


Lesson One (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:business education administrative work

clerical work secretarial work

data processing evening class

day release industrial training

polytechnic business studies

options subject

further education teaching machine

programmed learning programme

linear programme branching programme

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:be involved in up to

lead to compensate for

in common with draw on

range from to be exposed to

lie in

扩充术语:block release, directed private study, full-time study, national certificate, national diploma, regional examining body 词句理解:冠词引起的理解问题

Lesson Two (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:administration of education educational system

independent school chief education officer

voluntary school compulsory school attendance

nursery school sixth form college

tertiary college grants to students

technical college college of higher education

career service board of governors

school health service headmaster

religious education science education

comprehensive secondary school humanities

compulsory school attendance direct grant school

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:set out lay down

bear on in case of

in accordance with rest with

comply with draw on

attention to be not the end in itself

扩充术语:adult education, assisted place scheme, banding, capitation allowance, education finance, education social worker


Lesson Three (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:quarter semester seminar

grade point average public school

private school bachelor’s degree

master’s degree undergraduate course

grading system curve grading system

honor system alternative teaching method

international student teacher-student relationship

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:adapt to differ from

base on for the sake of

abide by succeed in

at any rate drop out

扩充术语:junior high school, senior high school, community college, state university, major subject, minor subject, leisure time activity 词句理解:含“虚拟语气”句子的理解

Lesson Four (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:comparative education area study

educational borrowing historical humanistic school

cross-disciplinary approach philosophical approach Jullien’s plan Kandel’s approach

social sciences approach problem approach

comparative education society educational borrowing

empirical approach sociological approach

methodological difficulty

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:be concerned with have contact with

correspond with take on

call for take account of

give rise to

扩充术语:International Association for the Evaluation of Educational

Achievement(IEA), International Bureau of Education(IBE), International

Institute of Education Planning(IIEP), Organization for European

Cooperation and Development(OECD), UNESCO, historical-humanistic

school, intra-regional study ecological approach, type of study


Lesson Five (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:curriculum Development course timetable

whole curriculum curriculum organization

core curriculum hidden curriculum

classroom system discipline of knowledge

curriculum integration strategy of curriculum change

curriculum control style of curriculum development

Tyler rationale diffusion of curriculum nnovation

knowledge utilization process model of curriculum design

instruction curriculum in transaction

taxonomy of objectives

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:run through in terms of

interact with in a sense

participate in

扩充术语:accountability, support system, curriculum deliberation,

integrated studies, expressive objectives, professionality, school-base




Lesson Six (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:economics of education educational planning

manpower forecasting economy of scale

cost-benefit analysis cost-effective analysis

cost of education demand for education

finance of education means tested grant

student loan educational voucher

human capital rate of return

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:result in in this respect

bring about keep up with

eat away carry out

扩充术语:age-earning profile, production function, marginal cost,

productivity, screen hypothesis, income-contingent loan, opportunity

cost, forgone earning


Lesson Seven (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:educational measurement item

test domain

attainment psychological measurement

psychometrics factor analysis

item characterictic curve theory

item analysis

population sample

distribution percentile rank

measure of central tendency measure of dispersion

criterion-referenced test domain-referenced test

discrimination reliability

error of measurement difficulty

item analysis scale of measurement

standardized test teacher made test

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:as a whole in favor of

rely on on the part of

扩充术语:variance, individual difference, distractor, scale, significance, skew, standard scores


Lesson Eight (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:educational technology audio visual media

systems approach evaluation of course

self teaching techniques individualized instruction

study skill educational communication

resource center games and simulations

information databank audio-tutorial

self-teaching technique

讲解课文:Text B

短语词组:run into in that

be connected with a host of

扩充术语:open university, support service, academic liaison office, Keller plan, feedback


Lesson Nine (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:educational research educational evaluation

null hypothesis intelligence test

attitude scale personality assessment

creativity questionnaire

illuminative evaluation personal construct

educational abstracting systems aptitude

controlled enquiry conceptual enquiry

active general enquiry active specific enquiry

短语词组:aim at generalize…from

try out derive from

讲解课文:Text A

扩充术语:educational evaluation, norm-referenced measurement, interactive analysis, Likert scale, observation schedule, parametric statistics, non-parametric

staticstics, task analysis, Thurstone scale


Lesson Ten (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:charity school Sunday school

day school grand tour

tripartite systems self concept

college of preceptors Revised Code 1862

Education Act of (year) monitorial system

Royal Society school examination

Multilateral school ragged school

Technical and scientific instruction endowed school

selection for secondary education religious societies

Committee of the Privy Council on Education

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:under the aegis of as to

bring about consist of

扩充术语:certificate of secondard education, public school, polytechnic, Elementary Education Act 1870, factory children



Lesson Eleven (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:industrial education operative

systematical training apprenticeship

technician technologist

instruction schedule preparatory course

special education exceptional children

handicapped children mainstreaming

讲解课文:Text A (2课时、讲授)

短语词组:by and large bring forward

Due to cope with

扩充术语:audio-visual aids, cumulative-part method, group training scheme, job analysis,

job enrichment/enlargement, learning curve,

occupational analysis, skills analysis,

unified vocational preparation, part-method,

manpower planning

词句理解:对“It is……that(which)……”结构的理解

Lesson Twelve (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:management education business school

regional management center management development

management by objectives managerial grid

organization development Coverdale training

diploma in management studies sensitivity training

coaching counselling

self assessment/development learner-controlled training 讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:be responsible for come into being

deal with in the end

in addition

扩充术语: computer-aided learning computer-assisted training,

incident method, interactive skill


Lesson Thirteen (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:philosophy of education empirical science

positive discrimination progressive education

meaning of a concept value judgment

ethics aesthetics

utilitarianism socialization

讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:belong to in need of

have some acquaintance with throw light on

in support of

扩充术语:analytic statement, a posteriori judgment,

a priori knowledge, contingent statement,

deductive reasoning, determinism,

empiricism, inductive reasoning,

logical positivism, objectivity,

paradigm, phenomenology,

relativism, positivism, nec essary statement


Lesson Fourteen (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:psychology of education mental testing

schools of psychology theories of learning

child development concept formation

Piagetian stages of development concept attainment

retention recall

attention perception

long-term memory personality

cognitive style vocational development

vocational guidance curriculum process

educational objectives educational assessment

assimilation social aspects of leaning


讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:take…into account more or less

have bearings upon:

扩充术语:achievement motivation, autism,

classical conditioning, heredity and environment, intelligence quotient, humanistic psychology,

introversion-extroversion, language acquisition device,

psychoanalytic psychology, short-term memory,

maturation, elaborated and restricted codes 词句理解:与名词复数形式有关的理解问题

Lesson Fifteen (2课时、讲授)

专业术语:sociology of education social class

social mobility socialization

role authority

bureaucracy social control

Durkheimian sociology Weberian sociology

symbolic interactionism phenomenological sociology

sociology of knowledge “new” sociology of education

class struggle ideology


讲解课文:Text A

短语词组:become at home with in the course of

a set of owe to

in relation to call upon

reconcile with do justice to

in tune with

扩充术语:alienation, conflict,

consensus, cultural capital,

cultural deprivation, deschooling,

ethnomethodology, role,

reflexive sociology, social class,

social control, status,









心理学专业英语复习资料 I. Translate the Following English Phrases into Chinese 1. Research Methods 研究方法 2. Psychophysics 心理物理学 3. Theories of Learning 学习理论 4. Social Cognition 社会认知 5.Personality Test 人格测试 6. Extraneous Variable 无关变量 7. Longitudinal Study 纵向研究 8. Crystallized Intelligence 晶体智力 9. Motor control 运动控制 10. Corpus Callosum 胼胝体 11. Group Thinking 群体思维 12. Social Loafing 社会懈怠 13. Social Exchange 社会交换 14. Social Approval 社会赞许 15. Diffusion of Responsibility 责任分散 16. Recency Effec 近因效应 17.Trace Decay 痕迹消退 18. Retrograde Amnesia 倒摄遗忘 19. Social Support 社会支持 20. Self-efficacy 自我效能 21. Case Study 个案研究 II. Translate the Following Chinese Word Groups into English 1. 机能主义functionalism 2. 自我实现self—actualization 3.一般规律研究法nomothetic method 4. 分层抽样stratified sampling 5. 外在信度external reliability 6. 选择性注意selective attention 7. 知觉恒常性perceptual constancy 8. 自我概念self concept 9. 液体智力fluid intelligence 10. 安全型依恋secure attachment 11. 性别图示gender schema 12. 亲社会行为pro social behavior 13. 从众实验conformity experiment 14. 头脑风暴brain storming 15. 社会助长social facilitation 16. 旁观者效应bystander effect 17. 标准差standard deviation 18. 柱状图bar chart 19. 正态分布normal distribution


《英语教学法》课程教学大纲 英文名称:English Teaching Methodology 课程代码:0452117 学时数:32学时学分:2 课程类别: 课程性质:必修 适用专业:英语(教育方向) 先修课程:教育学、心理学、综合英语、英语听力、英语口语、 考核方式:闭卷笔试 一、课程的性质、地位和作用 《英语教学法》是英语(教育方向)专业必修课程,也是专业核心课程,在本专业的课程体系中具有举足轻重的作用。它在学生掌握一定的英语语言基本知识与基本技能以及教育学心理学基本理论的基础上,帮助学生形成英语教与学的理论素养与实践技能,直接为学生的顺利就业打下基础。本课程立足于培养优秀的中小学英语教学应用型人才,除了让学生掌握扎实学习教学理论知识之外,还让其具备较强的实际教学能力,较强的分析能力、合作能力和创新创业能力。本课程的作用是使学生系统地掌握英语教学的基本理论以及各教学层面的基本路子和方法,形成科学的教学观、语言观、学习观和方法观等,并具备一定的基本操作能力,旨在引导学生以本书阐述的理论为线索,了解英语教学的基本方法,初步掌握英语教学的理论知识,为将来从事英语教育打下坚实的基础。 二、教学内容及要求 第1章导论 【教学要求】 了解教学法的研究对象和意义以及英语教师的专业发展过程 重点和难点:教学法的内涵和教师专业发展 【教学内容】

1、教学法研究的对象、内容; 2、学习英语教学法的意义; 3、何为一名合格的英语教师 4、如何成长为一名合格的英语教师 【教学重点与难点】 教学法的内涵与本质;语言教师的专业发展过程 第2章、语言与语言教学 【教学要求】 了解语言的性质;了解语言学习的过程;了解语言教学的主要流派及其理论基础;了解语言教学的新趋势; 【教学内容】 1)语言、语言教学的性质; 2)英语教学的语言学基础 3)英语教学的心理学基础 4)语言教学的主要流派及其理论基础; 【教学重点与难点】 语言教学的主要流派及其理论基础;语言教学的新趋势; 第3章、英语教学方法 【教学要求】 理解交际能力的内涵;了解交际教学和任务性语言教学的发展历程和基本特征;基本掌握交际教学原则在教学实践中的运用;正确评价交际教学法和任务型语言教学; 【教学内容】 1、交际能力的内涵及对英语教学的启示; 2、交际能力的内涵 3、交际教学的基本特征; 4、交际教学活动的创设; 5、对交际教学法的评价;


这是考试范围,第一道大题选十个单词或词组,第二道答题选十个缩写词,第三道答题选六段翻译1.写出下列单词或词组的中文。 multimeter 万用表insulation 绝缘transistor 晶体管,三极管envelope 包络线spectrum 频谱 binary 二进制 antenna 天线harmonics 谐波attenuation 衰减capacitance 电容differential 微分bandwidth 带宽propagation 传播transmission 传输optical fiber 光纤 channel 信道 multiplex 多路复用 modulation 调制telecommunication 电信impairment 减损 sampling 抽样,取样 quantizing 量化 carrier 载波 encryption 加密 scheme 方案?计划?设计?系统?trade off 综合考虑?权衡?协调?state of art 技术发展水平performance 性能,效率 ULSI Very Large Scale Integration超大规模集成电路 fier Foundation for Instrumentation Education and Research 使用仪器教育和研究基金会 2.写出下列缩写的全称 DSBFC double-sideband full carrier双边带全载波调制 ITU International Telecommunications Union国际电信联盟 FFT Fast Fourier Transform 快速傅立叶变换 IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform 逆快速傅立叶变换 LAN local area network 局域网 MAN Metropolitan Area Network 城域网 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网 WWW world wide web 全球网、万维网 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议 GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用无线分组业务 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国信息交换标准码 ISDN integrated services digital network 综合业务数字网 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line非对称数字用户环路 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 电气与电子工程师协会 ISO International Standardization Organization国际标准化组织 FET field-effect transistor 场效应管 USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行总线 GSM global system for mobile communication 全球移动通信系统 CPU CentralProcessingUnit 中央处理器 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器 CDMA Code Division Multiple Accessing 码分多址技术 3. 将下列句子译成中文。 ㈠The ratio of the capacitance with some material other than air between the plates, to the capacitance of the same capacitor with air insulation,is called the dielectric constant of that particular material.


高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会 英语组 前言 80年代初,受国家教委的委托,高等学校外语专业教材编审委员会英语组开始着手起草高校英语专业英语教学大纲。有关基础阶段和高年级英语教学的两个大纲经教材编审委员会英语组审定通过后,于80年代末和90年代初经国家教委高教司批准后在全国实施。十多年来,这两个教学大纲在规范和指导我国高校英语专业的教学工作方面发挥了很大的作用。 鉴于社会主义市场经济对我国高校英语专业人才的培养模式提出了新的要求,而且近十多年来的英语教学又发生了不小的变化,原有的两个大纲已无法适应新的形势,因而有必要作相应的修订。 受教育部委托,高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组于1998年由何其莘、何兆熊、黄源深、姚乃强、吴古华、陈建平、朱永生、钟美荪、王蔷和文秋芳10位教授组成了大纲修订小组,并于1999年6月起草了新大纲的征求意见稿。在听取了两百多所院校的意见之后,英语组在1999年10月的年会上逐条讨论了新大纲的各项内容,并在原则上通过了对新大纲的审定。年会之后,何其莘、黄源深和姚乃强三位教授根据各位委员的意见和建议,再次对大纲进行修订,并进行了文字上的润色。英语组于1999年12月将《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》送教育部高教司审批。 经教育部批准实施的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对全国各类英语专业均有指导作用,是高校英语专业组织教学、编写教材与检查教学质量的依据,也是落实和贯彻教育部批准下发的《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见》的重要保证。 高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组 2000年3月 目录 前言 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲修订说明 附录Ⅰ:英语专业课程描述 附录Ⅱ:英语专业学生阅读参考书目 附录Ⅲ:关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见


心理学是什么--What Psychology Is Why people do the things they do is an age-old question. However, psychology--the science concerned with behavior, both humans and animals--is only about 125 years old. Despite its youth, it is a broad discipline, essentially spanning subject matter from biology to sociology. Biology studies the structures and functions of living organisms. Sociology examines how groups function in society. Psychologists study two critical relationships: one between brain function and behavior, and one between the environment and behavior. As scientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, using careful observation, experimentation, and analysis. But psychologists also need to be creative in the way they apply scientific findings. Psychologists are frequently innovators, evolving new approaches from established knowledge to meet changing needs of people and societies. They develop theories and test them through their research. As this research yields new information, these findings become part of the body of knowledge that practitioners call on in their work with clients and patients. Psychology is a tremendously varied field. Psychologists conduct both basic and applied research, serve as consultants to communities and organizations, diagnose and treat people, and teach future psychologists and other types of students. They test intelligence and personality. They assess behavioral and mental function and well-being, stepping in to help where appropriate. They study how human beings relate to each other and also to machines, and they work to improve these relationships. And with America undergoing large changes in its population makeup, psychologists bring important knowledge and skills to understanding diverse cultures. Many psychologists work independently. They also team up with other professionals--for example, other scientists, physicians, lawyers, school personnel, computer experts, engineers, policy makers, and managers--to contribute to every area of society. Thus we find them in laboratories, hospitals, courtrooms, schools and universities, community health centers, prisons, and corporate offices. Psychologists traditionally study both normal and abnormal functioning, and also treat patients with mental and emotional problems. Today, they are increasingly concentrating on behaviors that affect the mental and emotional health and mental processes of healthy human beings. For example, they work with business executives, performers, and athletes to combat stress and improve performance. They advise lawyers on jury selection and collaborate with educators on school reform. They show up immediately following a disaster such as a plane crash or bombing, to help victims and bystanders recover from the trauma, or shock, of the event. They team with law enforcement and public health officials to analyze the causes of such events and prevent their occurrence. Involved in all aspects of our fast-paced world, psychologists must keep up with what's happening all around us. When you're a psychologist, your education never ends. Psychology is a discipline with a bright future. Among fields requiring a college degree, it is expected to be the third fastest-growing field in America through the year 2005 and to continue to grow steadily for at least another dozen years after that. Opportunities for work in psychology are expanding in number and scope. The move toward preventing illness, rather than merely diagnosing and treating it, requires people to learn how to make healthy behavior a routine part of living. Indeed, many of the problems facing society today are problems about behavior, for example, drug addiction, poor personal relationships, violence at home and in the street, and the harm we do to our environment. Psychologists contribute solutions to problems through careful collection of data, analysis of data, and development of intervention strategies--in other words, by


成都理工大学工程技术学院 《专业外语》课程教学大纲 核能系环境工程教研室编 2017年4月2日 一、课程简介 该课程主要讲授 二、Introduction This course mainly teaches 三、课程的目的和任务 1 目的和任务 本课程是对于水利水电工程专业学生专业英语能力训练和培养的一门重要课程,是对大学高年级学生继公共英语课程之后的一个重要补充和提高。 2 完成培养方案中哪项基本素质要求和业务培养要求 本课程着重从实用角度出发,使学生掌握水利类专业中大量的专业词汇、英语术语及用法,提高学生阅读和撰写英文科技文章的能力。通过教师讲解,结合学生课后查阅英文资料,培养学生听、说、写的综合能力,掌握本专业的当前动态和前沿发展。 四、课程学时分配表 总体安排:理论教学32学时,实验教学0学时。 课程主要教学内容及学时分配分别见下表:

五、课程教学内容和教学基本要求 1.教学内容及要求 (1)Chapter 1 Effective head of water turbine 基本要求:掌握水轮机工作的有效水头以及各种工作参数的定义。 (2)Chapter 2 Basic principles of turbine operation the Euler equation 基本要求:掌握水轮机的工作原理,特别是反击式水轮机的工作原理以及水轮机进口和出口速度三角形的描述与绘制。 (3)Chapter 3 Specific speed and classification of turbines 基本要求:掌握水轮机的比转速与水轮机的分类,以及他们之间的相互关系。 (4)Chapter 4 Turbine efficiency and speed regulation turbine 基本要求:掌握水轮机的效率与水轮机的转速调节装置,并通过不同的工况特点,合理调节水轮机转速。 (5)Chapter 5 Operation of the turbine under varying head 基本要求:掌握不同工况下,也就是不同水头情况下,水轮机运行变化特点。 (6)Chapter 6 Purpose of draft tubes 基本要求:掌握设置尾水管的目的,与尾水管的基本工作原理。 2.教学内容的重点、难点 重点:Basic principles of turbine operation the Euler equation 难点:各种生僻的专业词汇的掌握


高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 为了规范全国高等学校英语专业的英语教学,特制订本教学大纲。本大纲所作的各项规定,对全国各类高等学校的英语专业均有指导作用,也是组织教学、编写教材和检查与评估教学质量的依据。 一、培养目标 高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。 21世纪是一个国际化的知识经济时代。我们所面临的挑战决定了21世纪我国高等学校英语专业人才的培养目标和规格:这些人才应具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质。也就是要在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,掌握与毕业后所从事的工作有关的专业基础知识,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力的创新的能力,提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。 二、课程设置 英语本科专业学制为4年。根据英语专业教学规律,一般将4年的教学过程分为两个阶段,即:基础阶段(一年级和二年级)和高年级阶段(三年级和四年级)。基础阶段的主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力、良好的学风和正确的学习方法,为进入高年级打下扎实的专业基础。高年级阶段的主要教学任务是继续打好语言基本功,学习英语专业知识和相关心业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的能力。在两个教学阶段中课程的安排可以有所侧重,但应将4年的教学过程视为一个整体,自始至终注意打好英语语言基本功。 英语专业课程分为英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关专业知识三种类型,一般均应以英语为教学语言。三种类型的课程如下: (1)英语专业技能课程:指综合训练课程和各种英语技能的单项训练课程,如:基础英语、听力、口语、阅读、写作、口译、笔译等课程。 (2)英语专业知识课程:指英语语言、文学、文化方面的课程,如:英语语言学、英语词汇学、英语语法学、英语


心理学专业英语总结——HXY 随意传阅·顺颂试安 注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用 2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择 4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词) 5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义 6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子 Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览 Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门 ●What is psychology? 心理学是什么 Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究 Psychology come from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学 When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科 History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach. 历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。 ●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论 Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory. 历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。 Assumptions: unconscious processes, psychic determinism, hydraulic drives, psychodynamic conflict, stages of development. 假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段 Methods of investigation: case study (method), free association (tech), dream analysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术 *Areas of explanation: personality development, moral/gender development, aggression, abnormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德/性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性 ●The behaviourist approach to psychology 行为主义理论 Origins & history: John Watson, empiricism, learning. 历史来源:华生,经验主义,学习 Assumptions: behaviour is learned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied. 假设:行为来源于环境,研究可观察的行为 *Areas of explanation: language acquisition, moral development, attraction, abnormality.


《工业工程专业英语》课程教学大纲 课程编号:0803701057 课程名称:工业工程专业英语 英文名称:Professional English for Industrial Engineering 课程类型:专业任选课 总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0 学分:2 适用对象:工业工程专业 先修课程:大学英语 一、课程性质、目的和任务 专业英语是工业工程专业的一门专业课,通过对本课程的学习,进一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读科技英语及本专业英语资料的能力。其任务是培养学生阅读、写作科技英语等方面的能力,使其能以英语为工具顺利获取有关本专业所需要的信息。 二、教学基本要求 了解专业英语的语法特点、专业英语的词汇特点及专业英语的各种文体中常用的符号、公式及其他。掌握工业工程专业的英语文献阅读和理解,能快速阅读科技文章,迅速获取信息和中心思想。理解专业英语翻译的基本方法。 三、教学内容及要求 1.Introduction to Industrial Engineering 了解工业工程的角色,工业工程毕业生的需求,学习本书的目的,掌握工业工程的定义。了解工业工程涉及的学科,工业工程的发展。了解美国工业工程专业在学科中的地位与中国的不同。 2.Work Study 工作研究和作业测量是工业工程领域最传统的研究内容。通过本章的学习,对工作研究和作业测量有一个全面的认识和了解。 3.Manufacturing Systems 了解制造系统的含义,制造系统的各个组成部分,掌握几种典型的制造系统及成组技术、柔性制造系统、敏捷制造等先进制造系统各自应用范围及特点。了解CAD,CAM,CAPP 等辅助制造系统在各种制造系统中的应用。 4.Production Planning and Control 掌握生产计划的主要内容,体会生产计划在生产系统中的重要性,掌握生产预测、生产计划的制定、生产计划控制的各种原理及方法。 5.Logistics Engineering 掌握物流工程中的基本术语。了解物流工程的内容和特点。了解EOQ的概念。掌握仓库运作的术语。 6.Ergonomics 对人因学发展的历史进行简要介绍的基础上对基本的人因系统模型进行阐述,并对未来


Environmental quality 环境质量Acid rain酸雨 Sulfur dioxide二氧化硫Nitrogen oxide 氧化氮Automobile exhausts汽车尾气Infectious diseases传染病Waterborne diseases通过水传播的疾病 Carbon dioxide二氧化碳Environmental disturbance环境破坏 Aquatic life 水生物 Detection limits 检出限Qualitative 定性的Quantitative定量的Characterization 表征性能描写Unpleasant odors 难闻的气味Trace l level 痕量微量Carbon oxide碳化物 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Sulfur oxide 硫化物 Sulfur dioxide二氧化硫 Sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫Nitrogen oxide 氮化物 Nitrous oxide一氧化二氮 Nitric oxide一氧化氮 Nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮Ethane 乙烷 Propane 丙烷Photochemical oxidants 光氧化剂 Ozone臭氧 Aldehydes 乙醛 Sulfate salts硫酸盐 Hydrogen sulfide 硫化氢Ammonia氨气 Sulfur acids 硫酸 Nitric acid 硝酸 Primary air pollutant一次污染物Second air pollutant二次污染物Biofiltration生物过滤 Volatile organic compounds挥发性化合物Trickling filter滴滤器 Municipal sewage treatment plant市政污水处理厂 Wastewater treatment plant污水 处理厂 Rendering plant 炼油厂 Ethanol 乙醇 Biodegradation 生物降解 Bioremediation 生物治理 Suspended solid(SS)悬浮颗粒 物 Volatile suspended solid(VSS) 挥 发性悬浮颗粒物 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)生化需氧量 Heavy mental重金属 Domestic sewage 生活废水 Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 化学需氧量 Sewage 污水、废水 Microorganism微生物 Microbe微生物 Bacteria(复数) Bacterium(单数)细菌 Oxidizer氧化剂 Oxidant氧化剂 Dissolved oxygen溶解氧 Residence time 停留时间 Eutrophic lake富营养化的湖泊 Sanitary sewage 生活污水 Aeration tank 曝气池 Sedimentation tank 沉淀池 Eutrophication 富营养化 Adsorption 吸附 Activated carbon 活性炭 Activated sludge活性污泥 Coagulation 絮凝、凝固 Flocculation 混凝 Sedimentation 沉淀、沉积 Hydrophilic 亲水的、吸水的 Oxidizing agent 氧化剂 Reverse osmosis 反向渗透 Membrane膜 Groundwater地下水 Surface water 地表水 Aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝 Screening (用拦污栅)隔离 Turbidity 浊度,浑浊性 Colloidal胶体 Chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯 Ultraviolet light 紫外线 Limestone 石灰石 Incinerator 焚烧炉 Hazardous waste 危险废物 Refuse垃圾、废物 Environmental protection agency 环保部 Hydrogen sulfide 硫化物 Decontamination 净化,消 除……的污染 Aerobic 需氧的 Anaerobic 厌氧的 Decibel meter 分贝仪 Subsonic 亚声速的 Supersonic 超声速的 Muffler消声器 Ecological disruptions 生态破坏 Aquatic ecosystem 水环境系统 Environmental impact assessments环境影响评价 Kinetics 动力学 Steady-state 稳态的 Point source discharge点源排放 Receiving water收纳水体 Nitrogen oxide 氮氧化物 Photochemical oxidant 光化学氧 化剂 Carbon monoxide一氧化碳 Coliform bacteria 大肠杆菌


高等学校英语专业教学大纲 前言 l 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 l 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲修订说明 前言 80年代初,受国家教委的委托,高等学校外语专业教材编审委员会英语组开始着手起草高校英语专业英语教学大纲。有关基础阶段和高年级英语教学的两个大纲经教材编审委员会英语组审定通过后,于80年代末和90年代初经国家教委高教司批准后在全国实施。十多年来,这两个教学大纲在规范和指导我国高校英语专业的教学工作方面发挥了很大的作用。 鉴于社会主义市场经济对我国高校英语专业人才的培养模式提出了新的要求,而且近十多年来的英语教学又发生了不小的变化,原有的两个大纲已无法适应新的形势,因而有必要作相应的修订。 受教育部委托,高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组于1998年由何其莘、何兆熊、黄源深、姚乃强、吴古华、陈建平、朱永生、钟美荪、王蔷和文秋芳10位教授组成了大纲修订小组,并于1999年6月起草了新大纲的征求意见稿。在听取了两百多所院校的意见之后,英语组在1999年10月的年会上逐条讨论了新大纲的各项内容,并在原则上通过了对新大纲的审定。年会之后,何其莘、黄源深和姚乃强三位教授根据各位委员的意见和建议,再次对大纲进行修订,并进行了文字上的润色。英语组于1999年12月将《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》送教育部高教司审批。 经教育部批准实施的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对全国各类英语专业均有指导作用,是高校英语专业组织教学、编写教材与检查教学质量的依据,也是落实和贯彻教育部批准下发的《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见》的重要保证。 高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组2000年3月 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 为了规范全国高等学校英语专业的英语教学,特制订本教学大纲。本大纲所作的各项规定,对全国各类高等学校的英语专业均有指导作用,也是组织教学、编写教材和检查与评估教学质量的依据。 一、培养目标 高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。 21世纪是一个国际化的知识经济时代。我们所面临的挑战决定了21世纪我国高等学校英语专业人才的培养目标和规格:这些人才应具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质。也就是要在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,掌握与毕业后所从事的工作有关的专业基础知识,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力的创新的能力,提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。 二、课程设置 英语本科专业学制为4年。根据英语专业教学规律,一般将4年的教学过程分为两个阶段,即:基础阶段(一年级和二年级)和高年级阶段(三年级和四年级)。基础阶段的主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力、良好的学风和正确的学习方法,为进入高年级打下扎实的专业基础。高年级阶段的主要教学任务是继续打好语言基本功,学习英语专业知识和相关心业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的能力。在两个教学阶段中课程的安排可以有所侧重,但应将4年的教学过程视为一个整体,自始至终注意打好英语语言基本功。


心理现象 mental phenomenon 心理过程 mental process 心理状态 mental state 心理活动 mental activity 意识 consciousness 心理维度 psychological dimension 心理运动 psychomotor 内部活动 internal activity 普通心理学 general psychology 实验心理学 experimental psychology 行为科学 behavioral science 心身关系 mind-body relation 心理机能定位 localization of mental function 心理能动性 mental activism 外周论 peripheralism 先天理论 nativistic theory 强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展。 遗传 heredity 目的论 teleology 认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导。 活动 activity 活动理论 activity theory 认知心理学 cognitive psychology 认知 cognition 相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称。包括知觉、注意、表象、学习记忆、问题解决、思维和言语等心理过程。 认知过程 cognitive process 认知结构 cognitive structure 元认知 metacognition

认知失调 cognitive dissonance 认知地图 cognitive map 认知技能 cognitive skill 认知方式 cognitive style 信息 information 信息论 information theory 信息加工 information processing 信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory 信息加工模型 information processing model 中央处理器模型 central processor model 信息储存 information storage 信息提取 information retrieval 人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI 计算机类比 computer analogy 计算机模拟 computer simulation 计算机模型 computer model 唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology 意动心理学 act psychology 唯意志论 voluntarism 唯灵论 spiritualism 强调超自然精神作用。 心灵学 parapsychology 心灵决定论 psychic determinism 心灵致动 psychokinesis, PK 心理技术学 psychotechnics 内省 introspection 内省法 introspective method 直觉主义 intuitionalism
