这样一些:Can\cash Skin\skip Slam\slim 2.排序。教师们把每组三个三个的单词每次以不同的顺序读出来,然后叫同学们以阿拉伯数字标出教师所读的单词的顺序。如《牛津高中英语模块一》Irregularverbs就有许多很好的例子。 Bit,bid,hit. Let,led,met. Win,won,run 3.找特例。教师可以一次读一组词语,然后叫同学们辨别第几个单词或读音是不同于其它几组的。下列单词同样来自于Irregularverbs, Let,let,lent,let Run,ran,run,run Led,lead,lead,lead (二)发音练习,其目的在于培养学生正确发音的能力,其形式、方法也多种多样,如机械


A teaching design Teacher Hongli Dong Analysis on Learners Senior high students are eager to learn something knowledgeable and interesting. They have their own opinions and attitudes. They're not content with the limited knowledge obtained from the textbooks. Their abstract thinking and cognitive capability have developed a lot. So I must try my best to help them keep up their passion, develop the feeling of success and build up good values. Analysi s On the Teachin g Materia l Teaching Content The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learning of which, I ’ll enable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his life career and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time, make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview and learn how to conclude a question from the answer. Teaching Aims Knowledge (1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview. (2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about Jackie Chan ’s life career and form their own opinion about success. A bilities (1) To develop the Ss ’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming and scanning abilities. (3) To train the Ss ’ abilities of studying by themselves and through cooperating. Emotion Learn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is not smooth. Put the moral education in the process of study. Importan t Points What qualities are required to be successful? Difficul t Points Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according to Jackie Chan ’s answers. Teaching Methods 1. Communicative Approach 2. Task-based Language Teaching 3. Total Situational Action Teaching Aids A computer and a multi-media courseware. Teaching Procedures Students ’ Activities Purpose Step 1 Lead in (3 min) Greeting. T: Hello, everyone! Do you have an idol? Ss: yes. Arouse students' interest and


Supplementary Materials for Phonetics List of Phonetic Symbols Vowels Pure vowels 1.Front v. /i:/ /i//e/ /? / 2.Central v. / ?:r// ?r// ?/ / Λ/ 3.Back v. /a:/ /a:r/ / ?/ / ?:/ / ?:r//u//u:/ Diphthongs /ei/ /ai// ?i/ / ?u/ /au/ /i ?/ / i ?r/ / ??r/ /u ?/ Consonants 1.Stops /p, b/ /t, d/ /k, g/ 2.Frictives /f, v/ /s, z/ /θ/-/ e/ /∫/-/ ? / /h/ /r/ 3.Affricatives /t∫/ - /d? / /tr, dr/ /ts, ds/ 4.Nasals /m/ /n/ /? / https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b17625223.html,terals /l/ /l/ 6.Semi vowels /w/ /j/ Front vowels/ i:/ /i/ /e/ / ? / -/i:/--- -- key seat feel secret breathe police machine prestige receipt - /i://i/ ------- happy seed seat sit league leak lick seized ceased cyst Tongue Twister Tim is as thin as a pin, but it isn ' t a sin to be thin /e/ -- ---- breath says said bury edge led sesame rebel (n.) --/ / --------- sand land marry hat cap garage Stand up. -------- Tongue Twister Jack ' s black cat is catncgh ia fat rat. Dialogue A: What 's the matter, Alice? You look so unhappy. B: I had a bad day yesterday. A: What happened? B: I went shopping and lost my bag. A: Your bag? Did you get it back?


巧借微课,优化高中英语教学 发表时间:2017-02-22T15:00:51.057Z 来源:《中学课程辅导●教学研究》2016年12月下作者:范志莲[导读] 社会经济的突飞猛进促进了教育事业的蓬勃发展,“微课”作为当前教育工作中的流行应用在高中教学中逐步普及。 摘要:社会经济的突飞猛进促进了教育事业的蓬勃发展,“微课”作为当前教育工作中的流行应用在高中教学中逐步普及。将微课教学模式运用于高中教学能够丰富教学内容及教学形式,使得内容更具开放性,对树立学生在教学中的主体地位以及培养学生学习的兴趣具有促进作用。微课的应用能够实现学生英语素质能力的发展,提升教学质量及效率,具有重要意义。本文通过分析微课在高中英语教学中的意义,提出了微课在高中英语教学中的几点启示,具有指导意义。 关键词:微课;优化;高中;英语;教学 “微课”具有目标明确、教学时间短以及针对性强的特征,它指的是教师在教学过程中,围绕某个单一的教学任务实施教学的方式,其表现形式是与教学内容有关的学习辅助视频。这种教学模式在外来国家应用较为广泛,近期在我国也开始适用。以“微课”运用于高中英语教学能够提升学生的自主积极性与能动性,活跃课堂氛围,提升课堂效率。 一、微课在教学过程中的意义 微课能够增强学生与教师之间的互动学习与交流,实现个性化教育。若学生有缺课的现象,可通过观看微课视频学习漏学的内容。微课内容的保存具有永久性,学生可以根据自身需要随时随地观看视频,更好地实现复习及补课。 1.微课在教学新课时的作用 在课前预习时,教师需要及时将教学内容制作成微课小视频,让学生在课前先预习一下内容,以便在学习新的内容时有一个准备。另外,教师可以根据新课程的内容作出问题设计,借助微课为新课做铺垫,提高学生的学习积极性。在小结拓展中,微课还具有引导学生总结重点学习内容的作用,能够牢固学生的知识结构,针对不同学生的不同情况,教师可以制定出不同层次的微课视频,专门在课后放映,以加深学生对知识的印象。 2.微课在课后学习中的作用 随着科学技术的飞速发展以及计算机技术的普及应用,时代对学生的自主学习能力提出更高的要求。因此,教师在结束教学后,可以将学习课堂中的难点及重点制作成微课视频,并上传至网络,以便学生观看学习。微课的观看不受时间及空间的限制,对不同程度的学生均可适用,可以反复观看。 3.微课在教师业务中的作用 微课是一种新型的授课方式,它作为一种顺应时代发展潮流的教学方式能够辅助教师进行教学,能够提升教师的教学水平,实现以教促学。教师在制作微视频的过程中,需要对教学有一个思考和研究,在这过程中实现教学互促。微课具有教学时间段的特征,因此教师应当以认真的态度进行备课,扎实做好教学的基本功课,熟练使用计算机操作软件。[2]以微课为应用的教学交流平台具有开放性,能够打破传统课堂的局限性,提高教师教学与现代信息技术的能力,使其快速成长,实现英语学习环境的良性循环。 二、微课对高中英语教学的启示 1.使教学内容及方式更丰富 现行的高中英语教材其内容都由专家精心编排,在科学性与合理性的基础上符合现实需求,能够满足高中生的认知现状。但是,教材中内容的优良具有有限性,教材的更新速度跟不上时代发展步伐,满足不了学生的认知能力及社会生活的需要,长期以来,就会滞后学生英语素质能力的提高。借助微课的教学方式,能够弥补传统教学的弊端,教师可以根据一个知识内容,进行多个视频的收集,丰富教学内容及方式,从而提升学生思考能力,拓宽其知识领域。 2.重视培养学生自主学习的积极性 兴趣是学习的第一动力。兴趣是学习的主要来源,若学生对英语具有积极性,就会自主参与到学习过程中来,实现教师与学生的积极配合。反之,若学生对英语学习提不起兴趣,学习起来就会十分被动,教师教学也会感觉力不从心,课堂氛围达不到满意效果,从而使得教学质量及效率不尽人意。而将微课应用于高中英语教学,极大地改变了传统模式下的教学方式,使其发生重大变革,能够实现学生积极配合教学的目的。 3.引导学生树立教学的主体地位 现代教育教学理念表明,学生应在教学过程中实现主体地位,教师所制定的全部教学措施都应当紧紧围绕学生的主体地位为中心,使学生掌握主动权,而教师在这个过程中只需要承担一个辅助者的角色。“以学生为中心”的教学模式需要学生全身心地投入于学习的全过程,并以主观参与作为学习基础。在微课的教学模式下,学生会对学习产生浓厚的兴趣,从而实现其主观能动性的增强,以此同时能够使其自身的不正确行为得到规范,使其认真参与学习,在这个时候,教师就可将课堂的主导权交付于学生,已达到更好的教学效果。 三、结语 英语微课的普及具有巨大的发展潜力,它是一种可以无限循环使用的学习资源,这种新型的教学方式对于教师和学生来说有着举足轻重的作用。在高中学习阶段,英语课程的难度愈来愈高,导致部分学生失去了对学习的兴趣。教师针对这样的教学情况,将“微课”运用于高中英语教学课堂中,能够激发学生学习兴趣,实现教学效率的提升。参考文献: [1]郑世忠.吉林省中小学(幼儿园)教师微课制作能力现状研究——“2015年吉林省中小学(幼儿园)教师微课大赛”微课作品分析[J].吉林省教育学院学报,2016(5). [2]刘娟,韩春荣,王丹.基于微课的翻转课堂模式应用于独立学院艺术类大学英语教学的适应性探析[J].海外英语,2016(17). (作者单位:湖南省邵阳市绥宁县第一中学 422600)


高中英语教学论文:谈高考英语听力测试 如何提高学生的听力水平,是当前广大师生所关心的问题。本文拟就这个问题谈一些看法。 一、排除影响听力理解的障碍 1.语言障碍 (1)语音、语调语言首先是有声的,其最本质的物质外壳是语音、语调。学习语言,如果语音不准,又不能正确把握语调,就会失去一定的辩音能力,这势必影响整体的听力理解。所以,语音问题在听力教学中不可忽视,尤其是在语言学习的初始阶段,强化语音训练对提高听力水平更是尤其重要。教师通过讲解、示范帮助学生纠正不正确的发音,辨别相似音素之间的区别,过好音标关,同时,选择适当的录音材料进行模仿、跟读和听写等练习,培养学生对语流中的连读、同化、不完全爆破、弱读、重读、升调、降调等一些语音、语调变化的敏感性以及语速的适应性。教师还可以选用英美人士的对话录音材料,帮助学生在实践中不断掌握技巧,培养语感,熟悉、模仿标准的英语对话和朗读。同时分析说话者如何利用不同的语调表达态度、情感和隐含的内容。 (2)语言知识 语言知识对听力产生的困难体现在词汇、短语、句型和语法等方面。许多人认为:听得越多,听力理解能力越强。诚然,多听是提高听力的一种积极手段,但听力水平的高低不完全取决于听的次数多少,它还与听者的英语知识水平密切相关。 词汇量是英语知识的基础,若没能掌握一定的词汇量,即使在听的过程中能模仿出听到的声音,但却无法把它与所代表的词汇联系起来,便失去对词义的了解,以致影响整体听力理解的水平。 英汉语言结构差异较大,如英语复合句中从句的位置比较灵活,而汉语通常按照事情发生的先后排列语序,在阅读时可以运用语法知识分析句子,但听音过程是快速的心理活动过程,需要在瞬间内完成。所以学生必须熟练掌握有关的语法知识,了解英语语法结构的规律性,从而提高正确理解句子和段落乃至语篇的敏感性和准确


Introduce a Place From Module2 Unit4 Communication Workshop I. Teaching aims At the end of this lesson, students will 1.be very interested in writing an article to introduce a place. 2.be able to use suitable person, tense, layout, sentence structures and linking words to introduce a place . 3.be proud of our capital Beijing and our hometown Jiaozuo and love them. II. Teaching key points and difficult points 1. Teacher leads students to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively. 2. Teacher leads students to master the way to use advanced and various sentence structures. III. Teaching and learning methods Process-focused writing approach, Group work, Cooperative learning. IV. Teaching procedure 1.Teacher arouses students’ interests by showing some photos of some famous cities in the world, and singing the song, “Welcome to Beijing”. 2.Teacher shows the sample article of Beijing to students. This article serves as language input before writing. 3. Teacher asks students questions to lead them to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively. e.g. “How many paragraph s are there in the article?” Answer: (1. Introduction. 2. Things to see. 3. Things to do. 4. Ending words.) “What factors are in cluded in the first paragraph?” Answer: (General description, Location, Area, Population, History, Climate and Temperature.). “Can you find and circle the beautiful and advanced sentences in the article?”Answer: (Location : 1. …is located in … 2. …lies in…. Area: 1. …covers an area of…2. ...is the second/ third/https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b17625223.html,rgest city in the world as regards area. etc.)


“微课”在高中英语词汇教学中的运用 摘要:社会信息技术的飞速发展,推动着教育信息化的进步与改革,以多媒体信息技术为核心的教育手段逐渐渗入课堂教学中,以微课程为核心的翻转课堂教学模式已成为业界关注的焦点。同时微课程凭借简短、快速、精确等特点,逐渐成为英语课堂教学中关键的抓手,是提高高中英语课堂教学业绩的重要手段,在英语课堂教学活动中起着关键的作用。本文将结合高中英语教学特点,探究“微课”在高中英语词汇教学中的运用,旨在开启多元化的英语教学模式,利用微课程的独特优势创造良好的教学环境,全面提高课堂教学质量。 关键词:微课翻转课堂高中英语词汇 微课程是21世纪新兴的一种新型授课方式。微课程主要是以微视频为载体,通过声音解说及视像演示将教学知识要点呈现给学生的一种微型教学方式。高中英语词汇特点是单词量大,生僻词较多,词性多样化,分布范围广,学生在学习与记忆过程中往往容易出现错误。由于微课程具有精练、简短、快速等特点,在高中英语课堂教学过程中合理有效地运用微课程有效地解决这个难题。 一、微课程教学在课堂研究中的背景与意义

微课程是微型课一词的缩写,主要是以微型的视频为教学载体,根据各个学科不同特点或教学目标开发与设计的一种情景式教学模式。教师通过微课程将教学知识重难点与教学资源有机地结合在一起,构成一个完整的知识结构体系,便于学生理解与掌握。 高中英语词汇具有语境生僻难懂、篇幅较长、生词量大的特点,学生普遍认为高中英语词汇学习是英语学习过程中的一个重难点。高中学生在初中阶段已掌握一部分英语基本知识,能娴熟地操作智能手机及电脑等各种移动终端,因此,高中学生非常适合微课程教学。在高中英语词汇教学过程中,教师可以适当地使用微课程,让学生在丰富多彩的视频教学过程中提高学生的记忆力与理解力,激发学生英语学习的兴趣。 二、微课程在高中英语词汇教学中运用的必然性 1.补充了多媒体课堂教学的不足。科技信息化社会促进了教育的改革,将多媒体技术成功地引入了高中英语词汇课堂教学活动中。但是,在实际课堂教学活动中,多媒体的教学方式并未得到广泛利用,多数教师只是单纯地利用多媒体制作或者拷贝课件,这种课堂教学模式虽然可以有效激发学生英语学习的兴趣,但忽略学生在学习过程中的主体地位,忽略了英语词汇量大、语境难懂等特点,学生英语词汇独立学习与记忆的时间太少,学生的能力与记忆受到一定程


教资高中英语语音教案 【篇一:大一语音教案】 教案 2009~2010学年第一学期 系英语外事管理系教研室(组) 大一年级精读组 课程名称英语精读授课年级 2009 授课教师职 称 四川外语学院成都学院教务处制 二○○九年八 月 教案(首页) 教案 【篇二:教师资格证高中英语面试教案写法整理】阅读课:导入(图片,问答),读前讨论预测或者听力训练,读中 寻读精读标记语法点找主旨句,读后讲解语法点,小组活动 teaching topic: teaching aims: 1. learn some new words . 2. improve students? reading ability and self-study ability. 3. enable students to value/love/aware the importance of ... teaching aids: pictures, a tape recorder and ppt. teaching important points: 1.improve students? reading ability. 2.master the following words. teaching difficult points: 1. how to make them to understand the reading text better. 2. improve their reading strategy. teaching procedure: step 1: lead-in show students? pictures on the screen. and ask them what they will do if they are in those situations, let them discuss in


语音课教学设计简案+逐字稿 语音课教学设计简案 Teaching aims: (1)Knowledge aim: Students can master the pronunciation rule __________________ (2)Ability aim: Students are capable of using ________(发音规则) in reading and writing. (3)Emotion aim: Students can enrich their expressions and learn the importance of using proper pronunciation rule. Teaching key and difficult points: (1)Teaching key point: Students can master the usage of the ________( pronunciation rule). (2)Teaching difficult point: students can freely use the ________( pronunciation rule) in their daily life. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming up Show a short movie clip on the screen and ask students to watch it and find some pronunciation rules. Invite one student to answer the question. Tell them we are going to listen to a material related to the rule. Step 2: Presentation (1). The teacher asks students to listen to the tape for the first time ,ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation especially and invite a student to conclude his findings. (2). Teacher plays another tape with same content, but don’t have the same pronunciation. Let students compare the difference between the two tapes. Guide students to find out the pronunciation rule in the listening material. Reveal the material to them.(写板书)


Life can be good, Life can be bad, But life is what you make it! So try to make it beautiful. Be the boss of your fortune. Wish you every success in your study! Chance favors the prepared mind ﹗ Be a happy English learne r ﹗ 初高中英语衔接一 语音、词汇 语音篇: Standard and beautiful pronunciation will make you more confident when speaking English, and it also will be of great help for you to learn English well. I. Quiz (有关语音的概念): 1. 元音字母有5个,分别是 2. 音节是由 和 构成的发音单位。分为单音节,双音节和多音节。 Eg. study teacher understand government necessary 3. 发音响亮,是构成音节的主要音,共有 个。 4. 发音不响亮,不是构成音节的主要音,共 个。 5. 开音节和闭音节 6. 重读音节;单词中发音特别 的音节 III.26个英语字母 Task 1 朗读26个字母,完成下列表格。 单词前表“一”用“a”的字母: 单词前表“一”用“an” 的字母: Task 2:请用“an” 或“a”填空。 1. There is ______ old woman in _____empty room.
