


Hello everyone:

Now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjing——the Presidential Palace and understand its history.

The Presidential Palace is located at 292 Changjiang Road. Up to now it is over six hundred years old. It was constructed as the Marquis Guide’s Residence and then Prince Han’s Residence in the early years of the Ming Dynasty. It successively became the Official residences of Liangjiang Viceroys in the Qing Dynasty. The Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong often used here as their temporary Dwelling Palace when they made inspection tours of South China.

During the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan erected a large-scale Heavenly King’s Palace in the compound of the Liangjiang

viceroy’s Official Residence.



On 1 January 1912, Dr Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as the Provisional

President here. It successively became the Official Residence of the Jiangsu Military Governors, the Vice-President’s Office and so forth in the following fifteen years. In 1927, the Nanjing Nationalist Government was established and here became the offices of it. After the occupation of Nanjing by Japanese troops in December 1937, the offices of the Nationalist Government served in turn as the Headquarters of the 16th Division of Japanese Troop. On 23 April 1949, Nanjing was liberated. The People’s Liberation Army occupied the Presidential Palace on 24 April.

The scenic area of the Presidential Palace covers a space of 80000 square meters.

The Presidential Palace

It comprises three pieces of scenery: the former Nationalist Government

and the Presidential Government in the center; the former Provisional

President Sun Yat-sen's Office Building, the Office of the Secretary General, the West Garden and the General Staff Headquarters in the west; the Executive

Yuan, the Tao Shu and Lin Zexu Memorial Temple, Stable and the Exhibition of the Material on the Liangjiang Viceroy's Official Residence in the east.

Now, here we are at the “He Xi Platform”, “He Xi” means the “the splendour of the sunrise”, It was named by Zhuxi, a great idealist philosopher of the Confucian school during the Song Dynasty, The platform was first built on the top of Yuelu hill, by Zhanshi, and later in 1528, a

pavilion was built on it, But it became deserted with the passing time. In 1790 Luodian, the master of the academy, built a platform at the present site, In 1820, the succeeding master, Ouyang Houjun, renamed it “He Xi Platform”

in order to memory Zhuxi and Zhanshi. It was restored in 1868.

The two sentences carved in this ancient book like stone are extracted from one of Han Yu’s text to encourage people to study, and its meaning is: hard working improves your career, meditation leads to success.

The presidential Palace has a heave historical culture, unique historical materials and beautiful natural environment with classical constructions. Now it was opened to the world as the Nanjing Museum of Modern Chinese History.

Now, please follow me to visit the Presidential Palace.

Opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the Screen Wall. Built in 1930, the Gate Tower is a two-storeyed building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient Rome style. It used to be the guardroom during the period of the Republic of China.

The Palace of Heavenly King, surrounded by the two walls, is found right at the entrance of the gate. The area within the outer wall was called “The City of Sun”,while that within the main inner wall was called “The city of the Golden Dragon”.There were many grand buildings within the two walls. On both sides of the main hall were gardens. The palace is newly restored, including the study, throne and imperial harem. In addition, the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is on exhibition here.

The complex in the east of the count was the yamen of Governor general of Multi-province. Yamen is the government office in feudal China.

The building is the Presidential Palace. The first floor was the office of secretariat. The second floor was the president’s, vice president’s of fice and the secretary-general’s office. The third floor was the State Conference Hall, in which the most important meetings were held once two weeks.

Islam as a religious order was founded in the early period of the 7th century A.D. and was introduced to China in the mid-600s. At that time,

Arabian merchants and travelers came to the northwest of China by way of

Persia and Afghanistan and thus established diplomatic, trade, and military contacts with China. In the meantime, another route saw a batch of sea

voyagers through Bangladesh Bay and the Malacca Strait to China’s Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Huangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities where many of them settled down and married the local women who later gave birth to babies who then became Moslems.

After visiting here, please come with me to continue to visit the western side of the Presidential Residence.

Xuyuan Garden is located at the western side of the Presidential Residence. Xuyuan Garden was first built for Chen Li as his mansion in the Ming Dynasty, some 600 years ago. In 1404, the succeeded emperor Zhu Di made his second son Zhu Gaoxu the Prince of Han. As the prince stuck to stay in Nanjing and lived here, the garden had been called Xu (Yuan) garden since that time.

Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake, it is listed as three famous towers in the south of Yangtze River, together with Yellow Crane Tower at Wuhan, Hubei province and Tengwang Tower at Nanchang, Jiangxi province.


The garden covers an area of 1.4 hectares, consisting of 3 parts---a small courtyard in front of the garden, he east part with a rocky hill, and the east with a vase-like water pond.

Around the day palace serves with the winding corridor, has formeda big courtyard, in China's construction, the porch plays enable thespace to have thoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso is rich in the change the role, this is in the world constructionhistory all performs to praise. daimiao the winding corridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved roof Palacebig building, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people to day palace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fully realized in world notabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the size is produces from thecontrast, besides all around Even Low the winding corridor, in front ofthe day palace in the platform has also repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets


明孝陵英文导游词 XiaolingTomboftheMingDynasty明孝陵景点概况各位游客,我们现在来到的便是明孝陵明孝陵坐落在紫金山第三峰天堡山之阳独龙阜下,是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋和皇后马氏的陵墓,始建于明朝洪武十四年,完工于永乐十一年孝陵之名,一说是因为朱元璋主张“以孝治天下”,另一说是因为皇后马氏死后谥号“孝慈”,故称孝陵到清代才称“明孝陵”朱元璋1328年出生于安徽凤阳一个贫苦农民的家庭,17岁投身皇觉寺,1352年参加了元末郭子兴的红巾军,1356年领兵攻克南京,1368年登基称帝,定都南京明孝陵依托紫金山,陵园依山就势神道蜿蜒曲折,陵寝恪守中国建筑之传统,中轴对称,首创了宝城宝顶,前朝后寝的陵墓形制开创了明清600多年帝王陵墓之先河为全国重点文物保护单位,2003年列入世界文化遗产名录大金门、碑亭各位游客,现在我们所看到的就是明孝陵的第一道大门------大金门大金门又称大红门,是正式进入陵区的第一道大门,门有三拱,中门较大,两侧稍矮稍低原是重檐歇山顶,通体红色上覆黄色琉璃瓦,可惜毁于战火经过大金门,我们所见的便是碑亭碑亭建于明永乐十一年,重檐歇山顶,亭顶毁于清代咸丰年间太平天国与清军的战争中,仅存四壁,因其四四方方,犹如一个古城堡,所以俗明孝陵是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋和皇后马氏的合葬墓,位于紫金山南麓独龙阜玩珠峰下,是我国现存古代



大雁塔英文导游词3篇 大雁塔英文导游词3篇 大雁塔英文导游词范文1: Yong hui in the tang dnast three ears attahed to the hart to rite. The emperor tang planning FuTu total 45 zhangs b xuan zang, ith enormous projet to ahievement, and unilling to mage toil, iting ourt grant funding 2-foot-tall toer built in the temple est uan five laer. Wild goose pagoda, this toer due later in hangan jianfu temple built a small ild goose pagoda, the temple toer as alled ild goose pagoda, jianfu temple toer as alled the small ild goose pagoda, has spread so far. Imitation of the estern regions of great ild goose pagoda Su slope shape, all brik surfae soil ore, not limbing, eah laer sarira. Master xuan zang personall presided over a toer, built in to ears. For brik topsoil heart, ind and rain erosion, more than 50 ears after the toer graduall ollapse. Wu zetian hangan ears repair again for ild goose pagoda. Later in a large earthquake happened in xi an region, the ild goose pagoda toer fell, the toer shatter. said the seond tablet quiet st. 大雁塔英文导游词范文2: Wele to here, let me to introdue for everbod!


钟山风景名胜区是国家5A级旅游景区、全国生态文化示范地、世界文化遗产所在地。位于南京市东北郊,以中山陵为中心,包括钟山(紫金山)、玄武湖两大区域,总面积约45平方公里。这里自然风光优美、古迹文物丰富,有“金陵毓秀”的称誉。景区分为两部分:中山陵、灵谷寺景区以及明孝陵景区。有中国民主革命伟大先驱者孙中山先生的陵墓--中山陵以及辛亥革命名人墓。还有孙权墓、明孝陵、灵谷寺等多处名胜古迹。 Zhongshan scenic spot, a National 5A Scenery Sites, is the model national place of ecological culture with the world culture heritage. It is located at a suburb northeast of Nanjing city, with the Sun Y at-sen Mausoleum as its center, including of Purple Mountain and Xuanwu Lake. It is about 45 square kilometers. Being honored as “great and charming place”, it has a very beautiful natural landscape and abundant historical sites and cultural objects. The scenic spot could be divided into two parts: Purple Mountain, Scenic Spot of Dr. Sun Y at-sen’s Mausoleum and the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple and the Scenic Spot of the Ming Tomb. The great pioneer of China’s democratic revolution-Dr. Sun Y at-sen, as well as other famous people in the Revolution of 1911’s mausoleums are located at here. In addition, there are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty, such as the Tomb of Sun Quan, the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple and the Scenic Spot of the Ming Tomb, etc. 巍巍钟山,青松翠柏汇成浩瀚林海,空山鸟语、山灵水秀,清幽的“城市森林”凸显“山水城林”融为一体的独特韵味。又有200余处名胜古迹交相辉映,或镶嵌、或依傍、或伫立,勾勒出一条大象有形的历史文脉。当你徜徉其间,饱览钟灵毓秀,探访历史遗存的时候,景区内各处别具特色的生态休闲公园、互动游乐设施亦可带给你足够的惊喜和欢娱。 Purple Mountain has a vast sea of green pines and cypresses. With bird chirps resounding in the empty mountain, this picturesque and tranquil “urban forest” features its unique charm integrating “mountain, river, city and forest”. It constitutes a grand and tangible vein of history and culture, together with its over 200 places of interest. While admiring its picturesque sceneries and visiting its historical relics, you will derive ample surprise and pleasure from unique eco-leisure parks and interactive recreational facilities distributed throughout this scenic area. 中山陵、灵谷寺景区以民国文化、生态休闲文化、佛教文化为主。中山陵平面呈警钟形,有"警钟长鸣,唤起民众"之寓意。中山陵是民国建筑的经典之作;人们用"一座中山陵,半部民国史"来概括它在中国近代史上的文化地位。音乐台为中山陵纪念建筑之一,是世界上与大自然结合最紧密、最具特色的露天音乐台。灵谷景区是国民革命军阵亡将士纪念建筑群所在地,这里古木参天,曲径通幽,灵谷深松在明、清两代均被列入"金陵胜境"。景区内广植桂花,每到秋季,丹桂飘香,香气馥郁,是赏桂休闲的好去处。无梁殿是我国历史最悠久、规模最大的砖砌拱券结构殿宇。 Both the Scenic Spot of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum and the Scenic Spot of Linggu Temple feature the culture of the Republic of China and the ecological culture. Shaped like an alarm bell, Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum connotes “awakening the common people with the bell ringing all the time”. Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum is a piece of classic works among the buildings of the Republic of China. People summarizes its cultural status in modern Chinese history with “an epitome of half of the history of the Republic of China”.. As one of the memorial buildings in Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum, the Music Stand is the most characteristic outdoor music stand that is most closely connected with the nature in the world.


导游词南京3篇 导游词南京3篇 导游词南京一: 各位游客,现在我们将要游览的历史遗迹--南京长江路292号建筑群,就是著名的总统府。自明初以来,这里多有更迭,历经明、清、太平天国和中华民-国等时代。在明代,这里是汉王府;清代设两江总督衙门于此,是清政府统治东南地区的中心。乾隆时期,这里曾为南巡行宫;太平天国时改为天朝宫殿;清朝后期,曾国藩沿袭咸丰三年前的旧督署规模及布局进行改建,仍为两江总督府。1912年,孙中山就任临时大总统,总统府就设在这里的西花园;1928年,这里又成了国民政府所在地;1948年5月,蒋介石在此就任总统。 各位下车后,请向南看,马路对面是一面钢筋水泥建成的总统府照壁,壁前有一汉白玉石碑,碑上道劲有力的行书太平天国起义百年纪念碑是郭沫若先生所题。这是1951年为纪念太平天国广西金田村起义100周年而立的,纪念碑两侧为高大的雪松。大家对总统府大门都不陌生,在许多历史纪录片中都见过。这座西洋古典式大门建于1929年。原先,门是木结构传统衙署前的辕门,后嫌其气势不足而改建。门楼仿古罗马风格,有八根圆柱。这是一座两层半的建筑,一楼为门房、卫士室,二楼为卫兵宿舍,楼顶为升旗平台。1948前,门前正中悬挂国民政府大字横匾。1948年后改用木制包金箔的总统府三个大字,1949年人民解放军攻占南京后被摘下。 进入大门,两侧是类似朝房式的办公室,中间为一个花草繁茂的院落。大门正对面是大堂,也就是我们说的太平天国天王府金龙殿旧

址。天朝时这里是真神金龙殿,又称荣光大殿。当年,大殿梁栋涂金,饰以龙凤,四壁彩绘,极其富丽堂皇,是洪秀全大朝之地,曾国荃攻陷天京,大肆掠夺后,火烧天王府,但此殿却奇迹般地保全下来。后曾国荃下令揭去红黄墙瓦,剥去泥金盘龙和木雕,将其翻盖为两江总督署的大堂。 民-国时,这敞开的大堂是举行重大礼仪活动的场所。大堂内正梁上悬挂孙中山手书的天下为公红底黑字匾。穿过大堂可见一红柱长廊直通庭院深处。西边为原总统府礼堂,是民-国时重大典礼的活动场所。如1948年蒋介石、李宗仁就任总统副总统的就职大典;外国使臣递交国书;召开重要会议;举行国宴等都在这里举行。东边为清两江总督署史料展馆,馆名由著名清史专家戴逸先生题写。两江指江南省和江西省,江南省辖今天的江苏、安徽南部的上海。在清朝,总督是地方最高长官,通常兼兵部尚书衔和右都御史衔,文官从一品,其职为厘治军民,察举官吏,修饬封疆。两江总督始于康熙四年,管辖范围仅次于直隶。这里看到的两江总督署大堂是根据史料模拟陈设的。大堂为商讨军机和拜祀的地方。正中上方悬挂乾隆御赐当时两江总督尹继善的惠洽两江额匾。两侧放置总督职衔牌,公案旁有两把杏黄伞,这是封疆大臣出行仪仗中必不可少的。公案后屏风为朝阳、仙鹤和海潮图案。大堂两旁有一对联: 虽贤哲难免过差愿诸君谠忠言常攻吾短;凡堂属略同师弟使友行修名立方尽我心,为当时任两江总督的曾国藩所撰写。 其意为: 就连圣贤人也有差错失误、我愿下属你们常针对我的不足提意见;我希望下属如师弟个个功成名遂,我方安心。两旁耳房,分文左武


Nanjing Presidential Residence Members tourists: now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjing ——the Presidential Palace and understand its history. The Presidential Palace is located at 292 Changjiang Road. Up to now it is over six hundred years old. It was constructed as the Marquis Guide 's Residence and then Prince Han s Residence in early years of the Ming Dynasty. It successively became the Official residences of Liangjiang Viceroys in the Qing Dynasty. The Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong often used here as their temporary Dwelling Palace when they made inspection tours of South China. During the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan erected a large-scale Heavenly King ' s Palace in the compound of the Liangjiang viceroy Residence'. s Official On 1 January 1912, Dr Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as the Provisional President here. It successively became the Official Residence of the Jiangsu Military Governors, the Vice- President ' s Office and so forth in the following fifteen years. In 1927, the Nanjing Nationalist Government was established and here became the offices of it. After the occupation of Nanjing by Japanese troops in December 1937, the offices of the Nationalist Government served in turn as the Headquarters of the 16th Division of Japanese Troop. On 23 April 1949, Nanjing was liberated. The People ' s Liberation Army occupied the Presidential Palace on 24 April. The scenic area of the Presidential Palace covers a space of 80000 square meters. The Presidential Palace It comprises three pieces of scenery: the former Nationalist Government and the Presidential Government in the center; the former Provisional President Sun Yat-sen's Office Building, the Office of the Secretary General, the West Garden and the General Staff Headquarters in the west; the Executive Yuan, the Tao Shu and Lin Zexu Memorial Temple, Stable and the Exhibition of the Material on the Liangjiang Viceroy's Official Residence in the east. The presidential Palace has a heave historical culture, unique historical materials and beautiful natural environment with classical constructions. Now it was opened to the world as the Nanjing Museum of Modern Chinese History. Now, please follow me to visit the Presidential Palace. Opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the Screen Wall. Built in 1930, the Gate Tower is a two-storeyed building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient Rome style. It used to be the guardroom during the period of the Republic of China. The Palace of Heavenly King, surrounded by the two walls, is found right at the entrance of the gate. The area within the outer wall was called “ The City of Sun ”,while that within the main inner wall was called “ The city of the Golden Dragon ”.There were many grand buildings within the two walls. On both sides of the main hall were gardens. The palace is newly restored, including the study, throne and imperial harem. In addition, the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is on exhibition here. The complex in the east of the count was the yamen of Governor general of Multi-province. Yamen is the government office in feudal China. The building is the Presidential Palace. The first floor was the office of secretariat. The second


Sunyat-sen Memorial Hall 中山纪念堂 (Ladies and Gentlemen: Our next destination is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, as its name suggests, is a structure built in honor of a person by the name of Sun Yat-sen. Do you know who Sun Yat-sen was?) Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution. He was born on November 12, 1866 in a farmer’s family in the Cuiheng Village in Xiangshan County (the present-day Zhongshan City) in Guangdong Province. At the age of 12, he went to Honolulu, where his elder brother sent him to a missionary school. Later, he came back to Hong Kong to study in a college of Western medicine and, after graduation, practiced medicine in Guangzhou and Macao. So, ever since he was a child, he had been influenced by the Western ideas of Christianity and democracy and this had helped him make his mind to cure the ills of the old feudal China and turn it into a democratic and strong nation. At first, he had illusions about the Qing government and hoped to save this moribund regime through reforms. But, China’s defeats by foreign invaders and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government intensified his patriotic indignation. He decided that the Qing court was rotten to the core and must be overthrown and replaced by a democratic republic. So, in 1894, together with some 20 Chinese shop-keepers and farm-owners in Honolulu, he established the first Chinese bourgeois revolutionary organization –the Society for the Revival of China (the Xing Zhong Hui). In the following spring, he returned to Hong Kong and staged the first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty


南京总统府导游词 各位游客,现在我们将要游览的历史遗迹--南京长江路292号建筑群,就是着名的总统府。 各位下车后,请向南看,马路对面是一面钢筋水泥建成的总统府照壁,壁前有一汉白玉石碑,碑上道劲有力的行书"太平天国起义百年纪念碑"是郭沫若先生所题。这是1951年为纪念太平天国广西金田村起义100周年而立的,纪念碑两侧为高大的雪松。 大家对总统府大门都不陌生,在许多历史纪录片中都见过。这座西洋古典式大门建于1929年。原先,门是木结构传统衙署前的辕门,后嫌其气势不足而改建。门楼仿古罗马风格,有八根圆柱。这是一座两层半的建筑,一楼为门房、卫士室,二楼为卫兵宿舍,楼顶为升旗平台。1948前,门前正中悬挂"国民政府"大字横匾。1948年后改用木制包金箔的"总统府"三个大字,1949年人民解放军攻占南京后被摘下。 ",又称"荣光大殿"。当年,大殿梁栋涂金,饰以龙凤,四壁彩绘,极其富丽堂皇,是洪秀全大朝之地,曾国荃攻陷天京,大肆掠夺后,火烧天王府,但此殿却奇迹般地保全下来。后曾国荃下令揭去红黄墙瓦,剥去泥金盘龙和木雕,将其翻盖为两江总督署的大堂。民国时,这敞开的大堂是举行重大礼仪活动的场所。大堂内正梁上悬挂孙中山手书的"天下为公"红底黑字匾。 穿过大堂可见一红柱长廊直通庭院深处。

西边为原总统府礼堂(清代总督署花厅),是民国时重大典礼的活动场所。如1948年蒋介石、李宗仁就任"总统""副总统"的就职大典;外国使臣递交国书;召开重要会议;举行国宴等都在这里举行。 东边为"清两江总督署史料展馆",馆名由着名清史专家戴逸先生题写。两江指江南省和____(省、市、区、县),江南省辖今天的江苏、安徽南部的上海。在清朝,总督是地方最高长官,通常兼兵部尚书衔和右都御史衔,文官从一品,其职为"厘治军民,察举官吏,修饬封疆"。两江总督始于康熙四年,管辖范围仅次于直隶。 这里看到的两江总督署大堂是根据史料模拟陈设的。大堂为商讨军机和拜祀的地方。正中上方悬挂乾隆御赐当时两江总督尹继善的"惠洽两江"额匾。两侧放置总督职衔牌,公案旁有两把杏黄伞,这是封疆大臣出行仪仗中必不可少的。公案后屏风为朝阳、仙鹤和海潮图案。大堂两旁有一对联:"虽贤哲难免过差愿诸君谠忠言常攻吾短;凡堂属略同师弟使友行修名立方尽我心",为当时任两江总督的曾国藩所撰写。其意为:就连圣贤人也有差错失误、我愿下属你们常针对我的不足提意见;我希望下属如师弟个个功成名遂,我方安心。两旁耳房,分文左武右,为休息室。 史料陈列馆门上横匾"清风是式"由乾隆所题,赐予总督于化龙。里面介绍了1842年以来近代史上11位有影响的总督。分四部分内容,即鸦片战争、洋务运动、仿制西学和辛亥风雨。另外,对总督仪仗也做了介绍。 出了两江总督史料馆向北,我们就来到天朝宫殿历史文物陈列馆,馆名由胡绳题写,分为天王宫殿(天王宝座)、天王书房和天王内宫三部分,是请

2019年英文导游词4篇-易修改word版 (19页)

2019年英文导游词4篇-易修改word版 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! == 英文导游词4篇 本文目录 1.英文导游词 2.湖北省博物馆英文导游词 3.黑龙江哈尔滨中央大街英文导游词 4.呼伦贝尔大草原英文导游词 黄帝陵 good morning, ladies and gentlemen. today we are going to visit the yellow emperor mausoleum, known as "the first chinese mausoleum". the tomb places at qiaoshan, huang ling, yan'an, china. the yellow emperor mausoleum area was archaeologically proved to be a primitive clan settlement, for unearthing pottery and stone tools with evident yangshao culture features. it is one of the key historical site under state protection of china. in order for everyone to have a profound understanding about the yellow emperor mausoleum, i will introduce huangdi first. huangdi is a legendary chinese sovereign and cultural hero who is considered in chinese mythology to be the ancestor of all han chinese, one of the legendary five emperors. according to ancient records, huangdi was the son of shao dian, the grandson of fu xi. his name was gongsun. because he resided in the xuanyuan hill, he was referred to as xuanyuan. for advocating agricultural production, he was also known as "huangdi". huangdi has been credited with the invention of the principles of traditional chinese medicine, the huangdi neijing (inner canon of


中山陵讲解词 中山陵是中国伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓,位于南京市东郊紫金山第二峰小茅山南坡。中山陵坐北朝南,前临平川,背靠青山,其建筑采用依山为陵的形式,墓室建在海拔158米的山顶最高处,比旁边明孝陵所处的位置高出90多米;从牌坊到墓道,高差70多米,平面距离700多米,显得十分雄伟壮丽。 【孙中山生平—安葬紫金山的夙愿—陵墓设计者吕彦直】 孙中山生平: 孙中山,姓孙名文,字逸仙,1866年11月12日生于广东省香山县翠亨村(现已改为中山市),在他带领下,推翻了2000多年的中国封建帝制,这就是中国近代史上影响深刻、意义深远的一次伟大革命——辛亥革命。他是中国辛亥革命的领袖。 1912年1月l日,孙中山在南京就任临时大总统。1925年3月12日逝世。生前孙中山十分喜欢紫金山。看到这里山水相依,气势雄伟,就有了他回长眠此山的想法。为了尊重孙中山先生的遗愿,将他的墓建在了紫金山。 中山陵介绍: 中山陵。于1926年1月15日动工,历时三年多,孙先生的遗体是1929年6月1日从北京运抵这里的。整个陵区的面积达83600多平方米,主要建筑由牌坊、墓道、陵门、碑亭、祭台和墓室等组成。根据设计,整个陵区平面呈警钟形,给人以警钟长鸣、发人深醒的启迪。孙中山先生在临终遗嘱中说,他致力于国民革命四十年,深知欲达到此目的,必须唤起民众。

中山陵作为一座陵墓,依山为陵,保留牌坊、墓道、陵门、碑亭、祭堂等中国古代陵墓中常用的基本建筑格局,但又剔除了古代帝王陵墓中属于封建糟粕一类的东西,如摒弃用于显示古代帝王威严的石人石兽,同时吸取西方建筑的一些先进技艺。整个构思的确称得上是古为今用,洋为中用,别具匠心,巧夺天工。 各位游客:进入中山陵,首先来到的是陵前的广场。广场位于中山陵的正南端。虽然不很大,但却为陵墓平添了庄严肃穆的气势。请大家留意,我们脚下的这片广场呈半月形,是“钟”的下缘。四周苍松挺立,树大荫浓,恰似革命事业万古长青,枝繁叶茂,生生不息。大家再看,广场南面的高台上,矗立着的是孙中山的全身铜像,气宇轩昂,栩栩如生。 广场南面那座钢筋混凝土结构的八角形石台上的紫铜宝鼎,高4.25米,腹径1.21米,重约5000公斤,是中山陵纪念性建筑之一。这尊鼎铸于1933年秋,是广州中山大学师生和校长戴季陶捐赠的、鼎的一面铸有“智、仁、勇”三个字,是中山大学的校训。鼎内还刻有戴母黄氏手书《孝经》全文,所以叫孝经鼎。 【博爱访—墓道—陵墓正门—碑亭—条堂—墓室—孙中山遗体安葬经过】 各位游客:由广场拾级而上就是墓道。在墓道的人口处,大家请看:这座冲天而立的花岗岩牌坊,高12米,宽17.3米,牌坊上端正中的横帽上刻着“博爱”二字,因此又称为“博爱坊”。这座牌坊建于1930年,采用花岗岩仿木结构,建筑格局为四揽三闭门冲天式。牌坊,在我国古代通常建在帝王陵寝的人口处,用来歌功颂德,至此朝拜者必须下马步行。我们眼


总统府 A 【景区概况】1分钟 1、地理位置和4A级景区等 2、总统府历史沿革 3、参观线路 各位游客好:今天我们参观的景点是总统府。总统府位于长江路292号,是中国近代史开始,同时也是结束的地方,因为他曾先后作为明朝的汉王府、清朝的两江总督府、太平天国时期的天王府、孙中山就任临时大总统办公处所和民国时期国民政府以及总统府的办公场所。历经明、清、太平天国和中华民国四段历史;现为国家4A级旅游景区。 现在我给各位介绍下今天我们的游览路线;首先我们是沿着景区的中轴线参观,途径大堂和子超楼;然后抵达景区的东线,参观行政院、中国晚清与民国历史资料馆、天朝宫殿历史文物陈列馆和清两江总督史料展馆;各位请随我进入景点参观。 【大门】1分钟 1、“总统府”题字 2、建筑特色及细部描述 首先各位看到的是总统府的大门。整个门楼成品字型,是一座西洋式古典大门。大门建于1929年,门楼为仿古罗马风格,正面开三券拱门,每扇门设有铁门,原为法国进口,后复原;门两侧修饰有8根爱奥尼柱。门楼之上悬有“总统府”3个大字,是1948年5月,经非法国大选举,蒋介石任总统时悬挂于此;字体由原监察院副院长周钟岳题写。请随我走进大门,各位会发现门楼原来为两层半结构;一楼为卫兵室,也是门房;二楼为卫兵宿舍;三楼为升降旗帜的平台;1949年的4月23日我们解放军解放南京,占领总统府时就是在这里降下国民党的青天白日满地红旗,升起红旗的。 【大堂】45秒 1、大堂的历史沿革 2、孙中山宣誓就任临时大总统时间、地点 3、“天下为公”匾额及其出处 4、四周墙上悬挂的六幅油画名称 穿过大门现在我们来到的是一个院落,东西两侧各有一排厢房,原是当年的“朝房”,后改为收发室,现已辟为旅游纪念品商店。院落正北面就是大堂了,这里曾经是太平天国时期的真神金龙殿,又叫荣光大殿,是洪秀全大朝的地方。1864年太平天国失败后,这里被翻改为清两江总督署的大堂。1912年元旦孙中山先生原打算在这里就任临时大总统,后转到暖阁举行。国民政府时期这里是举行重大礼仪活动的场所。现在内梁之上悬挂着“天下为公”四字匾额,为孙中山先生手书;“天下为公”出自《礼记·礼运》:“大道之行也,天下为公”。厅堂墙壁上悬挂有代表总统府历史的六幅油画,分别是:天国风云、敕治两江、共和肇始、国府西迁、国共和谈和煦园曙光(备注:掌握每段历史背景更重要)。 【清两江总督史料展馆】2分钟 1、两江(三江)及总督简介 2、复原之总督大堂:乾隆书匾、“一品朝阳”屏等 3、史料厅、花厅等展出内容,其中: 花厅:厅的用途及室内布置,“清风是式”匾 “督署寻踪”展厅:展出内容、列举几位名督的姓名 现在我们去参观两个展览,即“清两江总督署史料展馆”和“天朝宫殿历史文物陈列馆”。南侧院落为清两江总督史料陈列馆,分别从四个方面来展示:复原的花厅、督署寻踪、近代


黄帝陵导游词 亲爱的游客朋友们,大家好!我们今天游览被誉为世界中华第一陵的---黄帝陵。我是你们本次旅游的导游,我姓胡,也可以叫我胡导。如果在旅游中遇到了问题,大家可以向我提出,我会尽全力帮助大家。祝大家旅游愉快!为了让大家对黄帝陵有一个深刻的了解,我先给大家介绍一下我们中华民族的始祖——黄帝。 黄帝,是距今5000年左右的原始社会末期的一位杰出的部落联盟领袖。据古籍记载,黄帝为少典之子,姓公孙,因长于姬水,又姓姬。封于有熊,号有熊氏。曾居于轩辕之丘,又号轩辕。因崇尚土德,土色黄,所以又称为“黄帝”。 传说中,黄帝不但是一位英雄的领袖人物,而且也是智慧的化身。人们把许多发明创造都归功于黄帝或他的妻子、臣下。如造舟车、制衣冠、务蚕桑、创医学、定音律、造文字、布五谷、烧彩陶及政治生活中的典章制度、风俗习惯中的婚丧礼仪等,后人以黄帝时代作为中华民族迈人文明社会的开始,所以,黄帝被尊为“人文初祖”。 关于黄帝埋在哪里?现在有很多说法。但是,从历史资料的记载以及历代政府的态度上看,大家马上就要看到的黄帝陵就是黄帝百年后唯一的安寝之地。西汉史学家司马迁的《史记》明确说“黄帝崩,葬桥山”。而黄帝陵历史上就称为“桥陵”,1944年才改称今名。在中国古代文献记载中,黄帝是在黄陵县的桥山骑龙升天的,后人们将黄帝衣冠埋葬在这里,起冢为陵,这就是黄帝陵的由来。另外,黄帝陵一带被考古证明曾经是这一带原始氏族的聚居地,出土的陶器和石器,带有鲜明的仰韶文化的特征。 黄帝陵位于陕西省黄陵县,北距西安约180公里。黄陵县原名中部县,1944年经呈请原民国政府批准,更名为黄陵县。1997年6月,黄帝陵被中宣部公布为全国百个爱国主义教育示范基地之一。 大家现在所处的位置是轩辕广场。这里是谒陵的起点。轩辕广场的地面是用秦岭天然河卵石铺就而成的,共计5000块,含义是代表着中华民族5000年的悠久历史。眼前的池子叫印池,相传是黄帝洗笔的地方。印池之水来自沮河。在古汉语中,沮通“祖”,故而沮河也被看成是祖先之河。夜晚来临,这里会出现“沮水月夜”的美丽景观。 现在,我们所经过的这座桥叫轩辕桥。这座桥横跨印池,为全花岗岩石材建造,被誉为“中国近代全石材第一桥”。轩辕桥北端通向庙院的龙尾道共有95


各位游客,现在我们将要游览的历史遗迹--南京长江路292号建筑群,就是著名的总统府。自明初以来,这里多有更迭,历经明、清、太平天国和中华民国等时代。在明代,这里是汉王府;清代设两江总督衙门于此,是清政府统治东南地区的中心。乾隆时期,这里曾为南巡行宫;太平天国时改为天朝宫殿;清朝后期,曾国藩沿袭咸丰三年前的旧督署规模及布局进行改建,仍为两江总督府。1912年,孙中山就任临时大总统,总统府就设在这里的西花园;1928年,这里又成了国民政府所在地;1948年5月,蒋介石在此就任"总统"。各位下车后,请向南看,马路对面是一面钢筋水泥建成的总统府照壁,壁前有一汉白玉石碑,碑上道劲有力的行书"太平天国起义百年纪念碑"是郭沫若先生所题。这是1951年为纪念太平天国广西金田村起义100周年而立的,纪念碑两侧为高大的雪松。大家对总统府大门都不陌生,在许多历史纪录片中都见过。这座西洋古典式大门建于1929年。原先,门是木结构传统衙署前的辕门,后嫌其气势不足而改建。门楼仿古罗马风格,有八根圆柱。这是一座两层半的建筑,一楼为门房、卫士室,二楼为卫兵宿舍,楼顶为升旗平台。1948前,门前正中悬挂"国民政府"大字横匾。1948年后改用木制包金箔的"总统府"三个大字,1949年人民解放军攻占南京后被摘下。进入大门,两侧是类似朝房式的办公室,中间为一个花草繁茂的院落。大门正对面是大堂,也就是我们说的太平天国天王府金龙殿旧址。天朝时这里是"真神金龙殿 ",又称"荣光大殿"。当年,大殿梁栋涂金,饰以龙凤,四壁彩绘,极其富丽堂皇,是洪秀全大朝之地,曾国荃攻陷天京,大肆掠夺后,火烧天王府,但此殿却奇迹般地保全下来。后曾国荃下令揭去红黄墙瓦,剥去泥金盘龙和木雕,将其翻盖为两江总督署的大堂。民国时,这敞开的大堂是举行重大礼仪活动的场所。大堂内正梁上悬挂孙中山手书的"天下为公"红底黑字匾。穿过大堂可见一红柱长廊直通庭院深处。西边为原总统府礼堂(清代总督署花厅),是民国时重大典礼的活动场所。如1948年蒋介石、李宗仁就任"总统""副总统"的就职大典;外国使臣递交国书;召开重要会议;举行国宴等都在这里举行。东边为"清两江总督署史料展馆",馆名由著名清史专家戴逸先生题写。两江指江南省和江西省,江南省辖今天的江苏、安徽南部的上海。在清朝,总督是地方最高长官,通常兼兵部尚书衔和右都御史衔,文官从一品,其职为"厘治军民,察举官吏,修饬封疆"。两江总督始于康熙四年,管辖范围仅次于直隶。这里看到的两江总督署大堂是根据史料模拟陈设的。大堂为商讨军机和拜祀的地方。正中上方悬挂乾隆御赐当时两江总督尹继善的"惠洽两江"额匾。两侧放置总督职衔牌,公案旁有两把杏黄伞,这是封疆大臣出行仪仗中必不可少的。公案后屏风为朝阳、仙鹤和海潮图案。大堂两旁有一对联:"虽贤哲难免过差愿诸君谠忠言常攻吾短;凡堂属略同师弟使友行修名立方尽我心",为当时任两江总督的曾国藩所撰写。其意为:就连圣贤人也有差错失误、我愿下属你们常针对我的不足提意见;我希望下属如师弟个个功成名遂,我方安心。两旁耳房,分文左武右,为休息室。史料陈列馆门上横匾"清风是式"由乾隆所题,赐予总督于化龙。里面介绍了1842年以来近代史上11位有影响的总督。分四部分内容,即鸦片战争、洋务运动、仿制西学和辛亥风雨。另外,对总督仪仗也做了介绍。出了两江总督史料馆向北,我们就来到天朝宫殿历史文物陈列馆,馆名由胡绳题写,分为天王宫殿(天王宝座)、天王书房和天王内宫三部分,是请苏州古建专家和工匠依当年形制仿建的,并用模型向人们展现了太平天国时天王宫殿的全貌。展览共分五部分,即定都天京、社会风情、兴政建制、天京内讧和天国倾覆,系统介绍了轰轰烈烈的太平天国12年的兴衰史。现在我们就去总统府参观蒋介石和李宗仁当年办公的地方。经过走廊,来到一静谧小院。这幢两层小楼就是子超楼--国民政府的中枢办公楼。子超楼为西洋式楼房,建于1934年,均采用进口建材兴建。这幢小楼共耗费银元十多万元。1935年底完工,1936年开始启用。民国时,任国民政府主席时间最长的是林森,他的字叫子超,所以将此楼命名为"子超楼"。1948年5月,蒋介石召开第一次国民大会,并被选为总统,故此楼又称"总统府办公大楼 "。新中国建立后江苏省有关机构曾在此地办公。现在我们
