


爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案【热门】1 Q: How do you spell mousetrap?A: C-A-T.This one should be spoken.2 Q: How many legs does an ant have?A: Two, the same as an uncle.(HINT: ant = aunt)3 Q: How many people are buried in that cemetery?A: All of them.4 Q: What can't be used until it's broken?A: An egg.5 Q: What do tigers have that no other animals have?A: Baby tigers.6 Q: What is Black and white and read (red) all over?A: A newspaper7 Q: Why is number six afraid ?A: Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine)8 Q: How do you know when a motorcycle policeman is happy?A: He has bugs on his teeth!9 Q: What did zero say to eight?A: Nice belt.(The 8 looks like a 0 with a belt around its waist.)10 Q: What did number 1 say to 7?A: Nice hair爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案【分享】1. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?【谜底:An echo.】2. What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?【谜底:A river.】3. When the boy fell into the water, what's the first thing he did?【谜底:He got wet first of all.】4. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you? Nothing.【谜底:Because I'm a woman.】5. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?【谜底:Because the instructions on the paint can say “Put on two coats for best results.】6. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it?【谜底:When you have a hole in your pocket.】

7. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?【谜底:A secret.】8. You have it,You read it,There are some words and pictures on it.What is it?【谜底:a book】9. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?【谜底:a clock】10. If there were only three girls in the world, what do you think they would do?【谜底:Two of them would get together and talk about the other one.】谜面的意思当然应该取第一个意思,如果取第二个意思的话,即“怎样阻止臭鼬闻气味,那么谜底“堵住它的鼻子(hold its nose)不失为一种办法。

3 [How do you stop the rabbits from digging in the yard?]提示:怎样阻止兔子在院子里挖土(keep the rabbits from digging in the yard)?谜底“把铁锹藏起来(hide the spade)也是一句戏言。


趣味英语脑筋急转弯带翻译 脑筋急转弯是一种锻炼大脑的智力游戏。英语脑筋急转弯是通过英语语言文字的方式向你提出问题,要求你不仅要懂得文字的表面意思,而且要理解其中深层次的含义。下面小编为你整理英语脑筋急转弯,希望能帮到你。 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1.Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? 爸爸和妈妈谁和你更亲? 2.What month do soldiers hate? 当兵的不喜欢几月份? 3.How many feet are there in a yard? 一码有多少英尺? 4.What is heavier in summer than in winter? 什么东西夏天比冬天重? 5.What clothing is always sad? 什么衣服总是伤感的? 6.How many legs do horses have? 马有几条腿? 7.What fruit is never found singly? 什么水果永远不会是单个的? 8.What kind of clothes lasts the longest? 什么衣服穿得最久? 9.Does any child like going to school? 有没有小孩子喜欢上学? 10.Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed? 为什么养长颈鹿最不花钱? 11.How can you make the door last? 怎样能使门经久耐用? 12.What's the most difficult train to catch? 赶什么火车最不容易?


【英语的一些脑筋急转弯分享】有趣的英语脑筋急转弯 1.Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? (愚人节人们为什么疲倦?) 答:Because they have just had a long March. ( 因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月行军) 2.What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天气?) 答:When it'sraining cats and dogs.(rain cats and dogs 下大雨 ) 3.When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? (狗什么 时候不愿跟随主人?) 答:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳 蚤市场时。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 旧货市场 ) 4.What question can never be answered by “yes”? (哪个问题永远不能回答“是的”?) 答:Are you asleep?(你睡着了吗)

5.What tree is always very sad? (那种树总是很伤心?) 答:Weeping willow.( 垂柳 weep哭泣 willow柳树) 6.When can you get water with a ? (什么时候可以用网兜装水?) 答:When water is turned into ice. (当水结成冰时) 7.Why is the pig always eating 猪为什么没完没了地吃? 答:He's making a hog of himself.它想成为一只肉猪。 8.What's the longest word in the world 世界上最长的单词是什么? 答:Smiles. Because there's a mile between the letter 's'.微笑。因为两个字母S中间隔了一里。 9.What question is that to which you must always answer "yes"? 什么问题你只能回答“yes”?


搞笑版脑筋急转弯及答案 脑筋急转弯,这种另类游戏,不仅有趣,而且有助于广泛思维,开动脑筋,有助于提升智力。现在就让小编给大家分享搞笑版脑筋急转弯及答案,希望大家喜欢。 搞笑版脑筋急转弯及答案【推荐】 1. 什么鞋子,你绝不会穿着它去逛街? 答案:溜冰鞋 2. 你知道什么东西天气越热,它爬得越高? 答案:温度计 3. 为什么台湾的刘小姐坚持结婚以后不冠夫姓? 答案:他的未婚夫姓夏 4. 聪颖快捷。答案:智力 5. 瞎子为何夜路点灯? 答案:为了使别人不撞到自己 6. 瞎子吃奶打一种水果答案:芒果 7. 千田连土土连田? 答案:重 8. 放大镜不能放大的东西是什么? 答案:任何东西 9. 一横一横又一横,一竖一竖又一竖,左一竖右一竖,一竖一竖又一竖。答案:带 10. 火车由北京到上海需要六个小时,行驶三个小时后,火车在哪? 答案:铁轨上。 11. 什么情况下一山可以容二虎? 答案:老虎是一公一母 12. 什么鸡没有翅膀? 答案:田鸡 13. 梳箅难上头,虱虮难留,光溜溜,憎亮,球? 答案:秃子 14. 比乌鸦跟讨厌的是什么答案:乌鸦嘴 15. 什么事天不知地知,你不知我知答案:鞋底破了一个洞 16. 打什么不费力啊? 答案:打磕睡 17. 为什么大象只有一只右耳朵? 答案:每只大象都有一只右耳朵 18. 何种动物最接近于人类答案:寄生在人身体上的寄生虫 19. 家在北京的老王想去上海,要花多少钱? 答案:只是想,不用花钱 20. 别人请你吃什么需要你自己花钱? 答案:吃官司 经典脑筋急转弯分享 1. 什么贵重的东西最容易不翼而飞? 答案:人造卫星 2. 什么照片看不出照的是谁? 答案:X光片 3. 小呆骑在大牛身上,为什么大牛不吃草? 答案:大牛是人 4. 北京王府井步行街上来往最多的是什么人? 答案:行人 5. 在哪里人才会真正变得任人宰割? 答案:手术台上 6. 先有鸡还是先有蛋? 答案:先有蛋,因为在新华字典里面蛋在鸡的前面 7. 什么水不能喝? 答案:王水 8. 为什么小白看见100元和肉骨头他选肉骨头? 答案:小白是狗呀 9. 什么桶永远装不满? 答案:马桶 10. 王先生养了一只很漂亮的孔雀,有一天,王先生的孔雀在张先生的花园里生了一只蛋,请问这只蛋应属于谁的? 答案:孔雀的 11. 一个老大爷住在一栋18层的房子了,但他天天都不用电梯?为什么? 答案:因为他住一楼 12. 什么东西不能吃? 答案:东西本来就不能吃,因为东西是方向 13. 谢谢? 答案:甭 14. 你不是聋子,为什么我说话你听不到? 答案:因为不在同一个地方 15. 什么手最大,打一成语? 答案:一手遮天 16. 群芳谱。? 答案:花卷 17. 白驹过隙空长叹打一字答案:吗


[xx 英语脑筋急转弯] 1, Which two words contain thousands of letters? Post office 2, What kind of dog does not bite or bark? A hot dog 3, Why do people go to bed? Because the bed won ' t cometous. 4, What year is the best year for a kangaroo? Leap year 5, W hyisSundayisthestrongestdayinaweek?Becausetherestofthedaysareweakday s. 6, What will break once you say it? Silence 7, What fruit is never found singly? Pear 8, What clothing is always sad? Blue jeans 9, What is heavier in summer than in winter? The traffic to the beach10, Whenare people smartest? When it ' s sunny, everything is brighter11, How many legs dohorses have? Six. Forelegs in the front, two in the back12,What ' s the bankinthe world? The river bank 13, Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? Mom. Because dadisfarther.14, What is the smallest room in the world? A mushroom 15, What has nothing but a head and a tail? A coin. Hea(d 正面)tail (反面) 16, What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? Drink well water. 17, Why is 10 x 10=1000 like your left eye? Because it ' s not right. 18, What do you still keep after giving it to someone else? Your word19, Takeaway my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all myletters,and I remainthe same, what am I? a postman 20, What king belongs to a student? A ruler 21, How long is a shoe? A little more than a foot long. 22, What is black and white and red (read) all over? Newspaper


经典的英语脑筋急转弯有趣的英语脑筋急转弯 找到一些经典的英语脑筋急转弯,对比看看有什么不一样吧。 下面为大家了经典英语脑筋急转弯,希望对大家有帮助。 1 [What do you call a thief in a shoe shop?] 提示:名词sneaker的意思是“鬼鬼祟祟的人”,把偷鞋的小 偷叫做sneaker还有一层言外之意,因为sneaker的另一个意思是“旅行鞋”。 2 [What do you call a snake that works for the government?] 提示:serpent是“蛇”的意思。把在政府工作的蛇(a snake that works for the government)戏称为 civil serpent,这是模仿 civil servant(公职人员)而来的。 3 [What do you call a travelling flea?] 提示:由英语词hitch-hiker(搭车旅行的人)产生了这个谜语,旅行的虱子(travelling flea)被戏称为 itch-hiker,因为 itch的意思是“发痒”。

1. 兄弟七八个,围着柱子坐,大家一分家,衣服就扯破。(打一植物)【谜底】蒜 2. 好象苹果红又红,好象柿子没有盖,能当水果能当菜,营养好来人人爱。(打一植物)【谜底】西红柿 3. 身体长又长,开花黄又黄,脸蛋儿象太阳,籽儿香又香。(打一植物)【谜底】向日葵 4. 紫色树,开紫花,开过紫花结紫瓜,紫瓜里面装芝麻。(打一植物) 【谜底】茄子 5. 红口袋,绿口袋,有人怕,有人爱,爱它是样好小菜,怕它吃到嘴里眼泪来。 (打一植物)【谜底】辣椒 6. 红公鸡,绿公鸡,身子钻在泥底下,你要捉住它,揪住尾巴用力拔。(打一植物)【谜底】胡萝卜 7. 圆圆红罐罐儿,扣着圆盖盖儿,甜甜的蜜水儿,满满盛一罐儿。 (打一植物)【谜底】柿子


[小学生的爆笑脑筋急转弯及答案]超级爆笑脑筋 急转弯 1.榴莲和地心引力有什么关系?答案:幸好牛顿不是坐在榴莲树下发现地心引力的 2.大力水手卜派吃了一罐菠菜,为什么没有变成大力士?答案:他拿的是婴儿食品 3.上台领奖致感谢辞时,可以不必说哪句话?答案:谢谢各们爸爸妈妈 4.歌仔戏和歌剧有什么不一样?答案:其实是一样的一个是传统歌仔戏,一个是西方歌仔戏 5.苹果和地心引力有什么关系?答案:农夫不会等到地球发生效力 6.想想看,如果外星人来到地球,他说的第一句话将会是什么?答案:外星话 7.要如何利用一块钱赚钱?答案:打电话要别人要钱 8.伍子胥过昭关,为何在一夜之间头发全变白了?答案:他忘了带染发剂 9.现今最流行的电子鸡带来什么风潮?答案:让商人大发利市 10.左眼跳财,右眼跳灾,如果左右眼皮一起跳呢?答案:破财消灾 11.为什么很多学生上课会打瞌睡?答案:前几节没有睡饱 12.为什么很多学生上课会打瞌睡?答案:前几页没有睡袍 13.麦克杰克逊为什么要去做漂白手术?答案:怕遭到不白之冤

14.猜猜看:今年圣诞夜,圣诞老人第一件放进袜子里的是什么东西?答案:也自己的脚 15.老子为什么要骑青牛出海关?答案:老子高兴 16.小美养了一头凶猛的狼犬,为什么它却从不咬胖子?答案:他只吃瘦肉 17.目前国内哪些人拒二手烟最积极?答案:坚持抽第一手烟老烟枪 18.在台湾想从政,除了台语、国语还要会哪一种话?答案:肢体语言 19.教堂向祖父办告解之前,都要先做那件事?答案:犯罪 20.阿辉从来不念书。为何也能成为全校的模范生?答案:他是聋哑生 经典谜语分享 1.乐平拿手猜一个字答案是:毳 2.乐天派猜一个字答案是:泉 3.了却一个心愿猜一个字答案是:原 4.磊猜一个字答案是:碜 5.泪水干,泪水流,难分离,紧拉手猜一个字答案是:攫 6.类人猿猜一个字答案是:伸 7.楞猜一个字答案是:噪 8.礼貌待人猜一个字答案是:儆 9.李世民猜一个字答案是:瑭 10.李自成河边落马猜一个字答案是:润 11.里头有人猜一个字答案是:困


小学英语智力题 1. What has two legs but can’t walk? 2. What kind of dog never bite? 3. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 4. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all the animals? 5. What has four eyes but cannot see? 6. What do vampires do at midnight? 7. What can you catch but cannot throw? 8. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? 9. What did one penny say to the other? 10. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 11. What has ears but cannot hear? 12. What has teeth but cannot eat? 13. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? 14. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out? 15. What runs all around the ground but never moves? 16. What can go through water but never get wet? 17. What kind of leaves doesn’t fall in Autumn? 18. What kind of house weights least? 19. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket? 20. Where do ghost like to swim? 21. Why did the pickle close its eyes? 22. What has arms but can't hug? 23. What has a face but no head? 24. What has fingers but can't type? 25. What has a head and a foot but no body? 26. What has a mouth but never smiles? 27. Which month has 28 days? 28. With which hand do you write? 29. What animal can jump as high as a tree? 30. What falls often but never gets hurt?


关于英语的脑筋急转弯精选 1.What letter is an animal? 什么字母是一种动物?B(BEE) 2.What letter is a vegetable? 什么字母是一种蔬菜?P(PEA) 3.What letter is a question? 什么字母是一个问题?Y(WHY) 4.What letter is your eye? 什么字母是你的眼睛?I(EYE) 5.What letter stands for the ocean? 什么字母代表海洋?C (SEA) 2)---- What fruit is never found singly (什么水果永远不会是单个的? —— A pear. (3)---- Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes (年轻人为什么不愿意和福琼家女儿约会? —— Because she is Miss Fortune. 注:以上脑筋急转弯泛采用了同音词(homonyms):

(1)“father”(父亲)与“farther”(更远) (2)“pear”(梨)音同“pair”(一对), (3)“Miss Fortune”音同“misfortune”(不幸) (4)Why is an empty matchbox the best thing to have in the world (为什么空火柴盒是世界上最好的东西? ——Because it is matchless. (5)Why did little Tom put his brother's guitar in the refrigerator (小汤姆为什么把哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里? ——Because he enjoyed cool music. (6)What stays hot even if put it in a fridge?(什么东西即使放在冰箱里也热?) ——Pepper. 注:以上脑筋急转弯大量运用了双关语(puns): (4)“matchless”既可理解为“没有火柴的”,又可理解为“举世无双的,无可匹敌的”; (5)“cool”可表示“冷的、凉的”,也可指“棒、时髦、美妙的”; (6)“hot”有两个意思:;热;、;辣;. 1.Why are girls afraid of the letter 2.Why is the letter E so important? Answers:


有趣的小学英语脑筋急转弯 英语脑筋急转弯其实就是一种游戏,一些青少年儿童尤其喜欢玩这种游戏。它不仅能丰富人们的文化生活,还能提高智力呢。下面学习啦小编为大家揭晓答案,希望大家喜欢。 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1.W h e n c a n y o u g e t w a t e r w i t h a n e t? 什么时候可以用网兜装水? 答: W h e n w a t e r i s t u r n e d i n t o i c e. 当水结成冰时。 2 .W h y i s t h e p i g a l w a y s e a t i n g? 猪为什么没完没了地吃? 答: H e s m a k i n g a h o g o f h i m s e l f. 它想成为一只肉猪。 3 .W h a t s t h e l o n g e s t w o r d i n t h e w o r l d? 世界上最长的单词是什么? 答: S m i l e s. B e c a u s e t h e r e s a m i l e b e t w e e n t h e l e t t e r s. 微笑。因为两个字母S中间隔了一里。

4 .W h a t q u e s t i o n i s t h a t t o w h i c h y o u m u s t a l w a y s a n s w e r y e s? 什么问题你只能回答y e s? 答: W h a t d o e s y-e-s s p e l l? 当别人问你y e s怎么拼。 5 . W h e r e w e r e y o u w h e n t h e p o w e r w a s c u t o f f? 当停电的时候你在哪? 答: I n t h e d a r k n e s s. 在黑暗中。 6.W i l l l i a r s b e h o n e s t a f t e r t h e y d i e?(骗子死了之后会诚实吗?) N o, t h e y w o n t。 T h e y l i e s t i l l a f t e r t h e y d i e。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。L i e s t i l l躺着不动,依旧撒谎。) 7. W h a t a l w a y s g o e s u p a n d n e v e r g o e s d o w n? (什么东西只升不降?) Y o u r a g e。 (你的年龄) 8.W h y i s t h e l i b r a r y t h e h i g h e s t b u i l d i n g?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?) I t h a s t h e m o s t s t o r i e s。 (它的楼层最多。S t o r y 故事,楼层)


小学生趣味英语脑筋急转弯 脑筋急转弯,小偷最怕的3个字母是什么?英语脑筋急转弯问答的速度要快,问答的语言要巧。它既能测试一个人的反应能力,又能锻炼一个人的思维能力。下面学习啦小编为大家揭晓答案,希望大家喜欢。 趣味英语脑筋急转弯 1. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I? A hole. 2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth? Anything it eats. 3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears? Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three? A secret. 5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time? A photographer. 6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? A kitten.(小猫) 7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours? Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break. 8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? An echo.(回声) 9. What do you know about the kings of France? They are all dead. 10. What question can you never answer 'yes" to" Are you asleep? 11. Why do some old people never use glasses? They must prefer bottles to glasses. 12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?


爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案热门 好笑的英语脑筋急转弯可以帮助我们更有趣地学习英语。下面小编为大家整理了爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案,欢迎大家阅读。 爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案热门 1 Q: How do you spell mousetrap? A: C-A-T. This one should be spoken. 2 Q: How many legs does an ant have? A: Two, the same as an uncle. (HINT: ant = aunt)

3 Q: How many people are buried in that cemetery? A: All of them. 4 Q: What can't be used until it's broken? A: An egg. 5 Q: What do tigers have that no other animals have? A: Baby tigers.

6 Q: What is Black and white and read (red) all over? A: A newspaper 7 Q: Why is number six afraid ? A: Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine) 8 Q: How do you know when a motorcycle policeman is happy? A: He has bugs on his teeth! 9 Q: What did zero say to eight? A: Nice belt. (The 8 looks like a 0 with a belt around its waist.) 10 Q: What did number 1 say to 7?


[小学生英语脑筋急转弯] 1, Which two words contain thousands of letters? Post office 2, What kind of dog does not bite or bark? A hot dog 3, Why do people go to bed? Because the be d won’t come to us. 4, What year is the best year for a kangaroo? Leap year 5, Why is Sunday is the strongest day in a week? Because the rest of the days are weak days. 6, What will break once you say it? Silence 7, What fruit is never found singly? Pear 8, What clothing is always sad? Blue jeans 9, What is heavier in summer than in winter? The traffic to the beach 10, When are people smartest? When it’s sunny, everything is brighter 11, How many legs do horses have? Six. Forelegs in the front, two in the back 12, What’s the poorest bank in the world? The river bank 13, Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? Mom. Because dad is farther. 14, What is the smallest room in the world? A mushroom 15, What has nothing but a head and a tail? A coin. Head(正面)tail (反面)16, What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy? Drink well water. 17, Why is 10×10=1000 like your left eye? Because it’s not right. 18, What do you still keep after giving it to someone else? Your word 19, T ake away my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all my letters, and I remain the same, what am I? a postman 20, What king belongs to a student? A ruler 21, How long is a shoe? A little more than a foot long. 22, What is black and white and red (read) all over? Newspaper 23, What has a tongue but can’t talk? An envelope 24, How do you feel today? With my hands, of course 25, What has four legs but only one foot? A bed 26, What has many tails(tales) but no head? A book of stories 27, What has three hands but only one face? A clock 28, Which can move faster, heat or cold? Heat. You can catch a cold 29, Who always drives his customers away? A taxi-driver 30, What’s the smallest bridge in the world? The bridge of a nose 31, Who will be your friend, a poor friend or a rich friend? A poor friend, because a friend in need is a friend indeed. 32, What colour is the wind? Blue. The wind blew. 33, Why is the library the highest building? Because it has the most stories. 34, What is the longest word in the English language? Smile 35, What part of London is in France? The letter “N”. 36, What makes a road broad? B 37, What letter stands for the ocean? C 38, What three letters turn a boy into a man? AGE 39, What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full of T? teapot


1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单,cat (猫)、lion(狮子)、Dog(狗)和elephant(大象)都是哺乳动物mammal,而turtle,乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选D,乌龟! 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是B 国家country. 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 这一组数字,看起来很奇怪,到哪里找规律呢?这可要测你的智能了。先看每组的第一个字母,abcd,简单,是按字母顺序嘛!那么下一组的第一个单词一定是e;再看第二个字母:adgj,有规律吗?没错,abcdefghij,规律就是,每个字母间相隔两个字母,所以依此类推,下一组单词的第二个字母应该是kln,当然,应该选备选答案中的A 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five:


有趣的脑筋急转弯100个 1.冬瓜、黄瓜、西瓜、南瓜都能吃,什么瓜不能吃? 答案:傻瓜 2.盆里有6只馒头,6个小朋友每人分到1只,但盆里还留着1只,为什么? 答案:最后一个小朋友把盆子一起拿走了 3.你能以最快速度,把冰变成水吗?答案:把“冰”字去掉两点,就成了“水”。 4.冬天,宝宝怕冷,到了屋里也不肯脱帽。可是他见了一个人乖乖地脱下帽,那人是谁?答案:理发师 5.老王一天要刮四五十次脸,脸上却仍有胡子。这是什么原因? 答案:老王是个理发师 6.有一个字,人人见了都会念错。这是什么字? 答案:这是“错”字 7.小华在家里,和谁长得最像? 答案:自己 8.鸡蛋壳有什么用处? 答案:用来包蛋清和蛋黄。

9.不必花力气打的东西是什么? 答案:打哈欠 10.你能做,我能做,大家都做;一个人能做,两个人不能一起做。这是做什么?答案:做梦 11.什么事每人每天都必须认真的做? 答案:睡觉 12.什么人始终不敢洗澡? 答案:泥人 13.小明从不念书却得了模范生,为什么? 答案:小明是聋哑学生 14.什么车子寸步难行? 答案:风车 15. 哪一个月有二十八天?

答案:每个月都有28天 16.你知道上课睡觉有什么不好吗? 答案:不如床上舒服嘛 17.什么酒不能喝? 答案:碘酒 18. 什么蛋打不烂,煮不熟,更不能吃?答案:考试得的零蛋"0" 19.打什么东西,不必花力气?答案:打瞌睡 20.火车由北京到上海需要6小时,行使3小时后,火车该在什么地方? 答案:在车轨上 21.时钟什么时候不会走?答案:时钟本来就不会走 22.书店里买不到什么书?答案:遗书 23. 什么路最窄?答案:冤家路窄 24.什么东西不能吃?答案:“东西”方向 25.一个人从飞机上掉下来,为什么没摔死呢?答案:飞机停在地上 26. 一年四季都盛开的花是什么花?答案:塑料花 27.什么英文字母最多人喜欢听?答案:CD 28.什么人生病从来不看医生?答案:盲人 29.小明知道试卷的答案,为什么还频频看同学的?答案:小明是老师


搞笑英语脑筋急转弯 1. Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? (愚人节人们为什么疲倦?) 答:Because they have just had a long March. ( 因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月;行军) 2.What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天气?) 答:When it's raining cats and dogs.(下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨) 3.When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? (狗什么时候不愿跟随主人?) 答:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市场时。Flea 跳蚤flea market 旧货市场) 4.What question can never be answered by “yes”? (哪个问题永远不能回答“是的”?) 答:Are you asleep? (你睡着了吗) 经典笑话 5.What tree is always very sad? (哪种树总是很伤心?) 答:Weeping willow. ( 垂柳weep哭泣willow柳树) 6.When can you get water with a net? (什么时候可以用网兜装水?) 答:When water is turned into ice. (当水结成冰时) 7.Why is the pig always eating?猪为什么没完没了地吃?


1.If a driver drives too fast he'll get a ticket. What will happen to a Poet if he writes too fast? 司机如果车开得太快就会被罚款,那么诗人如果诗写得太快,会怎么样呢? 2.Why is an empty purse always the same? 空钱包为什么总是老样子? 3.Why do little birds in the nest agree with each other? 巢里的小鸟为什么意见总是一致? Keys: 1.His poetic licence will be taken away. 他的写诗执照就会被没收。 2.There's no change in it. 因为里面没有零钱。 3.Because they would fall out if they didn't. 因为如果意见不合,它们就会摔出鸟巢。 Notes: 1.poetic licence 诗的破格(如不遵从语法规则等) 2.change n.零钱;变化 3.fall out 摔出去;争吵 Questions: 1.Why is an argument like a pen? 为什么说论据就像一支钢笔? 2.When will the wind improve its image? 风什么时候能改进自己的形象? 3.Why is learning English like a light gentle wind to a smart student? 为什么对聪明的学生来说,学英语就像一阵微风? Keys: 1.No good Without a point. 没有笔尖就没有用处。 2.When it turns over a new leaf. 当它把一片刚落的叶子吹翻过来时。 3.It's a breeze to them. 因为对他们来说学英语轻而易举。 Questions: 1.What has four Wheels and flies? 什么东西有四个轮子还会飞? 2.What's even harder to catch if you run faster? 什么东西你跑得越快越难追上, 3.What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs? 什么时候十条狗追一个人? 4.How can you tell a clock is shy? 你怎么知道时钟害羞呢?


热门爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案大全 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《热门爆笑英语脑筋急转弯及答案大全》的内容,具体内容:脑筋急转弯非常有趣,可以你的压力和疲倦,缓解你的精神紧迫感。下面就是我给大家带来的,希望大家喜欢!一:1 Q: How do you spell mousetrap?... 脑筋急转弯非常有趣,可以你的压力和疲倦,缓解你的精神紧迫感。下面就是我给大家带来的,希望大家喜欢! 一: 1 Q: How do you spell mousetrap? A: C-A-T. This one should be spoken. 2 Q: How many legs does an ant have? A: Two, the same as an uncle. (HINT: ant = aunt) 3 Q: How many people are buried in that cemetery? A: All of them. 4 Q: What cant be used until its broken? A: An egg. 5 Q: What do tigers have that no other animals have? A: Baby tigers. 6 Q: What is Black and white and read (red) all over?

A: A newspaper 7 Q: Why is number six afraid ? A: Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine) 8 Q: How do you know when a motorcycle policeman is happy? A: He has bugs on his teeth! 9 Q: What did zero say to eight? A: Nice belt. (The 8 looks like a 0 with a belt around its waist.) 10 Q: What did number 1 say to 7? A: Nice hair 二: 1. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth? 【谜底:An echo.】 2. What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks? 【谜底:A river.】 3. When the boy fell into the water, whats the first thing he did?【谜底:He got wet first of all.】 4. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you? Nothing. 【谜底:Because Im a woman.】
