


(1) My father was an ill-humored man.I knew he loved me and his love was deep.He just didn’t know how to 36 it.

One evening we went out for a night on the town.We were sitting in an elegant restaurant that had a small but lively

37 .When it played a familiar waltz tune

I decided to 38 him for a dance. “Dad, you know I’ve never 39 with you before.I begged you but you 40 wanted to.How about right now?”

I waited for the 41 refusal.But instead, he considered thoughtfully and then said, “Let’s hit the floor and I’ll 42 you just what kind of moves an old guy like me can still make.”

My father took me in his 43 and I felt overcome by emotion.

As we danced I looked up at my father carefully but he 44 my eyes. “Dad,” I finally 45 , tears in my eyes,

different scene that I 54 now.I remember him saying “I love you” and my saying it back.The three words 55 on forever long after we are gone.36.A.answer B.express C.mention D.understand

37.A.band B.hall C.sofa D.bar

38.A.invite B.teach

C.help D.show

39.A.chatted B.sang

C.danced D.stayed

40.A.still B.even

C.also D.never

41.A.final B.normal

C.rough D.usual

42.A.tell B.show C.ask D.explain

43.A.arms B.hands C.heart D.mind

44.A.noticed B.ignored

C.avoided D.greeted

45.A.complained B.whispered C.explained D.shouted 46.A.Because B.Though C.If D.While

47.A.response B.advise

C.promise D.excuse

48.A.find B.know C.hear D.think

49.A.surprised B.pleased C.inspired D.frightened

50.A.clear B.important C.impossible D.hard

51.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

52.A.for B.with

C.on D.from

53.A.moved B.tired

C.lost D.gone

54.A.discover B.remember C.remind D.consider

55.A.depend B.carry C.live D.take

Mrs. Evens was home from work. She had just

gone into the kitchen to make the afternoon tea _36_ she saw a mouse running around on the kitchen floor. She 37 and jumped up on the table. As soon as the mouse had disappeared, she jumped off from the 38 , rushed out of the kitchen, _39 her coat, ran out of the house and got on a bus 40 was going into the town. There she hurried into a shop and 41 a large mouse-trap(捕鼠夹). She wanted to put 42 to this mouse as quickly as 43 .

When she got home 44 the trap, she realized that she had forgotten 45 any cheese (奶酪)to put in it. She searched everywhere 46 there was 47 in the house. It was too late to buy any because now all the shops were 48 . She wondered what to do. In the end she 49 a clever idea. She took a pair of scissors and cut a picture of a piece of cheese 50 a magazine. Then she put the picture in the trap 51 a piece of cheese.

The next 52 Mrs. Evans came down to the

53 and went straight away to the place

54 she had put the trap. She wanted to see if her plan had 55 . The picture of the cheese had gone and in its place was a picture of a mouse.

2.A. where B. what C. while

D. when

3.A. laughed B. cried C. surprised D. pleased

4.A. table B. floor C. house

D. kitchen

5.A. put on B. have on C. wore D. dressed in

6.A. it B. when C. which

D. as

7.A. asked B. bought C. sold D. left

8.A. a cheese B. an end C. a mouse D. a picture

9.A. possible B. he could C. possibly D. she can

10.A. for B. out C. with
