



1.What work of art, music, science, mathematics, or literature has influenced your thinking, and in what way? (University of Virginia applicants to the College of Arts and Sciences)

2.Discuss how a particular work of music, literature, or art has inspired your life. (William and Mary)

3.Tell us how a particular book, play, film, piece of music, dance performance, scientific theory or experiment or work of art has influenced you. If you choose a novel, film or play, assume we know the plot. (University of Notre Dame)

4.Consider the books you have read in the last year or two either for school or for leisure. Please discuss the way in which one of them changed your understanding of the world,other people, or yourself. (Duke University)

5.Tell us about a situation where you have not been successful and what you have learned from the experience. (William and Mary)

6.First experiences can be defining. Cite a first experience that you have had and explain its impact on you. (University of Pennsylvania)

7.Recall an occasion when you took a risk that you now know was the right thing to do. (University of Pennsylvania)

8.Tell us what you think about a current scientific or social controversy. (William and Mary)

9.Most peop le belong to many different communities?groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. Limit your response to half a page, or approximately 250 words. (University of Virginia all applicants)

10.What can you contribute to a multi-cultural world? (William and Mary)

11.The quality of Rice1s academic life and the residential college system is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What perspective do you feel that you will be able to share with others as a result of your own life experiences and background? Cite a personal experience to illustrate this. Most applicants are able to respond successfully in two to three pages. (Rice University)

12.Northwestern is a community of individuals from diverse cultures and regions of the world and with a myriad of interests and talents. Is there a type of individual you have not had much contact with in your community whom you would like to meet on campus? What

do you think would be the outcome of that meeting, and what would be its effect on you? (Northwestern)

13.Respond to the question: How can I prepare educationally for a global society? (Hampton University)

14.Once you have completed your education, would you return to your hometown to begin your adult life? Why or why not? (William and Mary)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/75259003.html,s have a mysterious reality of their own. We may well feel an unexpected kinship with someone who shares our name, or may feel uneasy at the thought that our name is not as much our own as we imagined. Most of us do not choose our names; they come to us unbidden, sometimes with ungainly sounds and spellings, complicated family histories, allusions to people we never knew. Sometimes we have to make our peace with them, sometimes we bask in our names1 associations. Ruminate on names and naming, your name, and your name1s relationship to you. (University of Chicago)

16.The late William Burroughs once wrote that "language is a virus from outer space." We at the University of Chicago think he1s right, of course, and this leaves us wondering what else came here with it. Could this finally explain such improbable features of modern life as the Federal T ax Code, non-dairy creamer, Dennis Rodman, and the art of mime? Name something that you assert cannot have originated any other way. Offer a thorough

defense of your hypothesis for extraterrestrial origins, including alternate explanations and reasons for eliminating them from consideration. (University of Chicago)

17.What effect has any voluntary or independent research, reading or study, work in the arts, science project, etc. (outside of school), had on your intellectual and personal growth in recent years? Discuss what influence this involvement has had on your academic goals. (Northwestern)

18.What has been your most profound or surprising intellectual experience? (Duke University)

19.Anatole France said, "If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." On what subject do you disagree with most people, and why? (Northwestern)

20.According to Stephen Carter, we can admire those with integrity even if we disagree with them. Are there people you admire even though you deeply disagree with them? What do you admire about them? How do you reconcile this apparent contradiction in your assessment? (Duke University)

21.Who is the secondary school teacher who has had the greatest positive impact on your development? Please describe the ways in which this teacher has influenced you. (Bowdoin College)

22.Reflect on these words of Dorothy Day: "No one has the right to sit down and feel hopeless. There's too much work to do." What is "the work to be done" for your generation, and what impact does this have on your future as a leader? Write a creative, reflective, or provocative essay. (University of Notre Dame)

23.Read Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Letter from Birmingham Jail." It can be found in several anthologies, most recently King Remembered (W.W Norton & Company, 1986). Drawing upon personal experience, write a creative, reflective or provocative essay. (University of Notre Dame)

24.What characteristics of Penn, and yourself, make the University a particularly good match for you? Briefly describe how you envision your first year in college. How will your presence be known on campus? (University of Pennsylvania)

25.Why did you first become interested in William and Mary? (William and Mary)

26.Why do you consider Duke a good match for you? Is there something in particular you anticipate contributing to the Duke community? If you are applying to the School of Engineering, you may discuss your interest in the field of engineering in general or your interest in Duke's program specifically. (Duke University)

27.You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217. (University of Pennsylvania)

28.Imagine you have written a short story, film, or play about your last four years. Briefly describe the one moment or scene that your audience will most remember from this autobiographical piece. What will they learn about you from that moment? (Northwestern)

29.What do you think people who know you would be surprised to learn about you? Limit your response to one page.(Rice University)

30."The instructor said,/Go home and write/a page tonight./And let that page come out of you?/Then, it will be true." The second line of this poem by Langston H ughes, "Theme for English B," goes on to ask: "I wonder if it1s that simple?" We ask you here to write a truthful page about yourself, beginning where Hughes begins: "I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem./I went to school there, then Durham, then here/to this college on the hill above Harlem./I am the only colored student in my class." That is to say, each of us is at a certain stage of life and has a history. Each of us has lived somewhere and gone to school. We each are what we feel and see and hear, as the poem goes on to say. Begin there and see what happens. (University of Chicago)

31.Pose a question of your own, the answer to which you believe will display your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, sensible woman or man, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago. (University of Chicago)

32.Tell us the question you think a selective college should ask. Why? (William and Mary)

33.The Committee on Undergraduate Admissions is interested in learning more about you. Please use this essay to relay information about you that cannot be found elsewhere on your application. You may choose to write about your future ambitions and goals, a special talent or unusual interest that sets you apart from your peers, or a significant event or relationship that has influenced you during your life. (George Mason University/Virginia Tech)

34.Please submit a final piece of writing on any subject you choose. Limit your response to one page, or approximately 500 words. (University of Virginia all applicants)

35.Please write on a matter of importance to you. Any topic, and any form of written expression, is acceptable. If you have written something for another purpose--even an essay for another college--that you believe represents you particularly well, feel free to submit it here. As a guideline, remember that we are especially interested in issues of personal significance. (Duke University)

36.Which of the majors in the School of Architecture?architecture, a rchitectural history, or urban and environmental planning?most appeals to you, and why? (University of Virginia applicants to the School of Architecture)

37.Please respond to each of the following: 1) What aspirations, experiences, or relationships have motivated you to pursue the study of architecture? 2) Outside of academics, what do you enjoy most or find most challenging? Responses should be one page each. (Rice University applicants to the School of Architecture)

38.Engineers will face many challenges over the next twenty years. Which of these challenges seems the most compelling to you, and how do you plan to help meet it? (University of Virginia applicants to the School of Engineering)

39.Select a creative work: a novel, a film, a poem, a musical piece, a painting or other work of art that has influenced the way you view the world and the way you view yourself. Discuss the work and its effect on you. (University of Virginia/William and Mary/NYU)

40.What book, poem, piece of music, or artwork has influenced you? Write down your thoughts and feelings about this work and write a dialogue in which the work responds to you.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/75259003.html, one book you have read in the past year, describe your reason for considering this book significant and what you gained from reading it. (Lewis and Clark College)

42.Discuss how something you have read has affected you or changed your mind about something. 5.T ell us about the biggest mistake you1ve ever made, or heard of. (University of Virginia)

43.Describe a risk that you have taken and discuss its impact on your life. (Kalamazoo College)44..Tell us about the most embarrassing moment of your life. (Santa Clara University) 8.Tell us about the neighborhood that you grew up in and how it helped shape you into the kind of person you are today. (Yale and the University of Chicago) 9.Read Annie Dillard1s "An American Childhood." Choose one of her observations or ideas and write a creative, reflective or provocative essay. (Notre Dame) 10.What are the responsibilities of an educated person? (University of Puget Sound).Identity and culture are clearly intertwined. How has your experience of culture influenced the development of your own personal identity? (NYU)

44. At Colorado College, diversity is considered an integral component of every student's liberal arts education. Discuss your division of "diversity" and the ways in which you expect it to affect your college experience. (Colorado College)

45. Of all the activities you listed above, which one has proved to be the best, or the worst, use of your time, and why? Use one specific example to illustrate how this activity has, or has not, been worthwhile. (University of Virginia) 14.Sartre said "Hell is other people," while Streisand sang, "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world." With whom do you agree? (Amherst) 15.Discuss an important personal relationship you have had and explain how it has changed your life.

46. Who are the people who have done the most to influence your personal development and in what ways were they influential? (Carleton College) .Defend your least conventional belief. (University of Virginia)

47. If you were to protest something, for or against, what would it be and why? 19.Are you honorable? How do you know? (University of Virginia)

48. Relate a personal experience that caused you to discern or refine a value that you hold. (University of Virginia) 21.Relate an incident in your life in which honesty or character (or both) were at issue. (University of Virginia) 22.Describe a situation in which your values or beliefs were challenged. How did you react? (NYU)

49. As a prospective 21st century college graduate, you will enter a workforce and live in a society with an increasingly global perspective. How will your current knowledge of international issues and cultures influence your undergraduate study? (NYU)

50. If you could invent something, what would it be, and why? (University of Virginia) https://www.360docs.net/doc/75259003.html,ing a piece of wire, a car window sticker, an egg carton, and any inexpensive hardware store item, create something that would solve a problem. Tell us about your creation, but don't worry: we won't require proof that it works. (Johns Hopkins)

51. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo College)

52. If you were to write a book, on what theme or subject matter would it be based, and why? (Stanford)

53. What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)

54. What effect has any voluntary or independent research, reading or study, work in the arts, science project, etc., had on your intellectual and personal goals in recent years? Discuss what influence this involvement has had on your academic goals. (Northwestern)

55. Describe your most important academic accomplishment or intellectual experience to date. We don't want to know about test scores or course grades, rather we want to know about your creativity, your willingness to take intellectual risks or your affinity for scholarly

endeavors. (MIT)

56. Describe an intellectual experience of the past two years that has given you great satisfaction. (Amherst)

57. Do you believe that your academic record accurately reflects your abilities? Explain.

33.What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

58. George Washington said, "Associate with men of good quality, if you esteem your own reputation; it is better to be alone than in bad company." About which of your friends do you and your parents disagree? Why do you feel that the continued company of this friend is a good thing? (Northwestern)

59. Explain how your experiences as a teenager significantly differ from those of your friends. Include comparisons. (University of Puget Sound)

60. Imagine you have written a short story, film, or play about your last four years. Briefly describe the moment or scene that you think your audience will most remember after they have finished this autobiographical piece. What will they learn about you from that moment? (Northwestern)

61. If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to

someone beginning their high school career? (Simmons)

62. Imagine that you are a "hero" or "heroine" for one day during any time period and under any circumstances. Write a creative essay describing your experience. (Notre Dame)

63. What is the best advice you ever received? Why? And did you follow it? (University of Pennsylvania)

64. Tell us about a conversation you've had that changed your perspective or was otherwise meaningful to you. (Stanford)

65. If we could only admit one more student to ________ University, why should it be you? (University of Pittsburgh)

66. Of all the things you hope or expect to gain from your college experience, which two or three would you place at the top of your list? Explain what you want to gain and why these experiences are most important to you.

67. You are about to write your future college roommate a letter. Please provide the roommate with a personal story that will give him/her some insight into your personality. (St. Mary1s College, MD)

68. Tell one story about yourself that would best provide us, either directly or indirectly, with an insight into the kind of person you are. For example, the story can simply relate a personal experience, or a humorous anecdote; it can tell about an especially significant academic encounter or about an unusual test of character. The possibilities are unlimited (well, almost so). You choose. Just relax and write it. (Princeton)

69. .Please provide information that you feel will give a more complete and accurate picture of yourself, e.g., background, personal philosophy or traits, goals, etc. Be sure to describe the influence of these factors. Please be concise and limit your response to one or two pages. (Pomona College)

70. What single adjective do you think would be most frequently used to describe you by those who know you best? Briefly explain. (Stanford)

71.If you were to describe yourself by a quotation, what would the quote be? Explain your answer. (Dartmouth)

72. Create a metaphor for yourself using something you would find in your kitchen or your garage. List as many similarities or relationships between yourself and this object as you can think of, then elaborate on this comparison in an essay. Why is this object a good representation of you? (adapted from U. of Chicago)

73.Discuss how some negative experience (disability, illness, failure) has had a positive influence on your life.

74..Describe a personal habit that helps to define you as a person.

75.Discuss how a specific place can be used to help illustrate your personality. 52.If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what animal would you select and why?

76. Describe a fictional character. Be sure to point out what you do or do not like about the character and relate these attributes to yourself.

77. What have you undertaken or done on your own in the last year or two that has nothing to do with academic work? (Northwestern)

78. Discuss how your travel experiences have affected you as a student and a citizen of the world.

79. If money and family obligations left you entirely free, how and where would you spend the summer before college?

80. If you were given the opportunity to spend one year in service on behalf of others, which area would you choose? Explain what you would do and why.

81. If you had a day to spend as you wish, how would you use your time? (Carleton College)

82. .Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why? (Swarthmore)

83. .What do you think has been the most important social or political movement of the twentieth century? Do you share a personal identification with this cause? (Trinity College, CT)

84. History has recorded the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Sexual Revolution. Today we are witnessing a revolution in the way we receive information. What do you think will be the next great revolution, and what will be its impact on you and your society? (Northwestern)

85. If you were to develop a Mt. Rushmore representing the 20th century, whose faces would you select and why? (William and Mary) 63.If you could be a fly on the wall to observe any situation--historical, personal, or otherwise--describe what you would choose to observe and why. What would you hope to learn and how would it benefit you? (University of Pittsburgh)

86. If you could spend a year with any real or fictional person in the past, present, or future, whom would you choose? Why? (Kalamazoo College)

87. If you could hold a conversation with someone (living or deceased) you consider significant, who would you talk to and what would you talk about? Describe your conversation. (University of Oregon)

88. If you could meet any famous person, living or dead, who would it be? Write a dialogue between you and that person.

89. If you could become another person, real or fictional, for one day, who would you become and why?

90. If you had the power to change three things in your community or in the world, what would you change and why? (Middle East Technical University in Turkey) 69.If you could change the course of a singular event in history, what event would you affect, and why? In addition, please provide insight on how you would implement your decision. (St. Mary1s College, MD) 70.If you could go back and change one day in your life, what would you change and why? (Santa Clara University)

91. Please write a personal journal entry as if the date were Sept. 20, 2030. (St. Mary1s College, MD.)

92.It has been said [by Andy Warhol] that in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. Describe your fifteen minutes. (New York University)

93.Recent developments in technology have revolutionized the way we gather information, communicate with one another, and even express ourselves as individuals. If there is a computer in your life, tell us how you use it. If there is not a computer in your life, tell us how you would. (William and Mary)

94.Select a technological innovation of this century and discuss its effects on your family, local community or nation. (Notre Dame)

95.Look through old family photos and pull out a few that remind you of important times or significant moments. (Remember that the impact of a moment is what makes it significant.

A hike through the woods can sometimes be more significant than a birthday.) Choose one of these "Kodak Moment" to describe and explain its significance to you. Speak about the photograph and your feelings about what you see in it.

96.Attach a small photograph of something important to you and explain its significance. (Stanford)

97.You are on your dream vacation and have just finished shooting a roll of film. As you go

to develop the film, the local merchant offers to make a postcard of one of your photos. Describe the photo, why you selected it and write a brief note to your friends back home. (Be sure to include where you are and what you have been doing there.) (University of the Pacific)

98.Elvis is alive! Okay, maybe not, but we have been persuaded that recent Elvis sightings in highway rest areas, grocery stores and laundromats are part of a wider conspiracy involving five of the following: the metric system, the Mall of America, the crash of the Hindenberg, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, lint, J.D. Salinger, and wax fruit. Construct your own theory of how and why five of these items are related. (University of Chicago)

99.The subject of food is never far from our minds here in College Admissions. It is a topic of serious conversation this year on campus, too, with the publication of a book called The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting of our Nature, by Leon Kass, M.D., a Chicago faculty member who teaches in the College. The book takes a philosophical look at what food, eating, and table manners have to tell us about our human estate. Compose an essay about a memorable meal you have eaten. We are especially interested in the details: the occasion, your company at this meal, its physical setting, the kinds of foods you ate, or their preparation. (University of Chicago)

100.Ask and answer the one important question which you wish we had asked. (Carleton College)


申请留学美国的流程及条件 第一步:了解基本学制 美国的大学,除了较少的学校采用Quarter制一年有四个Quarter 外,绝大多数都采用学期Semester 制,每年有两个学期,于8月底及1月份开学,分别称为秋季学期和春 季学期。与中国的高中学制相匹配的是秋季学期,但因为申请截止日期和申请材料完备的 问题,许多学生都没有办法申请到毕业当年的秋季学期。许多学校就设立春季学期,让学 生多了一个入学的机会。 因为有了两个学期,所以美国大学都有申请截止日期。一般情况下为Deadline和 Early Decision两种。Early Decision通常在头一年的10月底至12月;Deadline在1月到4月不定,多数学校集中在1月和4月,学生要按照学校的规定及时寄送申请材料。同时,还有一些学校采用了Rolling制度,即不设定申请截止日期,若一个学生太晚申请, 以致错过了秋季学期的申请时效,校方会自动将学生的申请资料延至招收春季班学生时再 审核,这样不仅使得申请的学生从此不用担心学校截止日太早,对校方而言,在招生时也 有较多学生可供筛选。 第二步:提供材料要全面 申请人需提供的材料包括:1、高中成绩单 Transcripts。要有中英文两份,加盖学 校的公章;2、三封学校老师的推荐信 Recommendations;3、由ETS寄送的托福考试成绩;4、个人陈述Essay 。要选定主题,展现个人风格,幽默,还要诚恳,要表达出适应不同文化对您的意义。进而显示出如果您成为学校的一分子,将如何嘉惠其他同学;5、SAT考试;6、财力证明;7、学校要求的申请费和填好的申请表格。 第三步:申请奖学金 美国大学吸引学生注意的地方就是奖学金。相对研究生来讲,本科的奖学金比较少。 但是优秀的学生还是可以申请到的。主要考察的还是学生本人的综合素质和全面的能力。 第四步:签证注意 签证官的注意力主要放在三方面: 1、学习动机。申请人要让签证官明白自己求学的决心和为之所做的准备。 2、财力证明。申请人要说明自己有能力支付在美国学习和生活的费用。 3、回国理由。这是比较关键的地方,此时,申请人要说明自己在国内和国外的各种 状况,从而肯定会回国发展。


申请美国TOP50名校本科,这些最低申请要求你一定要满足 2017年的美国本科申请马上就要开始了,相信很多同学现在忙得焦头烂额的在准备申请材料中!那么,申请美国TOP50名校,你需要什么准备哪些申请材料呢?你要满足哪些最低要求呢?今天,天道小编就给大家整理了美国前50的名校的申请材料和要求。 申请材料 1.课外活动表格 如何参与这个活动、花多长时间参与以及你担任的角色,根据每个申请学校的要求作答。 2.高中成绩 初三、高一、高二的成绩单;除了提早申请,申请者当年秋季的成绩单也要提交。 3.SAT成绩、托福成绩 根据每个学校要求提供。 4.个人陈述 个人陈述要用细节打动招生官,要连贯性强的全面展示真实的申请人。 5.推荐信 推荐信要确保时间与大学申请截止时间的间隔。推荐信切记少而精,美国名校只看重每封推荐信的质量,一封普通的、平淡的推荐信反而会有负面作用。 推荐信最好是通过实例表达品格,谨记推荐信表达的意思要与个人陈述一致。提前找一个真正了解你、与你关系比较好的老师去写推荐信,班主任、数学老师和英语老师一般是比较好的选择。 6.财力证明 美国大学还会要求学生提供财力证明,以示学生有能力负担其本科教育开支。 申请美本名校硬性指标 三个成绩+AP 1,托福成绩: 申请美国名校,托福成绩最好在108分及以上,且单项不低于26分。国际学生及在美国居住不满3年的学生如果希望申请美国大学需要提供托福成绩;美国名校更看重学生的英语应用能力。

建议可以在高一的暑假开始接触托福考试,暑假结束的时候可以考一次试试看。然后利用高二 上学期空余的时间好好准备取得一个不错的成绩。 2,SAT成绩: SAT是美国高考,分SAT1和SAT2。在招生中首先看重的是SAT成绩(名校更看重SAT阅读成绩),这个成绩对是否被录取的影响是决定性的。目前国内高中生要去香港或者新加坡等地考试。SAT1的 分数至少要达到1800+、SAT阅读至少650+才有可能被前30名校录取;SAT2大多数学生会选择数学、化学、物理、生物、语言、文学、美国历史、世界历史等科目,美国名校申请需要考2-3门SAT2。 中国学生最差的就是SAT阅读,而SAT阅读是美国名校在三科(阅读、数学、写作)最为看重的。 建议可以在高二寒假的时候可以接触一下SAT考试,然后充分准备后高二结束前的五月可以考 一次SAT1,六月可以考SAT2。这样即使第一次SATI考得不是最理想,也可以十月,十一月的时候 再试。 值得提醒的是SAT考试应该有充分的准备后才去考。因为有些学校的送分政策规定会查阅学生 每次考试成绩,第一次的成绩太差或者考试次数太多都会影响招生官对你的评价。 3,学校成绩: 学校成绩一般包括GPA(平均成绩)、年级排名、各科考试分数。GPA是申请者在高中阶段总成绩的体现,年级排名体现申请者与同学校其他申请人的差距。你需要从九年级也就是国内的初中三年 级开始保持在校成绩优异,高中成绩最好呈现上升趋势。在高中,选课的时候不要太偏科。因为很 多大学在录取学生的时候对学生高中所修的课程也会有一定的要求。比如说加州大学的各个分校要 求申请者在中学阶段必须完成4学年的英文学习,两学年有实验的理科课程,三学年数学课程(包括基础代数,几何和中级代数)等等。 4,AP: AP课程并非是申请美国名校的必考项目。但如果参加AP课程考试并取得好成绩,对申请顶尖 大学是极为有利的。AP课程考试成绩优异的话,可以让大学招生官认为该学生渴望追求知识、学习 非常主动、敢于挑战自己,从而增添获得录取的可能性。另一方面,在进入大学后,如果AP课程考试成绩好,有可能直接申请大学学分,从而免修相应大学课程,缩短学习时间,节省学费。 申请美本名校软性指标 活动 课外活动参加运动队和宗教活动,考古、创办社团、创办杂志、举办活动;培刚多次强调活动在于持久而不在于多,如果申请者三年参与2个活动且都担任主要角色,比泛泛的参加5、6个活动效果强百倍。


美国商业分析(BA)硕士申请解析 >>>文章来源:武汉申友留学进几年来,美国大学新兴的专业商业分析(BusinessAnalytics,简称BA)逐渐成为中国申请者比较感兴趣的商科类STEM专业。但是不少同学对这个专业还不是很了解,下面武汉申友留学就给大家来详细分析一下美国商业分析BA这个专业,想要申请2017年秋季入学的小伙伴们抓紧时间准备申请材料喽! 先来给大家看一下武汉申友留学美国商业分析申请的成功案例: 学生信息:ZhangY.Q.武汉大学-图书馆学 基本条件:GPA:3.6+;TOEFL:102;GRE:315 申请方向:美国图书馆学/商业分析 录取结果:UniversityofRochester(商业分析) UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles(图书馆学) UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor 一、商业分析(BA)专业概况 说到商科专业,经常提到的专业有金融、会计、市场营销、人力资源等。越来越多美国大学商学院开始开设最近几年大热门专业:商业数据分析专业,它主要是以商业知识为基础,数理编程为手段,从数据分析出发,以决策优化来创造价值的新兴专业,不同于传统的商业分析(BusinessAnalysis)。 BusinessAnalysis属于传统商科,一般设在MBA下面,主要是分析整个公司的运营流程、开展的业务等方面,偏向于案例分析,以简单的数据分析为辅助。 BusinessAnalytics则是一门新兴学科,核心是数据挖掘和数据分析,与现在的互联网及大数据(BigData)相联,主要是利用高深的技术、模型和算法进行数据挖掘和商业分析,服务的公司都是像IBM、Google、百度、腾讯、阿里这样的互联网公司。 二、美国商业分析选校推荐 目前美国大约有30所学校开设了BusinessAnalytics这个专业。从专业名称来看,大部分学校都是叫BusinessAnalytics,有些直接叫Analytics,还有些叫PredictiveAnalytics。从院系设置来看,多数设置在商学院下,如UTAustin,Rochester,MSU,GWU等;北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校开设在统计与运筹系。有些设置在工程学院下,如Northwestern、CornellUniversity;也有设置在信息学院下的,如CMU;一般设置在工程学院及信息学院下的项目,对数学背景和计算机背景要求都很高。另外如MIT,弗吉尼亚大学,罗切斯特大学,维克森林大学,纽约大学,凯斯西楚大学,加州戴维斯分校,加州圣地亚哥分校、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、南加州大学等均设有商业分析项目。BA硕士绝大多数都是以就业为导向的,从贴合就业实际的 BigData-analyticalwork角度来培养学生。 1、麻省理工学院MIT商业分析项目MasterofBusinessAnalytics 由MITSloan商学院和MITOperationsResearchCenter(ORC)合办,2016年新开设的项目。主要培养学生运用和管理数据科学,解决商业挑战中遇到的问题。核心专业课程包括:


韩国入学申请书(精选多篇) 第一篇:韩国大学入学条件韩国大学:入学条件 韩日联合交流会为大家整理了关于韩国大学本科的录取条件: 1、必须在中国完成12年的教育,即中专、职高大概高中毕业。 2、达到学校和专业的语言要求。本科一般为4级。 3、申请材料完整(依照学校的具体材料要求) 除以上硬性条件之外,韩国大学还看重学生一下三点: 1)综合学习能力:韩国的教育体系和育人方式更为国际化、更科学。学校更加注重学生自身学习的本领造就与发掘,高考成绩不理想不代表学生的现实学习本领,对学生平时学习成绩的考量方面的看重也正因如此。 2)家庭经济能力:韩国大学非常看重学生家庭稳定经济收入和殷实的经济基础,这是留学生正常学习与稳固生存的保障,也可以有效遏制恶意打工和非法滞留题目产生。 3)韩语学习能力:韩国大学逐渐开始不再提倡零韩语底

子留学韩国,转而对留学前参加韩语强化的学生更为青睐。理由是:有韩语基础的学生比较容易融入韩国的留学生存,学习本领和结果容易进步。 第二篇:韩国留学入学申请表韩国留学入学申请者记录表个人情况 姓名 : 中文英文姓名: 出生年日:性别:身份证号码:民族: e-mail: 家庭地址: 身份证地址: 家庭电话:手机号码: 是否持有护照?○ 是○ 否护照号码是否申请过韩国签证?○ 是○ 否 是否申请韩国签证被拒签过?○ 是○ 否 被拒签的情况拒签理由申请年度签证种类 是否来过韩国?○ 是○ 否最近入境年度

签证种类 现在是否滞留在韩国?○ 是○ 否 滞留在韩国时,签证发行年月日签证到期年月日 所属机关名 签证种类○ 外交(a-1)签证○ 短期商用(c-2)签证○ 短期综合(c-3 观光)签证○ 短期就业(c-4)签证 ○ 留学(d-2)签证○ 产业研修(d-3)签证○ 一般研修(d-4 语言研修)签证○ 其他以前有没有申请过本校的本科或语言教育院○ 有○ 没有 申请过的情况区分○本科○ 语言教育院申请年月 有没有申请过韩国国内其他大学或语言教育院的入学许可书○ 有○ 没有 申请过入学允许书时,得到入学许可书区分○ 大学○ 语言教育院申请年月 大学名是否入学○ 是○ 否 申请过入学允许书时,得到入学许可书区分○ 大学○ 语言教育院申请年月

最给力的美国本科申请文书essay开篇 就要这样!

最给力的美国本科申请文书essay开篇就要这样! 你知道什么样的美国本科申请essay开头最给力么?据天道教育美国本科方向的专家介绍:叙述一个生动的场景、神秘、开门见山、显示你的独特类似这样开篇,最能抓住招生官的眼球!可是,为什么会这样呢?别急!本文,天道小编特地带来了美国本科essay的资讯,相信你一定可以从中找到 答案! 叙述一个生动的场景 无论是一个人、一个地方还是一件物品,如果在美国本科申请essay一开头就对其做出一个详 细的描写,让读者不自觉地在脑海里描绘出你所想要表达的场景,那么这样的开头非常有助于你的 读者投入到你的美国本科essay中来。 神秘 神秘、悬念也许是所有方法中最能吸引人的一种。鉴于录取官员每天要阅读大量的申请材料, 要想让他们在你的美国本科essay中投入超过一般的时间和精力,保持他们的神秘感、让他们猜测 你的美国本科申请essay到底要讲述什么是最好的办法。 开门见山 在美国本科申请essay的一开头就用一段有趣的观点、经历等来抓住读者是一个不错的选择, 但是往往用这样的美国本科essay开头申请都会犯一个错误:在讲述完观点或者经历后总喜欢用一 句总结性的话来结束开头,例如……所以我想进入大学来实现我的目标等等。实际上,这样的总结 性话语只能削弱开头的作用。你应该用你的全篇散文来总出这样的结论而不是一句平淡无味的序言。 显示你的独特 如果能在美国本科essay的一开头就显示出自己与众不同之处,那么你的申请美国大学essay 就成功了一半。因此,如果你自身和你的生活中有什么不寻常的地方,那么不要犹豫,将申请美国 大学essay的开头把它强调出来,不要让你的独特埋没在一堆平淡的事情之中。 撰写美国本科申请essay,却不会写开头?没事儿!在今天有关美国本科essay的文章中,天道 小编就与童鞋们分享了几个实用的开篇方式,希望大家可以借鉴下!如有其它美国本科essay疑问,欢迎继续锁定我们的频道!感谢您的阅读! 天道 12 SEMINAR在天道六步曲的基础上,定制出的针对美国研究生申请的升级版服务流程, 涵盖了整个留学申请环节的每一个细节。 Seminar 1时间规划&职业解析 Seminar 2专业解析 Seminar 3学术背景提升&推荐人选择


美国名校申请经验总结-本科申请篇 美国名校本科申请的录取特点以及申请的注意事项: 美国名校的评估标注包括以下几方面: 首先,语言成绩要达到学校的要求,大部分前20的学校都要求IBT 100分,甚至有些学校没有明确规定托福的分数,比如哈佛大学,就没有明确规定最低的分数要求,但是国际学生来讲,如果想要申请美国名校,语言成绩是必须要提供的。 其次,SAT 成绩,综合排名前20的美国大学一般SAT1 前两部分的平均分在1400左右,针对中国大陆的学生,部分学校没有要求一定要考SAT ,但是,如果你想申请到高额的奖学金,SAT 是必不可少的。有部分学校要求必须要靠SAT2, 可以根据所申请的专业来选择科目。 第三,学生在高中前两年或三年的平均成绩至少85分,最好在90分以上,美国大学会通过申请人在高中学年的平时成绩来考察学生的学习情况,这是非常重要的可参考的一个标准。 第四,排名,美国大学很看重学生在班级或年级的排名,这个排名可以形象的展现学生的成绩是否优异,美国前20的学校往年录取的学生中至少有50%是排名在前10位的,如果申请人所就读的学校的平均GPA 普遍不高,但是你在年纪的排名很靠前,也会有利于体现你是否优秀。 第五,丰富的课外活动,美国大学是很看重学生的综合能力的,丰富的课外活动能很具体的展现出学生在课堂之外的优点,特征,潜力,比如作为学生会的主席,能很具体的反映出学生的领导能力,比如组织同学参加了募捐活动,能形象的反映出学生的创新能力,独立能力。 第六,研究性的小论文,作为高中生,能深入的完成一份论文,不需要长篇大论,只需要观点明确,也一定能在你的申请中起到重要的作用。 选校的技巧 在初步了解美国大学的评估标准以后,申请者需要根据自己的基本情况来选择合适的学校是美国名校申请的重要环节。正确的定位和科学的选校是能获得多所美国大学录取甚至高额奖学金的基础。在选择美国大学的时候,申请者一定要考虑个人的背景以及综合能力和具体的美国大学的录取要求是否匹配,否则递过去的申请就会缺乏竞争力,会被学校放在WAIT LIST里或者在第一轮评估中就被拒绝。 在具体的选校过程中,需要注意: 合理搭配学校排名,选择美国大学的时候排名不能太集中,比如全部申请排名前50或前20的学校是不合理的选校搭配。根据意向学校的录取要求,申请者选?的学校的排名要把跨度拉开,比如前20的选择2所,前20到前50的选择3所,前80的选择2所。这样的学校搭配是比较合理的。 合理搭配学校类型,针对本科申请的申请者,可以同时申请全美综合排名和文理学院排名的学校,综合性大学一般提供本科,硕士,博士等多种学位,学生人数?都比较多,而综合性大学提供的本科教育也是在文理学院,大部分申请新生的学生在大一大二的时候都是在文


一个中国学生的美国大学申请个人陈述: “爸爸,为什么我们的工厂没有自己的品牌?”六岁那年,我忍不住把藏在心里很久的问题向爸爸提出来。 “这个问题一言难尽。虽然注册一个属于自己的品牌很简单,但是要把牌子真正的经营好很困难。首先涉及到创新设计的问题,市场缺乏这样的人才,而模仿加工容易,这是加工厂成批出现的原因。其次开发这些新产品需要耗费很大的财力和时间,还有很大风险。”虽然爸爸没有直接给我答案,可是他的回答却激发了我的兴趣,让我开始思考这个问题。 ….. (中间写了学生从小在爸妈的工厂生活成长,对爸妈工厂的发展的看法,以及对他们只是代加工国际品牌衣服而没有自己品牌的困惑。) “爸爸,为什么我们生产的衣服利润一件只有100多元,但是在杭州大厦卖的价格却是10倍这么高?”十二岁那年陪爸爸到杭州大厦给妈妈买生日礼物时,看到我们厂里代加工的衣服的售价,我忍不住问了爸爸。 “一个牌子能一直流行下来最核心的价值是它的品牌和设计。同一块面料,香奈儿的设计师设计出来的裙子会比普通牌子的设计师设计出来的裙子贵太多太多。”跟往常一样,爸爸的回答再次引发了我的思考。 ….. (中间写了学生在这之后,对爸妈的加工厂的利润和出路的思考) “爸爸,为什么你要卖了我们的工厂呢?”去年年底当得知爸爸居然要卖了他一手创办的存在了十几年的工厂时,我又震惊又难过的跑去问爸爸。 “因为近几年来中小企业融资难,招工难,同时管理成本越来越大(工资要求高,做事效率低)。由于没有自己的的品牌导致利润低,特别是09年金融风暴,外贸行业收到严重影响,许多中小企面临倒闭。”爸爸的回答充满无奈,迫使我直面这个困扰我很久的问题。 …. (最后写学生对此的想法,对家乡义乌那一片工业区的加工厂倒闭的想法,以及希望为此做出努力的决心)


国外大学申请文书 篇一:布满创意的美国大学本科申请文书(essay)范文 布满创意的美国大学本科申请文书(essay)范 文 美国大学本科申请ESSaY的写作一直是申请者们关注的热门题目。美国大学的申请ESSaY提供给申请者留下的思考空间非常广阔,基本上不会有什么限制,ESSaY给了我们一个环境,那么怎么往“种”这朵“花”,那是你自己的事情了。 然而,很多学生依然拘泥于修饰,这可能跟小学以来养成写作习惯于赞美的缘故,华而不实的居多,那么如何预备美国大学申请ESSaY?不妨先进行角色转换,假如自己是一个美国人,很好,美国人习惯对人进行赞美,但解决题目或者进行叙事论述,他们确实喜欢的是直接,喜欢论据,例证!下面,让我们一起来欣赏一篇非常有创意的ESSaY,oK,LET’SGo! 范文:aBoy’sFirsts Theboyissuchacommonboy.Heissocommonthatonly acquaintedfriendscannoticehimamongthecrowd;heissocommonthathedoes notchangehisgirlfriendonetimepermonth,justasthose***sdo;andheissocom monthathisdailylifeisnomorespecialthanthosewholistentorockn’roll,betforsoccergamesandseldomcleantheirrooms.

However,theboyissomewhatspecial. Heusuallythinksthat,hisexperienceandpersonalachievements, alongwithhisownhappinessandgrievances,areenoughforhimtobeunique,tho ughhedoesnothaveafaceasgood-lookingasBradPittorKeanuReeves,orwhoe ver. Firstaward itwassuchasurprisinggiftfora12-year-oldboytoknowthathehadwonthefirstp rizeinthenationalmathematicscompetition.Theboyclutchedthecertification andlaughedlikeasun-flowerbloominginaspringmorning.Hehadspentthreem onthspreparingforthat competitionandhadlost5kgweightbuthewasveryhappy,ashappyasyoucouldi magine.Enjoyingthepaceofenterprising,hebegantobelieve“nopainnogain”thatafternoon. FirstSetback Huddlingupinthequiltcrying,theboywasintrospectinghimself.Forhishaught inessafterachievingthesecondprizeinthenationalPhysicscompetition,hedes ervedtherankoflast5%inthefinal examinationof7thgrade.wipingupthetears,hesethimselfapromiseofbeinghu mbleandsober.Theboykeptthepromiseandbecameayoungmanofgreatmaturi ty. Firstcooking “Quiteatoughwork.”


申请去美国留学读研究生的六大步骤 如果您想去美国留学并且获得由美国大学提供的奖学金,那么您最好遵循以下步骤,以节省时间并取得事半功倍的效果: 一、选择专业 要综合考虑你本科所学的专业和今后工作的兴趣,选择一个适合你并且和你所学有较高相关性的专业。 二、参加考试 研究一下你所选的专业是要考GRE还是GMAT,有很多人因为错过了该专业的考试要求白白浪费了很多时间。然后制定考试计划,基础较好的同学可以采取先考GRE(GMAT后考TOEFL的策略,因为GRE(GMAT有效期为五年,而TOEFL有效期仅为两年;一般情况下先考TOEFL为佳,便于词汇的按梯度增加。考试期间应无太多占用时间、精力的事情。 三、选择学校 选择学校可以说是申请出国留学这万里长征的第一步,是否走对这第一步直接关系到整个申请过程是否顺利,选择学校的失误可能会使有着很强的Qualification的人申请几年仍旧滞留国内,相反条件并不优越的人却所向披靡。下面所提的建议也许会对你有所帮助: 1、选择学校应考虑的因素 a.首先要正确估计自己的英语水平,根据自己的英语情况选择合适的学校。 b.了解所选学校的教学、科研水平及专业设置情况是否与自己所选的专业和所从事的研究相近,从而避免因专业不对口所带来的诸多麻烦。

c.了解学校的入学要求、录取标准、竞争情况及申请的截止日期等,客观地估计自己是否符合该校的录取标准及条件,有无较强的竞争力等。美国的许多大学对外国学生入学都有具体的要求,要注意各校的不同要求。 d.了解学校的各种费用及经济资助情况,即你的经济情况是否能够支付你在该校的学习、生活费用。同时,还要注意申请经济资助的条件和要求,以衡量自己的实力。 e.还要注意学校所在地的气候、风俗习惯等自己能否适应。 2、选择学校的途径 在北京的下列单位存有美国的院校向这些单位长期寄送的“学校介绍”:国家教委外事局、北京图书馆、北京美国大使馆文化处(京广大厦28层主要参考书目: 《美国大学与学院》、《学院选择指南》、《美国学院手册》、《美国大学费用手册》、《学院蓝皮书助学金、奖学金年鉴》、《研究生课程名录》、《资料索引》、《美国大学世界指南》、《美国大专院 校教员名录》、《Petersons研究生课程年鉴指南》、《留学美国指南》、《美国院校比较指南》、《哈卜85年高等教育名录》《美国研究生院指南》、《愿意赴美进行学习和研究的中国学者和中国学生可申请的助学金》、《世界大学年鉴美国工商管理硕士课程指南》、《美国研究生医学教育年鉴》。 另外,还可在网上寻找有关大学的详细情况。网上的资料更新最快,也最全面。 3、筛选学校的方法 a.初选: 查阅了上述资料后,再根据自身的条件选择20~30所学校,根据这些学校的详细地址发函联系,要求校方寄详细资料和申请表格(注意:有些学校可通过Email直接联系,但有些学校要求第一封信应为正式信函。


美国本科申请一般什么时候截止 很多准备留学美国的学生询问美国留学申请截止日期,留学美国各个大学的截止日期,一般会有四种情况。下面就为大家带来美国大学申请截止日期到什么时候。 1、ED 全称early decision,意思是留学美国只能申请一所学校,而且录了就一定要去。有少部分学校还有ED2,申请截止日期会稍微晚点。 2、EA 全称early action ,有两种情况:一种要求只能申请一所,另一种是可以申请多所。它和ED最大的区别是录取了可以不一定去。 目前美国实施early decision或early action方案的大专校院仍有四百余所。 ED和EA统称提前申请,留学美国提前申请的截止时间一般是11月1日,有的学校是11月15日,还有少数学校有不同规定;提前申请发布结果的时间一般是12月15日;有的学校会早几日、有的学校会晚几日。 ED/EA,这两种途径适合申请美国排名前五十的大学的学生,如果通过RD申请美国前五十名的学校,要求要比ED和EA高。比如,在 University of Pennsylvania,申请Early Decision 的学生占了申请总数多过45 的比重。Early Decision的录取率是30。而普通录取的录取率则是17。大部分顶尖的大学在提前申请的时候,就已经录取了当年录取总数的25到50的人数;近年来,常春藤盟校有40的学生是提前申请时就被录取了。 3、RD 全称regular decison。就是一般意义上的申请,可以同时申请多个学校。截止日期一般是在一月、二月。 4、RO:全称rolling 即学校没有固定的截止日期,滚动录取。 许多美国大学采用滚动录取的政策招收本科新生,但很少有顶级名(如常青藤大学)采用这个政策。这种方式让留学美国申请者有很长的时间申请接受滚动录取的美国大学。滚动录取一般在收到申请表后几周内给申请者答复,同时只要有录取名额,大学一直都会接受申请表。 申请者不要以为没有截止日期就可以不着急递交申请表。大多数情况下,越早申请,被录取的机会就越大。因为虽然递交申请表没有截止日期,但奖学金。助学金和宿舍安排的申请却有截止日期。 【更多相关留美申请知识请访问:https://www.360docs.net/doc/75259003.html,】 https://www.360docs.net/doc/75259003.html,/


注意: 1. 申请美国研究生课程,单凭托福成绩是远远不够滴,除非你本科阶段有超级本领; GRE 成绩是必要条件,美国大学里理论上接受雅思成绩,而实际操作中看的是GRE/GMAT; 2. 你的论文,研究能力,名人的推荐和是否参加过该校的活动; 3. 美国人特别看重学生的综合能力,所以在向大学询问时,不能光谈及你的成绩有多高,要把自己最独特的一面展示给人家;你的自愿者经历、演讲和辩论才能、模拟国际会议、摄影、舞蹈,体育等;千万不要用模板在做你的PS; Massachusetts Institute of Technology GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Stanford University (CA) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of California–Berkeley GRE: 1350 GMAT:707 Georgia Institute of Technology GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign GRE: 1320 GMAT:652 Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) GRE: 1280 GMAT:720 University of Michigan–Ann Arbor GRE: 1250 GMAT:701 Carnegie Mellon University (PA) GRE: 1350 GMAT:696 University of Southern California (Viterbi) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 California Institute of Technology GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Cornell University (NY) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Univ. of California–San Diego (Jacobs) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Texas–Austin GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Texas A&M Univ.–College Station (Look) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Univ of California–Los Angeles (Samueli) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Maryland–College Park (Clark) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 University of Wisconsin–Madison GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 Princeton University (NJ) GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 PennsylvaniaStateUniv–UniversityPark GRE: 1350 GMAT:720 ColumbiaUniversity (Fu Foundation) (NY) GRE:1350 GMAT:729 Harvard University (MA) GRE:1350 GMAT:743 JohnsHopkinsUniversity (Whiting) (MD) GRE:1350 GMAT:749

Supplemental Essay Writing美国大学申请附加文章范例

Supplemental Essay Writing Sample Weak Supplemental Essay for Duke University Read an Essay That Makes Many Common Mistakes The application to Duke University's Trinity College offers applicants the opportunity to write a supplemental essay that answers the following question: If you are applying to Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, please discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you? Please limit your response to one or two paragraphs. The question asked here is typical of many supplemental essays. Essentially, the admissions folks want to know why their school is of particular interest to you. Such questions often generate a lot of remarkably bland essays. The example below is one example of what not to do. Read the short essay, and then read the discussion of the mistakes made by the author. I believe the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences at Duke is an excellent match for me. I believe college should not be merely a gateway to the work force; it should educate the student in a variety of subjects and prepare him or her for the range of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in life. I have always been a curious person and enjoy reading all kinds of literature and nonfiction. In high school I excelled in history, English, AP psychology, and other liberal arts subjects. I have not yet decided on a major, but when I do, it will almost certainly be in the liberal arts, such as history or political science. I know that Trinity College is very strong in these areas. But regardless of my major, I want to receive a broad education that spans a variety of areas in the liberal arts, so that I will graduate as not only a viable job prospect, but also as a well-rounded and learned adult who can make diverse and valuable contributions to my community. I believe Duke’s Trinity College will help me grow and become that kind of person. The sample supplemental essay for Duke is typical of what an admissions office frequently encounters. At first glance, the essay may seem just fine. The grammar and mechanics are solid, and the writer clearly wants to expand his or her education and become a well-rounded person. But think about what the prompt is actually asking: "discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you?" The assignment here is not to describe why you want to go to college. The admissions office is asking you to explain why you want to go to Duke. A good response, then, must discuss specific aspects of Duke that appeal to the applicant. The sample essay fails to do so.


申请大学地过程中,有关于资金准备、申请文书地、、托福雅思、大学选择等学生都会问到这样一个问题:美国大学究竟看重学生什么?应该从哪几个方面打造自己? 对于任何一个准备申请美国大学本科地学生来讲,应该从这个方面来全方位打造自己:第一要素:(标准化考试) 标准化考试无非是指、、. 成绩是高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金重要参考.美国绝大部分大学要求申请者提交成绩,优秀地大学还会要求学生提交至少两门地成绩(顶尖大学要求三门成绩).可以说,成绩是申请美国大学本科地重要敲门砖.同学们需要提早准备,努力备考.文档来自于网络搜索第二要素:(学术) 关于美国大学录取学生地标准,尤其是常春藤名校,是非常重视学生优秀地学习成绩和扎实地学习功底地.很多名校地都表示,在审核学生条件时,他们会先看学生地硬件条件(即学术成绩),学术成绩过关了,才会看学生地软件条件(综合素质).如何评判学生地学术能力,美国大学通常从三个方面来衡量:,即地缩写(平均成绩点数).在申请学校时,十分重要,和一起关系紧密,可以更好地让招生委员会了解一个学生地水平.美国大学都有最低规定,地算法是把高中各科成绩按等级乘以学分,再以总学分除之.足以可见,学生地高中在校成绩是评估学生学术能力最直接地体现:即学生在年级地排名. ,课程难度:即你在中学阶段所修地课程地广度,难度,还有,你学地是普通高中课程,还是, , 等等.文档来自于网络搜索 第三要素:(申请文书) 申请文书是整个申请环节中最耗时耗力地一项内容,关于它地写法已经到了法无定法地程度.每个大学都规定了文章地主题.有地学校慈悲为怀,只需提交,篇文章,有地则贪得无厌,要求学生提交篇甚至更多.关于,我总结了一些小技巧,和大家分享下:.切题.每篇文章必须有而且只能有一个. .新颖.如果写得比较有创意,再枯燥地主题也能写出彩.比如,写自己参加比赛地经历,有人开头平铺直叙:我为了参加某次比赛,努力训练了许多周.很,但若写成:我在清晨五点钟醒来,投入到汗水,眼泪,鲜血混成地高低杠中去,因为我梦想着要把比赛战利品捧回到我地家乡来.一下子就夺人眼球了.文档来自于网络搜索 .做自己,写自己.写出你地感悟和思想. .不要太刻意弄许多大词,新词. .使用些形象化地描述,创造比较生动地意像.因为整片文章需要你鲜活地经历作为,如果你写经历都写得干巴巴,还能指望文章打动谁? .一定要花大力气开好头.因为招生官看一篇文章通常就分钟,我们必须利用好开头去吸引他们地注意力,开头可以留下点悬念.文档来自于网络搜索 第四要素:(课外活动) 美国大学很重视学生课堂以外地表现,这些内容常常通过课外活动( )来体现.如果你重大地社会活动经验并且在其中扮演过重要角色那是最好不过地了,如果没有扮演过重要角色也不用气馁,因为活动本身并无重要不重要之分,美国大学看重地不是活动本身,而是学生在这个活动中究竟做了哪些实事,是不是认真努力地为之付出了.文档来自于网络搜索 第五要素:(推荐信) 大部分美国大学都需要三封推荐信,尽量从不同地角度来评论申请者,可以找语文,数学,英语老师,也可以找参加过比赛地项目老师,对你有了解地,如与申请地专业有些关联地


美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤简介 ★个人简历为大家整理的美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤简介,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站个人简历! 美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤简介 通过美国大学网申系统提交推荐信,这样非常方便快捷,不会丢失,并且通常可以立即在网申系统上看到确认信息——推荐信已收到。要求网申的学校都会提供一个申请系统,在注册了ID后可以使用其反复登陆填写系统需要的信息,只需要根据要求并在Deadline 前提交(Submit)即可。 美国大学网申系统提交推荐信注意事项: 如果通过美国大学网申系统提交推荐信,网申系统会给你的推荐人发送一封邀请信来邀请他推荐你。但是,由于有些学校的邮箱对垃圾邮件的过滤功能过

于严格,以至于常常把各个网申系统(如embark)发送的自动邮件当作垃圾邮件或者直接隔离,如果老师用Outlook/Foxmail之类的邮件学生端收邮件的话,这些邮件是收不到的。 美国大学网申系统提交推荐信的步骤: 具体网推步骤为:到学校申请系统上填入你的推荐人的信息(姓名、电话、油箱等等),然后学校系统会自动发送一个链接到你的推荐人的油箱。推荐人可以通过这个链接进入到学校的推荐系统,然后根据学校要求输入学校所需的推荐信息,点击提交,推荐完成。 当然我们都知道大多数中国人的推荐信过去都是申请人自己写好然后请推荐人过目签字自己邮寄即可。那对于网申来说,其实同样可以在不麻烦推荐人撰写推荐信的前提下完成推荐,具体操作流程为:首先自己写好推荐信草稿,然后请推荐人过目并修改,定稿。随后跟推荐人取得推荐人的邮箱(账号及密码),登录推荐人邮箱进行正常网推步骤即可。 当然这么做也会有几个问题,1,推荐人不愿意把自己的邮箱给申请者。2,推荐人没有电子邮箱。遇到第一种情况(范文查查网https://www.360docs.net/doc/75259003.html,),如果推荐人不愿透露自己邮箱信息,就只好请推荐人自己上


解析美国本科申请时间 想要去美国本科留学的同学们要注意了,想要顺利申请美国留学就需要提前做好规划,那美国本科留学申请时间上同学们要从几月份开始安排呢,这些大家都是需要了解的,接下来为大家介绍美国本科留学申请时间。 高二:5-6月高二下学期要进行语言水平测试,进行考试分析定位 制定详尽的背景提升方案和备考方案,搜集院校和专业信息,为制作申请美国留学方案做好准备。美国本科时间规划7-8月确定美国本科留学申请方向,制定选校方案和背景提升方案,确定美国本科申请专业;了解相关大学信息,制定选校方案,以及暑期实习和社会实践活动,以提升申请美国留学背景; 准备银行固定期限的存款,申请双币信用卡,为美国本科留学申请做好准备。

高三:9-10月制定最终美国本科留学申请方案,开始网申 针对申请美国留学同学们的背景和个人意愿,结合院校信息,确定最终美国本科留学申请方案,同时开始申请美国留学文书创作,确定最终的推荐人选,提供推荐人素材,开始写作推荐信;到学校开具成绩单和其他相关学业证明文件,提供信纸和信封等申请材料;审核申请文书,并最终定稿。10-11月,和学校保持联系邮寄申请材料,及时跟进院校审核进度(最晚在院校规定的申请截止日期前寄出所有申请材料,提前录取的deadline一般为11月初或中旬)。 美国本科留学申请面试培训完成申请的收尾工作,进行专业面试培训,在言行和思路及专业知识上加以培训和强化,在面试环节提升个人申请优势,尽快获得录取结果,准备高中会考。跟进学校审理进度与院校保持密切联系,及时更新审理进度,及时补充相关申请材料,关注录取进展; 获得目标院校录取并协助选择最终就读学校。5-7月支付学校定金,签收录取文件预约签证及时确定选择就读的学校,支付相关学费定金,签收I-20表,根据自身行程安排预约签证,准备签证材料。美国本科留学申请准备进行行李准备、机票预定、外汇汇兑等;提供行前指导、境外接机和联系住宿等增值免费服务。
