三年级下册英语试题期末测试广东开心英语(粤人版) (含答案)

三年级下册英语试题期末测试广东开心英语(粤人版) (含答案)
三年级下册英语试题期末测试广东开心英语(粤人版) (含答案)







第I 卷(选择题)

请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明


1.There are plums.How these? ( )

A. above

B. and

C. about

2.—Who are they?( )

—They are my .

A. friend

B. sisters

C. brother

3. your mother have glasses? ( )

A. Does

B. Do

C. Is

4. your father a teacher? ( )

A. Does

B. Are

C. Is 5.They pineapples.( ) A. like B. has C. is 6.She have a knife. ( ) A. has B. don't C. doesn't 7.Tony, read in the sun.

( ) A. don't B. doesn't C. is 8.—What are those?( ) — are chopsticks. A. Those B. They C. There 9.—How many mangoes are there?( ) — are twelve. A. There B. They C. These 第II 卷(非选择题)

请点击修改第II 卷的文字说明 二、填空题(题型注释) 10.写出能替换划线部分的单词。(答案不唯一) 1. I have shoes . ____________ ___________ _____________ 2. This is my pillow. ____________ ___________ _____________

3. Does she have blankets ?

____________ ___________ _____________ 4. You have a notebook .

____________ ___________ _____________ 5. The shirt is on the bed .

_______________ ______________ ______________

三、单词拼写(题型注释) 11.完成下列单词的拼写,并写上中文。 1.b th m ( ) 2.bad ton ( )

3.tw t ( )

4.th b ( )

5.g r p ( )

6.br n ( )

7.j k t ( ) 8.ch k n ( )

9.t n s ( ) 10.h v ( ) 四、翻译(题型注释)



____________ ___________ fifteen __________ on the plate.


Let's draw ___________ __________ . 3.我有苹果和香蕉。 I have __________ and ___________ . 4.他有纸巾吗?没有。 _________ he have ______________ ? No. 5.有多少个碗在桌子上?有一个。 How many _________ are there on the table? There ________ one. 6.她热吗?不,她很冷。 _________ she hot? No, she's __________ . 7.她的短裙很好看。 Her ________ is very __________

. 五、看图题(题型注释) 13.看图填空。 1. ---Is that a _________? ---Yes, it is. 2.---Are these _________? ---Yes, they are.

3.---This ________ a spoon.

---I ________ a fork.

4.---What ______ these?

---They're _________ .

5.---______ you ride a ________? ---No, I __________.

6. I like __________ .










【解析】5. 略









10.1.socks pants shorts 2.his her your 3.he Tony Lisa 4.pencil pen book 5.in the box under the chair on the pillow


11.1.bathroom浴室 2.badminton羽毛球 3.twenty二十 4.thumb拇指 5.grape葡萄6.brown棕色 7.jacket外套 8.chicken鸡肉、小鸡 9.tennis网球 10.heavy重的


12.1.There are cherries 2.draw 2.an elephant 3.apples bananas 4.Does tissues 5.bowls is 6.Is cold7.skirt nice


13.1.basketball 2.snakes 3.is have 4.are pants 5.Do bike don’t 6.steak



七年级英语下册期中测试卷 一、听力 二. 单项选择 ( )21. Dogs are _________ .They are people's __________ . A. friendly; friends B. friends; friendly C. friendly; friend ( )22. –What ______ she ______? --She is a teacher. A. is…do B. is…doing C. does…d o ( )23. --What's your favorite ______? --England. A. world B. country C. city ( )24. The students ______ their classroom every afternoon . A. are cleaning B. clean C. cleans ( )25. The child ______ his homework in the evening . A. does B. do C. makes ( )26. ____right at First Street, the bank is _____the left. A. Go, on B. Turn, in C. Turn ,on ( )27. –Look at the monkeys. ______they cute ? A. Isn’t B. Aren’t C. Don’t ( )28. –I love Sports News .What about you ? --_____________, too . A. I do B. I can C. I am ( )29. Peter and I_____ chess . A. am playing B. are playing C. are play ( )30.It’s 8:00 now. Everyone in our class __________ homework . A. does B. are doing C. is doing ( )31.If you are hungry , you can buy some food in the ______________. A. supermarket B. post office C. library ( )32. The scarf looks __________ . I’ll take it . A. ugly B. terrible C. beautiful ( )33. She likes exciting jobs, so she wants to find a job_________ a reporter. A. like B. as C. be ( )34. She likes ______, so she wants to be a ______. A. cooking , cook B. cook, cooking C. cook, cook


国家普通话水平测试试卷 编号:I-20071205一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时3.5分钟) 揍卿垮评忌恒派全吹次 穴铁荒躲笨爽辙钩癌砂 梨烤糖洒航根融税儿旅 波德庵攥我妇惨训拐拿 软烘灭臻田鸭始抓位跷 米穿秒下抠摆捐四搓帐 狂瓮丢泣语愣您谷贫摊 取撅迟润焉信腮莫冯稻 瘟镭嫩云灸袍用族访梁 靶桌饱蹭明匪快奖胸圃 二、读多音节词语(100个音节,共20分,限时2.5分钟) 撇开群众窘迫提成儿日益亏损怀念 洼地男女喜欢军阀效果舌头傍晚 深化线轴儿协作定额随便分配牛仔裤 勉强穷人摧毁大褂儿仍然率领母亲 昂扬栅栏佛寺旋转原因价格长颈鹿 装备句子操纵逗乐儿手稿材料观察 恰好往返谬论标志虐待不约而同

编号:I-20071205三、朗读短文(400个音节,共30分,限时4分钟) 我们家的后园有半亩空地,母亲说:“让它荒着怪可惜的,你们那么爱吃花生,就开辟出来种花生吧。”我们姐弟几个都很高兴,买种,翻地,播种,浇水,没过几个月,居然收获了。 母亲说:“今晚我们过一个收获节,请你们父亲也来尝尝我们的新花生,好不好?”我们都说好。母亲把花生做成了好几样食品,还吩咐就在后园的茅亭 里过这个节。 晚上天色不太好,可是父亲也来了,实在很难得。 父亲说:“你们爱吃花生吗?” 我们争着答应:“爱!” “谁能把花生的好处说出来?” 姐姐说:“花生的味美。” 哥哥说:“花生可以榨油。” 我说:“花生的价钱便宜,谁都可以买来吃,都喜欢吃。这就是它的好处。” 父亲说:“花生的好处很多,有一样最可贵:它的果实埋在地里,不像桃子、石榴、苹果那样,把鲜红嫩绿的果实高高地挂在枝头上,使人一见就生爱慕之 心。你们看它矮矮地长在地上,等到成熟了,也不能立刻分辨出来它有没有果 实,必须挖出来才知道。” 我们都说是,母亲也点点头。 父亲接下去说:“所以你们要像花生,它虽然不好看,可是很有用,不是外表好看而没有实用的东西。” 我说:“那么,人要做有用的人,不要做只讲体面,而对别人没有好处的人了。”…… 四、命题说话(请在下列话题中任选一个,共30分,限时3分钟) 1.我喜爱的书刊 2.谈谈对环境保护的认识



Directions: Read the following 100 sentences or dialogues carefully. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark A, B, C or D. 仔细阅读下列题目,并从A,B,C,D四个答案中选出正确的选项. 1. --Shall I make you _____to eat? --Oh, yes, please. I"ve not had _____all day. A. something; nothing B. anything; something C. something; anything D. anything; nothing "s too late _____ out now. A. go B. to go C. not to go D. not to going 3. The United States produces more apples than _____country except France. A. any B. any other C. another D. others 4. A cousin of ____doesn’t eat anything ____ steak. A. my, but B. mine, at C. my, at D. mine, but 5. Linda helps to look ____children for some families. A. after B. for C. at D. around 6. He knows that ____ is important to guard the factory at night. A. it B. this C. that D. which 7. _____ people died in the earthquake.


高中新生入学英语考试试卷(附参考答案) 英语 考生注意:?? 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。?? 2.试题卷共55小题加书面表达题。共100分。120分钟完卷。??3.本卷所有选择题最符合题意的答案只有1个。不选、多选、错选、涂写不清或是不填写答案编号字母而抄写英语答案的,均不给分。?? 4.全部答案都必须按要求在答题卡中相对应题号下填涂或书写,要求填涂正确、书写工整、清晰、规范,卷面清洁。?? 5.完卷后,答题卡和试题卷分别交回,答题卡按要求密封装订成册。?? Ⅰ、知识运用(两个部分,共20小题,计20分)?? A)单项选择(共10小题,计10分)?? 从A、B、C 3个选项中选出1个能填入所给句子空白处的最佳答案。 1. ―Why do you like Mary??? ―Because she is honest girl. ?? A. a B. an C. the 2. ―How heavily it rained this early morning.?? ―Yes. But of the students in our class was late fo r school. ?? A. some B. none C. all?? 3. ―Where is Peter??? ―He volleyball with his friends in the school gym.?? A. plays B. played C. is playing?? 4. ―My spoken English is poor, what shall I do??? ―Join an English language club to practice,you’ll it? ?? A. be good at B. drop in C. deal with?? 5. ―Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor? ?? ―No, you . You can go back home tomorrow.?? A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. must??


姓名 ********************************************************************************* 一、根据所述内容,选出正确答案,每个问题读两遍(每小题1分,共10分)。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A.My name is Sandy. B. It is an eraser. C. Yes, I can. D. It is thirty yuan. E. I like oranges. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A.How do you do? B. 10:45 C. On foot D. having dinner. E. 7:30 二、听句子,选择正确的答语(每小题1.5分,共15分)。 ( )11. A: My mother is happy. B: My mother is cooking. C: My mother is ill. ( )12. A: You can have a good time. B: Yes, it is. C: It’s sunny and warm. ( )13. A: An English book. B: A Chinese book. C: A newspaper. ( )14. A: Peter is reading B: Peter is watching TV. C: Peter is writing a letter. ( )15. A: They’re interesting. B: They’re clever. C: They’re cute. ( )16. A: At school. B: At restaurant. C: At home. ( )17. A: wear the uniforms. B. Clean the classroom. C: Don’t run in classroon. ( )18. A: Tow miles. B: One kilometer. C: on hundred meter. ( )19. A: Get up. B: Go to bed. C: Go to school. ( )20. A: Sports club. B: Art club. C: Chess club.


普通话指导:普通话水平测试试题(第1号) 一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时3.5分钟) 帮存镁瞧评丢暧添肯隔 梦大刮肥醉出雄丛装夺 女孔滑晌振走勤锅押软 丝映茶穷歪甩仍尺银剩 癌趴俯旅亏掘投总灵冤 耐彼磷俊护卸贰施液叁 泼返怒茁尊翁笋帘特悬 跛盲褪勺贯匡泅痣赠幌 锉豫仁瘳梯焚徽戛箫 糍培慰萨巢讹酱瘟婵瘸 二、读多音节词语(100个音节,共20分,限时2.5分钟) 造句轮船强调飞机本领 综合客人材料夏天牛仔裤 能够伯母外国著作快乐 约会群众游泳全部迅速 风味妥协贬低赞美起身 高梁侧面猖狂纽扣儿敏感 绷带散发恰当平日铲子 算卦锐角凝滞藕节儿来龙去脉 血缘收摊儿瑞雪家园改进 针对航模小曲儿槽床儿孙 三、朗读短文(400个音节,共30分,限时4分钟)《我的信念》 四、命题说话(下列话题任选一个,共40分,限时3分钟): 1、学习普通话的体会 2、我的愿望(或理想) 普通话指导:普通话水平测试试题(第2号) 一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时3.5分钟) 梦仅拐夺折闪早枪浪瘦 凡盆床白软胸趁捕峡肉 岁吹鱼针湿歪暗刺抓梨 爬响顶猜二胃俩日登瞧 走黑优擦宽扔仰些劝甩 托肥隔多蹭瞥阔怒内穴 硅崖莫聘捅寺映寻乙弦 捏祸吞眨搀泼溜掷挎堤 免涌蒜旅掐总偿湾岔涮 病闹滑约较共接矿准扶 二、读多音节词语(100个音节,共20分,限时2.5分钟) 熊猫原谅背后而且教训 这样此外专业好玩儿可以

鸦片困难光荣没事儿丧失 采访胆怯狭窄军装削弱 声调表彰态度办公室聪明 预赛咨询墨水儿恒星播送 徘徊悬挂犹如贫乏转化 最初穷人力争尺寸检查 否决能够妇女皮板儿邻居 供给身边尊敬稍微因地制宜 三、朗读短文(400个音节,共30分,限时4分钟)《差别》 四、命题说话(下列话题任选一个,共40分,限时3分钟): 1、我的学习生活 2、我尊敬的人 普通话指导:普通话水平测试试题(第3号) 一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时3.5分钟) 讯锄乳因勃涛凯习润秧 倍翻拿古穷摔催围壁撵 青丑饶笋帮兜盥骟女椰 飘防您孔修肉死遇聘灵 平灯俩黄织字赛月末夸 征视罪映嘭佟话缺沙旺 密段亮井吃早鹅军粉狠 啄生雌丸渺驽袈枕痤辕 灭甜根春册而流拟火全 终耍叁翁妃联谨踹涩匈 二、读多音节词语(100个音节,共20分,限时2.5分钟) 存在标题所有憎恶破坏 发明机械乔装纤维山区 特点购买永远稳当工夫 科学会客随手匆忙牛奶 土壤顾虑箩筐超过年头儿 贯彻亲身挖掘宣言氨基酸 类似内政病毒林场抓举 壮实窜犯混杂认领柏树 顶针难听羊毛草莓不以为然 打算称赏心慌琼脂小曲儿 三、朗读短文(400个音节,共30分,限时4分钟)《第一场雪》 四、命题说话(下列话题任选一个,共40分,限时3分钟): 1、童年的记忆 2、我喜爱的职业 普通话指导:普通话水平测试试题(第4号)


人文英语考试试题 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

人文英语1试题 2017/12/29 8:48:22阅读数:76 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 1.—What is your major —_______________ A. Li Mei B. A fresh man C. Education 2. – I can show you around, if you like. – ________________. A. I can’t wait. B. Sure. Thank you. C. Let’s go. 3.— Hi, Tom, how"s everything w ith you — ________, and how are you A. Don"t mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks 4. —Are you ready to take a rid e in my new sports car —________________. A. I don’t like your sports car. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. No, I won’t. 5.—________________. — Less than 50 miles per hour. A. How fast were you driving B. Were you driving north C. How was the road 二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. The case happened _________ T uesday afternoon. B. on 7. The train is running fifty mi les ______. A. an hour B. the hour C. a hour 8. You"ll _________ have your ow n room. A. all B. each C. both 9. Well, I heard him _________ h e"d cover the afternoon shift. A. say B. said C. to say 10. Jim is one of the most popul ar ________ in my company. A.classmates B.citizens C.col leagues 11. The gunman stood ________ the th eater and shoot at the audience insi de. A.at the front of B.in front o f C.on front of 12. Tom is good at playing ________ piano. A.a B.an C.the 13. He did not ________ on my propos al about the new project. A.recommend B.comment C.comma nd


中学新生入学摸底考试 英语试题 (满分100分,时间30分钟) 第一部分选择题 (共55分) 注意:请把第一部分所有题目(1—45小题)的答案全部填写到第3页的《选择题答题表》中相对应的题号后面,只把答案写到原题上的不得分。 一、单项选择。把答案填写在《选择题答题表》中。(每小题1分,共25分) 1. __________ is a panda. A. This B. That’s C. What’s D. How 2. —How are you ? —_______________ A. How are you? B. Yes, I am C. Nice to meet you. D. Fine, thank you. 3. __________ colour is your pencil? A. How B. What C. This D. Who 4. Can you __________ a bike over there? A. spell B. help C. see D. look 5. Does Wu Yifan __________ in the country? A. live B. lives C. living D. lived 6. He cleaned __________ bedroom this morning. A. he B. his C. he’s D. him 7. The drivers must stop at the _________ light. A. green B. yellow C. red D. white 8. ___________. Is this Dongying Shiyan Middle School? A. Excuse me B. Pardon C. I’m sorry D. Sorry 9. —I have a sore throat. —_____________ A. Excuse me. B. You are sad. C. That’s OK. D. I am sorry to hear that. 10. —Where are you going this weekend? —I’m going to __________. A. Shanghai B. by plane C. with my parents D. in the morning 11. How many __________ are there in the classroom? A. boy B. girl C. boy and girl D. boys and girls 12. —__________ is your phone number? —My phone number is 59821678. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Where 13. Do you like __________? A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. swim, too 14. This is my uncle. He _________ in a company now. A. works B. work C. working D. worked 15. —____________? —Yes, please. I want some eggs.


初一英语期中测试题 (考试时间:100分钟,满分:150分) 第一部分听力(30分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. A B C ( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C ( )4. A B C ( )5. A B C

II 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )6. A. He wants to watch TV. B. He is watching TV. C. He washes clothes for his mother. ( )7. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he does. ( )8. A. By bike. B. Twice a week. C. Two times. ( )9. A. Sure, I will. B. OK. Let’t go. C. Come on! ( )10. A. Pictures. B. Coke. C. Geography. Ⅲ. 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。每段对话读两遍。(10分) ( )11. Wang Li’s bike is new. ( )12. Wang Li usually walks to school. ( )13. She has six classes every day. ( )14. She likes Chinese best. ( )15. She usually watches TV after school. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(10分) ( )16. What time is it now? A. It’s 5:00 a. m. B. It’s 4:30 p. m. C. It’s 5:00 p. m. ( )17. Are the students having their classes now? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. We don’t know. ( )18. What is Jane doing? A. She is dancing in the gym. B. She is having a class. C. She is singing in the music room. ( )19. Where is Lanlan? A. She is in the gym. B. She is on the playground. C. She is in the classroom. ( )20. What are the boys doing? A. They are playing computer games. B. They are playing football on the playground. C. They are having a physics class. 第二部分英语知识运用(90分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(20分) ( )1.—_____ does your mother usually go to the office? —By bus. A. Where B. What C. How D. When ( )2.—Hi, Lily. Happy New Year! —_____ A. Thank you. B. Thank you all the same. C. I’m OK. D. The same to you. ( )3.—May I use your bike? —_____ A. Of course not. B. Of course. Here you are.


广东省普通话水平测试试题(样卷)编号:0000 注意:测试开始,请先念出您的姓名、考号、单位和试卷编号 一、朗读单音节字词(100个) 披饿街歌日坡 雪科缩册麻旅季池利思砸租撇奶 蛆漱碑藕镖勺 雁瞟剜臊 月套歪跳位摔 药岁篮桥 爹怀财袄拽否 暂钩串蚌 癣闩秦碱裆刑晕脓润凝 电夏矿软先准 信人花群 罐嫩权狂翁坑 巷荒绒增 腮哑哇铐釉淌 庸舔迥佛

奖跟寸脏冬山走二上牛 二、读多音节字词语 存在窗户抽象尾 巴老板 同盟聘请扰乱绿 化耳朵 苹果纠正承认庄 稼恳切 耍弄蘑菇角色暴 虐会计 大伙儿非常美好否 则解放 隧道快餐脉搏墨 水落选 左右突击批准蜜 蜂有点儿

喧嚷时光小曲儿司法善良 名牌儿现代化委员会轻描淡写没准儿沉醉干净应当紧 张财富 普通话水平测试的内容范围和试卷 《普通话水平测试大纲》规定:普通话水平测试的内容包括普通话语音、词汇和语法。 普通话水平测试的范围由国家普通话水平测试中心编制的《普通话水平测试实施纲要》(以下简称《实施纲要》)所确定,其中《普通话水平测试用普通话词语表》共收录词语17055个(其中“表一”词语6595条表二词语10460条);《普通话水平测试用朗读作品》共收录作品60篇;《普通话水平测试用话题》提供了30个说话话题;此外还有《普通话水平测试用普通话与方言词语对照表》《普通话水平测试用普通话与方言常见语法差异对照表》。 普通话水平测试的试卷根据《普通话水平测试大纲》规定的规则从上述内容中随机选配而成。国家普通话测试中心对普通话水平测试计算机制卷系统所制成的试卷进行审核后,下发全国供普通话水平测试用。 普通话水平测试的内容范围和试卷(新大纲) 普通话水平测试试卷样卷一(五个测试项) 一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时分钟) 哑 铸染亭后挽敬疮游


Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1. I don't think this string can (Suggested first letter(s): with ) 2.These containers are made of materials that are 腐蚀). (Suggested first letter(s): res ) 3. Both dogs were chains that made noise each time they moved. (Suggested first letter(s): fas ) 4. The teacher drew a long, blackboard. (Suggested first letter(s): hor ) 5.Alice always keeps an English-Chinese dictionary (Suggested first letter(s): ha ) 6.Nowadays the accountants in enterprises use computers to calculate the cost of production with (Suggested first letter(s): acc ) 7. The 图示) represents the


普通话水平测试的内容范围和试卷 《普通话水平测试大纲》规定:普通话水平测试的内容包括普通话语音、词汇和语法。 普通话水平测试的范围由国家普通话水平测试中心编制的《普通话水平测试实施纲要》(以下简称《实施纲要》)所确定,其中《普通话水平测试用普通话词语表》共收录词语17055个(其中“表一”词语6595条表二词语10460条);《普通话水平测试用朗读作品》共收录作品60篇;《普通话水平测试用话题》提供了30个说话话题;此外还有《普通话水平测试用普通话与方言词语对照表》《普通话水平测试用普通话与方言常见语法差异对照表》。 普通话水平测试的试卷根据《普通话水平测试大纲》规定的规则从上述内容中随机选配而成。国家普通话测试中心对普通话水平测试计算机制卷系统所制成的试卷进行审核后,下发全国供普通话水平测试用。 普通话水平测试的内容范围和试卷(新大纲) 普通话水平测试试卷样卷一(五个测试项) 一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时3.5分钟) 铸染亭后挽敬疮游君凑 稳掐酱椰铂峰碰暖扑龙 碍离鸟瘸滨盒专此艘雪 肥薰表嫡迁套滇砌藻刷 滚杂倦垦屈所惯实屡弓拿物粉葵躺肉 日帆萌寡猫窘内雄葬夸 戴罗并摧狂饱沈贤润麻养盘自您 仲账焦哑虎乖魄而伞 蛙铁扯栽坏虽硫宣密承

二、读多音节词语(100个音节,共20分,限时2.5分钟) 勾画刚才松软半截儿穷人吵嘴乒乓球 少女篡夺牛顿沉默富翁傻子持续 佛像被窝儿全部乳汁对照家伙灭亡 连绵小腿原则外国戏法儿侵略咏叹调 愉快撒谎下来昆虫意思声明患者 未曾感慨老头儿群体红娘觉得排演 赞美运输抓紧儿童症状机灵昂首 三、选择判断(共10分,限时3分钟) 1.词语判断:请判断并读出下列各组中的普通话词语 (1) 勿断不断么断无停 (2) 吹牛三吹牛车大炮吹大炮戮口 (3) 窿欸洞窿 (4) 叶飞子蝴蝶尾页蝴蝶子 (5) 盲公摸目欸盲人青盲的 (6) 忍不住忍唔住熬勿牢 (7) 脸都里哈腮喙角 腮 (8) 骹头坞膝盖馒头头膝头骨 (9) 幼儿细哥欸幼囝细人子小小囡 (10)呢便这边即爿个边 2.量词、名词搭配:请搭配并读出下列符合普通话规范的量名短语(例如:一条——鱼) 条把件匹扇头(量词) 菜刀礼物提琴窗户羊大衣绸缎牛布屏风(名词) 3.语序或表达形式判断:请判断并读出下列各组中的普通话语句 (1) A.这座山有一千九五米高。 B.这座山有一千九百五十米高。 C.这座山有千九五米高。 (2) A.他还耍起在。 B.他还玩着呢。 (3) A.把桌子搬开了。 B.把桌子搬转了。 (4) A.你站站好。


英语测试题及答案 为大家收集的英语测试题及答案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语测试题及答案1 I. 单项选择(15分) 1. Mr Johnson _________ a child at the start of the 1950s. A. is B. are C. was D. were 2. -How about the young lady? -It’s hard to say, but her voice _________ beautiful. A. sounds B. hears C. listens D. smells 3. The temperature was below zero. It was difficult to _________ the car. A. move B. got C. begin D. start 4. John Lennon and Paul _________ the main songwriters of the Beatles in 1960s. A. are B. is C. was D. were 5. -What do you usually do on Sundays? -We _________ at the guitar group. A. enjoy B. have good times C. enjoy ourselves D. like ourselves 6. -May I help you with some jeans, sir? -Yes, I’d like to try on the blue _________. A. pair B. one C. two D. ones 7. More and more people in Beijing can talk and write _________


长郡中学高一新生入学考试英语试卷(答案) 考生须知: 1、本试卷共五个大题,总分100分,考试时间90分钟,请将答案做在答题卷上。 2、答题前,先用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题卷规定位置上填写姓名、考场号、座位号。 一、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. __ Excuse me, to the nearest post office, please ? __ Go straight and take the second turning on the left. A. where the way is B. which the way is C. where is the way D. which is the way ll come for second time. 2. Changsha is most beautiful city and I beIieve I’ A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the 3. — Oh, I'm hungry. Mum, can I have the hamburger on the plate? —No. It tastes A. terribly B.terrible C. good D. well ; 4. —What's the best way of losing weight? — . A.why not playing games? B.why don’t you play games? C. I advise you to playing games D. You'd better to play games. 5. When I dropped in, Dr Smith ,so we only had time for a few words. A. just left B、was Just leaving C. has just left D. had just left 6. —lt‘s a secret between us. Don't tell anybody. —Sure, . A. I do B. I don't C. I will D. I won't 7. —What a beautiful watch! Is it new? —No, I have it for 2 year. A、had B、sold C、borrowed D、bought 8. Her hobby is taking photos collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers. A. either ; or B. both; and C. not only ; but also D. neither ;nor 9. The students here after school yesterday. A. have seen to play B.were seen to play C. were seen play D.have been seen palying 10.—May I put my bike here? —No, you you should put it Over there. A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D.won't 11.—How about going shopping this weekend ? —Sorry,dear,I prerfe rather than . A.to stay at home ; go out " B, to go out; stay at home C. going out ;stay at home D.staying at home ; go


一:听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语,每个句子读一遍(5分) ( ) 1. A. Term B. Tape C. Time ( ) 2. A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner ( ) 3. A. Show B. Shower C. Hour ( ) 4. A. 7:30 B. 6:13 C. 6:30 ( ) 5. A. Gets home B. Gets up C. Gets dressed 二: 听下面五段对话,每段对话后面有一个小题.请根据对话内容选出一个最佳选项,每段对话读一遍.(5分) ( ) 6. What time does Tom usually get up? A. At 6:15 B. At 6:25 C. At 6:45 ( ) 7. What does Mike usually do after school? A. He does his homework. B. He plays games. C. He plays sports. ( ) 8. When does Peter watch TV? A. On weekends. B. On weekdays. C. Every evening ( ) 9. What does Jim’s sister do at about 7:40 in the evening? A. She does her homework. B. She watches TV. C. She takes a shower. ( ) 10. When does Tim go to school? A. At 6:50 B. At 7:10 C. At 7:30 三: 听下面一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,选出最佳选项,短文读 两遍。(10分)


广东省普通话水平测试规程及内容广东省普通话水平测试规程及内容本学期的普通话水平测试时间还没出来,按上年的来看,估计是在 10 月份进行考试,开学初进行报名,大家可以利用暑假的时间好好地准备一下? 规程一、报名(一)应试人持有效身份证在户口(或单位)所在地的测试机构报名(或由所在单位集体报名),并按规定缴交测试费。(二)应试人填写报名表,按规定缴交本人近期小一寸彩色证件照。(三)接受报名的测试机构负责安排测试的时间和地点。 二、考场(一)测试机构负责安排考场。指定考场负责人和测试业务负责人。配备测试所需的性能良好的录音设备和其他用品。(二)测试站考场应相对固定,环境要整洁肃静,标志要清晰明显。(三)考场设候测室、备测室、测试室。候测室为应试人集中报到、等候之用。每场可按人数安排一个或多个房间。备测室为应试人按试题要求准备测试之用。同一室可根据具体情况安排一个或多个测试组。测试室为现场测试之用。每室只安排一个测试组。每组配备测试员 2-3 人,工作人员 1 人。(四)考场须严格分离已测人员和候测、备测人员。三、试卷(一)试卷由省语言文字工作部门统一提供。(二)试卷由专人负责,各环节经手人均应签名。(三)试卷限于当天当场(上午或下午)使用。每场使用的试卷不得少于 8 套。同一考场同一时间的不同测试组可使用相同试卷。上、下午使用不同试卷。(四)每场测试按实际需要封装试卷。测试前 30 分钟向测试员分发试卷。(五)每场测试结束,要当即清点回收试卷,统一封存或销毁,不得泄露遗失。四、测试(一)测试严格按《普通话水平测试大纲》规定执行。一个测试组每天工作量不得超过 35 人。(二)考场测试员和工作人员须佩带印有姓名、编号和本人照片的胸卡,严格遵守纪律,认真履行职责。(三)应试人持准考证和有效身份证按时到指定考场报到,听候考场安排抽题备测,备测时间应不少于 10 分钟。(四)进行测试时,测试室只允许 1 名应试人在场。(五)测试员对应试人身份核对无误后,引导应试人进入测试程序。(六)测试各项目应紧凑进行,不得无故中断测试。(七)测试全程录音。包括:应试人姓名、考号、单位、试卷编号以及全部测试内容。不能缺头少尾。录音应声音清晰,音量适中、便于复查。同一人的录音应在录音带的同一面(A 或 B 面),不得跨面、跨盒录音。


初一新生入学摸底英语测试卷 第一部分:基础知识(30分) I.字母。(5分) 1.英语中26个字母分为元音字母和辅音字母。五个元音字母是 __ __ __ __ __(大小写形式。) 2.⑥⑦按字母表的顺序写出从Ii 到Oo 之间字母的大小写形式 Ii ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Oo II.词汇(5分) 1.按要求写单词。 ①for ( 同音词) _______)②yes (反义词) _______ ③do not (缩写形式)_______ ④foot( 复数)________ ⑤is (过去式) _______ 2.把下列的单词加一个, 减一个或变一个字母变成另一个单词。 ①good ______ ②our _______ ③here _______ ④eight ______ ⑤thank_______ 3.英汉互译。 ①打开你的书_____________ ②起床____________ ③踢足球_______________ ④wash your face ____________ ⑤say goodbye _______________ III. 句子(10分) 1. 连词成句。(注意大小写及标点符号。) ①to , you , meet , nice ( ! )________________________ ②your , where , book , is ( ? )________________________ ③teacher , our , he , is ( ? )______________________ ④to, to , I , go , want , school ( . )_________________________ ⑤is, an, there, the, apple, desk, on ( . )_________________________ 2. 改错。 ①I is a Chinese student.__________________ ②Tom is 12 year old._________________ ③This is a English book._________________ ④My sister can singing English songs very well. _______________________________________ ⑤My mother is a doctor , he works hard. ______________________________ 第二部分:知识运用(30分) I.单项选择题。将所选序号填入括号内。(10分) ( )1. I want to see the animals . I’m going to the _______.
