


2012上海复旦附中自主招生英语试题(1) 摘要:上海复旦附中自主招生英语试题 31.They are fed up _______the old routine. A. with B. of C. at D. on 32.He is such a(n) _______teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students. A. conscientious B. conscious C. academic D. scientific 33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of_______ to the job. A. committee B. commitment C. community D. commission 34.Since you are_______ to the seafood, you’d better avoid eating it. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensitive D. sensory 35.During the celebration, fireworks have been_______ at the bay. A. set out B. set about C. set 36.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, _______the job stress is comparatively higher. A. that B. where C. which D. what 37.They declared the war, for they believed that country had_______ the weapons of mass destruction. A. liberated B. countered C. approved D. proliferated 38.The journalist reported the_______ of children labors who had worked many days on end. A. expansion B. expedition C. exploitation D. exploration What is the thing called happiness? For centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisticated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale (On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends. Happiness, that is, 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it―subjective well-being.‖ But from studies of various age and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supportive, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are those who married 48 their ―best friend.‖39. A. to spend B. spending C. has spent D. have spent

数学2015 年复旦大学附中自招试卷及答案解析(3.20)

2015年复旦附中自招数学试卷(3.20) 填空A 1、若22x ab y a b ==+, ,则 =______________ 2 、12x x -=12x x 、的方差______________ 3、从1,4,7……295,298(隔3的自然数)中任选两个数相加,和的不同值有__________个 4 、解方程:12x x +=-+ 5、28152 31x x x x -+--=的解有_________个。 6、37531(12)8mx mx mx x m x -<-??+-<-+? 有正数解,求m 的取值范围__________ 7、2104y x x m =-+与x 轴两个交点在x 的正半轴,求m 的取值范围。 8、495 235 x y x z z +++==--时,求x y 的值 9、矩形ABCD 中,3AB BC =,将矩形折叠,点B 落在边AD 上的点M 处, C 落在N 处,求EC FB AM -

1、 扫雷游戏 2、已知不等式:21y x px ≤-++求能使x y +最大值为2的负实数p 的取值范围。 3、如图所示,直线l 经过点P ,且垂直于AB ,当长方形AOBP 的周长为20时,请求出无论图形如何变化,l 始终经过的定点坐标___________。 4、在反比例函数k y x = 上存在点C ,以点C 为圆心,1为半径画圆,圆上存在两点到O 点距离为2,则k 的取值范围______________ 5、已知直线MA NB 、均与线段MN 为直径的半圆相切,直线AB 与半圆相切于点F ,P 在线段MN 上且PF MN ⊥,当直线AB 变化时,求+PA PB AB 的最大值 6、在1,2,3……,39,40数列中能找出__________对数字使它们的差的绝对值为质数。


2016年上海中考自主招生:复旦附中自招考试真题(英语) 31.They are fed up_______the old routine. A. with B. of C. at D. on 32.He is such a(n) _______teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students. A. conscientious B. conscious C. academic D. scientific 33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of_______ to the job. A. committee B. commitment C. community D. commission 34.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, _______the job stress is comparatively higher. A. that B. where C. which D. what 35.Since you are_______ to the seafood, you’d better avoid eating it. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensitive D. sensory 36.During the celebration, fireworks have been_______ at the bay. A. set out B. set about C. set up D. set off 37.They declared the war, for they believed that country had_______ the weapons of mass destruction. A. liberated B. countered C. approved D. proliferated 38.The journalist reported the_______ of children labors who had worked many days on end. A. expansion B. expedition C. exploitation D. exploration What is the thing called happiness? For centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisticated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale (On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends. Happiness, that is, 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it“subjective well-being.” But from studies of various ag e and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supportive, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are those who married 48 their “best friend.”


上海复旦附中自主招生英语试题(3) 1. A.increasingly B.lowering https://www.360docs.net/doc/7010291556.html,mon D.solutions E.individually F. calling G.dependent H.shortcomings I.consumption J.introduced K.senses A United Nations panel on climate change says global warming is causing extreme weather all over the world and is__41__on governments to come up with new ideas to curb gas emissions. Since much of the air pollution comes from coal-fired power plants,scientists in Denmark are trying to lower their nation’s energy needs with new types of smart streetlights. Our__42__industrialized world needs huge amounts of electrical energy,but our power plants still rely mostly on technology__43__as early as the19th century—coal—powered plants, hydroelectric dams or somewhat never nuclear energy,all of which have their own__44__. But scientists say we can slow down global warming by__45__energy demands for street lights. These__46__features of the world’s urban areas require a lot of electricity. The U.S.Energy Information Administration estimates that in2012,lighting for buildings, streets and highways in the https://www.360docs.net/doc/7010291556.html,ed about274billion kilowatt hours. In a bid to make Copenhagen the world’s first carbon-neutral city by2025,scientists in the Danish capital are testing a variety of new street lighting technologies. Kim Brostrom is the chief technical officer at the Danish Outdoor Lighting Lab. “We have installed nine kilometers of streets,we have280masts placed here,we have50 different__47__,we have10different management systems,and we have a lot of different sensors and things out in the open area,”said Brostrom. Chief science officer Jakob Andersen says the lights can be managed__48__from a tablet computer or a smart phone. The main goal is to lower energy__49__when the light is not needed.So the lamp brightens up only when it__50__an approaching pedestrian,cyclist or vehicle.Some of them even have a backup wind generator or a solar cell. 2. Diet Coke,diet Pepsi,diet pills,on-fat diet,vegetable diet…We are__51__by the word “diet”everywhere we look and listen.We have so easily been attracted by the promise and__52__ of diet products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us.We are paying for products that__53__us psychologically and physically(身体上). Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically.On one level,we are not allowing our brain to__54__that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight,but in controlling the__55__of fatty,high-calorie,unhealthy foods.Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead.All we have to do is to swallow or__56__ the word“diet”in food labels. On another level,diet products have greater psychological effects.Every time we have a


全市最难的复附自招英语真题 复附自招英语,其实早已身名远扬。基本考过的同学都说难。但希望大家记住:题目再难,对大家都是公平的。自招比的是总分,可能你英语略逊一筹,但其它学科可以弥补。再者,自招比的是相对优秀,不在乎你拿了多少分,只在乎你比别人稍微多几分。明白吗? 1.You should pay attention to the way_____you stand and sit. A.of B.that C.which D.how 【正确选项】B 【考查内容】定语从句 【试题分析】本题考察the way后接定语从句的用法。the way后接定语从句有三种形式:1.不用引导词;2.用that做引导词;3.用in which做引导词。本题的考察点是第2种。同学们根据汉语思维可能误选D。总而言之,同学们对这三种形式一定要牢记! https://www.360docs.net/doc/7010291556.html,ck of eye contact can_____nervousness. A.signal B.mark C.sigh D.design 【正确选项】A 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇的辨析。根据句子意思:缺少眼神交流可以说明一个人很紧张。A选项signal有“表示;表明;预示”的意思,符合题意。B选项mark是“做记号,做标记”的意思;C选项sigh是“叹气”的意思,单词拼写与signal类似,同学们可能误选。D选项design是“设计”的意思。总而言之,只有A选项符合题意! 3.Miss Yang is_____a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully. A.looked upon B.regarded C.viewed D.considered 【正确选项】D 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇及词组的辨析。本题难度较大,根据句意:杨小姐被认为是一名优秀的商店售货员因为她会愉快地与每一位顾客打招呼。题目的四个选项都有“被视为,被看成是”的意思,所以本题的难点在于这些词语的搭配的辨析!A,B,C 三个选项的错误之处在于应在单词后加上as才正确。例如:Miss Yang is looked upon/regarded/viewed as a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully.本题只有considered才可以直接用在题干中。总而言之,同学们务必重视词语的搭配! 4.Skimming is an important way of understanding a text faster and more_____. A.efficiently B.effectively C.sufficiently D.conveniently 【正确选项】A 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇的辨析。本题选项的四个单词非常容易弄混淆。单词之间的拼写,后缀都有类似的地方。A选项是“有效率地”的意思;B选项是“有效果地,有影响地”的意思;C选项是“足够地,充足地”的意思;D选项是“方便地”的意思。根据句意:浏览是一种更快更有效的理解文本的重要方法。总而言之,只有A符合题意。


2017年复旦附中自招题 1. 已知a 、b 、c 是一个三角形的三边,则222222444222a c c b b a c b a ---++的值是( ) A .恒正 B .恒负 C .可正可负 D .非负 解:选B 222222444222a c c b b a c b a ---++ 2222224)(c b c b a ---= )2)(2(222222bc c b a bc c b a ---+--= ])(][)([2222c b a c b a +---= ))()()((c b a c b a c b a c b a --+++--+= ∵a 、b 、c 是一个三角形的三边, ∴0>-+c b a ,0>+-c b a ,0>++c b a ,0<--c b a , ∴0))()()((<--+++--+c b a c b a c b a c b a 2. 设m ,n 是正整数,满足mn n m >+,给出以下四个结论:① m ,n 都不等于1;② m ,n 都 不等于2;③ m ,n 都大于1;④m ,n 至少有一个等于1,其中正确的结论是( ) A .① B .② C .③ D .④ 解:选D 由mn n m >+得()()111<--n m 若m ,n 均大于1,则,11,11≥-≥-n m ()()111≥--n m ,矛盾, ∴m ,n 至少有一个等于1。 3. 已知关于x 的方程a x a x +=+2有一个根为1,则实数a 的值为( ) A .251+- B .251-- C .2 51±- D .以上答案都不正确 解:选A 将1=x 代入,得12+=+a a , 两边平方,得012=++a a ,2 51±-=a , 当2 51--=a 时,1=x 不是原方程的根,舍 ∴251+-= a


1 2014年复旦大学附属中学自主招生测试 数学试卷 一.填空题 1.已知998a =,997b =,996c =,则2a ab ac bc --+= ▲ . 2.已知:23a =,32b =,则 1111 a b +=++ ▲ . 3.在△ABC 中,10AB =,16AC =,BAC ∠的角平分线为AN ,BN 和AN 垂直,垂直为N , M 为BC 的中点,则MN = ▲ . 4.方程 2354235 x x x x +=----的根为 ▲ . 5.已知一次函数y kx b =+经过点(1,1),且2k >,则该函数不经过第 ▲ 象限. 6.已知,,,,,a b c d e f 为实数,满足0ace ≠,已知ax b cx d ex f +++=+对于任意x 都成立,则ad bc -= ▲ . 7.已知:222212310011352001A =++++L ,2222 12310013572003B =++++L ,则与A B -最接近的整 数是 ▲ . 二.解答题

2 8.已知,x y 是正整数,且2014x y >>, 1112014x y xy ++=,试求x y -的最大值. 9.在△ABC 中,BF 和CE 分别是ABC ∠和ACB ∠的平分线,O 是内心(角平分线的交点),满足OE OF =,求证:△ABC 是等腰三角形或60A ∠=?. 10.从1、2、3、4、…、2014这2014个数中,抽取n 个数,放入集合A 中,从A 中任意取3个数后,总有一个数能够整除另一个,试求n 的最大值. 2014年复旦大学附属中学自主招生测试 数学试卷参考答案和评分标准 一.填空题 1.2 2.1 3.3 4.0;4;43 5.二 6.0 7.501 二.解答题 8.解:由 111 2014x y xy ++= 得 112015 2014 x y x y ??++???= ? ?????;


2016年复旦附中自招数学试卷 1. 已知 a b c x b c a c a b === ++ + ,则x= 2. 已知函数2 2(5)3 y x a x =-+-+(23) b x b ≤≤+图像关于y轴对称,则a b += 3. 已知函数2 (2)2(1) y k x kx k =--++的图像与x轴只有一个交点,则k= 4. 在同一个直角坐标系中,已知直线y kx =与函数 28,3 2,33 24,3 x x y x x x -≥ ? ? =--<< ? ?+≤- ? 图像恰好有三个 公共点,则k的取值范围是 5. 如图,在梯形ABCD中,AB∥CD,CD AB >,设E、F分别是AC、BD的中点,AC与BD交于点O,已知OEF V是边长为1的正三角形,BOC V的面积为 15 3 4 ,则梯形ABCD 的面积为 6. 已知矩形ABCD中,1 AB=,BC a =,若在边BC上存在点Q,满足AQ⊥QD,则a的取值范围是 7. 已知锐角三角形ABC的三边长恰为三个连续正整数,AB BC CA >>,若BC边上的高为AD,则BD DC -= 8. 已知实数m、n(其中1 mn≠)分别满足:2 199910 m m ++=,299190 n n ++=,则41 mn m n ++ = 9. 若关于x的方程2 (2)(4)0 x x x m --+=有三个根,且这三个根恰好可以作为一个三角形的三边长,则m的取值范围是 10. 如图,矩形ABCD中,3 AB=,4 BC=,点E是BC边上一点,连接AE,把∠B沿AE折叠,使点B落在点B'处,当CEB' V为直角三角形时,BE的长为 11. 如图,OA、OD是圆O的半径,延长OA至B,使OA AB =,C是OA的中点,∠AOD 为锐角α,连接CD、BD,且CD a =,则BD=


2019年复旦附中自招数学试卷 (一) 1. 两个非零实数a 、b 满足ab a b =-,求 a b ab b a +-的值. 2. 已知|211||3||8|m m m -=-+-,求m 的取值范围. 3. 若关于x 的不等式020192018ax ≤+≤的整数解为1、2、3、…、2018,求a 的范围. 4. 已知ABC 、A BC ''边长均为2,点D 在线段BC '上,求AD CD +的最小值. 5. 已知x 、y 为实数,求2254824x y xy x +-++的最小值. 6. 在ABC 中,2B C ∠=∠,AD 为A ∠的角平分线,若 2AB BD BD AB -=,求tan C ∠的值. (二) 1. 等腰梯形ABCD 中,13AB CD ==,6AD =,16BC =,CE ⊥AB . (1)求CE 的长;(2)求BCE 内切圆的半径.

2. 定义当0x x =时,0y x =,则称00(,)x x 为不动点. (1)若5x a y x b +=+有两个不动点(6,6)、(6,6)--,求a 、b 的值; (2)若5x a y x b += +有关于原点对称的不动点,求a 、b 满足的条件. 3. 已知()S n 为n 的各位数字之和,例(2019)201912S =+++=. (1)当19502019n ≤≤时,找出所有满足[()]4S S n =的n ; (2)当n 为正整数时,找出所有满足()[()]2019n S n S S n ++=的n . (三) 1. 平行四边形两条邻边为7和8,两条对角线为m 、n ,求22m n +的值. 2. 已知正整数x 、y 满足2127xy x y ++=,求x y +的值. 3. 斐波那契数列为{1,1,2,3,5,8,}n a =???,记数列n b 为n a 中每一项除以4的余数,问{}n b 中第2019次出现1时的序数(即第几个数).


深与专业?信于人 四校自招-数学·复附卷 一、填空题 1.实数x ,y ,z 满足|2x -6|+|y +1|+x -4y 2+x 2+z 2=2+2xz ,则x +y -z =__________。 2.若10013 的分子、分母同时加上正整数n 时,该分数称为整数。这样的正整数n 共有_______个。3.已知a 2=7-3a ,b 2=7-3b ,且a ≠b ,则a b 2+b a 2=____________。 4.设p 是奇数,则方程2xy =p (x +y )满足x


1. You should pay attention to the way _____ you stand and sit. A. of B. that C. which D. how 【正确选项】B 【考查内容】定语从句 【试题分析】本题考察the way 后接定语从句的用法。the way 后接定语从句有三种形式: 1.不用引导词; 2.用that 做引导词; 3.用in which 做引导词。本题的考察点是第2 种。同学们根据汉语思维可能误选D。总而言之,同学们对这三种形式一定要牢记! 2. Lack of eye contact can _____ nervousness. A. signal B. mark C. sigh D. design 【正确选项】A 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇的辨析。根据句子意思:缺少眼神交流可以说明一个人很紧张。A 选项signal 有“表示;表明;预示”的意思,符合题意。B 选项mark 是“做记号,做标记”的意思;C 选项sigh 是“叹气”的意思,单词拼写与signal 类似,同学们可能误选。D 选项design 是“设计”的意思。总而言之,只有A 选项符合题意! 3. Miss Yang is _____ a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully. A. looked upon B. regarded C. viewed D. considered 【正确选项】D 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇及词组的辨析。本题难度较大,根据句意:杨小姐被认为是一名优秀的商店售货员因为她会愉快地与每一位顾客打招呼。题目的四个选项都有“被视为,被看成是”的意思,所以本题的难点在于这些词语的搭配的辨析!A, B, C 三个选项的错误之处在于应在单词后加上as 才正确。例如:Miss Yang is looked upon/regarded/viewed as a good shop assistant because she greets every customer cheerfully. 本题只有considered 才可以直接用在题干中。总而言之,同学们务必重视词语的搭配! 4. Skimming is an important way of understanding a text faster and more _____. A. efficiently B. effectively C. sufficiently D. conveniently 【正确选项】A 【考查内容】词语辨析 【试题分析】本题考察高中英语词汇的辨析。本题选项的四个单词非常容易弄混淆。单词之间的拼写,后缀都有类似的地方。A 选项是“有效率地”的意思;B 选项是“有效果地, 有影响地”的意思;C 选项是“足够地,充足地”的意思;D 选项是“方便地”的意思。根据句意:浏览是一种更快更有效的理解文本的重要方法。总而言之,只有A 符合题意。


2015 年复旦附中自招数学试卷 一. 填空题A 1.若x ab ,y a2b2,则(x y)2(x y)2 2.|x1 x2 | 3 ,求x1、x2 的方差 3.从 1,4,7,,295,298(隔 3 的自然数) 中任选两个数相加,和的不同值有个 4. 解方程:x 2 1 x 2 x 2 x2 8x 15 5.|x 3| x 2 1的解有个 3mx 7 5 mx 6.有正数解,求m 的取值范围 3mx x 1 (1 2m)x 8 2 7.y x2 10x 4m与x轴两个交点在x 的正半轴,求m的取值范围 x 4 y 9 x 5 x 8.时,求的值 2 z 3 z 5 y 9. 矩形ABCD 中,AB 3BC ,将矩形折叠,点B落在 边AD上的点M 处,C 落在N 处,求|EC FB|. AM 二. 填空题B 1.扫雷游戏 2.已知不等式y x2 px 1,求能使x y 最大值为 2 的 负实数p 的取值范围 . 3.如图所示,直线l 经过点P ,且垂直于AB ,当长方 形AOBP的周长为 20 时,请求出无论图形如何变化,l 始终经过的定点坐标 k

4.在反比例函数y 上存在点C ,以点C 为圆心, 1 为半径画圆,圆上存在两点到O 点 x 距离为 2,则k 的取值范围

5.已知直线MA 、NB均与线段MN为直径的半圆相切,直线AB与半圆相切于点 F,P在PA PB 线段MN上且PF MN ,当直线AB变化时,求PA PB的最大值 . AB 6.在 1,2, 3,,39,40,数列中能找出对数字使它们的差的绝对值为质数 . 三. 解答题 1. 已知在BAC 的内部存在一点M ,在不画出A 点的情况下过M 点作一条直线,使它经过A 点. 2 2. 设x1、x2为x22px p 0的两根,p为实数 . (1)求证:2px1 x22 3p 0 ; (2)当|x1 x2 | |2p 3|时,求p的最大值 . 3. 实数a、a2、、a n满足:① a1 a2 a n 0;② |a1| |a2 | |a n | 1; 1 求证:k个数( k 1,2,3, ,n),|a1 a2 a k | 1. 2 4.锐角△ ABC中,AD 、BE 、CF 分别为BC 、AC 、AB边上的高,设BC a,AC b, AB c ,BD x,EC y ,AF z. (1)用a、b、c表示x; (2)当a、b 、c满足什么关系时,有2(x y z) a b c.


2011复旦附中自主招生英语试卷答案解析 I. Grammar: 1.【D】考查主谓一致,as well as为就远原则,另外句子是陈述现在存在的一种现象,因此用一般现在时。 2.【B】在昨天之前我不知道他会来,应该为过去将来时。要注意的是come等表示来的词可以使用进行时表示将来时,这里就是用过去进行时表示过去将来时的例子。 3.【D】考查情态动词。解释为应该 4.【A】in addition解释为除此之外 5.【D】本题考查形容词比较级前的修饰词,要注意more不能再修饰比较级。但time翻译为“时光”时,为可数名词。 6.【B】考查介词,句子意为计划花费3000万到5000万之间的费用,因此选between 7.【C】本题考查代词,我不喜欢这个表演,事实上大家都不喜欢,选none 8.【C】本题考查分词做状语。首先患病与主语Professor Lee一致,并且是主动发出的动作,因此使用现在分词,时间词for years,因此要使用完成时态Having suffered。 9.【A】本题考查分词作状语。使用方向盘与one主语一致,并且动作由one主动发出,因此选择现在分词,句子是在陈述事实,因此用一般现在时。 10.【C】题目中hear about,about是介词,后接动名词。Robert和失业直接是主动关系,不需要使用被动。 11.【A】本题为陷阱题,can’t help doing解释为情不自禁做某事,但是根据句子的意思,因为他在做蛋糕,所以不能帮助,因此帮助做某事为help sb.(to) do. 12.【B】固定搭配。admit doing sth. 表示承认做过某事。 13.【C】固定搭配,be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事。 14.【A】考查非限制性定语从句,由which引导。 15.【D】考查连词,根据前后句关系,东京是全世界物价最高的国家,东京仍然是世界上最拥挤的城市之一,因此是表示虽然,是让步状语从句。 16.【D】考查定语从句的引导词,此处可以填关系副词where,因为是in a condition,所以此处的where可以替换成in which 17.【A】本题考查非限制性定语从句,关系代词as表示正如,就好像 18.【B】此题考查It is/ was … that的强调句句型。 19.【D】only开头,句子采用局部倒装。


精品文档,欢迎下载! 2019年复旦附中浦东分校自招数学试卷 1. 已知14a a +=,求441a a +的值 2. 已知280x mx ++=与2420x x m ++=有公共实根t ,求t 的值 3. 求(0,0)关于直线4y x =+翻折后的坐标 4. 21x x --与44y y --互为相反数,求x y 的值 5. 如图,已知AB 为直径,25DCB ?∠=,求ABD ∠ 6. 已知2234y x mx m =+-(0)m >与x 轴交于A 、B ,若 1123OB OA -=,求m 的值 7. 直线y kx b =+经过两点(,)A t t 、(,5)B m m ,0t >,0m >,当 m t 为整数,求整数k 8. 已知四位数09x yz xyz =?,求这个四位数 9. 正方形四个顶点都有人,同时从一个顶点走向另一个顶点(随机选边,概率均为12), 求有人相遇的概率 10. ()F x 是关于x 的五次多项式,(2)(1)(0)(1)0F F F F -=-===,(2)24F =,(3)360F =,求(4)F 11. 已知227100x ax a ++-=无实根,则下列选项必有实根的是( ) A. 22320x ax a ++-= B. 22560x ax a ++-= C. 2210210x ax a ++-= D. 22230x ax a +++= 12. 直角三角形ABC 中,90C ?∠=,sin B n =,当B ∠为最小内角时,则n 的范围( )

A. 202n <≤ B. 112n -<< C. 102 n <≤ D. 1222n <≤ 13. 已知2a b +=,22 (1)(1)4a b b a --+=-,则ab 的值为( ) A. 1 B. 1- C. 12- D. 12 14. 已知互不相等的整数数列12{,,,}n i i i ???,2n ≥,当p q <时,p q i i >,称为“逆序”,若正整数数列126{,,,}a a a ???中,“逆序”有2组,则651{,,,}a a a ???中“逆序”有( )组 A. 34 B. 28 C. 16 D. 13 15. 已知[]x 为不超过x 的最大整数,解方程2[]3x x -= 16. 如图已知8AO =,AB AC =,4 sin 5ABC ∠=,COE ADE S S =V V (1)求BC 的长;(2)求经过C 、E 、B 的二次函数的解析式 17. 已知AB 为直径,C 是?AC 中点,DF 为切线,切点为点B (1)求证:AC CD =;(2)若2OB =,E 为OB 中点,求BH
