


2 博尔和家人走进拥挤的圣约翰联合基督教会体育馆,发现很多人






3 博尔刚坐下,还没来得及把餐巾在膝盖上放好,就听到房间另一



6 这太不可思议了,博尔心想。他开始担心自己救不了她。抬起头,他认出了史蒂夫?霍布林,他办公室附近一家医院的护士。“史蒂夫,你把手指伸进她的喉咙,看看能否掏出什么,”他吩咐道。霍布林将


7 但是帕特仍然没有呼吸。事实上,她的脸色正在迅速变青。显然




8 “打911!给我拿把锋利的刀过来!”他大声喊道。他的妻子赶紧


9 博尔以前从未做过这种手术。他回想起唯一一次看过别人做这种




10 当他看到妻子给他找到了一把干净的水果刀才放了心。博尔深吸一口气,小心翼翼地在帕特的颈部切了个小口子。血一下子从伤口




11 周围的人群屏住呼吸看着他工作,但他丝毫没有感觉到。博尔稳



12 然后,科琳似乎看出了他的心思,将一根气管套管递给了他。她儿子肖恩,即帕特的孙子,患有一种严重的肺病,需要一根管子才能保持呼吸道通畅,但是个把小时不用管子问题也不大。

13 每过一秒,帕特的脸色就更青一点。科琳帮助博尔将管子轻轻地推进帕特的喉咙里。时间一秒一秒地过去,感觉却像是一分一分地在流逝,但是这两个人镇静地工作着,配合得天衣无缝——就像一个手术小组一样,博尔心想。

14 “进去了。”最后管子一放好,博尔就说道。

15 但是危机还远未结束。博尔必须将这位昏迷的老太太弄醒。庆幸的是,她的家人出门总是带着急救箱,里面有手动苏醒气囊,这是以防肖恩出现呼吸困难而准备的。

16 科琳将气囊扣到管子上,开始打气。不一会儿,帕特?罗勒开始呼吸,脸色也恢复了正常。 17 医护人员赶来接管了剩下的事情,博尔站起来,浑身颤抖。当年他辞去社会工作者工作去上医学院的时候,自然没有预见会遇到这种事。

18 “我不是一个狂热的教徒,”博尔说,“但我现在知道了,上帝会去参加教会的火鸡晚宴。把一个不明就里的医生带到这儿,并给他合适的工具——我不知道自己是如何想到该怎么做。我无法解释这一切,只能说是上帝显灵了。”

19 也许是吧,但莫克那镇防火区主任助理霍华德?斯蒂芬斯很快指出:“要是没有博尔医生,这位女士是不可能起死回生的。”

20 科琳的婆婆怀着感激之情回家了,没有任何因在手术中使用了折叠刀而感染的迹象。科琳说:“在这个容易惹上官司的时代,博尔医生敢于冒这样的风险,挺身而出,实在是太让人感激了。”

21 十一月的那个晚上晚些时候,罗布?博尔从医院回来之后,发现还有一件事有待完成。他晃进教会厨房,挽起袖子。“需要洗碗的时候上帝通常不会显灵。”他说道。

1. after a hectic week treating patients with sore throats and ear infections at his family practice, the 52-year-old physician was ready for a night of home cooking and fellowship at his church’s annual fund-raising dinner.


2. they’d simply heard about the good food an d were willing to pay $10 to heap their plates and help pay for the church’s new community center.



3. he was relieved to see that his wife had found a clean

paring knife.


4. fortunately, her family never went anywhere without an emergency kit containing a manual resuscitator bag, just in case shaun had trouble breathing.



5. we are so thankful that in this age of lawsuits, dr. boll was willing to put himself on the line. 在这个容易惹上官司的时代,博


1. luck does not always _____________ (起作用) in examinations. it is your hard work that matters.

2. with the treatment, _______________ (面色恢复) to the woman’s cheeks.

3. he got a nice dictionary ______________ (不知从哪里). it was really a great help.

4. my car ___________ (怎么也发动不起来) this morning.

5. the patient recovered from the surgery with

__________________ (没有感染的迹象). 去美国和英国能带些什么?去美国能带什么?

1 当您去美国或回美国时,必须先过美国海关。

2 美国海关是美国财政部的一个分支机构,负责对进口到美国的商

品收取关税和其他税。 3 在飞机上,您会得到一张海关申报表,并



4 如果海关官员怀疑有人要走私物品到美国,就会检查行李、货物




5 你可以携带价值不超过100美元的礼品进入美国而不需付关税。

6 不要将食品带入美国。将易变质的食物类产品带入美国是违法的,这包括水果、蔬菜、肉和植物。如果飞机上附赠的食物没吃完,就


7 家用织品、衣服、专业设备和其他家用物品可以免税入关,但这


8 某些动物产品不能带入美国。欲知详情,可与动植物卫生检疫局


9 可以带多少现金进入美国没有限制。但是,如果您随身携带的现


10 任何含有麻醉成分或由针管注射的药品必须附有医生的签名处方。走私麻醉品的处罚十分严厉。


11 进入英国的最后一关是通过英国皇家税务海关总署。只要遵循几条简单规则就不会很复杂。

12 入关速度也比您预想的快。在海关入关方面,欧盟国家设有三种通道。如果您是来自另外一个欧盟国家,不论持有何种护照,提取



13 入关通报是建立在诚信制度上的。然而请记住:虽然这种情况不常发生,但在绿色或蓝色通道处您可能要停下来接受随机检查,而




1 六月的一个黄昏,森林里树影婆娑,一个小女孩正在其中匆匆穿行。已经是晚上八点了,西尔维娅想,这么晚回家,外婆会不会生


2 每天傍晚五点半,西尔维娅就离开外婆家去把母牛牵回家。她的



3 这天晚上,西尔维娅花了比平时更长的时间才找到母牛。小女孩



4 她以前从未这么晚还独自一人呆在林子里。西尔维娅觉得自己仿


5 她是一年前才来到外婆的农场。之前,她和父母住在一个肮脏拥



6 母牛喝完水后,这个九岁的小女孩继续在林中匆匆前行。突然,



7 “嗨,小姑娘,这儿离大路有多远啊?”一个年轻人高兴地喊道。



8 西尔维娅继续赶着母牛穿过森林,陌生人跟着她走。“我是来寻找鸟的,”他解释道,“但我迷了路,我能不能在你们家住一宿?”西尔


9 他们走上前去,陌生人向西尔维娅的外婆说明了他的困境,外婆



11 晚饭后,三人都坐到屋外。年轻人解释说他是个鸟类收藏家。



12 “西尔维娅对鸟也很熟悉。”外婆自豪地说,“她对这片林子了如


13 “这样或许她能帮帮我。”年轻人说,“两天前我看见一只白鹭,



14 西尔维娅的心开始狂跳,她在森林的另一头见过这只奇特的白鸟。年轻人盯着西尔维娅说:“谁能帮我找到那只鸟,我就付给她十美元。”

15 那天晚上,西尔维娅的梦里尽是她和外婆用这十美元能买到的好东西。

16 第二天,西尔维娅和年轻人在林子里呆了一整天。他告诉了她许




17 要是他手里没有枪,西尔维娅准会更加喜欢他。白日将尽,西尔维娅仍然满怀钦慕之情地注视着这个年轻人,沉睡在这个孩子心底




18 月亮早己爬上树梢,年轻人也进入了梦乡,西尔维娅却无法入睡。她想出了一个主意,既能为外婆拿到十美元,又能让年轻人高兴。



19 西尔维娅用赤脚和小手紧紧扒住粗糙的树干,越爬越高,松树尖硬的枝条像猫爪一样抓挠着她。

20 西尔维娅终于攀上了松树最上面的一根枝桠,这时,金色的阳光倾泻而下,映照着整个青翠的森林。两只鹰在西尔维娅脚下很远的


21 突然,一道白光映入西尔维娅的眼帘,越来越大。那是一只有着白色大翅膀和细长脖子的鸟,它掠过西尔维娅,停在了她下面的一



22 西尔维娅长长地呼了一口气。现在她知道这只野鸟的秘密了。她开始慢慢地从这颗老松树上往下爬,可下去很危险,她都不敢往下看,只能尽量不去想受伤的手指和流血的双脚。她现在只想知道,


23 大约一小时后,西尔维娅回到了家。当她走进厨房时,外婆和年轻人都站了起来。宣布她秘密的最佳时刻来临了,西尔维娅却陷入




24 那天晚些时候,年轻人失望地离开了,再也没有回来。很多个夜晚,西尔维娅仿佛又听见他的口哨声在树林里回荡。他那尖利的枪



25 鸟儿是比猎手更好的朋友吗?可这又有谁知道呢?

1. it was already eight o’clock and sylvia wondered if her grandmother would be angry with her for being so late.


2. the child hurried the cow through the dark forest, toward

her grandmother’s home. 小女孩赶着牛,匆匆穿过阴暗的树林,


3. she felt her heart tremble every time he shot an unsuspecting bird as it was singing in the trees.



4. the white heron smoothed its feathers and called to its mate, sitting on their nest in a nearby tree.


5. many a night sylvia heard the echo of his whistle haunting the forest.


1. he picked up his bag and (急急忙忙


2. he was shaking with fright as if (就像见了鬼似的).

3.if you had told me earlier, i (不会签合同).

4. the fireman gave a long sigh as he(又看到一道红光).

the businessman spoke so carefully in order not to



1 大家好!我叫卢卡,代表日照旅行社欢迎大家来到洛斯卡沃斯。





2 我保证各位将在洛斯卡沃斯的圣何塞度过愉快的假期。这是一个





3 日照旅行社能根据您的旅行安排提供各种特别优惠。我们有高尔







【篇二:应用型大学英语综合教程 1考试试题】

ss=txt>i. grammar vocabulary (25%)

section a (5%)

directions: match the words (1-10) in the texts with their definitions (a-j). please write your answers on answer sheet.

1. novelty a. slow and unwilling

2. fragile b. introductory instruction concerning a new


3. reluctantc. to come to understand sb or sth by thinking

4. craved. without any definite plan, aim, or pattern

5. figure oute. weak and uncertain; easily destroyed or spoiled 7. orientation g. the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting

8. stimulating h. something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you have a

particular illness

9. randomlyi. exciting or full of new ideas

10. symptom j. very dangerous

section b (10%)

directions: complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box. please write your answers on answer sheet.

11. the film star lent his name to the efforts to ________ to

help the flood victims.

12. he indicated the _________ of the persian gulf with a pen

on the map.

13. as senior, klein is helping to instruct the _________ students.

14. as a military correspondent, he _______ everything that he saw and heard.

15. the teacher gave the students a _________ list of events which he thought had caused the war.

16. ______ always links to inability to change or achieve something, thus some people regard it as bad luck.

17. she listened to him _________ when he was telling his sad story.

18. the money will enable us to _______ the town?s leisure facilities.

19. he felt he had a right to ________ physical punishment to the children.

20. in the fall, wilma _______ off to school.

section c (10%)

directions: there are twenty sentences in this section. beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. please write your answers on answer sheet.

21. james has just arrived, but i didn?t know he _______ until yesterday.

a. will come

b. was coming

c. had been coming

d. came

22. jack _______ from home for two days now, and i am beginning to worry about his safety.

a. has been missing

b. has been missed

c. had been missing

d. was missed

23. the student said there were a few points in the essay he

_______impossible to comprehend.

a. had found

b. finds

c. has found

d. would find

24. ___________, he can now only watch it on tv at home.

a. not having obtained a ticket for the match

b. not obtaining a ticket for the match

c. obtaining not a ticket for the match

d. not obtained a ticket for the match

25. aids is said _____ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.

a. being

b. to be

c. to have been

d. having been 26.

there______ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.

a. to be

b. to have been

c. be

d. being 27. all of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there_______ quite such a crowd of people ther


a. weren?t

b. hasn?t been

c. wouldn?t be

d. hadn?t been

28. it is high time we ________ cutting down the rainforests.

a. stop

b. shall stop

c. stopped

d. had to stop

29. ________ the boss says, it is ueasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay.

a. whatever

b. whenever

c. whichever

d. however

30. they overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ______ is something we had not expected.

a. which

b. it

c. that

d. what

31. little ________ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.

a. she cared

b. she may care

c. did she care

d. may she care

32. there is no doubt ________ the couple did the right thing in coming back home earlier than planned.

a. whether

b. that

c. why

d. when

33. barry had an advantage over his mother _________he could speak french.

a. since that

b. in that

c. at that

d. so that

34. _______ conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of greek civilization.

a. continual

b. continuous

c. constant

d. contrary

35. in that country, students will be _______ admittance to their classroom if they are not properly dressed.

a. declined

b. deprived

c. denied

d. deserted

36. if we believe something is good and true we should

________ to it.

a. hold up

b. hold on

c. keep on

d. keep up

37. experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to _______ healthy.

a. preserve

b. stay

c. maintain

d. reserve

38. i can _______ some noise while im studying, but i cant stand loud noises.

a. come up with

b. catch up with

c. keep up with

d. put up


39. i am sorry that i must _______ your invitation owing to a previous appointment.

a. decline

b. reject

c. accept

d. receive

40. eventually, people spread throughout the continent,

_______ the entire species.

a. wiping out

b. wiping away

c. wiping off

d. wiping up

ii. cloze (15%)

directions: fill in each blank in the passage below one appropriate word that you have learnt from the text. please write your answers on answer sheet.

. he asked his father what he should do. his father said, “look, son, you have to make up your own on this. however, i think it is very important for you.

he stated, “you can keep the f and i?ll keep my___47____.”group and said, “i tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in of my 200-acre horse i still have that school paper over the fireplace.” he added, “the best part of the story is that two summers ago that same ?look, monty, i can tell you this now. when i was your teacher, i was of a dream stealer. during those years i stole a lot of kids? dreams. fortunately you had enough yours.”

(from unit 1 don’t let anyone steal your dreams)

iii. reading comprehension (20%)

directions: in this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked a, b, c and d. choose the one that you think is the best answer. please write your answers on your answer sheet.

passage one

when a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturers claims, the first step is to present the warranty (保修), or any other records which

might help, at the store of purchase. in most cases, this action will produce results. however, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. a simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. in general, the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. in such a case, it is usually settled in the consumers favor, assuming he or she has a just claim.

consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of

purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.

complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question. if this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. for example, “the left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is uncle ar” is better than “this stereo does not work”. the store manager may advice the consumer to write to the manufacturer. if so, the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and firmly as possible. if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go to a step further. she or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization

responsible for protecting consumers rights.

56. when a consumer finds that his or her in it, the first thing he or she should do is to _______.

a. complain personally to the manager

b. threaten (威胁) to take the matter to court

c. write a firm letter of complaint to the store of purchase

d. show some written proof (证明; 证据) of the purchase to the store

57. how can a consumer make his or her complaint more effective, according to the passage?

a. explain exactly what is wrong with the item

b. threaten to take the seller to court.

c. make polite and general statements about the problem.

d. avoid having direct contact with the store manager.

58. according to the passage, which of the following is suggested as the last alternative that consumers may turn to?

a. complain to the store manager in person.

b. complain to the manufacturer.

c. write a complaint letter to the manager.

d. turn to the consumers? rights protection organization for help.

59. the phrase “live up to” in this context means _______.

a. meet the standard of

b. realize the purpose of

c. fulfill the demands of

d. keep the promise of

60. the passage tells us _________.

a. how to settle a consumer?s complaint about a faulty item

b. how to make an effective complaint about a faulty item

c. how to avoid buying a faulty item

d. how to deal with complaints from customers

passage two

there are many ways of defining success. it is accurate (精确的) to say that each of us has our own concept of success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic (遗传的) ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly.

for some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success. think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd (牧羊人) who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a

good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. on the other hand, it seems that even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions, many of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own goals of success. because not all ventures can be successful, one should not set uealistic goals for achieving success, but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set one?s goals at too low a level of achievement.

a wise counselor (顾问) once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own professional success: “you do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park, or riding the subway

downtown,” the counselor added, “you have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have been

unsuccessful at something you really like, and to which you have given your best effort.”

61. in the first paragraph, the author implies that _______ are essential in achieving success.

a. ability and goals

b. goals and determination

c. ability and environment

d. goals and environment

62. the word “frugal” (line. 2, para 2.) means ________.

a. wealthy

b. wasteful

c. thrifty

d. miserable

63. some rich people consider themselves unsuccessful because _______.

a. their life is miserable

b. they do not live in peace

c. their goals are too low

d. they are not rich enough by their own standards

64. the last paragraph implies that _________.

a. we should have high goals

b. success means achieving great goals

c. success means taking a walk in the park

d. success means trying one?s best at what one really likes

65. this passage mainly talks about _________.

a. the definition of success

b. how to achieve success

c. how to set goals

d. the importance of goals

passage three

it is all very well to blame traffic jams, the cost of petrol and the quick pace of modern life, but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. everybody knows that the nicest men become monsters behind the wheel. it is all very well, again, to have a tiger in the driver?s but to have one in the driver?s seat is another matter altogether. you might tolerate the odd road-hog(乱开车者), the rude and inconsiderate, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule. perhaps the situation calls for “be kind to other drivers” campaign, otherwise it may get completely out of hand. road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. it takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge (报复; 复仇)when subjected to uncivilized behavior. on the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the tensions of motoring.

a friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill

and tolerance so necessary in modern traffic conditions. but such

acknowledgements of politeness are all too rare today. many drivers nowadays dont even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

however, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. typical examples are the driver who brakes (刹车) violently to allow a car to emerge (冒出; 露出) from a side street at some hazard (危害) to

following traffic, when a few seconds later the road would be clear anyway; or the man who waves a child across a zebra crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time. the same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they care to. it always amazes me that the highways are not covered with the dead bodies of these grannies.

a veteran (老手;富有经验的人) driver, whose manners are faultless (无瑕疵的), told me it would help if motorists learn to filter correctly into traffic streams one at a time without causing the total

blockages that give rise to bad temper. unfortunately, modern motorists cant even learn to drive, let alone


unit 1课文翻译与练习答案】

t 1 language skills development

1. starter

a. discussion: bill gates dropping out of harvard.

1. what do you think of bill gates dropping out of harvard?

reference answer: bill gates dropped out as a harvard junior at the right time when his partner, paul allen could take the chance to make a great difference to the world as well as to themselves. time cost is never found, bill cates lost no time putting his great idea into practice.

2. under what circumstances do you think a students dropping out of school is understandable or sensible?

reference answer: a student may understandably drop out when they are helpless with the problem encountered, be it financial, mental, or anything else.

it would be sensible for a student to drop out when they find that university education cant meet their expectations or needs for their goal in life.

b. listen to a story and fill in the blanks.

when a mans horse got into the territory of the northern

tribes, everyone (1) (commiserated with) him, but the

man said that (2)(perhaps that would soon turn out to be

a blessing). a few months later, the horse came back

leading another fine one and everyone (3)(congratulated)

him, but the man said that perhaps that would soon turn out to be (4) (a cause of misfortune). because the mans son was fond of riding, he broke his thigh bone one day falling from a horse. everyone showed pity for him. the man also said that perhaps that would soon turn out to be a blessing. one year later, the northern tribes invaded. nine of every ten men taking part in the fighting against the invaders died. the mans son did not join in the fighting because (5) (he was crippled) and so both the boy and his father survived.


blessing or bane near chinas northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of taoism. his horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes.

everyone commiserated with him.

perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing, said

the man. after a few months, his horse came back, leading a fine horse from the north. everyone congratulated him. perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of

misfortune, said the man. since he was wealthy and kept good horses, his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. everyone commiserated with him.

- 1 -

perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing, said the man. one year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. all able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. this mans son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.

2. text

- 2 -

the story of steve jobs

this is the text of the commencement address by 本文是苹果计算机公司和皮克斯动画steve jobs, ceo of apple computer and of pixar 工作室的首席执行官史蒂夫?乔布斯animation studios, at stanford university, delivered on 于2005年6月12日在斯坦福

大学毕june 12, 2005. 业典礼上的演讲稿。

1 i am honored to be with you today at your1 今天,我很荣幸能来到这所世commencement from one of the finest universities in 界顶尖大学参加你们的毕业典礼。我the world. i never graduated from college. truth be 大学没有毕业。说实话,现在是我最told, this is the closest ive ever gotten to a college 接近大学毕业的时刻。我在里德学院graduation. i dropped out of reed college after the first 读了6个月就退学了,但是作为旁听

然后才6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for 生又在那里待了18个月左右,

another 18 months or so before i really quit. so why 真正离开学校。那么我为什么要退学did i drop out? 呢?

2 it started before i was born. my biological mother2 这要从我还没有出生的时候说was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she 起。我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,decided to put me up for adoption. she felt very 因此她决定把我送给别人收养。她觉strongly that i should be adopted by college graduates, 得我必须由有大学学历的人收养。于so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth 是,她安排好了一切,只要我一出生,by a lawyer and his wife except that when i popped out 就把我交给一位律师和他的妻子收they decided at the last minute that they really wanted 养。但是我出生之后,他们在最后一a girl. so my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a 刻决定他们还是想要一个女孩。当时call in the middle of the night asking, we have an 我父母还在候补名单上,一天半夜他unexpected baby boy; do you want him? they said, 们接到一个电话,问他们:“有个新生of course. my biological mother later found out that 儿,是意外怀上的,是个男孩,你们my mother had never graduated from college and that 要吗?”他们回答:“当然要。”但是,my father had never graduated from high

school. she 我的生母随后发现我母亲大学没有毕refused to sign the final adoption papers. she only 业,我父亲甚至连高中也没毕业,因relented a few months later when my parents promised

此拒绝在最后几份领养文件上签字。that i would someday go to college. this was the start 直到几个月后,我父母承诺将来一定in my life.


- 3 -

3 and 17 years later i did go to college. but i naively3 17年后,我确实上了大学。但chose a college that was almost as expensive as 是出于无知,我选了一所几乎与斯坦stanford, and

all of my working-class parents savings 福一样昂贵的学校,因此,工薪阶层were being spent on my college tuition. after six


6个月过去了,我看不到其中的价months, i couldnt see the

value in it. i had no idea 上。

what i wanted to do with my life and no idea how 值所在。我不

知道我的人生定位,也college was going to help me figure it out. and here i 不知道大学将如何帮我找到答案,而was spending all

of the money my parents had saved 我正在这里耗尽父母一生的

积蓄。所their entire life. so i decided to drop out and trusted 以我决定退学,并相信一切都会顺利。that it would all work out ok.

it was pretty scary at the 这在当时看来非常可怕,但现在回头time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions 看看,

那是我做过的最棒的决定之一。i ever made. the minute i dropped out i could stop 从退学的那一刻起,我就不用再上那taking the required classes that didnt interest me, and 些不感兴趣的必修课,而开始去学那begin dropping in on the ones that looked far

more 些看上去更有意思的课程。但一切也interesting. it wasnt all romantic. i didnt have a dorm 不全是这么美妙。我没有自己的宿舍,room, so i slept on the floor in friends rooms. i 只有在朋友

的房间里打地铺;我拣可returned coke bottles for the five-cent deposits to buy 乐瓶子,把退来的5美分押金攒起来food with, and i would walk the 7 miles across town 去买吃的;而到了每个

周日晚上,我every sunday night to get one good meal a week

at the 都会步行7英里,穿过城镇去克利须hare krishna temple. i

loved it. and much of what i 那觉悟会的庙宇饱餐一顿。我喜欢这stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition 样。我依

照好奇心和直觉做事,大多turned out to be priceless later on.

let me give you one 事后证明是非常值得的。让我给你们example: reed college at that time offered perhaps the 举个例子:当当时

里德学院开设可能best calligraphy instruction in the country. throughout 在全国是最好的书法课程。园里的每the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, 一张海报、每一个抽

屉的每张标签上was beautifully hand calligraphed. 都有漂亮的


4 because i had dropped out and didnt have to take4 因为我已

经辍学,不用参加正the normal classes, i decided to take a calligraphy class 规的课程,所以我决定去上这门课,to learn

how to do this. i learned about serif and 学习书法。我了解了衬

线和无衬线字sanserif typefaces, about varying the amount of space 体,学会了如何在不同的字母组合间between different letter combinations, about what 改变间距,知道了如何让大字体

显得makes great typography great. it was beautiful, 很漂亮。这种科学所无法捕捉的、美historical, artistically subtle in a way that science cant 妙的、充满历史感的微妙艺术,让我capture, and i found it fascinating. 心醉神迷。

5 none of this had even a hope of any practical5 这一切在我的

生活中是否实application in my life. but ten years later, when we 用,我不抱希望。直到10年后,当我were designing the first macintosh computer, it all 们在设计第一台麦金托什电脑时,我came back to me. and we designed it all into the mac. 想起了这些东西。于是,我们把所有it was the first computer with beautiful typography. if i 这些都设计进了mac机。这是第一类

had never dropped in on that single course in college, 拥有漂亮字体排版的电脑。如果我没the mac would have never had multiple typefaces or 有在大学旁听那门课程,mac就不会proportionally spaced fonts. and since windows just 有多种字


很可能现在的微软pc也不会有这copied the mac, its likely that no personal computer 型,

windows也would have them. if i had never dropped out, i would 些字型——你们要知道,

- 4 -

have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and 只是抄袭mac,并非独创。如果我从personal computers might not have the wonderful 未退学,我就绝不会旁听那门书法课,typography that they do. of course it was impossible to 而个人电脑可能也不会有现在这样美connect the dots looking forward when i was in college. 妙的字体排版。在大学的时候,我当but it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years 然不可能把这些点点滴滴都串起来展later.


6 again, you cant connect the dots looking forward;6 同样,你们现在也无法预见这you can only connect them looking backwards. so you 类琐碎的经历之间能有什么联系,只have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in 有在回首往事时才能发现。你们要相your future. you have to trust in something—your gut, 信,这些片断会在未来以某种方式连destiny, life, karma, whatever. this approach has never 接起来。你们必须相信一些东西——let me down, and it has made all the difference in my 勇气、命运、人生、因缘等等。这个life. 方法从未让我失望,也正是它改变了


new words


[c, usu. sing.]a ceremony at which students receive their academic degrees or diplomas 学位授予典礼,毕业典礼

he made a speech at the commencement.


we will get our diplomas at the commencement in may or june.我们将会在五、六月份举行的毕业典礼上拿到毕业证书。

[c, u]beginning开始,开端

the commencement of this year will be better.



n. [u]动画制作
