


2019年海南公务员考试行测真题及答案 第一部分常识判断 1、下列选项释义错误的是: A. 驽:性烈但跑得快的马 B. 驷:套有四匹马的车 C. 驹:小马、少壮的马 D. 骥:好马、千里马 2、下列关于我国脱贫攻坚工作说法准确的是: A. 强化行政一把手负总责的责任制 B. 坚持先扶志,再扶智,后扶技的顺序 C. 坚持中央统筹省负总责县乡抓落实的工作机制 D. 动员全党全国全社会力量,坚持精准扶贫,精准脱贫 3、我国举办2022年北京冬奥会的理念是: A. 环保、公平、竞争、和谐 B. 绿色、共享、开放、廉洁 C. 生态、温暖、公平、实用 D. 共享、友好、竞争、绿色 4、新形势下党的思想宣传工作的使命任务是: A. 举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象 B. 树新风、育新德、兴产业、建形象、顺民心 C. 聚民声、育思想、兴文化、树新风、富产业 D. 聚民心、顺时代、树新风、讲美德、育新人

5、6岁的小凡身高1.05米,某日他瞒着父母独自去商场,购买了一台价值4000元的平板电脑。当天,其父母将一切完好的平板电脑带回商场要求退还全款。商场以“电子商品一经使用,只换不退”为由拒绝。根据相关法律,下列说法正确的是: A. 商场既不用退货退款,也不用换货 B. 商场做法正确,电子产品只换不退 C. 商场做法缺少法律依据,应全额退款 D. 商场应收取平板电脑原价50%的折旧费 6、下列最有可能不会受到治安管理处罚的是: A. 两人酒后打架斗殴,但均未受伤,酒醒后双方愿意和解 B. 房东发现房客在出租房内开赌场却不告知管理部门,反而提醒房客小心点 C. 小明饲养了一只属于禁养犬只的大型犬,该犬性格温和从不咬人,民警多次提醒,小明仍然坚持饲养 D. 在某足球比赛中,球迷不满“黑哨”,扔啤酒罐砸向裁判,但力度较轻,裁判未受伤 7、下列关于钢表述错误的是: A. 碳是其最重要的硬化元素,所有钢材中都含碳元素 B. 钢按成分不同可分为低C钢、中C钢、高C钢 C. 钢是含C量在一定区间的铁碳合金 D. 生铁经过高温煅烧可成为钢 8、下列关于世界历史的说法正确的是: A. “尼德兰革命”是世界上最早成功的资产阶级革命 B. 阿拉伯数字由古罗马人发明,经阿拉伯人传入亚洲 C. 印度是亚洲耕地面积最大的国家,其境内有阿拉伯河、恒河流经


英语六级听力真题及答案 【篇一:2006-2014历年大学英语六级听力真题及答案 (完整版)】 s=txt>答案集合在全部真题之后(复合式听写中的长句无答案) 200606 1. a) she met with thomas just a few days ago. b) she can help with orientation program. c) she is not sure she can pass on the message. d) she will certainly try to contact thomas. 2. a) set the dinner table.b) change the light bulb. c) clean the dining room. d) hold the ladder for him. 3. a) he’d like a piece of pie.b) he’d like some coffee. c) he’d rather stay in the warm room. d) he’d just had dinner with his friends. 4. a) he has managed to sell a number of cars. b) he is contented with his current position. c) he might get fired. d) he has lost his job. 5. a) tony’s secretary. b) paul’s girlfriend. c) paul’s colleague. d) tony’s wife. 6. a) he was fined for running a red light. b) he was caught speeding on a fast lane. c) he had to run quickly to get the ticket.


写作 作文范文:Greed or Greet? The earth has nurtured generations of human beings, offering us with every resource to survive and prosper. Nowadays, with the explosion of population and boom of economy, human’s rel entless exploitation of natural resources has caused crisis of exhaustion of energy and resources. The remark “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” gives out a warning for us all. The ecosystem has remained balanced until man becomes obsessed with their ambition to conquer Nature and they are blinded by greed. On one hand, they are so economy-oriented that they ignore the protection of environment. Increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. On the other hand, man exploits and abuses non-renewable energy and resources for the sake of developing economy. If man insists on extracting natural resources recklessly, it will be too dreadful to face the consequence. Let us remember that only when we shake off greed and heal the earth can we build a better home for ourselves and our future generations. 【快速阅读】 美国工业制造 1-7 DADAAAB 8 higher 9 the immigrants 10 doing more themselves 听力 11. Why she could not get through to him. 12. He has difficulty finding affordable housing. 13. A code number is necessary to run the copy machine.


2016年6月英语六级真题第一套 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives. You are requried to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A)Project organizer B)Public relations officer. C)Marketing manager. D)Market research consultant. 2.A)Quantitative advertising research. B)Questionnaire design. C)Research methodology. D)Interviewer training. 3.A)They are intensive studies of people’s spending habits. B)They examine relations between producers and customers. C)They look for new and effective ways to promote products. D)They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.


2019 年国家公务员考试面试真题(海事局2月 25日) 1、你有没有遇到过一个时间非常紧急的事件,需要你去协调处理,请具体谈谈你是如何 做的。 2、领导交由你负责搜集单位各项数据,整合汇总进行汇报,之前的准备工作开展的很 顺利,临到讲解时,你突然发现其中的部分数据有问题,但数据修改需要 1 天的时间才能完成,对比你怎么办。 3、海事中心准备开展开放日活动,计划邀请辖区内学校,航运单位等部门一起参加。 如果选择工作日举办活动担心前来参与的人会很少,但选择周末又担心接待人数过多,你认为此项工作的重点是什么,你会怎么开展工作。 4、受天气因素影响,你单位辖区内的航道进行了封禁,但是旅客们很是焦急,不明 情况,现在要求直播连线予以解释,领导将任务交给了你,请现场模拟如何与群众沟通。 5、观点反驳题。 总观点:纸质图书的优点多于电子书,且前景更好。 理由一:纸质书籍好做笔记,备注方便。 理由二:可以避开使用电子屏幕,保护眼睛。 2019 年国家公务员考试面试真题(海关2 月 25 日) 1、为了促进地方外贸工作,[ 政达教育整理] 领导派你到地方挂职锻炼,但在地方工作一 段时间后,你发现他们只让你参与开会调研,并不安排重要的工作给你,这次,又让你和小 王去做一项调研工作,小王戏称你是来镀金的,不重视你的建议,领导也很生气,认为你没起到什么作用,你怎么办? 2、你单位每年都会在年终对优抚对象的身份进行审核查验,保证优抚对象依然健在, 防止冒领优抚金,但是很多优抚对象居住分散,年龄大腿脚不方便,而且年终时间紧任务重,参与审核的人手也短缺,对比你怎么办? 3、现在 95 后一般在职时间为七个月,远远低于80.90 后,被称为离职闪电军,对比你 怎么看? 4、你单位要组织一次全省执法资格考试,由于各单位距离较为分散,只有几个单位能 采用机考,其他单位需要运送纸质试卷,但是天气预报报道考试前后会有大雪,高速公路可能要封路,参与组织考试的人手也不足,可能会导致试卷运送不到,你会怎么办? 2019 年国家公务员考试面试真题(铁路公安2月25日) 1、在铁路沿线上有一个塔,经专业人员检修坚定此塔有倾斜倒塌的危险 , 你是该铁路线路民警 , 领导让你处理此事 , 你会怎么处理? 2、目前快递行业大学生从业比例较高,甚至都是本科学历,请问你如何看待这种现象。


2010年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前高校排名相当盛行; 2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一; 3. 在我看来…… My Views on University Ranking . . . Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Into the Unknown The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope? Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable. For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare.


2013年6月英语六级真题及答案(文都版) Part ⅣReading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) Question 47 to 51 are based on the following passage often assumed musical Highly proficient musicianship is hard won. Although it’s evidence that this isn’t the case. While it seems ability us inherited, there’s abundant that at birth virtually everyone has perfect pitch, the reasons that one child is better than another are motivation and practice. Highly musical children were sung to more as infants and more encouraged to join in song games as kids than less musical ones, long before any musical ability could have been evident. Studies of classical musicians prove that the best ones practiced considerably more from childhood onwards than ordinary orchestral players, and this is because their parents were at them to put in the hours from a very young age. The same was true of children selected for entry to specialist music schools, compared with those who were rejected. The chosen children had parents who had very actively supervised music lessons and daily practice from young ages, giving up substantial periods of leisure time to take the children to lessons and concerts. The singer Michael Jackson’s story, although unusually brutal and extreme, is illumination when considering musical prodigy(天才). Accounts suggest that he was subjected to cruel beatings and emotional torture ,and that he was humiliated (羞辱) constantly by his father, What sets Jackson’s family apart is that his father used his reign of terror to train his children as musicians and dancers. On top of his extra ability Michael also had more drive. This may have been the result of being the closest of his brothers and sisters to his mother. “He seemed other said of him. She different to me from the other children —special,”Michael’s m may not have realized that treating her son as special may have been part of the reason be became like that. All in all, if you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you


文档编号:YLWK239517 2017 年6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第1 套) Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part ⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions : In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 2.A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C)They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3.A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B)He writes several books simultaneously. C)He draws on his real-life experiences. D)He often turns to his wife for help. 4.A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B)Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C)He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D)Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5.A) A chievements of black male athletes in college. B)Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C)High college dropout rates among black athletes. D)Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes. 6.A) They display great talent in every kind of game. B)They are better at sports than at academic work. C)They have difficulty finding money to complete their studies. D)They make money for the college but often fail to earn a degree. 7.A) About 15%. B) Around 40%. C)Slightly over 50%. D) Approximately 70%. 8.A) Coaches lack the incentive to graduate them. B)College degrees do not count much to them. C)They have little interest in academic work. D)Schools do not deem it a serious problem. Section B


江苏2019年公务员考试真题 20天行测83分申论81分(经验) (适合:国家公务员,各省公务员,村官,事业单位,政法干警,警察,军转干,路转税,选调生,党政公选,法检等考 试) ———知识改变命运,励志照亮人生 我是2010年10月15号报的国家公务员考试,报名之后,买了教材开始学习,在一位大学同学的指导下,大约20天时间,行测考了83.2分,申论81分,进入面试,笔试第二,面试第一,总分第二,成功录取。在这里我没有炫耀的意思,因为比我考的分数高的人还很多,远的不说,就我这单位上一起进来的,85分以上的,90分以上的都有。只是给大家一些信心,分享一下我的经验,我只是普通大学毕业,智商和大家都一样,关键是找对方法,事半功倍。 指导我的大学同学是2009年考上的,他的行测、申论、面试都过了80分,学习时间仅用了20多天而已。我也是因为看到他的成功,才决定要考公务员的。“人脉就是实力”,这句话在我这位同学和我身上又一次得到验证,他父亲的一位朋友参加过国家公务员考试命题组,这

位命题组的老师告诉他一些非常重要的建议和详细的指导,在这些建议的指导下,我同学和我仅仅准备了20天左右的时间,行测申论就都达到了80分以上。这些命题组的老师是最了解公务员考试机密的人,只是因为他们的特殊身份,都不方便出来写书或是做培训班。下面我会把这些建议分享给你,希望能够对你有所帮助。 在新员工见面会上,我又认识了23位和我同时考进来的其他职位的同事,他们的行测申论几乎都在80分以上,或是接近80分,我和他们做了详细的考试经验交流,得出了一些通用的备考方案和方法,因为只有通用的方法,才能适合于每一个人。 2010年国考成功录取后,为了进一步完善这套公务员考试方案,我又通过那位命题组的老师联系上了其他的5位参加过命题的老师和4位申论阅卷老师,进一点了解更加详细的出题机密和阅卷规则。因为申论是人工阅卷,这4位申论阅卷老师最了解申论阅卷的打分规则,他们把申论快速提高到75到80分的建议写在纸上,可能也就50页纸而已,但是,他们的建议比任何培训机构和书籍效果都好(我是说申论)。这一点我是深有体会并非常认同的。 最终我根据自己和23位80分以上同事的经验,还有6位命题老师4位申论阅卷老师给出的建议,总结出了这套国考(中央级)省考(省市县乡村级)通用学习方案。 在2011年4月份的省考和2011年11月的国考中,有1200多位考生使用这套方案,其中400多位参加国考的考生中有190多位录取,录取率48%,800多位参加省考的考生中有530多位录取,录


2017年12月大学英语六级听力真题解析 2017.12月份的六级考试已经落下帷幕,以下是对听力部分考题的一个解析,希望对同学们有所帮助. Conversation One M: And now, for the latter side of the news, Europe is setting an example for the rest of the world when it comes to food waste. W: That’s right, John. This week, the Italian government passed legislation that aims to dramatically reduce the amount of food waste in the country. Q1:New laws have been put into place that will make it easier for farms and supermarkets to donate and sell foods to those who are in need. M: Yes, in an addition to this, businesses will now be rewarded for successful efforts to cut food waste. W: Italy is not the only country to focus on reducing food waste. Just earlier this year, Q2:the European parliament voted in favor of legislation that would stop grocery giants from unfair trading practices that result in overproduction, thus creating waste. M: In France, Q3:the government has banned supermarkets from throwing away edible foods and imposed harsh penalties on businesses that fail to comply with the regulations. W: While there is still much progress to be made, other countries could learn a thing or two from the example set by France and Italy. In the United Sates, up to 40% of all food goes uneaten. Despite the fact that one in seven American households lacks regular access to good food, Q4:one major cause of this problem is the confusion over food expiration labels, which are currently not regulated by the government. M: All this could change soon. This wave of new laws in Europe will definitely put more pressure on law makers to reduce food waste here. We turn now to a


2019年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. PartⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) why Roman Holiday was more famous than Breakfast at Tiffany’s. B)why Audrey Hepburn had more female fans than male ones. C)Why the woman wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn. D)why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn. 2. A)Her unique personality. B)Her physical condition. C)Her shift of interest to performing arts. D)Her famil y’s suspension of financial aid. 3. A) She was not an outgoing person. B)She was modest and hardworking C)She was easy-going on the whole. D)She was usually not very optimistic. 4. A)She was influenced by the roles she played in the films. B)Her parents taught her to symbolize with the needy. C)She learned to volunteer when she was a child. D)Her family benifited from other people’s help. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the recording you have just heard. 5. A) Give a presentation. B)Rise some questions. C)Start a new company. D)Ateed a board meeting. 6. A) It will cut production costs. B)It will raise productivities. C)No staff willl be dismissed. D)No new staff will be hired. 7. A)The timeline of restructuring.


2019年国家公务员考试行测真题(省级及以上) 注意事项 1.这项测验共有五个部分,总时限为120分钟。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将姓名与准考证号在指定位置上填写清楚。 3.当监考人员宣布考试正式开始时,你才可以答题。 4.当监考老师宣布考试结束时,你应立即停止作答。待监考人员允许离开后,方可离开考场。 5.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在某一道题上思考太长时间,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 第一部分常识判断 (共20题参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.我国宪法对非公有制经济的规定进行了几次修改,按时间先后排序正确的是() ①允许发展私营经济,采取“引导、监督、管理”的方针 ②在法律规定范围内的个体经济、私营经济等非公有制经济,是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分 ③鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展,并对非公有制经济依法实行监督和管理 ④非公有制经济仅限于个体经济,不包括私营经济,且个体经济处于补充地位 A.①②④③ B.①③②④ C.④①③② D.④①②③ 2.下列关于“三农”问题的说法错误的是() A.民政部门是农民专业合作社登记机关 B.征地补偿费的使用、分配方案,经村民会议讨论决定方可办理 C.深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革是当前和今后一个时期农业农村工作的主线 D.村民委员会作出的决定侵害村民合法权益的,受侵害的村民可以申请人民法院予以撤销 3.关于2015年中央军委改革工作会议召开以来进行的改革,下列说法错误的是() A.全面停止军队有偿服务活动 B.组建中央军委联勤保障部队 C.军委机关由多部门制改为总部制 D.成立陆军领导机构和战略支援部队 4.下列金融机构与其可以从事的金融业务对应正确的是() A.商业银行——股票承销业务 B.人寿保险公司——医疗责任保险业务


2017年6月六级真题一 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A. Doing enjoyable work. B. Having friendly colleagues. C. Earning a competitive salary. D. Working for supportive bosses. 2. A. 31%. B. 20%. C. 25%. D. 73%. 3. A. Those of a small size. B. Those run by women. C. Those that are well managed. D. Those full of skilled workers. 4. A. They can hop from job to job easily. B. They can win recognition of their work. C. They can better balance work and life. D. They can take on more than one job. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A. It is a book of European history. B. It is an introduction to music. C. It is about the city of Bruges. D. It is a collection of photos. 6. A. When painting the concert hall of Bruges. B. When vacationing in an Italian coastal city. C. When taking pictures for a concert catalogue. D. When writing about Belgium's coastal regions. 7. A. The entire European coastline will be submerged. B. The rich heritage of Europe will be lost completely. C. The seawater of Europe will be seriously polluted. D. The major European scenic spots will disappear. 8. A. Its waterways are being increasingly polluted. B. People cannot get around without using boats. C. It attracts large numbers of tourists from home and abroad. D. Tourists use wooden paths to reach their hotels in the morning. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.
