

最新情态动词详解 +例句


1. - -Mary knows the city quite well. --She _____ w ell have been there before.



may have done 过去可能做过某事。表示对过去的肯定猜测。 却没做; could have done 本可以做某事却没做; should have done 选

A . need

【答案】 D

B . could

C .should

D .may


Mary 非常了解这个城市。


need have done 本需要做某事 本应该做某事却没做。故 D 。

2. It be the postman at the door. It's only six o'clock.

A . mustn't

B .can't

C . won't

D .needn't

答案】 B 解析】

D [ 考查虚拟语气。句意:不可能是邮递员在门口,才六点钟呢。 can't 不可

能; won't 不愿意,就是不,偏不; needn't 不需要。 ]

mustn't 禁止,不允许;

3. Keep up your spirits even if you f ail hundreds of times. A . must B .need C .may 【答

案】 C D .should

解析】 详解】

考查情态动词。 A. must 必须; B. need 需要; C. may 可能,或许; 即使失败了几百次,也要振作起来。此处表示一种不确定的推测,故选

D. should 应该。句意:

C 。

4. The accident which left 15 people on board dead passenger and the bus driver had kept calm. A . should have avoided if both the angry female

B . should be avoided

C . could have avoided

D . could have been avoided

答案】 D 解析】 【详解】

考查“情态动词 +完成式 ”。句意:如果愤怒的女乘客和巴士司机保持冷静,这起导致 15 人

死亡的事故本来是可以避免的。 could have done 本“来能做而没有做 ”,且句子主语 The

accident 和谓语动词 avoid 之间是被动关系,结合句意可知答案为 【点睛】 情态动词 + have done 结构:

1. “must + have 过去分词”表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行推测,语气比较坚定,通常只 用于肯定句。

如: It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.

2. “ can / could + have 过去分词"表示对过去某种情况的怀疑或不确定。

can 和could 一般用


could 的语气较 can 弱。如:He can't have finished the work so soon.

3. “ may / might + have 过+ 去分词 ”表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推测, might 的语气比may 弱一点。这种结构主要用于肯定句和否定句,疑问句改用 can 或

could 。如: They may not have known it beforeha nd.

4. “ need + have 过去分词”表示过去做了不必做或不需要做的事情,或过去做某事纯属多 余。如: I needn't have bought so much wine —only five people came.

5. “ should / ought to + have +过去分词 ”表示过去本该做某事但没做,其否定式表示过去不该 做某

事但做了,这种句式含有不满或责备之意, ought to 的语气比 should 强一些。如: You ought to /

should have studied harder. 你本应该更努力学习的 .(但没有) He oughtn't to / shouldn't have done that. 他本来就不该做那件事 .(可是做了)

6. “ woul +d have + 过去分词 ”表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测,或本来要做某事却因某种 原因未做成,

通常用来说明某一情况,但不像用 should 或 ought to 那样含有责备之意。 如:

I guess the poet would have been about twenty when she wrote her first poem. Another worker wouldn't have acted like that.

must have done 用法辨析

must have done :表示对过去的肯定的逻辑推测,推定某件事情、动作或状态可能在过去发 生过(存在过)。 He must have been a doctor, for he knows medicine so well. 他过去肯定是一位医生,他对医

学 如此了解。

Somebody must have stolen the ring. 肯定有人偷了这枚戒指 . [ 该句所推断的偷窃动作发生在

D 。 5. It is really cold and the ground is wet; it A . might C .can

【答案】 B 【解析】

B . D . 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:天气很冷而且地面是湿

的, ground is wet 可知, “昨晚下了雨 ”是肯定的,故用 去十分有把握的推测,故选 【点睛】

B 。

have rained last night. must should

昨晚一定下了雨。根据上文 must have done 必“定做了





Shouldn t have done 本不应该做某事,实际上却做了(虚

拟语气);couldn ' t have don 不可能做某事(对过去情况的推测); needn' t have done

不需要做某事,实际上却做了(虚拟语气);句意:我的姐姐昨天下午在街上遇见了他, 所以他不可能去听了你的演讲。故 B 正确。

过去 .]

The temperature must have dropped to below zero last night, because the water is frozen all over. 昨夜的温度肯定降到零度以下,因为水都冻住了。

如果 “ must + have +过去分词 ”句型与 by now 连用,还可以表示对现在完成的动作和状态的 肯定推测,但实质上还是指所推测的过去的动作。例如:

They started early this morning; they must have arrived by now. 他们今晨很早就出发

了,现在 肯定已经到了。

中国学生的常见病句是: They...; they certainly have arrived. 病句的句义是 “他们当然已经到 达了。 ”(这不是对过去的肯定推测,而是断定动作已经完成。)

6.would 可以表达过去常常做的事,过去习惯发生的动作: Pirates would bury gold in a cave. 海盗们常常把黄金藏在山洞中。 We would take a walk along the river. 我们过去常常


3. would 后接 like 、 love 、mind 等动词,表示要求、邀请、希望或询问,此时不是说过去, 而是


Would you like to come to my party? 你愿意来我的派对


Would you mind coming with us? 你介意和我们一起吗? 比如

A 。

7. No student go out of school to have lunch without permission of the headteacher.

A . might C .shall

【答案】 C B .must D .could

解析】 详解】


might 可能;

must 一定,必须; shall 会,将; could 能够。本句是一条禁令。 shall 用于肯定句并且主语 是第一、


C 。

8. My sister met him in the street yesterday afternoon, so he your lecture. A . shouldn 't have attended B .couldn 't have attended C .mustn ' t have attenedd

D . needn ' t have attended

死亡的事故本来是可以避免的。could have done 本“来能做而没有做”,且句子主语The 考点:考查情态动词用法

点评:考本题是高考必考考点,一定要牢记句型意思。 must have done 过去肯定做了某

事。should have done 本应该做而实际未做。

can ' t have done 过去不可能做了某事;

shouldn ‘ t have don 本不应该做而实际做了。 need have done 本有必要做某事;needn ' t have done 本没有必要做某事;注意没有 mustn ' t have don 的形式。 9.I still find it hard to imagine that such a clever child ___________________________________ A . shall B .must make such a foolish mistake. C .can 【答案】 D 【解析】 D .should 【详解】 考查情态动词。 句意:我仍然难以想象这样聪明的孩子竟然犯这样愚蠢的错误。 should 作 为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的,常常译为 "竟会

"、"居然 ",这么聪明的孩子竟然犯这样愚蠢的错误。表示意外, must 表示必须, can 表示能力及可能性。所以答案选 shall 表示允诺, 命令等,

D 。

10. —Daddy, would you please buy me an iPhoneX? —If you can pass this midterm examination, you _ A . must B .need have one as a reward. C . would 【答案】 D D .shall 解析】 详解】

考查情态动词。句意:爸爸,你可以给我买部 iPhone X 吗?--如果你通过考试,你就会得 到一部作为奖励。 A. must 一定; B. need 必要; C. would 将,会; D. shall 会。根据语境可 知,这句话是父亲对子女的允诺,故选

【点睛】 D 。

shall 的用法。 1. shall 作为助动词,一般用于第一人称 shall 后面接动词原形。例如: (1)I shall think it over and Let you know my idea. 我将考虑一下此事,然后告诉你我的想 法。 I 和We ,表示一个将来的动作,构成将来时态。 (2)We shall have a good time in the park. 我们在公园里会玩得很高兴的。 2. s hall 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意愿。如: What shall we do this evening?

3. s hall 用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。如: Shall we begin our lesson? When shall he be able to leave the hospital?

4. shall 用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。如: fail if you don't work harder. (警告) He shall have the book when I finish reading. (允诺) He shall be punished. (威胁)

You shall


D 。

11. —Can I pay the bill by check?

—Sorry ,sir .But it is the management rules of our hotel that

payment cash . be made in

A . shall

B . need

C .will

【答案】 A D . can

解析】 详解】

考察情态动词用法。句意: ——我能用支票付账吗 理规定 ,支付要用现金。 shall 可以表示命令,警告, 情。本题正是考察了 shall 表示按照规则和法律要求做的事情。故


,先生。但这是我们酒店的管 强制,或者指规则和法律要求做的事

A 正确。

12. Traveling by subway hour. sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during the rush

A . must

【答案】 B B .can

C .shall

D .should


【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:乘地铁旅行有时可能相当冒险,尤其是在交通高峰期。 须;一定; B. can 能够;可能; C. shall 将会; D. should 应该;应当。本句中 can 表示客观 可能性(客观原因形成的能力),故选

A. must 必 B 。

13.—Tony ________ what I did annoying though he didn

—So you think you will have to make an apology?

A . could find

B .should have found 't say anything.

C . might find 【答案】

D . must have found

解析】 【详解】

考查情态动词+have done 。句意:一Tony —定觉得我做的事很烦人,尽管他什么也没说。

—所以你认为你得道歉吗?。由“ what I did 可知”此处是对过去事情有把握的推测, have done 一“定是做某事了 ”。故选 D 项。 【点睛】

情态动词 + have done 结构:


1. “must + have 过去分词”表示对过去发生的事情或状态进行推测 ,语气比较坚定,通常只用

于肯定句.如:It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.

2. “ can / could + have 过去分词"表示对过去某种情况的怀疑或不确定 .can 和could 一般用于


否定句和疑问句,could 的语气较 can 弱.如:He can't have finished the work so soon.

3.“may / might + have 过+ 去分词 ”表示对已发生的动作或存在的状态进行不肯定的推 测,might 的语气

比may 弱一点.这种结构主要用于肯定句和否定句 如:

4. 如: “ need + have 过去分词”表示过去做了不必做或不需要做的事情 I needn't have bought so much wine —only five people came. ,或过去做某事纯属多余 should / ought to + have +

过去分词 ”表示过去本该做某事但没做 ,ought to 的语气比 You ought to / should have studied harder. 你本应该更努力学习的 .(但没有) He oughtn't to / shouldn't have done that. 他本来就不该做那件事 . (可是做了) 6. “ woul +d have + 过去分词 ”表示对过去的某种情况进行猜测 ,或本来要做某事却因某种原 因未做成 ,通常用来说明某一情况 ,但不像用 should 或 ought to 那样含有责备之意 .如: 5. 做某事但做了 ,这种句式含有不满或责备之意 ,其否定式表示过去不该 should 强一些 .如: I guess the poet would have been about twenty when she wrote her first poem. Another worker wouldn't have acted like that.

分析句子可知,由 “ what I did 可知,此处是对过去事情有把握的推测, 定是做某事了 ”。故选 D 项。 must have done “一

14.—It 's already 11 o 'clock , and he —Maybe he got caught in the rain.

A .must have been here half an hour ago. C .may 【答案】

B B . ought to D .can 解析】 详解】

考查情态动词。句意:已经 11点了,他半小时前就该到了。 A. must have done 必定做了… (表示对过去的推测); B. ought to have done 本应该做的;C. may have done 可能已经做 过某事; D. can have done 本来可以做的(但没有做),根据题意,故选 B 。 15. Look! There are so many mistakes in your composition. You attention on it. have fixed full

A .can

B .should

C . need 【答案】 B

D .might

,疑问句改用 can 或 could.

They may not have known it beforehand.


最新初中英语情态动词易错题精选经典1 一、初中英语情态动词 1.——You look pretty in green, Kate. ——Thank you. I like green. Green ______give me energy. A. can B. must C. should D. has to 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:一一凯特,你穿看绿色的衣服很漂亮。一一谢谢,我喜欢绿色。绿 色给我能量。A.能,表示能力;B.must必须,强调主观愿望;C.应该,强调责任与义务;D.必须. 强调客观要求。绿色能给我力量,我喜欢。故选A。 2.All passengers ______ go through safety check before they take a plane. A. can B. may C. must D. could 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:所有乘客登机前必须接受安全检查。A. can能够,表示能力;B. may可以,表示许可;C. must必须;D. could可能,可以。登机前必须安检。故选C。 【点评】情态动词词义辨析。以及can、may、must、could四个词的词义和用法。 3.L ook at the sign! It says “No Smoking!” You ________ smoke here. It's dangerous. A. mustn't B. ought not to C. needn't D. don't have to 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:看这个标志!上面写道“禁止吸烟!“你不能抽烟。这是危险的。 A.mustn't 禁止,不允许; B.ought not to不应该,不应当; C.needn't不必; D.don't have to 不必。根据“No Smoking!”可知此处禁止吸烟,故答案为A。 【点评】考查情态动词。掌握情态动词的意义和用法。 4.You be tired after walking for such a long time. Sit down and have a rest. A. can B. can't C. mustn't D. must 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:走了这么长时间你一定很累了。坐下休息一下吧。can能,能 够,can't不能,对事物进行否定推测;mustn't一定不是,禁止,must一定,对事物进行 肯定推测,根据after walking for such a long time,可以肯定你一定很累,所以是进行肯定 推测,情态动词使用must,故选D。 【点评】此题考查情态动词。弄清每个情态动词的使用规则,根据句意确定所使用的情态 动词。 5.—I wonder if this smart phone is Mary's.—It _______ belong to her. _______ is totally different from this one. A. mustn't; Her B. can't; Her C. can't; Hers D. may; Hers 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:――我想知道这个智能机是否是玛丽的。――不可能属于她,她


情态动词详解 +例句 一、单项选择情态动词 1.No driving after drinking is a rule that every driver C .may 【答案】 B 【解析】 2.-- Did Jim come? A . wil l B . shal l 试题分析:考察情态动词。 A.将要B 将要C 可能 D.可以。Will 表示请求、建议、意志、愿 望和决心。 Shall 用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对话的命令、 May 表示请求和允许;用于祈使句表示决心;表示推测、可能性。 允许。句意:酒后驾车是每一位驾车者在我们国家应当遵守的规则。 考点:考察情态动词 警告、允诺或威胁。 Can 表示能力;请求和 故选 B 。 obey in our country. D . can -- I don ' t know. He A . might have come C . must have come while I was out. B .might come D . should have come 解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词推测用法。句意: Jim 来了吗? --我不知道,在我不在的时候,可能来过。根 据前文I don ' t kno 可知,说话者不知道 Jim 来没来,因此后文推测来过,但是语气很不确 定,故可知选 A 。对过去情况的推测 为情态动词+have done , must have done —定做了某 事, should have done 应该来过,不符合,故选 【点睛】 A 。 情态动词+have+过去分词的用法,表示推测或判断过去的情况。 can/could+have+ 过去分词用法: ① 多用于否定句和疑问句中。表示对过去某事发生的可能 性的否定或质疑, 意为:不可能(已经) ............................. 了-(否定句) /可能(已经) 了嘛?-(疑 问句) ② 用于肯定句中。表示对过去没有做某事的遗憾,含有轻微的责备,意为:本来可 以 . 的(但实际上没有 ...... )。 You could have done better, but you were too careless. (肯定 should/ought to+have+ 过去分词用 法: 责备的意思,意为:本来应该 .......... 的 做了某事的责备,意为:本来不应该 用于肯定句中。表示对过去没有做某事的遗憾,含有 但实际上没有 ................... )。用于否定句中 -表示对过去已经 .. 的(但实际上已经 了)。 He should have been asleep.(肯定句,他本应去睡觉的) 去睡觉的)。 He shouldn't have been asleep. (否定句,他本来不应该 may/might+have+ 过去分词用法:用于肯定句和否定句中,表示对过去发生某事的可能性的 推测,意 为:或许(已经) ................. /或许还没有 ... 。 It is too late. He may have gone /或许还没有 must+have+过去分词用法:表示对过去发生的事情十分肯定的推测。 must 表示推测时,不


情态动词表推测用法总结 (一)情态动词表推测 能用于表推测的情态动词: 英语情态动词表推测的时态构成 (1)语气部分:(以下情态动词语气由强至弱) 肯定句:must、may、might(=could) 否定句:can’t(=couldn’t)、mayn’t、mightn’t 疑问句:can、could(语气更加委婉不确定) (2)时态部分: 一般现在或一般将来时间的推测:情态动词+be;情态动词+v. 对过去时间的推测:情态动词+have done 对正在进行的时态的推测:情态动词+be doing (二)表许可、请求 1、 can, could 2、may, might 3、must 4、shall 5、will, would 1. can, could 1) 用在疑问句中,表示一般的请求。两者不同在于:用could 要比用can更加委婉,特别是没有把握得到允许时。 Can I go with you? 我能和你一起去吗?Could I ask you something? 我能问你一个问题吗? 2) 用在陈述句中,表示许可:You can leave when you finish your work. 做完事情后你才可以走。 2. may, might 1) may用在疑问句中,也表示一般的请求。同can相比,may比较正式,常常表示尊敬之意。并且,may在疑问句中常用于第一人称,很少有May you…/they…这样的句型。Might比较少用在疑问句中,它表示请求的时候常用陈述句。 May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议? 2) 用在陈述句中,表示许可,此时与can, could相近。 You may have a rest before we set out again. 我们再次出发之前你可以先休息一下。 3. must 1) 表示说话人“不许”和“禁止”某人做某事,有很强的劝告语气。 Cars must not be parked here.此地不准停车。 2) Must的一般疑问句的回答有两种,表示肯定,用Yes, you must. 表示否定,用No, you needn’t. Must I post this letter tomorrow? 我明天必须得寄掉这封信吗? Yes, you must. 是的,你必须明天寄掉。


初中英语情态动词详细用法归纳(含练习及答案)(直接打印版) 情态动词有具体的词义,但也同助动词一样,需要与其他词语一起构成句子的谓语,另外情态动词没有人称和数的变化,情态动词后必须跟动词原形。 1. can 的用法: (1).表示能力、许可、可能性。表示能力时一般译为―能、会‖,即有种能力,尤其是生来具备的能力,此时may 和must 均不可代替它。如:She can swim fast, but I can’t . 她能游得很快,但我不能。I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。 (2).表示许可,常在口语中。如:You can use my dictionary. 你可以用我的字典。 (3).表示推测,意为―可能‖,常用于否定句和疑问句中,此时can’t 译为― 不可能‖。如:Can the news be true? 这个消息会是真的吗?—Can it be our teacher?那个人有可能是我们老师吗?—No, it can’t be our teacher. He is on a visit to the Great Wall.不可能。咱们老师正在游览长城呢。 【例题】—I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she would go there. —No. She __be there, I have just been there. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t 【解析】根据下文―我刚去过那儿‖可知,应为― 不可能‖,can’t 表示推测[答案] A 2. could的用法: (1).can的过去式,意为― 能、会‖,表示过去的能力。如:He could write poems when he was 10. 他十岁时就会写诗。 (2). could在疑问句中,表示委婉的语气,此时could 没有过去式的意思。如:Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗?—Could I use your pen? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗? —Yes, you can.可以。(注意回答) 3. may的用法: (1).表示请求、许可,比can 正式,如:May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗?You may go home now. 现在你可以回家了。 【例题】—_______ I borrow your MP3? —Sure . Here you are. A. May B.Should C.Must D. Would 【解析】在此处表示请求,意为― 做……可以吗‖。答案:A (2) .表示推测,谈论可能性,意为― 可能,或许‖,一般用于肯定句中。如:It may rain tomorrow . 明天可能会下雨。She may be at home. 她可能在家呢. (3) .may的过去式为might ,表示推测时。可能性低于may。如:He is away from school. He might be sick. 他离开学校了,可能是他生病了。 (4) . 表示希望、祈求、祝愿,常可译为“祝愿”。通常是用may +主+V 例如:May you have a good time. 祝你过得愉快。May you be happy! 祝你幸福!May you succeed!祝你成功! 4. must的用法: (1).must 表示主观看法,意为―必须、一定‖。如:You must stay here until I come back.在我回来之前你必须呆在这儿。Must I hand in my homework right now? 我必须现在交作业吗? (2) 其否定形式mustn’t表示― 一定不要‖ ―千万别‖ ―禁止, 不许‖. 如:You mustn’t play with fire. 你不许玩火。You mustn’t be late. 你一定不要迟到。 (3)对must引导的疑问句,肯定回答为must,否定回答为needn’t 或don’t have to .如:—Must I finish my homework?我现在必须完成作业吗?—No, you needn’t.不,你不必。 (4)must表示有把握的推测,用于肯定句。如: The light is on, so he must be at home now.灯亮着,他现在肯定在家。 注意其反意问句的构成形式: 当must表示肯定的判断、推测时,其反意疑问句要用实际问句的助动词来构成。如:She must have seen the film before,hasn’t she?(注意反意疑问句的后半部分)You must have met uncle Wang in the shop yesterday,didn’t you? (注意反意疑问句的后半部分)

初中英语情态动词专项练习题 (2)

初中英语情态动词专项练习题 情态动词:can could may might will would must have to need had better should 情态动词特点 1.情态动词没有人称和数的变化. 2.情态动词后必须跟动词原形。 考点一:can,could, may,must 等情态动词的用法: 1. can 的用法: (1).表示能力,译为“能、会”,即有种能力,尤其是生来具备的能力。 She can swim fa st, but I can’t . 她能游得很快,但我不能。 I can see with my eyes. 我用眼睛看。 (2).表示许可,常在口语中。 You can use my dictionary. 你可以用我的字典。 (3).表示推测,条件: 常用于否定句和疑问句中,此时can’t 译为“ 不可能”。 Can the news be true? 这个消息会是真的吗? —Can it be our teacher?那个人有可能是我们老师吗? —No, it can’t be our teacher. He is on a visit to the Great Wall.不可能。咱们老师正在游览长城呢。【例题】—I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she would go there. —No. She __be there, I have just been there. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t 【解析】根据下文“我刚去过那儿”可知,应为“ 不可能”,can’t表示推测[答案] A 2. could的用法: (1).can的过去式,意为“ 能、会”,表示过去的能力。 He could write poems when he was 10. 他十岁时就会写诗。 (2). could在疑问句中,表示委婉的语气,此时could 没有过去式的意思。 Could you do me a favour? 你能帮我个忙吗? —Could I use your pen? 我能用一下你的钢笔吗? —Yes, you can.可以。(注意回答,用could提问,必须用can来回答) 3. may的用法: (1).表示请求、许可,比can 正式 May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗? You may go home now. 现在你可以回家了。 【例题】—_______ I borrow your MP3? —Sure . Here you are. tA. May B.Should C.Must D. Would 【解析】在此处表示请求,意为“ 做……可以吗”。答案:A


【英语】情态动词详解+例句 一、单项选择情态动词 1.—Where is my dictionary?I remember I put it here yesterday. —You___it in the wrong place. A.must put B.should have put C.might put D.might have put 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:——我的词典在哪里?我记得昨天放在这里了。——你或许放错了地方。“might have +动词+ed形式”表示过去可能完成的动作。根据所提供的情景Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.可判断出把词典放在某个地方发生在过去,所以要用“might have +动词+ed形式”。“should have + 动词+ed形式”表示“(过去)本来应该做某事”。must意为“一定”,是肯定的推测,与所提供的情景的矛盾。might put表示现在发生的事。故选D。 2.—I have something important to tell Jo hn. But I can’t find him. —His cell phone is here, so he ________ have gone too far. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.wouldn’t D.can’t 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:——我有重要的事情要告诉John,但是我找不到他。——他的手机在这儿,所以他不可能走得太远。根据句意可知,此处是对过去的一种猜测,此处是表达不可能……,用can’t have done。故选D。 3.The room is so clean. He ________ have cleaned it yesterday evening. A.will B.need C.can D.must 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词表推测。句意:房间如此干净,他一定是昨天晚上打扫过了。must have done 表示对过去发生的事情有把握的猜测,意思是“一定(做过)”,故D项正确。 4.One of our rules is that every student _______ wear school uniform while at school. A.might B.could


情态动词表猜测的用法 情态动词must,can,could,should,may,might 等可以用在句中表示猜测。 1.“情态动词+动词原形”表示对现在或将来情况的猜测 I don’t know where she is. She may be in Wuhan. 2.“情态动词+进行式”表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况的猜测 At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers. 3.“情态动词+完成式”表示对过去情况的猜测 You must have been caught in the rain on your way home yesterday. 4.“情态动词+完成进行式”表示对过去正在进行的情况的猜测 Your mother must have been looking for you. 5.推测的否定形式用can’t/couldn’t,may not/might not表示

Mike can’t have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning. 6.句子中含有表示猜测的情态动词时,其反 意疑问句的构成不能再用原句中的情态动词,而应根据原句在去掉情态动词的情况下的主谓关系来确定其反问形式。 ①The man in the white clothes must be a doctor, isn’t he? ②She must have seen the film before, hasn’t she? ③He must have an uncle abroad, doesn’t he? ④You must have met Uncle Wang in the shop yesterday, didn’t you? 7.在表示“猜测”方面的区别 情态动词must,can,could,should,may,might 都可以用于表示“猜测”(注意:could, might 表示推测时不表示时态, 其推测的程度不如can, may)。实际上,“猜测”与“可能性”在逻辑上是有必然联系的。如果认为没有某种可能性,人们就不会作出某些猜测。因此,请注意六个情态动词之间的区别与它们各


一、选择题 1.I see the blackboard. I need to have my glasses. A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t 2.—Have you heard about the temperature of the earth will rise to 59℃ in 2020?—Don’t worry! The news _______ be true. A.must not B.may not C.needn’t D.will not 3.-Listen! A wolf is crying! -It _______ be a wolf, because a wolf never comes out at this time. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.don’t 4.(2018·山东临沂) Could you please speak a little louder? I ______ hear you very well. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t 5.―I didn’t pass the driving test again. ―Don't worry. Just like the weather, life be beautiful all the time. A.can't B.needn't C.shouldn't D.mustn't 6.I’ve bought a nice necklace for Jo’s birthday. She _____like it, but I’m not sure. A.can B.may be C.might D.must 7.—Is that cap Bob’s? —No, it ________ be his. His is blue. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not 8.—I can't stop smoking, doctor. —For your health, I'm afraid you ________. A.must B.can C.may D.need 9.From March 23rd, 2013, anyone under the age of 14 ________ go into Disneyland alone. A.couldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.mightn’t 10.—Must I finish my homework this evening? —No,you ________.You have a three﹣day holiday. A.won't B.mustn't C.needn't 11.—______ you please tell me something about the life in Canada or America?—Sorry, I______. I don’t know either. I’m from Australia. A.Could; couldn’t B.Can; couldn’t C.Could; can’t D.Can; mustn’t 12.—Must we finish the work right now? —No, you ________. You can do it tomorrow. A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.can’t 13.One ______ easily lose his way when he visits or comes to a new place. A.may B.must C.need D.should 14.—Could you please hang out with me this afternoon? —______. I have to make a plan for Clean-Up Day.


高考情态动词详解+例句 一、单项选择情态动词 1.My computer ________ start this morning. There must have been something wrong with it. A.wouldn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t D.mustn’t 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。A. wouldn’t 不会;B. shouldn’t不应该; C. couldn’t 不能; D. mustn’t禁止,不允许。句意:我的电脑今早启动不了。一定是出了什么问题。此处would表示过去的习惯或反复性的动作。故选A。 2.--- Oh, my God! I just missed the last bus back home. --- That’s really bad. I’m sure you ______ it, but you just didn’t hurry up. A.had caught B.could have caught C.could catch D.can catch 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词+have done结构。句意:——哦,我的上帝!我刚好错过了回家的末班车。——这是非常糟糕的。我肯定你能赶上,但你就是不抓紧。could have done“本来能做而没有做”。故选B。 3.Ann said whenever her father was unhappy he ________ go out and buy something, usually something large and useless. A.should B.could C.would D.might 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:安说无论什么时候她父亲不高兴的时候,他就会出去买些东西,通常是一些又大又没用的东西。A. should应该;B. could能;C. would总是,愿意;D. might 可能。此处表示过去经常习惯做某事,故选C。 4.—It’s really great to have a computer to store my photos. —Don’t count on it too much. It ________ break down and you’d bet ter make a copy of them. A.must B.can C.should D.will 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】


补充强调:推测的句型特点(对某一次的推测句型有两部分:语气和时态) (1)语气部分:(以下情态动词语气由强至弱) 肯定句:must、may might ( =could) 否定句:can,t ( =couldn 't )、mayn t> mightn 't 疑问句:can> could (语气更加委婉不确定 (2)时态部分: have done 表示对过去的推测 be doing 表示对正在进行的推测 be表示对现在的推测 语气部分写在前时态部分写在后,组合在一起就是推测 (-)情态动词表推测的三种句_ 能用于表推测的情态动词:must, can, could, will, would, may, might, should, ought to 1. 在肯定句中一般用must (一定),may (可能),might / could (也许,或许)。 (1)He must/may/might know the answer to this question? 他一定/可能/也许知道这个问题的答案。 (2)It is cold in the room? They must have turned off the heating? 屋里很冷,他们肯定把暖气关了。 2. 否定句中用can't / couldn 't (不可能),may not/might not (可能不)。 (1)It can J t/couldn 't be the headmaster? He has gone to America.这不可能是校长,他去美国了。 (2)He may not/might not know the scientist. 他也许不认识那位科学家。 3. 疑问句中用can /could (能..?)。 (1) Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? (2) Can he be at home now? 他现在能在家吗? 注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。Might, could并非的过may, can 去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。 (二)情态动词表推测的三种时丄


情态动词 (一)情态动词的定义: 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度。 (二)情态动词的特点 1. 情态动词有一定的词义。 2. 情态动词不能单独做谓语,它必须和其他动词的原形一起构成谓语。 3. 情态动词没有人称,数的变化。 (三)情态动词的结构和意义 1.情态动词的基本句型 ?肯定句:主语+情态动词+动词原形+...... ?否定句:主语+情态动词+not+动词原形+...... ?疑问句:情态动词+主语+动词原形+...... 2. 情态动词的意义 must“必须”;can/could“能,会”;may/might “可以”;should“应该”; would“愿,要”;have to“不得不”;need“需要” (四)情态动词的基本用法 1.can (could主要指过去时间) 1)表示人或物本身所具有的能力,意为“能,能够,会” : Two eyes can see more than one. / I can swim very well. 2)表示可能(理论上或是逻辑判断上) He can’t (couldn’t) have enough money for a new car. 3)表示允许: Can I have a look at your new pen? He asked whether he could take the book out of the reading-room. 4)表示对现在动作或状态的猜测,主要用于否定句和疑问句中或感叹句中: He can’t (couldn’t) be over sixty.他不可能超过六十岁。 5)could表示比can更委婉客气的提出问题或陈述看法,指的是现在时间。 Can (Could) you lend me a hand? 帮我一把好吗? 2. may (might) 1)表允许,询问或说明一件事可不可以做,might指过去时间;但在疑问句中might也可指现在时间,语气比may更委婉。 May (Might) I ask for a photo of your baby? 我可以要一张你宝宝的照片吗? 在回答以may引起的问句时,肯定回答是一般可仍用may,或Yes, please. / Certainly./Sure./Of course. ; 否定回答根据说话人的语气由强到弱分别选用: must not(mustn’t)(禁止)/ had better not(最好别)/ may not(不行) 2) may表可能,但所表示的可能性不如can所表示的那样肯定。might可以指过去时间,也可以指现在时间,但语气更加不肯定。 He may be at home. 他可能在家。 They might be having a meeting, but I’m not sure.他们有可能在开会,不过我不肯定。 3. must(have to表示客观需要) 1)表示“必须”(主观看法)时,用于肯定句或疑问句;用于否定句时表示“禁止”。 We must do everything step by step. 我们一切都必须循序渐进地做。 You must get home before 9:00. 2)表示揣测。意为“想必、准是、一定”等,只用于肯定句。 He must be ill. He looks so pale. 他准是病了。他的脸色苍白。 3)must的疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to。 4. should 1)表责任或义务,意为“应该”,用于各种人称。


情态动词专项练习 一.选择题 1.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it be rather cold sometimes. A.must B. can C. should D. would 2.You be hungry already ----- you had lunch only two hours ago! A.wouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 3 ----- What do you think we can do for our aged parents? ---- You do anything except to be with them and be yourself. A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t 4.John promised his doctor he not smoke. And he has never smoked ever since. A.might B. should C. could D. would 5.What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he better. A.need have done B. must have done C. can have done D. might have done 6.Liza well not want to go on the trip ---- she hates traveling. A. will B. can C. must D. may 7.She have left school, for her bike is still here. A. can’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 8.According to the air traffic rules, you switch off your mobile phone before boarding. A.may B. can C. would D. should 9.---- I can’t find my purse anywhere. --------- Y ou have lost it while shopping. A.may B. can C. should D. would 10.---- I’m sorry. I at you the other day. --------- Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A.shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted 11.---- What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? ---- Well, it be big ----- that’s not important. A.mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. won’t 12 ------ W hat does the sign over there read? ---- “No person smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” A. will B. may C. shall D. must 13.Some aspects of a pilot’s job be bring; and pilots often work at inconvenient. A.can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must 14.My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where I have put it? A. can B. must C. should D. would 15.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday, I the trouble to carry my umbrella with me. A.should have taken B. could have taken C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken 16.In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you take care of your luggage. A.can B. may C. must D. will 17.---- She looks very happy. She have passed the exam. ------- I guess so. It’s not difficult after all. A.should B. could C. must D. might 18.I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I have driven her there. A.could B. must C. might D. should 19.---- Mr. Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Don’t f orget it! ----OK, I . A.won’t B. don’t C. can’t D. needn’t 20.---- How is your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? ------- It be, but it is now heavily polluted. A.will B. would C. should D. must 21.The biggest problem for most plants, which just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them. A. shan’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t 22.---- Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. -------- You it in the wrong place. A.must put B. should have put C. might put D. might have put


一.Can、could ? 1.表能力、能够(现在,过去时) ?Some of us can use the computer now, but we couldn’t last year. ? 2. can 表请求和许可 ?1)表请求时,口语中常用could 代替 can 使语气更委婉,回答时用can ?--- Can/Could I use your dictionary ?---Yes, you can. No, you can’t. ?2)表示“许可”,可与may 换用 ?You can go home now. ? 3.表推测。表惊讶、怀疑、不相信。用于否定,疑问句和感叹句。 ? I am sure you can't play it well. ?How can you say that ?惊异,不相信 ? 4.客观可能性常用于肯定的陈述句中,表示理论上的或习惯上的可能性,”有时可能会”,不涉及具体事件。 ?Everybody can make mistakes. ? 5. could + have + done 本可以做但没做表示对过去能做而未做的事情感到惋惜,遗憾 Could not have done 不可能做 ?It’s a pity. Your class could have got the first prize. ?If he studied hard recently,he couldn't have failed the exam. 二.May、might 1)表示允许或征询对方许可,允许,有“可以”之意,一般疑问句否定回答用can’t/mustn’t。在请求对方许可时,如果Might I…就比用May I…语气更婉转些, May I have a dance with you --Yes,you may/can. --No, you can’t/mustn’t. (2)表示推测,可能性,多用于肯,否句,“或许”、“可能”之意,如果用might表示可能性更 小, may/might have done 表示对过去的事情进行可能的猜测 They may be in the library now. Mary may have gone to the concert last night. 3).may表祝愿 May you succeed 三.Must ?(1)must表示义务或强烈的劝告说话人主观上“必须”、“应该”之意,其否定式must not,缩写形式为mustn‘t,表示“不应该”,“不准”、“不许可”或“禁止”之意 ?We must study hard and make progress every day. ?You mustn‘t touch the fire. ?(2)以must提出的疑问句否定回答用needn't 或用don't (doesn't) have to (不必)来回答, 而不用mustn't, mustn't表示的是“禁止”或“不许可”之意, ?---Must we finish the work tomorrow ---No, you needn’t/ don’t have to, but you must finish it in three days. ?(3)must:表推测用于肯定句(十分肯定)“一定…,肯定…” Betty must be in the next room. ?4). 表某人非得或偏偏做某事 ?Must you make so much noise 四.Will ?(1)will用于第二人称疑问句,表请求或征求意见,would 语气委婉 ?1)Will you lend me your book ? 2) Would you like a cup of tea ?(2)用于各人称,可以表示“意志”或“决心”,(would用于过去情况) ? I will be right here waiting for you.?I would go with him if he saved my brother. ?(3)will可以表示一种习惯性的动作或某种倾向,有“总是”或“会要”之意, would可以表示
