




1. Mary has gone to the teacher’s office. ____________ has Joan.

A. And

B. Neither

C. So

D. But

2. _______ have you been studying English?

A. When

B. How

C. How long

D. How many

3. I got an A this term, so my teacher was _____.

A. impressed

B. impressing

C. impress

D.to impress

4. ____ of the two new books are interesting.

A. All

B. Both

C. Any

D. Either

5. Time lost will never return ___________.

A. no more

B. some more

C. any more

D. no longer

6.My father often __________ me to the concert on Sunday nights.

A. brings

B. carries

C. gets

D. takes

7. --Why are you so tired these days? --Well, I have _________ work to do.

A. so much

B. so many

C. so few

D. so little

8.Mrs. Wang was so ________ that she couldn’t stop _________.

A. excited; cry

B. excited; crying

C. exciting; crying

D. exciting; to cry

9.—What ________ the forest of the USA in the last 350 years?

A. has happened to

B. is happened to

C. has happened at

D. is happening

10. Our English teacher is very strict ________ us and he is strict __________ his teaching.

A. with, at

B. with, with

C. at, at

D. with, in

11. – What’s the matter? -- They said I should not be allowed here. They don’t allow_________ in the waiting room.

A. smoking, to smoke

B. to smoke, smoke

C. to smoke, smoking

D. smoking, smoking

12. He doesn’t do his homework ______________, though he has ______________.

A. carefully enough , enough time

B. enough carelessly, time enough

C. carelessly enough, enough time

D. enough carefully,enough time

13. Don’t the meeting. Because it’s important.

A. put off

B. put away

C. put on

D. put up

14.. It looks _________ people _________ the work.

A. hundreds of, finishing

B. hundred of, to finish

C. hundreds of, to finish

D. hundred of, finishing

15. “I hope _________ play soccer with us tomorrow. ”“Yes, I hope _________. ”

A. him not to, not too

B. he won’t, it too

C. him not to, that too

D. he won’t, so too


Bill was a newspaper boy. He went from house to house 1 the day’s papers to the neighbors. Each week he went to get his 2 . Bill kept a little book. In the book he wrote down who 3 him and who did not. Bill was keeping a record(记录)

Men have been keeping records 4 very early time. How did they do this before they learned to write? Sometimes they made knots(打结)in different colored strings(绳子).Indians in South America kept records in this 5 .

Today we have machines for 6 and keeping records. Do you go to the grocery store? Does it have a cash register?

The cash register keeps records. It adds up the things you 7 .It tells how much is sold in the store everyday.

Many places have machines called computers. They 8 computers to keep

all the records. Computers are 9 than knots in strings. Someday men may use

_10 even better than computers.

( )16. A. buying B. bringing C. brought D. bought

( )17. A. cost B. job C. money D. papers

( )18. A. took B. spent C. cost D. paid

( )19. A. before B. from C. till D. by

( )20. A. time B. place C. way D. message

( )21. A. counting B. numbering C. having D. getting

( )22. A. buy B. want C. borrow D. lend ( )23. A. let B. use C. keep D. make

( )24. A. worse B. slower C. better D. bigger

( )25. A. machines B. something C. someone D. someplace 三.阅读理解(30分)


How I study English

I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. So they can’t learn it well. But English is very easy for me. I’m good at it. I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study Engli sh.

First, I think an interest(爱好)in English is very important. When I was in Grade One, we had a new subject – English. It was fresh for me . I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder and harder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!

Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well in the following ways: Listen to the teacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary(词汇). Then practice again and again, never be tired. And I also have a good habit: Asking whenever(不论何时)I have a question, I must make it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand!

Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. From these I know English is not only interesting, but also useful. They help me understand a

lot of things. So to do more reading is an important way to learn English well.

And I also do some exercises from our class magazines, and I often write English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.

Now I have learned English for more than two years. I always keep the first position in our school. From these words, I hope every student can learn English well.

1. Why do some students often ―have a headache‖?

A. Because they are easy to catch cold.

B. Because it’s often very cold

C. Because they think English is easy.

D. Because they don’t think English is easy.

2. The writer tells us that we should be____in English if we want to learn it well.

A. interest

B. interested

C. interesting

D. strict

3. The sentence ―I got a very good mark‖ means ______.

A.I got a good way.

B. I had a good idea.

C. I did badly in the exam .

D. I did

well in the exam.

4. The writer thinks English is interesting because________.

A. English is full of stories.

B. English is full of jokes.

C. his teacher often teaches them nice English songs.

D. of nothing

5. Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by?

A. speaking bravely

B. Writing to foreign friends

C. Reading aloud

D. Writing English diaries


Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in today’s world to find work for everybody. The economy of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not possible , and so more people are out of work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in a short time. Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine can often do the work of forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs. ( )1. It was _________ for people to find work before than today.

A. not possible

B. difficult

C. more difficult

D. easier

( )2. If the economy of the world grows by 4% each year, __________.

A. people will have no jobs

B. people can still have jobs as


C. 4%of the people will have jobs

D. 97% of the people

( )3. One machine can do as much work as ______________.

A. 40% of the people

B. 4% of the people in the world

C. 40 people

D. 75,000 people

( )4. How many people outside cities go into cities to look for jobs each


A. 70% of the people

B. 4% of the people in the world

C. More than 75,000

D. About 75,000 people

( )5. Which of the following in NOT true?

A. Machines are taking work instead of people.

B. Now more people are out of work.

C. Machines need more money and longer holidays.

D. Most people want to have



Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard day's work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead.

"Ah!" said one farmer, "tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well." The second answered, "Nonsense (胡说), the rain will only kill the crops (庄稼)."

So they began to quarrel (争吵). Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling. Both farmers explained about the black cloud.

"What cloud?" asked the third farmer. They all looked at the sky. The cloud was no longer there.

Choose the right answer

1. The two farmers were _____.

A. going home

B. going to the field

C. going to work

D. going to see their friend

2. The two farmers _____ on that day.

A. had a holiday

B. didn't work

C. worked hard

D. wanted to quarrel with each other

3. When there are black block clouds in the sky, _____.

A. it will rain soon

B. it will be fine

C. it will get hot

D. the sun is shining brightly

4. The two farmers fought in words because _____.

A. they were hungry

B. it rained

C. one said the rain would do good to the crops and the other didn't think so

D. they both hoped for rain

5. The third farmer came with and said to the other two. He _____.

A. wanted to make friends with them

B. joined them in the quarrel

C. wanted to know why they were quarreling

D. had nothings to do

6. How many farmers said that the rain would be helpful? _____.

A. None

B. One

C. Two

D. Three

A computer company (电脑公司)has a special(特殊的)person. He answers

all the questions sent to him. The person is a 63-year-old man. He is known for always finding the right answers. On the Internet(因特网),more people are finding out about this clever man. He does not look like a computer expert(专家).He has white hair and he is kind and polite. He feels that his age helps him with his work. People have asked questions about a lot of things and he remembers most of them.

He tries to return the answers within 24 hours on the Internet. The questions are very different each day. He loves his work. Other companies do riot have such a person. Of course they don’t have to pay any more money, either. But it’s important for good computer companies to have a person to answer the questions. It keeps the computer buyers happy. Happy buyers will keep coming back.


1 How does the special person answer the questions?

A. He answers the questions in the letters, then he sends them off in the post office.

B. He asks the people to come to the company and get the answers.

C. He answers the questions on the Internet.

D. He asked others to answer the questions instead.

2 People know him because_______.

A. he is the head of the company

B. he has white hair and he is kind and polite

C. he does not look like a computer expert

D. he can always find the right answers to their questions

3 Which of the following sentences has NOT been mentioned(提及)?

A. He remembers almost all the things that people ask about.

B. He’s old and he doesn’t have to work at all.

C. He thinks that his age is helpful.

D. He is 63 years old.

4 What will happy computer buyers do?

A. They’ll stop asking questions.

B. They’l l stop buying because they have what they want.

C. They’ll go to other computer companies for cheaper computers.

D. They’ll come back for more business.




1.The beautiful pictures cost so much that I can’t a________ it.

2.W_______ you have trouble, please let one know.

3.My clock doesn’t work. Could you please r________ it for me?

4.We know that the secret of s________ is to work hard.

5.I love places w______ the weather is always warm.


6.Have you ________ (write) a letter to your parents?

7.The best way ________ (improve) your English is to jion an English club.

8.John fell off his bike. _________(luck), he wasn’t badly hurt.

9.Would you please speak _________(slow), Mr Smith?

10. .―Help _________ (you) to some fish .‖ Mrs. Smith said to the children.


1. 这个孩子要了五十元钱去买了CD盘。

The child ________ 50 yuan _________ some CDs.

2. 他们两个都不喜欢看电视。

________ of them _________ watching TV.

3. 我的听力技巧需要提高。

My _____________ skills need ___________.


I have _____ _____ ______ money to buy old books.



六.阅读表达:阅读下面短文,根据所给语境,按要求完成下列各题。(10分) In 1996,39 American children started a very interesting project(计划)——the Green Tree Project. The students began the project by gathering walnuts (核桃)in autumn. The nuts were buried in cages in the school garden in mid-November. (1)In this way, the seeds(种子)could be kept cool and moist(潮湿)for several months before they started growing.

In February, the seeds were dug up , so they could begin to sprout(发芽).Sprouted seeds were kept in fridges, so they could be stopped from growing until the time to plant.(2)This helped keep the trees about the same size at planting time. In March, sprouted seeds were planted in paper soft drink cups. Each student was asked to plant 12 trees .(3)Then the trees were carefully watered and watched. The first walnut trees began to appear in about a week…

On April 29th, the trees were transplanted(移植)to the lake.(4)It took the children only 90 minutes to plant all the trees. It was so interesting to see a treeless area turn into a forest right before their eyes.











假如你在今年暑假去了一次海南,现在根据下面的要求和提示,向你的好朋友Mary 写一封e-mail 告诉她你的海南之行. 1.参观了许多名胜 2.一次海南之行

3. 参考词: last summer, parents, take train or by air. Places of interest, beach. See, sit in the sun, run after and play, swim , waves, beat lightly. Can’t help doing.(情不自禁), jump into, lose oneself in, view , have a great time.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ 答案:

一.单项选择:1-5 CCABC 6-10 DABAD 11-15 CAACD

二.完形填空16-20 BCDBC 21-25 AABCB









7.to repair


9.slowly 10.yourselves


1. asked for

2. Neither likes

3.listening improving

4.run out of

5.Don’t put off what you should do today till tomorrow.



3.Then they (the children) watered and watched the trees carefully.

4.The children spent only 90 minutes planting all the trees.

5. the Green Tree Project.



鲁教版九年级英语单词表Unit 1 heel n. 鞋跟;足跟 scoop n. 勺;铲子 electricity n. 电;电能 style n. 样式;款式 pleasure n. 高兴;愉快 zipper n. (= zip) 拉链;拉锁 daily adj. 每日的;日常的 have a point 有道理 website n. 网站 pioneer n.先锋;先驱 list v. 列表;列清单n. 名单;清单 mention v. 提到;说到 accidental adj. 偶然的;意外的 by accident 偶然;意外地 nearly adv.几乎;差不多 ruler n. 统治者;支配者 boil v. 煮沸;烧开 remain v. 保持不变;剩余 smell n. 气味v. (smelt smelled )发出??气味;闻到 saint n. 圣人;圣徒 national adj.国家的;民族的 trade n. 贸易;交易v. 做买卖;从事贸易 take place 发生;出现 doubt n. 疑惑;疑问v. 怀疑 without doubt 毫无疑问;的确 fridge n. 冰箱 low adj. 低的;矮的 somebody pron. 某人n. 重要人物 lock v. 锁上;锁住n. 锁 earthquake n. 地震 sudden adj. 突然(的) all of a sudden 突然;猛地 bell n. 钟(声);铃(声) biscuit n. 饼干 cookie n. 曲奇饼 musical adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的 instrument n. 器械;仪器;工具 crispy adj. 脆的;酥脆的 salty adj. 咸的


Unit 1 sitcom ['s?tk?m] n.情景喜剧 soap [s??p] n.肥皂;肥皂剧educational [ed?u'ke???nl] adj.教育的;有教育意义 plan [pl?n] n.计划;方法v.打算;计划hope [h??p] .希望;期望;盼望n.希望discussion [d?'sk??n] n.讨论;谈论stand [st?nd] v.站立;忍受 happen ['h?p?n] vi.发生;碰巧;偶遇;expect[?k'spekt] v.预期;期待;盼望joke [d???k] n.笑话;玩笑v.开玩笑comedy ['k?m?di] n.喜剧;滑稽; find out查明、弄清 meaningless ['mi:n??l?s] adj.无意义的;不重要的 action ['?k?n] n.行为;活动 cartoon kɑ'tu:n] n.卡通;漫画culture ['k?lt??(r)] n.栽培;文化;教养famous ['fe?m?s] adj.著名的;有名的appear [?'p??(r)] vi.出现;出版;显得become [b?'k?m] v.变成;成为 rich [r?t?] adj.富有的;富饶的;丰富的successful [s?k'sesfl] adj.成功的;圆满的 may[ me?] aux.可以,能够;可能,也许might [ma?t] aux.可能;也许;may 的过去式 main [me?n] adj.主要的;最重要的reason ['ri:zn] n.原因;理由 film [f?lm] n.电影 unlucky [?n'l?ki] adj.倒霉的;不幸的;不吉利的 lose [lu:z] vt.丢失;失败vi.失败ready ['redi] adj.准备好的;乐意的character ['k?r?kt?(r)] n.个性;品质;人物; simple ['s?mpl] adj.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;笨的 army ['ɑ:mi] n.军队;陆军;一大批action movie动作片 be ready to愿意迅速做某事 dress up装扮;乔装打扮 take sb.’s place代替;替换 do a good job 工作干得好;做得好Unit 2


鲁教版初中英语教材结构分析 张店二中宋锋 一、教材的编排结构及编写意图 鲁教版初中英语教材分六年级上、下册,七年级上、下册,八年级上、下册及九年级 全册,共七册。其中,六年级上、下册及七年级上、下册每册各10个单元,八年级上、下册每册各8个单元,九年级全册共12各单元。每个单元分为Section A、Section B和Self Check 三部分,八年级和九年级教材在每个单元后面各增加一篇Reading。 Section A 这部分以一幅展示新功能在实际生活中运用的图画开篇,该图引出了学生在操练新语言 时需要用到的重点词汇。所有重点单词都在图中描绘出来,因此学生不需要解释或翻译就能 理解它们。新的表达方式呈现在人物头上的气泡中,从而使学生很容易理解和操练新语言。 接下来是几个循序渐进的操练活动。学生独立、结对或组成小组完成多中练习,每个 活动都围绕着目标语言,以一种简单而容易理解的方式展开。 每单元第二页的下端呈现的是一个语法聚焦框,该表格清晰呈现了对本单元语法点使 用的总结。第三页以一个互动活动结束,该活动采用游戏或其它全班活动的方式,学生在互相合作使用目标语言中完成本部分的学习。 Section B 这部分在循环A部分所呈现的语言同时,引出新的词汇。同时,B部分的活动帮助学生整合新的目标语言和前面单元学过的语言。这一循环强化了前面的语言学习,同时为新语言学习提供了更多操练的机会。 Self Check 这部分为自我检测,学生可以在课堂上完成,也可以作为课后作业完成。这些活动让 学生复习了所有重点词汇以及新学的语法项目。 Reading 通过一篇长篇课文的学习,进一步强化巩固本单元的语法和其它知识点,同时提高学 生的阅读理解的能力和写作能力。 二、各册教材主要话题、单元语言结构以及语言功能目标列表 六年级英语(上) 本教材共有10个单元,每单元分为Section A、Section B和Self Check三部分。 教材各部分编排结构及编写意图 Section A 1a呈现本单元的重点单词、语法结构及功能1b呈现任务型听力练习 1c结对练习核心对话 2a、2b呈现的是多种听力练习 2c呈现不同任务的结对练习 Grammar Focus呈现语法功能重点 3a—4b提供多种课堂活动 Section B 1a词汇扩展 1b新旧知识的综合运用


初三英语(下)听力材料 Unit 2:How do you study for a test? Section A,1b Boy 1: Hey Gang.There's a big test on Tuesday.I really need some help.Can you tell me how do you study for a big test? V oices: Sure!Yes.Sure we will. Boy 1: You did really well on the last English test,didn't you Mei? Mei: Yeah,I did OK. Boy 1: Well,how did you study? Mei: By making flashcards. Boy 1: May be I'll try that.How did you study,Pierre? Pierre: By asking the teacher for help.She was really happy I asked. Boy 1: That's interesting.How do you study,Antonio? Antonio:I like to study by listening to tapes.But sometimes my mother thinks I'm listening to music.And then she gets mad. Boy 1: Oh,well... 2a,2b Girl 1: Welcome to the English club.Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English.Who has an idea? Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? Girl 2: No.It's too hard to understand the voices. Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English?Do you learn English that way? Girl 2: I think so.It helps to write English every day. Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Yes,I have!I've learnd a lot that way. Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with friends? Girl 2: Oh,yes,It improves my speaking skills. Boy 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? Girl 3: I do that sometimes.I think it help. Boy 2: I do too.And I always look up new words in a dictionary. Girl 3: That's a great idea! Section B,2a,2b Ms Mitchell: You look worried,Paul. Paul: I am,Ms Mitchell.I'm having trouble learning English. Ms Mitchell: You said you liked English.What's the problem? Paul: I can't get the pronunciation right. Ms Mitchell: Well,listening can help.Why don't you borrow the teacher's tapes?You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you. Paul: That's a good idea.But what about all the new words?I forget a lot of new words. Ms Mitchell: You can always write the new words in your note book and study them at home.You can even study in the train on the way to school. Paul: That might really help!Thanks. Ms Mitchell: Can you understand when people talk to you? Paul: Well,no.Not always.Sometimes I just don't uunderstand what people are saying. Ms Mitchell: Why don't you join an English language club to practice speaking English?The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Paul: Maybe I'll go.The only other problem I have is that I don't get much writing practice. Ms Mitchell: Maybe you should find a penpal. Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.Thanks Ms Mitchell! Unit3 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A,1b Conversation 1 Bob: Mario,is that you? Mario: Yeah,it is.It's Bob!Hey,guys,it's Bob!I haven't seen you for four years. Bob: Yeah.I'm here with my parents.We're visiting for a couple of days.Wow Mario,you look different! You used to be short,didn't you? Mario: Yes ,I di .Now I'm tall.And so are you! Bob: That's ture...And you used to wear glasses. Mario: You have a grat memory.Now I wear contact lenses! Conversation 2 Bob: Hey,Amy,it's great to see you. Amy: Hi,Bob.How are you? Bob: Fine .Wow,you've changed! Amy: Really?How? Bob: Well,you used to have short hair. Amy: You remember that?Yes,I did. Bob: And you used to be really tall! Amy: Not any more.You're taller than me now,Bob. Conversation 3 Tina: Hiya,Bob. Bon: Hi,Tina.You've changed too. Tina: Oh,yeah? Bob: You have blonde har! Tina: Yeah,it used to be red,didn't it? Bob: And it's straight! Tina: It used to be curly. 2a,2b Paula: Hey,Steve!Over here!Don't you remember me? Steve: Oh,wow!you're Paula,aren't you? Paula: That's right. Steve: But you used tobe really quiet,didn't you? Paula: Yeah.I wasn't very outgoing. Steve: No,you weren't .But you were always friendly.Wait a minute!Did you use to play the piano? Paula: Yes, I did.But now I'm more interested in sports.I play soccer and I'm on the swim team. Steve: Wow!People sure change. Section B 2a,2b Girl 1: My six-year -old brother started school this week. Boy 1: He's really lucky.Life was great when I was six . Girl 1: Really?Why? Boy 1: Oh,schoolwork is rally easy. Girl 1: Not for me.I didn't use to like tests,Now I don't worry about tests. Boy 1: And we used to play every day after school.Now we just study all the time. Girl 1: Yeah,but we used to walk to school.Now we have to take the bus. Boy 1: I remember one bab thing.I used to hate gym.Now I love gym class. Girl 1: Me,too


九年级上册英语单词表(鲁教版) 九年级上册英语单词表(鲁教版)九年级1课 millionn.百万medicaladj.医学的;医疗的 researchn.研究;调查 tien.(=necktie)领带 worryn.烦恼;忧虑 whatif如果...将会怎么样 pimplen.小脓包;丘疹 examn.考试 energeticadj.有活力的;精力充沛的confidentadj.自信的;有把握的 permissionn.允许;许可;准许herselfpron.(反身代词)她自己;她本身 botherv.打扰;扰乱slightadj.微不足道的;极不重要的 intheslightest一点也;根本annoyv.使生气;使气愤 fairlyadv.相当;完全 plentyadj.很多的;足够的 plentyof很多的;足够的 getalongwith与...相处 circlen.(有共同的兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子;阶层 listenern.听者;收听者 knowledgeableadj.知识渊博的;有见识的 representv.代表;表示 let...down使...失望或沮丧 comeupwith(针对问题等)提出;想出 restn.剩余部分;其余;休息 aidn.帮助;救助;援助;救护first-aid急救 nearbyadj.位置近的;不远的 shelfn.(橱柜、书 架等的)搁架;搁板 comeout出版;发表 coverv.覆盖;遮掩 pressv.按;压;挤 deepadj.深的 downstairsadv.顺楼梯而下 correctadj.对的;正确的;准确的 burnv.烧伤;烧坏 kneen.膝;膝盖 painn.疼;疼痛 hurtv.使...受伤;受伤害 safetyn.安全 offerv.提供refusev.拒绝;回绝 helpfuladj.有帮助的;有用的 treatv.对待burnn.火、热或酸所造成的伤害或伤痕 Spottyadj.多斑点的;发疹 的(文中用作人名) 2课 belongv.属于 belongto属于 authorn.作家;作者 picnicn.(自带食物的)郊游夜餐;(各人自带食品的)聚餐 hairband发带possiblyadv.可能地;或许;也许 dropv.落下;掉下 symphonyn. 交响乐;交响曲 optometristn.验光师;配镜师 appointmentn.约会,约定 algebran.代数;代数学 crucialadj.关键的;至关重要地countv.计;值 finaladj.最后的;最终的 anxiousadj.忧虑的;焦 虑的;不安的 worriedadj.烦恼的;焦虑的 ownern.所有者;业主OxfordUniversity牛津大学 chasev.追逐;追赶 skyn.天;天空creaturen.生物;动物 catchv.捕获;赶上(车船等) unhappyadj.


Unit8 SectionA(1a-2d)精品教案 I. Presentation Show the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now. For example: (1) The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke. (2) Factories put waste into the river. (3) People should throw away litter in the bin. (4)There are more cars on the road. II. Learning Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below. Then add more words. loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones noise pollution air pollution water pollution ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ _____________


英语初三 第一课 Robot everything paper use less fewer 机器人每件事纸利用较少较少的pollution tree building astronaut rocket space 污染树建筑物宇航员火箭太空space station fly took moon fall fell 空间站飞take的过去式月亮落下fall过 fall in love with alone pet parrot probably 爱上单独的宠物鹦鹉大概 go skating suit be able to dress casually which 去滑冰套装能够穿衣非正式哪个even wrote myself interview predict future 甚至write过我自己面试预言未来prediction came come true sound company 预言come过实现声音公司thought fiction unpleasant scientist in the future thing过小说讨厌的科学家未来however hundred hundreds of already made 然而1百好几百已经make过factory simple such bored everywhere human 工厂简单的这样的无聊的到处人

shape huge earthquake snake look for possible 外形巨大的地震蛇寻找可能的electric toothbrush seem impossible housework 电的牙刷似乎不可能的家务 句子 1.Do you think there will be robots in people’s homes? 你认为在人们的家里将会有机器人吗 2.Kids won’t go to school 孩子们将不用去上学 3.They’ll study at home on computers 他们将在家里用电脑学习 4.People won’t use money everything will be free 人们将不使用钱一切将是免费的 5.People will live to be 200 years old 人们将活到200岁 6.Will people use money in 100 years 人们将活到100岁吗 7.There will be fewer people 将有更少的人 8.There will be less free time 没有多少休闲时间 9.People will use the subways less


鲁教版初三英语下册第一单元测试试题卷 Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 【模拟试题】(答题时间:100分钟) I.语言运用。 (I)填入has /have been 或has/have gone. 1. Harry:I saw you in Annabel’s Restaurant last night. Diana:No, it wasn’t me. I ____ never _____ there. 2. Sam:Sally and T im are on holiday, aren’t they? Where _____ they _____? Sue:To Florida, again. Sam:How many times ______ they __________ there? Sue:This is their third visit. 3. Joe:Can I have an apple, please? Mary:We haven’t got any. I ______not _____ to the shops today. 4. Alan:Where’s Tony? Mary:He’s got a headache so he _____________ to bed. 5. Steve: (on the phone)Can I speak to Jill, please? Lynn:She’s out, I’m afraid. She __________ to the cinema this evening. Steve:Again? She ________ already __________ to the cinema three times this week. (II)用for 或since填空 1. Jill has been in Ireland _________ Monday. 2. Jill has been in Ireland _______ three days. 3. My aunt has lived in Australia_______15days. 4. Margaret is in her office. She has been there _______7 o’clock. 5. India has been an independent country ______ 1974. 6. The bus is late. We’ve been waiting ______ 20 minutes. 7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty______ many years. 8. Mike has been ill ________ a long time. He has been in hospital ______ October. (III)用for或since完成下列句子。 例:Jill is in Ireland now. She arrived there three days ago.


Unit 1 2d 你能打扫一下房间吗? 姐姐:托尼,你能帮忙做点什么吗? 兄弟:我至少能看完这个节目吗? 姐姐:不,我想两个小时的电视就够了! 兄弟:好的。你想让我做什么? 姐姐:你能把垃圾拿出来,叠衣服,洗碗吗? 兄弟:这么多? 姐姐:是的,因为妈妈随时都会回来买东西。如果她看到这一团糟,她不会高兴的。 兄弟:但是房子已经很干净了! 姐姐:是的,嗯,它很干净,但它不是“妈妈干净”。 Unit 1 3A 上个月,我放学回家时,我们的狗欢迎我。他想散步,但我太累了。我放下背去了起居室。我一坐在电视机前,妈妈就过来了。“你能带狗去散步吗?“她问。“我 能先看一场吗?“我问。“不!”她愤怒地回答。“你总是看电视,从不在家里帮忙!我不能整天工作,晚上做家务。”“嗯,我也在学校工作了一整天。我和你一样 累!“我喊了回来。我妈妈什么也没说就走开了。有一个星期,她没有做任何家务,我也没有。最后,我找不到一个干净的盘子或一件干净的衬衫。第二天,我 妈妈下班回家,发现房子干净整洁。“发生了什么事?”她惊奇地问。“对不起,妈妈。我终于明白我们需要分担家务才能有一个干净舒适的家,”我回答。 Unit 1 2B 尊敬的先生: 我不明白为什么有些父母让他们的孩子在家里帮忙做家务。现在的孩子已经有足够的压力了。他们也没有时间学习和做家务。家务是在浪费他们的时间。我们可 以让他们做他们的学生吗?他们应该把时间花在学习上,以便取得好成绩,进入一所好大学。而且,当他们长大后,他们将不得不做家务,所以现在没有必要做 家务。父母的工作是为孩子提供一个干净舒适的家庭环境。不管怎样,我认为做家务并不难。我不介意这样做。 米勒女士 尊敬的先生: 我认为孩子们学习如何做家务和帮助他们的父母做家务是很重要的。仅仅在学校取得好成绩是不够的。现在的孩子太依赖父母了。他们总是问,“你能帮我拿这 个吗?或者“你能帮我吗?做家务有助于培养孩子的独立性,并教会他们如何照顾自己。这也有助于他们理解公平的概念。因为他们和父母住在一所房子里,他 们应该知道每个人都应该尽自己的职责保持房子的整洁。我们邻居的儿子上了一所好大学,但在第一年,他不知道如何照顾自己。结果,他经常生病,成绩下降。 孩子越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。 史密斯先生 Unit2 2D 你为什么不跟你父母谈谈? 戴夫:金姆,你看起来很难过。怎么了? 金:嗯,昨天我发现我妹妹在看我的东西。她拿走了我的一些新杂志和CD。 戴夫:嗯??那不太好。她还给你了吗? 金:是的,但我还是生她的气。我该怎么办? 戴夫:嗯,我想你可以告诉她说对不起。但你为什么不忘记这件事,这样你就可以再次成为朋友了?虽然她错了,但没什么大不了的。 金:你说得对。谢谢你的建议 戴夫:没问题。希望一切顺利。 Unit2 3A 尊敬的Hunt 先生: 我的问题是我和家人相处不好。我父母之间的关系变得困难了。他们经常打架,我真的不喜欢。这是他们唯一的交流方式。我不知道我是否应该对他们说些什么。 当他们争论的时候,就像一团乌云悬在我们家上空。而且,我哥哥对我也不太好。他总是拒绝让我看我最喜欢的电视节目。相反,他一直想看什么就看什么,直 到深夜。我认为这不公平。在家里我总是感到孤独和紧张。这是正常的吗?我能做什么?


七上课文翻译 七上Unit 7 2d对话 朱莉:安娜,你喜欢昨天的歌唱比赛吗? 安娜:哦,好极了!内丽唱的这么好! 朱莉:是的,但是我认为丽萨唱的比内丽好。 安娜:哦,哪个是丽萨? 朱莉:留着较短头发那个。我认为她比内丽唱的清晰。 安娜:是的,但是内丽的舞跳得比丽萨好。 朱莉:不过,你能看出来丽萨确实想赢。 安娜:嗯,每个人都想赢,但是最重要的是学到一些新东西并获得乐趣。 七上Unit 7 2b: 杰夫格林 我妈妈告诉我,好朋友就像一面镜子。我比大多数的孩子更文静、更稳重。那就是我在课堂上喜欢读书和我学习更刻苦的原因。我U自豪的朋友袁立也很文静,因此我们喜欢一起学习。我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。但是我认为朋友就像是书——你不需要很多,只要他们好就行。 黄磊 (和朋友)一样是没有必要的。我最好的朋友拉里与我很不一样。他比我更高、更外向。我们都喜欢运动,但是他网球打的更好,因此他总是赢,不过,拉里经常帮助我显现出最好的一面。因此我(比以前)打网球打得更好了。然而,拉里学习不太勤奋。我总是比他取得更好的成绩,所以或许我应该更多的帮助他。 玛丽史密斯 我真的不介意我的朋友是与我一样还是不同。我最喜爱的名言是:“真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。”我最好的朋友卡罗尔确实很和蔼并且很风趣。实际上,她比我认识的任何人都风趣。去年我的胳膊断了,但是她让我开心并感到更好。我们可以谈论并且分享每一件事情。我知道她很关心我,因为她总是在那儿倾听(我说的话)。 七上Unit 8 2d对话 格雷格:嘿,我是格雷格。我是新来镇上的。 海伦:嘿,我是海伦。欢迎到社区来!到目前为止你认为这里如何? 格雷格:好极了!但是我还真的不知道周围的路。 海伦:哦,最好的超市在中心街上。你可以在那里买到最新鲜的食物。 格雷格:哦,棒极了!这周围有电影院吗?我喜欢看电影。 海伦:是的,太阳电影院是最新的一家。你可以坐的最舒适,因为他们有最大的座位。 格雷格:谢谢你告诉我这些。 海伦:不客气。 七上Unit 82b课文七上Unit 8 2b课文 谁是达人? 每个人都有擅长的事情,但是有些人确实有天赋。观看别人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。才艺展示节目也越来越受欢迎。刚开始,有像《美国偶像》和《美国达人秀》这样的节目。现在,世界各地都有类似的节目,像《中国达人秀》 所有的这些节目都有一个相同的特征:他们尽量的寻找最优秀的歌手、最有天赋的舞者、最令人兴奋的魔术师、最滑稽的演员等等。各种各样的人都可以参加这个节目。但是谁能把钢琴弹得最好或者歌唱的最动听呢?那有你决定。当人们观看表演时,他们通常发挥决定获胜者的作用。而且获胜者总是能够得到一份非常不错的奖品。 然而,并不是每个人都喜欢看这个节目。有些人认为这些表演者的生活是编造的。例如,一些说自己是贫穷的农民的人们,但实际上他们却是演员。然而,如果你对这些节目不太认真对待,他们观看起来是很有趣的。这些节目很重要的一点是他们给了人们一个能让他们的梦想实现的渠道。 七下课文翻译 七下Unit 1 2d对话: 格蕾丝:萨拉,今天在课上你们做什么了? 萨拉:我们讨论电视节目了。我的同学喜欢游戏节目和体育节目。 格蕾丝:哦,我无法忍受他们。我爱看肥皂剧。我喜欢跟随故事情节了解接下来要发生的事情。 萨拉:哦,我不介意肥皂剧。但我最喜欢的电视节目是新闻和谈话节目。 格蕾丝:他们很无聊 萨拉:哦,他们可能不是很令人兴奋,但是你可以期待从他们中学到许多(知识)。我希望有一天成为一名电视记者。 七下Unit 1 2b课文: 当人们谈到文化时,我们(首先)想到的是艺术和历史。但是美国文化的一个非常著名的标志是卡通片。我们都知道和喜欢那只长了两个大大地圆圆的耳朵的黑老鼠——米老鼠。80多年前,他首次在卡通片《威利号汽船》中出现。当这部卡通片与1928年11月18日在纽约发行时,他成了第一部有声音、有音乐的卡通片。米奇身后的那名男子叫沃尔特迪士尼。他成功了。而且变得非常富有。在20世纪30年代,他用米奇拍了87部卡通片。 一些人可能问这个卡通动物是怎样变得如此受欢迎的。其中一个主要的原因是米奇想一个普通人,但他面对危险时总是全力以赴。在他早期的电影中,米奇是不幸的,而且遇到了许多麻烦,比如失去房子和女朋友明尼。然而,他总愿意竭尽全力。人们去影院看这个“小男人”赢。他们中多数人都想成为想米奇那样的人。 在1978年11月18日,米奇成了第一个入选好莱坞星光大道明星的卡通人物。如今的卡通片通常不像小米老鼠那么简单。但是大家仍然知道他,喜爱他。谁还长着一对比米奇的耳朵更有名的耳朵呢?


初三英语(下)听力材料 Unit 1 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Section A, 1b Sarah: I’m bored, Claudia. Let’s do something different. Claudia: Have you ever been to an amusement? Sarah: Yes, I have. I went to Fun Times Amusement Park last year. Have you ever been to a water park? Claudia: No, I haven’t, Sarah. Sarah: Me neither. Let’s go to Water City tomorrow. Claudia: Well, that sounds fun, but I can’t swim. Sarah: Really? I didn’t know that. Well, how about the zoo? Have you ever been to the zoo? Claudia: I’ve been to the zoo a lot of times. Sarah: Me too. And I’ve been to the aquarium also. Claudia: So have I., Sarah. I went there on our last school trip. Sarah: I know, Claudia. Let’s go to the space museum. I’ve never been there. Claudia: That’s a great idea. I went there last year, but I’d like to go there again. Section A,2a, 2b Conversation 1 Tina: It’s raining again, John! I really wanted to go skating today! John: Oh, well. Hey, have you ever been to the space museum, Tina? Tina: Yes, I went there last year. Have you ever been there? John: No, I haven’t. Tina: Well, I’d really like to go there again. John: Great. What bus do we take to get to the museum? Tina: We can take the subway. The station is near the museum. Conversation 2 Carmella: Have you ever been to the aquarium, Linda? Linda: No, I haven’t. but I’m going there next week. Would you like to come? Carmella: Sure. How will we get there? Linda: We can ride our bikes. Carmella: Where is the aquarium? Linda: It’s on Green Street, behind the zoo. Carmella: Have you been to the zoo? Linda: Yes, I have. I love the zoo. I went there three times last year. Conversation 3


初三英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题69分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题51分,共120分;时间120分钟。 2.请考生将选择题答案涂在答题卡上。阅卷时以答题卡上的答案为准。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共69分) 一.听力选择(共20小题,计20分) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出适合每个句子的答语。 1. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I’ll show you. C. No, not at all. 2. A. Good luck! B. It’s great. C. I’ll try it. 3. A. We’d love to. B. It’s very nice of you to say so. C. Don’t say so. 4. A. Thanks a lot for coming to my birthday party. B. Thanks a lot for inviting me to your birthday party. C. Thanks a lot for the birthday party. 5. A. No, thanks. I’m full. B. It’s my pleasure. C. Yes, I can do it myself. (二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,对话和问题听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6. A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. 7. A. At 3:15 pm. B. At 3:15 am. C. At 3:45 pm. 8. A. Miss Brown. B. Tom. C. Mr. White. 9. A. Doing his homework. B. Turning on the TV. C. Watching TV. 10.A. He walked along the beach at night. B. He swam alone in the cold water. C. He got the boy out of water and saved him. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,对话和问题听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 11. A. In a shop. B. In a library. C. In a hospital.


Unit1 heel n. 鞋跟;足跟scoop n. 勺;铲子electricity n. 电;电能style n. 样式;款式pleasure n. 高兴;愉快zipper n. (= zip)拉链;拉锁daily adj. 每日的;日常的have a point 有道理website n. 网站pioneer n.先锋;先驱project n. 项目;工程list v. 列表;列清单n. 名单;清单mention v. 提到;说到accidental adj. 偶然的;意外的by accident 偶然;意外地ruler n. 统治者;支配者boil v. 煮沸;烧开remain v. 保持不变;剩余smell n. 气味v. (smelt smelled )发出??气味;闻到saint n. 圣人;圣徒trade n. 贸易;交易v. 做买卖;从事贸易take place 发生;出现 popularity n. 受欢迎;普及doubt n. 疑惑;疑问v. 怀疑without doubt 毫无疑问;的确fridge n. 冰箱low adj. 低的;矮的somebody pron. 某人n. 重要人物lock v. 锁上;锁住n. 锁ring v. (rang rung )(使)发出铃 声或钟声;打电话earthquake n. 地震sudden adj. 突然(的)all of a sudden 突然;猛地bell n. 钟(声);铃(声)biscuit n. 饼干cookie n. 曲奇饼musical adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的instrument n. 器械;仪器;工具crispy adj. 脆的;酥脆的salty adj. 咸的sour adj. 酸的;有酸味的by mistake 错误地;无意中customer n. 顾客;客户the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会Canadian adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的n. 加拿大人 divide v. 分开;分散divide ... into 把??分开basket n. 篮;筐not only...but also?不但?而且?look up to 钦佩;仰慕hero n. 英雄;男主角professional adj. 职业的;专业的nearly adv. 几乎;差不多Unit2 license (= licence)证;证件safety n. 安全;安全性smoke v. 冒烟;吸烟n. 烟part-time adj. 兼职(的) pierce v. 扎;刺破;穿透earring n. 耳环;耳饰flash n. 闪光灯;闪光v.闪耀;闪光tiny adj. 极小的;微小的cry v. & n. 哭;叫喊field n. 田野;场地hug n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱lift v. 举起;抬高n.电梯;搭便车badly adv. 严重地;差;非常talk back 回嘴;顶嘴awful
