





The president of the company,together with the workers,are planning a conference for the purpose of solving financial problems.

句中主语的主词为单数名词“president”,介词短语“together with the workers”与主语无关,是插入成分,故谓语动词应用单数is



如many,several,a number of,a variety of等等,就要变成复数形式。例:

Computer,as we all know,has many possible use in different fields.




A knowledge of several languages is essential to other majors' study because

without them one can read books only in translation.

本句中without them指的是没有几门语言的知识。them错指a knowledge of several languages,因为其中knowledge是中心词,所以要把them改为it




He can’t remember what he once knows.



在CET-6综合改错题中最常见的语态错误是被动语态被误用为主动语态。因为汉语表达习惯上有时不加“被”字也能表示被动,因而考生对被动语态不敏感。另外,不及物动词不能携带宾语,因而也就没有被动语态。例:She was very angry at not telling the truth when she listened to the account.

句意:当她听这个叙述的时候,她很生气没有被告知真相。这里“她”是被告诉的对象,因而telling应改为being told




We strongly suggest that Henry is told about his physical condition as soon as possible.

句中动词suggest之后的从句应用虚拟语气,故“is”应改为“be”或“should be”。类似的动词还有demand,insist,order



Science is the production of new knowledge that can be applied or not,since technology is the application of knowledge to the production of some products,machinery or the like.




Microwave ovens are generally more costlier than common ovens.

此句costly是形容词,意思是“昂贵的”。它的比较级形式是more costly。costlier是错误的形式,须改成costly。



Computer analyzed marketing reports can help deciding which products to emphasize now,which to develop for the future,and which to be dropped.

本句中三个平行成份which products to emphasize now,which to develop和which to be dropped结构模式应该一致,均采用不定式主动语态,因而to be dropped应改为to drop



The idea that learn a foreign language is hard work is realized by every student.

分析句子结构可知:the idea是主语;is realized是谓语部分;that引导同位语从句。从句中learn a foreign language是主语,而learn是动词形式,应改为动名词“learning



例:It also takes rise to a blurring of the distinction between science and technology.

句中“takes rise to”是错误搭配,应把“takes”改为gives。“give rise to”是固定表达,有“引起、导致”的意思。考生需要平时积累动介词、动副词等



例:We are not necessary capable of doing such an exacting job.




例:His persistence was awarded when the car finally started.














高考英语短文改错 常见错误类型 高考英语改错题是考生感到棘手的题型之一。笔者对近几年的高考英语改错题作了细致的分析并加以归类后,发现错误类型主要集中在以下方面。(例题保留原题号) 1. 动词时态 每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基本集中在一般过去时与一般现在时之间。时态的更改要以上下文的主体时态为依据。 (1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was... 84. read (and连接并列谓语) (2)(2004江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself... 83. apologized (and连接并列谓语) (3)(2004全国卷)Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class,... 82. talk (根据sometimes可判断此句为一般现在时) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 85. took (把照片寄给你,应该是已经拍好的,用过去时) (5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. 77. is (从上下文判断,应该是现在时,谓语用is) (6)(2005江苏卷)We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. 76. kept (and连接并列谓语) 2. 名词单复数 单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成份;二是根据上下文的逻辑关系。 (1)(2003全国卷)Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85. words (是把word改为words 还是把were改为was,根据名词前的修饰限定词their来决定。) (2)(2004江苏)that was a dinner we had waited for several month. 85. months (several修饰复数名词) (3)(2004全国卷Ⅰ)a few minute on the Internet. 77. minutes (a few修饰复数名词) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)But one and a half year later. 79. years (one and a half意思为一年半,故判断此处year应为复数形式) (5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work... 76. advantages (从there are 判断应该用名词复数) 3. 句子结构 句子结构方面的错误范围庞大,解答高考英语改错题主要可以从以下几方面来思考:1)句子结构是否完整,成份是否冗缺;2)单词的词性与其在句中的功能是否相符;3)主谓一致;4)复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词或引导词的运用是否得当等。 (1)(2004 全国卷)I won’t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. 78. because/as (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (2)(2004 全国卷Ⅱ)I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. 81. why (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (3)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)For the most part, students working to earn money for their own use. 78. work (缺谓语动词) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. 79. allows (主语是动名词短语Earning their own money,谓语应该用单数) (5)(2005江苏卷)But the most wonderful thing about Jack were his musical ability. 84. was


懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越怀疑。 —罗兰 英语六级改错题策略 1、一致性方面的错误 1)主谓一致 主谓不一致错误是CET-6综合改错题内容之一,主要表现为主语名词与谓语动词间隔较长, 首尾不能相接,造成视觉上的混淆。 例:The president of the company,together with the workers, are planning a conference for the purpose of solving financial problems. 句中主语的主词为单数名词“president”,介词短语“together with the workers”与主语无关,是插入成分,故谓语动词应用单数is。 2)名词单复数 有时名词可以不用复数,但是在特定的句子中由于前面有明确的量词修饰,如many,several, a number of, a variety of等等,就要变成复数形式。 例:Computer,as we all know,has many possible use in different fields. 句中名词use前的修饰语many是用来修饰复数名词的,所以use应改为uses。 3)代词与先行词一致 代词的主要功能是指代已出现的名词、词组或一个意群,因此代词的出现必须有所指,而且形、数等必须与前面所代的部份相符。这是代词改错的核心。 例:A knowledge of several languages is essential to other majors' study because without them one can read books only in translation.? 本句中without them指的是没有几门语言的知识。them错指a knowledge of several languages,因为其中knowledge是中心词,所以要把them改为it。 2、时态、语态、虚拟语气 1)时态错误 在一篇结构完整、语义连续的短文中,时态的使用也应该连贯一致,但是英语表示时间时,主句和从句时态可能不一致,却仍表明完整正确的意思。这就要求考生对英语敏感,准确判断句中动作的时态。 例:He can't remember what he once knows. 主句用的是一般现在时,宾语从句中有once(从前)作为明显的时间状语,因而从句中动词应用过去时knew。 2)语态错误 在CET-6综合改错题中最常见的语态错误是被动语态被误用为主动语态。因为汉语表达习惯上有时不加“被”字也能表示被动,因而考生对被动语态不敏感。另外,不及物动词不能携带宾语,因而也就没有被动语态。 例:She was very angry at not telling the truth when she listened to the account.句意:当她听这个叙述的时候,她很生气没有被告知真相。这里“她”是被告诉的对象 ,因而telling应改为being told。 3)虚拟语气错误 虚拟语气的使用错误在综合改错题中主要表现为主句和从句的语气不协调。 例:We strongly suggest that Henry is told about his physical condition as soon as possible. 句中动词suggest之后的从句应用虚拟语气,故is应改为be或should be。类似的动词还有demand, insist, order 等等。


高考英语短文改错常见错误类型分析 一、记叙文(文章主体时态是一般过去时, 而议论文通常以一般现在时为主) 1. 比较级使用错误 more 跟形容词或副词构成比较级,如more patient and less aggressive(更耐心而少些放肆);than用在形容词或副词比较级之后,如…older than me(……比我更大)。 2. each of 和every one of 用在复数名词或代词之前,然而动词仍用单数。 Each of the houses is slightly different. 每所房子东圃稍有区别。(复数名词:houses) I bought a dozen of eggs and every one of them was bad.(代词复数:them) 我买了一打鸡蛋,每个鸡蛋都是坏的。 3.固定搭配使用错误 did wrong→ went wrong出错;出故障,出毛病;出问题 on particular→in particular尤其;特别cut off(切断;杜绝)→cut down(减少) neither …or→neither…nor for a result→ as a result 结果 share for→share with 和…….分享 4. 代词使用错误(根据上下文的意思来判断,特别注意人称代词前后指代不一致的情况)人称代词宾格(me, us, you, him, her, them)通常放在动词或介词后面作宾语,形容词性物主代词(my, our, your, his, her, their)通常放在名词之前作定语,而名词性物主代词(mine, ours, yours, his ,hers, theirs)通常单独使用 单数复数 it(它)→them(它们), me→us(我们) myself(我自己)→me(我)me→mine(我的……) They→We we→they here(这儿)→there(那儿)your→you 5. 注意名词前面缺少限定词的情况。 ∧parents→ my parents ∧opinion(观点;看法)→ my opinion ∧car→a car such∧great hotel→such a great hotel 6. 引导词或连接词使用错误: which→what though→ because Whenever(无论什么时候)→ Wherever(无论在哪里), anywhere→anyhow(不管怎样), unless(除非,如果……不……)→until(直到……) 7. 时态使用错误 (1) 把一般现在时改为一般过去时tear →tore(撕开、扯下或撕碎) (2) 把一般过去时改为一般现在时seemed→seems(好像;似乎) (3) and表示“并列关系”时,前后动词的时态要保持一致。 walked out of a room a nd leave→left 8. 介词使用错误: “No more toys to you.”→“No more toys for you.” 9. 介词多余: on today(把on删掉)to home(把to删掉)to anywhere(把to删掉)10. 情态动词使用错误(根据上下文意思来判断)must→could, will→would(间接引语)11. 注意ago 与before的区别,“ago”通常和一般过去时态连用,“before”通常和完成时连用。Two years before→ ago,I have been to Paris twice before. 我以前去过巴黎两次。 12. 副词使用错误(1) 副词放在句首,用来修饰整个句子。Unfortunate, ....... →Unfortunately(2) 副词修饰动词,位于动词之后。I pulled out the toy slow→slowly (3) 副词修饰动词,位于动词之前。get good prepared for examinations→ well and see you if you are in seriously trouble→ serious(严重的)


高中英语短文改错常见错误类型有哪些 短文改错是一道拉开分数距离的题,许多同学因为这道题丢了许多分。下面小编就给大家介绍一些高中英语短文改错常见错误类型有哪些,供 大家参考。 ? ?高中英语短文改错常见错误类型1. 谓语动词的错误 是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有①一般现在时与一般过去时错用;②and前后动 词时态不一致;③主谓不一致;④缺少动词,特别是be动词;⑤第三人称单数形式错用;⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。Theydid not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote allmy time to my studies.(did改为do,错误类型属于①) As weclimbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and toldstories. (visiting 改为visited, 错误类型属于②) Therewill an important game next month. (will后加be,错误类型属于④) Oneevening she told me that something happened when her parents wasout. ( was 改为were,错误类型属于③) ?高中英语短文改错常见错误类型2. 名词的常见错误 单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。I’ll get good marks in all mysubject.(subject改为subjects) Theirword were a great encouragement to me.(word改为words) Withoutenough knowledges, you can never teach well.(knowledges改为knowledge) ?高中英语短文改错常见错误类型3. 连词错误 连词包括关系代词、副词,并列连词and/ or/but等。关于连词,一般考查从句关系who/whom/whose/what/which/how/why/when/where/if/whether等。I havea good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. (错用了who的所有格形式,改为whose)


短文改错常见错误类型: 1.动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有 ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用 ② and前后动词时态不一致 ③主谓不一致 ④缺少动词,特别是be动词 ⑤第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 如2014新课标全国卷I Since then—for all these year—we had been allowing tomatoes to self seed where they please. 答案:had改为have 本句的时间状语是all these years,通常和现在完成进行时连用。所以使用have been doing的形式。 如2014新课标全国卷II My dream school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm. There are three lesson in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework. 答案:didn’t改为don’t 本文叙述“我”的梦想学校的情况。根据文章第一句My dream school starts at 8:30 am可知本文基本时态是一般现在时。 如2014新课标全国卷II We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music. 答案:sat改为sit 本句中的or表示选择关系,也是一个并列连词,所以与前面的lie同样都使用动词原形。 如2014四川卷 Today, I am going to talk about what you should do when a fire alarm go off. 答案: go改为goes。本句的主语a fire alarm为单数,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式goes。


大学英语六级改错解题步骤和其口诀 改错是近几年英语六级一种较为固定的考查形式,也是一些考生得分较低、区分度较高的一种题型。对于英语基础知识扎实、成绩优秀的考生来讲,解答此题型可能比较得心应手,而对于英语成绩一般的考生,此题型又可能会使他们望而生畏。在今天很多大学生都希望拿到六级证书以便在今后找工作中更有利,因此考生对此题型也比较重视。下面对短文改错的一些命题特点进行简要分析: 一、短文改错文章选题特点 改错题题型反映了综合型考试由客观题型主导向主观题型主导的必然转换。众所周知,选择题的运气成分约为25%,判断题的运气成分约占50%,而主观题是没有多少运气成分的,除非考生考前正好复习了这个题或准备了这个作文。这种情况的概率不会超过考生人数的5%。改错题是语言运用能力的集中表现,往往不会被押题人命中。该题型既考查词汇、语法、语义,也考查学生的逻辑判断能力。 通过观察近几年短文改错的选材特点看,材料内容贴近考生的实际生活,谈论的都是跟学生的学习和生活有关的话题,多以书信和日记的形式出现,文字浅显易懂,材料中

没有生僻、超纲的词汇,句子结构简单,基本上是简单句和并不复杂的复合句。 二、命题特点 为了提高考生的判别效率,该题明示了每个错误出现的地方(某一句话),这样在十多个单词中考生比较容易找出错误。近几年的大学英语六级考试的改错范围包括:换一个正确或适当词,增加一个适当词,删去一个多余词。换词时先划掉句中的错误词,再把正确词填在句子后的留空处。加词时考生在应添加处用∧符号表明,并将应添加的词列于句子后的留空处。该句子如有多余词要把它删去,答题方式是先在原句中划掉多余词,再把删字符(/)写在句子后的留空处。 考查的重点主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 名词的使用错误; 2. 冠词的使用错误;3. 时态的误用;4. 形容词、副词及其比较级、级的误用;5. 介词的误用;6.代词的误用;7. 词语搭配错误;8. 词性使用错误。 三、解题步骤 1、浏览全文,掌握大意 要求考生把握全篇主旨,弄清上下文的逻辑关系。有时孤立地分析某个句子,其结构正确、语意通顺,但如联系上下文,便会发现该句中有不合逻辑的地方。阅读时,如有


高分攻略:高中英语短文改错十大错误类型及三大解题技巧 “短文改错”题是各类考试中的一个重要题型。尽管该题难度不大,但仍有一些同学在做此类题目时不得要领,因而得分甚少。本文结合高考试题(出处被略去),对“短文改错”题中的常见错误加以分析,从中找出命题者设置错误的规律并介绍一些解题技巧。 一“短文改错”题中的常见错误类型 (一) 名词方面的错误 名词方面的错误多指名词单复数形式的误用,可数名词与不可数名词的错误,名词所有格中“’s”的误置等。例如: 1. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. 2. In summer, the sea under the blue skies is even more beautiful. 3. ... you’ve been settled down in Boston and are getting used to the local ways of life. 4. ... but she marked strictly on student’s actual performance ... (二) 动词方面的错误 动词错误在短文改错中所占比重最大,它所涉及的错误包括动词的时态、语态错误;易混动词的用法错误;动词的第三人称单数错误;动词的非谓语形式,以及动词的句型搭配错误等。在改错题中,动词方面的考查比例较大。例如: 1. The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon ... 2. I just want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person.


36组必背的常用词汇背完你就豁然开朗了 来源:苏郎的日志 1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle 2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize 3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford 4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster 5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness 7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle 8 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative 9 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve 11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge 12 有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental 13 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition 14 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away 15 导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate 16 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this 17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to 18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to 19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out 20 急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably 21平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly


短文改错常见错误类型 一谓语动词的错误 1.一般现在时与一般过去时错用 2.and 前后动词时态不一致 3.主谓不一致 4.缺少动词,特别是be 动词 5.第三人称单数形式错用 6.主动语态和被动语态错用 二名词的常见错误 1.单复数名词错用 2.注意区分名词是可数还是不可数 3.或根据名词前的修饰语或谓语动词的单复数来判断 三连词错误 考点:连词包括关系代词、副词,并列连词and\or\ but等(一般考查从句关系who\whom\whose\ what\ which\ how\why\ when\ where\ if \whether) 四冠词错误 1.误用a 和an (根据单词的音素来判定)。 2.误用a 和the (固定搭配,各自单独使用的地方)。 3.多余的冠词或者少冠词。 五、形容词和副词错误 1.系动词后用形容词。(be, am , is , are ,were, become. Go )感官动词:smell, feel 2.词性的误用:形容词修饰名词副词修饰实义动词、形容词和副词。 六、代词错误 1.代词的主格和宾格:i me he him she her we us they them 2.反身代词:myself yourself himself herself themselves ourselves 3.代词的单数和复数 4.多余的代词和少代词 七、非谓语动词的常见错误 1。不定式,动名词做主语,宾语。 2。And 连接的不定式或动名词前后一致(尤其距离较远时) 3。介词后用动名词、V-ing形式作宾语。 4。某些动词后要求接动名词或者不定式。 八、介词错误 1。词组中的介词误用 2。介词意思理解偏差 3。介词的多用或少用 九、习惯用法要记住 主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识。这也是历年高考的常考点。其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误 十、逻辑错误须关注 1。与句子的上下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,属于逻辑性错误 2。如称谓上的张冠李戴,人名、地名、时间、方位等方面错误,常是这类错误的考察对象。短文改错做题技巧

大学英语 短文改错练习及答案

Language learning begins with listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do after they start speaking, 1.________and the late starters are often long listeners. Most children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word obey is hardly accurate like a discrption of the eager and 2._____delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will ask questions in gesture and by making 3._____ questioning noises. Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words lead to considerable 4._____ difficulties. It is agree that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noise sort themselves out as 5.____ particular indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on. But since 6.___ these can be said to show the baby’s intention to communicate, they can 7._____ hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, from 8.______ about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new sounds to their repertoire. This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds making or words spoken to 9.______ them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point which one 10._____ can say that these imitation can be considered as speech. 1. after -> before 根据上下文逻辑,此处显然指孩子学会说话之前的听力,而非之后。 2.like -> as like和as都有“像”的意思,但是此处要求填入一个具有“作为”之意的词,故将like改为as 3.in -> by 4. lead -> leads 此处句子的主语是上一行的attempt,所以要用动词的第三人称形式。 5.noise -> noises One or two 后修饰的名词按复数对待。 6. particular -> particularly 修饰形容词indicative应该使用副词particularly。 7. can be said -> can not be said 8. from前加that it是句子的形式主语,而后面的from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment才是真正的主语,too是插入语,由于是主语从句,故引导词that不能省略。 9. making -> made 此处指“发出的声音和说的话”,sound与make之间是被动关系。 10. which前加at 定语从句的关系代词指代先行词point,可知从句中缺少的时状语,因此在which前加at。 A “typical”British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, and in recent years there have been many changes in family 1.____ life. Some of these have been caused by new laws and other 2. _____ are the result of changes in society. For example, for the law 3.___ made easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased. 4. ______ In fact, one marriage in every three now end in divorce. This means that 5. ______ there are a lot of one-parent families. Society is now more tolerant than it used to be with unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents. 6._____ Another change has been caused by the fact people are living longer 7. ____ nowadays, and many old people lives alone following the death of their partners. As a cause of these changes in the pattern of people’s lives, there 8.____ are many families consist of only one person or one person and children. .9._____ You might think that marriage and the families are not so popular as they once are. However, the majority of divorced people marry again and they 10._____ sometimes take responsibility for a second family.


短文改错题的十大考查类型和分类训练【高考必备】 01动词错误 动词在考试中占有很大比重。常见的错误类型有: ①时态错用; ②主谓不一致; ③句中有多个动词时,缺少非谓语动词; ④缺少谓语动词,尤其是缺少系动词be; ⑤主动、被动语态错用; ⑥某些词后要求接动名词或不定式; ⑦介词后没用动词-ing。 真题示例 1. All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football. 2019 全国卷Ⅰ 2. They would say to me that playing card games would help my brain. Still I unwilling to play the games with them sometimes. 2018 全国卷Ⅱ 练习

每句中只有一处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 1. She wants you call her back as soon as you are home. 2. My parents allow me to choose between staying at home and take a trip. 3. When I was a child, my family live in Beijing. 4. I’m looking forward to visit the art gallery next week. 5. She will tell you her journey when she get a chance to. 6. Neither he nor I is any the wiser as to the real cause of the accident. 7. This will be a good opportunity exchange experience. 8. I have a new roommate name Louis. 9. What suprised us most there were the beauty of the scenes. 10. The goods she has bought for herself was mostly from the hotel. 11. The English evening has put off till Saturday. 12. There was all sorts of unacceptable behaviour, some of which were so serious that they could have ended up in court. 答案 真题示例 1. say →saying 2. unwilling前加was


改错题要求考生根据对文章的理解,运用语篇、语法和词汇知识,辨认文章中出现的语言错误并加以改正,每个错误的改正仅限于一个单词,一般有以下三种更改形式:1. 改正(correction):将文中错词用斜线“/”划去,然后在其后面对应的下划线上填入正确的词,表示替换该错词。 2. 删除(delete):将文中错词用斜线“/”划去,在其后面对应的下划线上也划一斜线“/”,表示该错词应被删除。 3. 增添(add):在短文中需要添加新词的两个词之间加“∧”号,表示有遗漏,然后在下划线上填入被遗漏的词。【例】Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods.time Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as a school subject are valid for ∧study of television. the 总体而言,改错题的错误类型涵盖词汇用法、语法知识和篇章理解三大方面。具体来说,主要包括以下几种错误: 一、上下文语义矛盾 所谓的“上下文语义矛盾”是指文章前后所表达的意思不一致,甚至正好相反,即根据上下文的内容,应该是表达肯定或积极意义的地方,却误用了表达否定或消极意义的词;或是与此相反,应该是表达否定或消极意义,却误用了表达肯定或积极意义的词。 要识别这类错误,考生必须从宏观上把握全文,注意上下文语义上的衔接与连贯,而不能孤立地看待每个单词或句子。 【例1】(05-12-S3) Initial impressions are vital and a badly presented CV could mean acceptance, regardless of what’s in it. S3. ___________ 【解析】前面提到initial impressions(第一印象)非常重要,那么badly presented(外表很差的)简历不管内容如何,肯定是会被拒绝,而不会被接受,原文中acceptance导致了上下文语义矛盾,应将其改为rejection。 二、缺漏和赘述 一般来说,缺漏或赘述所涉及到的词大都为介词、冠词、代词或连词。赘述可能还涉及到双主语现象或把相近或相同意义的词语叠加在一起的现象。 要识别这类错误,考生应注意以下几点: 1.熟悉常用介词、冠词、代词和连词的用法。 2.注意修饰成份中是否有两个意思相同或相近的词,确认其中一个是否多余。 3.如果句子已有主语,就不能在同一谓语前加上另外的代词或名词,否则便是双主语现象。 【例1】(05-12-S1) We’ve see it all: CVs printed on pink paper, CVs that are 10 pages long and CVs with silly mistakes in first paragraph. S1. __________ 【解析】first在这里作为序数词,修饰paragraph,表示第一段,而序数前应加定冠词the,故应在in和first之间加上the。 【例2】(05-12-S8) If you are sending your CV electronically, check the formatting by sending it to yourself first. Keep up the format simple. S8. __________ 【解析】分析上文可知,keep在此处的含义应该是“保持”,是及物动词,后面后面可


常见错误类型 高考英语改错题是考生感到棘手的题型之一。笔者对近几年的高考英语改错题作了细致的分析并加以归类后,发现错误类型主要集中在以下方面。(例题保留原题号) 1. 动词时态 每年都有时态错误的小题,而且改动基本集中在一般过去时与一般现在时之间。时态的更改要以上下文的主体时态为依据。 (1)(2003全国卷)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was... 84. read (and连接并列谓语) (2)(2004江苏卷)At once I apologize and controlled myself... 83. apologized (and连接并列谓语) (3)(2004全国卷)Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class,... 82. talk (根据sometimes可判断此句为一般现在时) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)I will write again and send you the photos we take together. 85. took (把照片寄给你,应该是已经拍好的,用过去时) (5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. One of them was that they can earn money. 77. is (从上下文判断,应该是现在时,谓语用is) (6)(2005江苏卷)We named him Jack and keep him for about three years. 76. kept (and连接并列谓语) 2. 名词单复数 单复数互改是高考英语改错题的基本题型之一,改动的依据有:一是根据名词前的修饰限定成份;二是根据上下文的逻辑关系。 (1)(2003全国卷)Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85. words (是把word改为words 还是把were改为was,根据名词前的修饰限定词their来决定。) (2)(2004江苏)that was a dinner we had waited for several month. 85. months (several修饰复数名词) (3)(2004全国卷Ⅰ)a few minute on the Internet. 77. minutes (a few修饰复数名词) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅱ)But one and a half year later. 79. years (one and a half意思为一年半,故判断此处year应为复数形式) (5)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)There are advantage for students to work... 76. advantages (从there are 判断应该用名词复数) 3. 句子结构 句子结构方面的错误范围庞大,解答高考英语改错题主要可以从以下几方面来思考:1)句子结构是否完整,成份是否冗缺;2)单词的词性与其在句中的功能是否相符;3)主谓一致;4)复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词或引导词的运用是否得当等。 (1)(2004 全国卷)I won’t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon. 78. because/as (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (2)(2004 全国卷Ⅱ)I don’t know that they don’t like to talk with me. 81. why (复合句中连接主句和从句的关系词运用不当) (3)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)For the most part, students working to earn money for their own use. 78. work (缺谓语动词) (4)(2005全国卷Ⅰ)Earning their own money allow them to spend on anything if they like. 79. allows (主语是动名词短语Earning their own money,谓语应该用单数)
