


注意!原来版本的阅读真经 5 其中一题因某种原因被迫删除所以换了新题进去,其它都没变只是换了一题现将换的新题整理成电子版送给大家。亲们的福利哦!购买此版本阅读真经5 原题和新题您都能得到此书数量有限哦买剑10版阅读真经5 是没有机会看到被删除的题目哦!



GHAPTER 4 Matching信息匹配题/213 Reading Passage 46 Mental Gymnastics /279 核心词汇/283 雅思阅读真题同义词考点/284





Reading Passage 46



A the working day has just started at the head office of Barclays Bank in London. Seventeen staff are helping themselves to a buffet breakfast as young psychologist Sebastian Bailey enters the room to begin the morning’s training session. But this is no ordinary training session.He’s not here to sharpen theif finance or management skills. He’s here to exercise their brains

B Today’s workout, organised by a company called the Mind Gym in London, entitled “having presence”.What follows is an intense 90-minute session in which this rather

abstract concept is gradually broken down into a concrete set of feelings,mental tricks

and behaviours.At one point the bankers are

instructed to shut their eyes and visualise Themselves filling the room and then the building. They finish up by walking around the Room acting out various levels of presence,from low-key to over the top

C It’s easy to poke fun. Yet similar mental workouts are happening in corporate seminar Rooms around the globe.The Mind Gym alone offers some 70 different sessions, Including ones on mental stamina. Creativity for logical thinkers and“zoom learning

Other outfits draw more directly on the exercise analogy, offering “neurotics”courses with names like “brain sets”and “cerebral fitness”. Then there are books with titles like Pumping lons,full of brainteasers that claim to “flex your mind”,and software packages Offefing memory and spatial-awareness games.

D But whatever the style, the companies’sales pitch is invariably the same--follow our

routines to shape and sculpt your brain or mind, just as you might tone and train your body.And,of course,they nearly all claim that their mental workouts draw on serious scientific research and thinking into how the brain works.

E One outfit, Brainergy of Cambridge, Massachusetts (motto: “Because your grey matter

(书本280页)matters”)puts it like this: “Studies have shown that mental exercise can cause changes in brain anatomy and brain chemistry which promote increased mental efficiency and clarity. The neuroscience is cutting-edge.”And on its website,Mind Gym trades on a quote from Susan Greenfield, one of Britain’s best known neuroscientists: “It’s a bit like going to the

gym,if you exercise your brain it will grow.”

F Indeed,the Mind Gym ofiginally planned to

刘洪波 雅思阅读真经 内部讲义 中

【雅思真经派读写互通理论】 长难句理解 经典句型背诵 剑8 1.1 The revolutionary aspect of this new timekeeper was neither the descending weight that provided its motive force nor the gear wheels (which had been around for at least 1,300 years) that transferred the power; it was the part called the escapement. 1.3 Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine. Other parapsychologists believe that the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce definitive scientific proof and failed. Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however, that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called ‘ganzfeld’ e xperiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’. 2.2 The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still little understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean. 2.3 While it is true that the olfactory powers of humans are nothing like as fine as those possessed by certain animals, they are still remarkably acute. 3.3 It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 3.1 Discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a 'left-right' sequence of turns or as a 'compass bearing and distance' message. 3.3 Forests are one of the main elements of our natural heritage. The decline of Europe's forests over the last decade and a half has led to an increasing awareness and understanding of the serious imbalances which threaten them. 4.2 The MSC has established a set of criteria by which commercial fisheries can be judged. 4.3 It was found that children from the noisy schools had higher blood pressure and were more easily distracted than those who attended the quiet schools. Moreover, there was no evidence of adaptability to the noise. In fact, the longer the children had attended the noisy schools, the more distractible they became. 剑6 1.2 Theoretically, in the world of trade, shipping costs do not matter. Goods, once they have been


1999年年全真试题 Part ⅠCloze Test Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies 1 low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them 2 and active. When the work is well done, a 3 of accident free operations is established 4 time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum. Successful safety programs may 5 greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by 6 rules or regulations. 7 others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained. There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety 8 . The fewer the injury 9 , the better the workman’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at 10 or at a loss. 1.[A]at [B]in [C]on [D]with 2.[A]alive [B]vivid [C]mobile [D]diverse 3.[A]regulation [B]climate [C]circumstance [D]requirement 4.[A]where [B]how [C]what [D]unless 5.[A]alter [B]differ [C]shift [D]distinguish 6.[A]constituting [B]aggravating [C]observing [D]justifying 7.[A]Some [B]Many [C]Even [D]Still 8.[A]comes off [B]turns up [C]pays off [D]holds up 9.[A]claims [B]reports [C]declarations [D]proclamations 10.[A]an advantage [B]a benefit [C]an interest [D]a profit Part ⅡReading Comprehension Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked [A], [B], [C]and [D]. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (40 points) Passage 1 It’s a rough world out there. Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. Light up the stove and you could burn down the house. Luckily, if the doormat or stove failed to warn of coming disaster, a successful lawsuit might compensate you for your troubles. Or so the

剑9阅读真题原文1 William Henry Perkin

CAMBRIDGE IELTS 9 NOTE 原文真题 Reading Passage 1 William Henry Perkin The man who invented synthetic dyes William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early interests in the arts, sciences, photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm for chemistry. As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired t he young chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15. At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the noted Germa n chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune. At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge. During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his time in the laboratory on the top floor of his family’s house. He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Despite his best efforts, however, he did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark sludge. Luckily, Perkin’s scientific


1 Hometown Where do you come from? I am local here. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Would a foreign visitor enjoy them? Beijing is famous for its historical attractions like The Forbidden City and Summer Palace which attracts millions of foreign visitor each year. 1.Did you learn much about the history of your hometown in school? I think we all have trouble tracing the history of our hometown because we seldom learn it in school. 2.What do you think needs to change in your hometown? Traffic in my hometown is overly bad. It seems all the residences have to spend their entire life in a Beijing traffic jam. So the change of traffic situation is a must. 3.What place(s) in your hometown do you go to in your spare time? I am a shopping freak. I like to go to a big shopping mall when I have time. Shopping mall is multiple which allows me to get anything I


xx张剑考研英语模拟题答案 【xx考研必备资料】张剑考研英语模拟题 第二套 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Valentine’s Day may e from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. __1__ the fierce wolves roamed nearby, the old Romans called __2__ the god Lupercus to help them. A festival in his __3__ was held on February 15th. On the eve of the festival the __4__ of the girls were written on __5__ of paper and placed in jars. Each young man __6__ a slip. The girl whose name was __7__ was to be his sweetheart for the year.

Legend __8__ it that the holiday became Valentine’s Day __9__ a Roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II __10__ the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or bee engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would __11__ stay home than fight. When Valentine __12__ the Emperor and secretly married the young couples, he was put to death on February 14th, the __13__ of Lupercalia. After his death, Valentine became a __14__. Christian priests moved the holiday from the 15th to the 14th —Valentine’s Day. Now the holiday honors Valentine __15__ of Lupercus. Valentine’s Day has bee a major __16__ of love and romance in the modern world. The ancient god Cupid and his __17__ into a lover’s heart may still be used to __18__ falling in love or being in love. But we also use cards and gifts, such as flowers or jewelry, to do this. __19__ to give flower to a wife or sweetheart on Valentine’s Day can sometimes be as __20__ as forgetting a birthday or a wedding anniversary. 1.[A] While 2.[A] upon


READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. AUSTRALIA'S SPORTING SUCCESS A They play hard, they play often, and they play to win. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. How do they do it? A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine. At the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), hundreds of youngsters and pros live and train under the eyes of coaches. Another body, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women. Both provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice. B Inside the academies, science takes centre stage. The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one - such as building muscle strength in golfers - to others, such as swimming and squash. They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. They all focus on one aim: winning. ‘We can't waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don't help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance,' says Peter Fricker, chief of science at AIS. C A lot of their work comes down to measurement - everything from the exact angle of a swimmer’s dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes. The focus is on individuals, tweaking performances to squeeze an extra hundredth of a second here, an extra millimetre there. No gain is too slight to bother with. It’s the tiny, gradual improvements that add up to world-beating results. To demonstrate how the system works, Bruce Mason at AIS shows off the prototype of a 3 D analysis tool for studying swimmers. A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water, her arms moving in slow motion. Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes. From above, he analyses how her spine

刘洪波 雅思高分阅读真经 下

READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on questions 14-26,which are based on Reading passage 2 on reading passage 2 on the following pages. Questions14-17 Reading passage 2 has five paragraphs A-E. Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-E from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, I-VII, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet. List of Headings I Seeking the transmission of radio signals from planets II Appropriate responses to signals from other civilizations III V ast distances to Earth’s closest neighbours IV Assumptions underlying the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence V Reasons for the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence VI Knowledge of extra-terrestrial life forms VII Likelihood of life on other planets Example Answer Paragraph A V 14 Paragraph B 15 Paragraph C 16 Paragraph D 17 Paragraph E


2002年全国攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题 第一部分英语知识应用试题解析 一、文章总体分析 本文主要介绍了计算机的发展对通信革命及人们的生存方式产生的影响。文章第一段从早期的通信革命入手,指出在15、16世纪和20世纪之间发生了很多事情,特别是通信革命加快了步伐。第二段接着提到20世纪计算机的出现极改变了这一进程。第三段指出随着计算机的发展,我们步入了一个信息社会。在计算机影响下,通信革命改变了我们的工作和休闲方式,也影响了我们的思考和感知方式。在结尾部分,文章提到,当然,关于这种通信革命在经济、政治、社会和文化各方面的影响是利大于弊还是弊大于利,还存在争议。 二、试题具体解析 1. [A] between在…当中,在空间、位置或时间的中间 [B] before在此之前早些时候,在…前面 [C] since自从…以后,以前 [D] later 后来,稍后,随后 [答案] A [解析] 本题考核的知识点是:时间副词的用法辨析。 解此题关键看两个方面,一是理解文章第一句话的含义:人们曾对20世纪电视的发展以及15世纪和16世纪印刷术的传播进行了比较。二是注意转折连词yet的用法,yet一般标志着接下来的容与前面的容出现了较大的不同,如:She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time.(她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了)。文中第二句话结构非常简单,主语和谓语都无法体现与第一句话的强烈对照,这时只能通过空格里填入的时间状语来体现了,因此这个时间副词应与第一句话中的时间状语in the 20th century和 in the 15th and 16th centuries相呼应并对照。接下来关键看这个时间副词表示的是哪个时间段,15、16世纪之前,20世纪之后还是两者之间。其实我们从下文中的the 19th century也可以推断出正确答案是between,即“然而,在这两个时段之间却发生了很多事情”。 2. [A] after [B] by [C] during [D] until [答案]D [解析]本题考核的知识点是:固定句型。 空格所在的句子是一个强调句型:it was + 时间状语 + that。四个选项中能与not 搭配的只有until,not until表示“直到……才……”,整个句意是“直到十九世纪,报纸才成为电子时代到来前主要的……”。如:It was not until the afternoon that he begun to tackle the problem.(直到下午他才开始解决问题)。 知识点补充:在这种强调状语的结构中,表示状语的成分可以是单词、词组或句子。强调句子时可以是主语从句、宾语从句或状语从句。如:It was at an evening party that I first met her.(强调地点状语);It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river.(强调原因状语从句,引导词只能用because,不能用since,as或why);It is what you will do that is essential.(强调主语从句)。 3. [A] means方式,方法,手段 [B] method方法


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6c17515393.html, 《剑10》听力解析 作者:耿龙 来源:《新东方英语》2015年第10期 2013年3月5日,雅思官方发布了《剑9》(编注:为叙述方便,全文出现的《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集》均采用简称,如《剑9》《剑10》等)。时隔两年,《剑10》终于露出其“庐山真面目”。此前网络上曾流出一版号称“《剑10》”的雅思练习题集,其内容编排及考点同历年官方出版的真题集有很大出入。考生如果下载到网络版的“《剑10》”,只把其当做模拟练习题即可,备考时还应以官方发布的正版《剑10》为准。此次《剑10》的编写体例与历年真题集相同,同样包含四套学术类真题和两套培训类真题(即适用于移民的阅读和写作考题),但难度与往年相比稳中有升。本文旨在分析《剑10》的听力部分,并将之与历年真题集及2014年全年45场雅思考试进行对比,给广大考生提供《剑10》的使用建议及相应的备考策略。 题型 从题型来看,《剑10》听力部分选择类题目所占的比例比往年增多,题型的多样性减 少,各个section的题型分布更符合实际考试的规律。下面笔者分别从这三方面进行详细分析。 1. 选择类题目所占比例增多 如图1所示,《剑10》听力中,主观填空题依旧占主导位置,而令人头疼的填图类题目 并没有出现。图2、图3分别为《剑3》至《剑9》听力部分的题型统计和2014年全年45场雅思考试听力部分的题型统计。通过对比不难发现,《剑10》听力中选择类题目所占的比例明 显升高,这在之前的真题中并不多见,因此考生应注意增加选择类题目的练习。此外,对相当一部分考生而言,由于受审题时间、答题策略(如定位答案信息、寻找同义表述)等因素的影响,选择类题目的难度比填空类题目的难度要大,而《剑10》的面市正好为考生提供了更多 练习选择类题目的机会。


2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案 人的知识和人的力量这两件东西是结合为一体的;工作的失败都起于对因果关系的无知。以下是小编为大家搜索整理2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! Volatility Kills You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below. A Despite gun battles in the capital of Chad, rioting in Kenya and galloping inflation in Zimbabwe, the economics of sub-Saharan Africa arc, as a whole, in better shape than they were a few years ago. The World Bank has reported recently that this part of the continent experienced a respectable growth rate of 5.6 percent in 2006 and a higher rate from 1995 to 2005 than in previous decades. The bank has given a cautious assessment that the region may have reached a turning point. An overriding question for developmental economists remains whether the upswing will continue so Africans can grow their way out of a poverty that relegates some 40 percent of the nearly 744 million in that region to living on less than a dollar a day. The optimism, when inspected more closely, may be short-lived because of the persistence of a devastating pattern of economic volatility that has lingered for decades. B “In reality, African countries grow as fast as Asian countries and other developing countries during the good times, but afterward they see growth collapses,” comments Jorge Arbache, a senior World Bank economist. “How to prevent collapses may be as important as promoting growth.” If these collapses had not occurred, he observes, the level of gross domestic product for each citizen of the 48 nations of sub-Saharan Africa would have been a third higher. C The prerequisite to prevent the next crash are not in place, according to a World Bank study issued in January. Is Africa's Recent Growth Robust? The growth period that began in 1995, driven by a commodities boom spurred in particular by demand from China, may not be sustainable, because the economic fundamentals—new investment and the ability to stave off inflation, among other factors—are absent. The region lacks the necessary infrastructure that would encourage investors to look to Africa to find the next Bengaluru (Bangalore) or Shenzhen, a November report from the bank concludes. For sub-Saharan countries rich in oil and other resources, a boom period may even undermine efforts to institute sound economic practices. From 1996 to 2005, with growth accelerating, measures of governance—factors such as political stability, rule of law, and control of corruption—actually worsened, especially for countries endowed with abundant mineral resources, the January report notes. D Perhaps the most incisive analysis of the volatility question comes from Paul Collier, a longtime specialist in African economics at the University of Oxford and author of the recent book The Bottom Billion. He advocates a range of options that the U.S. and other nations could adopt when formulating policy toward African countries. They include revamped trade measures, better-apportioned aid and sustained military intervention in certain instances, to avert what he sees as a rapidly accelerating divergence of the world’s poorest, primarily in Africa, from the rest



CAMBRIDGE IELTS 9 NOTE 原文真题 Reading Passage 1 William Henry Perkin The man who invented synthetic dyes William Henry Perkin was born on March 12, 1838, in London, England. As a boy, Perkin’s curiosity prompted early inte rests in the arts, sciences, photography, and engineering. But it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather’s home that solidified the young man’s enthusiasm for chemistry. As a student at the City of London School, Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry. His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist’s enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 1853, at the age of 15. At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College of Chemist ry was headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention and, within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune. At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. The drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, native to South America, and by 1856 demand for the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made some passing comments about the desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challenge.
