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1. —Which of those radios sounds _________ ?

The smallest one.

A? good B. well C. belter IX best

2. du? teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are

teachers ?

A. A number of i women

B. A number of i woman

C? The number of: women D? The number of; woman

3. It will us several years to learn a foreign language well.

A. cost

B. take

C. spend 1).use

4. - It must be John who is in the office.

— IF jiure it be John? I

snw him off at the railway station jusi twenty minuter


A. won * i

B. mustn*!

C. can^t I).needn

5. If you can,t decide which of the two novels to borrow? why don f l you take _______________ ? I

won read I hem this month.

A? bolh B. all C. any T). either


A ? boughi B. to buy C. buying

7. —Did you give Dick a call?

~ I dicln ,t need to _______ I' 11 §皂e him soon.

K (x )(l idea to drive for four hours vithout

A. a ; a

B. thei the

C. a; the

D. the ; a

9. 1 find this computer game _________ to play.

A. enough easy

B. easy enough

C. enough easily

D. easily enough 10. Xiao Li said she would rather _________ join us.

A. did not

B. to not

C. not

D. not to

1 L — 1 Icllo! Can I ^peak to Mr White?

Sorry, he isn T i here right now ? He __________ to the theme park ? A. will go B. was going

C ? has gene

D. has been

Mr Lin gave the texibooks to all the students ________ the ones who had already taken

them. A. except R. including

C. among

IX with

13. They

the train until it disappeared in llie dstance ?

A. saw

B. watched

C. noticed

D. realized

14. The old lady didn't know

_ _ when the house raught fire.

A ? how to do

B. how to do it

C ? what to do

IX what to do it

15. — Excuse mc ? sir. Is the swimming pool open all day?

— _______ ? (>nly from 6? 30 p. m. to 9. 30 p. m. A. Yc“ of course B. That f 5 right

C. Sorry ? I'm not sure

D. Sorry ? I'm afraid not

二、完形填空 先通读卜血的短文?学握兀大意.然肩在毎小题所给的四个选项中?选出可以垃


Jean i> a brighi young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good college and has everything ihat money can buy. The 16_is that the people in J Jean is quilt? 17 .

So Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ. She likes being anonymous (匿名的)? talking to people who do noi )8 about her famous family and hei rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lol of friends who she 19 with quite often.

Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and hr lived in New York. I )“vid was full of stories and jokes ? He and Jean had a 20 interest in rock nuisic and nuxlern dance

D. been bough I

A ? when

B though I ), because

break. 12.

? So they always spent hours talking happily on QQ and sometimes


英说试題第3页(共S 页)

I hey even 21 the time. Of course they wanted to know more about each other. Do vid sc.nl her a picture of himself: He was a tall* good-looking young man with a big? happy smile ?

22 lime weni by. they became good friends and ofien seni cards and small things to each other. When Jean* s father told her that he going on a business trip to New York, she

23 him to lei her go with him. so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would 24 him the latest DVD of their favourite rock singer ? But when she knocked on David f s door in New York, she found that the special friend she had 25 io was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.

16. A. reason B. problem C. question D. truth

17. A. proud B. delightful C.

l onelv ? D. alone 1& A. think B. tell C.

c are D. know 19. A. meets B. works c. 讥uy”

D. connects 20. A. common B. different c. s ame I ). mixed 21. A. lost B. forgot ?

c. c host D. watched 22. A. So

B. Because c. As I ).

Siner 23. A. allowed B. promised c. asked D. liked 21. A. lend B. return c. r ecommend D. take 25. A. wri urn

B. listened

c. s aid

【)? replied

三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文?然后根据短文内容选出赧佳选项?并金答题M 上将该项涂黑. (本大题共30分?每小题2分)


This was one of the interesting games I liked l )esi when I was a little girl. My si>icrs and I used to play it for hours at a time.

Wv had twenty six hmall pieces of cardboard. On each of these wc had printed a letter of the alphabet (字付表).More we started to play, we decided what the game would be about ? us

imagine that wc chose to play animals. ()n

the cards and turn over one of iliem. If tlu- lclRr on the :a rd happened to be (、■ wc would try to ihink. as quickly as possible, of mn animal which began with C ? such as cai ? cow? camel and so on. The one who first gave the name of the animal received that card. Thiw WAS done with each of the twen!y->>ix cards. In the end the person who had ihe mosi cards won the

27. How many cards do you need lo win the game?

A. All.

None. B. Half.

1). More than anyone else has.

28. Why did lhe writer and her sisters like the game very much?

game ?

26. Which of the following drawings is like


A. Il helped them lo know more about animals.

B? li helped lheni io rvtnembvr the names of animals

C. 丁hey could learn something while they had a good time.

D. They were working hard at English.


/Xboui nien in every hundred suffer from colour blindness in some way. Women are luckier. Only about one in iwo hundred is affected in this matter. So some people say it is safer to be driven by women?

There are different forms of colour blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red? He may think that red. orange and yellow are all shades (色)of green. Sometimes a p<*rson cannot tell the difference between blue and grecn? In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green—a strange world indeed.

C'olour blindness in humans is a strange thing to explain? In our eyes there are millions of very

small things called **cones w. These help us to see in a bright light and to tell

differences between colours. There are also million、of **rods M9 but these are used for seeing whtn ii 15 nearly dark. They show us shapes but no colour.

Some insects have favoutite colours. Mosquitoes (蚊子)like blue but do not like yellow? A

red light will not attract insects^ but a blue lamp will. In a similar way humans

also have favourite colours. Ycl we are lucky? With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colours by day? and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. ()nc day we may even learn more about the invisible (看不见的)colours around us.

29. With the lu*lp of the cones* we can ?

A. see in a weak light B? tell different shapes

C. kill mosquitoes I), tell orange from yellow

30. Why do some people sny it is safer to be driven by women?

A? Women are more careful.

B. Phere arc fewer colour blind women?

(、?All of them see everything in shades of green.

1). None of them has trouble in nxognizing(识别)colours.

31. Thiz passage is mainly alx)ui ______ .

A. colour and its surprising effects

B. danger caused by colour blindness

C. colour blindness

D. (he invisible colours around us


Do you think there is loo much noise in our city? If you live near an airport ? you will be unhiippy 血cauz a plane often makes a loud noise. The sound of planes or heavy vehicles is likely to cause

deafness if heard continuously (不斷地).

However, most people in our city do not seem to mind noise. They like to enjoy music when they arc doing unintcrcsling job*. Il is a new danger because pop music, when played through powerful amplifiers (放大器)? can reach 120 decibels (分贝)at a distance of five


(eel. \ cominuoiis noise of over 85 decibels can cause denfness. Il was discovered ihat nutny young people in ?\inerira could hear no better than 65-year-old people.

hi tl)v pa5t wv used u> ihink that only workcr> in very noisy places would become deaf. Eor example? when newspapers and books arc being printed? the noise level is over 85 (Itcibvls. and some

of thr workers become deaf. Today< however> scientists believe that 10 percent of Hie workers in Britain are being

Sotnetinies noi^v of less rh?n 85 decibels can make s<)nu people tirc-d and stressed? Wv all know that loo much noise makes life difficult and unpleasant? 1( can do great harm io people's health and prevent people from working well. Workers in noisy offices are not as efficient (效率爲的)as those in quiet offices. Noise makes people less efficient. Can anything be done to reduce or control noise?

hi Britain the government has made several hws to reduce noise? Though the government has spent a lot of money in making airports and main roads(|uieter? many people think that there are still not enough laws. For exampl?t there are no laws to control the noise of machities. In Japaiu America arid Norway there are such laws. Az a result. workers CHII be given conipensauon (賠偿)if they become deaf.

Some? workers l>c-comv deaf because of _______ .

A. luird work

B. a continuous noise of over 85 decibels

(\ powerful amplifiers I)/ uninteresting jobs

3S? Noise below the level of 85 decibels ?”

A. can afkci some peopled moods

B. c annot do any harm

(*. can cause sudden deafness D. c an make office workers efficient

:In Britain there are laws to ____________ .

A. slop workers from becoming deaf

B. control lhe noise of machines

(、? keep down noise 1). help deaf workers in need

35. Who can bv given compensation if they become deaf?

A. American workers.

13. British workers.

(*. }5o〔h American workers and British workers?

[). None of ihc above answers.


Mary picked up a pencil and a piece of paper, sayings "Now. you want to earn money for the autumn camping trip* righi?" Tom. her brother, nodded. He wasnable to go Iasi y<-ar because be hadn' t earned enough money during the summer. This year he came up with a plan.

He made a necklace for his mother that everyone admired?丁h<*y were surprised (o learn ihai

Tom had made it for her? Why not make more necklaces and sell them?

