






安培 Ampere

凹透镜 concave lens


比热容 specific heat

变阻器 variable resistor

并联电路 parallel circuit

不可再生能源 nonrenewable energy source


超重 overweight

超声波 supersonic wave

超导体 superconductor

次声波 infrasonic wave

参照物 frame of reference

参照系 reference frame

测量 measure

长度 length

串联电路 series

磁场 magnetic field

磁感线 magnetic induction line

磁体 magnet


动力学 dynamics

动能 kinetic energy

动能定理 theorem of kinetic energy 动摩擦因数 dynamic friction factor 第一宇宙速度 first cosmic velocity

第二宇宙速度 second cosmic velocity 第三宇宙速度 third cosmic velocity

导体 conductor

电池 cell

电灯 electric light

电流 electric current

电流表 ammeter

电路 electric current

电压 voltage

电压表 voltmeter

电源 power supply

电阻 resistance

动滑轮 movable pulley

定滑轮 fixed pulley

短路 short circuit

断路 open circuit

地磁场 germagnetic field

电磁波 electromagnetic wave

电磁波谱 electromagnetic spectrum 电磁感应 electromagnetic induction 电动机 motor

电功率 electric power

电话 telephone

电能 electrical energy

电能表 kilowatt-hour meter


额定电压 rated voltage

额定功率 rated power


分 minute

非惯性系 noninertial system 反射 reflection

非晶体 non-crystal

沸点 boiling point

分贝 decibel

伏特 Volt

发电机 electric generator


惯性 inertia

惯性系 intertial system

惯性力 inertial force

杠杆 lever

功 work

功率 power

光速 velocity of light

光源 light source

感应电流 induction current

光导纤维 optical fiber


赫兹 Hertz

红外线 infrared rays

滑轮 pulley

滑动摩擦 sliding friction

核反应堆 nuclear reactor

核能 nuclear energy


机械运动 mechanical motion

加速度 acceleration

静止 rest

机械功 mechanical work

机械能 mechanical energy

机械效率 mechanical efficiency

机械能守恒定律 law of conservation of

mechanical energy 焦点 focus

晶体 crystal

镜面反射 mirror reflection

焦耳 Joul

焦耳定律 Joule law

绝缘体 insulator

交变电流 alternating current

聚变 fusion

静摩擦因数 static friction factor


开关 switch

可再生能源 renewable energy source


力 force

力的合成 composition of forces

力的分解 resolution of forces

力矩 moment of force

棱镜 prism

连锁反应 Chain reaction

裂变 fission

螺旋管 solenoid


米 metre

秒 second

漫反射 diffuse reflection

摩擦力 friction force


牛顿 Newton

牛顿第一定律 Newton first law

牛顿第二定律 Newton second law

牛顿第三定律 Newton third law

能量、能 energy

凝固 solidification

内能 internal


和守恒定律 Law of conservation of energy


欧姆 Ohm


平均速度 average velocity

平均速率 average speed

平衡状态 equilibrium state

频率 frequency

平面镜 plane mirror


曲线运动 curvilinear motion

汽化 vaporization

千瓦时 kilowatt-hour


熔点 melting point

熔化 melting

热量 heat

热值 heat value

熔丝 fuse


时间 time

速度 velocity

速率 speed

瞬时速度 instantaneous velocity

失重 weightlessness

势能 potential energy

色散 dispersion

升华 sublimation

声波 sound wave

声音 sound

实像 real image


弹力 elastic force

弹性势能 elastic potential energy

透镜 lens

凸透镜 convex lens

图像 graph

太阳能 solar energy


位移 displacement

万有引力 universal gravitational

万有引力定律 Law of universal gravitation

望远镜 telescope

温度 temperature

温度计 thermometer

瓦特 Watt

微波 microwave


向心力 centripetal force

向心加速度 centripetal acceleration

显微镜 microscope

响度 loudness

像 image

虚像 virtual image


运动学 kinematics

匀速直线运动 uniform rectilinear motion 圆周运动 circular motion

引力常数 gravitational constant

液化 liquefaction

音调 pitch

音色 musical quality

乐音 musical sound

用电器 electric appliance

因特网 Internet


重力 gravity

重心 center of gravity

自由落体 freely falling body

重力加速度 acceleration due to gravity 重力势能 gravitational potential energy 周期 period

噪声 noise

折射 refraction

振动 vibration

振幅 amplitude

蒸发 evaporation

紫外线 ultraviolet rays

指南针 compass

质点 mass point

直线运动 rectilinear motion


acceptance policy 英文翻译:核保政策 accounting period 英文翻译:结算期 aggregate limit 英文翻译:累积限额 aggregated loss 英文翻译:累积损失 antiselection 英文翻译:逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer)英文翻译:新型风险转移balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保 fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所 GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏 hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构 hour clause 小时条款 hurricane 飓风


Unit 9 Text A Ever since its establishment in 1984, rainbow has develop from a single store into the leading chain enterprise in shenzhen’s retailing industry. Now rainbow is in the top 100 of retailing giants in China. In its 20 years of development, rainbow has won the trust from the government, business partners,suppliers and customers, by maintaining its corporate philosophy of “Authenticity,integrity, Enthusiasm and Credibility ’’. It has attained the support from the society and achieved excellent economic effects and social effects. Thought its scientific management technique and professional operative style ,Rainbow made a great-leap-forward development and achieved a splendid result .The annual sales steadily grew from RMB 323 million Yuan to RMB 2.82 billion Yuan .Rainbow has expended its business to new areas ;Nanchang, Xiamen, Dongguan and Huizhou. By now, the total of rainbow chain sore is seventeen. Rainbow formulated its management guideline of “Quality First, Customer Uppermost”. It has been providing various kinds of high quality commodities with reasonable price, and convenient services. Moreover it abides by the enterprise philosophy that “Authenticity, Integrity, Enthusiasm and Credibility”are the most important values. Rainbow strictly implements quality policies. Theirs policies guarantee that commodities are at genuinely fair prices in abundant variety and the shopping environment is clean, brightly illuminated, safe and comfortable. Moreover the policies ensure warm and sincere service at the customers’ convenience. We have always been providing satisfactory commodities and services to our customers. Text B A 杰克。萨里文在找到他梦想的工作后感到特别快乐。职位、薪金和津贴正是他所盼望的。但在最初的兴高采烈过后,他发现去上班成为每日重复的一项日常工作。虽然他并不能确切说出究竟是哪里出了问题,但是有一件事是肯定的:他在新工作中并不开心。 B what weng wrong? A 杰克没有适应公司的企业文化,这一点也不奇怪。因为一个公司的文化也就是通常把员工团结起来的信仰、态度和行为一般都没有明确的宣布或写出来。 B Does all the company have a stated set of cultural values? A 先进的公司都认识到企业文化的影响力并且也考虑过他们想要在企业中推广的价值观。吐过这个公司没有写下来的文化价值观,可要求看使命声明,这些声明也提供一些对该公司的文化的深入了解。 B what does it take for someone to be successful here? A 首先他们必须了解面试者正在寻找怎样的个性特征?爱冒风险?有企业家精神?有团队精神?然后留心在这个公司受到鼓励和奖赏的性格,并想一想该公司的企业文化。在面试前及早地问这个问题还可以把这些受欢迎的特征融入你的面


保险专业词汇英汉对照 acceptance policy 核保政策 accounting period 结算期 aggregate limit 累积限额 aggregated loss 累积损失 antiselection 逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer) 新型风险转移balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保 fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保

full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所GNPI 总净保费收入 hailstorm 雹暴 heavy damage 严重破坏 hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构 hour clause 小时条款 hurricane 飓风 individual losses 单一损失 insurability 可保性 insured losses 保险损失 intensity 烈度 layering 层次 less exposed 损失可能性小 liability 责任 light damage 轻度破坏 line slips 分保条 loading 附加费 loss occurrence 损失发生 loss occurring basis 损失发生基础 loss participation 分担损失 loss settlement 损失赔付 magnitude 震级 malicious damage 恶意损害 moderate damage 中度破坏 multi-story building 多层建建筑 Munich Re 慕尼黑再 net retained lines 净自留额 net retained losses 损失净自赔额 no profit commission 无纯益风险 non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知 object 标的 obligatory reinsurance 固定分保 original deductibles 原始免赔额 original rate 原始费率 paid-up capital 已付资本


关于办公部门英文翻译: 管理高层:.总公司:Head Office 董事室: Director's Office 董事长室Chairman's Office 执行董事助理: The assistant of the executive director 总经理室:General Manager Office (总经理室:GM)财务总监CFO=chief finanical officer 开发部Development Dept. 财务部Finance Dept. 财务部经理Finance Dept. Manager, 人事行政部: The Personnel Administratio Department 人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept. 秘书室Secretary Room 策划部Planning Dept. 预算部Budget Dept. 市场部Marketing Dept. 工程设计部Construction & Design Dept. 样品室Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room 保卫室Safe-Guarder Room/Guard Room 策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room 食堂工作间Canteen workshop 值班室Room on-duty 质量安全部Quality Safety Department 部门经理办公室:Section manager's office 质量和安全部Quality & Safety Department 商务接待室:Business anteroom 会客室——Meeting Room 发行部——Publish Dept. 技术部——Technology Dept. 行政部——Administration 项目部——Project Dept. 设计部——Design Dept. 餐厅——Cafeteria 保安室——Guard Room 储藏室——Store Room 技术质量部Technical quality department, 市场运行部market movement department, 设计开发部design development department VIP贵宾室--VIP room 副总经理---Office of the general assistant manager


个人、商业保险中英文术语词汇表 Abandonment 委付 Absolute assignment 完全转让 Accelerated death benefit 加速死亡给付 Accident 意外事故 Accidental death benefit 意外死亡保险金 Accounts receivable coverage form 应收账款保单 Actual cash value (ACV) 实际现金价值 Actual cash value 实际现金价值 Actual Cash Value-Mobile home 实际现金价值 -活动房屋 Additional auto 新增车辆 Additional insured endorsement 附加被保险人批单 Additional interests-residence premises endorsement 额外利益 -住宅房产批单Additional limits of liability coverages A, B, C and D 保障 A 、 B、 C、 D 额外责任限额批单 Additional residence rented to others endorsement 其他出租住宅批单 Advertising injury 传播性伤害 Aggregate excess 累计超额 Aggregate limit 累计限额 Agreed value 议定价值 Aircraft insurance 飞机保险 All-risk 一切险 Alteration 改动 American Association of Insurance Service 美国保险服务协会 Annual transit policy 年度货物运输保单 Annuity 年金 Appraisal 估价、公估 Arbitration 仲裁 Assignment Clause 转让条款 Assignment 转让 Assumption of liability 承担责任 Auto insurance plan 汽车保险计划 Auto physical damage 汽车车身物质损失 Auto 汽车 Automatic premium loan provision 自动保费贷款条款 Avoidance 规避


总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 采购部Purchasing Department 工程部Engineering Department 行政部Admin. Department 人力资源部HR Department

市场部Marketing Department 技术部Technolog Department 客服部Service Department 行政部: Administration 财务部Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor, or President 副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment 广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部 Sales 销售部 HR 人力资源部 Account 会计部


XX初中成绩单评语大全 1.沈立:你是一个聪明的男生,思维能力和动手能力较强;你尊敬老师,有一定的责任心和集体荣誉感,你与同学相处融洽,上进心强,有一种不服输的倔强性格。课后你能认真按时完成作业,只是字迹有时过于潦草;学习上你有一定的自觉性,不过努力程度恐怕还不够,偏科现象过于严重,老师热切盼望着你在今后的日子里能正视自身的缺点,端正学习态度,勇敢地面对学习中的任何困难,用辛勤的汗水去浇灌出成功的花朵。顺祝羊年好运,全家幸福! 2.一个学期又要过去了,看着孩子成长的足迹,有欢笑,有泪水;有成功,有失败;有进步,有不足;不论今后面对的是什么,你现 在要做好的是:树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,明确学习目的,端正学习态度,做一个品行优秀的人,一步一个脚印地认认真真走路! 3.xxx能自觉独立完成家庭作业,就是拖拉的时间太长,希望 今后找出自己不足之处,掌握正确的学习方法,提高学习成绩,不断进步。 4.xxx上学期有两门成绩不及格,希望老师严加督促,一定要 把成绩补上,做好真正的“班长”,发扬优点,在新的学年中更加努力。 5.曾经的一些小毛病在初中的三年里基本上得到了“治疗”, 懂得孝敬父母、善解人意,也懂得得了换位思考,对事情有了自己独到的见解,并且能大胆地表达出来。在家里在能够与父母沟通,理解

父母的良苦用心。天资聪慧但学习方面还缺乏一些自主和刻苦,如果能在方面有所提高就会更好! 6.希望xxx发扬自己的优点,努力学习,端正学习态度,上每一堂课,积极参加学校各项活动。同时也希望校方多关心学生的生活问题,如改善热水的使用和宿舍生活用品等条件,创造良好的环境,使学生全心全意地去学习。 7.愚儿——xxx识得以长进,承蒙师传管教有方,用心良苦。但愿其儿虚心学习,有志气学好本专业课,为未来的前程奠定好知识基础,成为社会上有用的人才。作为xxx的父亲敬向各位关照学子的师长以及热情帮助xxx的同学,表示深深的感谢,祝大家:新年快乐,万事如意! 8.孩子在本学期中,能积极完成学校各科学习,性格乖巧内向,对事物的认识有了自己的初步的见解。在学习中,态度和习惯还需加强。希望孩子在以后的学习生活中成为一个积极向上,活泼开朗的孩子。 9.通过看xxx的成绩单,可以说不够理想,这对我们做家长的有一定责任,孩儿到学校学习,就是要学好文化知识的,就是要从德、智、体全面发展,就是要发挥自己的才能学好专业知识,希望师生和家长共同帮助他、教育他,也希望吾儿要尊敬师长、团结同学,克服缺点,学好知识运用到实践中,做一名有用人才。


保险业常用词汇中英文对照 第一部分:保险承保业务 1、一般保险原理 保险insurance 保险业insurance industry 保险业务结构business structures 保险业主体bodies in Insurance Industry 被保险人insured 理赔claim settlement 承保利润微薄underwriting profit is slight 承保能力insurance capacity 承保业务underwriting operation 未决赔款储备金reserve IBRN 大数法则Law of Large Numbers 营业额turnover 市场缺陷market imperfections 社会保险social insurance 个人代理人personal agent 银行保险bank insurance 直销straight pin 佣金brokerage 手续费commission charges 再保险reinsurance 2、财产保险 财产保险property insurance 长尾long-tail

长期护理保险long—term care insurance 短尾short-tail 综合赔付率combined ratio 自留retention 车险auto insurance 财产保险property insurance 责任保险liability insurance 农业保险agricultural insurance 巨灾保险catastrophe insurance 意外伤害保险casualty accident insurance 3、寿险词汇 变额寿险variable life insurance 长寿保险insurance on last survivor 定期寿险term insurance 合同储蓄机构contractual saving institutions 红利dividend 疾病保险sickness insurance 简易险industrial insurance 健康保险health insurance 巨额医药费保险major medical" insurance policy 可变保费寿险flexible—premium life insurance 利差损interest spread risk 利率敏感型产品interest—sensitive whole life 赔期/期限indemnity period/limit 普通寿险ordinary life insurance 人寿保险life insurance 预定利率市场化Market-based Assumed Interest Rate 团险group insurance 限期缴费终身寿险limited—payment whole life insurance


保险基术语中英对照 【A 】 Abandonment 见"委付" / Actual Total Loss 见"实际全损" / All Risks 见"一切险" Annuities Insurance 见"年金保险" / Applicant 见"投保人" / Application 见"投保单" Automatic Premium Loan 见"自动垫交保险费贷款" / Approved 见"承保" 安装工程一切险(Erection All Risks Insurance) 【B 】 Beneficiary 见"受益人" / Binder, Binding Slip 见"暂保单" / 保险(Insurance) 保险法(Law of Insurance)/ 保险基金(Insurance Fond)/ 保险公司(Insurance Company)保险保障基金(Insurance Protection Fond)/ 保险合同(Insurance Contract)/ 保险单(Policy)保险凭证(Insurance Certificate)/ 保险条款(Insurance Clauses)/ 保险标的(Insurance Subject)保险金额(Insured Amount)/ 保险价值(Insured Value)/ 保险期限(Insurance Period) 保险费(Insurance Premium)/ 保险费率(Premium Rate)/ 保险人(Insurer) 保险代理人(Insurance Agent)/ 保险经纪人(Insurance Broker)/ 被保险人((Insured) 保险公估人(Insurance Assessor)/ 补偿原则(Principle of Compensation) 不定值保险(Unvalued Insurance) 【C 】 Cash Loss 见"现金赔款" / Cash Value 见"现金价值" / Co-insurance 见"共同保险" Constructive Total Loss 见"推定全损" / 纯粹危险(Pure Risk)/ 偿付能力(Solvency) 重复保险(Multiple Insurance)/ 重置价值保险(Reinstatement Value Insurance)) 承保(Approved,To Cover)/ 财产保险(Property Insurance) 产品质量保证保险(Product Quality Bond Insurance) 产品责任保险(Product Liability Insurance) 【D 】 Dividend System 见"红利制度" / Dual Valuation Clause 见"双重价值条款" 大数法则(Law of Large Numbers)/ 代位求偿权(Subrogation Right) 定值保险(Valued Insurance)/ 第一损失保险(First Loss Insurance) 盗窃保险(theft insurance)/ 定期寿险(Term Insurance) 定期生存保险(Pure Endowments) 【E 】 Endowment Assurance 见"生死两全保险" / Endorsement 见"批单" Extraneous Risks 见"附加险" / Erection All Risks Insurance 见"安装工程一切险" Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance 见"超率赔款再保险" / Extra Charges 见"额外费用" Excess of Loss Reinsurance 见"超额赔款再保险" 【F 】 Facultative Reinsurance 见"临时再保险" / Fidelity Bond 见"忠诚保证保险" Fire Insurance 见"火灾保险" / First Loss Insurance 见"第一损失保险" Free from Particular Average 见"平安险" / Freight Insurance 见"运费保险" 飞机保险(Aircraft insurance)/ 复效(Reinstate) 【G 】 Grace Period 见"宽限期" / Group Life Accident Insurance 见"团体人身意外伤害保险" Group Life Insurance 见"团体人身保险" / 过失责任(fault liability)


上海牛津英语A M知识 点总结 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

M3U1 In our school 1.单词:place地点,canteen食堂,computer lab计算机房,lab实验室, office 办公室,gym体育馆,classroom教室,music room音乐教室, art room美术教室, library图书馆,hall礼堂;大厅,playground操场, classroom building教学楼,teachers’ office教师办公室,post office邮局 behind在…后面, in front of 在…前面 2. 词组: study with和…一起学习, a lot of = lots of =many=much 许多, have lunch吃午餐, have computer lessons上计算机课,have a try试一试 3. 句型 1). This is the teachers’ office. 这是教师办公室。 2). Miss Fang is busy now.方老师正在忙。 3). There are a lot of books in it. 里面有许多的书。 4). We have lunch here. 我们在这里吃午餐。 5). It’s behind t he classroom building. 它在教学楼的后面。 6). What’s on this floor 这层楼是什么? 7). We have computer lessons in it. 我们在里面上计算机课。 8). There is a cupboard and a bookshelf in it. 在里面有一个柜子和书架。 9). Your classroom is clean and tidy.你们的教室真干净整洁。 10). Thank you so much. 太感谢你们了。 11). You’re welcome. 不客气。 4.语法: 1). There be 句型: (1) “就近原则” (2) There be 句型一般和地点状语连用 There is a book and some pens on the desk. There are some pens and a book on the desk. There is a playground behind the classroom building. (3) 否定形式:There is some water. >>> There isn’t any water. There are some books. >>> There aren’t any books.


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Peter Pan--Chapter1 中英文双语阅读

Chapter 1. PETER BREAKS THROUGH(1) All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing in a garden, and she plucked another flower and ran with it to her mother. I suppose she must have looked rather delightful, for Mrs. Darling put her hand to her heart and cried, "Oh, why can't you remain like this for ever!" This was all that passed between them on the subject, but henceforth Wendy knew that she must grow up. You always know after you are two. Two is the beginning of the end. Of course they lived at 14 [their house number on their street], and until Wendy came her mother was the chief one. She was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind and such a sweet mocking mouth. Her romantic mind was like the tiny boxes, one within the other, that come from the puzzling East, however many you discover there is always one more; and her sweet mocking mouth had one kiss on it that Wendy could never get, though there it was, perfectly conspicuous in the right-hand corner. The way Mr. Darling won her was this: the many gentlemen who had been boys when she was a girl discovered simultaneously that they loved her, and they all ran to her house to propose to her except Mr. Darling, who took a cab and nipped in first, and so he got her. He got all of her, except the innermost box and the kiss. He never knew about the box, and in time he gave up trying for the kiss. Wendy thought Napoleon could have got it, but I can picture him trying, and then going off in a passion, slamming the door. Mr.Darling used to boast to Wendy that her mother not only loved him but respected him.He was one of those deep ones who know about stocks and shares. Of course no one really knows, but he quite seemed to know, and he often said stocks were up and shares were down in a way that would have made any woman respect him. Mrs. Darling was married in white, and at first she kept the books perfectly, almost gleefully, as if it were a game, not so much as a Brussels sprout was missing; but by and by whole cauliflowers dropped out, and instead of them there were pictures of babies without faces. She drew them when she should have been totting up. They were Mrs. Darling's guesses. Wendy came first, then John, then Michael. For a week or two after Wendy came it was doubtful whether they would be able to keep her, as she was another mouth to feed. Mr. Darling was frightfully proud of her, but he was very honourable, and he sat on the edge of Mrs. Darling's bed, holding her hand and calculating expenses, while she looked at him imploringly. She wanted to risk it, come what might, but that was not his way; his way was with a pencil and a piece of paper, and if she confused him with suggestions he had to begin at the beginning again. "Now don't interrupt," he would beg of her.


acceptance policy 核保政策 accounting period 结算期 aggregate limit 累积限额 aggregated loss 累积损失 antiselection 逆选择 ART (Alternative Risk Transfer 新型风险转移balance 所欠款项 barrages 堰坝 captive pools 自保组合 catastrophe risk 巨灾风险 ceiding company 分出公司 cession limit 分保限额 claim-prone 容易出险 claims assistance 理赔协助 clean cut 结清方式 coinsurance 共保 commencement and termination 起讫 cover 承保 cover 责任额 deposit premium 预付保费 destroyed 毁坏 earth caves 土坏房屋 EPA event limit 事件限额 ex gratia payments 通融赔款 excess loss 超额赔款 exclusion 除外责任 exposed areas 风险承受区域 facultative reinsurance 临时分保 fault zone 断层区 finite risk 有限制的风险 flash floods 骤发洪水 flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥 frame structure 框架结构 full coverage 全额承保 full insurance value 足额保险价值 full liability 全部责任 Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险sickness insurance 疾病保险 insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险 insurance for medical care 医疗保险"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险 life insurance 人寿保险 endowment insurance 养老保险 insurance on last survivor 长寿保险 social insurance 社会保险 personal property insurance 个人财产保险insurance of contents 家庭财产保险 险别 Free from Particular AverageF.P.A. 平安险With Particular Average W.P.A. 水渍险 All Risks 一切险 risk of breakage 破碎险 risk of clashing 碰损险 risk of rust 生锈险 risk of hook damage 钩损险 risk of contamination (tainting 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO 全损险 risk of deterioration 变质险 risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险 risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险 risk of normal loss (natural loss 途耗或自然损耗险 risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险 risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险 Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险 overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险 insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC 罢工,暴动,民变险
