
Dialogue 1 Give an injection
(Introduction: In a ward of Surgical department .The patient is suffering from bad pain, and the nurse has prepared for giving the patient an injection to relieve the pain. Then the nurse comes to the patient’s and take the first step to give an injection.)
Nurse(Walking to the patient):Hello! Are u Mr/Mrs Patient?
Patient: Yes.
N(Taking out the syringe): Now I have an injection for u.I would like to give this injection on ur buttocks to relieve the pain.
N:I’m going to sterilize the skin with tincture. Did it hurt? (cleaning the skin with an tincture sponge, and giving the injection)
P: No. Never felt a thing. Thank u.

P: I have so much pain in my wound. I need medicine for pain, nurse.
N: Will u show me the dressing ? (helping the patient to show)The dressing is clean and dry. I gave u a pain killer one hour ago. I t seems to be a little bit early to give u another one now. This medicine has a very strong effect and the doctor has ordered medication for 2 to 3 hours interval. Can u stand it for a while.
P: Oh, no. I can’t stand it any longer.
N: I C. Then I will call the doctor . PLS relax and don’t worry.
Dialogue 2 U’re scheduled to have an operation
(The patient is going to have an operation next morning, and her/his nurse in charge comes to tell her/him something about the operation)
Nurse: Good afternoon, Mrs/ Mr P,do u know u’re scheduled to have an operation tomorrow?
Patient: Yeah, but what time am I going to have it?
N: The operation starts at 9o’clock . But u will have to get injections about 30 to 45minutes before u leave for the surgery. If ur family come to see u before the operation ,they should be here by 7:30.
P: I C.
N: Did ur doctor tell what sort of operation u’re going to have?
P: Yeah, I’m going to have cystectomy.
N: All right. Have u signed the consent?
P: Yes,here it is.
N: I would like to explain the preparation for the operation . If u have any question ,PLS stop me.
P: yes.
N: First of all. We’ll prepare u by shaving and cleaning. After shaving, we would like u to take a bath or shower.
P: I C.
N: U’re going to have a liquid supper and u’ll get sleeping pills at 9.U should have absolutely nothing by mouth after midnight. In the early morning u’ll have an enema.医学全在线https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d9422590.html,
P: How long am I going to stay in the operating room?
N: It’s hard to tell. It will depend on operating procedure and ur recovery from the anesthesia. U’ll probably return to this room before noon.
P: I C .
N: Oh, u look worried. Do u have any problems?
P: Nurse, will this operation hurt very much?
N: No,u’re going to have general anesthesia. So during the operation u’ll not feel a thing. U’ll find urself back in ur room after the operation.
Dialogue 3 Enema
(the patient is going to have an operation next morning, and the nurse would give him/her an enema to prepare for the operation. The nurse comes to the ward and do

es explaintion before that)
Nurse:Hello, are u Mr/Mrs Patient?
Patient: Yes.
Nurse: U’ll have an operation next morning,yeah? Then we’re going to give u an enema.
Patient: Why do I need it?
N: From ur chart I know ur bowel movement is normal. But we must do it to prepare for ur operation.
P: Why do I need enema before the operation?
N: It’s necessary to flush out in ur intertine in order to keep ur bowel clean for the operation.
P C. Where shall we do it?
N: Ok, let’s go .(lead the patient to the treatment room)
(In the treatment room)
N(taking the tube and the soap water ect for giving an enema): Now we are ready. PLS lie on ur left side.
P: What kind of solution are u using ?
N: This is soap water. But we often use saline solution too.
P: Is the saline enema more comfortable?
N: Yes, it is. But we believe soap water is more effective in ur case. However ,the relative comfort of an enema depends mainly upon the temperature of the solution and how fast it flows from the bottle. Let me know if u feel any discomfort?
P: How much solution is there still left in the bottle? I can’t hold much longer.
N: It will be finished soon. PLS take a deep breath with ur mouth open. This will help u to hold a little longer. Now we’re through. Try to lie on ur back or on the right side for a few minutes .I’ll then help u to the toilet.
P: Thank u .I don’t feel so uncomfortable now. So I can go there by myself.
Dialogue 4 The booklet wil help u get informed
(In a ward, the patient has recovered from his disease, and before his leaving back home, his/her nurse in charge comes here to chat with him/her , and tells him/her something and sees him/her off.)
Nurse(standing by and smiling ): It’s almost time for u to go back home. I’d like to give u some information about what u should do at home.
Patient: Mmmmmm
N: It’s necessary for u to keep on a salt-free diet and reduce ur intake of wine, since wine has a lot of calories. Here’s a diet booklet. It’ll help u to get informed.
P: Thanks . I’ll read it.
N: How’s ur appetite coming along? Any improvement?
P: Things are still tasteless to me.
N: Yes, food does taste different without salt, but the lab test shows great improvement. U need to keep on a salt-free diet.
P: Yes, I know.
N: Ur blood pressure is stable. Do u know what is the stable blood pressure for u?
P: No. How much?
N: 160 over 90. If u develop dizziness , nausea or headaches, u must call the doctor. Keep doing moderate exercises. This I ur card for the out-patient department. Ur first appointment is next Friday morning. Is there anything else u want to know?
P: No. Miss/ Mz. I feel grateful to u for ur kindess and all that u have done for me.
N: Thank u. PLS take care of urself.
Dialogue 5 We’ll be glad to offer u our help
(The patient does not know where to take the admission , and ask his/her nurse )
Patient: Excuse me, miss, but where should I go for the admission procedures?
Nurse: Fo

llow me pls.
(leading the patient to the admission office) Here we are .This is the admission office of this hospital. PLS show ur outpatient appointment card.(the patient takes it out and gives to his/her nurse, then the nurse makes it done )
N:Now it’s done. Let’s go to the hospital pajamas for u.(leading the patient to take a pajiama)
P: Where should I put my own clothes? They can be kept in the admission office, can’t they ?
N: Yes, if u like. Or u can ask ur relative to take them back home. This is ur ward. U share it with another patient. There is a curtain between ur beds. When u need privacy u can draw it on.
P: What daily articles should I bring in .
N: Toothbrush, tooth paste, comb , slipper , towels ect, or u can buy in the near supermarket.
P: Can I bring in a TV set or radio set ?
N: No, they are too noisy. But u may bring a pocket cassette with a headphone.
N: Yes, u may. But u’d keep quiet and avoid disturbing others.
P: What can I do if I want to call u?
N: The panel on the head of the bed is equipped with a nurse-call system. To alert the staff at the Nurses’ Station, PLS press the button by the bedside.(showing the patient where the button is) A nurse will attend to ur needs as soon as possible.
P: Could u tell me about the visiting hours?
N: Certainly . Visiting hours are from 1pm to 2 pm and from 5pm and to 7pm . But each time only two visitors are allowed to enter the ward.
P: How about the meals?
N: Meal times are 8am for breakfast, 12noon for lunch, and 6pm for dinner . We serve a variety of Chinese , Muslin, and Western food. Our clinical dietitian is available to advise on special diets.
P: Thank u very much for ur advice.
N: U are welcome. In case of any questions ask any of the staff here. We’ll be glad to offer u ur help.



