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强化措施重落实提高质量上台阶 ——兴峰小学2013年下期工作补充计划 2013年下期,是全面完成年度目标的关键学期,是建设“爱生学校”的重要阶段。为了更好地完成本年度工作,特拟订学校下期补充工作计划。 一、指导思想 以县教育行政会议精神为指导,认真落实年初工作计划,以“抓落实、强课改、提质量”为重点,推进品味校园建设,力争学校工作再上新台阶。 二、基本思路 围绕“一二三四”的基本工作思路,认真落实工作措施,全面完成年度“十项”目标任务。 1、围绕“一个中心”。以“教学为中心”,深化课堂教学改革,稳步提高教学质量。 2、优化“两个建设”。一是优化队伍建设,提高“六个素质”;二是逐步改善办学条件,优化育人环境。 3、强化“三项管理”。一是强化培训管理,提高队伍素质;二是强化流程管理,提高课改实效;三是强化考核管理,提高办学效益。 4、实现“四个目标”。巩固创建成果,在县级同类学校有位置;教学质量稳步提高,确保片区和县同类学校前茅;初步完成校园建设,达到“爱生学校”达标。 三、完成十项目标任务 1、强抓特色学校创建。充分挖掘“三生教育”内涵,将责任意识的生命教育,实践活动的技能教育,创新能力的生存教育狠抓落实。 2、紧抓“品味校园”建设。狠抓校园环境改善,着力校园封闭和

绿化建设,突出课程、班级和生活文化,推进“人文校园建设”。 3、实抓教师队伍建设。以“标杆工程”为契机,深入开展“群众路线教育”,实现“二三四目标”,即两个100%(班子和教师的满意度),三个20%(优秀教师、骨干教师和现代教育技术骨干各占20%),“4个100%”(继续教育完成率、合格率和教师参培率、达标率分别达100%)。 4、牢抓教学质量提高。继续保持教学质量测查片区“争一保二”、全县前20位、同类学校前五名目标;努力实现低高段及格率分别为95%、90%,优生率分别达60%、40%以上,无后进生,年级组考评分悬殊在10分以内;真正实现“二三五目标”,即“两个0%”(辍学率和学困生率为0);“三个90%以上”(装备运用率、健康体质达标率和实验开出率);“五个100%”(入学率、毕业率、完成率、成教扫盲培训率、“六大功能室”开课率)。 5、活抓立德树人工程。创新管理,努力实现师表、环境、课程、文化、实践、礼仪、合力、制度育人。 6、精抓卓越课堂建设。深入推行“四步阅读教学法”和“尝试教学法”,精心落实卓越课堂建设。以实践大课堂为重点,科技、阅读、演讲、书法、英语为抓手的“1+5”减负提质行动。 7、全抓村完小均衡发展。努力实现村完小“三五”建设。即严格村小“五统一”、“五督导”管理,基本实现“五均衡”发展。 8、细抓安全稳定工作。精细落实“二三四五六十”目标,继续保持市级“平安校园”建设成果。 9、真抓设备作用发挥。真正挥发好“六大功能室”的作用,充分利用好“班班通”设备助教助学。 10、新抓保教保育管理。按新标准改造完小幼儿教学楼及功能室400㎡,加大投入,实现校校有玩具,优化师资结构,促进保教保育质量提高,力争入园率达90%。


七年级期末综合测试卷 单项选择 1. Kate enjoys __________uniform to school every day. A. wear a B. to wear an C. weaaring a D. wears an 2. Can you play _________chess or _________violin? A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the D. /, / 3. Jim is good _________telling stories and ________kids. A. with, at B. at, for C. with, for D. at, with 4. Lucy never _________up late on school nights. A. stayed B. stays C. staying D. is staying 5. ________does the man work from here? A. How B. How long C. How much D. How far 6. It’s about _________from here to the History Museum. A. ten minutes ride B. ten minute’s ride C. ten minutes’ ride D. ten minutes’s ride 7. Kate, _________often run in the hallway. It’s dangerous. A. don’t B. not C. doesn’t D. didn’t 8. How ________Kate with her parents ________to Beijing right now? A. is, going B. are, going C. do, go D. does, go 9. There’re ten_________noodles in the restaurant and two of them are ________delicious. A. kind of, kind of B. kind of, kinds of C. kinds of, kinds of D. kinds of, kind of 10. The girl __________is Lucy’s cousin. A. has short curly black hair B. has black curly short C. with curly short black hair D. with short curly black hair 11. Our teachers are always strict _______us ________our studies. A. with, in B. with, with C. in, in D. in, with 12. ---Is he short or thin? ---__________. A. He’s thin B. Yes, he is thin C. Yes, he is short D. No, he is heavy 13. ---Excuse me, ________________? ---Yes, there is. Go along this street and turn right. A. is the shop near here B. where’s the shop C. is there a shop near here D. how far is the shop 14. They usually get to school _________foot, sometimes they get ________a bus. A. on, on B. on, by C. by, by D. by, on 15. I’d like _________noodles, please. A. mutton and potato B. mutton and potatoes C. muttons and potato D. muttons and potatoes 16. It’s Sunday tomorrow. Where would you and your classmates like _________? A. go B. going C. to go D. went 17. We went to the museum yesterday, but Jack did _________. A. something different B. different something C. anything different D. different anything 18. There is _________on the farm. A. some sheep B. many sheep C. a little sheep D. much sheep 19. ---________________? ---Great. A. How is it going B. What does he look like C. How was your weekend D. What’s the weather 20. What _______he _______last night? A. do, do B. is, doing C. does, do D. did, do 完形填空


双溪小学总课程表2012.9 星期 午节次班 别 级 一二三四五 一 (1) 一 (2) 二三四五六 一 (1) 一 (2) 二三四五六 一 (1) 一 (2) 二三四五六 一 (1) 一 (2) 二三四五六 一 (1) 一 (2) 二三四五六 上午早 读 语 文 数 学 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 语 文 数 学 数 学 英 语 数 学 语 文 数 学 数 学 英 语 英 语 数 学 语 文 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 数 学 英 语邱翁刘炉何徐姚翁旺俞叶程毛黄邱翁刘程毛艳姚翁旺俞炉何徐黄邱旺俞叶何艳毛1 语 文 数 学 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 语 文 数 学 数 学 英 语 数 学 语 文 数 学 数 学 英 语 英 语 数 学 语 文 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 数 学 英 语邱翁刘炉何徐姚翁旺俞叶程毛黄邱翁刘程毛艳姚翁旺俞炉何徐黄邱旺俞叶何艳毛2 数 学 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 数 学 数 学 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 英 语 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 数 学 语 文 数 学 语 文 英 语 语 文 地 方 语 文 语 文 思 品 语 文 数 学翁旺俞叶何艳黄邱旺刘炉毛艳姚邱旺俞炉何徐姚邱旺刘炉程徐毛邱翁俞炉程徐黄3 音 乐 音 乐 地 方 英 语 英 语 信 息 思 品 美 术 数 学 语 文 语 文 语 文 语 文 音 乐 数 学 语 文 思 品 数 学 数 学 语 文 数 学 语 文 数 学 语 文 英 语 体 育 体 育 语 文 地 方 地 方 地 方 语 文 科 学 英 语 体 育邱邱俞程毛艳姚刘翁俞炉何徐黄翁旺俞叶程徐黄邱翁俞程徐徐姚翁旺刘炉程毛姚 下午写 字 4 地 方 美 术 体 育 音 乐 数 学 英 语 体 育 思 品 地 方 健 康 思 品 体 育 体 育 美 术 地 方 地 方 体 育 体 育 艺 术 艺 术 科 学 体 育 体 育 美 术 科 学 科 学 数 学 地 方 地 方 地 方 地 方 音 乐 语 文 艺 术 语 文翁旺刘艳程毛姚邱翁刘炉何徐俞翁旺刘刘何毛黄刘刘俞叶程艳黄邱旺刘艳何毛姚5 体 育 体 育 美 术 品 德 艺 术 综 合 信 息 体 育 体 育 体 育 体 育 综 合 地 方 英 语 思 品 健 康 音 乐 美 术 体 育 体 育 体 育 地 方 地 方 体 育 体 育 艺 术 艺 术 健 康 体 育 体 育 思 品 信 息 地 方 思 品 语 文刘刘俞炉何艳毛艳艳刘刘程徐毛邱翁黄程翁翁毛邱旺刘刘毛程姚艳艳俞炉何徐姚6 班 会 班 会 班 会 班 会 班 会 班 会 班 会 健 康 美 术 地 方 健 康 品 德 科 学 地 方 音 乐 音 乐 地 方 科 学 科 学 艺 术 音 乐 美 术 思 品 地 方 综 合 信 息 思 品 科 学 健 康 思 品 音 乐 美 术 健 康 科 学 思 品邱旺俞炉何徐姚邱旺俞炉程艳黄邱邱俞叶何程黄刘旺俞叶何徐黄邱旺黄程何艳姚


Unit 10If you go to the party,you'll have a great time! 单元检测试题 I. 根据所给首字母及句意完成句子:(每小题1分,共5分) 1.We have a c______ meeting every Monday afternoon. 2. They often learn English by watching English v________ . 3. I won’t go there u______ he invites me. 4. You must be c________ and not make the same mistake. 5. Lisa felt very u________ after she broke the glass. II.用所给单词正确形式填空:(每小题1分,共10分) 1.We'll go to the Great Wall if it______(not rain)tomorrow. 2.If it is fine tomorrow,I ______(go)for a field trip. 3.The poor boy in the street asked the man______(give)him some money. 4.—Why not______(go)to the zoo on Sunday? — That's a good idea. 5.My friend thinks I should ______(travel)to Guilin. 6.I hope to do a lot of work______(help)others who are in trouble. 7.If I go to college,I ______never ______(become)a great soccer player. 8.I learned how ______(ride)a bike when I was six years old. 9.The man's son is old enough______(look)after himself. 10.Would you like ______(organize) the class party? III. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.He is a famous athlete and can ______ a lot of money every year. A.pay B.make C.cost D.ask ( )2.If you study harder,you will ______ go to college. A.are able to B.be able C.can be able to D.be able to ( )3.Nobody went there with him. He went by ______. A.him B.himself C.his D.themselves ( )4.I'm late for school today. I think my teacher must be ______ me. A.worried about B.pleased with C.friendly to D.angry with ( )5.If she ______,she'll have a great time. 1



1. ()内编号为上课教室代码,均为新教学楼。 2. 第一次上课时间10月19日(星期六),上午8:00上课,下午14:00上课,晚上7:00上课。所有课程均为周五晚上,周六、周日全天上课。周六、周日下午上五节课。 3. 临床科研方法、临床诊断学、循证医学、医疗卫生法律法规、重点传染病防治知识五门课程只针对临床医学、口腔医学、护理学专业学位研究生开设。 4. 周一——周五的课程针对公共管理、公共卫生、护理、药学专业学位研究生开设,鼓励学术学位研究生选修。

注:1. Topic Discussion、医学英语阅读与写作、口语课程分班相同,如Topic Discussion 1班亦为医学英语阅读与写作1班、口语1班,以此类推。 2. 医学英语阅读与写作及口语分时段上课;如开学第一周上医学英语阅读与写作(前9周),后9周上口语,如开学第一周上口语(前9周),后9周上医学英语阅读与写作,以此类推。口语课程因为外教上课,还需分成两个小班分别教学,具体安排见分班安排表。 3.()内编号为上课教室代码,均为新教学楼。 4. 第一次上课时间9 月9日(星期一),早上8:00上课,下午14:30上课,晚上7:00上课。

2013 级博士生课程表(第一学期) 1. 第一次上课时间9 月9日(星期一),早上8:00上课,下午14:30上课,晚上7:00上课。 2.()内编号为上课教室代码,为新教学楼和综合楼。 3. 口语课程因为外教上课,还需分成两个小班分别教学,具体安排见分班安排表。

2013 级留学研究生课程表(第一学期) Classes for Internation Postgraduates of 2013 Batch (1st Semester) 2. ( ): numbers for classroom code, classroom is in the new teaching building.


2014年秋新人教版新目标九年级Unit 1-14 基础选择题。 1.--___do you improve your listening? --I improve my listening ___watching English. A. What, by B. How, by C. How, on D. When, on 2.If you don't know how to do it, please ask your teacher ____ some ___ . A. on, help B. for, helps C. for, help D. on, helps 3.___ the words of pop songs also helps a little with English study . A. Memorizing B. Memorize C. Memorizes D. Memorized 4.My mum likes to watch me ____ the piano. A. played B. to play C. plays D. play 5.We get ___about something and end up ___in Chinese. A.exciting, speaking B.exciting, speak C.excited, speaking D.excited, speak 6.If you want to learn English well, please read English every morning. It really helps _____. A.lot of B.a lot C.a little D. little 7.---What about ___ to a park? ---That's a good idea. A.go B.to go C.going D.goes 8.He finds ____ to foreigners frustrating because they speak too quickly . A.speaking B.speak C.speaks D.spoken 9.When did you ___the train station? A.reach B.arrive C.get D.reach to 10.Jane's brother doesn't work so __as the others in class. A.harder B.hard C.hardest D.hardly 11.My sister has a lot of trouble __math. A.to learn B.learning C.learned D.learn 12.---I'm worried, Jim. I don't know how__write. ---Don't worry! Why not ___a pen pal? A.learn to, to find B.learn, find C.to learn, find D.to learn to, find 13.I try not to __mistakes in my homework. A.do B.have C.make D.spell 14.Many people speak English __a second language. A.as B.by C.with D.for 15.The computer room should___every day. A.clean B.is cleaned C.be cleaned D.to be cleaned 16.The girl is very shy. She is___speak in public. A.afraid of B.afraid to C.proud of D.pleased to 17.Sorry , I don't know the answer___the question. A.of B.to C.about D.for 18.He took an interest ___English. A.at B.on C.of D.in 19.---Must I get up early now? ---No, ____ A.you mustn't B.you don't have to C.you can't D.you need 20.___the type of the computer is, ___ it is. A.Better, expensive B.The good, the expensive C.The best, the most D.The better, the more expensive 21.Your behavior sometimes___a lot about you to some people A.tells B.says C.tell D.say 22.Let the children go away. They are making too much___here.


七年级第四单元综合练习 单项选择 1. We must get to school __________every day. A. at times B. on time C. in time D. for times 2. Can you _________music at class? A. listen B. listen to C. listen at D. listen with 3. Jenny usually _________late to school. A. arrives B. is C. get D. come 4. Boys and girls, _________in class. A. not eat B. doesn’t eat C. can’t eat D. don’t eat 5. Tom, do you have to wear _________uniform to work? A. a B. an C. the D. / 6. Must we _________there on time? A. be B. are C. to be D. being 7. Jack, please _________the pen to Alice and ________me a book. A. bring, bring B. bring, take C. take, bring D. take, take 8. I can’t watch TV _________school nights. A. at B. in C. on D. for 9. Lucy practices _________the piano every night. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play 10. Our parents are very strict _________us ________our studies. A. in, in B. in, with C. with, with D. with, in 11. _________soccer is very interesting. A. Play B. Plays C. Playing D. Plaies 12. I can’t go to bed _________I finish my homework. A. after B. when C. at D. before 13. Jack often helps me _________English. A. to B. at C. studying D. study 14. The boy usually eats _________potatoes and drinks _________cola. A. too many, too many B. too many, too much C. too much, too much D. too much, too many 15. There _________too many rules in our school. A. have B. has C. is D. are 16. He always remembers _________my homework. A. do B. does D. to do D. doing 17. The girl has ___________. A. long hair B. a long hair C. long hairs D. long a hair 18. _________are the rules in your family? A. What B. How C. How many D. Where 19. I don’t know _________she feels. A. what B. how C. how much D. what about 20. Do you know ________________? A. where does she live B. how old is the man C. who is the girl D. what we can’t do in school 完形填空 There are two ___1___ in the same house. They each(每个人) __2__a baby(婴儿). But___3__of the babies dies(死亡), and his mother___4__the other(另外一个) baby and puts him in her bed.


12单元课文知识点 Section A 1.Life is full of the unexpected. 生活充满了意外。(标题)【解析1】be full of = be filled with充满,装满 【解析2】unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的the unexpected “意外的事情”“出乎意料的事”。 the +adj.表示一类人或事物。 英语中,有些形容词与定冠词the连用,表示一类人或事物,在句子中起名词的作用:the homeless (无家可归者) the disabled(残疾人) 2. By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 当我出来时,公共汽车已经离开了。(1b) 【解析】by the time 在……以前,指从过去的某一点到从句所示的时间为止,常引导表示过去的时间状语从句,主句常用过去完成时,即had+动词过去分词。 【拓展】by now 表示“到现在为止”,通常与现在完成时连用。 By now I have collected 200 dolls. 到现在为止,我已收集了二百个布娃娃。4. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.(1b) 当我到学校时我意识到我把书包忘在家里了。 【解析】leave sth. +地点“把某物忘在某处” I left my book on the desk. 我把书忘在了桌子上。 7..By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung. (2b) 【解析】get back to school 意为“回到学校” 【解析】(1)get back to 后接表地点的名词,意为“回到某地”; (2) get back to 后面接人,可引申为“回复某人的信件,电子邮件,电话”等; (3) get back 还可表示“回来,返回,拿回,取回”等含义。 8. My alarm clock didn’t go off! 我的闹钟没响。(2d) 【解析】go off 发出响声, (闹钟)闹响 The alarm went off just now. 刚才警钟响了 【短语】go over 复习go away 离开 go for a walk 出去散步 go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming 去钓鱼/去买东西/去溜冰/去游泳 9.So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.(2d) 【解析】rush out 冲出去,冲出…… Henry rushed out the room and disappeared in the rain.。


行政人事部文件 APD. Announcement 在职员工培训体系 【受文人】:全体在职员工【呈文事由】:在职员工培训体系 【呈文部门】:行政人事部【文件密级】:内部文件 一、目的 为了员工能更好的为公司提供服务,培训部将通过定期及不定期的方式给予心态调节、通用管理、个人素质能力提升等方面进行培训及分享。在职同事提升自身能力增长自身的价值的同时为公司提供更多的储备人才,为公司的发展持续澎湃助力。 二、在职员工培训规则 在职员工培训主要分成两大模块:一是定期培训(晋升培训);二是非定期培训;具体内容如下: (一)、定期培训(晋升培训) 1.0培训前准备工作:制定在职员工培训计划,培训时间等,主要包括: (1)制定在职员工培训计划; (2)甄别培训对象并提前七天要求业务部提交培训名单; (3)提前七天预约培训地点; (4)提前三天邮件提醒业务部安排培训事宜; 1.1培训计划课程模块内容说明: (1)心态课程培训 A.人生需要忍耐和等待、情绪管理(宣导正确的人生价值观,控制情绪) (2)通用管理培训 A.能力飙升的五把利刃、公众演讲基础技巧、请给我结果、团队建设(提升个人管理能力) 1.2培训对象的甄别方式: (1)死亡期 0-3个月,此时间段员工刚进入公司,陌生的环境、新的同事、业务不熟悉的处境等因素会导致员工心态波动较大,故此阶段不仅要关注员工生活状态、技能提升,更要注重员工心态调节;

行政人事部文件 APD. Announcement (2)提升期 3-6个月,此阶段员工已经基本熟悉了公司业务,习惯了上班的节奏,在兼顾业绩提升的同时渴望晋升在心底萌芽,针对此时期我们将重点放在个人能力提升及人际关系管理,为晋升为下一阶段打好基础; (3)成熟期 6-12月,此阶段员工对业务已经醇熟无比,心态、口才等已基本成型,此时间我们称之为成熟期,此时间段同事无比渴望得到晋升及认可,针对此阶段我们将重点偏重于管理者的基本技能及管理实战,让同事更有努力的目标及憧憬。 (4)稳定期 12个月以上的同事已成长为业务精英,长期单一的工作导致生活乏味,同期的伙伴或许已有进入管理岗,从而导致心态上的波动,故此我们设计在鼓励同事学习管理知识的同事加入心态调整,让同事心态稳定同时唤醒工作激情。 1.3在职员工培训课程表(初拟) 中诚商银员工培训 课程表.xls (二)、非定期培训 转《5 培训需求分析体系》 培训需求分析体系 1.0.doc 中诚商银(天津)有限公司 2015年09月17日


P3How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher (speak) too (quick). But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just (hide) behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I watched an English movie (call) Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well. Although I could not (understand) everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the (mean). I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by (listen) to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in (be) the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary.Now I really (enjoy) my English class. I want to learn new words and more (grammar). Then I can have a better understanding of English movies. P11 Full Moon, Full Feelings Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes have the shape of a full moon on mid-autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the(family) they love and miss. There are many traditional folk (story) about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Ch ang’e is the most touching. Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi (shoot) down the nine suns, a goddess gave him a magic medicine ( thank) him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink it with C hang’e. However, a bad man, Feng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e refused ( give) it to him and drank it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he (find) that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly (lay)out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could come back! After this, people started the tradition of (admire) the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. P11 From Shy Girl to Pop Star 1 For this month’s Y oung W orld magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy W ang. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up (sing)to deal with her shyness. As she got (good), she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Now she’s not shy anymore and (love)singing in front of (crowd). 2 I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous. She explained that there are many good things, like (be) able to travel and meet new people all the time. “I didn’t use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.” However, too much (attention) can also be a bad thing. “I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. And I don’t have much private time anymore. (hang)out with friends is almost (possible) for me now because there are always guards around (I).” 3 What does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become famous? “W ell,” she (begin)slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your normal life. Y ou can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. Many times I thought about giving up, but I (fight) on. Y ou really require a lot of talent and hard work (succeed). Only a very small number of people make it to the top.” UNIT 5 P35 The Difficult Search for American Goods in the US If you go to another country, what kinds of things would you buy? W ould you buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in France, or a watch in Switzerland? No matter what you may buy, you might probably think those products (make) in those countries. However, you could be wrong. Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai. Last year he (go) to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He found it interesting that so many (product) in the local shops were made in China. “I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys had American brands, they were made in China.”T oys are not the only things (make) in China.“I wanted to buy a pair of basketball (shoe),”he explains.“But I had to visit five or six stores before (find) a pair made in America!”He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.“In fact,”he continues,“there are so many things made in China —footballs, (handbag), pet food, mobile phones. Even American flags are made in China!”Kang Jian thinks it’s great that China is so good at (make) these everyday things. However, he (wish) that in the future China also (get) better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world. UNIT 6 P43 An Accidental Invention Did you know that tea, (popular) drink in the world (after water), (invent) by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk (near) 5,000 years ago. It (say) that a Chinese ruler (call) Shen Nong first discovered tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong (boil) drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and (remain) there for some time. It produced a nice smell so he (taste) the brown water anyway. It was quite delicious. In this way, one of the world’s favorite (drink) was invented. More than 4,000 years later, Lu Y u, “the saint of tea”, (mention) Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book (describe) how tea plants (grow) and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water (use). It (believe) that tea (bring) to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea (not appear) until around 1660, but less than 100 years later, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to W estern countries (take) place in the 19th century. This helped (spread) the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.
