honesty text

honesty text
honesty text

New College English Integrated Course 2

Unit8 Honesty: Is It Going Out of Style?

Ever thought about cheating on a test? Of course not. But some students are not quite so honest …

Honesty: Is It Going Out of Style?

Stacia Robbins

1)According to a recent poll, 61 percent of American high school students have admitted to cheating on exams at least once. It can be argued such a response my not mean much. After all, most students have been faced with the temptation to peek at a neighbor's test paper. And students can be hard on themselves in judging such behavior. However, there are other indications that high school cheating may be on the rise.

2)More and more states are requiring students to pass competency tests in order to receive their high school diplomas. And many educators fear that an increase in the use of state exams will lead to a corresponding rise in cheating. A case in point is students in New York State who faced criminal misdemeanor charges for possessing and selling advance copies of state Regents examinations.

3)Cheating is considered to be a major problem in colleges and universities. Several professors say they've dropped the traditional term paper requirement because many students buy prewritten term papers, and they can't track down all the cheaters anymore.

4)Colleges and universities across the nation have decided to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating. For instance, the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland launched a campaign to stop one form of cheating. As 409 students filed out of their exam, they found all but one exit blocked. Proctors asked each student to produce an ID card with an attached photo. Students who said they'd left theirs in the dorm or at home had a mug shot taken. The purpose of the campaign was to catch "ringers," students who take tests for other students.

5)The majority of students at the University of Maryland applauded the campaign. The campus newspaper editorial said, "Like police arresting speeders, the intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word."

6)We frequently hear about "the good old days", when Americans were better, happier, and more honest. But were they more honest? Maybe yes, a long time ago when life was very different from what it is today.

7)School children used to know the story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he'd overcharged a customer. It's the kind of story we think of as myth. But in the case of Lincoln, the story is true … unlike the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. Washington's first biographer invented the tale of little George saying to his father, "I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my ax." What is important in both stories, however, is that honesty was seen as an important part of the American character.

8)And these are just two stories out of many. Students in the last century usually didn't read "fun" stories. They read stories that taught moral values. Such stories pointed out quite clearly that children who lied, cheated, or stole came to bad ends.

9)Parents may have further reinforced those values. It's difficult to know. We do know that children didn't hear their parents talk of cheating the government on income taxes - there weren't


10)A clue as to why Americans may have been more honest in the past lies in the Abe Lincoln story. Lincoln knew his customer. They both lived in a small town. Would a check-out person at a large supermarket return money a customer? It's less likely. On the other hand, would overnight guests at an inn run by a husband and wife, steal towels? It's less likely.

11)Perhaps this tells us that people need to know one another to be at their honest best.

12)The vast majority of Americans still believe that honesty as an important part of the American Character. For that reason, there are numerous watch-dog committees at all levels of society. Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past, could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty?

13)There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow. When times are hard, incidents of theft and cheating usually go up. And when times get better such incidents tend to go down.

14) Cheating in school also tends to ebb and flow. But it doesn't seem linked to the economy.

15) Many educators feel that as students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, they are less likely to cheat. Surprisingly, some efforts to prevent cheating may actually encourage cheating - a person may feel "they don't trust me anyway," and be tempted to "beat the system." Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust!


honesty n. freedom from deceit, cheating, etc. 诚实

style n. fashion 时髦

poll n. survey of public opinion by putting questions to a representative selection of persons 民意测验admit v. state or agree to the truth of; confess 承认,供认admission n.

temptation n. the act of tempting or being tempted 引诱;诱惑

peek vi. look (at sth.) quickly, esp. when one should not 偷看

behavio(u)r n. way of behaving 行为behave v.

indication n. sign or suggestion 迹象

competency n. ability; being competent 能力;胜任

diploma n. official paper showing that a person has successfully finished a course of study or passed an examination 文凭

corresponding a. matching 相应的

criminal a. of crime

misdemeano(u)r n. crime that is less serious than, for example, stealing of murder 轻罪

charge n. accusation 指控

possess n. have, own 占有,拥有

advance a. made available before the date of general publication or release 预先的

regent n. member of a governing board (学校董事会的)董事

drop vt. give up; discontinue 放弃;革除

traditional a. of or according to tradition 传统的tradition n.

requirement n. sth. required; sth. demanded as a condition 要求;必要条件

prewritten a. written beforehand; written in advance

psychology n. science of the mind 心理学psychological a.

launch vt. start, set going 发起;发动

campaign n. series of planned activities for some special purpose 运动

file vi. march or move in a line 排成纵队行进

exit n. way out of a place 出口(处)

proctor n. 临考人

ID card n. identity card 身份证

dorm n. (short for) dormitory 宿舍

mug n. the face or mouth shot n. a single photograph

mug shot n. (sl.) photograph of a person's face, used for purposes of identification 面部照片

ringer n. any person who pretends to be another 冒名顶替者

applaud vt. praise esp. by striking one's hands to gether 拍手称赞

campus n. university; the grounds of a university, college, or school 大学;校园

editorial n. leading article 社论

arrest vt. seize (sb.) in the name of the law 逮捕

speeder n. person who drives an automobile at a higher speed than is lawful 违法超速驾驶者

intent n. purpose; intention

frequently ad. at short intervals, often 频繁地

overcharge vt. charge too much 对...要价太高

customer n. person who buys goods from a shop, esp. regularly 顾客

myth n. 神话

unlike prep. not like, different from

cherry n. 樱桃

biographer n. person who writes about another person's life 传记作家

ax(e) n. 斧子

character n. mental or moral qualities that make one person, race, etc. different from others 性格,品质moral a. concerning principles of right of wrong 道德的

reinforce vt. encourage of strengthen 加强

tax n. 税,税款

clue n. sth. that helps to find an answer to a question 线索

check-out n. desk where one pays the bill of the goods one has chosen 结帐处

supermarket n. large shop where one serves oneself with food and goods 超级市场

overnight a. for or during the night 住一夜的;一整夜的

inn n. small hotel 小旅馆,客栈

towel n. 毛巾

vast a. very big

numerous a. many

watch-dog a. organized or acting as a watchful guardian, esp. against unlawful practice 起监督作用的dishonesty n. the quality of being dishonest

reveal vt. make known 揭露

evidence n. sign or proof 证据

ebb vi. (of the tide) flow back from the land to the sea; grow less; become weak or faint 落潮;低落,衰退flow vi. (of the tide) come in; rise; run or spread smoothly (潮)涨;上升;流

incident n. event; happening 事件

theft n. (the act of, an instance of) stealing

tend vi. have a tendency 易于,往往会

link vt. join or connect 连接;联系

economy n. 经济

anyway ad. at all; in any case 究竟;无论如何

tempt vt. attract (sb.) to do sth. wrong or foolish 引诱

system n. 体制;制度systematic a.

distrust n. lack of trust; mistrust 不信任,怀疑

contagious a. tending to spread easily from person to person 传染的


out of style no longer fashionable 过时的,不再流行

according to as stated or shown by; in a way that agrees with 按照,根据(be) faced with 面对

be hard on 对...过分严厉

on the rise increasing steadily 在增长;在加剧

a case in point a very good example 恰当的例子

all but all except 除了...都

(be) different from unlike, not the same as 与...不同

think of ... as regard as

in the case of 就...来说,至于

come to arrive at a particular state or position 变成(某种状态)

lie in exist in 在于

on the other hand from the opposed point of view 另一方面,反过来说at one's best in as good a state as possible 处于最佳状态

go up rise; increase 上升;增加

go down fall; decrease 下降;减少


Stacia Robbins 斯泰茜娅.罗宾斯

Maryland 马里兰(美国州名)

Abe 艾贝(Abraham的昵称)


评课材料 吴双老师这堂课,我认为是一堂既有创新性,又有效,还有许多亮点的课。下面我来谈一下我的感受。首先创新性体现在课堂结构上。 (1)这堂课吴老师设计导入环节很巧妙。吴老师先让同学们唱歌,再呈现句子“We were singing when the class began.”她利用刚刚课堂上发生的动作,导入了本课的主题:过去进行时,同时也让同学们切实体会到这个时态的意义。既引起学生的注意力,引发了学生的学习兴趣,又激发学生学习的思维,同时将要教学的内容以自然的方式呈现,“一举而多得”。 (2)课堂的讲解是适时的,适度的,多角度的,也是实效的,改进了传统“满堂灌,满堂做题”的教法,既在关键时刻答疑解惑,对学生的语法学习起到了点拨的作用,又创设起良好的教学情境,使学生在这种情境中把所学的知识运用在口语交际之中。通过这种设计,突出了学生主体地位与教师主导作用。 (3)学生练习的对象进行了有意的变化。由A对B,再到A对C,再到A对D,突破了传统教学中学生只能和同桌练习的局限性,产生“信息差”,体现了“换换座位,聊天更快乐”的创新教学精神。这样既增加了学生练习的新鲜感,也给了学生纠正自己以前的错误,重新投入到口语练习中的机会。是一种新的教学模式的尝试。 其次,我认为这堂课的亮点有几处,体现在创新的课堂活动设计上。 (4)第一是令人眼前一亮的Guessing Game ,呈现几张只露出一半的运动的图片,配上不同的过去时间状语,让学生通过提问来猜测什么动作,以达到练习过去进行时的一般疑问句的目的。这个环节充分调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性和主观能动性,可谓是“构思巧妙,效果明显”。 (5)还有一个我非常喜欢,也是很佩服吴老师的环节,就是在播放一段学生在午休时真实活动的视频之后,创设的一个适合练习特殊疑问句的情境,问学生:“What were the students doing from 12:00 to 12:30 ?”让同学们通过回忆视频中的动作来练习对话。这一活动是指导学生何时应用所学习的语法,恰如其分,水到渠成,效果非常好。


诚实精选作文400字5篇 诚即诚实,就是忠实老实,实事求是,不说谎,不虚伪,言行一致;信即守信,就是言而有信遵守信约,说到做到覆行诺言。下面是小编为你整理了诚实精选作文400字,希望能帮助到您。 篇一:诚实在六年的中小学生活中,我曾考过一次最差的分数76分,更糟糕的是那张考试试卷还要家长签名。我心里暗暗叫苦。这是因为我以前每次考试都在80分以上,这次考这么差,妈妈不得骂死我呀。 回到家,我马上把考试试卷折成一个小方块藏在兜里。我把所有作业都做完了,只剩下签名了。到了傍晚,我把作业那去给妈妈交对。妈妈对的可认真了,一样一样对下去,还给我检查有没有漏做。我的心像小兔子一样怦怦直跳,两只手都护着口袋,仿佛里面有什么珍宝似的。快检查到考试试卷签名了,我默默祷告:不要被发现,不要被发现。可是纸包不住火,结果还是被妈妈发现了。妈妈问我考试试卷在哪我说马上去拿。我把考试试卷摊平,翻到后面,一步一步的来到妈妈面前,我颤抖的说:“妈妈,这......次考砸......了,考了 (76) 分。”说完就把头低了下去,准备挨批评。可妈妈却丝毫无生气之意,反而把考试试卷签了名叮嘱我下次考好。我恩了一声,马上跑了出去。 到了田野,我吸了一口新鲜空气,心情变得很轻松,因为心中的大石头没有了。 其实,在生活中,只要诚实面对每一件事,也许你会获得意外惊

喜,就像我一样,没有被挨骂,还签了名。诚实,每个人都应该诚实。 篇二:诚实在学校,在社会,在生活中哪儿都充满了困难,而人们也往往会陷入骗局。有一些人会选择谎,有一些人会选择诚。而我就选择诚实。 记得五年级的某一段时间,我的零花钱引起了妈妈的高度重视,隔三差五地就来检查钱的情况。刚好在这段时间,我们班级又起了一股游戏热潮,时不时就有同学买来点卡,我的眼睛便盯在了上面,手痒痒的,心里便一直想着点卡。 晚上回家,我默默地从我的皮夹中取出二十元钱,藏在了书包里。第二天,我在学校门口的小店买了点卡,喜滋滋地回了家。 可美后有恶果,当我迅速地做完作业,妈妈回来了。我的心便飞速地跳了起来,又要来检查钱了吗?不,不会的。我喃喃自语:“该怎么办,撒谎,不行,妈妈说过,诚实胜过一切,只要你承认,什么都好。可不撒谎……” “包闻捷,你钱呢?”还没等我说完,妈妈便打断了我的话,“又干什么去了啊,买什么了!” “我……”我不知该怎么办,低头不语。 “说呀,买什么了?”妈妈用目光盯着我。 我心里不由得翻腾起来,可妈妈的话时时在我心中转着。我不知为什么,脱口说:“买点卡了。” 妈妈笑了,摸着我的头,笑了。 选择诚实是生活中最正确的选择,我们要在诚实中成长。


高一优秀英语作文:honesty What is honesty? Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.Considered a virtue,it is admired in every country and every culture.So,Is it necessary to be honest all the time . However,there are people who try to get benefits by dishonest means. For example,some students copy the exercises done by others or cheat in examinations in order to get good marks. The same thing may be said of a merchant who tries to get rich by deceving customers. Those people may succeed for a time,but sooner or later,they will be caught. " How can cheating on exams be prevented? The measures may vary from case to case.But I think,the students must first be well informes of the negative effect on the learning atmosphere of the university and the studentscharacter. Then the students who were caught in the act of cheating can be criticizedpublicly punished or even expelled from the university."


那一次,我选择了诚信 每个人都碰到过各种各样的诱惑,但对待诱惑的态度有不同。有的贪婪地接受、有的毫不犹豫地拒绝。我曾经遇到过一次,但我选择了诚信。 五年级期末时候,我被抽去另一个考场进行数学测试。老师一发下试卷,教室里就响起了一片沙沙声,我也把所有的注意力都集中到了试卷上。时间不容我多想,随着时间的流逝,随着笔尖在试卷上的移动,我也攻克了一道道难题,心想:这次考试也不怎么难嘛,只要我能破出最后一道题,可能会得满分,那我就是数学尖子生了。 我读了一下题目,先试着把自己心想的解法写出来,可是解不出来,我又用了第二种方法去解,可还是失败了。我急得满头汗水,可越急就越没有思路。“丁零零”,下课了,我在无可奈何之下把试卷交了上去。 后来的一节课,我满脑子想的都是那道题。下课的时候,老师让我把作业送到办公室,我看见刚收上去的竞赛试卷。“呀!他的答案是正确。”我小声地嘀咕。这时我的心里有一个声音叫我快找到自己的卷子,把答案写上去,这样就可以得到一百分了。 我用颤抖的手去翻着那堆试卷,时不时还四处张望,生怕被别人发现我在作弊。我隐约透过门缝看见走廊的“诚信”两个大字。我停了下来,陷入了沉思:为什么我小时候都懂得民无信不立的道理,而现在却被眼前的利益蒙蔽了双眼呢?于是我放下笔,放弃改试卷的企图。

老天好像要存心考验我似的,下午老师叫我一起帮她改试卷,当我又看到我空着那道题的时候,便毫不犹豫地划了一个大叉。事后我把事情的来龙去脉告诉了老师,老师表扬道:“你虽然没有得一百分,可你得到了比满分更珍贵的东西——诚信!”我高兴极了。 诚信是金,它比金子还珍贵,如果一个人没有诚信,就无法立足。

大学英语作文-诚实 Honesty

大学英语作文:诚实 Honesty Recently, I have seen an impressive film"Meet theParents", which is about a woman Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to herparents' home to spend holiday. In the film, Greg was so dishonest to Palm'sparents that Palm's father is suspicious of his behavior and quality. As aresult, Greg is obnoxious to all and has to leave. As far as I am concerned,the consequence is heavily caused by his dishonesty. If Greg could be real himall the time, he would get much respect and appreciation and would not get muchfrustration. From the film, I have learned that being honest was extremelyimportant and necessary. In other words, being honest is a basic principle forus to deal with others. 最近,我看了一部印象深刻的电影《见家长》。这部电影是关于一名叫帕姆的女性带她的男朋友格雷格去父母家度假的事故。剧中,格雷格最帕姆的父母很不诚实,因此她父母怀疑他的行为品质。结果,所有的人都讨厌格雷格,他不得不离开。在我看来,他的不诚实带来了严重影响。如果格雷格能够展现真实的他,他就会得到更多的尊重和赏识,就不会有那么多的无奈。从影片中,我懂得了诚实是相当重要和必要的。换句话说,诚实是我们与他人交往的基本原则。 For one thing, we will not get others' trust unless weare honest. If we deceive others, we would get the same in return, and even noone would make friends with us or even communicate with us. For another, wewill get others' respect and appreciation if telling the truth. Telling thetruth and being ourselves, we will get a healthy and peaceful surrounding togrow up better. 一方面,除非我们队别人诚实,否则我们得不到别热的信任。如果我们欺骗别人,我们也会得到同样的对待,甚至没有人会和我们做朋友或者沟通。另一方面,如果我们说真话,我们会得到别人的尊重和赏识。说真话,做自己,我们会拥有健康平静的环境以更好的成长。 However, something strange happens in our society.There is a strange phenomenon that honest people suffer but the dishonestbenefit a lot. It made some people have a suspicion that being honest is not soimportant. 然而,社会上仍有一些奇怪的事情发生。有这样一个奇怪的现象,老实人吃亏,不老实人获益良多。这使得有些人怀疑诚实是否没那么重要了。 But I still believe that these are just a few cases,since honesty is deeply rooted in our minds and we still consider it as a basicprinciple in social contacts.


教学设计 一教学目标(Teaching aims) 1.解决试卷中的难点,澄清共性错误。完善知识体系。 2.理清答题思路,提高答题技能。 3.体验英语学习的快乐与成就感,提高备战高考的自信心。 二教学策略与手段(Designing) 本课践行尊重学生个体,发挥学生课堂主体作用的高效课堂模式。采用个人活动、小组讨论展示;小组代表志愿讲解等多种课堂活动。并将丰富的课堂活动与多媒体信息手段有机结合,提高课堂效果。 三课前准备(Before-class) 1.公布试题答案,将试题答题纸返还学生。要求学生初步订正错误, 分析错因。 2.对学生得失分情况进行统计、汇总,确定课堂讲评重点。 3.对学生共性错误较进行分析,找出错误根源,定出纠错措施与课堂活动形式。并设计好针对性训练。 4.准备几个鼓舞学生备考信心的句子,用以进一步激发学习热情鼓舞士气。 5.完成多媒体课件的制作。 四课堂实施(In-class) 1.介绍考试结果 简要介绍学生试卷完成情况。包括满分,最高分,优秀和及格人数。 2.明确教学目标与课堂内容(教师做简要说明) 让学生明确这节课要做些什么,需要达成怎样的目标。所有课堂设计与活动都是实现三维学习目标的措施与手段。 3.试题讲解 A 阅读(group work)和完成短文。小组讨论阅读理解,尽量多的解决问题。在讨论之前,对可能会影响学生们理解的重点词汇进行PPT 展示,扫清理解障碍。B, C 层提出自己的疑问,A 层帮助解答。小组讨论的优势在于可以每个学生得以关注,提出并解决自己的疑惑;并且可以充分发挥其主观能动性。改变传统课堂被动听讲的局面。学生讨论后将未能解决的问题展示(Presentation activity)到前黑板。由A 层Volunteer 讲解,老师协助。请学生发言主要是为了暴露思维过程,包括典型错误的思考,巧妙的思考等,以对其他学生起到警戒、示范作用。 阅读技巧总结(教师讲解)。教师进一步总结点拨阅读理解解题技巧。比如怎样做好词义猜测及细节题。 总结并给学生鼓励:For you ,maybe you also under stress, but don’t be afraid. because your parents,your friends and we(your teachers)are always here to support you. So when you work,put your heart into it,and when you play ,enjoy it. B 综合填空和任务型阅读。


以选择诚信为题的高中作文800 字 5 篇诚信在社会主义核心价值观中有着重要地位,明礼诚信,是一个合 格公民重要的素质和修养。下面是橙子为大家带来的有关选择诚信为题的高中作文800字5篇。 选择诚信 德国伟大的诗人——海涅,曾说过:“生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。”虽然诚信看不见,摸不着,但它却一直在我们身边。 记得有一次数学考试接近尾声时,我还剩最后一道应用题,还需几分钟才可大功告成。可时间不等人,一分一秒很快过去了。当老师宣布:“时间到了,同学们准备交卷! ”考场上的同学们出现了各种情况,有的已经交了试卷,胸有成竹地走出了教室; 有的慢吞吞地站起来,眼睛还紧盯着试卷; 有的急三火四地在试卷上又添上几笔。而我正争分夺秒,攻克最后一个堡垒。可天不如人愿,最后一道题我本来就掌握得不够熟练,再加上时间紧张,简直就是雪上加霜,理不出一点头绪。这时真盼望脑洞大开,奇迹发生。我不经意看向左边,嘿! 歪打正着,同桌的最后一题已经做好了。这时,我脑子里好像出现了两只精灵,黑精灵怂恿我:“抄吧! 抄吧!抄了你就是满分了! ”我迅速地把答案写在了自己的试卷上。白精灵极力反对:“不能抄,就算能得100 分,也没什么了不起,这不是你的真才实学! 抄袭是小偷的行为! ”我想了想,默默地擦掉了答案。回到家,我把这件事告 诉了妈妈,妈妈听了,夸我做得对,是个诚信的好孩子。虽然,这次考试没能得满分,但我一点也不后悔 诚信是清风,吹走了我们心中的阴云; 诚信是太阳,为我们照亮了丰

富多彩的人生之路?? 选择诚信每天早晨,我和妈妈一同出门,妈妈先送我上学再回单位上班,所以,每天的早饭都是妈妈带着我到同一家早餐店吃的。我要抛个疑问给大家,让大家猜一猜,这个早餐店老板在算钱的时候为什么给别人算得清清楚楚,唯独我们是让我们自己算,让妈妈直接支付宝买单,从来不怀疑我们是否少算? 告诉你没吧:有一次,我们来这家店吃早饭。这家店做的早餐特好吃,人们就早早地来这里,排起长长的队伍,就是为了能吃上美味的早餐。生意那么火,店主就忙得不可开交,一会儿端早餐,一会儿送牛奶,一会儿算账,连喝口水的时间都没有。吃完早饭,店主给我们算钱时少算了2 元,我们也没有细算急忙付了钱,离开了。 去学校的路上,妈妈总觉得哪里不对,说:“依依,今天我们吃了那么多,怎么只要这么点钱?你有没有发现?”我点点头,若有所思。于是,妈妈就和我细细回想点的早餐,一份一份地加一遍,发现是给我们少算了2 元钱。我马上高兴地喊起来:“妈妈,我们今天好幸运哦!少付了2 元。”我心理暗暗地高兴,但是妈妈马上把车子急掉头,开往早餐店,并严肃地对我说:“依依,我们做人要诚实,要有诚信,应该多少就是多少,不能贪便宜,丢失了我们做人的道德。”我心理还在嘀咕着就2 元钱而已,明天也可以拿去啊,但嘴里没有说出来。回到早餐店,我们还给了店主2 元钱,店主很感动,一直在说:“谢谢,谢谢,明天给也行的,不用马上来给,现在像你们这么守信用的人很少。”妈妈笑着回答:“这是应该的,你们做生意不容易,我们不能贪小便宜。”看着店主激动的神情,听着


诚信人行为守则 一个理念:以诚赢天下 “精诚所至,金石为开” ,诚实守信,以诚相待,是所有营销学上最高明最有效最实际最直接最长久的方法,任何小手段小聪明都是会被看破的,即便是成功了也是短暂的;而靠真诚赢得的客户,方是永久的、实在的。 一个目标:全企入网,一个也不能少 1)诚信网倡导诚信,弘扬诚信,帮助企业建立以诚信为核心的企业文化,把诚信的理念输送到每一家企业; 2)网络是目前最先进最廉价最实效的传播媒体和交流工具,是每一家企业进行宣传和通讯中必不可少的,就象电话一样; 3)诚信网是品牌的优势是任何一家网站无法比拟的,其技术融合了目前众多网站的优点,功能最强大,我们的服务是真诚的,措施是完善的,利益是共享的,所以全企入网的目标一定会实现。 两个必须: 1、必须遵守公司的规章制度,服从公司的整体安排 2、必须以客户为中心,处处为客户着想 三个尊重: 尊重领导:做好业务,就是对领导的最大尊重。在诚信网,领导与员工人格上是平等的,是领导又是好朋友,每一个人都是诚信大家庭中的一员,不必象社会上其他单位那样为领导拍马讨好请客送礼。 尊重客户:为客户送去真诚,送去先进的网络技术,送去诚信网优质的服务,让客户轻松地实现商务信息化,让客户获得最大限度的利益和方便,这就是对客户最大的尊重。如果没有让客户享受我们的服务,使用我们的技术,没有让客户体会到现代高科技带来的方便;如果让客户选择了其他家不负责任的网络技术和无保障的服务,给客户造成经济上的损失和精神上的创伤,就是我们的工作没有做到家,就是我们的失职,就是对客户最大的不尊重。尊重对手:在战略上藐视对手,在战术上重视对手,决不能存在轻视对手和不关心对手的情况,知彼知已方能百战不殆,战胜对手又不结仇,并让对手口服心服,如能把对手吸引过来一同干诚信的事业,那是诚信网的胜利,也是你个人最大的成功。 七个习惯: 1、做事要充满热忱、充满激情,坚定不移。 许多人都或多或少有自卑感,常常低估自己,对自己失去了信心,缺少热心,其实,每个人都应该相信自己的健康、精力与忍耐力,都具有巨大的潜在力量,这种自信会给予你以极大的帮助,充满激情,就会让你思路更宽;热爱自己,就会帮助你自己成功,坚定不移,就会让你事业持久。 2、要调整自己的心态。 若一个人的思想被消极、有害的各种病态心理占据着,热情就缺乏生长和生存的土壤。每时每刻记住祛除心理上的病态,清除抑郁与自卑,显得很重要,人的内心经常会发生心理战,占据优势的心理往往左右你的言行,也影响你的一生,病态的心理可以使你出现不健康症状而自卑。失败主义的思想可以蚕食你的生命。摧毁你的一生。重要的是要体会到自己必须去


关于honesty高中英语作文_honesty 诚信无形,却在潜移默化中塑造无数有形之身,养天地正气,问人间暖凉。下面是小编为你整理的关于honesty高中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 关于honesty高中英语作文篇1 Almost all of us heard the story Here Comes the Wolf when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays。 Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end。

Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way. Let’s pick up our backpackhonesty, and start the wonderful journey! 关于honesty高中英语作文篇2 Honesty is the best policy, it should be followed by everyone to succeed in their life. Though we can make money by improper way but it won't give us a good status in the society. Honesty is important for both personal life and buisness life. As we go through the history of the great leaders, they all succeed in their life mainly by the way of their life style. They all followed the truth and honest. Honesty is very important in many aspects of our life. If we are honest, everyone will believe us. If we are not be honest for even once then no one will respect or believe us even if we're telling the truth. A good example of this is


初二英语听课心得3篇_心得体会 初二英语听课心得范文1英语听课学习体会 英语优质课评比活动已圆满结束,这为我们英语教师的业务素质的提高提供了一次学习机会。通过这次听课,我觉得在教育教学方面较有收获。虽然这些优质课的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西。, 学生真正成为课堂的主人。这是新课标的重要特点,也是素质教育的要求。注重学生能力的培养,注重主体参与,教学中互动模式多样,多采用小组竞赛的模式或创造一个语境,让学生展开联想,激起了同学们对英语学习的兴趣。营造了宽松,民主,和谐的教与学的氛围。平时我们在这一方面做得不够好。 教师自身的良好素质是上好一堂课的重要前提和基本保证。在这几天的听课中我发现优秀的教师都有几个共同特点口语流利,发音准确。且善于利用多媒体等多种手段辅助教学,使孩子接触到的知识更立体,更直观,更生动;教态亲切,表情丰富,在课堂上能轻松,活泼,潇洒地进行授课。 运用多种教学手段创设语言情景是英语教学的一个重要原则。这些老师充分利用图片、多媒体课件以及身体语言创设了比较真实的语言运用情景,并利用情景讲解语言知识,进行技能训练,使教学内容既简洁清晰,又形象生动;使学生既能快速理解,又能流畅表达,让学生愉快地融合在语言运用的情景之中,自然而然地、不知不觉地吸取和操练,不断提高听、说、读、写等运用语言的能力。 培养学生实际运用语言的能力是英语课程的一项主要任务。在这些课中,各位老师坚持做到以语言内容和语言功能为主,以语言形式和语言结构为辅,使内容和形式、功能和结构相互渗透、相互作用。通过叙述、问答、讨论、等手段,积极引导学生尽可能多地让学生自己动口动手,紧密联系生活实际,运用语言做事,运用语言吸收和传递信息,运用语言表情达意、交流思想,将所学语言运用于真实交际,这些老师由于运用了比较多的直观教具和多媒体课件,节约了讲解的时间,提高了时间的利用的主动性。 本次活动让我深深地感受到我们还有很多需要努力的地方。这些参赛教师就象是面镜子,从中折射出我们身上许多问题,例如:课堂教学设计,重难点的把握等等。知识点的落实及对学生今后的发展是否有利。”成为这样的教师是我们共同的愿望。在今后的工作中。调动学生积极性,让学生真正成为课堂的主人。注重学生能力的培养,注重主体参与。善于利用多媒体等多种手段辅助教学。 通过这次听课,我开阔了眼界,看到了自己的不足,怎样使学生喜欢上英语课?怎样提高学生的能力?相信通过自己的不断努力,一定能不断进步! 初二英语听课心得范文2初中英语高效课堂听课感想 上周我校安排我到郴州苏仙中学两天时间(即10月24至25日)有幸听了12节初中英语高效课堂教学比武课。通过这次的听课学习,我受益匪浅,收获颇丰。而且还让我找到了自己和其他老师的差距。12节课风格各异,水平不一,但是每一节课都有很多值得我去学习借鉴的优点,找到差距和自身的缺点。 下面我就来谈一下我对这12节听课的一些自身体会: 第一、教师的良好业务素质是上好课的前提和保证。 在这次听课中,我发现她们俩都有以下几个特点: 1.英语口语流利,发音标准准确,只有这样,才能保证学生对英语教学的理解和把握,

What is honesty 神马是诚实

What is honesty? On the surface, honesty is a fairly simple thing: the accurate repres entation of the way the world is, at least from your perspective. Thi s is easy enough to comprehend when you’re stating a fact: “the sky is blue” is either true or false; honesty means saying the true thin g. It’s slightly less clear when talking about opinions: “the Baba G anoush is tasty” is not true or false in any absolute sense – it i s only true in relation to the taste of the person reporting on it. I n this case, honesty means declaring your actual opinion – even thou gh to another person, it might be wrong. But beyond the dictionary sense of what the word itself means, there’s the way that being honest acts in the world. Honesty isn’t just a word, it’s a characteristic of an act, behavior, or personality. It’s the difference, for example, between an “honest living” and a dis honest one – the criminal might not tell a single lie in the course of his or her day, but we wouldn’t necessarily call him or her “hon est”. As a way of being and doing in the world, honesty is about trust – i t’s about convincing others that we are to be trusted, and it’s abo ut trusting others to be able to deal with the truth as we report it. Consider some of the situations that might lead us to be dishonest: * We want something from someone, and have nothing to offer in return. * We are afraid we’ll be punished for something. * We are afraid we’ll hurt someone’s feelings. * We don’t want someone to think badly of us. * We don’t want someone to do bett er than us. * We are protecting someone. * We are protecting ourselves. * We are protecting other people’s image of ourselves. * We are protecting our own image of ourselves. * We dislike someone. These are all purposely vague, and possibly overlapping depending on particular situations. The point isn’t to catalogue every possible r eason for lying, but to demonstrate that most often, dishonesty is pr ovoked by fear and danger. Thus, the salesperson lies because he is afraid of losing a sale. The significant other lies because she is afraid of hurting his or her p artner’s feelings (and thus possibly losing the partner himself). Th e employee lies because she is afraid of getting fired, or of getting


我选择了诚实作文 【我选择了诚实作文】 【篇一:我选择了诚实作文550字】 做人的根本:诚实.大家都知道,诚实对于一个人来说是多么重要.下面,我来讲一下发生在我身上关于诚实的一件事吧! 那是我三年级的时候,我很想有一部手机,大人玩手机的时候,我都会觉得很羡慕.有一天爸爸送我去上学,我在前面走着,突然眼睛的余光看见一个亮亮的东西,仔细一看,原来在一辆车的车轮旁边有一部粉白色的很可爱的手机.于是,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,你看,那是一部手机!”爸爸看了看,把手机捡了起来,揣进兜里.然后就赶着上班了. 这一天,我都在想这件事,想那手机是废旧的,还是别人丢失的. 到了晚上,爸爸要把手机还回去.我却在那进行了心理斗争:一个声音告诉我,这么好的一部手机,还不如给自己用呢!换个卡,换个号,像新手机一样;另一个声音告诉我,诚实是一个人最重要的品德.到了最后,我还是决定把手机换回去. 我和爸爸联系到了失主亲人,原来是一个小区的,楼还是挨着的呢!于是,我们父女俩到了楼下,我发现有一个人在那左看右看,便上前问道:“你是那个丢了手机的人么?”“对对对,我是,

蜜一样甜. 有样东西最重要,就像英国的莎士比亚说的“闪光的东西,并不都是金子.”还有比金子更重要的,那就是诚实的美好品质! 【篇二:我选择了诚实作文550字】 做人的根本:诚实.大家都知道,诚实对于一个人来说是多么重要.下面,我来讲一下发生在我身上关于诚实的一件事吧! 那是我三年级的时候,我很想有一部手机,大人玩手机的时候,我都会觉得很羡慕.有一天爸爸送我去上学,我在前面走着,突然眼睛的余光看见一个亮亮的东西,仔细一看,原来在一辆车的车轮旁边有一部粉白色的很可爱的手机.于是,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,你看,那是一部手机!”爸爸看了看,把手机捡了起来,揣进兜里.然后就赶着上班了. 这一天,我都在想这件事,想那手机是废旧的,还是别人丢失的. 到了晚上,爸爸要把手机还回去.我却在那进行了心理斗争:一个声音告诉我,这么好的一部手机,还不如给自己用呢!换个卡,换个号,像新手机一样;另一个声音告诉我,诚实是一个人最重要的品德.到了最后,我还是决定把手机换回去. 我和爸爸联系到了失主亲人,原来是一个小区的,楼还是挨着的呢!于是,我们父女俩到了楼下,我发现有一个人在那左看右看,便上前问道:“你是那个丢了手机的人么?”“对对对,我是,


诚信,蓝天下的呼唤 湛江市第三十一小学张丽花 当今社会,尔虞我诈,弄虚作假之事,比比皆是。小学生耳闻目染,深受其害。为此,在日常学习生活中,说谎骗人之事,时有发生——作业没做,就说是忘在家里;老师要家访,就骗老师说家长不在家;因懒惰作业有遗漏,就说是不会做;借了同学东西,老是不肯还;明明是自己捣蛋先欺负人,却说别人先动的手……林林总总,不一而足。若长此以往,小学生的道德滑坡现象确非危言耸听。 诚信,成为了蓝天下最迫切的呼唤!为此,《小学生日常行为规范》第七条指出“诚实守信,不说谎话,知错就改,不随便拿别人的东西,借东西及时归还,答应别人的事努力做到,做不到时表示歉意。”那么如何从学生实际出发,让学生诚实,不说谎话,信守承诺呢?下面我就来谈谈自己的愚见。 一、开展宣传教育,创设诚信氛围。 黑板报、手抄报是班级德育宣传的阵地。围绕诚实守信教育,我让学生搜集古今中外的诚信故事,如众所周知的《曾子杀猪》、《华盛顿与樱桃树》等;还让学生搜集各种诚信名言,如翻译家傅雷的“有了真诚,才会有虚心;有了虚心,才肯丢开自己去了解别人,也才能放下虚伪的自尊心去了解自己。”;德国作家康德的“诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。”;美国政治家、科学家富兰克林的

“人与人之间的相互关系中对人生的幸福最重要的莫过于真实、诚意和廉洁。”;我国伟大的革命家、政治家周恩来的“世界上最聪明的人是最老实的人,因为只有老实人才能经得起事实和历史的考验。”;除此之外,我还组织班级自治管理委员会和各自治小组出了两期《我们的诚实守信》的专题黑板报,以及《诚实守信在开花》的手抄报,让学生在课间或队活动课相互诵读、学习,创设了积极学诚信的氛围。 二、开展班队活动,强化诚信意识。 因为黑板报和手抄报的内容量有限,所以我就利用班会课或队活动课进一步开展诚信教育活动,让学生讲或表演中外诚信故事,如我国古代的《曾子杀猪》、《晋文公退避三舍》、《季扎挂剑》、《关羽不背桃园誓约》,现代的《毛泽东还钱》、《我不能失信》、《旅途中的陌生人》,外国的《十年后的礼物》、《华盛顿与樱桃树》、《诚实的林肯》等等,还让学生编诚信的儿歌,如:“诚信园,诚实果,信用果。你一颗,我一颗,我们都是诚信的好孩子。”等等,从而使学生明白诚信是中华民族的传统美德,是“为人之德”的基础核心,是为人处事的应有之义。是立国、立业、立身之本。诚信应从说真话、守信用开始。 三、渗透学科教学,培养诚信思想。 我是班主任,兼教语文、思想品德等科目,因此我将诚信教育随机渗透于各学科教学中。比如,思想品德课中有《我不耍赖皮》、《知错认错》,语文课中的《我不能失信》、《好汉查理》等课文时,我都充分利用这些教材对学生进行诚信教育。在教《我不能失信》这一课

英文作文(Honesty is the best policy)

Honesty is the best policy Just as the famous saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy”. When talking about honesty, many of us have too much to say. It is definitely a thought-provoking problem. Cheating in the public servants examination, plagiarizing the publications of others, and dishonesty in other aspects always exist. Cheating in the public servants examinations nowadays is still a big problem. The stability and relatively higher income of this work attract too many people. Also, the keen competition and the desire for the position make many people cheating in the exam. Academic plagiarism is another big problem. In many universities and research institutes, the quality and quantity of papers one publishes become the major way to judge one’s ability. Consequently, some students, and sometimes, even some teachers, who want to take a short cut and become successful quickly, plagiarize the publications of others. Similarly, dishonesty exists in other aspects in our daily life, Such as fabricating evidence by the witness, drawing up budgets by some officers and so on. In a short time, if not caught, some people may take advantage of dishonesty to get what they want. But, if caught, then these people will no doubt be thoroughly discredited. Besides, in the long run, it will do harm to the moral character of the whole society.


初中英语优质课教案 授课年级:八年级(2)班节次:第1节 教材:新课标(八年级·上册) 课题:Unit 4 How do you get to school? 一、教学内容: Unit4 How do you get to school? 二、教学目标: 1、知识目标:单词:subway take the subway train ride a bike walk 等。 2、语言目标:how引导的特殊问句;肯定句与否定句。听:能听懂谈话出行的 方式。说:能表达自己想到达目的的出行方式。读:能正确朗读本单元的对话和 句型。写:能写本单元的单词和句型。 3、学习策略:注意通过语言语调的表达来推测词义,也可借手势动作和表情来 完成。(主动参与学习,善于和他人合作交流)。 4、情感目标:学会在交流活动中尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解 他人的生活习惯,增进情谊。 5、德育目标:在歌曲和游戏中习他人积极、乐观、努力进取的团队合作精神。 6、多元智能:人际交往逻辑表达个性呈现 7、文化意识:了解英、美国家中小学生上学的方式,培养世界意识。了解中西文化的差异。 三、教学重点、难点: 1.how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句. 2.乘坐交通工具的表示方法. 3.It takes /will take/took sb. some time to do sth. 四、课前准备: cards and a tape-recorder . 五、教学运用:情景交际法、游戏法等。 六、教学手段:多媒体演示、flash动画、ppt演示、歌曲游戏及肢体语言的应用。 七、教学过程: Step 1.Warming up. Great the class as usual. Talk about the weather . T: How’s the weather today? T:How was the weather like yesterday? …… point student A say “ Hello! Listen to me ok ?.I will sing a song to you .But you must …”.(用手指作安静动作) Listening to a song 歌曲欣赏,创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。Step 2 、Games 用肢体语言表达让学生猜测意思,完成交通工具词汇的预知。 1
