



Key to Practice One


1. 聪明的人不会娶有才无德的女子为妻的。

2. 冬天是研究树木生长的好季节,虽则树叶落了,树枝光了,但树木本身却是美丽的。

3. 这些发展中国家,土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。(或:这些发展中国家地大物博,人口众多。)

4. 八点钟,费兰兹起床穿衣。

5. 中英两国在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技方面的联系成倍地增加。


1. We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems.

2 The (state of / condition of) backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed.


4. Manuscripts which are acceptable but in need of improvement should be allowed publication after they have been revised and polished by the editors.

5. The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.





Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of exploiting their talent for singing, dancing, painting, or writing, etc. They develop a style that agents market agressively to hasten popularity, and their ride on the express elevator to the top is a blur. Most would be hard-pressed to tell you how they even got there. Artists cannot remain idle, though. When the performer , painter or writer becomes bored, their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public. After their enthusiasm has dissolved, the public simply moves on to the next flavor of the month. Artists who do attempt to remain current by making even minute changes to their style of writing, dancing or singing, run a

significant risk of losing the audience’s favor. The public simply discounts styles other than those for which the artist has become famous.

Key to Practice Two

I. Translate the following sentences into English

1. 中华文明博大精深、源远流长, 为人类文明进步作出了巨大贡献。

2. 今天邀大家来开座谈会,目的是要和大家交换意见,……

3. 只有你方把现有订货量增至我们所确定的最低数字,我们才能供货。

4. 采取“一国两制”适合中国的国情,并非权宜之计。

5. 国家要统一,民族要复兴,台湾问题不能无限期地拖延下去。

II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.

2. As water can float a ship, so can it swallow the ship.

3. Put into an old Chinese proverb, it means that one will never find it difficult to do anything until one has experienced it.

4. A notion has taken hold in the United States to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them.

5. As soon as the cinema is in darkness, spotlights are focused on the curtains which are drawn slowly apart, often to the accompaniment of music to reveal the title of the cinema.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese.

It’s a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stability and happiness it had earlier denied him. In Oona O’Neill Chaplin, he found a partner whose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference between them, which had seemed so threatening that when the official who was marrying them in 1942 turned to the beautiful girl of 17 who’d given notice of their wedding date, he said, “And where is the young man?” --- Chaplin, then 54, had cautiously waited outside. As Oona herself was the child of a large family with its own problems, she was well prepared for the battle that Chaplin’s life became as many unfounded rumors surrounded them both --- and, later on, she was the center of calm in the quarrels that Chaplin sometimes sparked in his own large family of talented children.

IV. Translate the following passage into English.


Key to Practice Three

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.

2. Universities applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.

3. But another conflict on the borders clearly would put strains on neighborly relations between the two countries.

4. It is very easy to bring some books from the bookstores and libraries, but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job.

5. So it is with the science of biological control in its modern sense. In America it had its obscure beginning a century ago.

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 我们从来没有看见过这样光明的前途。

2. 去年八月那场使七个国家遭受了极大损失的来势凶猛的龙卷风已经引起了全球科学家的高度重视。

3. 旧历新年快来了。这是一年中的第一件大事。除了那些负债过多的人以外,大家都热烈的欢迎这个佳节的到来。

4. 他似乎想不出恰当的字眼来阐明自己的观点。

5. 也亏了你倒听她的话!我平日里和你说的,全当耳旁风;怎么她说了你倒依,比圣旨还快呢!

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese.

Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discoures;and for ability ,is in the judgement and disposition of business.For expert men can execute,and perhaps judge of particulars,one by one;but the general counsels,and the plots and marshalling of affairs,come best from those that are learned.To spend too much timein studies is sloth;to use them too much for ornament,is affectation;to make judement wholly by their rules,is the humour of a scholor. They perfect nature,and are perfected by experience:for nature abilities are like natural plants,that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forh directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.Crafty men contempt studies,simple men admire them,and wise men use them;for they teach not their own use;but that is a wisdom without them,and above them,won by observation.Read not to contradict and confute;nor to believe and take for granted;nor to find talk and discourse;but to weigh and consider.Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested;that is,some books are to be read only in parts;others to be read,but not curiously;and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention,Some books also may be read by deputy,and extracts made of them by others;but that would be only in the less important arguments,and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are,like common distilled waters,flashy things.

IV. Translate the following passage into English.





Key to Practice Four


1. 他的工作远远不够完美。

2. 我总是能凑合找个词儿说说,可是皮特什么时候都能找到恰如其分的词儿。

3. 温斯顿丘吉尔今天是一个被理想化了的历史英雄,但当时却被看成各种各样的人物:爱唱高调但常犯错误的人,摇摆不定的政客,有几分才气的演说家,轻率的装腔作势者,写有大量著作但文风古老的多产作家,以及贩卖战争的酒徒。

4. 算他运气好,正在那时害了肝病,必须回到欧洲去医治,才算有机会在本国享福。

5. 他赢钱的次数那么多,无怪乎眼红的人,赌输的人,有时说起这件事便要发牢骚。


1. There is a tourist attraction called Yaolin Wonderland which you can reach in about 3 hours by going south west by tourist bus from Hangzhou.

2. I dare not show off in the presence of an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten us on this matter.

3. Private schools in the U.S. have a wide range of progress that are offered to meet the needs of certain students.

4. Our educational policy enable everyone who receives and education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture.

5. The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities ifs compounded by the paucity of the information media.






New China brought about the system of regional autonomy for national minorities. Organs of self-government were set up in regions where people of national minorities live in compact communities,and the internal affairs of the national minorities were handled by themselves. At present,there are throughout the country 159 national autonomous areas,including five autonomous regions,30 autonomous prefectures and 124 autonomous counties (or banners)。National autonomous areas exercise all rights of self-government in accordance with the Law of the People‘s Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy and may work out autonomous rules and specific regulations according to local political,economic and cultural characteristics. Without violating the Constitution and the law,autonomous regions have the right to adopt special policies and flexible measures;autonomous organs can apply for permission to make alterations or desist from implementing resolutions,decisions,orders and instructions made by higher-level state organs if they are not in accordance with the situation in autonomous regions. Organs of self-government have the right to handle local financial,economic,cultural and educational affairs. In regions where people of a number of ethnic groups live together or in scattered communities,more than 1,500 national townships were established so as to enable national minorities to enjoy equal rights to the fullest.

法理学离线作业 (2)

浙江大学远程教育学院 《法理学》课程作业 姓名:学号: 年级:学习中心:————————————————————————————— 第一编法学导论 一、名词解释 1.法学 2.法学体系 3.法理学 4.法 二、简答题 1. 国家认可法律的情形主要有哪几种? 2. 法的社会规范性特征表现在哪些方面? 3. 法具有的国家强制性特征表现在哪些方面? 第二编法的起源与发展 一、名词解释 1. 法系 2.法律移植 3.大陆法系

4. 英美法系 第三编法的本体 一、名词解释 1. 权利规则 2. 法律概念 3. 法律原则 4. 成文法 5. 社会法 6. 规范性法律文件的规范化 7. 法律部门 8. 公法 9. 法律体系 10.法律渊源 11.法的溯及力 12.权利能力 13.权利 14.法律关系 15.法律事实 16.违法行为 17.法律行为 18.积极行为

19.要式行为 20.过错责任 21.法律责任 22.法律程序 23.正当程序 二、简答题 1. 简述法的特征。 2 .法律规范有哪些局限性? 3. 法律原则有哪些特征? 4. 简述法律原则的功能与作用。 5. 公法、私法和社会法之间的区别主要有哪些? 6. 简述法律部门划分的原则。 7. 如何区别民法、商法与经济法三个法律部门? 8. 如何理解权利与权力关系是现代法律调整的核心? 9. 简述权利与义务的关系。 10. 试比较法律行为、民事法律行为和事实行为的异同。 11. 简述法律责任对于法律实施的意义。 12. 在我国的法律规定中,法律责任的免除有哪些条件与情况? 13. 简述法律责任的特点。 14. 试述法律责任于法律制裁的关系。 15. 正当程序对于法治的普遍意义有哪些? 16. 为什么说法律程序具有相对独立的?


作业Ⅰ 一、名词解释 1、商事关系 答:就是一定社会中通过市场经营活动而形成的社会关系,它主要包括两个部分:商事组织关系和商事交易关系。 2、商人 答:商人是指以一定的自身或社会有形资源或无形资源为工具获取利润并附有一定社会责任的人,或者是指以自己名义实施商业行为并以此为常业的人。3、商行为 答:是指商主体以营利为目的旨在设立、变更或消灭商事法律关系的经营性行为。 4、商号 答:又称商事名称、商业名称,它是指商主体在从事商行为时所使用的名称,即商主体在商事交易中为法律行为时,用以署名或让其代理人用其与他人进行商事交往的名称。 二、简答题 1、如何认识商法和民法的关系? 答:商法与民法的关系是商法与其他法律部门的关系中最重要的和最基本得问题之一,也最易引起理论争议,它是商法的独立性之关键所在。它们之间的关系注意表现在: (1)民法与商法是调整民商事行为的法律; (2)民法与商法都属于私法范畴; (3)民法作为基本法或普通法,调整的范围广泛,它适用于各类民事主体过实施的民事行为。商法调整的范围有限,仅适用于商人所从事的商行为。 2、商法与经济法的关系如何? 答:(1)从广义上看,经济法是调整社会全部经济关系的法律规范的总称。商法是经济法的一个部分,被经济法所兼容。 (2)从狭义上看,经济法是体现国家权力对经济交易行为予以敢于的法律规范的总称。他们的区别主要在于:第一,在调整对象上,商法主要调整平等主体之间的交易活动,对行政机关的调整也主要局限于商事管理机关的商事管理行为。经济法则不仅调整经济活动的主体,而且调整国家及其代表机构。第二,在调整方法上,商法注重维持私法中传统的“意思自治原则”,经济法则信守“国家统治原则”。第三,在法律属性上,商法是以平等主体为本位的私法,以任意性规范为主;经济法则是以国家为本位的公法,以强制性规范为主。第四,在体系构成上,商法以商主体、商行为、公司法等为内容;经济法则以价格、金融、税收等为内容。


高等教育自学考试冲刺模拟试卷一 (英语专业) 英汉翻译教程(三) Part One I.Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1.For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A.对英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份把这带到了家。 B.对英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织把我们送到了家。 C.对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D.对我们英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份使我们如鱼得水。 2.So now he contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. A.因此他就装出急切的、迷人的笑,并投向史奎尔先生。 B.因此他就装出殷切的、拍马的笑,并把这笑赠予史奎尔先生。 C.因此他就对史奎尔先生装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 D.因此他就给史奎尔先生设计了一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 3. People disappear in that river every year, one of the policemen said to me that afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A. 这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 B. 这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C. 这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D. 年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 4. As recently as the early 1960s, the phrase environmental law ” would probably have produced little more than a puzzled look, even from many lawyers.


浙大远程教育英语第六次 在线作业答案 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 2.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply

D chance 正确答案:B 3.【Unit Six (2)】_____________ these experiments are interesting and useful, it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much. A When B While C Unless D Until 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Six (2)】The president as well as a number of professors ____________ asked to attend the party. A was B were


浙江大学远程教育学院考查课 《法律基础》课程作业 姓名:学号: 年级:学习中心:————————————————————————————— 一、简答题(共5小题,每小题6分,共30分) 1.法律制定的概念及程序? 答: 法律制定的概念: 法律制定,又称立法,广义的法律制定泛指有关国家机关在其法定的职权范围内,依照法定程序,制定、修改、补充、废止规范性文件的活动。狭义的法律制定专指国家最高权力机关制定、修改、补充、废止基本法律和法律的活动。 法律制定的流程: 法律制定程序即立法程序,是指有法律制定权的国家机关在创制、认可、修改或者废止规范性法律文件的活动中所必须遵守的步骤和方法。狭义的立法程序仅指国家最高权力机关创制、认可、修改或废止法律的程序。广义的立法程序包括一切具有立法权的国家机关创制、认可、修改或废止规范性法律文件的程序。根据《中华人民共和国人民代表大会议事规则》和《全国各国人民代表大会常务委员会议事规则》的有关规定及我国的立法实践,我国最高权力机关及其常设机关立法的基本程序包括:法律案的提出、法律草案的审议、法律草案的表决与通过、法律的公布等。 2.简述宪法的概念及特征。 答: 宪法的概念: 宪法是一个国家的根本大法,是特定社会政治经济和思想文化条件综合作用的产物,集中反映各种政治力量的实际对比关系,确认政治成果和现实的民主政治,规定国家的根本任务和根本制度,即社会制度、国家制度的原则和国家政权的组织以及公民的基本权利义务等内容。国家内部政治力量的对比关系的变化对宪法的发展变化起着直接作用,国际关系也对宪法发展趋势有所影响。 宪法的特征: 1、现代概念中宪法是公民与国家的契约,它在国家的法律体系中拥有最高的地位,因此它是国家的根本法,拥有最高的法律效力。 2、宪法规定的事项主要有国家政治架构,政府组成与职能,权力制衡模式和公民的权利等。 3、宪法最为重要的意义在于它是一部权利宣言书。


第18章文学翻译 18.1 复习笔记 一、文学翻译的标准 对于文学翻译的要求是,“用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发、感动和美的感受”。 钱钟书把文学翻译的最高标准概括为一个“化”字。 二、文学翻译的过程 借鉴茅盾的有关解释,把文学翻译过程分为三个阶段: (1) 理解阶段; (2) 印证阶段; (3) 表达阶段。 在表达阶段强调的内容是: (1) 必须使用文学语言; (2) 尽量保持原作风格; (3) 力求内容和形式的辩证统一。 三、文学翻译须使用文学语言 这里仅介绍英文小说翻译的几个侧面:

1. 文学语言具有准确、形象、生动、自然等特征,译者应根据原作的艺术意境和语言特色,在译文里寻找适当的语言形式,使之文情并茂。 Daffodils all along the hedgerow swung like yellow, ruffled birds on their perches. 清风徐徐,沿灌木篱笆旁的水仙花轻轻地摇摆着,颇似栖息的鸟儿掀动着金黄色羽毛。 2. 运用娴熟的汉语,再现人物语言的形象化和个性化,使译文产生“如闻其声,如见其人”的艺术效果。 “Say, some tenderness, that!” This is reference to a smile or a melting glance on the part of a female. “唷,瞧那样多温存!”这说的是一位女性的嫣然一笑,或者回眸传情。 3. 凭借自己的审美体验,深刻理解原作的艺术美,进而形神兼备地再现这种艺术美。 四、加强文学翻译的基本功训练 有兴趣于或有志于从事文学翻译的青年,可在课内外分门别类地选做一些练习,以集中提高某些方面的表述能力。 18.2 课后习题详解 将下列英文译成汉语: 1. One morning, in the fall of 1880, a middle-aged woman, accompanied by a young girl of inquiry as to whether there was anything a- bout the place that she could do. She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and

浙大远程英语作业Unit 9

Unit Nine 1. Writing 你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列内容: 1. 接到朋友的来信; 2. 你对旅游的安排计划及理由; 3. 表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。 Dear David, I’m glad to know you want to make a tour in China. Now I’m living in Shanghai, and there are so many famous place here. I have made a plan for your visit in Shanghai. First we can go to the Peples’ Square,the most famous place place in Shanghai. Then we can go to Y u Garden, which I think you have heard before. If you have enough time ,you can visit Expo 2010. And you are welcome to stay at my home for several days. I’m looking forward to your coming to Shanghai.I am sure you will like this city. Y ours, Wang Ming 2. Choose the best answer to each of the following items. 1) The university is trying to make more accommodation(住处) ___b____ for the residents. A. afford B. available C. apparently D. approximately 2) The difference between the public and private services is very ___a___ in this country. A. sharp B. difficult C. vast D. wide 3) ____b___ of the two boys has passed the history examination. A. None B. Neither C. Nor D. No 4) We have to put the trip off. It’s too expensive and ____c___ the weather is not fine. A. therefore B. however C. on the other hand D. afterwards 5) John will take a job wherever he can find ___d____. A. any B. that C. some D. one 6) Mary varies her appearances, as well as her hair color, ___a____ on the mood she is in. A. depend B. depending C. hold D. holding 7) We know that sun eclipse will ___a____the weather on the earth. A. influence B. identify C. impress D. locate 8) The difference between the public and private schools is very ___b____ in this area. A. wide B. sharp C. difficult D. loose 9) ____a___ of the boys has passed the test; they’ve got such bad luck. A. Either B. All C. Neither D. No 10) She's the only child in her family, but they didn't really ___d____ her. A. hurt B. damage C. harm D. spoil 3.Read the following passages and decide which of the following is the best answer to each of the questions or statements.


《商法》网上作业2参考答案 一、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 15 分。) 1. 普通合伙企业由普通合伙人组成,合伙人对合伙企业债务承担有限连带责任。《中华人民国合伙企业法》对普通合伙人承担责任的形式有特别规定的,从其规定。 A. 错误 2. 合伙企业应当依照法律、行政法规的规定建立企业财务、会计制度。 B. 正确 3. 合伙人以劳务出资的,其评估办法由法定评估机构评估确定,并在合伙协议中载明。 A. 错误 4. 被聘任的合伙企业的经营管理人员应当在合伙企业授权围履行职务。 B. 正确 5. 合伙企业对其债务,应先以其全部财产进行清偿。 B. 正确 6. 债权人申报债权,应当说明债权的有关事项,并提供证明材料。清算人应当对债权进行登记。 A. 错误 7. 合伙企业设立分支机构,应当向分支机构所在地的企业登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。 B. 正确 8. 合伙人之间转让在合伙企业中的全部或者部分财产份额时,不用通知其他合伙人。 A. 错误 9. 合伙企业及其合伙人的合法财产及其权益受法律保护。 B. 正确 10. 合伙人在合伙企业清算前,不得请求分割合伙企业的财产;但是,《中华人民国合伙企业法》另有规定的除外。 B. 正确 11. 合伙人以外的人依法受让合伙人在合伙企业中的财产份额的,经修改合伙协议即成为合伙企业的合伙人,依照《中华人民国合伙企业法》和修改后的合伙协议享有权利,履行义务。 B. 正确 12. 除合伙协议另有约定外,普通合伙人转变为有限合伙人,或者有限合伙人转变为普通合伙人,应当经全体合伙人一致同意。 B. 正确 13. 合伙企业领取营业执照前,合伙人不得以合伙企业名义从事合伙业务。 B. 正确 14. 有限合伙人退伙后,对基于其退伙前的原因发生的有限合伙企业债务,以其退伙时从有限合伙企业中取回的财产承担责任。 B. 正确 15. 合伙人按照合伙协议的约定或者经全体合伙人决定,可以增加或者减少对合伙企业的出资。 A. 错误 16. 作为有限合伙人的自然人在有限合伙企业存续期间丧失民事行为能力的,其他合伙人可以因此要求其退伙。 A. 错误 17. 除合伙协议另有约定外,合伙人向合伙人以外的人转让其在合伙企业中的全部或者部分财产份额时,不须经其他合伙人一致同意。 A. 错误 18. 合伙企业及其合伙人必须遵守法律、行政法规,遵守社会公德、商业道德,承担社会责任。 B. 正确 19. 有限合伙企业由普通合伙人和有限合伙人组成,普通合伙人对合伙企业债务承担有限连带责任,有限合伙人以其认缴的出资额为限对合伙企业债务承担责任。 A. 错误 20. 合伙企业的经营围中有属于法律、行政法规规定在登记前须经批准的项目的,该项经营业务应当依法经过批准,并在登记时提交批准文件。 B. 正确 21. 作为有限合伙人的自然人死亡、被依法宣告死亡或者作为有限合伙人的法人及其他组织终止时,其继承人或者权利承受人可以依法取得该有限合伙人在有限合伙企业中的资格。 B. 正确 22. 合伙人以非货币财产出资的,依照法律、行政法规的规定,需要办理财产权转移手续的,应当依法办理。 B. 正确


is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile? 我认为,如果一个人思路不清,他写文章也困惑,如果他喜怒无常的文章就会荒诞不经;如果他思想敏捷,和能,由眼前的事情,他将一百件事情,除非他有很大的自我控制、负荷在文章中隐喻和明喻。 I sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavour to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years? 我真诚地希望你的祝贺将相媲美的集体努力追求公正和实际解决问题的困扰,联合国己经多年了。 Culture to him, as to the Orientals3 with whom he lived so much and sympathized so deeply, was an affair of the spirit and of mind not to be measured by material progress, or, even by the arts. 文化,在东方人,和他一起住这么多,深深同情的事情,是灵,可以不可以通过衡量物质进步、或,即使是艺术。 With Asia s economic meltdown rattling the Beijing leadership, Zhu and his colleagues now have a powerful argument that China must get its own house in order to prevent meddling by the International Monetary Fund or other outsiders?(China: Zhu is Taking a Broom to the Bureaucrats 与亚洲经济危机年代震动了北京的领导下,朱和他的同事们现在有一个强有力的论点,中国必须得到它的自己的房子为了防止干涉国际货币基金组织或其他外人。(中国:朱正在一个扫帚官僚扌宜权 that woman walks the streets? 那个妇女常在那些街上走 Bill is taking his bird to the pictures tonight. 比尔今晚带着他的女朋友去看电影。 He is not so ill but that he can come to school ?


英语(2)第1次 您的本次作业分数为:100分题 1. In considering people for jobs, we give ________ to those with some experience. A conference B review C preference D apology 正确答案:C 2.They are preparing for war on a large ________. A bank B size C degree D scale 正确答案:D 3.There was nothing in the letter of ________ importance. A peculiar B necessary C basic D particular 正确答案:D 4.I’m surprised by the sense of ________ he has with children. A easiness B ease C rest D alarm 正确答案:B 5.Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, ________ schools in the south are relatively poor. A which B as C for D while 正确答案:D 6. I really hope to discuss and ________ the problems with you. A explain B explore C experience D export


商法作业1 第1章 一、正误判断题 1.商事关系,大体上说,主要包括两部分,一是商事组织关系,二是商事交易关系。(对)P1 2.营业商行为,就是以营利为目的并具有营业性质的行为。(对)P3 3.绝对商行为,就是依行为性质,无论什么人实施都构成商行为的行为。(对)P3 4.所谓商人,就是以自己名义实施商行为,并以此为常业的人。(对)P2 二、单项选择题 1.日本商法第262条设立的“表见代表董事”制度规定,经理、副经理、专职董事、常务董事和其他董事,使用被认为代表公司的名称所为的行为,即使其没有代表董事的权限,公司对善意第三人也应承担该行为的责任。对此规定在商法理论上如何理解?(D)P22 A.它是严格责任的体现B.它贯彻了强化企业组织的原则 C.它贯彻了维护交易公平的原则D.它是外观法则的体现 2.商人应具备的基本条件:(D)P2 A.自然人B.法人C.以他人的名义实施商行为D.以实施商行为为常业 三、多项选择题 1.商人应具备哪些基本条件?(BCD) A.自然人B.实施商行为 C.以自己的名义实施商行为D.以实施商行为为常业 2.为什么说英美法的商法概念属于实质商法的范畴?(ABD)P6 A.英美法没有民法与商法的严格区分,也没有相对于民法典意义上的商法典 B.英美的商法没有确定的形式 C.英美的商事法律规范来自判例,而不是成文的商事立法 D.英美的商事法律规范有包括单行法律、判例、民间自治规章等在内的广泛渊源

四、论述题 1.是否具备商人资格有什么法律意义?P3 答:在实践中,一个从事交易行为的个人或组织是否具备商人资格,往往有重要的法律意义。例如,是否有义务履行商业登记,是否有权拥有商号,是否必须建立商业账簿并受有关商法特别规定的保护或约束等等,这些问题的确定都取决于其商人资格的有无。 2.在我国取得商人这种特殊主体资格应具备什么基本的条件?P3 答:在我国取得商人这种特殊主体资格应具备两个基本条件: 第一,从事法律许可的生产经营活动; 第二,履行工商登记。 3.具有商人性质的主体主要有几种形式?P3 答:目前,在我国,具有商人性质的主体主要有以下几种形式: (1)个体工商户和个人独资企业; (2)合伙企业; (3)公司和其他形式的企业法人; (4)联营企业; (5)外商投资企业(中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外商独资企业)。 4.举例说明什么是营业商行为?“营业”须具备的条件是什么?什么是附属商行为?P3~4 答:营业商行为,就是以营利为目的的并且具有营业性质的行为。例如,动产或不动产出租,加工承担,运输,工程承包,以招徕顾客为目的的场所交易(旅馆、饭店、剧场、游乐场、理发店等等),寄托,居间或代办,电信服务,旅游服务,专业咨询服务等。这些行为,必须具备营业的性质才受商法调整。 所谓“营业”,须具备三个条件:一是运用有组织的财产(营业财产),二是以营利为目的,三是行为的持续性。 所谓附属商行为,是指为了从事某种营业而附带进行的行为。例如:百货公司对顾客送货上门的运输行为,其目的有在于获取运费收入,而是为了获得商品销售利润。这种运输行为是附属的、补充的,因而应当随主营业受商法调整。 第2章 一、正误判断题 1.有限责任公司成立后,发现作为出资的实物、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定价额,应当由交付该出资的股东补交其差额,公司设立时的其他股东对其承担连带责任。(对) 2.有限责任公司股东向股东以外的人转让其出资时,必须经过全体股东过半数同意。(对)P64 3.有限责任公司经股东同意转让的出资,在同等条件下,其他股东对该出资有优先购买权。(对)P64 4.有限责任公司股东会是公司的权力机关,股东会由全体股东组成。(对)P64


您的本次作业分数为:100分词汇结构 1.【Unit Six (2)】She didn't go shopping last night becuase she ___________ her father. A need to look after B had to look after C should have looked after D would have to look after 正确答案:B 词汇结构 2.【Unit Six (2)】He is no better at English __________ I am. A as B so C than D lest 正确答案:C 词汇结构 3.【Unit Six (2)】___________________, the less time you have to see them. A The more people you know B More you know people C The more you know people D More people you know 正确答案:A 词汇结构 4.【Unit Six (2)】__________ Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defense. A As B If C Though D So

词汇结构 5.【Unit Six (2)】Kelly loved her husband _____________ he drank too much. A despite that B in spite of C for fear that D now that 正确答案:A 词汇结构 6.【Unit Six (2)】Studies in the US show girls are _____________ better on spoken tasks than boys. A ordinarily B slightly C supply D fashionably 正确答案:B 词汇结构 7.【Unit Six (2)】The ___________ is to make people aware of the brand value. A trust B aim C supply D chance 正确答案:B 词汇结构 8.【Unit Six (2)】The reason for all the changes being made ___________ to us yet. A has not explained B do not explain C has not been explained D were not explained


2018春函授本科《商法》作业题(答案) 学生专业年级:学生姓名:(学号:) 一、名词解释 1、共益债务 共益债务是指在破产程序中,为债权人、债务人的共同利益所负担的债务。 2、高级管理人员 高级管理人员是指公司的经理、副总经理、财务负责人、上市公司董事会秘书和公司章程规定的其他人员。 3、保险合同 保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议。 4、破产抵销权 破产抵销权,指破产债务人的债权人在破产受理前对债务人负有债务的,无论其债权与所负债务种类是否相同,也不论该债权债务是否附期限或者附条件,均可以用债权抵销其债务的权利。 5、取回权 取回权是指财产权利人向管理人主张返还或者交付不属于破产财产而归其支配的财产的权利。 6、承兑 是指执票人在汇票到期之前,要求付款人在该汇票上作到期付款的记载。 7、背书

背书是指持票人为将票据权利转让给他人或者将一定的票据权利授予他人行使,而在票据背面或者粘单上记载有关事项并签章的行为。 8、关联关系 是指公司控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人员与其直接或者间接控制的企业之间的关系,以及可能导致公司利益转移的其他关系。 9、汇票 汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时,或者在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。 10、保险欺诈 利用或假借保险合同谋取不法利益的行为,主要包括涉嫌保险金诈骗类、非法经营类和合同诈骗类等。 11、破产费用 是指在破产程序中为破产债权人的共同利益而由破产财产中支付的费用。 12、重整计划 是指由重整人制定的,以维持债务人继续营业、谋求债务人复兴为目的,以清理债权债务关系为内容的多方协议。 13、别除权 别除权是指债权人因其债权设有物权担保或享有特别优先权,而在破产程序中就债务人特定财产享有的优先受偿权利。 14、商事主体


高等教育自学考试冲刺模拟试卷一 (英语专业) 英汉翻译教程(三) Part One Ⅰ. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1. For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home. A. 对英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份把这带到了家。 B. 对英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织把我们送到了家。 C. 对我们英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 D. 对我们英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份使我们如鱼得水。 2. So now he contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. A. 因此他就装出急切的、迷人的笑,并投向史奎尔先生。 B. 因此他就装出殷切的、拍马的笑,并把这笑赠予史奎尔先生。 C. 因此他就对史奎尔先生装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 D. 因此他就给史奎尔先生设计了一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸。 3. “People disappear in that river every year,” one of the policemen said to me that afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A. “这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 B. “这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C. “这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D. “年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 4. As recently as the early 1960s, the phrase “environmental law” would probably have produced little more than a puzzled look, even from many lawyers. A. 早在六十年代初,“环保法”这个词儿甚至会使许多律师感到纳闷。


您的本次作业分数为:100分 1.【Unit Four (2)】She didn't know ____________ information had been known by the public. A how much B how many C however D how old 正确答案:A 2.【Unit Four (2)】The weight of the moon is only about ___________ of the earth. A one eighty B one the eighty C one of the eighty D one eightieth 正确答案:D 3.【Unit Four (2)】Why does your brother want a new job ____________ he's already got a very good one? A where B when C which D that 正确答案:B 4.【Unit Four (2)】Canceling the conference will make a very bad ___________. A impression B program

C pressure D imagination 正确答案:A 5.【Unit Four (2)】___________ way shall we go? By the stream(小溪) or through the wood? A Which B what C Whose D How 正确答案:A 6.【Unit Four (2)】Ten minutes ___________ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A seem B seems C seemed D seeming 正确答案:B 7.【Unit Four (2)】We hope that most students will make a _____________ transition (过渡) into college. A rough B real C solid D smooth 正确答案:D


绪论 一、名词解释 1.法学 答:法学是以法律、法律现象及其规律为研究对象的学问或知识理论体系。2.法学体系 答:法学体系是指法学研究的范围和分科,即是由法学的各个分支学科构成的一个有机联系的整体。 3.法理学 答:法理学是研究一般的法律和法律现象之规律和原理的理论学科。是关于法学的一般理论、基础理论和方法论。在我国,法理学这一名称在本世纪二十年代就已出现。它是法学的基础部分,也就是说它是法学的基础理论。 第一章法的概念 一、名词解释 1. 法理学 答:法理学是研究一般的法律和法律现象之规律和原理的理论学科。 2. 法 答:法是由国家制订、认可或解释的,并由国家强制力保证实施的,反映由特定物质生活条件决定的统治阶级(在阶级对立社会)或人民(在社会主义社会)的意志和利益的行为规范体系。它以人的行为和行为关系为调整对象,通过规定某种权力与责任或权利与义务去规范人们的行为,从而确认、保护和发展有利于统治阶级或人民的社会关系和社会秩序。 3. 法的特征 答:法的特征是法与其他社会现象、社会规范相比较而存在的特殊性,是法的现象的外在表现,它与法的概念和本质有着紧密的联系。 二、简答题 1. 简述法的特征 答:(1)调整行为关系的规范 (2)由国家专门机关制定、认可和解释 (3)通过程序而强制予以实施;法律以国家强制力保证实施 (4)以权利义务双向规定为调整机制 2. 国家认可法律的情形主要有哪几种? 答:国家认可法律的情形主要有以下四种: (1)赋予社会上既存的某些一般的社会规则,这是最常见的一种认可方式;

(2)通过加入国际组织,承认或签订国际条约等方式,赋予国际规范以域内效力; (3)判例法国家对判例中所蕴含的法理的分析与归纳; (4)赋予权威法学家的学说以法律效力。 3. 法的社会规范性特征表现在哪些方面? 答:法的社会规范性特性表现在,一是规范性,二是普遍性。这一特点又表现为(1)法所适用的对象是社会中的一般的人,而不是具体的、特殊的个人; (2)法在生效期间可以被反复适用,而不是仅仅适用一次; (3)从法的规范性和普遍性两个属性中还可以派生出法的其他一些属性:如效率性、稳定性和连续性等。 4. 法具有的国家强制性特征表现在哪些方面? 答:(1)法是一种具有外在强制性的社会规范; (2)法的强制具有潜在性的特征; (3)法的强制性必须具备一定的条件 三、论述题 试论述法的现象的相对独立性。 答:一、法的现象受到社会经济关系制约。 二、法的现象相对独立于社会经济关系。 1.法的现象在具有客观性的同时,人的理性使它相对独立于经济关系。 2.经济关系不是法的现象的唯一决定因素。 3.法学家与法律家共同体也影响着法的现象的相对独立性。 4.作为制度或规则层面的法律,与特定经济基础的关系是间接的。 三、法的现象具有形式性与自治性。 四、法的现象反映人们认识规律、表达意志到创制规则的过程。 第二章法律要素 一、名词解释 1. 权利规则 答:权利规则又称授权性规则,是规定人们可以为一定行为或不为一定行为以及可以要求他人为一定行为或不为一定行为的法律规则。 2. 法律概念 答:法律概念是指人们从各种事实中抽象出它们的共同特征并赋予其法律意义后而形成的权威性范畴。 3. 法律原则 答:法律原则是指能够作为法律规则基础或本源的原理或准则。法律原则可以说是法律的精神和价值。 二、简答题

实用英汉翻译技巧与实践(Chapter 1&2)

An Applied Course in English-Chinese Translation Skills and Practice 实用英汉翻译技巧与实践 (Definition of Translation) 1.2 翻译的原则(Principles of Translation) 忠实(Faithfulness) 通顺(Smoothness) 1.3 翻译的基本步骤(Basic Steps in Translation) a. 原文理解(Comprehension of Source Texts) ?词义确定(Determination of Word Meaning) It is quite another story now. The officials concerned refused to confirm the story in the Post. The white-haired girl's story is one of the saddest. A young man came to police station with a story. ?语法分析(Grammatical Analysis) W hile I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. ?逻辑判断(Logical Judgement) H e bought a picture of the house which many people thought to be replica. ?文体把握(Understanding of Style) 旅游景点警示语:路滑, 小心跌倒! 译1:The road is slippery, fall down carefully! 译2:The path is so slippery that you should be careful not to fall down. 译3:Slippery // Wet path! b.译文表达(Expression of Target Texts) c. 译文校核(Proofreading of Target Texts) 1.4 翻译的主要方法(Major Translation Approaches) a. 直译法(Literal Translation) p aper tiger l ose face r unning dog G ood to begin well, better to end well. b. 意译法(Free Translation) Q ueen’s English s mall talk r eceive glove money E very life has its roses and thorns. c. 归化法(Domestication) b lack sheep a s timid as a hare d.异化法(Foreignization) 1.5 翻译的常用技巧(Practical Translation Skills)
