

宁夏银川二中西校区 2012— 2013 学年高一上学期期中考英语训练卷(必修 1)

英语科试卷(考试时间: 120 分钟 试题满分: 150 分 )

I 听力 (共两节 ,满分 35 分 ) 第一节 听力理解

每段播放两遍。 各段后有几个小题, 各段播放前每小题有 5 秒钟的阅题时间。 请根据各段播 放内容及其相关小题,在 5 秒钟内从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 项中,选出最佳选项。 听第一段对话,回答第 1 至 3 题。

1. What did the man use to play when he was a student? A. Football. B. Table tennis.

2. Where does the woman often go on weekends? A. To the stadium. B. To the Health Center.

3. What will the woman do next Friday evening? A. Have a match. B. Play table tennis. C. Watch a football match.

听第二段对话,回答第 4 至 6 题。 4. What did Betty do yesterday? A. She met the PE teacher. 5. What will Johnson do ? A. Compete with Betty. 6. What is Betty good at?

A. The 200-metre race. 听第三段对话,回答第 7. What is Lily interested in ? A. Playing the piano. 8. What are they weak in ? A. The theory of music.

9. What are they going to do? A. Listen to music. 听第


C. She went hiking. C. Make a plan for Betty. C. The 100-metre race.

C. Listening to pop music.

C. Sports.

C. Go to Timmy ' s uncle '

10. How do professional teams get their names?

A. Their names are mostly the names of the cities where they are staying.

B. They get their names from the good players in their teams.

C. They get their names from the warm- hearted audience. 11. What can we know from the speaker?

A. Football is more popular than basketball in America.

B. Athletes in America have higher salaries than the president.

C. Basketball games in the United States are played indoors in winter.

12. When can you watch a football match from August to January in the U.S.? A. On weekdays. B. On Sundays. C. On Saturdays. 听第五段对话,回答第 13 至 15 题。

13. When did Ding Junhui begin to play snooker? A. At six. B. At seven. C. At eight. 14. Why does Ding Junhui like Mr Bean?

A. Because he is from the UK.

B. Because he is very funny.

C. Because he is good at snooker. 15. Who cooks delicious food for him?

C. Volleyball. C. To the school. B. The 1500-metre race.

7至 9 题。

B. Go and see some friends.

10 至 12 题。

B. She did some shopping.

B. Try hard to improve himself. B. Playing the violin. B. Singing.

s house.

A. His father.

B. His mother.

C. His gra ndmother.









Mr Baker lived in a small tow n. Nobody was 21 tha n him there, but he wished to get 22

money all the time. One day, on his way home, he found there was a 23 on the ground. He picked it up and put it into his pocket. That evening after he had supper, he brought it out and bega n to 24 it in the room. He was in terested in a piece of n ews on it. Some gold 25 in a desert (沙漠).He was afraid some one would know about it and he started off,

26 telli ng

an ybody about it. He tried to find the place 27 gold was.

The greedy (贪婪的)man walked on the desert for two weeks, but he didn ' t find any gold and his food and water was 28 . His horse was so weak that he couldn 29 t it. He had to go

back to his hometow n, but it was too 30 . His horse at last died and he was too hungry and

thirsty to go any 31 . He looked around, there was nothing 32 sand. Sudde nly he saw

a man 33 on the ground far away. He crawled (爬)to him and found he was dead, with a bag

in his hand. He hurried to open the bag to find something to 34 ,but it was full of gold. He

threw it away. As he was dying, he cried and said, “ Now, a bag of bread is


a bag of gold. How un happy I am! ”

21. A. happier B.sadder C. richer D. poorer

22. A. little B. less C. a little D. more

23. A. n ewspaper B. picture C. photo D. map

24. A. read B. copy C. improve D. touch

25. A. discover B. invent C. was discovered D. was inven ted

26. A. which B. without C. for D. about

27. A. with B. where C. whe n D. that

28. A. lifted B. lost C. wasted D.gone

29. A. ride B. drive C. mend D. feed

30. A. early https://www.360docs.net/doc/7310928840.html,te C. easy D. possible

31. A. near B. n earer C. far D. further

Sarah and Janet have been friends since they 36 (start ) school. They do everything together: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music. Anyone 37 has a problem can ask the other for help. When Sarah was in the 38 (three ) grade, some of the other students made fun of her 39 she was shy. Janet told the other students to stop 40 (make ) fun of Sarah, and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness. In the fifth grade, Janet had 41 (difficult ) in her maths class. She studied hard, 42 she just couldn 'utnderstand the homework. Sarah helped Janet 43 her homework and 44 (patient ) explained every exercise to Janet. After six months, Janet did much better and even got 45 A in the maths exam.

川阅读理解:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项

涂黑。 ( A )

The very wealthy (富有的 ) English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably (可理解地 ) was the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to ( 奉献于 …)fathering the kid. Unfortunately the son died in his late teens.

Meanwhile, Fitzgerald 's wealth greatly increased. He spent a lottwoonrkasr of the masters (大师). Later Fitzgerald himself became seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully prepared his will ( 遗嘱)as to how his wealth would be settled -to sell his en tire collect ion ( 收藏)at an auction (拍卖 ).

Because of the large quantity (数量 ) and high quality ( 质量 ) of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors (董事) and private collectors (收藏家 ) eager to bid (出价). Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgerald 's

son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.

When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer (拍卖商 ) gaveled (敲槌 ) the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgerald ill that the first 'arts w ork to be auctioned was the

painting of his son.

The poor-quality painting didn

't receive any bidders, except one old servant who had served

the son and loved him, and who for emotional ( 情感的 ) reasons offered the only bid.

As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will :

“Whoever buys the paintinggeotfsmayll smoyn collection. ”

Then the auction was over.

46. The English Baron Fitzgerald was __________________ .

A. a museum director

B. a master of art

C. an art collector

D. an art dealer (交易商 ) 47. Why did the painting of Fitzgerald

' s son receive little attention?

32. A. except

33. A. standing

34. A. wear

35. A. beautiful 第二节

语法填空(共 B. of B. running B. eat B. use 10 小题;每小题 C. in C. lying C. write C. useful

1.5 分,满分 15 分)



D. off D. singing D. draw D. nice


36-45 的相应位置上。

A. Fitzgerald ' s son was dead.

B. Fitzgerald ' s son was unknown.

C. It was the works of an unknown artist.

D. It was Fitzgerald ' s worse collection.

48. Why did the old servant bid for the painting of Fitzgerald ' s son?

A. He was devoted to (热爱) the family.

B. He saw that no one bid for it.

C. He knew the content (内容) of the will.

D. He found it cheap for him to buy.

49. Fitzgerald ' s will showed ________________ .

A. his desire to fool the bidders

B. his invaluable (宝贵的) love for his son

C. his sadness at the death of his son

D. his regret of having no children to take over his wealth

50. The result of the auction would be the followings, except ______ .

A. Expected

B. Puzzled (困惑)

C. Surprised

D. Unbelievable

( B )


A lot of crime is against bicycles. About 150,000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never found. You can prevent this happening by following a few careful steps.

Basic Security (安全)

Do not leave your bicycle in out-of-the-way places. Always lock your bicycle when you leave. Secure (绑住)it to lampposts (街灯柱) or trees. Take off smaller parts and take them with you, for example lights and saddles (车座).


Get a good lock. There are many different types in the shops. Buy one that has been tested against attack. Ask for a recommendation (推荐) from a bike shop.


Security marking your bike can act a deterrent to a thief. It can also help the police find your bicycle. It should be clearly written and include your postcode and your house or flat number. This will provide a simple way to identify your bicycle.

Registration (注册)

There are a number of companies who will security mark your bicycle for you. They will then put your registration number and personal details on their computer database. Then if your bicycle is found it will be easy to contact you.


Keep a record of the bicycle yourself: its make, model and registration number. You can even take a photograph of it. This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.

51. Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?

A. Locks.

B. Marking.

C. Registration.

D. Basic Security.

52. The underlined phrase “ act as a deterrent to a thief ” means __________________________

A. help you recognize your bike

B. help the police find your bicycle

C. stop someone stealing your bicycle

D. stop you worrying about your bike

53. _______ will put your registration number and personal details into their computers.

A. A number of kind people

B. Many stores

C. Many a company

D. Lots of policemen

54. The article advises you to keep a record of your bicycle __________ .

A. in the bike shop and your computer

B. in the police station and a security company

C. in a security company and your university

D. by yourself and in a security company

55. The main purpose of this article is __________ .

A. to tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolen

B. to suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safe

C. to give you advice on where to buy a good lock

D. to say why you shouldn 'yotukrebeicpycle in a quiet place

( C )

The National Dark-Sky Week (NDSW) is a week during which people all over the United States turn off their lights to enjoy the beauty of the night sky without light pollution. This even was started by Jennifer Barlow of Midlothian, Virginia in 2003, and it is becoming more popular each year. It has been supported by the International Dark-Sky Association, the American Astronomical Society, and the Astronomical League.

This even always occurs in April, during the week of the new moon so that the sky can be as dark as possible for the best viewing conditions.

“ Itis my wish that people could see the night sky without other light in the sky as our ancestors (祖先) saw it hundreds of years ago, ” explains Barlow.

Since it only lasts a week and not everyone in the country will take part in it, how will the National Dark-Sky Week reduce light pollution? The main goal of NDSW is to increase awareness (意识) of the harmful effects of light pollution. It is not possible for all of the light pollution in this part of the world to disappear. However, it is possible to make a small difference in the quality of the night sky. Another goal of this even is to promote (促进) the use of better lighting systems that direct light toward the ground instead of up into the sky.

Jennifer Barlow states, “ The night sky is a gift of such beauty that it should not be polluted

by wasted light. In this way, our children will not lose touch with the wonder of our universe.

56. This passage is mainly about ____________ .

A. better lighting systems

B. the beauty of the night sky

C. the harm of light pollution

D. the National Dark-Sky Week

57. Which of the following statements about the National Dark-Sky Week is WRONG?

A. It is becoming more and more popular in America.

B. The event was started in 2003 by Jennifer Barlow.

C. The event takes place in the first week of every April.

D. American people are supposed to turn off their lights during that week.

58. What is Jennifer Barlow ' s wish?

A. That light would be directed up into the sky.

B. That the sky would always be as dark as possible.

C. That people could see the night sky without light pollution as our ancestors did.

D. That people could spend time enjoying the beauty of the sky every night.

59. We can infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 that _________ .

A. many people in America hate this event

B. it may be hard to reduce light pollution

C. the event should last a mon th every year

D. light will no Ion ger pollute the sky soon

60. What is the main goal of the Natio nal Dark-Sky Week?

A. To promote the use of better lighting systems.

B. To help people realize the harm of light polluti on.

C. To cause all the light pollution in America to disappear.

D. To help young childre n enjoy the won der of our uni verse.



1. Don ' t u ____ yourself about it let ' s justforget it ever happened.

2. Her n ____ Ian guage is Germa n.

3. He will r _________ from his operati on soon.

4. A powerful e ________ caused great damage in this area.

5. G _______ , the childre n bega n to un dersta nd.

6.She will ________ (毕业)from Harvard next year.

7.1 made a suggestion (建议)but they chose to _______ (不理睬)it.

8.My _______ (拼写)is terrible.

9.It is __________ (没用的)worrying about it.

10.It ' s _____ ) nine o ' clock.



_______ __________ all the money I owe you.

2. 总统现在对这个问题很关心。

The Preside nt ____ deeply _________ ________ this issue now.

3. 他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。

He walked slowly ________ __________ his bad leg.

4. 我们可以更有效地利用我们的资源。

We could _______ better ________ _________ our resources.

5. 他喜爱音乐。______ He _______ music.

6. 街灯在黄昏时分亮起来。_____ The street lights go on .




1 5 BBAAC 6 10 CAACA 11 15 CBCBB

16. bringing together 17. the five rings 18. by hand 19. brought into

20. fly

21-25 CDAAC 26-30 BBDAB 31-35 DACBC

36.started 37. who 38. third 39. because 40.making

41. difficulty 42. but 43.with 44. patiently 45. an








