

Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Tess is just as beautiful as her name, but her beauty made her stuffed a lot of her life. She was trying to earn a living by her own, to pursuit her own happiness, she was such an honest na?ve girl, but at this point, a crucial turning point occurred-- Alec. Alec has made Tess no longer purity, he raped Tess. After that, Tess liked a pot of sewage in most people’s eyes, people abandoned her without mercy. No matter in which corner of the village, Tess was inseparable from the people's contempt and ridicule. So she went into hiding, she fled to a new place, where nobody knows her name and her past, so she could start a new life.

At the same time, a young man with advanced thoughts and kind hearted appeared. He was deeply in love with Tess, at first, Tess was a little rejected, and she feels that she doesn't deserve such a good young man. But then, she was touched by Angel and eventually got married with him. On their wedding night, Angel confessed that he used to have done many ridiculous things, and ask for her forgiveness. Tess did not think too much, she forgave him immediately, since she thought her fault was much heavier than his. But she had no idea, Angel was not as magnanimous as her, when he knew her past disgraceful thing, he felt it was unacceptable. She finally understood, Angel tries to judge things by the independent opinion, but once when things really happened, he still was the slave of custom stereotypes. Angel's gone alone to Brazil because he thought that Tess is no longer pure. Yes, Tess's body was no longer pure, and this is undeniable. However, which one is more important between physical purity and spiritual purity? Tess's hardworking, kind, honest, beautiful, strong and so on. How much courage did she need when she told her past to her husband on the wedding night? She could hide this secret forever to Angel, but she did not do this, she thought she was right. However she never expect what will happens when her confessed her past. Angle abandoned her.

Feudal morality at that time was unreasonable. Arguably, Alec was the man who should be responsible for this fault, and Tess was totally a victim, so who sins more? However, patriarchal ideology at that time had put down roots in everyone's hearts. People was contempt Tess, they believe Angel is right. Do men really better than women? Empress Wu of the Tang dynasty was a woman, but she powered for decades and much better than Tang Gaozong in social stability. But in the social custom of that time, Tess’s suffering was not strange at all.

When Angel suffered the career setbacks, he suddenly realized that Tess was actually a very nice girl. Then he immediately returned to hold her attention. However, contrary to what he thought, and Tess was forced to with Alec, but later, she killed Alec. Finally, she could together with the man she loved, but happy hours were always go fast. After several days’ happy life, she left the world. Her miserable life was end. After finished reading this book, reminded me of a word: "the love and the like are not synonyms, but antonyms. Like was requested, but love is to give everything. ” Angel keeps saying that he loves Tess, but he gave nothing to Tess? Tess loves him, finally sacrificed her life. Precisely because the patriarchal view of feudal ideology, Alec's shameless and Angel’s selfish caused a woman's tragedy.



