



Of all theponents of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, awindow opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. Acentury ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were thedisguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s,neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the randombyproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researcherssuspect that dreams are part of the mind’s emotionalthermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line。” And oneleading authority says that, these intensely powerful mental events can be notonly harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleepand feel better. “It’s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago’s MedicalCenter. “If you don’t like it, change it。”

Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is asactive during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep—when most vividdreams our—as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric

Nofzinger at the Universityof Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved; the limbicsystem (the “emotional brain”) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center ofintellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet. “We wake up fromdreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day”, saysStanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement。

The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients inCartwright’s clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in thenight, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that theyare working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because ourconscious mind is oupied with daily life we don’t always think aboutthe emotional significance of the day’s events —until, itappears, we begin to dream。

And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwrightbelieves one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soonas you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how youwould like it to end instead; the next time it ours, try to wake up justenough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to,literally, do it in their sleep。

At the end of the day, there’s probably littlereason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleepingor “we wake up in a panic,” Cartwright says. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and generalfeelings of insecurity have increased people’s anxiety. Thosesuffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. For therest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep—or ratherdream—on it and you’ll feel better in the morning。

31. Researchers have e to believe that dreams

[A] can be modified in their courses。

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes。

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears。

[D] are a random oute of neural repairs。

32. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show

[A] its function in our dreams。

[B] the mechanism of REM sleep。

[C] the relation of dreams to emotions。

[D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex。

33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to

[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind。

[B] develop into happy dreams。

[C] persist till the time we fall asleep。

[D] show up in dreams early at night。

34. Cartwright seems to suggest that

[A] waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams。

[B] visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control。

[C] dreams should be left to their natural progression。

[D] dreams may not entirely belong to the unconscious。

35. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes havebad dreams?

[A] Lead your life as usual。

[B] Seek professional help。

[C] Exercise conscious control。

[D] Avoid anxiety in the daytime。


31. Researchers have e to believe that dreams 研究人员已经逐步相信梦

[A] can be modified in their courses. 可以在过程中被修改。

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes. 容易受到情感变化 * 。

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears. 反应我们内心的欲望与恐惧。

[D] are a random oute of neural repairs. 是神经修复的随机结果。

【答案】 A



32. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show


[A] its function in our dreams. 它在我们梦中的功能。

[B] the mechanism of REM sleep. 快速眼睛运动睡眠的机制。

[C] the relation of dreams to emotions. 梦和情绪的关系。

[D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex.. 它和前额皮层的区别。

【答案】 C



33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to


[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind. 在潜意识里面加剧。

[B] develop into happy dreams. 演变成快乐的梦。

[C] persist till the time we fall asleep. 一直持续到我们睡着。

[D] show up in dreams early at night. 在夜间早些时候出现在梦里。

【答案】 D



34. Cartwright seems to suggest that 卡特怀特似乎认为

[A] waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams。


[B] visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control。


[C] dreams should be left to their natural progression。


[D] dreams may not entirely belong to the unconscious。


【答案】 D


35. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have haddreams?


[A] Lead your life as usual. 向平常一样生活。

[B] Seek professional help. 寻求专家帮助。

[C] Exercise conscious control. 锻炼有意识控制。

[D] Avoid anxiety in the daytime. 避免白天产生焦虑。

【答案】 A


【分析】在第五段中,卡特怀特说:“只要梦不使我们无法睡眠或从梦中惊醒,就没有理由太在意所做的梦。 * 、经济不确定及通常的不安全感都增加了人们的焦虑。那些长期受到噩梦折磨的人应




1. And one leading authority says that these intensely powerfulmental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under consciouscontrol to help us sleep and feel better。

【结构分析】该句子为复合句。宾语从句的主干是“these…events can be not only harnessed but actually brought…”,


2. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night,progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they areworking through negative feelings generated during the day。

【结构分析】本句的主句是“most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night”。后面是两个现在分词短语做状语,分别由“progressing”和“suggesting”引导。





我们的头脑被日常琐事占据着,所以并不总去想白天发生的事情对我们情绪 * ,直到我们开始做梦,这种影响看来才会出现。




惊醒”,就没有理由太在意它。 * 、经济不稳定及通常的不安全感




2015考研英语阅读理解精读P18—医学 Passage 18(Doctor-assisted Suicide:Is It Ever an Option?) Should doctor-assisted suicide ever be a legal option? It involves the extreme measure of taking the life of a terminally ill patient when the patient is in extreme pain and the chances for recovery appear to be none.Those who argue against assisted suicide do so by considering the roles of the patient,the doctor,and nature in these situations. Should the patient take an active role in assisted suicide? When a patient is terminally ill and in great pain,those who oppose assisted suicide say that it should not be up to that patient to decide what his or her fate will be.There are greater powers at work that determine when a person dies,for example,nature.Neither science nor personal preference should take precedence over these larger forces. What role should the doctor have? Doctors,when taking the Hippocratic oath,swear to preserve life at all costs,and it is their ethical and legal duty to follow both the spirit and the letter of this oath.It is their responsibilities to heal the sick,and in the cases when healing is not possible,then the doctor is obliged to make the dying person comfortable.Doctors are trained never to hasten death.Those who oppose assisted suicide believe that doctors who do help terminally ill patients die are committing a crime,and they should be dealt with accordingly.Doctors are also,by virtue of their humanness,capable of making mistakes.Doctors could quite possibly say,for instance,that a cancer patient was terminal,and then the illness could later turn out not to be so serious.There is always an element of doubt concerning the future outcome of human affairs. The third perspective to consider when thinking about assisted suicide is the role of nature.Life is precious.Many people believe that it is not up to human beings to decide when to end their own or another’s life.Only nature determines when it is the right time for a person to die.To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws,but to break divine 1aws as well. These general concerns of those who oppose assisted suicide are valid in certain contexts of the assisted suicide question.For instance,patients cannot always be certain of their medical conditions.Pain clouds judgment,and so the patient should not be the sole arbiter of her or his own destiny.Patients do not usually choose the course of their medical treatment,so they shouldn’t be held completely responsible for decisions related to it.Doctors are also fallible,and it is understandable that they would not want to make the final decision about when death should occur.Since doctors are trained to prolong life,they usually do not elect to take it by prescribing assisted suicide. I believe that blindly opposing assisted suicide does no one a service.If someone is dying of


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及答案(三) Passage 11 Dream is a story that a personwatchesor even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They


1.主旨题 (考察理解文中具体信息和概念性的含义的能力) ?识别:题干中出现:subject,summary,topic,title等表达方式的为主题句?实质:对论点和论题提问 ?解题方法: 寻找主题句,主题句通常出现在文章首段首句,或出现在文章开头的转折处或文章开头结束处 主题句特征:主体句通常是一个概括总结性的结论或者判断 寻找主题词:主题句首段末段或全文中多次出现 解题原则:正确选项不能描述太细节,不能包含无依据的信息,应该包含主题词或同义替换词 优先考虑议论文的标题 2.例子证明题(主要考察区分论点和论据的能力) ?识别:题干中出现example,case,illustrate等词 ?解题思路:例子为观点和结论服务,寻找到例子对应观点和结论,通常往上或往下寻找 ?错误选项特征:就事论事,自我总结 ? 3.推理题 ?识别:题干中出现infer,learn,conclude等词 ?分类 a.细节性的推理题(题干中包含具体的定位信息) 理解文中具体信息和概念性的含义的能力 b.段落性的推理题(题干中包含具体段落) 理解文中单句之间,段落之间关系的能力,进行有关的判断,推断和引申的能力 c.全文性的推理题(题干中包含主体词或无定位信息) 理解文章总体结构的能力 ?常考出题点:段落首末段,主题句,观点句,转折处,强调或递进关系的地方

?实质和解题原则:考研推理题本质上还是一种同义改写,推理通常为正反推理和归纳总结 解题原则重在推理原文依据,特别关注转折,选择答案方面,主体大于细节,观点大于论据(意思就是选择原文中对应的总结性句子,而不是论据) 4.细节题:题干中不包含提起题型特征的题为细节题 (考察理解稳重的具体信息和概念性的能力,理解文章的总体解雇以及单句之间,段落之间的关系能力) ?事实识别:问题中出现文章相关的具体信息,可以用相对明显的本文词汇定位 ?因果关系:问题中除了有相对具体的定位信息词外,还有表示因果关系的词汇,要重点把握 ?观点识别:与观点结论有关,通常有suggest,found等引导的宾语从句 ?which题型:问题中没有具体的定位词只出现which提问 解题思路: a.识别题型 b.定位:寻找题干定位词(具体的定位词,因果词,观点词,比较词,原文词汇的替换词)与包含定位词的句子 c.读取: ?分析线索句主干与其他各项的对比(表达方式不同,意思最为接近的为正确选项) ?必要时需要分析线索句的上一句和下一句(支持句) ?当线索句为段落首末段时,支持句为段落的其他句子 d.注意事项:顺序原则(出题顺序和行文顺序基本一致)段落原则(一个段落通常只出现一个细节题,细节题通常不跨段(除非段落间存在指代或明显的逻辑关系) 5.词汇题 (考察上下文推测词义的能力) a.识别:要求对题干中的某个单词,词组或句子的含义进行推测 b.实质:通过上下文确定单词含义 c.解题流程: ?返回原文确定题干位置 ?根据上下文推测含义 ?代入原文,确定答案



考研英语阅读理解精读100篇之经济类 unit1 unit1 Some of the concerns surrounding Turkey’s application to join the European Union, to be voted on by the EU’s Council of Ministers on December 17th, are economic-in particular, the country’s relative poverty. Its GDP per head is less than a third of the average for the 15 pre-2004 members of the EU. But it is not far off that of one of the ten new members which joined on May 1st 2004 (Latvia), and it is much the same as those of two countries, Bulgaria and Romania, which this week concluded accession talks with the EU that could make them full members on January 1st 2007. Furthermore, the country’s recent economic progress has been, according to Donald Johnston, the secretary-general of the OECD, "stunning". GDP in the second quarter of the year was 13.4% higher than a year earlier, a rate of growth that no EU country comes close to matching. Turkey’s inflation rate has just fallen into single figures for the first time since 1972, and this week the country reached agreement with the IMF on a new three-year, $10 billion economic programme that will, according to the IMF’s managing director, Rodrigo Rato, "help Turkey... reduce inflation toward European levels, and enhance the economy’s resilience". Resilienc e has not historically been the country’s economic strong point. As recently as 2001, GDP fell by over 7%. It fell by more than 5% in 1994, and by


2020年考研英语阅读理解模拟试题:医学(4) It is a startling claim, but one that Congresswoman Deborah Pryce uses to good effects: the equivalent of two classrooms full of children are diagnosed with cancer every day. Mrs. Pryce lost her own 9-year-old daughter to cancer in 1999. Pediatric cancer remains a little-understood issue in America, where the health-care debate is consumed with the ills, pills and medical bills of the elderly. Cancer kills more children than any other disease in MERICA. 1) although there have been tremendous gains in cancer survival rates in recent decades, the proportion of children and teens diagnosed with different forms of the disease increased by almost a third between 1975 and 2001. 2) Grisly though these statistics are, they are still tiny when set beside the number of adult lives lost to breast cancer (41,000 each year) and lung cancer (164,000)。Adbocates foor more money for child cancer prefer to look at life-years lost, the average age for cancer diagnosis in a young child is six, while the average adult is diagnosed in their late 60s. Robert Arceci, a pediatric cancer export at Johns Hopkins, points out that in terms of total life-years saved, the benefit from curing pediatric cancer victims is roughly the same as curing adults with breast cancer. There is an obvious element of special pleading in such calculations, all the same, breast cancer has attracted a flurry of publicity, private fund-raising and money from government. Childhood cancer has received less attention and cash. Pediatric cancer, a term which covers people up to 20


2010年考研英语新题型详解 今年的新题型与以往的考研题目都不相同,它不再是七选五这种类型,而是要求将选项进行排序,即所说的排序题。我们在整个解析过程中,大家要注意,七选五也好、搭配题也好、排序题也好,重点还是考查一个句子和上下文之间的关系问题,也就是说你在某一个空中填什么答案,主要的一点是由上下文的句子和它之间的关系决定。 比如45题就很好做,G的开头“All in all”是“总之”的意思,从这里就可以大致判定它应该在最后,在看其具体内容,是对整个文章的概括总结,所以可以确定45题为G。41题也不是很难,作为文章的开头,一般是阐述某种现象或事实。段落的开头不能有明显的承上启下的词或短语,像A的“first and important”, C 的“such variations”, F 的“for example”,G 的“however” 都属于这类。所以根据排除法可得出41题为B接下来看42题,在阐述了这种事实即Retails ignored the big profitable opportunity in their own back yard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.后就举例进行论证,F选项的For example 就是提示。42题F 讲到了wholesale demand,而G 中的requirement 就是demand 是同义词,加上however 起到了承上启下的作用。所以43题选G。至于44题,是对43的一种原因解释,即消费者越来越喜欢去外面吃“consumer’s growing preference for eating out”所以这题选A。 这个题目有点难度,不过,只要循着“主题”这根主线,就不能找到正确答案.只要看清每段前后作为主题的名词,抓根提串,抓住了主题这个“根”,后面的句子就肯定能够串起来。 综观2010年的新题型,建议采取如下的解题步骤和解题技巧。 解题步骤: 第一步:通读所有选项,迅速得知文章的主旨大意; 第二步:根据关键词或词组推断句子的顺序 第三步:将排好的句子通读一遍,检测是否文章前后连贯 解题技巧: A.“就近原则” 段落的上下文中寻找解题的线索; B.“时间原则” 现时间、年代等词语时,要注意文章中的时间和选项中的时间的对应关系; C.“代词原则” 指示代词,因为是指代前面的内容,所以一般不能作为段落的开头; D.“相近原则” 如果有两个选项非常的相似,那么其中一个往往是正确答案; E.“重复原则” 如果一个选项中的单词与文章中的单词重复比较多或意思相近的比较多,那么这个选项往往就是正确答案; F.“排除原则”:做排序题时建议大家最好使用排除原则,由易到难地去解题。 如果要在新的题型上有所提高的话,必须特别重视以下两点: 第一,阅读文章里单句之间的关系,这种关系很重要,因为这种关系考察两种题。一是七选五,二是段落排序。新题型主要就是考察同学们对考点空格前后句子关联的把握。


2018考研英语一阅读:态度题解题技巧【解题方法】作者态度分类法 1. 在判断感情色彩时,应结合以下两点。 1)作者态度可以分为三大类:a. 正向态度:支持,乐观,赞同; b. 客观、中立、公正;c. 负向态度:反对、批评、怀疑 2)特别注意作者的态度一般与文章中心相联系。不要把自己的态度纳入其中,而且要注意区分作者的态度和作者引用别人的态度。 2. 匹配选项。匹配选项时应该注意: 1)有些选项一定不是正确答案(永陪选项):indifferent(漠不关心);subjective(主观的);biased(有偏见的);puzzled(迷惑不解的)。 2)一般带有绝对化或者过于强烈的语气的选项必然是错误的,如:strongly;completely;entirely。 3. 态度题的新趋势: 1)现在题目的考察不仅仅局限于作者的态度,也开始考察文章中某人的观点和态度,做题时特别应该注意看清楚题目考察的是谁对谁的态度。 2)选项可能不在是态度明确的肯定或者否定的词,而是改为带有程度限制的词语,带有如下词语的选项往往是正确的:guarded慎重的,qualified有条件的,tempered缓和的,因为带有保留态度的观点比较客观,一般带有绝对化或者过于强烈的语气的选项必然是错误的,如:strongly completely entirely 【解题步骤】 1.判断选项ABCD的态度正负向,将四个选项进行分类(正向,负向) 2.根据关键词,回文定位判断态度。 【例题】2015年Text 2 They should start by discarding California's lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone - a vast storehouse of digital information - is similar to, say, rifling through a suspect's purse. The court has ruled that police don't violate the Fourth Amendment when they sift through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant. 27. The author's attitude toward California's argument is one of [A] disapproval. [B] indifference. [C] tolerance. [D] cautiousness. 【解题步骤应用】 1 判断选项态度的正负向 [A] disapproval反对的(负) [B] indifference漠不关心的(中立) [C] tolerance包容(正) [D] cautiousness谨慎的(正) 2 回文判断态度 They should start by discarding California's lame argument 因此,根据文章的discarding,可以确定是表示负向否定态度,因此答案选A。 其实看看凯程考研怎么样,最简单的一个办法,看看他们有没有成功的学生,最直观的


TEXT 2 He emerged, all of a sudden, in 1957: the most explosive new poetic talent of the English post-war era. Poetry specialised, at that moment, in the wry chronicling of the everyday. The poetry of Yorkshire-born Ted Hughes, first published in a book called “The Hawk in the Rain” when he was 27, was unlike anything written by his immediate predecessors. Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. These animals were the real thing all right, but they were also armorial devices—symbols of the countryside and lifeblood of the earth in which they were rooted. It gave his work a raw, primal stink. It was not only England that thought so either. Hughes's book was also published in America, where it won the Galbraith prize, a major literary award. But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide. Hughes was vilified for long after that, especially by feminists in America. In 1998, the year he died, Hughes broke his own self-imposed public silence about their relationship in a book of loose-weave poe ms called “Birthday Letters”.In this new and exhilarating collection of real letters, Hughes returns to the issue of his first wife's death, which he calls his “big and unmanageable event”. He felt his talent muffled by the perpetual eavesdropping upon his every move. Not until he decided to publish his own account of their relationship did the burden begin to lighten. The analysis is raw, pained and ruthlessly self-aware. For all the moral torment, the writing itself has the same rush and vigour that possessed Hughes's early poetry.


一.情感态度题的词语选项一般可以分为以下几种: 1.褒义词 impartial,(公正的), rewarding(有回报的), appreciative (欣赏的),positive (肯定的, 积极的), optimistic (乐观的), useful (有用的, 有益的), admiring (赞赏的, 钦佩的), interesting (有趣的), instructive (有益的, 教育性的), enthusiastic (热心的, 热情的), supportive (支持的), support(支持), approval (赞成, 承认), approving (满意的), confident (自信的, 确信的), impressed (留下印象的), reverent (尊敬的), polite (有礼貌的, 文雅的)。 2.贬义词 Apprehensive(担忧的), hostile (敌对的), dubious(怀疑的),intolerant (不能容忍的), negative (否定的, 消极的), pessimistic (悲观的, 厌世的), subjective (主观的, 个人的), disappointed (失望的), frustrated (失败的, 落空的), critical (批评的), questioning (质疑的), doubtful (可疑的, 不确的), compromising (妥协的), dissatisfied (不满意的, 不高兴的), biased (有偏见的), satirical (讽刺的), puzzling (迷惑的), suspicious (怀疑的), gloomy (令人沮丧的), scared (恐惧的), cynical (愤世嫉俗的), oppose (反对), opposition (反对), disgust (令人反感), disgusting (令人厌恶的), worried (闷闷不乐的), depressed (沮丧的), contemptuous (轻蔑的, 侮辱的), arbitrary/opinionated (武断的) 。 3.中性词 analytical (分析的),apathetic (缺乏兴趣的),concerned (关心的), cautious (谨慎的, 小心的), neutral (中性的),objective (客观的), impartial (公平的, 不偏不倚的), indifferent (无关紧要的), impassive (冷漠的), detached (超然的,不偏不倚的), unconcerned (不关心的), uninterested (不感兴趣的), , humorous (滑稽的, 诙谐的), , disinterested (无私的), sensitive (敏感的), factual (事实的, 实际的), informative (提供资讯的), persuasive (说服的), personal (个人的,), formal (正式的), informal (非正式的), casual (偶然的), 二.情感态度题常见出题位置 1.直接表达作者或者其他人态度的句子。 2.一些感情色彩较浓的词语,尤其是形容词、动词和副词等。 3.首段和末段。 4.出现转折的地方,如nevertheless, however, but, yet等。 5.文章中一些情态动词后面的内容,这些情态动词有should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t等。


2015考研英语阅读理解精读P18—工学 类 Passage 18 Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school. The international circuit has players on the road 50% of the time--and it's hard to focus on your backhand when you're worrying about being on time for homeroom. So last year Hunt, who hones his ground strokes at Elite TNT Tennis Academy in April Sound, Texas, enrolled for academics in the $9,750-a-year University of Miami Online High School (UMOHS), a virtual school that caters to athletes. "The online school gives me the flexibility I need," says Hunt. "The workload is the same, but I can do it anywhere. It's nicer to ask a question face-to-face with a teacher, but in some ways it prepares me better for college because I have to be more independent." A year ago, Hunt's world junior ranking was 886; now it's 108. Virtual high schools, which allow students to take classes via PC, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative, particularly for on-the-go athletes. UMOHS has more than 400 students enrolled, 65% of whom are athletes. Accredited by the 100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes. All course material is online, along with assignments and due dates. For help, says principal Howard Liebman, "a student may e-mail, instant message or call the teacher." Dallas mom Lori Bannon turned to another online school, Laurel Springs in Ojai, Calif. Bannon, who has a medical degree from Harvard, didn't want to compromise the education of her daughter Lindsay, 13, an élite gymnast who spends eight hours a day in the gym. "Regular school was not an option," says Bannon, "but I wanted to make sure she could go back at grade level if she quit gymnastics." Laurel Springs' enrollment has increased 35% a year for the past four years, to 1,800 students. At least 25% are either athletes or child entertainers. Educators are split on the merits of such schools. Paul Orehovec, an enrollment officer for the University of Miami, admits, "I was somewhat of a skeptic. But when I looked into their programs and accreditation, I was excited. UMOHS is the first online school to be granted membership in the National Honor Society." Kevin Roy, Elite's director of education, sees pitfalls and potential in virtual schools. "You will never have that wonderful teacher who inspires you for life," says Roy. "But the virtual school offers endless possibilities. I don't know where education's imagination will take this." 注(1):本文选自Time;11/29/2004, p149-149, 1/2p, 1c; 注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象2004年真题text 4第1、2题(1、2),text 1 第2 题(3),text 3第5 题(5)和2000年真题text 4第4题(4); 1. What does Jamie Hunt get from the virtual school? [A] the ability to perfect his tennis skills [B] the time to do his school work

2014考研英语阅读冲刺练习 模拟测试及答案(3)

2014考研英语阅读冲刺练习模拟测试 及答案(3) Passage Those who welcomed the railway saw it as more than a rapid and comfortable means of passing. They actually saw it as afactor in world peace. They did not foresee that the railway would be just one more means for the rapid movement of aggressive armies. None of them foresaw that the more weare together-the more chances there are of war. Any boy or girl who is one of a large family knows that. Whenever any new invention is put forward, those for it and those against it can always find medical men to approve or condemn. The anti-railway group produced doctors who said that tunnels would be most dangerous to public health: they would produce colds, catarrhs (粘膜炎) and consumptions. The deafening noise and the glare of the engine fire, would have a bad effect on the nerves. Further, being moved through the air at a high speed would do grave injury to delicate lungs. In those with high blood-pressure, the movement of the train might produce apoplexy (中风). The sudden plunging of a train into the darkness of a tunnel, and the equally sudden rush into full daylight, would cause great damage to eyesight. But the pro-railway group was of course able to produce equally famous medical men to say just the opposite. They said that the speed and swing of the train would equalize the circulation, promote digestion, tranquilize the nerves, and ensure good sleep. The actual rolling-stock was anything but comfortable. If it was a test of endurance to sit for four hours outside a coach in rain, or inside in dirty air, the railway offered little more in the way of comfort. Certainly the first-class carriages had cushioned seats; but the second-class had only narrow bare boards, while the third-class had nothing at all; no seats and no roof; they were just open trucks. So that third-class passengers gained nothing from the few mode except speed. In the matter of comfort, indeed they lost; they did, on the coaches, have a seat, but now they had to stand all the way, which gave opportunities to the comic (滑
