





























1. ①裙子②毛笔③尺子④衬衣⑤体操⑥毛裤⑦游泳⑧彩纸⑨跳远








































15.()明天下雨,我们( )不去郊游了。




















































1. 松树杨树柳树白桦树枝

2. 兰花花朵菊花桂花月季花

3. 西瓜苹果冬瓜葡萄橘子

4. 钢笔尺子橡皮文具转笔刀

5. 足球篮球跳绳乒乓球羽毛球

6. 象棋围棋跳棋下棋军棋

7. 钢琴乐器长笛二胡古筝

8. 工人农民军人教师人民


名词专题阶段测试 一、选择填空 1.All the _____ have three _____ each. A. hero; photo B. heros; photos C. heros; photoes D. heroes; photos 2. A group of _____ are eating _____ and _____ at the foot of the hill A. sheep; grass; leaves B. sheep; grasses; leaves C. sheep; grass; leaf D. sheeps; grass; leafs 3.—Some of the _____ are made of _____ , and some are plastics. A. glass; glass B. glasses; glass C. glass; glasses D. glasses; glasses 4.—What did you see? —I saw _____ police there. A. many B. much C. little D. the 5. _____fish are there in that bowl? A. How much B. How many C. Do you know how much D. What’s the number of 6. The _____ we saw yesterday come out to the farm once in a while. A. cow B. dog C. deer D. horse 7. _____is needed in cold countries. A. A lot of clothes B. Much clothes C. Many a cloth D. lots of clothes 8. I tried every _____to make him give up smoking, nut failed. A. mean B. way C. meaning D. means 9. Two _____years ago, he lived in America. A. scores B. score C. score of the D. scores of 10. _____are sold in the new store. A. Men and child’s shoes B. Men’s and children’s shoes C. Men and children shoes D. Men and child’s shoes 11. They are _____ in name, but they are no longer in practice A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. lady doctors D. ladies doctors 12. Julie went to the _____ to buy a pair of shoes. A. shoes store B. shoe store C. shoe’s store D. shoes’ store 13. —What would you like to drink? —I will have_____, please. A. a coffee cup B. small coffee C. a little coffee D. a cup of coffee 14. In Britain _____ are all painted red. A. letter boxes B. letters boxes C. letter box D. letters box 15.Biology is _____. A. science of life B. science of the life C. the science of the life D. the science of life 16. I will give you _____ to finish it. A. two-weeks time B. two weeks time C. two weeks’ time D. two week’s time 17. _____is more useful than gold. A. Irons B. Iron C. An iron D. The iron 18. _____ are a hard-working people. A. The Germany B. The German C. The German D. The Germen


词语专项 1.用“√”画出加点字正确的读音。 嫉妒.(dùhù)凯.(kǎkǎi)旋琐.(zuǒsuǒ)碎馈.(guìkuì)赠刊.(kān kēn)物客栈.(zàn zhàn)凛冽.(lèi liè)腼腆.(diǎn tiǎn)磁.(cízí)铁鱼鳞.(lín líng)船舵.(duòtuò)鉴.(jiàn qiàn)别 书籍.(jíjì)湖畔.(pàn bàn)比喻(yúyù)卓.(zhuōzhuó)越2.拼音词语连一连。 bǎo lěi 人丘xùn liáng 苔藓 snǒg yǒng 嘲笑tái xiǎn 驯良 rén qiū堡垒jiǎo fèi 明鉴 yīwēi 怂恿jīkě缴费 cháo xiào 依偎míng jiàn 饥渴 3.下面几组词语中,注音没有错误的一组是()。 A.仇.敌(chóu)冠.军(ɡuàn)发酵.(jiào ) B.日寇.(kòu)水浒.(xǔ)斩.杀(zhǎn) C.祭.奠(chá)烟熏.(xūn)超.级(chāo) D.婚.姻(hūn)晚辈.(bèi)罚.款(fǎ) 4.读音是“cháng é”的词语是()。 A.唱歌 B.产额 C.嫦娥 D.长鹅 5.下列选项中的词语书写完全正确的一组是()。 A.身段洁构好处绝口不提 B.随行边界传播同心谐力 C.挑选迟廷嫂子众星拱月 D.漫步流连杏仁诗情画意 6.下面词语中“毕”表示完结意思的一项是()。 A.毕竟 B.毕业 C.毕露 D.毕其全力 7.下面词语中()和“积极”搭配最合适。 A.配合 B.出发 C.举行 D.访问 8.读一读下面词语,从感情色彩上不同类的是 A.饮水思源 B.忘恩负义 C.诡计多端 D.臭名远扬 9.下列词语中不属于描写心理活动的是()。 A.兴高采烈 B.得意忘形 C.胆战心惊 D.足智多谋


六级翻译词汇经济篇: 宏观经济macro economy 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 知识经济knowledge economy 网络经济Internet-based economy 经济规律law of economy 大规模生产mass production 生产力productive forces 生产关系relations of production 公有制public ownership 私有制private ownership 国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 私营企业private business 民营企业privately-run business 中小企业small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 连锁企业franchise / chain business 国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP) 国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

实际增长率growth rate in real terms 年均增长率average growth rate per annum 可持续增长sustainable growth 经济效益economic returns 投资回报率rate of return on investment 衰退recession 宏观调控macro control 提高经济效益enhance economic performance 扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one 优化经济结构optimize economic structure 扩大内需expand domestic demand 国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood 经济特区special economic zones “十二五规划“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development 风险投资venture investment 经济繁荣economic boom

最新 中考英语名词专题训练答案

最新中考英语名词专题训练答案 一、初中英语名词 1. weather it is! Let's go fishing. A. What a fine B. How fine C. What fine 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】这题考查感叹句的用法:what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词,这句话是修饰weather,而且是不可数名词,所以选C。 2.—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other ______ now. A. choice B. reason C. habit 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-末班车离开了。我们应该怎么办呢?-我们坐出租车吧。我们现在没有其他的选择了。A. choice选择;B. reason理由;C. habit习惯。没公交了,只有坐出租车这条选择,没有别的选择了。故选A。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析。 3.—What would you like to eat? —Some _________, please. A. bread B. cake C. coffee D. tea 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你想要吃什么?——请来一些面包。bread面包;cake蛋糕;coffee咖啡;tea茶;根据What would you like to eat?可知此处介绍吃的食物,有some修饰,故此处用bread或cakes,故选A。 【点评】本题考查名词辨析,以及bread;cake;coffee;tea四个词的词义和用法。 4.— Which country do you think will win the first prize of the ____FIFA World Cup? —You mean the football match will be held in __________? A. twenty-one; Russia B. twenty-first; Russian C. twenty-first; Russia D. twenty-one; Russian 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为哪个国家会赢得第二十一届国际足联世界杯的冠军?——你是指将在俄罗斯举行的那场足球比赛?第一空,根据冠词the,判断后接序数词形式;第二空,表示在俄罗斯(Russia),Russia 在这里指国家俄罗斯,专有名词。故选C。【点评】考查数词和名词辨析。注意掌握序数词的正确写法,区分Russia和Russian的用法。


A 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1.Look, Mum!All the boxes in the room are filled with _________ (蔬菜)。 2.—Would you like some more noodles? —No, thanks. I’m _________ (饱的)。 3. Many people now prefer to live in the ___________( the land outside cities or towns). 4. If you’re too tired to cook, let’s go to a ________ ( a public place where meals can be bought and eaten). 5. Don’t worry about me , Mom. I can take care of ________. B. 6. My uncle lives on the _____ floor in that tall building. 7. Our teachers often ______ us to think hard while working on problems. 8. Our team is much stronger than__________. 9. _________, the children in the earthquake-hit area will go back to school soon. 10. Please tell me the_________ telephone numbers so that I can interview them. C. 11. I put my bag here, but I can’t find it now. Who ________ it? 12. Don’t make so much noise. John ________ his lesson for the coming exam. 13. Mr. Brown once________ in Hong Kong for two years. 14. The boy usually_________ his teeth before going to bed. 15.--- Listen! There is a strange noise. --- On, the bird __________ on the cage. B A.请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺的单词,使句子通顺。 1.I like lots of vegetables ,such as cabbages, carrots and ________ (西红柿). 2.Most children like _________ (甜的)food . 3.My father is very busy , so he ________ ( not often ) watches TVS on weekends. 4.I bought this bag as a _________ (a thing that helps you think of a place ) of my visit to London. 5.Teachers’ Day is on the tenth of __________ . We celebrate it every year. B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 early ill danger we heavy 6.It’s ______for young children to swim alone in the river. 7.Divided teaches _________ English , and we all enjoy his lessons. 8.As we know , pollution may cause some __________ . 9.Droop arrived at the bus station half an hour _________ than yesterday. 10. It is raining __________ now. You’d better stay here until it stops. C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 drive throw read lie prefer 11.The teacher __________ his bag to the ground and jumped into the river to save the child.


词语专项训练 一、按拼音写词语。 mǎ tí shuāi jiāo qiào lì yùn cáng xuàn rǎ n ()()()()() xié shāng bào fā cì xù pí juàn jǔ sàng ()()()()() dì yù yōng dài bào yuàn yàn yǔ zhē gài ()()()()() mù dǔ máo wū shǎ shì jiāng yìng cháo xùn ()()() ( ) ( ) hūn chén jiě sàn tuì suō líng luàn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、写出下面词语的近义词。 天涯——惊叹——柔美——清鲜—— 洒脱——疾驰——奇丽——明朗—— 柔美——奇丽——无限——洒脱—— 羞涩——愉快——拘束——英勇—— 散布——奇异——勤勉——僻静—— 欢悦——攀谈——静谧——茂盛—— 追随——欢悦——勤勉——散布—— 蕴藏——苍穹——孕育——赠予—— 欢送——摇曳——旖旎——硕大—— 婆娑——长征──等闲——逶迤—— 开颜——进犯——险要——沉着—— 奉命——屹立——相继——依托—— 宣告——欢跃——肃静——热烈—— 瞻仰——宏伟——赞叹——沉思——

沉寂——暴露——憧憬——浓密——疲倦——发达——猜测——紧密——神秘——枯萎——干燥——抵御——咆哮——惊慌——拥戴——放肆——狞笑——沙哑——精美——舒适——顾惜——抱怨——探望——沉思——宁静——嗤笑——迅速——喧闹——遮盖——张望——渺小——恩赐——慷慨——节制——枯竭——感叹——威胁——设想——璀璨——遥望——呼唤——放弃——宝贵——神圣——浓密——体验——滋润——照管——品尝——终究——眷恋——险恶——归宿——恭敬——领悟——洋洋——清秀——纯熟——恬静——情愿——陶醉——尴尬——虚拟——郑重——伶俐——盼望——无端——伟大——允许——熟识——伶俐——盼望——朦胧——陡然——追悼——羞愧——枯瘦——悔恨——团聚——阴暗——感激——羞愧——稀(希)奇—— 呆头呆脑——别出心裁——技高一筹—— 大步流星——怒气冲冲——暴露无遗—— 心满意足——轻手轻脚——化为乌有—— 井然有序——理直气壮——风雨同舟—— 断断续续——波涛汹涌——恍然大悟—— 饱经风霜——熙熙攘攘——花色斑斓—— 顾影自怜——万水千山——威风凛凛—— 霎时间——倚——弹——复——曰——曝——三、写出下列词语的反义词。 低吟——静立——团结——羞涩——明朗——迂回——寂静——拘束——缩小——静谧——茂盛——俏丽——勤勉——得意——娇小——苍穹——孕育——赠予——欢送——摇曳——硕大——细浪——等闲——集中——沉着——崎岖——雄伟——光明——


煜炜教育学员辅导资料 词语释义专题 【模拟演练】 (一) ( )1.An ______ is a place where the planes begin and stop flying, including buildings for passengers to wait in. A.airport B.airline C.air ship ( )2.Someone who is old enough to get married without their parents’permission is considered as ____. A.alien B.adult C.assistant ( )3.The______is a kind of activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods within a country or between countries. A.abroad B.agreement C.trade ( )4.The ________is something that one thinks of it, remembers, or realizes. A.argument B.thought C.speech ( )5.A______means a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary. A.newspaper B.novel C.magazine (二) ( )1.The _____ refers to the the number of years someone has lived or something has existed. A.age B.century C.childhood ( )2.The ______is something that you are able to, especially because you have a particular mental or physical skills. A.ability B.power C.imagination ( )3.A(n) _______means a job that you have been trained for and plan to do some years. A.experience https://www.360docs.net/doc/732387236.html,cation C.career ( )4.The ______is a place for people to live that consists of a set of rooms that are part of a larger building. A.flat B.block C.carriage ( )5.The______ is someone who is staying in someone else’s home because they have been invited. A.manager B.hostess C.guest (三) ( )1.A/ An _______means someone who works in the government. A.official B.manager C.reporter ( )2.The ______means the power to do something. A.order B.ability C.list ( )3.A _____means an act of speaking formally to a group of listeners. A.permission B.speech C.health ( )4.A_______means a duty that you have because of your job or position. A.possibility B.responsibility C.difficulty ( )5.A_______ means a person that one does not know. A.stranger B.star C.fisherman ( )6.A/ An ______means a group of people with a special aim. A.human https://www.360docs.net/doc/732387236.html,anization C.population


名词专题训练题 一.写出下列名词复数 leaf______ puppy_______ box_______ knife_______ fly______ fox______ bus______ bench_____ brush_____ kiss______ church______ dish_____ ruler______ peach________ glass_____ pencil________ boy______ zoo______ man______ roof_______ sheep_______ life______ lady______ key______ story______ watch______ bamboo______ city______ family______ day_____ apple_______ eraser______ speech______ thief______ mouse______ fish_____ goose____ people ______ ox_____ Chinese _______ deer _______ foot______ child_______ tooth_______ guy________ hero_______ spy______ boss_____ monkey______ city ______ goat ______ radio ________ horse ______ dog ______ 二.选择题. Part one 1. The ____ of the room were covered with ____. A. roofs, leafs B. roofs, leaves C. rooves, leafs D. rooves, leaves 2. There are three ____ in our factory. A. woman doctors B. women doctors C. woman doctor D. women doctor 3. Which do you prefer ____ or ____? A. potatos, tomatos B. potatos, tomatoes C.potatoes,tomatos D.potatoes,tomatoes 4. They are ____ of different presses(出版社). Now they are having a meeting in one of the ____ office. A. editor-in-chiefs, editors-in-chief’s B.editors-in-chief, editor-in-chief’s C. editors-in-c hiefs, editor’s-in-chief’s D.editors-in-chief,editors-in-chief’s 5. The ant has two ____. A. stomaches B. stomacks C. stomach D. stomachs 6. He doesn’t like ____ for supper. A. chick B. chicken C. chickens D. chicks 7. It was ____ hot weather that many of us went swimming. A. so B. such C. so as D. such a 8. ____ wonderful space they saw on the room! A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 9. We know ____ travels not so fast as light. A. sound B. sounds C. the sounds D. a sound 10. My family raise a lot of ____, including two ____. A. cattle, cows B. cows, cattle C. cattles, cows D.cow,cattles 11. A number of soldiers ____ at he camp gate(军营门口). A. have gathered B. has gathered C. is D. was 12. The Browns have spent a large ____ of money on their new car. A. deal B. amount C. number D. size 13. ____ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard. A. Many B. A great many C. A great deal of D.A number of 14. Mr Li shook ____ warmly with a friend. A. hand B. a hand C. hands D. the hands 15. Two ____, please. A. coffee B. coffees C. cup of coffee D.cups coffee 16. I can’t pay as ____ as he asked for. A. high price a B. high price C. a high price D. high a price 17. ____ knowledge of space develops rapidly. A. Man’s B. Men’s C.Mens’ D.Person’s 18.I stayed at ____. A. Xiao Wang’s B. Wang’s home C. the Wangs D. home of Wang 19. Sister Carrie works in a ____ factory.A. shoes B. shoses C. shoe D. shoe’s 20. Have you ever read ____? A. today newspaper B. newspaper today C.newspaper of today D.today’snewspaper 21. Two ____ walk didn’t ma de me tired. A. hour B. hours C. hour’s D. hours’ 22. The mother over there is ____ mother. A. Julia and Mary B. Julia and Mary’s C. Julia’s and Mary’s D. Julia’s and Mary 23. Li Ming’s handwriting is better than ____ in the class. A. anyone’s B. anyone else C. anyone’s else’s D. anyone else’s 24. The children are playing ____ on the ____. A. sand, sand B. sands, sands C. sand, sands D.sands, sand 25. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller ____. A. set B. one C. copy D. pair 26. Tom usually takes a ____ in bus on rainy days. A. walk B. ride C. trip D. travel 27. We have no ____ about where she has gone. A. information B. news C. message D. flash 28. Food and ____ are daily necessities(需要)for the people. A. cloth B. clothe C. clothes D. clothing 29. ____ has been told not to throw waste things anywhere. A. The public B. People C. Women D. Man 30. We visited him ____ when he was in hospital. A. every other days B. each other day C. every other day D. every two day 31. My friend will return in ____. A. one day or two B. a day or two C. one day or two D. a or two days 32. The police ____ looking into the matter now. A. be B. is C. are D. are going to 33. No news ____ good news. A. is B. are C. have D. has


初中英语专题训练题 专题一:词汇部分(名词、数词、冠词) A:名词专项 可修饰名词的常用词: 1)修饰可数名词与不可数名词:some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of 2)饰可数名词的有:many, (a)few, a large (great) number of 3)只修饰不可数名词的有:much, (a)little, a great deal of 2、难点 1)名词所有格的归纳 1、a student's room, students' rooms, father's shoes。 2、Children's Day 3、a friend of my father's 4、a twenty minutes' walk,ten miles' journey,a boat's length,two pounds' weight, ten dollars' worth。 (说明:表示时间、距离、长度、重量、价格、世界、国家等名词的所有格要用 's)5、a map of China,the end of this term,the capital of our country, the color of the flowers。 (说明:无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构) 6、Li Lei and Wang Fei's bedroom, an hour and a half's talk (说明:表示两个名词共有一样东西时,在第二个名词后面加's) 7、Jim's and Peter's desks; Joe's and David's books


【词语专项训练】 以下类型的词语各写4个。 1.ABB式的词语:亮晶晶、绿油油、胖乎乎、笑哈哈 2.AABB式的词语:明明白白、大大方方、红红火火、快快乐乐 3.ABAB式的词语:打扫打扫、研究研究、商量商量、讨论讨论 4. ABAC式的词语:大模大样、人山人海、各种各样、自言自语 5.AABC式的词语:落落大方、斤斤计较、洋洋得意、彬彬有礼 6.ABCC式的词语:喜气洋洋、秋风习习、北风呼呼、生机勃勃 7.带有数字的词语:十全十美、一心一意、一五一十、三言两语 8.带有颜色的词语:万古长青、青山绿水、白纸黑字、万紫千红 9.带有动物的词语:马到成功、车水马龙、九牛一毛、放虎归山 10.含有比喻的词语:面如土色、如花似玉、恩重如山、如鱼得水 11.含有夸张的词语:人山人海、惊天动地、一步登天、一字千金 12.含有拟人的词语:花枝招展、鸟语花香、春风得意、百花争艳 13.含有近义的词语:不知不觉、见多识广、千辛万苦、欢天喜地 14.含有反义的词语:大材小用、积少成多、声东击西、顶天立地 15.描写外貌的词语:白发苍苍、衣冠楚楚、眉清目秀、虎背熊腰 16.描写神态的词语:大惊失色、愁眉苦脸、神采飞扬、垂头丧气 17.描写心理的词语:心乱如麻、忐忑不安、忧心忡忡、心惊肉跳 18.描写声音的词语:叮叮咚咚、叽叽喳喳、滴滴答答、卜通卜通 19.描写春天的词语:春暖花开、春色满园、春光明媚、春回大地 20.描写夏天的词语:骄阳似火、烈日炎炎、烈日当空、汗流浃背 21.描写秋天的词语:秋高气爽、秋风习习、秋风送爽、秋色宜人 22.描写冬天的词语:冰天雪地、大雪纷飞、北风呼呼、白雪皑皑 23.含寓言故事的成语:坐井观天、井底之蛙、狐假虎威、自相矛盾 24.含历史故事的成语:纸上谈兵,三顾茅庐、望梅止渴、四面楚歌 25.含神话故事的成语:夸父逐日、女娲补天、嫦娥奔月、精卫填海 25. 描写人物品质的词语:拾金不昧、助人为乐、舍己为人、见义勇为 26. 八字成语:十年树木,百年树人千里之行,始于足下 前人栽树,后人乘凉君子一言,驷马难追


中考专项训练名词专题练习 一、初中英语名词 1.—______ are you in? —I am in Class One. A. Which school B. What class C. Which grade 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你在哪一个班?——我在一班。A. Which school哪所学校;B. What class什么班,哪一个班;C. Which grade哪一个年级。答语是“I am in Class One.”我在一班,可以推测出前句问的是班级,故选B。 2.(?六盘水)—How well she sings! — Yes, she has a very beautiful ______. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. laughter 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-她唱得多好啊。-是的,她有一副非常优美的嗓音。A. voice嗓音,说话声;B. sound声音,指自然界的声音;C. noise噪音,嘈杂声;D. laughter笑声。歌唱得好,嗓音美。故选A。 【点评】本题考查名词词义辨析,以及voice;sound;noise;laughter四个词的词义和用法。 3.After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for ____________. A. price B. noise C. peace D. course 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:在战后几年里,叙利亚人们渴望和平。A.价格;B.噪音;C.和平; D.课程。根据常识可知战后人们肯定是渴望和平,故选C。 【点评】考查名词辨析,注意平时识记其词义,理解句意。 4.__________ is the quality to be brave when you are facing difficulties. A. Courage B. Pride C. Humor 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:当你面对困难时,你勇敢面对的品质叫勇气。courage意为“勇气”,符合题意,pride意为“骄傲”,humor意为“幽默”,均不符合题意,故选A。 【点评】本题考查名词辨析,注意理解名词词义,根据语境选择合适的名词。 5.— I have a bad cold.

中考英语词汇专题《 词汇讲解》

第一讲词汇 一、中考对词汇的考查主要集中在以下几个方面: 1、能正确拼写大纲词汇表中的常用单词; 2、掌握大纲词汇表中所列全部单词的词文,并了解其词类(词性); 3、了解构词法的基本知识,并根据此知识判断常用词的合成词与派生词的词义和词类,例如:drive – driver, use – useful; 4、正确理解现行教材课文中出现过的短语与习语;正确使用及辨析其中比较常见的短语和习语; 5、理解词类转化,例如:water (n.) – water (v.) 二、词汇考查点分项说明: 1、掌握大纲词汇表,了解词类 1)大纲词汇表中所列的词汇基本上为1至6册课本中所列的四会单词(即书后单词表中不带任何符号的单词)。要求同学们把所列单词的词义完全掌握。在此基础上,了解其词类(词性)。尤其注意要在情景中运用该词,而不是孤立地去记忆某个单词。 2)针对大纲词汇表中的常用单词,一定要能做到正确拼写。该项知识常以单词拼写的形式来考查学生,但一般无难题,基本属于送分题。出题范围主要是大纲中的一、二级词汇,也有可能出现非大纲词汇,但一般为常用词汇,尽管不在大纲中出现,却通常在课文中出现过。 3)了解英文的词类: 英语中的单词根据词义、句法作用和形式特征所作的分类。共有十类:名词、代词、数词、冠词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词、感叹词。

在上述的十大词类中,名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、动词等具有明确的意义,可以在句中独立充当句子成分,称为实义词。介词、连词和冠词只能起联系或辅助的作用,都不在句子中担任任何成分,称为虚词。感叹词一般不构成句子的一部分,通常作独立成分。 2、了解构词法的基本知识 在英语中,一个单词往往与其它词在结构上有联系,把这些联系的规律总结出来就是构词法。构词的方法主要有派生、转化和合成等三种。 1) 派生法 在一个单词前或词尾加上一个词缀,从而变成一个新词的方法叫做派生法。加在单词前的词缀叫前缀,加在单词后的词缀叫后缀。 1.常用前缀


词语专项练习题 例1:人体的部位常常被用来比喻有关的事物或道理。请你说出下列人体有关系的部位各表示什么意思 (1)心腹:_________________________ (2)心血:_________________________ (3)心肝:_________________________ (4)心肠:_________________________ (5)心脏:_________________________ (6)心胸:_________________________ 例2:判断下列加点词的词义分类 ①本义②引申义③比喻义 A我已近碰了多次钉子。()

B快去拿几枚钉子来!() C今年玩得真痛快。() D他是我们的头儿。() 例3:照样子写词语。(各写5个) 例:看——瞧、瞅、盯、瞟、瞥、注视 (1)走——________________________ (2)想——________________________ (3)说——________________________ 例4:用下列词的不同意思写句子 担子:___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

桥梁:___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 例5:写出下列句子中“失”的不同意思。 1、他失足掉进沟里。() 2、人们见了大惊失色。() 3、要是再不下去,你可要坐失良机了。() 4、这次竞选,他没选上,感到很失意。() 5、回来是他迷失了方向。() 6、你不能把别人的功劳到过失。() ①失掉、丢失;②找不着;③错误;④违背;⑤没有把握住;⑥没有达到目的;⑦改变(常态)。 例6:选择恰当的词语填空。
