李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡系列

李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡系列
李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡系列



李阳疯狂英语拿手好戏卡 1


用英语交流,第一关是最平常(ordinary;common),也是最重要的,几乎构成了日常生活,商务交往中的主要部分。做得好能给人留下深刻印象,使自己如鱼得水,(like a stranded fish put back into water ) 瀟酒应酬。同时也给自己带来巨大语言学习满足感!但这也是最难自如应用的部分!这第一关就是―社交性的寒喧‖。当中外人士夸奖我英文说得地道时,我最后发现我并没有和他们深谈。不过就是脱而出这些社交性的寒喧(greetings) 。



1. A: How are you doing? (你好吗?)

(比How are you?更地道,更亲切!学了十年英语的人也没几个会说!下次见了外国人只管脱口而出,一定会一鸣惊人!)

B: I'm doing fine/OK/pretty (相当;颇)well/great(极好的;超乎寻常的)/super(特级的;特佳的)/terrific(非常的;了不起的)/so-so. (很好/好/挺好的/棒极了/太好了/好得不得了/一般。)

或: Not bad. /The same as ever. /I can't complain(抱怨;发牢骚) too much. (还过得去/和以前一样/我不能太抱怨。/还不错。)

因为用―How are you doing?‖打招呼显得比较亲切,所以如果你不太舒服,可以如实回答:

C: Terrible.(极糟糕的;极差的) I've had a headache all morning. (难受极了,我整个早上都头痛。)



*He made a pretty fortune by selling all hes land.


*Today is pretty cold.(今天挺冷的。)


*Those werer great days and we were very happy.


*You have a great future.(你前途无量。)


*We feel this is a super place to live.


*You’ll like her,she is super.



*My mother is terrific at any kind of sewing.


*A’ll come an d give you a hand tomorrow.




*I’ve really got nothing to complain of.


*He complained to me about the food.



*She is a terrible student. (她是一极糟的学生。) *The food was terrible. (食物糟透了。)

2. A: How's it going? (近况如何?)

B: Fine. /Pretty good. (很好/挺好的。)

A: How's everything with you/going?(你一切如何?) B: Well, I'm still alive and kicking (活蹦乱跳的;生气勃勃;精神饱满;活跃). /So far so good. (我仍然活蹦乱跳的/活着混日子/到目前为止一切都好。)



*I still don’t understand what you mean.


*She was still beautiful at the age of forty.


Alive and kicking

*My grandfather is very much alive and kicking.


*You’ll be glad to hear that Bill is alive and kicking.


3. A: How've you been? (你近来怎么样?)

B: All right. 或oes’t make sase(近来;最近;不久前).. (还好/不算好。)


*He has been friendlier lately. (他近来更友好了。)

*His studies haven’t been improving lately.

( 他的学业最近没什么进步。)

4. A: How are things(局面;情况;形势) with you/going? (一切都好吗?/事情进行得怎样?)

B: Great. 或: I'm just taking one day at a time.




*Things look black .(前途黯淡。) *Things are looking up. (情况在好转。)

5. A: What's happening? (你好吗?)

(注:原意为"有什么事",现在已演变成"你好吗?" )

A: What's happening with you these days?


B: Nothing much. (没什么。)



*Nothing gives me more pleasure than listening to Mozart.


*There is nothing interesting in the newspaper.



*How did the accident happen? (事故是怎么发生的?) *I’d stay if they promoted me,but I can’t see that happening (假如他们提升我,我就留下来,但我看那是不可能的。)

6. A: What's new?/What's up(发生;进行)?


B: Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special. (没什么/没什么特别的。)



*I heard a lot of shouting,what’s up?


*I could tell something was up by the look on their faces. (我一看他们的脸色就知道有事。)


*Is there any particular color you would prefer?


*She is a particular friend of mine.



*He did it as a special favor.


*He never drinks except on special occasions.


7. A: Anything interesting happening?



*He is not very interesting to talk to.


*It must be interesting for you.


8. A: How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along? (近来如何?)[包括事业、健康状况等等!]

B: Keeping busy. Yourself? (一直很忙,你呢?)



*She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.


*Keep quiet.—I’m trying to get some word done.


9. A: How do you feel today? (今天感觉如何?)

B: I feel like a new man. (我感觉象是换了一个人似的。或:我觉得好象脱胎换骨了。) [额外成就感]


*You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep.


*I feel rotten about not taking the children out.



*I’ve always wanted a garden like theirs.


*I’m going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson.



*What's going on? 和 *What are you up to?






l 、Are you making progress(进展;进步;发展)? (你有进展吗?)[学英语的朋友可以




*There has been very little progress this term.


*He is making good progress after his operation.


*Stone is still in the hospital , but he’s making good/rapid progress.

(世通还在医院,但他的建康恢复得很快。) *He’s not making much progress with his English.

( 他的英语进步不大。)




2、Did you sleep soundly(充分地;酣畅地(睡觉)) last night.




*You’ll sleep sounder for it.



3、 Have you gotten over(克服;复原;痊愈) your cold? (你感冒好了吗?)


*She couldn’t get over her shyness.(她无法克服羞怯。)

*I think the problem can be gotten over without too much difficulty. (我认为问题不难解决。)

4、How come(为什么;为何) you look so tired?



*How come you’re not studying? (你为什么不学习?) *How come I wasn’t told? (我怎么没有听说?)

5、 Why are you in such a good mood(心境;情绪)?



*He is in a good / bad mood. (他的心情好/不好。)

*I’m always in a bad mood on Mondays.


6、 I just stopped by(中途作短暂访问;顺便访问) to say hello. (我只是顺路过来问个好。)


*Ask him to stop by for a talk.


7、 What a pleasant surprise running into(偶然遇见) you. (碰见你真太棒了!)


*It was a pleasant surprise. (那是个惊喜。)

*It is pleasant to jog in the early morning.


*Guess who I ran into today? I ran into Stone at the wupermarket this morning.


8、 I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately? (你今天躲到哪里去了?)


*Lies cannot hide facts. (谎言掩盖不了事实!)

*Where are the toys hidden away?


9、 I've been thinking about(回想;想起) you lately. Let's talk over coffee.



*Do you ever think about your childhood?


*Do you ever think about other people?


l0、You're just the man I want to see.


l1、 I haven't seen you for ages[口语:长时间]/in years/for a long time. (好久没见了。)

l2、 It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs? (再次见到你,真是太好了。你换工作了吗?)


*You’ve chan ged a lot since I last saw you.


*Our plans have changed. (我们的计划已经改变。)

l3、How was your trip to New York?


l 4、What has kept you so busy? (什么使你这么忙?)[现代人的特点]


*Her illness kept her in bed for a week.



疯狂英语》拿手好戏卡 2


一、首先给大家提供一段最典型的对话,然后是大量的实用―废话‖,使你无论在任何场合都能―主动出击‖(launch an attack),建立新的友谊!

A: Mary, this is Stone's brother Jim.


B: I'm very glad/pleased to meet you. (很高兴认识你。)

C: It's a pleasure to meet you. /The pleasure is mine.



*It’s been a pleasure to talk to you.


*Remembering the past was his only pleasure.


B: How do you like China so far? /What's your impression of China? /What do you think of China?


[疯狂联想]外国人认为中国人只会说第一句,而且还不会加上―so far‖,那么你下次就来个连环炮,吓他一大跳!

C: Its really different from what I expected(预期;预料;期待;期望).



*I expect (that) he’ll pass the examinat ion.


*This dictionary is more useful than I expected.


B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time(马上;立刻;转眼工夫). (别担心,你会很快适应/习惯的。)


*She got / became used to the new job.


*He’s still not used to life in the city.


*He did it in no time. (他马上做了那件事。)



1. May I have your name, please? (请问尊姓大名?)

[疯狂联想]以后大家不要再说―What’s your name?‖这样―粗鲁‖,没有―教养‖的―低级英文‖!

2. I think I've seen you before. You look very familiar. (我想我以前在哪里见过你,你看起来非常面熟。)


3. Say, don't I know(认识;熟悉) you from somewhere? (我是不是在哪里见过你?)


*I’ve known Martin for years. (我认识马丁好多年了。)

*We’ve known each other since we were children.


4. I must have seen you somewhere before.



*I’m going somewhere else this evening.


*I know somewhere (where) you can eat Japanese food. (人认识个地方,可以吃日本菜。)

5. Haven't we met before? (我们没见过吗?)

6. We have talked of you often. (我们经常谈到你。)


7. I didn't quite catch your name. /I'm sorry. I didn't get your name. (对不起,我没听清楚你的名字。)

8. A: How do I address(称呼) you?


B: Please call me Mary. That's my first name.


9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?


10. Where are you working now?


11. I've been looking forward(期待) to meeting you.



*We’ve been look ing forward to seeing you again.


*I’m looking forward to the weekend.


12. I've heard a great deal about you. (久仰大名。)

13. Is this your first trip to China? /Have you ever been to Guangzhou?

(这是你第一次到中国吗?/ 你以前来过广州吗?)

14. What impressed(给予某人深刻印象) you the most about Shanghai?



*The book impressed a lot of people.


*I was deeply impressed by / at / with his speech.


*The signs of the city never fail to impress the foreign tourists. (外车游客无一不对该城市留有深刻的印象。)

*We were most impressed with your efficiency.



15. May I ask where you are from? [很少中国人能这么说](我可以请问您是哪里人吗?)

16. I hope you're enjoying your stay here.



*I enjoyed reading these books very much.


*Tom doesn’t enjoy going to school.


17. It always takes time to get used to a new place.


18. Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing(无意中听到;偶然听到;偷听) - did you mention something about…(对不起,我无意中听见你们的谈话,你是不是提到…)注:这是和陌生人开始谈话的绝招。我曾经用这个办法在中国大酒店吃饭时和一批美国商人交上了朋友。


*Don’t talk so loud; you may be overheard.


*I happened to overhear what he said.


*I couldn’t help laughing. (我忍不住笑出来。)


1. Uh, are you going to be busy this evening?


2. Um, I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?


3. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me. (今晚有安排吗?不知道你是否有兴趣和我一起去看电影。)



*I wonder who he is. (我不知道他究竟是谁?)

*I wonder whether they will arrive on time.


4. I'm going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join(和……在一起;加入) us?



*I’ll join you in a minute. (我马上就来找你。)

*Ask him to join us for lunch.



1、That’d be very nice.(那太好了。)

2、I’d love to.(非常愿意。)

3、That’s a great idea.(这是一个绝妙的主意。)


1、 Sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight.(很抱歉,恐怕我今晚没空。)

2、 Tonight's a problem. What about tomorrow night? (今晚不行,明晚怎样?)

3、 Sorry, I've got people coming over tonight. (很抱歉,今晚有客人来。)

疯狂英语》拿手好戏卡 4


在第四和第五拿手好戏里我们重点―轰炸‖李阳老师成功处世精华!李阳老师的朋友都应该这样对待别人:帮助他人,并感激他人的帮助;保持一颗充满活力和敏锐的(sharp)心,赞扬和鼓励他人,给自己和别人的生活带来灿烂(bright ; splendid) 阳光;永远向前,挑战自我和生活,成为别人的力量这源和榜样。这里在致分为感谢、同意、肯定、鼓励和赞扬。更详细、更实用和更有趣的这类句子,请大家参阅《李阳时尚疯狂英语》有声杂志。

李阳老师认为一个朴素的处世真理就是:自己希望得到的,别人一般也希望得到。我希望得到鼓励/赞扬/同意和感谢!你呢?下面将赞扬另外做为一张卡,国为赞扬需要观察和创造力!要恰到好处!我们首先来看看英语里无时无刻不在的 Thank you.

1. Thank you for everything. (一切谢谢你。)[最简单最全面的感谢]

Thank you very much indeed. (真是非常谢谢你。)


* I was very sad indeed to hear about it.


2. I appreciate it /your help very much.


3. I don't know how to thank you enough. (我不知道应该如何感谢你。)[比直接的


4. It's kind of you to say that. (非常感激你那么说。)

5. You've been a great help /very helpful.


6. Thanks a million, Mr. Lee, for what you have done for me. (非常感谢您为我所做的一切。)

7. I hope I can repay you for it. (我希望能报答你。)


* How can I ever repay you for your kindness?


* The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus.


8. You've been very thoughtful(体贴的;关怀他人的). (你一直都很周到。)[美国电影常用]


* What a thoughtful boy he is!


* It was very thoughtful of you to send flowers.


9. I appreciate your consideration.

(我很感激你的体贴 / 体谅。)


* He has no consideration for others. (他不顾及别人。)

* He showed no consideration for his wife.


10. Thank you very much, but I guess I'd better do it myself. (谢谢你,但我想我最好还是自己做。)


11. Thank you /Thanks for trying (your best).


12. Thank you anyway /all the same /for asking.

(无论如何,还是谢谢你。/ 怎么样都要谢谢你。/ 谢谢你请我。)[谢绝他人好意]13. I'm most /very /extremely /tremendously (极惊人地;[口语]非常)/awfully /terribly grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. (高级精品句) [您不厌其烦地给我解释去那里的最佳途径,我对此深表感激。]



* That is extremely interesting. (那极为有趣。)

* T’m extremely sorry for the delay.



* It makes a tremendous difference to me.


* He is a tremendous walker. (他很能走路。)


* I’m afraid I’m awfully late. (我实在太迟了。)

* The plight of starving people is too awful to think about. (饥民的苦境糟得不可想象。) Terribly

* She suffered terribly when her son was killed.


* It is not a terribly good film.

( 这不是一部特别好的电影。)


* I’ve got to explain about it . (我得解释一下此事。)

* Could you explain why you left?


潇洒回答:Sure.(不用了。) /You're most welcome.(不用客气。) /Don't mention it.(别在意。) /It was nothing. (这不算什么。)/It was my pleasure.(这是我的荣幸。) /Think nothing of it. (别放在心上。)/That's all right. (没关系。)/Any time.(随时效劳。) /Don't worry about it . (别介意。)/Forget it. (算了吧。)/You bet. (当然。)


* Did she mention when she would arrive?


* They mentioned you as a good source of information. (他们说你消息灵通。)


1. I do /completely /strongly agree (very much).



* She finished the race strongly.


* I feel strongly that I can make it.



2. That's /You're absolutely (绝对地;完全地) right.



* It is absolutely impossible. (这是绝对不可能的。)

3. I think exactly the same way. (我也正是这样想的。)

4. That sounds(听起来;似乎) like a good idea.



* He sounds just like the person we need for the job.


* His excuse sounds unconvincing.


5. I'm with you on that matter. (关于那件事我赞成你。)

6. I see your point /what you mean, (我懂你的意思。)

7. That's understandable(高级形容词:可理解的).



* The instructions were not easily understandable.


8. It was all worth it. (那完全值得。)[感人的肯定]


* The book is worth reading. (这本书值得一读。)

* He felt that his life was no longer worth living.


* The scheme is well worth a try.


9. You said it. /You can say that again.

( 你说对了。)[美国电影特别常用]

10. You hit it /the nail right on the head(一语中的).


11. You have every reason to be proud of it.



* She complained , with reason (=rightly), that she had been underpaid.


* We aren’t going, for the simple reason that we can’t afford it. (我们不去,原因很简单:我们负担不起。)

12. You're pretty close. (你的答案相当接近了。)

13. That would be fine /great. (那好。)

14. That figures[可以理解]! (那有道理!) / That sounds reasonable. (好象有道理。) [额外成就感]

* ―John isn’t here today‖―That figures, he looked very sick yesterday.‖(―约翰今天没有来。‖―怪不得,他昨天就好象不太舒服。‖)

15. Whatever you decide is all right with me.

( 不管你怎么决定我都会赞成的。)


* You are right, whatever opinions may be held by others. (你做得对,别人怎么看不必理会。)

* Whatever nonsense the papers print, some people always believe it. (不管报纸胡说什么都有人信。)

16. That's it.(对了) / That will do. (那可以。)

17. I'll say.(对了。) / That's what it is. (的确如此。)

18. I suppose so.(我认为是这样。) / No doubt about it. (毫无疑问。)


* What do you suppose he wanted?


* I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? (我候你又要找我借钱了吧?)

19. You can put it that way. (你可以那样说。)

20. That's just what I think. /I take the same view.


21. I'm afraid you're right. ( 恐怕你对了。) /I have to agree with you. (我不得不同意你的看法。)

22. Come on, you can do that. /I bet you can make it. (振作起来,你一定行。)[美国电影常用]


* I bet you can make it. (我敢打赌你一定能做到。)

* He says he’ll get up at six tomorrow morning, but he’ll never m ake it.


23. You have nothing to worry about.


24. Never say die. (永不气馁!)

It's a piece of cake. (这是小菜一碟。)

25. You never know what you can do till you try.


26. You will come up with(想出;提出;找到) the right answer. (你会想起正确的答案的。)


* She’s come up with a new idea for increasing sales. (她想出了增加销售量的主意。)

* He came up with a bright idea. (他想到一个妙主意。)

* You’ve come up with a good idea.


27. It is not as difficult as it looks.


28. You've got lots of time to improve your English.



* The Post Office aims to improve its quality of service. (邮局悦意改善服务质量。)

* He studied harder to improve his English.


* Her health is improving markedly.


29. Take your medicine(承受不好的事) like a man.



* He really hates shopping but he goes anyway , and takes his medicine like man.


* A good medicine tastes bitter.


30. Well, that's life, isn't it?(这就是生活,不是吗?) /I know how you fell.


《疯狂英语》拿手好戏卡 5


1. You did a fine /good /great job. (你做得真棒!)

2. You've done a wonderful job. Well done! Well done! [一连串伟大的形容词]


3. That's great /wonderful /beautiful (出色的;完美的) /amazing (美国人常用:令人吃惊的;了不起的)/fantastic (高级形容词:了不起的)!

( 真棒!/真了不起!)



* The organizantion was beautiful. (组织工作极佳。)

* What beautiful timing. (时间正合适。)


* I find it amazing that you can’t swim.



* She is a fantastic swimmer. ( 她游泳游得非常好。)

* She’s a really fantastic girl.


* You passed your test? Fantastic!


4. You're so nice! /That's very nice of you.

(你真好 / 你真是太好了。)


* It is nice of you to invite me to the party tonight.


5. Mrs. Smith, you're a wonderful cook. (史密斯夫人,你是一个了不起 / 高明的厨师/ 做饭做得真好。)

6. I'm very proud of you.


7. I didn't expect you to do such a good job.



* Don’t expect too much of / from me.


* I expect (that ) I will be back on Sunday.


* You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a week. (别指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。)

* I expect you to be punctual. (我希望你守时。)

8. For a beginner, you're pretty good. (做为一个初学者,你已经做得很好了。)[马上卖弄去鼓励初学者]


* The movie was pritty good. (那部电影非常好。)

9. You are the right man for the job.


10. She is quite good with her hands. (她的手很巧。)


* He is a good speaker of English. = He is good at speaking English. (他英语说得非常流利。)

11. We loved it /I love it /I like it.


12. You've got a point there. (你的话很有道理。)


* What’s the point of your argument?


13. You look young for your age.


14. You have a very good memory /beautiful eyes.

(你的记性真好。/ 你的眼睛真漂亮。)

15. You're lovelier than your pictures.


16. How do you keep fit /in shape(健康;健美)?

(你怎么保持建康 / 身材。)



* World-class athletes are extremely fit.


He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day.


In shape

* You’ll never be in shape until you eat less and exercisemore. ( 只有少吃多锻炼才能健美。)

17. You look nice in your new shirt.


18. That tie goes well(与…配合良好;与…协调) with your suit. (那条领带和人的西服非常搭配。)


* I need some new shoes to go with these pants.


* White wine goes well with fish.


19. It really looks good on you.


20. You must be very popular. (你一定很受欢迎。)


* Jeans are popular among the young.


* Jogging is a popular form of exercise.


21. Where did you get such a nice tan?



* Her face was tanned. (她的脸晒成了棕色。)

22. You flatter(恭维;奉承;讨好) me immensely(极大的;极端的). (你真是过奖了。) [额外成就感]

* If you flatter your mother a bit she might invite us all to dinner. (你如果多奉承你母亲几句话,说不定她会把我们全都请去吃饭。)

* They enjoyed the film very immensely.



23. What a lovely couple you make!


24. How come you speak such good English?



* How come she hates birds? (她为何讨厌鸟?)

25. You speak English without an accent.



* He spoke in a German accent.


26. You have a good command (掌握;使用或控制某事物的能力) of English. (你的英文能力很强。)


* He has enormous funds at his command.


* He has no command over himself.


* Our troop was under his command.


27. She is cut out for (有做某事所需的素质或才能;(指两人)相当;相配) that job. (她很适合那个工作。)


* He is not cut out for teaching / to be a teacher.


* Sally and Michael deem to be cut out for each other. (莎莉和迈克看起来很相配。)

* I don’t think he is cut out for the job / to be a doctor. (我认为他适合那份工作/当医生。)

28. You've got it. (你对了!)



* Get it? (明白吗?)

* You got it. ([在猜谜等]答对了。)

29. You made a tough decision.



* He is tough in doing everything.


30. You have an eye for beauty. (你有审美的眼光。)


* He has the eye of a painter. (他有画家的鉴赏力。)

* She has an eye for detail. (她有鉴别细节的眼力。)

* She was a beauty in her day.



31. He has an old head on young shoulders.



* She has a clear head. (她头脑清晰。)

* Use your head. (动动人的大脑。)

* Two heads are better than one. (三个臭破匠胜过一个诸葛亮 / 一个人抵不上两个人聪明。)

32. You always know the right thing to say.


33. He is quick – witted(才思敏捷的;机敏的;有急智的;领悟力强的). (他反应灵敏。)



* conversation full of wit. (情趣横溢的谈话。)

34. You are a walking dictionary /encyclopedia(百科全书). (你是活字典。)

35. I wish I had your will power.



* Where there’s a will , there’s a way. (有志者事竟成。)

* Tony is a man of weak will.


* He has a strong will. (他意志坚强。)

* Her will to live enabled her to recover.


36. I admire you for sticking to your plans.



* I admire him for his success in business,


* Aren’t you going to admire my new hat?


* I’m not a great admi rer of his work.


* A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe.


37. I owe my success to my Mom.



* I owe what I am to my uncle.


* He owes his success more to luck than ability.


* He owes his wealth to diligence and good luck.


* She owes her good health to her regular life.


38. I envy(羡慕;忌妒) you for your ability to cope with(对待;处理) the situation.




* I have always envied your good luck.


* I don’t envy him his money problems.


Cope with

* There was too much work for our computer to cope with.


* The policemen could not cope with the crowds.


* How I envy you / your talent.


39. You are coming along well. (你进展得很好。)


* The works is coming along quite well.


* How’s your English coming along?


40. That's a good buy. (那买得便宜。)


疯狂英语》拿手好戏卡 6



1. Are you married or single? (你结婚了还是单身?)


* The old couple has alredy been married for fifty years. (那对老夫妻结婚已经50年了。) * He married a classmate from high school.


2. Do you have anyone in mind? (你有意中人了吗?)

3. I've been dying to(极想;渴望) see you.



* I’m dying for something to eat. (我极想吃点东西。)

* She is dying to know where you’ve been.


* She is dying to go abroad. (她渴望出国。)

4. My girlfriend and I broke up.



* Their marriage is breaking up.


* They decided to break up the partnership.


* What broke up their friendship?


5. How did you get to know her? (你是怎么认识她的。)

6. How long have you known her?


7. She is not my kind of girl.


8. He was our go-between. (他是我们的媒人。)

9. Miss Park is kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality. (她有点矮,但她个性迷人〖永久的魅力〗。)


* She has a very strong personality. (她性格坚强。)

* His personality left a deep impression on us.


10. She is well-built. /She has a good figure(体形;身材;体态). (她的身材很好。)

* I’m dieting to keep my figure.

( 我正在节食以保证身材(不发胖)。)

* She has an attractive figure. (她有迷人的曲线。)

11. His appearance is impressive.



* His collection of paintings is most impressive.


* He is an impressive man.


* He made an impressive speech.


12. She looks neat and fresh. (她看起来优雅清新。)


* His house was always neat. (他家经常都是干净的。)

13. She wears too much make-up(化妆品).



* The girl always wears a happy amile.


14. Forgive(原谅;宽恕) me for being 20 minutes late for our date. (请原谅我以至了二



* Forgive my ignorance , but what exactly are you talking about?


* I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother when she was sick in bed. (母亲病


* She forgave her husband. (她原谅了她的丈夫。)

* He forgave me for losing his notebook.


15. You are everything to me. There's no one like you. (你是我的一切,没有人能取代你。) [额外成就感]

* Money is everything to him.


16. Mary and Amold are going steady.

(玛丽和阿诺德正式成为情侣/ 确定了关系。)


* She is making steady progress in her learning.


* Tom doesn’t have a steady girlfriend at the moment. (汤姆眼下还没有一个已确定关系的情侣。)

17. It was love at first sight. (那是一见钟情)

18. I don't have the heart to tell her. (我没有勇气。)


* He is a man of heart.


* The film moved / touched our hearts.


* I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she was not chosen. (我没有勇气告诉她说她没有


19. Our date today was NATO.(No Action, Talk Only) (我们今天的约会只说不做。)

20. I love you with all my heart. (我全心全意爱你。)

21. I'm so happy with you in this starry(星光照耀的) night.


22. They are right matches. (他们是天生的一对。)


* She made a good match when she married him.


* I am no match for you at running.


* This tie is a good match for your suit.


23. She always plays with love. (她总是玩弄爱情。)



李阳疯狂英语口语速成文本 A: How are you felling today? B: I fell a lot better. Thanks for asking. The Chinese are a great people. I completely agree with you. She gives me a big headache. I know. It’s really annoying. What’s wrong with you? I feel a little sick today. Everything is so expensive in Japan. I can’t even afford to go there for a week. Who is that girl you were with last night? She is my best friend. I have a very happy family. You’re a lucky man. I lost my job yesterday. That’s too bad. I love money. Everyone loves money. How did you become so successful? I’m just lucky. Did it work? I’m not sure yet. You made a mistake! Nobody’s perfect. What’s the matter? Nothing is the matter. Everything is fine. Our English teacher is great. You’re so lucky to have a good teacher. I’m sorry I’m late. Forget about it. China and America should work together. You’re exactly right. My father has never traveled abroad.轻读卷舌音 My father lived in America for three years. Keep calm; it’s nothing serious. But I’m so worried. I don’t know what to do. How about the day after tomorrow? I’m busy then. How about Friday? You’ve made the same mistake as last time. I’m sorry. I’m still learning. Who’s in charge here?Our manager is in charge of this department. What makes you work so hard?舀水 I am determined to succeed. What do you think of Bill Clinton? He has a lot of confidence. It’s impossible for me to speak English. Nothing is impossible. I need to talk to you. Sure. Do you want to talk now? I will call you later. OK. I’ll be waiting for your call. The traffic is terrible in Beijing. Yeah, I really can’t stand it any more. I’m looking for Mr . Li. Oh, he’s just over there. My mother is a good cook.短音 My mother is a terrible cook. You look great today.一口气训练法,把声音押到腹部。深呼吸,后30遍 I’m flatte red. Thanks. I want to improve my poor English. Then you should study Crazy English. You must tell the truth.舌头伸出来,没声音But I’m afraid to tell the truth. You have to work long hours to make money. You’re right. No pain, no gain. I made a mistake./d/ Everyone makes mistakes. I’m so afraid to speak English. Don’t be shy, just try. Do you mind if I smoke? No, not at all. Go a ahead. Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. That boy looks so lonely sitting there by himself. Ask him to join us for lunch. Enjoy your stay here. Thanks, I’m sure I will. I hope I can see you again. Then let’s get together again soon. I don’t know what to do?“挖” Don’t worry. Everything will work out. China will host a great Olympics? No doubt about it.毫无疑问。口头禅,超夸


第一章 动词时态 我爱时态 中文没有时态,动词也不用变化,时态也就成了中国人学英语的最大障碍。但每种语言都有自己的 特色,正是因为时态的变化,才让英语具有独特的魅力。让我们来帮助你真正掌握时态,经过一段时间 的操练,你就会发现,使用各种各样的时态来表达你生活中的各种事情实在是再好不过了。 我爱时态 我爱一般现在时: I love grammar. 我爱一般过去时: I hated grammar before. 我爱一般将来时: I will be a grammar master. 我爱过去将来时: I thought I would never learn grammar well. 我爱现在进行时: I’m working on my grammar now. 我爱过去进行时: I was struggling with my grammar . 我爱将来进行时: I will be speaking with perfect grammar. 我爱现在完成时: I’ve studied grammar for ten years. 我爱过去完成时: I had forgotten all the grammar I learned for exams. 我爱现在完成进行时: I’ve been studying grammar for ten years, but I still can’t speak English. 1、一般现在时——表示现在的特征或经常性动作 王牌经典句Most Classical Sentences Top 1: I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。 Top 2: I’m Chinese. I’m from Beijing. 我是中国人,我来自北京。 Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay here. 我希望你在这里过得愉快。 wrong with you? You look terrible. A: What’s


第1篇 Summer Holiday Part-time Job During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV. So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks. The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way. After all, I stuck to it with my determination. Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began. Now, I understand what labor means. I think it was really a successful experience. 【参考译文】 [1] 2005年的暑假,我觉得应该做些有意义的事,而不是呆在家里看电视。所以我在肯德基快餐店找了份做清洁的工作。我每天早上很早就开始工作,晚上很晚才回家。我每天工作7个小时,连续做了3个星期。 [2] 那份工作辛苦、无聊并且似乎永无止境,弄得我疲惫不堪差点中途放弃。但我终究还是靠着意志力坚持了下来。 [3] 最后,我在新学年开始前结束了这份工作。 [4] 现在,我明白了劳动的意义。我觉得那真是一次成功的经历。


李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

[[ [[[[ [[i[[[u [[ [[ [ [ 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


《李阳疯狂英语》 《突破语法》 We're sick of boring grammar! Grammar is just like a bottomless sea.;我们厌倦了枯燥的语法!语法如浩瀚的海洋, You are simply turned offonce you read a grammar book!;一拿起语法书,学习英语的兴趣荡然无存! We are sick of those sentences fabricated for grammar teaching.;我们厌倦了专门为语法造出来的句子! Once we leave the school,those lfeless sentences become sheer rubbish.;一离开教室那此句子就变成了垃圾,显得苍白无力 Li Yang Crazy English gives you a brand new concept;;李阳疯狂英语给你一个全新的概念; Conquer English grammar through practical and beautiful sentences!;用最实用的句子、最精彩的对话全面突破语法难点Each grammar point is given vibrant,exciting dialogues or sentences;每条语法配数个生动、有趣的对话或句子! Just practice crazily and blurt it out! Throw away your boring grammar books!;疯狂操练,脱口而出!抛开无聊的语法书本, Forget about those dull grammar explanations!;摆脱乏味的语法解释, Put aside those sentences that even foreigners wonder at!;抛弃那此连外国人都不懂的句子! Grammar is no more than speaking!;学语法就是这么简单扼要!只不过是说说而已! We are both grammar experts and communication kings!;我们既是语法专家,更是沟通高手! 第一章动词时态; I love grammar. I hated grammar before I will be a grammar master.;我爱一般现在时: 我爱一般过去时:我爱一般将来时: I thought I would never learn grammar well.;我爱过去将来时: I'm working on my grammar now. I was struggling with my grammar .;我爱现在进行 时:我爱过去进行时: I will be speaking with perfect grammar. I've studied grammar for ten years.;我爱将来 进行时:我爱现在完成时: I had forgotten all the grammar I learned for exams.;我爱过去完成时: I've been studying grammar for ten years, but I still can't speak English.;我爱现在完成进 行时: 1、一般现在时--表示现在的特征或经 常性动作; Top 1: I like English very much.; 我 非常喜欢英语。 Top 2: I'm Chinese. I'm from Beijing.;我 是中国人,我来自北京 Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay here.;我 希望你在这里过得愉快 1.A:What's wrong with you? You look terrible.;你怎么了?看上去脸色很差。 B:I have a serious problem. I need your advice and support.;我碰到了大问题.我需要你 的忠告和支持。 2.A:My boss is in a bad mood today.;我老 板今天情绪不佳。 B: Really? My boss is in a bad mood every day!;真的吗?我老板每天情绪都不好。 3.A:How do I look? B:Fantastic!;我看 起来怎么样?太棒了! 【额外奉献】(1)It is very hot today.;今天 很热。 (2)You look nice in that dress.;你穿那条裙 子很漂亮。[每天都可以用的表扬.] (3)My mother gets up very early every morning.;我妈妈每天都很早起床。【我妈妈 就是这样!】 (4)I don't know much about China, but I want to know more.;我不太了解中国,但我想 知道更多。【外国人都有这种强烈的渴望!】 (5)I really like Chinese food.;我真的很喜 欢中国食物。 (6)I'm crazy about learning English.;我非 常热爱学英语。【我的朋友都是这样!】 (7)I work for an international company.;我 在一家国际公司工作。【非常遗憾,很多国际 大公司的职员连这个句子都说不好!】 (8)Jim learns quickly. Jim's brother Bob learns very slowly.;吉姆学东西很快。吉姆的 弟弟鲍勃学东西很慢。 (9)The bus runs every 10 minutes.;这路公 共汽车每10分钟开一班。 (10)I'm not interested in sports.;我对运动 不感兴趣。 (11)Does she enjoy her job?(Do you enjoy your job? Do they enjoy their job? );她喜欢她 的工作吗? (12)Do you know how late the store is open; 你知道这店开到几点钟吗 特别奉献:三最短文突破第三人称单数 A Very Outgoing Person;一个开朗外向的人 (1) Alice is a very outgoing person. She spends a lot of time with her friends.;(1)爱丽丝 是个非常外向的人。很多时间她和她的朋友 们一起共度。 She goes to parties. She goes to movies. And she goes to nightclubs.;她去聚会,去电影 院,她还去夜总会。 She takes a Crazy English class every weekend.;每个周末她去参加疯狂英语的课 程。 She knows everyone in her class. She's very popular.;她认识班里的每个人,她很受欢 迎。 (2) She also likes sports very much. She plays basketball. She plays baseball.;(2)她也很 喜欢运动。她打篮球、打棒球、 She plays volleyball. And she also plays golf.;打排球,她还打高尔夫球。 She's very athletic and she loves being outside.;她很喜欢运动,而且热爱户外生活。 (3) Alice doesn't stay home alone very often. She doesn't read many books.;(3爱丽丝 很少一个人呆在家里。她不怎么读书, She doesn't watch TV. She doesn't listen to music.;不看电视,不听音乐, And she doesn't talk on the phone. She's very active.;也不用电话跟人聊天。她很活跃。 She doesn't like to waste her time inside.; 她不喜欢把时间浪费在室内。 (4) As you can see, Alice is a very outgoing person.;(4)你可以看出,爱丽丝是个非常开朗 外向的人。 She's energetic and healthy. She has a lot of friends.;她精力充沛、身体健康。她有很多朋 友。 I enjoy her company very much. Everyone loves Alice.;我喜欢跟她在一起。人人都喜欢 爱丽丝。 再奉送给大家另一篇短文这里面既有第 三人称单数也有其他人称,操练时一定要注 意其中的区别:; (1) My sister and I are very different. I'm a teacher. She's a doctor.;(1)我姐姐和我是两个完 全不同的人。我是个老师她是个医生。 I live in Guangzhou. She lives in Shanghai. I have a small house in the suburbs.;我住在广 州,她住在上海我在郊区有间小房子, She has a large apartment in the city. I'm poor. She's very rich!;她在市区有套大公寓。 我很穷,她很富有。 My father likes me. My mother likes my sister.;我父亲喜欢我,我母亲喜欢我姐姐。 (2) I'm married. She's single. She doesn't want to get married.;2)我结婚了,她还单身一


轻松记单词的50个记忆口诀 1.马戏团的鹦鹉 它一岁的age(年纪) 会说人的language(语言) 头脑很懂manage(经营) 要求增加wage(薪水) 惹得老板rage(发怒) 把它关进cage(笼子) 2.败家女的生活 天生就很lazy(懒惰的) 生活就爱cozy(舒适的) 上街血拼crazy(疯狂的) 体胖心感uneasy(不安的) 减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的) 成天沉溺fantasy(幻想) 3.贫农发家史 地下播下seed(种子) 种出却是weed(杂草) 只能当作feed(饲料) 生存无法proceed(继续) 冒险去采seaweed(海带) 脚被刺伤bleed(流血) 拼命加快speed(速度) 回来销售succeed(成功) 见财心生greed(贪婪) 4.武术冠军擒贼 那天我骑着cycle(自行车)见有人偷旧bicycle(自行车) 还美其名曰recycle(回收利用) 我便鼓起了muscle(肌肉) 八卦掌划出semicircle(半圆) 擒贼被写进了article(文章) 5.英国的过去 大英帝国无bound(边界) 英联邦国家abound(大量存在) 流通货币是pound(英镑) 随处英语的sound(声音) 满城绅士牵hound(猎狗) 6.超级逃兵 行军方向forward(向前的) 他的方向backward(向后的)

逃跑方式awkward(笨拙的) 其实是个coward(懦夫) 7.掌舵手 有一个volunteer(志愿者) 把船来steer(驾驶) 快乐是sheer(纯粹的) 神情却queer(古怪的) 高傲像deer(鹿) 8.码头黑老大 野心相当large(大的) 想把地盘enlarge(扩大) 要想在这discharge(卸货) 保护费要overcharge(多收) 谁敢把我charge(控告) 9.便宜无好货 话说有个student(学生) 旅行需要tent(帐篷) 去到商店rent(租借) 只要几百cent(分) 野营发生accident(事故) 原来没有vent(通风孔) 骨架还全bent(弯曲) 奸商让人resent(愤恨) 10.排骨抢劫案 教堂旁边的shop(商店) 正大声播放pop(流行音乐) 卖美味红烧chop(排骨) 口水好像要drop(滴下) 无奈没有钱shop(买东西) 抢一盘朝外hop(跳跃) 越过绊脚的mop(拖把) 猛地撞上了bishop(主教) 被抓住交给cop(警察) 11.登山队员 购买装备时bargain(讨价还价) 买到次货是certain(必然的) 正当要翻越mountain(山脉) 装备坏了直complain(抱怨) 价格把质量contain(包含) 悔不听商家explain(解释) 12.童话版9.11 有一只pest(害虫) 穿一件vest(背心) 飞向southwest(西南) 撞树上nest(巢穴) 世道不公我protest(抗议)


阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

三思而后行。 ??舌尖齿龈含糊旁流音coo l That’s a cool car. 那辆车很酷。 w w 圆唇突出短“我”音wh y Why did you do that? 你为什么那样做? j j 双唇扁平短“爷”音y esterday Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪? 48个国际音标表 元音12个单元音 长元音[i:][][][u:][a:] 短元音[i][][][u][][e][] 8个双元音[ai][ei][i][i][][][u][au] 辅音 10 对 清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][][ ∫ ][][tr][ts] 浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][][ ][][dr][dz] 3个鼻音[m][n][] 3个似拼音[h][r][l] 2个半元音[w][j] 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前 部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


1.使我们痛苦的东西在真正锻造我们。 What pains us trains us. 2.成功没有电梯,只有一步一个脚印的楼梯。 There is no elevator to success—only stairs. 3.成功的秘密在于始终如一地忠于目标。 The secret of success is constancy to purpose. 4.成功来自于克服困难的斗争。 Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. 5.只有在字典中,成功才会出现在工作之前。 The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. 6.除辛勤工作之外,我别无成功的秘诀。 I have no secret of success but hard work. 7.人们总是问我是否知道成功的奥秘,能否可以告诉别人怎样才能使他们的梦想成为现实。我的回答是:成功和实现梦想的诀窍是努力工作。成功是干出来的,不是想出来的。 People often ask me if I know the secret of success,and if I could te ll others how to make their dreams come true.My answer is,you do it b y working. 8.做最好的打算,做最坏的准备。/从最好的地方着想,从最坏的地方准备。Hope for the best,but prepare for the worst. 9.这个世界上只有一种成功,那就是能够以自己的方式度过自己的一生。 There is only one success—to be able to spend your life in your own way. 10.肤浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。 Shallow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success . 11.人不是为失败而生存的。 Man is not made for defeat. 12.生活很艰苦,但你可以更加强大。 Life is tough,but you can be tougher. 13.当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了。 You make the failure complete when you stop trying. 14.心怀伟大的理想,你将会变得伟大。 Think great thoughts and you will be great! 15.要想成为伟大的领导者就必须有伟大的希望。 To be a great leader,you must have great hopes! 16.如果你想成功,不要去刻意追求。只要你干自己热爱的工作并相信它,成功自然会到来。 Don′t aim for success if you want it;just do what you love and belie ve in,and it will come naturally. 17.伟大的希望造就伟大的人物。


疯狂英语100句 不断的小成就感。“量变”(一个句子一个句子地积累)肯定是痛苦的,但每当你脱口而出一个句子的时候,你应该感到很自豪,因为很多英语学了十多年的人还说不出几句象样的句子。不要急!记住:学一句算一句,说一句顶十句。 1.How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2.I'm doing great.(我过得很好。) 3.What's up?(出什幺事了/你在忙些什幺/怎幺了?) 4.Nothing special.(没什幺特别的。) 5.Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。) 6.So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。) 7.Things couldn't be better.(一切顺利。) 8.How about yourself?(你自己呢?) 9.Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。) 10.Are you making progress?(有进展吗?) 11.May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?) 12.I've heard so much about you.(久仰大名。) 13.I hope you're enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。) 14.Let's get together again.(改天再聚聚。) 15.That's a great idea!(好主意!) 16.Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。) 17.I'm glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。) 18.Don't forget us.(别忘了我们。) 19.Keep in touch.(保持联系。) 20.I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。) 21.Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。) 22.Same to you.(彼此彼此。) 23.Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。) 24.Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。) 25.Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26.Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。) 27.I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。) 28.You're always welcome.(别客气/不用谢) 29.Forget it.(算了吧) 30.It was my pleasure.(不用谢。) 31.I made a mistake.(我弄错了。) 32.I'm terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。) 33.I must apologize!(我必须道歉!) 34.I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。) 35.It's not your fault.(那不是你的错。) 36.Sorry to bother /have bothered you.(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。) 37.What do you do?(你做什幺工作?) 38.How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39.I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。) 40.I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。)


李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材(一定要大声的朗读出来才有用) 1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

48个国际音标表 [[] [[[] [i][i[[[u [[ [][ [ 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。

李阳疯狂英语 口语突破 单词 1

achieve v. 完成;实现;达到 No one can achieve anything without effort. 没有人能不劳而获。 Set a goal and work on it till you achieve it. 定下目标,为之努力直到你实现你的目标。 Our company has achieved all its goals this year. 我们公司今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。 Everyone wants to achieve something in life. 每个人都想在一生中有所作为。 I hope to achieve all my goals soon. 我希望尽快达到所有目标。 If you believe it,you can achieve it. 如果你相信,你就能做到。 I know I can achieve success if I keep on trying. 我知道,如果我不断尝试,我就会获得成功。 Good English will help us achieve modernization. 流利的英语有助于我们实现现代化。 He achieved a great deal because he was a hard worker. 他取得成功是他努力的结果。 Keep a record of all your achievements,no matter how small. 记录下你所有的成绩,不论有多小。 You should be proud of your achievement. 你应该为你的成就感到自豪。 I'm never satisfied with my achievements.I always want to do more. 我从来不满足于我的成绩。我总想要做得更多。 China has had a lot of achievements in the past year. 在过去一年中,中国取得了很多成就。 agree v. 同意,赞成 I agree with you. 我同意你(的意见)。 I couldn't agree more. 我非常同意。 Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的意见吗? He agreed to my idea. 他接受了我的意见。 She can't agree to your demands. 她不可能接受你的要求。 I find it impossible to agree to your terms. 我认为不可能接受你们的条件。 Tom agree to do the work. 汤姆答应做这件工作。 My friends agreed to lend me the money. 我的朋友们答应借钱给我。 Do you agree with him about/on that matter? 关于那件事,你同意他的意见吗? I don't agree with a single word that you have said. 你说的话我一个字都不赞成。 She agreed with his plan. 她赞成这个计划。


目录 Content 成功之路第一篇:暑假打工 Summer Holiday Part-time Job 成功之路第二篇:广告与现代生活 Advertisements in Our Life 成功之路第三篇:口头通知——欢迎美国代表团 American Student’s Visit 成功之路第四篇:写好英语作文的秘密 Secrets to Write a Beautiful Article 成功之路第五篇:经典求职信 Job Hunting 成功之路第六篇:学生是否应该参加体育锻炼 Whether Students should Take Physical Exercise 成功之路第七篇:因特网的作用 On the Internet 成功之路第八篇:经典图表描述 The Red Star Television Factory 成功之路第九篇:农村儿童失学问题 Rural Education 成功之路第十篇:网络学校 New Century Net-school 成功之路第十一篇:北京奥运 Beijing Olympic Games 成功之路第十二篇:学生是否有必要带手机去学校 Mobile Phones at School 李阳老师特别奉献:英语是我最喜欢的科目 English Is My Favorite Subject 李阳疯狂英语高考作文成功之路 秘诀一:背诵一篇经典范文胜过自己写十篇文章。 秘诀二:背诵最好的方法就是随身携带!利用每天大量的零碎时间疯狂操练,你

一定能成功! 秘诀三:记不住和智商没有任何关系,每个人都是伟大的天才!记不住的唯一原因就是:重复得远远不够! 秘诀四:天才的秘诀就是:通过反复的练习,把一件事情做到炉火纯青的境界! 成功之路第一篇:暑假打工 文体:记叙文 【题目要求】 暑假过后,你的外籍教师要同学们汇报自己假期所从事的社会活动和自己的感想。请写一书面材料交给外教: 你在2005年暑假到一家肯德基(KFC)快餐店做保洁员(cleaner)工作,你每天工作7个小时,为期3周,这项工作辛苦且枯燥,并使你感到非常的疲惫,这几乎使你半途放弃。 在新学期开始之前,你终于坚持完成了这项工作,并且认识到了劳动(labor)的意义,你认为这是一次成功的体验。 注意: 1.必须用第一人称 2.字数100个左右 【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】 Summer Holiday Part-time Job [1] During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV. So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner. Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening. I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks. [2] The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way. After all, I stuck to it with my determination. [3] Finally, I finished the job before the new school term began. [4] Now, I understand what labor means. I think it was really a successful experience. 成功之路第二篇:广告与现代生活 文体:议论文 【题目要求】 请根据以下提供的要点写一篇议论文,阐述一下广告业已经成为当今社会很
