

第二单元Unit 2

方法和技巧(1)Methods and Skills (1)





(1) Today, technology has made us all virtual neighbors.


(2) As you build a new China, America wants to build a new relationship with you;We want China to be successful, secure and open, working with us for a more peaceful and prosperous world.


(3) In the 21st century----your century----China and the United States will face the challenge of security in Asia.


(4) One of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, once said: “Our critics are our friends, for they show us our faults.”

美国的奠基者之一, 本杰明﹒弗兰克林曾经说过:“批评我们的人就是我们的朋友,因为他们指出了我们的错误。”


(1) 首先,请允许我代表在座的,向我们的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和真诚的问候。

First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all present here, to extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests.

(2) 虽然我们来自不同的背景,说不同的语言,但是,我相信我们将通过对体育的共同热爱找到共同的语言和共同的友谊。

Although we come from many different backgrounds and speak many different languages, I am sure we shall find a common language and mutual friendship through our joint interest in sports.

(3) 我相信中国的改革开放和稳定会给亚欧国家的商界带来可观的投资和贸易良机。

I am convinced that China's reform, open up and stability will provide the business community of Asian and European countries with tremendous investment and trade opportunities.

(4) 我们将坚持“和平统一”和“一国两制”的基本原则。

We shall adhere to the basic principles of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems”.

(5) 我们的干部要能上能下

Our cadres should be ready to go up and equally ready to go down.


1. 主语+系动词+表语

2. 主语+不及物动词

3. 主语+及物动词+宾语

4. 主语+及物动词+双宾语(间接宾语和直接宾语)

5. 主语+及物动词+复合宾语(宾语和宾语补足语)

6. There +系动词+主语


(1) As you said in your toast, the Chinese people are a great people;the American people are a great people. If our two peoples are enemies, the future of this world we share together is dark indeed.


(2) The distance between our two nations, indeed between any nations, is shrinking.


(3) Over the past week, we have seen the glory of China’s past in Xi’an, the vibrancy of its present in Beijing, the promise of its future in Shanghai and Hong Kong.


(4) On behalf of all the members of my delegation, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their gracious hospitality we have received.


(5) So I hope we will have many more Americans coming here to study, many more Americans coming here to be tourists, many more Americans coming here to do business.


(6) There is no reason for us to be enemies.



(1) 实现祖国完全统一是全中国人民的共同心愿。

To realize complete reunification of the motherland is the shared aspiration of the entire Chinese people.

(2) 我们生活在一个多极化的世界里。

We are living in a world of diversity.

(3) 我们坚持独立自主的和平外交政策。

We consistently pursued an independent foreign policy.

(4) 昨天,我参观了国际商用机器公司、美国电话电报公司和贝尔实验室,领略了当代


My visit to IBM, AT & T and the Bell laboratory yesterday gave me some first-hand

knowledge of the latest success in modern science and technology.

(5) 今天,正在为实现现代化而奋斗的中国人民,把改革开放作为一项基本国策。

Today the Chinese people who are struggling to achieve modernization have made the

opening–up a basic policy.

(6) 九届全国人大有女代表650人,占代表总数的21.82%。

There are 650 women deputies to the Ninth National People’s Congress, accounting for 21.82

per cent of the total.


建设有中国特色的社会主义build socialism with Chinese characteristics

加快改革开放的步伐quicken the pace of reform and opening-up

全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放opening up in all direction, at all levels and in a wide range 经济特区special economic zone

经济开发区economic development zone

中国西部大开发large-scale development in west China

经济腾飞economic take-off

知识经济knowledge economy


引进外资introduce foreign capital

竞争机制competition mechanism

外资企业foreign-funded enterprise

合资企业joint venture

独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprise

私人企业private business

个体户self-employed businessman

炒股buying and selling shares

股民share holders

新兴产业emerging industry

高科技产品high-tech product

退耕还林(草)return cultivated land to forests or pastures

封山育林close off hillsides to facilitate forestation

一国两制one country, two systems

香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administration Region ( HKSAR )

政府机构改革restructure of government institutions

反腐败fight corruption /anti-corruption

廉政建设build a clean and honest government

公共关系public relation

人民公仆servant of the people

扶贫计划help-the-poor programs

打假anti fraud

扫黄打非eliminate the sale and production of pornographic and illegal publications

跨世纪人才cross-century talented people


购物中心shopping center

连锁店chain store

娱乐中心entertainment center


保健食品healthy food

度假村holiday villa




1. 肯定与否定的反译。英汉互译中,某些英语否定句、双重否定句或介词结构可以用汉语的肯定句来表示。而英语的肯定式同样可以用汉语的否定式来表示。例如:

(1) It has given us not a little trouble


(2) He is no other than the professional talent we are looking for.


(3) You couldn’t turn on television without seeing a woman advertising for some cosmetics.


(4) You will fail unless you work hard.


(5) This is the last thing we wish to see.


(6) Several times she wanted to tell him what had happened, but her courage failed her.


2. 其他反译。除了肯定与否定,反译也用于时间先后、不同位置、不同角度之间的互译。例如:

(1) After you please.


(2) He never went to bed before 12 o’clock.


(3) More tests should be conducted before we can come to a conclusion.


(4) She sat there, her chin cupped in her hands.






Queen’s English 女王的英语标准英语

small talk 小声交谈闲聊

sandwichman 卖三明治的人夹板广告员

queer fish 怪鱼怪人

black sheep 黑羊害群之马

lame duck 跛鸭落选的议员

Home Secretary 家庭秘书(英国的)内务大臣

at the eleventh hour 在第11点钟最后时刻

Wet paint! 湿油漆!油漆未干!

Keep off the lawn! 离开草坪!请勿践踏草坪!

I will show you the ropes. 我给你看些绳子我教你做法

You’d better go to se e a doctor. 你最好去看医生。你最好去看病。

He always tries to keep up 他总在极力追赶琼斯。他总在和周围的人攀比。

with the Joneses.



拳头产品fist products competitive products / knock-out products

三角债triangle debts chain debts

经济作物economic crops cash crops / industrial crops

外向经济outward economy export-oriented economy

向钱看looking at money money-oriented / money grubbing / money mad

最高限价highest price ceiling price

认购recognize and buy offer to buy / subscribe

素质教育quality education education for all-round development


直译:make China’s economy go to the world market

意译:make China’s economy more competitive on the world market / make China a more ac tive economic player in the world


直译:make China’s economy be linked with international economy

意译:bring China’s economy more in line with international practice


直译:achieve the goal of a little comfortable life

意译:achieve the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life

有着五千年文明史的中华民族文化博大精深,从古到今总有一些我们民族自己独有的东西。这些东西在英语里很难找到对应的词语来表达。比如,我国传统建筑里的很多东西都是我们民族独有的,英语里是没有对应词语的。它们的英译都是采用意译法。例如:斗拱结构a system of brackets inserted between the top of a column and a crossbeam

牌楼decorated archway

牌坊memorial archway


酒楼wine shop

戏楼theater stage

吊脚楼wooden house projecting over the water

四合院courtyard with houses on the four sides;Chinese courtyard houses

窑洞cave dwelling


北京烤鸭roasted Beijing duck

香酥鸡crisp fried chicken

醋溜子鸡fried spring chicken with vinegar sauce

糖醋黄鱼sweet and sour yellow croaker

清蒸鲑鱼steamed mandarin fish

清炖甲鱼braised turtle in clear soup

茄汁鱼丸fried fish balls with tomato sauce

青椒肉片fried sliced pork and green pepper

鱼香肉丝fish-flavored shredded pork in hot sauce

鲜菇大虾fried prawn with fresh mush rooms

荷叶粉蒸肉steamed flour-coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves

煨牛肉simmered beef

涮羊肉instant boiled mutton


五香牛肉spiced beef

葫芦鸡roasted whole chicken

松鼠黄鱼sweet and sour fried croaker in a squirrel shape

红烧狮子头stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce

芙蓉虾仁shrimps with egg white

麻婆豆腐spicy bean curd in Sichuan style

八宝糕eight-treasure pudding

什锦炒饭fried rice with ten ingredients

炸酱面noodles in Beijing style

扬州炒饭fried rice in Yangzhou style

凉面cold noodles with sesame sauce


元宵sweet dumpling

馄饨dumpling soup

油条deep fried dough sticks

花卷steamed roll

锅贴fried dumpling

包子steamed stuffed bun

窝窝头steamed corn bread

烧饼sesame seed cake


三个人品字式坐下, 闲聊了一会儿. The three men sat facing each other and talking for a while. 秦始皇兵马俑一号坑呈长方形,二号坑呈曲尺形,三号坑呈“凹”字型。三个坑呈“品”字型排列。可译为:

Pit No. 1 of Emperor Qin Shihuang’s terra cotta warriors and horses is oblong in shape. Pit No. 2 is “L”-shaped and No. 3 is “U”-shaped. The three pits are arranged in a triangle.

汉武帝的陵墓形如复斗。The mausoleum of Emperor Wudi of Han dynasty was constructed in a ladder shape.



太和殿Hall of Supreme Harmony / Hall of Grand Harmony

中和殿Hall of Central Harmony

保和殿Hall of Preserving Harmony

养性殿Hall of Mental Cultivation

乾清宫Palace of Heavenly Purity

宁寿宫Palace of Peace and Longevity

长春宫Palace of Eternal Spring

储秀宫Palace of Gathering Excellence

大观园Garden of Grand View/ Grand View Garden

德和园Garden of Harmonious Virtue

拙政园Garden of Humble Administrator

乐寿堂Hall of Happiness and Longevity

大慈悲寺Temple of Great Mercy

慈恩寺Temple of Thanksgiving

献福寺Temple of Offering Happiness

独秀峰Peak of Unique Beauty

天都峰Heavenly Capital Peak

五老峰Five Old Men Peak

大雁塔Big Wild Goose Pagoda

六和塔Pagoda of Six Harmonies

爱晚亭Love Dusk Pavilion

陶然亭Joyous Pavilion

万佛洞Cave of Ten Thousand Buddhist Figures

紫云洞Purple Cloud Cave

龙隐洞Hidden Dragon Cave

烟霞洞Cave of Morning Mist and Sunset Glow


语言作为文化的一部分代代相传。汉英两种语言在其发展过程中都蕴含着各自丰富的文化信息,文化特征和文化背景。因此,口译的成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员对双方文化和社会背景的理解和熟知程度。口译中,遇到涉及交际双方社会和文化背景知识时,译员要根据听众的具体情况,加以必要的解释或补充说明,以提高口译效果, 这就是增译。比如,在口译以下英语词语和句子时最好加以补充说明。

the two Houses of American government 美国政府参、众两院

The Golden State 金山州——美国加州

Paradise of the Pacific 太平洋上的天堂——美国夏威夷州

The Sunshine State 阳光州——美国佛罗里达州

The Big Apple 大苹果——美国纽约市

The Motor City 汽车城——美国底特律市

The Film Capital of the World 世界影都——美国好莱坞

Broadway in Manhattan 曼哈顿的百老汇——美国纽约曼哈顿区的一条大街,以有名的


Wall Street in New York 华尔街——美国纽约市的一街道名,以金融业聚集而著称。“General Sherman” in Sequoia National Park 谢尔曼将军——美国加州红杉国家公园中一棵最高,树龄最长的巨杉树。

the two Houses of British government 英国政府上、下两院

Shadow Cabinet 英国政府的影子内阁,即在野党内阁

Speakers’ Corner 英国伦敦海德公园的讲演者之角,人们在这里可以发表任何内容的演说。Soapbox orators 肥皂箱上的演说家——指讲演者之角那些站在自带肥皂箱之类的东西


Democracy on the Soapbox 肥皂箱上的民主——指站在肥皂箱上发表的自由演说

Downing Street 唐宁街——英国伦敦首相官邸和政府主要部门所在地,即英国政府

Fleet Street 舰队街——英国伦敦一街道名,以报业集中而著称,指伦敦新闻界,伦敦报业Lombard Street 伦巴第街——伦敦金融中心,现指英国金融界、金融市场



人大the National People’s Congress, China’s highest legislative body

政协the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China's top advisory and supervisory body

四个现代化the four modernizations; that is the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology

双百方针the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend in academic activities, art and literature sphere

希望工程Project Hope, a project aiming at assisting school dropouts in poverty-stricken areas by raising funds from all social organizations and individuals at home and abroad.

改革开放以后出现了很多有特定含义的汉语新词语。如果只按字面直译,不加解释和说明,外国人很难理解,甚至会产生严重误解。比如,如果把“五讲、四美、三热爱”不加解释,只按字面直译为“five stresses,four beauties and three loves” 外国人很可能理解为“...四个美人,三个情人” 之类的意思,因而感到莫名其妙。为了避免误解,比较准确地表达原意,这个短语的英译应加以解释和补充,译成“five stresses,four points of beauty and three aspects of love;that is stress on decorum,manners,hygiene,discipline,and morals;beauty of the mind,language,behavior and the environment;love of the motherland,socialism and the Communist Party.”这样效果就好多了。以下词语的英译都是采用增译法:

“两个文明”一起抓to place equal emphasis on both material advancement and ethical progress “三个代表” Three represents----The Communist Party of China always represents the requirement of the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.

培养“四有公民”to train people to be citizens with high ideas, moral integrity, a good education and strong sense of discipline

对干部进行“三讲”教育to educate the cadres on the importance of study, raising political awareness and ensuring honesty and integrity.

抓大放小to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; to focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves

安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents

“五个一工程” the Fiv e-one Program/ Project ( one good book, one good play, one good film, one good TV drama, and one or several creative and persuasive/convincing articles)


改革开放以来since the implementation of reform and open policy in 1979

建国以来since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949

五四运动the May Fourth Movement, a great anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement which took place on May fourth, 1919

炎黄子孙the descendants /offspring of Yandi and Huangdi, the two earliest chiefs of the Chinese nation and all the Chinese people are descendants of Yandi and Huangdi

秦始皇Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China who unified China in 220 BC

白居易Bai Juyi, a famous Chinese poet of Tang Dynasty in the 8th century

春节Spring Festival, the traditional Chinese New Year, which falls on the first day of the first month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

中秋节the Mid-autumn Festival, a traditional festival of family reunion, which falls on fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.

龙舟节the Dragon Boat Festival which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, the great poet and patriotic figure of the State of Chu during the Warring State period.

泼水节Water-Sprinkling Festival, a big festival for the Dai Nationality to wish everyone happiness by splashing water to each other


口译中,有时需要通过增加或删减词语, 达到最好的修辞效果。例如:

The private colleges vary greatly in standard and reputation, from the world-famous, and select to the cranky and the obscure.

私立院校的水平与声誉彼此相差甚远,从举世闻名, 出类拔萃到动荡不稳或默默无闻。

此句的汉译增加了词语,特别是恰当地运用了汉语的四字格的修辞手段,译文生动多了。China has a great tradition. It has huge resources. It has enormous strength of will and spirit.


此句的汉译删去了两个重复的“ It has…”, 汉语既简练又流畅。


1 Unit5元素周期表 As our picture of the atom becomes more detailed 随着我们对原子的描述越来越详尽,我们发现我们陷入了进退两难之境。有超过100多中元素要处理,我们怎么能记的住所有的信息?有一种方法就是使用元素周期表。这个周期表包含元素的所有信息。它记录了元素中所含的质子数和电子数,它能让我们算出大多数元素的同位素的中子数。它甚至有各个元素原子的电子怎么排列。最神奇的是,周期表是在人们不知道原子中存在质子、中子和电子的情况下发明的。Not long after Dalton presented his model for atom( )在道尔顿提出他的原子模型(原子是是一个不可分割的粒子,其质量决定了它的身份)不久,化学家门开始根据原子的质量将原子列表。在制定像这些元素表时候,他们观察到在元素中的格局分布。例如,人们可以清楚的看到在具体间隔的元素有着相似的性质。在当时知道的大约60种元素中,第二个和第九个表现出相似的性质,第三个和第十个,第四个和第十一个等都具有相似的性质。 In 1869,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev,a Russian chemist, 在1869年,Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev ,一个俄罗斯的化学家,发表了他的元素周期表。Mendeleev通过考虑原子重量和元素的某些特性的周期性准备了他的周期表。这些元素的排列顺序先是按原子质量的增加,,一些情况中, Mendeleev把稍微重写的元素放在轻的那个前面.他这样做只是为了同一列中的元素能具有相似的性质.例如,他把碲(原子质量为128)防在碘(原子质量为127)前面因为碲性质上和硫磺和硒相似, 而碘和氯和溴相似. Mendeleev left a number of gaps in his table.Instead of Mendeleev在他的周期表中留下了一些空白。他非但没有将那些空白看成是缺憾,反而大胆的预测还存在着仍未被发现的元素。更进一步,他甚至预测出那些一些缺失元素的性质出来。在接下来的几年里,随着新元素的发现,里面的许多空格都被填满。这些性质也和Mendeleev所预测的极为接近。这巨大创新的预计值导致了Mendeleev的周期表为人们所接受。 It is known that properties of an element depend mainly on the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of the atoms of the element. 我们现在所知道的元素的性质主要取决于元素原子最外层能量能级的电子数。钠原子最外层能量能级(第三层)有一个电子,锂原子最外层能量能级(第二层)有一个电子。钠和锂的化学性质相似。氦原子和氖原子外层能级上是满的,这两种都是惰性气体,也就是他们不容易进行化学反应。很明显,有着相同电子结构(电子分布)的元素的不仅有着相似的化学性质,而且某些结构也表现比其他元素稳定(不那么活泼) In Mendeleev’s table,the elements were arranged by atomic weights for 在Mendeleev的表中,元素大部分是按照原子数来排列的,这个排列揭示了化学性质的周期性。因为电子数决定元素的化学性质,电子数也应该(现在也确实)决定周期表的顺序。在现代的周期表中,元素是根据原子质量来排列的。记住,这个数字表示了在元素的中性原子中的质子数和电子数。现在的周期表是按照原子数的递增排列,Mendeleev的周期表是按照原子质量的递增排列,彼此平行是由于原子量的增加。只有在一些情况下(Mendeleev注释的那样)重量和顺序不符合。因为原子质量是质子和中子质量的加和,故原子量并不完全随原子序数的增加而增加。原子序数低的原子的中子数有可能比原子序数高的原


增进相互了解Enhance mutual understanding

protracted struggles 长期奋斗 peace-oriented 以和平为宗旨的staunch force 坚定力量 讲话remarks 开幕式opening ceremony 代表on behalf of

共商大计for this important discussion on 世界互联网大会World Internet Conference 各位嘉宾all participants 表示热烈的祝贺express warm congratulations on 多次来过乌镇visitedWuzhen on several occasions 感到亲切、熟悉,感到耳目 一新 both familiar and new 促进gave a strong boost to 创客creator 智慧旅游smart tourism 网上医院online hospital 刮目相看find new in many ways 焕发出新的魅力added a new, fascinating dimension to the charm of 网络化、智慧化的乌镇Internet-empowered and smart town 传统和现代、人文和科技融合发展的生动写照a vivid example of what can be achieved by combining tradition with modernity and integrating culture with science 缩影showcases 体现reflects 全球互联网共享发展的理念the global Internet development is indeed shared by all 纵观世界文明史Looking at the history of world civilizations 农业革命、工业革命、信息革命agricultural, industrial and information revolutions 带来巨大而深刻的影响has a great and profound impact on 日新月异experiencing rapid changes with each passing day 社会生产social production 扩展新领域opened new horizons 国家治理state governance 认识世界、改造世界understand and shape the world “鸡犬之声相闻”的地球村a global village where distance no longer prevents people from interacting with each other and communication is made easier than ever before


( 实习报告 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 商务英语专业笔译员实习报告 A practical report of business English professional translators

商务英语专业笔译员实习报告 商务英语专业笔译员实习报告 一、实习目的 1.通过本次实习使我能够从理论回到实践,更好的实现理论和实践的结合,为以后的工作和学习奠定初步的知识,使我能够亲身感受到由一个学生转变到一个职业商务英语笔译工作者的过程。 二、实习内容 2012年6月中下旬开始在本校内为期2个星期左右的商务英语笔译的实习,起初我对笔译还不是太了解,选择笔译是基于我对笔译工作的特别爱好。商务英语笔译是一项需要耐心和精力的工作,它是以商务方面的资料为依据,要求翻译者对其进行全面,准确,快速的翻译,语言要表达准确,意思清晰。由于商务英语笔译的翻译材料大部分都是非文学的,例如合同,客户资料,商业等专业性

文件,所以它的要求就更为严格,苛刻,同时又必须符合“信,达,雅”的原则,难度相当的大,其中要用到大量的专业术语,范围不仅仅包括我们平时上课时所认识的,更多的需要我们通过各种可行的渠道去查阅,具有很强的专业性。这就要求我们在翻译时要严谨,不能给读者以错觉。 这次实习主要针对商务合同的翻译进行重点突破,花了整整几天的时间才磕磕绊绊的翻译一个合同,感觉到了前所未有的压力,也突出了自己眼高手低的缺点,平时课堂上老师讲的用的寥寥无几,更多的是靠自己查资料来获取准确的信息。其中有些既晦涩又在网上很难查的一般都给不了,这些都给刚开始翻译的我造成了各种各样的阻碍,往往会遇到原文看不懂或者觉得语法别扭不对的情况,这时候需要更大的耐心和毅力,需要坚持,对商务合同中的一些专业术语进行重点突破,查阅各种资料,在网上搜索各种专业术语,一点一滴的翻译,练得多了,慢慢就变的更加熟悉了,速度和质量慢慢的有所改善,当然和真正意义的笔译质量还是有相当的差距的。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。商务英语笔译也同样如此,它需要


Unit 1 The RootsofChemistry I.Comprehension. 1。C 2. B3.D 4. C 5. B II。Make asentence out of each item by rearranging the wordsin brackets. 1.Thepurification of anorganic compoundis usually a matter of considerabledifficulty, and itis necessary to employ various methods for thispurpose。 2.Science is an ever-increasing body ofaccumulated and systematized knowledge and isalsoan activity bywhic hknowledge isgenerated。 3.Life,after all, is only chemistry,in fact, a small example of c hemistry observed onasingle mundane planet。 4.Peopleare made of molecules; someof themolecules in p eople are rather simple whereas othersarehighly complex。 5.Chemistry isever presentin ourlives from birth todeathbecause without chemistrythere isneither life nor death. 6.Mathematics appears to be almost as humankindand al so permeatesall aspects of human life, although manyof us are notfully awareofthis. III。Translation. 1.(a)chemicalprocess (b) natural science(c)the techni que of distillation 2.Itis theatoms that makeupiron, water,oxygen and the like/andso on/andsoforth/and otherwise. 3.Chemistry hasa very long history, infact,human a ctivity in chemistrygoes back to prerecorded times/predating recorded times. 4.According to/Fromthe evaporation ofwater,people know /realized that liquidscan turn/be/changeinto gases undercertain conditions/circumstance/environment。 5.Youmustknow the propertiesofthe materialbefore y ou use it. IV.Translation 化学是三种基础自然科学之一,另外两种是物理和生物.自从宇宙大爆炸以来,化学过程持续进行,甚至地球上生命的出现可能也是化学过程的结果。人们也许认为生命是三步进化的最终结果,第一步非常快,其余两步相当慢.这三步


新闻时政短语英文翻译汇总(一) 1.to foster a culture of clean government 廉政文化建设 2. the implications of social harmony the characteristics of harmonious society 和谐社会的内涵 3. scientific outlook on development 科学发展观 4. harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony 和谐共赢 5. social assistance (aid) system 社会救助体系 6. become increasingly prosperous 日益昌盛maintain prolonged stability 长治久安 7. enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness 增强综合国力和国际竟争力 8. bring about development and prosperity 实现发展繁荣 9. cadre and personnel system 干部人事制度 10. system of dual control over cadres 干部双重管理体制 11. non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁 12. leadership system against corruption 反腐败领导体制 13. outdated governance 不合时宜的社会治理模式 14. urban social security system 城镇社会保障体系 15. new thinking on energy development 新能源观 16. innovation-oriented country 创新型国家 17. foster integration with the global economy 促进全球经济一体化 18. export processing zone 出口加工区 19. maintain prolonged stability 长治久安 20. the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities 党的民族政策 21. Party and government organs 党政机关 22. duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法 23. system of public servants 公务员制度


商务英语实习计划 【篇一:ziji商务英语毕业实习计划】 外语外贸学院商务英语专业毕业实习计划 1 【篇二:商务英语专业实习总结】 这次的专业实习让我受益匪浅,收获颇多。专业实习的主要目的是要 培养我们理论联系实际,综合运用所学基础知识、基本理论和技能,独立分析、解决问题的能力。在大学的第三学年,实习是一个很重 要的环节,对我们以后的工作实习也有一定的帮助。所以,我们要 端正态度,认真对待这次的专业实习。 我们的主要任务是以英译汉为主,文章涉及经济,政治,人文,和 生活等方面。在翻译中遇到的许多问题与困难,说明在漫漫的英语 学习过程中我还要继续努力。学如逆水行舟,不进则退,只要每天 我认真学习了,那就是一种进步。人生总归会有许多挫折,但我们 若不跨过这道坎,就不会有进步,滞留不前。我们要用有限的生命 创造无限的价值,勇敢面对每一个挑战。 英译汉,首先遇到的一个问题就是透彻地理解原文。看一篇东西, 可以有不同的目的。若为获取信息,抓住大意就可以了。若是为了 消遣,那就可以看懂多少算多少。若是为了翻译,那就非透彻理解 原文不可。有时似乎觉得懂了,但翻译起来还是不知如何下手,究 其原因,可能仍是未能真正理解原文。在这种情况下,若勉强去译,便会采取机械的办法,逐字翻译,许多错误的译法就是这样产生的。就在第三周学校请来的李老师为我们所作的讲座中,他提到了关于business一词的不同用法,当出现在“i mean business.”中,句子 表示“我是认真的,”当出现在“business administration”中,这个 词组表示“工商管理。”这充分说明了一个词用在不同的场合会有不 同的含义,我们不能只想到自己最熟悉的那个词的含义,而要充分 利用上下文,依靠能够获得的相关信息,判断出词的确切含义。若 想避免这样的误译,可以倒回去,把译文和原文对照一下,看它是 否和原文的意思相吻合。在遇到习语时,更要勤查词典。 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地 表达出来的语言行为。当然纸上谈兵是无稽之谈,光有理论知识而 不实践操作也是没有用的。有位翻译家这么说过,“学翻译犹如学游


黄冈师范学院 2009—2010学年度第一学期期末试卷考试课程:专业英语考核类型:考试A卷 考试形式:闭卷出卷教师:杨一思 考试专业:化学考试班级:应用化学200601 一、Translate the following into English(20 points) 1.过滤 2.浓缩 3.结晶化 4.吸附 5. 蒸馏6.超临界的 7.二氯甲烷 8.热力学平衡 9.亲电性 10.表面张力 11.共轭的 12.酮 13.平衡常数 14.丙基 15.丁基 16.亚甲基 18.环己酮 19.同位素 20.标准熵 二、Translate the following into Chinese(20 points) 1. methyl propanoate 2. rate constant 3. ethyl methyl ketone 4. free energy 5. radical intermediate 6. isobutyl methyl ether 7. 3-chloropropene 8. primary radical 9. n-propyl bromide 10. bond energy 11. circulating electrons 12. local magnetic fields 13. tetramethylsilane 14. mass to charge ratios 15 phenylamine 16 amide 17. amine 18. nucleophile 19. perchlorate 20. carbocation 三、Translation the following into chinese (40 points) A卷【第1页共 3 页】


5.2 请改译下列译文(时政翻译) 1. 严格依法治税,做到应收尽收,堵塞“跑、冒、滴、漏”。 原译:We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration so that all taxes due are collected and “running, fake, dropping and leaking taxes”are prevented. 改译:We need to strictly abide by law in tax administration so that all taxes due are collected and tax evasion and fraud are prevented. 2. 我们妥善处理了改革、发展、稳定这三者的关系。 原译:We have balanced the relationships among the three factors of reform, development and stability. 改译:We have balanced reform, development and stability. 3. 农村剩余劳动力的转移又大力推动了工业的发展。 原译:The shift of redundant rural labor vigorously stimulated industrial development. 改译:The shift of surplus farm(rural)labor stimulated(boost/ invigorate/ galvanize)industrial development. vigorously develop/ push= stimulate / boost/ invigorate/ galvanize 4. 建设一支高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部队伍。 原译:We shall build up a contingent of administrative cadres who are highly competent and professionally specialized. 改译:We shall build up a contingent of administrators / executives who are highly competent and professionally specialized. 浦东新区管理委员会 原译:the Pudong New Area Administrative Bureau/ Committee 改译:the Pudong New Area Administration 5. 外国人申请各项签证,应当提供有效护照,必要时提供有关证明。 原译:When applying for various kinds of visas, aliens shall present effective passports and, if necessary, provide pertinent evidences. 改译:When applying for various visas, aliens shall present valid passports and, if necessary, provide pertinent evidence. 6. 这件事对我们的伙伴关系会带来负面影响。 原译:It will have negative impact on our relations of partnership. 改译:It will have negative impact on our partnership. 7. 本办法所称的土地使用费,系指使用土地资源性质的费用,不包括征地拆迁安置费用和基础设施建设费用。 原译:The land use fees mentioned in these Procedures refer to the fees for the use of land resources only and do not include expenditures with regard to requisition of land, demolition of buildings, resettlement of families and basic infrastructure construction. 改译:The land use fees mentioned in these Procedures refer to the fees/ones for the use of


商务英语笔译个人实习总结 1.通过本次实习使我能够从理论回到实践,更好的实现理论和实践的结合,为以后的工作和学习奠定初步的知识,使我能够亲身感受到由一个学生转变到一个职业商务英语笔译工作者的过程。 XX年6月中下旬开始在本校内为期2个星期左右的商务英语笔译的实习,起初我对笔译还不是太了解,选择笔译是基于我对笔译工作的特别爱好。商务英语笔译是一项需要耐心和精力的工作,它是以商务方面的资料为依据,要求翻译者对其进行全面,准确,快速的翻译,语言要表达准确,意思清晰。由于商务英语笔译的翻译材料大部分都是非文学的,例如合同,客户资料,商业等专业性文件,所以它的要求就更为严格,苛刻,同时又必须符合“信,达,雅”的原则,难度相当的大,其中要用到大量的专业术语,范围不仅仅包括我们平时上课时所认识的,更多的需要我们通过各种可行的渠道去查阅,具有很强的专业性。这就要求我们在翻译时要严谨,不能给读者以错觉。 这次实习主要针对商务合同的翻译进行重点突破,花了整整几天的时间才磕磕绊绊的翻译一个合同,感觉到了前所未有的压力,也突出了自己眼高手低的缺点,平时课堂上老师讲的用的寥寥无几,更多的是靠自己查资料来获取准确的信息。其中有些既晦涩又在网上很难查的一般都给不了,这

些都给刚开始翻译的我造成了各种各样的阻碍,往往会遇到原文看不懂或者觉得语法别扭不对的情况,这时候需要更大的耐心和毅力,需要坚持,对商务合同中的一些专业术语进行重点突破,查阅各种资料,在网上搜索各种专业术语,一点一滴的翻译,练得多了,慢慢就变的更加熟悉了,速度和质量慢慢的有所改善,当然和真正意义的笔译质量还是有相当的差距的。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。商务英语笔译也同样如此,它需要通过大量的网上资料和翻译软件来进行协助翻译,因此在掌握商务英语基础的同时,电脑成为了我们读取翻译资料的利器。在实习的过程中我们不难发现,其实很多相当一部分的专业术语需要我们通过电脑来进行翻译,来完成,基于此我们也有必要掌握一些简单的电脑知识和电脑软件,例如Word文档等等。看来要作为一名合格的笔译工作者,电脑知识也是其必要的一个方面。 在实习的过程中常常出现翻译质量不合格的问题,这些对我们初步介入笔译领域的初学者是司空见惯的,没必要害怕,但同时是必须要引起我们的重视的,所谓熟能生巧,这个工作就更要求我们不断的进行练习,不断的进行知识积累。这次实习对我们来说就是一个十分难得的机会,辅导老师给我们的作用也是希望我们能有更多的机会去接触并练习商务英语笔译,这些都有助于我们提高翻译水平和翻译质量。


Unit10 Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons碳氢化合物的命名 Alkanes烷烃 理想的,每一种化合物都应该由一个明确描述它的结构的名称,并且通过这一名称能够画出它的结构式。为了这一目的,全世界的化学家接受了世界纯粹与应用化学会(IUPAC)建立的一系列规则。这个系统就是IUPAC系统,或称为日内瓦系统,因为IUPAC的第一次会议是在瑞士日内瓦召开的。不含支链的烷烃的IUPAC命名包括两部分(1)表明链中碳原子数目的前缀;(2)后缀-ane,表明化合物是烷烃。用于表示1至20个碳原子的前缀见表 表中前4个前缀是由IUPAC选择的,因为它们早已在有机化学中确定了。实际上,它们甚至早在它们成为规则之下的结构理论的暗示之前,它们的地位就确定了。例如,在丁酸中出现的前缀but-,一种表示在白脱脂中存在的四个碳原子的化合物(拉丁语butyrum白脱(黄油))。表示5个或更多碳原子的词根来源于希腊或拉丁词根。 含取代基的烷烃的IUPAC名称由母体名称和取代基名称组成,母体名称代表化合物的最长碳链,取代基名称代表连接在主链上的基团。 来源于烷烃的取代基称为烷基。字母R-被广泛用来表示烷烃的存在.烷烃的命名是去掉原烷基名称中的-ane加上后缀-yl。例如,烷基CH3CH2-称为乙基。 CH3-CH3乙烷(原碳氢化合物)CH3CH2-乙基(一个烷基) 下面是IUPAC的烷烃命名规则: 1. 饱和碳氢化合物称为烷烃。 2. 对有支链的碳氢化合物,最长的碳链作为主链,IUPAC命名按此主链命名。 3. 连接在主链上的基团称为取代基。每一取代基有一名称和一数字.这一数字表示取代基连接在主链上的碳原子的位置。 4. 如果有多于一个的相同取代基,要给出表示支链位置的每个数字。而且,表示支链数目的数字由前缀di-,tri-,tetra-,penta-等表示。 5. 如果有一个取代基,主链碳原子编号从靠近支链的一端开始,使支链位号最小。如果有两个或多个取代基,支链从能使第一个取代基位次较小的一侧编号。 6. 如果有两个或多个取代基,它们按字母顺序排列。当排列取代基时,前缀iso-(异)和neo-(新)也按字母排列,前缀sec-(仲)和tert-(特)在字母排列中忽略 此外,按字母排列取代基时,表示倍数的前缀2,3,4等也被忽略。 Alkenes烯烃 烷烃的碳原子间只有单键。烯烃在两个碳原子间有双键(两个键)。考虑到两个碳原子间以双键相连。因为双键用去了两个碳原子的共4个电子。所以只剩下4个电子以供成


英语翻译时事政治短语 按照客观规律和科学规律办事act in compliance with objective and scientific laws 八个坚持、八个反对eight do’s and eight don’ts 八项主张eight-point proposal 保持昂扬向上的精神状态be filled with an enterprising spirit 保证中央的政令畅通ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried o ut without fail 标本兼治address both the symptoms and root causes 不确定因素uncertainties 参政议政participation in and deliberation of state affairs 长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe 长治久安maintain prolonged stability 长治久安maintain prolonged stability 崇尚科学respect and promote science 传播先进文化spread advanced culture 传统安全威胁traditional threats to security 从严治军the army must be strict with itself 党的领导方式the Party’s style of leadership 党的民族政策the Party’s policy toward ethnic minorities 党的侨务政策the Party’s policy toward overseas Chinese affairs 党的宗教信仰自由政策the Party’s policy toward the freedom of religious belief 党风廉政建设责任制responsibility system for improving the Party’s work style a nd building clean government 党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting opinions concerning major


这次的专业实习让我受益匪浅,收获颇多。专业实习的主要目的是要培养我们理论联系实际,综合运用所学基础知识、基本理论和技能,独立分析、解决问题的能力。在大学的第三学年,实习是一个很重要的环节,对我们以后的工作实习也有一定的帮助。所以,我们要端正态度,认真对待这次的专业实习。 我们的主要任务是以英译汉为主,文章涉及经济,政治,人文,和生活等方面。在翻译中遇到的许多问题与困难,说明在漫漫的英语学习过程中我还要继续努力。学如逆水行舟,不进则退,只要每天我认真学习了,那就是一种进步。人生总归会有许多挫折,但我们若不跨过这道坎,就不会有进步,滞留不前。我们要用有限的生命创造无限的价值,勇敢面对每一个挑战。 英译汉,首先遇到的一个问题就是透彻地理解原文。看一篇东西,可以有不同的目的。若为获取信息,抓住大意就可以了。若是为了消遣,那就可以看懂多少算多少。若是为了翻译,那就非透彻理解原文不可。有时似乎觉得懂了,但翻译起来还是不知如何下手,究其原因,可能仍是未能真正理解原文。在这种情况下,若勉强去译,便会采取机械的办法,逐字翻译,许多错误的译法就是这样产生的。就在第三周学校请来的李老师为我们所作的讲座中,他提到了关于business一词的不同用法,当出现在“I mean business.”中,句子表示“我是认真的,”当出现在“business administration”中,这个词组表示“工商管理。”这充分说明了一个词用在不同的场合会有不同的含义,我们不能只想到自己最熟悉的那个词的含义,而要充分利用上下文,依靠能够获得的相关信息,判断出词的确切含义。若想避免这样的误译,可以倒回去,把译文和原文对照一下,看它是否和原文的意思相吻合。在遇到习语时,更要勤查词典。 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地表达出来的语言行为。当然纸上谈兵是无稽之谈,光有理论知识而不实践操作也是没有用的。有位翻译家这么说过,“学翻译犹如学游泳。只在岸边看别人游,或只听教练讲解,是学不会的。”所以要想提高自己的翻译能力,一定要通过实践。实践可以分为两类,直接的实践和间接的实践。 所谓直接的实践,就是自己亲身参加的实践,也就是自己动手翻译。一回生,二回熟,日积月累,第一手经验多了,做起来得心应手,翻译能力有所提高。所谓“熟能生巧”,就是这个道理。但自己能译的东西是有限的,从这种实践中得出的经验也是有限的。因此,还需要借助于间接的实践。 所谓间接的实践,就是研究别人的译文。比如,一篇文章在手,准备翻译,这时先找一些有关的资料或同类文章的译文看一看,在词语和风格方面定会有所借鉴。别人的译文是别人直接实践的产物,看了别人的译文,就是从事间接实践。从总结经验的角度来看,直接实践和间接实践具有同等的价值。因此,有空的时候,找一些译文来,尤其是好的译文,加以研究,总结出一些规律性的东西,对于提高自己的翻译能力是大有好处的。 有时我们会把注意力过多地集中在原文的字面上,并不深入思考原作者要表达的是什么意思,翻译起来就参照原文的说法,把英文词换上汉字,稍微调整一下顺序就完事了。这样的译文,不是歪曲原意,就是词不达意,或者听着别扭,不像中文。 要想翻译意思,必须先弄清楚原文的意思。这个时候,我们要问自己:作者说的是什么?作者的意思是什么?只有弄明白这些问题,才抓住了作者所要表达的意思。这时动手翻译,才能真心做到翻译意思。在这次的实习翻译中,我总结出3个翻译意思的方法:第一,深入考虑关键词语的含义,也就是要恰当选词。我们常常喜欢在一个英语词和一个汉语词之间划等号,对一个词的某一个意思印象较深,一见这个词,首先想到这个意思。这就会妨碍我们深入考虑这个词在这个上下文里的含义。 二.充分发挥汉语的表达力。中华文化历史悠久,中西方思考方式不同,所以英语译成汉语,要符合我们东方人的语言习惯,这样才能看得舒服,读得也舒服。 总之,要想提供好的译文,弄清原文的意思之后,不能逐字照译,而要把原文撇开,反复思索怎样才能最好地把这个意思用汉语表达出来。词语怎样处理,语序如何改变,结构怎


10级应用化学(2)班郑禄春 B2010063224 Lessen 24 ChemicalReactions Conservation of mass and energy(质量与能量守恒) Two conservation laws(定律) applyto allchemical reactions: E nergy can neither be created nor destroyed, andmattercanneither be created nor destroyed. Thus the atoms taking part in a chemical reaction may be rearranged, but all the atoms present in the reactan ts must also be present in the products, and the totalmass of the reactants must equal thetotalmass ofthe products. 化学反应 质量守恒和能量守恒 两个守恒定律(定律)适用于所有的化学反应:能量既不能创造也不能消灭,物质也不能创造也不能消灭。因此原子参与化学反应可能重新安排,但所有的原子出现在反应物必须包含在产品,反应物的总质量必须等于生产物的总质量。 What is a chemical reaction? A chemicalreaction occurs when substances (the reactants) collide (碰撞)with enough energy torearrange to form different c ompounds (the products). The change in energy that occurs when a reaction take place is described by thermodynamics(热力学)andt he rate or speed at which a reactionoccursis described by kinetics (动力学) . Reactions in which the reactantsand productscoexist are considered to be in equilibrium(处于平衡). A chemical equation consists of the chemical formula(化学式)of the rea ctants, and the chemical formula of the products. The twoare separated byan → usually read as“yields”andeach chemical formula is separated from others by a plus sign (加号). Sometime s a triangle is drawn over the arrow symbol todenote energy must be addedto the substances for the reaction to begin. Each chemical formula may be preceded by a scalar(数量的) coefficientindicating the proportion (比例) of that substance necessary to produce the reaction in formula. Forinstance, theformula for the burning of methane(CH4 + 2O2 →CO2 + 2H2O) indicates that twice as much O2 as CH4 is needed, and when they react, twiceas much H2O as CO2 will be produced. This is because during the reaction,each atom of carbon needs exactly two atoms of oxygen to combine with, to produce the CO2, and every twoatoms of hydrogen need an atom of oxygen tocombine withto produce theH2O. If the proportions of the reactantsare not respected, when they are forced toreact, either not all ofthe substance used willparticipate in the re action, or the reaction that will take place willbe different from the one notedin the equation.. 什么是化学反应 一个化学反应发生在物质(反应物)碰撞有足够的能量去重新排列,形成不同的化合物(产品)。当反应发


1.经济的快速发展the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard 3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为It is commonly b elieved/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少be indispensable to … 19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exception 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on… 22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon 25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation 27. 开阔眼界widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision 28.学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills 29.经济/心理负担financial burden / psychological burden 30.考虑到诸多因素take many factors into account/ consideration 31. 从另一个角度from another perspective 32.做出共同努力make joint efforts 33. 对…有益be benefici al / conducive to… 34.为社会做贡献make contributions to the society 35.打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for… 36.综合素质comprehensive quality 37.无可非议blameless / beyond reproach 39.致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to… 40. 应当承认Admittedly, 41.不可推卸的义务unshakable duty 42. 满足需求satisfy/ meet the needs of… 43.可靠的信息源a reliable source of information 44.宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources
